EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template: Common Core Standards

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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template



Common Core Standards:
1. Demonstrate locomotor skills with control, coordination and balance
during active play (e.g., running, hopping, skipping).

2. Demonstrate coordination in using objects during active play
(e.g., throwing, catching, kicking balls, riding tricycle).

3. Use non-locomotor skills with control, balance and coordination
during active play (e.g., bending, stretching and twisting).

4. Demonstrate spatial awareness in physical activity or movement.

Lesson Summary:

Children have enjoyed P.E. for years and it is still a favorite. This lesson/parachute fun, with standards,
objectives and lesson activities provides simple to follow instructions for playing parachute games with
children. This lesson is usually designed for larger class, but it can be adapted to fit the number of children
that will be playing games.

Estimated Duration:
Six 45 minutes class periods

Commentary: I will start by asking children if they have seen a parachute before. I will then explain the
activity and demonstrate to children as needed. I have to make sure there is enough space, so children can
move around well. I will get them hooked by stretching out the parachute on the floor in a circular pattern and
ask them to sit on it.

Instructional Procedures:
The class will perform varieties of activities and exercises with a parachute as follows;
Day 1:
First 10 minutes: Introductory activity I start by asking children what a parachute? Give a brief explanation.
15 minutes: We will then watch a parachute game on YouTube
30 minutes: I start activity by saying Good morning, good night everyone tuck yourself underneath the
parachute, then pull the chute up to your chin and pull it tight. Do sit ups and say good morning. Go back to
flat position and say good night
Elevator begins with chute at ground level. On elevator up lift the chute overhead while keeping it tight. On
elevator down, lower the chute to starting position the repeat it.
Running in place- Run in a circle while holding the chute at different levels.
Blooming flower-Children will make a dome and kneel with both knees on the edge of the chute, then hold
hands around the chute and lean in and out to represent a blooming flower.
Mushroom release-Let go of the parachute at the peak of inflation and move to the center and sit down. The
chute will come down on top of children.
Day 2:
First 15 minutes: After gathering children, they will look at some pictures of parachutes on the web.
30 minutes: Will form a circle around a parachute on the floor. Teacher will refresh children brain by asking
them what they learned yesterday about parachute. Children will then make Popcorn with the parachute by
place six beanbags on the chute, shake the chute and make them rise like corn popping. This can also be done
with foam or soft rubber balls.
Secondly they will make a Merry-go-round. Children will move in a circle while holding the chute by walking,
hopping, sliding etc
Day 3:
First 10 minutes: Gathering time. Read a book about parachute
20 minutes: Circle time, make waves with the parachute-Use large movements to make big waves, and then
use small movements to make small waves.
Chute crawl-Stand and hold the chute tight, then let every other child crawls under the chute to the opposite
15 minutes: Let Children draw and color their own parachute

Children will ask these questions: Has anyone ever seen a Skydiver? How does Skydiving work? (Answer:
When a parachute opens up, it slows the diver down. This is an illustration of drag force.)
Scoring Guidelines:
Teachers should conduct ongoing teacher assessment and student self assessment throughout instruction (this
is called formative assessment). These can be planned or conducted as opportunities for observation or
reflection arise. If planned, describe here.

I will do assessment by obtaining information on all areas of childs development and learning, including
language, cognitive skills, social emotional development, health, and approach to learning and physical

1. Children will be able to apply the concept of movement such as body and space awareness,
relationships, and qualities of movement to a variety of body management skills.
2. Children will be able to participate in activities that develop endurance and muscular strength.
3. Children will be able to understand how one should contribute when attaining a common goal in an activity

Scoring Guidelines:
Need to clarify the terms inflate, deflate, float, dome mushroom when making introduction, so children can get
a better understanding.

Differentiated Instructional Support
Children who are struggling with this activity will be scaffold by the teacher, or activity can be repeated in
small groups instead of a big group.

This is great website where Teachers could go to learn more about Parachute games.
Get more of P.E./parachute games ideas,

Homework Options and Home Connections
Parents should read books and play parachute games with children as well as other movement activities.

Interdisciplinary Connections
Through parachute play children will learn how to do teamwork and also get the large muscles moving. It can

also engage children in group discussions, sharing ideas that give opportunities to think about the learning

Materials and Resources:

For teachers

Internet capable computer, Digital Camera, Color Printer, List the materials you will
need to teach the lesson.
REMEMBER: we want to use technology as much as we can in this lesson, and make
it as helpful as possible to our students. What will you need, and how will you do this?

For students

Parachute, six beanbags, smart board or ipads

Key Vocabulary

Inflate, Deflate, Float, Bloom, Mushroom, Hopping

Additional Notes

Any additional information about your lesson- or notes for me- go here!

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