Multicast-Specific Security Threats and Counter-Measures: Tony Ballardie Jon Crowcroft

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Multicast-Specific Security Threats and Counter-Measures

Tony Ballardie
e-mail: A. [email protected]
Department of Computer Science,
University College London,
Gower Street, London WClE 6BT,
England, UK.
Security issues in multicast communication have
rarely been touched upon to date. We believe that
wide-area multicast communication is at a substan-
tially increased risk from specific security threats,
compared with the same threats in unicast. This arises
both from the lack of any form of effective group ac-
cess control, and from the fact that multicast traffic
traverses potentially many more communication links
than does a single unicast communication, thereby
creating more opportunity for a link attack.
In this paper we discuss specific threats that are
relevant to multicast, and explain why they are so.
We propose security mechanisms specifically for mul-
ticast groups requiring safeguards that afford protec-
tion against some of these threats. More precisely, we
propose a version of the IGMP protocol that can re-
liably enforce subnet-level group access control. We
also describe a scalable mechanism to control multi-
cast traffic in transit that can, for example, prevent
a misbehaving source from causing undue congestion
over the wide-area.
1 Introduction
Signs are emerging that the I P community is slowly
becoming more aware of the need to implement secu-
rity measures, for example, through the introduction
of Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) [17]. Also, IPv6 has
been designed taking security into account [3]. More
recently the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) held
a workshop to clarify the requirements of security in
the Internet architecture. Their suggestions and rec-
ommendations are discussed in [7]. Other signs are
also emerging that the research community is begin-
ning to see multicast security as an important issue
J on Crowcroft
e-mail: J. Crowcroft @cs.ucl.
Department of Computer Science,
University College London,
Gower Street, London WCl E 6BT,
England, UK.
that needs addressing. For example, [23] emphasises
the growing demand for the integration of security ser-
vices into multimedia conference applications. Also,
we have recently witnessed new proposals for multi-
cast key management and multicast key distribution
[4, 211. This overall awareness comes in light of the
continuing expansion of global interconnectivity and
use of the Internet by a diversity of commercial organ-
isations which impose security requirements on their
traffic because of its sensitivity.
The multicast architecture makes it inherently
more susceptible, providing avenues for attack which
have no counterpart in unicast. The types of security
threat present in unicast are also present in multicast,
but the potential risk of particular attacks are consid-
erably greater in multicast than in unicast.
In this paper wefocus on security mechanisms that
should be available to groups that specifically request
it, and therefore are willing to pay the extra cost of
implementing those mechanisms. We concentrate on
three issues: specific threats that are amplified by
multicast communication by both malicious and non-
malicious attacks; how a group's susceptibility is likely
to be reduced by means of multicast group access con-
trol; and finally, weshow how unauthorized multicast
traffic can be detected, and subsequently prevented,
from causing wide-area disruption by employing con-
trols on multicast traffic in transit'.
'It should be noted that it is not our objective to define
the various security services and security mechanisms currently
available. To do so would only detract from our discussion,
although we will do so on occasion where we consider it relevant
and necessary, and for reasons of brevity. For a comprehensive
guide to security mechanism and services, and a discussion of
network security, the reader is referred to [ 14] , [26], [16], [17],
[~oI , ~ 5 1 , (121.
0-8186-7027-4/95 $4.00 0 1995 IEEE
2 Why Multicast Accentuates Security
The participants of a multicast communication
may, at times, wish to restrict their corresponding
group membership to specific users/hosts/subnets (for
example, audio and video conferencing), but there cur-
rently exist no policing mechanisms that can imple-
ment group restrictions, other than employing end-to-
end encryption. Full packet encryption imposes a bur-
den on end systems, but a communication may not be
considered sensitive enough to warrant its use. How-
ever, it may be the only means to constrain a com-
munication to the participants of a group. The above
is a scenario where end systems will beable to bene-
fit from multicast group access confrol, since it helps
constrain a groups accessibility without necessarily
requiring end-to-end encryption. Group access con-
trol does not, however, provide any protection against
link attacks.
Without group access control, any user anywhere
in the internetwork can receive data from any multi-
cast group at any time by simply becoming a group
member. More serious is the ease with which any user
can mount a denial of service attack, through mali-
cious intent or otherwise, that can affect not only a
groups receivers, but a potentially large proportion of
the internetwork. This danger arises both from group
members ability, and non-group members ability, to
randomly send data to any group address at any time.
Moreover, the use of UDP as IP multicasts trans-
port protocol means that there are no in-built protocol
mechanisms to detect/prevent congestion [24] caused
unintentionally by a sender.
Furthermore, the number of communication links
traversed by wide-area multicasts can potentially be
far greater compared with a single unicast, where the
communication path is a collection of links and nodes
between just one source and one destination. There-
fore, multicast intrinsically creates more opportunity
for traffic interception.
We therefore conclude that wide-area multicast
communication is at a substantially increased risk
from certain threats, namely the unauthorised obser-
vation of multicast traffic (i.e. listening), the sub-
sequent threats that can come about as a result of
being able to snoop traffic, and denial of service at-
tacks, which arise from unauthorized or Kuninten-
tional sending to a group.
Wesummarize our conclusions below:
Unintentional disruptions ar e often caused by users un-
trained in the use of applications that arc new to thun.
0 the participants of a multicast communication
currently have no mechanisms at their disposal by
which to impose group membership restrictions,
thereby rendering groups easily accessible. Con-
sequently, multicast provides a vehicle for attack-
ers to pose as legitimate group members.
0 the IP multicast address space is a well-known
contiguous part of the unicast I P address space,
making it easy for an attacker to locate, and be-
come part of, a multicast group at random.
0 there exist no mechanisms that can prevent either
group members, or non-group members, from
sending (possibly spurious) multicast data to a
group, which can result in denial of service (usu-
ally due to congestion) over the wide-area. This
is of particular concern to multicast because of
the multiplier effect of multicast packet distri-
bution, not present in unicast.
0 the use of UDP as I P multicasts transport pro-
tocol means that there are no in-built protocol
mechanisms to prevent congestion caused unin-
tentionally by a multicast sender.
0 multicast intrinsically creates more opportunity
for unauthorized interception of multicast traffic.
With regards to this latter point, in order to look
more closely at the potential for traffic interception, it
is worth looking at the type of delivery tree built by
the multicast algorithm. These trees are either source-
based, whereby a source tree is built from an active
sender, or shared trees, which disemminate multicast
traffic using one delivery tree spanning all group mem-
For source-based trees, if all receivers are active
senders at some point over the lifetime of a particular
group, then a fully interconnected mesh of communi-
cation paths will have resulted over that groups du-
ration. As a result, an attacker has a potentially very
large selection of communication paths over which to
mount an attack.
On the other hand, multicast algorithms that build
just one shared delivery tree per group [5], offer in
comparison, a lesser opportunity for such an attack3.
Thus, an attacker is more constrained in the number of
communication paths over which to mount an attack.
We are certainly not implying shared trees are not a prob-
lem - they still constitute a much larger threat than does a
single unicast communication.
3 Specific Types of Threat
Security attacks are classified as active or passive.
Attacks that result in information release are passive,
and those that involve message modification or denial
of resources are active [26]. Specifically, multicast is
at an increased risk from the following types of attack
(we explained why multicast is particularly susceptible
to attack in section 2):
Traffic Observation4 (passive).
Often called eavesdropping, traffic observation
concerns the interception of information between
communicating parties, thereby resulting in the
disclosure of information such as traffic type, con-
tent, frequency, presence/absence, amount.
0 Denial of Service (active).
Certain multicast applications impose demands
on network resources, such as bandwidth, which
is often in short supply.
I t should be noted that any unauthorized sending
of multicast data can be construed as a denial of
service attack.
These attacks pose a serious threat to all Internet
communications, and arise partly as a result of the
openness of the multicast paradigm, i.e. the ability to
join a multicast group without being subject to any
form of membership policing, as well as the ability
of any member or non-group member to unreservedly
multicast data to a group. As a result of traffic ob-
servation from unauthorized group membership, mul-
ticast is also at risk from other attacks, some of which
wemention below.
0 Masquerading (active).
Often called spoofing, masquerading concerns the
issuance of information, the receipt of infor-
mation, or the acquiral of access rights, by a
principap using an identity other than its own.
I t remains relatively easy for a user to insert a
bogus source address in the network-layer header
of an I P packet. Hence, an intruder has the ability
to pose as some other legitimate multicast group
We use the term t mf f i c obser vat i on to combine the terms
t mf f i c anal ysi s and d at a i nt er cept i on. These are often classified
as separate attacks. However, for the purpose of our discussion
their difference is subtle enough to treat them jointly.
5The term p r i n c i p al is often uacd when discussing security. A
principal is any entity that is the subject of a particular security
procedure, i.e. it can be computers, users, applications.
Multicast algorithms based on reuerse-path for-
warding form an implicit safeguard against mas-
querading, since multicast packets that arrive on
an interface other than that which is used to reach
the source, are discarded. Therefore, an attacker
must be on the shortest reverse-path for the au-
thentic source, from the perspective of a multicast
router, for the attack to succeed.
Malicious Replay (active).
A replay attack is the result of an intruder hav-
ing intercepted information, and replaying it at
a later time. This, therefore, can result in de-
nial of service. Denial of service affects a greater
proportion of the internetwork than it does in uni-
cast because of the multiplier effect of multicast
packet distribution.
Repudiation is the denial by a principal of having
participated in some or all of a particular com-
munication. This can arise as a direct result of
masquerading. In unicast only one recipient is
affected. In multicast, the number of recipients
affected is proportional to the number of group
To summarize, it is essential to have the ability to
control group access, and for a groups receivers to be
sure of the integrity, authenticity, and freshness of the
data they receive. At the same time, it is often critical
to certain applications that no unnecessary delays are
imposed on traffic forwarding, for example, real-time
traffic such as voice.
4 Security Framework
In order to be able to successfully implement secu-
rity mechanisms and services, it is necessary to have
a security infrastructure or framework which includes
provision for key management, and upon which se-
curity services are based. The X.509 Authentication
Framework is one such example [15].
Froma global perspective, asymmetric, as opposed
to symmetric, cryptotechniques are more practical be-
cause public keys are far easier to manage, and there
is no requirement for secure key distribution [18]. We
provide a more detailed motivation for using a public-
key management infrastructure in section 6.
Currently, the Internet does not have a key manage-
ment infrastructure, although it has been proposed to
make public keys (created off-line) available through
directory service, such as DNS [8] and X.500 [13].
A Certification Hierarchy comprising multiple Cer-
tification Authorities (CAS) was proposed as the cer-
tificate management architecture for the OS1 security
framework, which is based on the CCITTs security
recommendation X.509 [Is]. This is a dedicated hier-
archy whose elements (CAS) are assumed trusted and
physically secure. The purpose of a CA is to make
public keys available in the form of certificates, which
are digitally signed by a CA. Certificates are made
available to subscribers, who may choose to publish
them in directory service. As the certification hier-
archy is trusted, the recipient of a certificate can be
assured of the validity, integrity, and authenticity of
the key contained within it.
There are two other ways to generate key pairs: a
user can generate its own, having the advantage that a
users key is never divulged to another entity; a third
party could generate the key pair, requiring the secret
key to be transmitted securely to the user.
5 Approaches to Multicast Security
5.1 Overview
There are two approaches to implementing secu-
rity measures, namely prevention- based, and detection-
based. Weassume these terms to be self-explanatory.
With regards to policing multicast group mem-
bership, we adopt the prevention-based approach.
For controlling multicast transit traffic, we adopt a
detection-based approach, with subsequent preven-
tion. By combining these two approaches, we can
enforce restrictions on multicast group memberships
and traffic at a relatively low cost.
From this point on, we assume the presence of a
certification hierarchy which is responsible for the is-
suance and maintenance of public key certificates. We
assume that these public key certificates are available
through directory services.
5.2 Authorization Infkas t ruct ure
Wepropose the use of Authorization Servers (ASS)
which are logically linked together by being part of
a single, well-known CBT multicast group.
The reason ASS belong to a CBT multicast group
tree is because the network nodes (routers) that con-
tact an AS are able to take advantage of CBTs 2-
phase routing available to CBT non-member senders:
non-members unicast an authorization query to a sin-
gle core address. This packet should hit the tree at
the nearest point to the sending router. The on-tree
node can then respond to the query - it need not mul-
ticast queries to other nodes on the CBT tree. In this
way, CBT provides an effective solution to anycasting
[19]. Our example demonstrates how CBT anycast-
ing is used for resource discovery. A more complete
discussion of CBT anycasting is given in [ 5] .
As the security of our scheme is based on the cor-
rect operation of all authorization servers in the AS
group, weassume they are maintained and monitored
sufficiently so as not to be prone to malfunction or
5.3 Cost-Reducing Mechanisms
Security always comes with some additional cost to
the systems that implement it. With regards to end-
systems, we advocate constraining this cost to only
those end-systems that belong to restricted groups.
Secure IGMP, which wepropose in section 7.3, re-
quires interaction with an Authorization Server (AS).
However, this is constrained to just one interaction
per group per interface - no interaction with the AS
is required pertaining to a received IGMP group mem-
bership report on a particular interface so long as there
is group member presence on the same interface.
With regards to multicast tmnsit t mf i c control, this
cost manifests itself in the form of a authorization
stamp (described below) included in each packet, and,
if confidentiality is required, packet encryption. How-
ever, the sensitivity of each communication should de-
termine whether the cost of incorporating security on
a packet-wise basis outweighs the threat. End-systems
belonging to non-restricted groups should have no ad-
ditional processing burden placed upon them.
Routers are not involved in any security processing
since all security checking is carried out by an Autho-
rization Server. With regards to multicast transit traf-
fic control, routers merely decide which packets should
be checked. Constraining trust to the AS group, and
requiring routers to store only the public keys of the
local Certification Authority (CA)6, and the public
key of a local Authorization Server (AS), has obvious
Furthermore, security checking has no affect on
packet forwarding delay, since all security checking is
done post facto, i.e. after forwarding, Such after-the-
fact security control has been termed optimistic au-
thorization by Cheriton in [6]. This approach is some-
times used in high-speed networks where forwarding
delay is a critical factor.
So 8s to be able to verify users public keys, for example,
when end-to-end packet encryption is in use.
Our proposal for implementing security controls on
transit traffic (see section 6.4) in order to detect, and
subsequently prevent, attacks such as denial of ser-
vice, involves appending a authorization stamp' to
each data packet. This stamp is subject to secu-
rity checking, and should be available to routers as
network-layer information. Therefore, so as not to
compromise layering principles with respect to rout-
ing, wedecided that the stamp should travel as an I P
option in a packet's network layer header.
I P version 4 (IPv4) routers are not usually opti-
mized to handle I P options, and therefore they are
usually additional overhead. The IP version 6 (IPv6)
proposal [9] has been designed so that different pay-
loads can be optionally inserted into a packet. An
example of this is the IPv6 authentication header 121.
When an IPv6 router parses a datagram, a pointer
in the packet indicates the payload type to be parsed
As we have said, multicast transit traffic control
is instigated by routers. Controlling traffic on a per-
packet basis is usually neither necessary nor desirable,
and there exists a spectrum of packet checking possi-
bilities, as outlined in [ll]. Routers are not involved in
explicitly performing security controls - they merely
decide which packets should be checked. All security
checking is carried out by an AS, which is dedicated
to this purpose. However, routers incur the cost of the
generation/reception and processing of a small num-
ber of messages (see section 9.2) that result subsequent
to being notified of a traffic violation, but this is in-
significant. Furthermore, traffic controls are carried
out on a post-facto basis, thereby incurring no extra
delay on packet forwarding in routers.
Wenow look at multicast group access control, and
multicast transit traffic control, in more detail.
6 Motivation for Proposed Key Man-
agement Architecture
It is well-known that asymmetric cryptographic al-
gorithms, such as RSA, cannot be implemented in
software as computationally efficiently as symmetric
algorithms such as DES'.
However, the advantages that can be gained from
using asymmetric algorithms are significant: they tend
to be much more resilient to attack; public keys are
'A stamp is s i mi l ar to a vi mM used in the Visa protocol
*There are additional political issues, M documented in [7]
that preclude public key cryptosysturu from being widely used,
but we consider these orthogonal to their technical merits.
~ 5 1 .
either well-known or easily accessible, obviating the re-
quirement that routers and hosts be entrusted with se-
cret key information; the public-private key paradigm
provides a natural vehicle for the provision of digital
signatures which in turn provides a means for message
origin authentication and message integrity.
The use of symmetric cryptographic algorithms is
more difficult with multicast in terms of key manage-
ment and distribution. The author's present an effec-
tive solution to multicast key distribution in [4]-
In multicast, a security association may be created
for a group, in which a particular security association
identifier (SAID7 which is shared for all communica-
tions within the group, i.e. all group communications
are authenticated using the same security configura-
tion parameters, such as algorithm and key etc. In
this case, a receiver cannot authenticate a particular
sender when symmetric algorithms are in use, since
there is no information present that can reliably dis-
tinguish a particular sender. The only assurance pos
sible with a shared SAID is that the multicast sender
is indeed a group member.
It is possible to use a separate SAID for each sender
of multicast traffic, whereby each sender could be au-
thenticated, but this has serious scaling drawbacks
where symmetric algorithms are concerned. The prob-
lem lies in the fact that symmetric algorithms rely on
shared secrets. In multicast, either some same secret
has to be shared between a group's senders and re-
ceivers, or there must exist a different shared secret
between each sender and receiver.
As for the former case of sharing a group secret, the
problem here lies in securely distributing a group key
to all receivers in a scalable fashion. This is known as
the multicast key distribution problem [4].
The latter case of sharing a secret between each
sender and receiver has a complexity of O(n2), and
has serious scaling implications in two areas: firstly,
the secret quantity needs to be encrypted n times, once
for each recipient, by whichever network entity is re-
sponsible for key distribution, for example, a KDC;
secondly, the authenticator included in a data packet
is proportional in size to the number of receivers -
there is a separate authenticator for each receiver.
This has implications both on packet processing time,
and bandwidth consumption.
$The concept of SAIDs was introduced in the development
of security for IPv6 [3]. A SAID is an identifier shared be-
tween communicating parties, and is carried in the packets sent
between those parties. Its purpose is to uniquely identify a s e a -
rity association, and is used by routers to index into a secur i t y
orrocirtion table, which holds parameters, keys etc., belonging
to a particular association.
It should be obvious from the above discussion that
our proposals for multicast group access control and
multicast transit traffic control are only practically
implementable in an internetwork with a public-key
management infrastructure, such as that proposed in
7 Multicast Group Access Control
7.1 Overview
Multicast group access control is the ability of a
user, namely the group initiator to specify restric-
tions on group membership as deemed appropriate.
Mechanisms, such as keying strategies and authenti-
cation algorithm(s), must be in place that can enforce
those restrictions. Group access control reduces signif-
icantly the degree of threat to multicast by constrain-
ing group accessibility. However, group access control
can not help prevent link attacks. We are propos-
ing that group access control be at the granularity of
Wehave already assumed the presence of a hierar-
chy of Certification Authorities (CAS), and Authoriza-
tion Servers (ASS) logically linked in a CBT multicast
group, in sections 4 and 5.2, respectively. For sim-
plicity, we also assume that an Authorization Server
creates and maintains multicast certificates. Multicast
certificates are created subsequent to an AS receiving
a group access control list. After creation, a certifi-
cate is signed by the AS using the AS group key, and
multicast to the AS group.
Multicast group access control requires modifi-
cation of the Internet Group Management Protocol
(IGMP) [lo]. An overview of IGMP is provided in
Appendix A.
Our multicast group access control mechanism is
stateless, and multicast algorithm independent.
Whether multicast group access control is used is
the responsibility of a groups initiator. An initiator
is responsible for communicating a list of authorized
(or unauthorized) subnets, and the multicast group
address, to an AS prior to a group being advertised.
For our discussion, lets use group identifier G. Note
that the information sent contains additional infor-
mation that allows an AS to perform one-way strong
authentication12. This information is called the au-
It is important that only one user has the ability to specify
And thereby prior to it becoming operational.
I2 Strung authentication is authenticatoin by means of cryp-
group restrictions.
tographically derived credentials.[15]
thenticalion token [15].
The AS authenticates the initiator. The AS sub-
sequently composes a multicast certificate for group
G, provided no multicast certificate already exists for
G, and multicasts the certificate to the rest of the AS
group. If a certificate does exist, only the group initia-
tor, as specified in the certificate, may modify it. The
contents of a multicast certificate are shown below.
Many of the fields are similar to those of public-key
certificates as discussed in PEM [17] and X.509 [15].
Version Number
Serial Number
Issuer (AS) name
Validity period
Mul ti cast Group I dentifier
Multicast group initiator Distinguished
Name (DN)
Group I nclusion (or Exclusion) List
Sender List
Digital si gnature (created using the AS group
A multicast certificate, in the form shown above, is
never disclosed outside the AS group.
Below wedefine only those attributes of the multi-
cast certificate that are relevant to our discussion (the
remaining attributes are largely self explanatory).
0 Mul ti cast Group I dentifier.
An I P multicast group address.
0 Mul ti cast group initiator Distinguished
Name (DN).
A DN is an X.500 directory system concept, and
is used to uniquely identify each user. In IP, the
equivalent of a DN is a Domain Name System
(DNS) name.
0 Group I nclusion (Exclusion) List.
The inclusion list includes those subnets, together
with its associated subnet mask (due to CIDR
[27]) on which end-systems are authorized to be-
come group members.
An exclusion list includes those subnets on which
end-systems are not authorized to become group
0 Sender List
A sender list is a list of group members authorized
to send to a group. This may not be relevant-for
some groups, but it should be optionally avail-
An example of a scenario requiring subnet-level
group access control is as follows: a seminar series is
to be audio- and video-cast to participants at selected
universities around the world. Each university wish-
ing to participate is required to pay a registration fee
of E100. After submitting a list of campus subnets
with the registration fee, any hosts on the specified
subnets may sendlreceive to/from the corresponding
group when it becomes operational.
7.2 Group Access Control - Details
Potential members of restricted groups are likely to
know that a group is restricted, and therefore adopt
the correct joining procedures. Weexpect there to be
a "secure" command line option when joining a group,
or, if the group joining procedure is via a graphical
user interface, a corresponding selector. End-systems
bypassing the correct procedures will not succeed in
joining a group, unless that group is unrestricted, due
to the protocol exchange of the membership interro-
gating router with an AS. Whenever a client wishes to
join a restricted group, it must first send a user-request
to an AS, to become authorized. The following occurs:
o The authenticity and integrity of the client's re-
quest is verified by the AS by means of one-way
strong authentication.
o If the AS has a multicast certificate for group G,
as specified in the request, it attempts to match
the subnet of the request packet's source I P ad-
dress with one in the subnet inclusion/exclusion
list for the group. This is done by masking the
packet's source address with the mask of each
subnet in the list.
o If a match is found in the corresponding inclusion
list, then a multicast authorization stamp is cre-
ated by the AS, and returned to the client. An
authorization stamp is comprised of the following:
the DN of the requesting client.
the I P source address of the requesting
a timestamp (together with a lifetime over
which it is valid), for use in data pack-
ets. Timestamps are not directly relevant
to group access control, and are discussed in
section 6.4.1.
4. the digital signature of the AS (Note: the
digital signature is a signed message digest,
computed using the MD5 algorithm [22]).
The authorization stamp is encrypted using the
public key of the client, and is returned to the
If a match is found in the AS's ezclwion list for
the group, it returns a rejection message to the
client, indicating to the client that it does not
have authorization to join the named group. This
message is digitally signed by the AS.
If no multicast certificate is found for G, the group
is assumed to be unrestricted. The AS returns a
message to the client, indicating that the group is
unrestricted. I t is digitally signed by the AS, but
the message is not encrypted, since secrecy is not
seen as being necessary where unrestricted groups
are concerned. The data packets of unrestricted
groups need not carry an authorization stamp.
Secure IGMP
If a client is successful in obtaining an authorization
stamp for group G, or if the group is unrestricted, then
it may proceed to join group G. The next step in the
joining process involves the host sending an IGMP re-
port to the client's local designated router (DR). If the
group being reported has restricted access, the autho-
rization stamp must be included in the membership
report. The report is verified by the DR, as follows,
before adding group G to its corresponding interface
o the DR sends a router-request to the AS for group
G, which includes the following:
1. the group address included in the member-
ship report, and, if present, the authoriza-
tion stamp.
2. the I P interface address over which the
group report was received.
The router-request is digitally signed by the send-
ing router.
o the AS verifies the router-request using one-way
strong authentication. If no authorization stamp
is included in the router request, the AS need
merely confirm that there exists no multicast cer-
tificate for the specified group.
If an authorization stamp is included in the router
request, the AS also verifies its own signature on
the authorization stamp. Using the multicast cer-
tificate for GI the AS al so attempts to match the
routers interface address included in the request
with a subnet in the inclusion (exclusion) list for
If a match is found, or if the group is unrestricted,
the AS returns an IGMP-accept (IGMP-reject)
message, which is digitally signed by the AS.
o on receipt and successful verification of an IGMP-
accept message from the AS, provided the router
successfully verifies the signature, the router
adds group G to its corresponding interface list,
thereby allowing multicast traffic for G to flow
onto that subnet.
Note that only one interaction with the AS is nec-
essary per group per network interface (or virtual in-
terface), since once a group has been added to a desig-
nated routers interface group list, it makes no sense to
query the AS again regarding a received group mem-
bership report. This is because traffic for the cor-
responding group has already been authorized to flow
over the subnetwork. Thus, a subnetworks designated
router is only required to send an IGMP router-request
to an AS if it has no registered group presence for
the corresponding group on the interface over which a
group report was received.
7.4 Authorization Stamp Creation - Mes-
sage Contents
The following terminology will be used through-
0 P K A indicates the public key of entity A.
S K- A indicates the secret key of entity A. The
secret key c an be used by a sender to digitally
sign a digest of the message, which is computed
using a strong, one-way hash function, such as
MD5 [ 22] .
0 Unencrypted messages will appear enclosed
within square brackets, e.g. [X, Y, 21. If a mes-
sage is digitally signed, a superscript will appear
outside the right hand bracket, indicating the
message signer. Encrypted messages will appear
enclosed within curly braces, with a superscript
on the top right hand side outside the closing
curly brace indicating the encryption key, e.g.
{X, Y, Z}PK- ?
a token is information sent as part of a strong
authentication exchange, which aids a receiver in
the message verification process. I t consists of a
timestamp, t (to demonstrate message freshness),
a random, non-repeating number, r (to demon-
strate message originality), and the unique name
of the message recipient (to demonstrate that the
message is indeed intended for the recipient). A
digital signature is appended to the token by the
sender (which allows the recipient to authenticate
the sender). The token is as follows:
[ t ~ , T A, BISK4 - token sent from A to B.
0 A - B: - denotes a message sent from A to B.
0 grpAddr - denotes a multicast group address.
srcAddrA - denotes the I P (host) source address
of entity A.
0 recuAddrA - denotes an I P interface address of
entity A.
0 authStampA - denotes the authorization stamp
of entity A.
The message contents involved in the creation of a
multicast authorization stamp for host A are as fol-
0 A - AS : [tokenA, grpdddr, s ~ c A d d r ~ ] ~ ~ ~
srcAddr must match the I P source address of the
message itself.
* A S --+ A :
{ [ A, srcAddrA, tdatal l i f et i me] SK4S} PK4
t ht a and lifetime are the authorization stamps
timestamp and lifetime, respectively.
T ! I
host request
IGMP 'cport
SecureIGMF' (operational overview)
A host fist requests an authorization stamp froman AS.
Thehost unicasrs a request targeted at coreA of theAS
group. If thegroup is restricted AND thehost isauthorized
theAS returns an authorization smmp to thehost.
On receipt, thehost sends an IGMP membership r em which
thereceiving DR sends (in IGMF' router-request) to theAS
group. OneASmember responds to therouter-request
If therequest is verified by theAS, theDR adds thegroup
to its interfacegroup list
0 - AuForization Server
logically linked inthe
AS CBT multicast group
c] - Core(also acting as AS)
0 - network router
Figure 1: Secure IGMP - Model of Interactions
Secure I GMP 8 Multi-Access LANs
Multicast group access control at the granularity
[group membership report +authStam#] of subnetwork works fine for leaf subnets, i.e. those
that have no downstream routers attached to them.
pokenDR, g r p ~ &r , auth~tam$, r ecvAdr ~~ S KDR The preclusion of multicast packet flow across these
subnets has no effect on downstream portions of the
delivery tree.
(IGMP router-request)
However, in any delivery tree, it might be that there
exist multi-access LANs, which act as transit networks
on the delivery tree. I t is essential, therefore, that
unauthorized transit networks which form ?art of a
delivery tree nevertheless allow multicast t r dc to flow
over them.
If multicast traffic flows across these subnets as
is, then obviously group access enforcemenr becomes
problematic with regards to these subnetviorks. We
therefore propose that multicast traffic is tunnelled
across unauthorized multi-access LANs that Ibrm part
of the delivery tree.
This may not be as straightforward as i x sounds:
tunnels need to be manually configured a: present;
group access control should also have the property
that a group access control list can be motified over
A - D R :
DR - AS :
(On successful verification Of IGMP router-
(on unsuccessful verification of I GMP router-
the lifetime of a group. Thus, a particular subnet may
become authorized or unauthorized at some point, and
the implications of this are that tunnels may need to
be re-configured Uon-the-fly. If the tunnel were a
point-to-point encrypted tunnel, it might be less of a
burden to do tunnel management if the encapsulating
security protocol had appropriate .features [l].
At present, we cannot otherwise offer an effective
solution to the above problem. However, it may be
worth noting that, for the most part, multicast de-
livery trees are made up of tunnels and point-to-point
links, and so our multicast group access control scheme
should hold, without complication, for the majority
We consider refined group access control tech-
niques, and finer granularity group access control, for
example, at the level of an individual user, to be topics
of ongoing/future research.
9 MuIticast Transit Traffic Control
9.1 Overview
We now focus on how an unauthorized sendelJ3,
sending multicast data to a restricted group, can be
detected, and subsequently prevented, from causing
disruption over the wide-area.
It should be noted that only multicast data packets
are subject to transit traffic controls.
Multicast data packets of restricted groups each
carry a timestamp. Timestamps are used to prevent
replay attacks. They are not deemed relevant to group
access control - its concern is with who or what is
permitted group access, rather then when a group is
considered active.
Timestamps are issued by the entity that creates
authorization stamps. They are issued to members
of restricted groups, and inserted into an authoriza-
tion stamp, together with a granularity value - effec-
tively, the lifetime of the timestamp. Since authoriza-
tion stamps are verified only by the AS, there is no
necessity for transit routers to maintain any synchro-
nisation regarding current time. Hosts should request
a new authorization stamp shortly before their current
stamp expires. This should not be so frequent so as
to become a performance burden, but the re-issuing
interval should be chosen carefully so as to balance
performance and protection. If replay is considered a
serious threat however, then a host may request a new
timestamp more frequently from an AS.
We adopt the soft-state approach to multicast tran-
sit traffic control, i.e. state is transient, but this state
is limited to just one router per misbehaving source.
This router is that which is directly connected to the
Therefore, our proposal for multicast transit traffic
control is low-cost in terms of processing and storage,
and does not infringe on the scalability of any multi-
cast algorithm.
If an unauthorized packet is detected, the AS in-
forms the router that invoked the packet check so that
it can take preventative action with regards to traf-
fic with the misbehaving (source, group) combination.
This involves reliably unicasting a choke-like packet,
called an alert packet, one hop back towards the speci-
fied source. Each router receiving an alert packet reli-
ably unicasts it one hop back towards the source, until
it finally reaches the router that is directly connected
to the subnet of the source. This router obviously need
forward it no further. However, it must store the alert
packet for some specified period of time. This serves
to prevent further multicast packets from the source
to the corresponding group emmanating beyond the
sources subnet, thereby preventing further disruption
over the wide-area. Once the problem is contained to
the sources subnet in this way, it can be dealt with
as a local matter by the local system administrator.
Failure to receive an acknowledgement of an alert
packet could be an indication that the previous-hop
router is the source of the problem, or that router it-
self is misbehaving. If no acknowledgement is received
for an alert packet, the sending router discards all sub-
sequent packets from that router destined for the cor-
responding group. If indeed, a previous-hop router is
misbehaving, as subsequent check by any router on
the sources side of the misbehaving router will result
in another alert packet eventually being generated and
forwarded towards the source.
9.2 Multicast Transit Traffic Control -
13An example of what we mean by this is - a sender maybe
transmittingmulticast data at such a high rate that other mul-
ticast transmissions are locked out. This is, of come, a re-
sult of multicast capability not yet being available as part of
the Internet infrastructure, and therefore the overall available
transmission capacity of the existing multicast infrastructure is
somewhat reduced.
We proceed to describe the details of multicast
transit traffic control:
o All multicast data packets sent within restricted
A groups must carry an authorization stamp.
multicast sender digitally signs each packet, us-
ing MD5 and its private key. The 128-bit mes-
sage digest computed by MD5 covers the entire
network layer and upper-layer data, except fields
which change in transit.
o Any multicast packet that is subject to tran-
sit control is forwarded immediately, and a copy
cached. The controlling router encapsulates the
cached packet inside a transit-router request, and
sends it to the AS to be verified.
o The AS extracts the multicast packet encapsu-
lated in the router-request. If an authorization
stamp is present in the request, it first verifies
the digital signature included in the packet's net-
work layer header, and verifies the freshness of the
packet by inspecting the timestamp and times-
tamp granularity fields. The AS then verifies the
signature covering the entire packet, using the
public key of the user specified in the authoriza-
tion stamp. Provided all of the above checks are
successful, or the group is found to be unrestricted
(in which case no authorization stamp will be
present and no multicast certificate will exist for
G), the AS returns a control-verijiedpacket to the
requesting router. If any single check fails, the
AS immediately returns a controkfailure packet
to the requesting router.
o On receipt of a control-verified packet, a router
need take no action.
o If a control-failure packet is received from the AS,
the receiving router proceeds as follows:
1. unicasts reliably, an alert packet one hop
back towards the misbehaving source, speci-
fying the corresponding (source, group) pair.
An alert packet has a TTL of 1. Since alert
packets are transmitted reliably, no long-
term state is incurred by transit routers ez-
cept for the router that is directly connected
to the subnet of the source.
2. routers that receive an alert packet, are
obliged to forward it to the next hop towards
the specified source. The acknowledgement
of receipt of an alert packet from a one-hop
back router is assumed to be an acknowl-
edgement that it has been forwarded further.
3. when the router directly connected to the
specified source receives an alert packet,
it stores the information contained in it
in a relevant database so as to prevent
further traffic emmanating from the speci-
fied source, destined for the corresponding
group. I t need not forward the alert packet
any further.
9.3 Multicast Transit Traffic Control -
Message Contents
The terminology used here adheres with the con-
ventions used in section X.
Multicast transit traffic control comprises the fol-
lowing message exchanges: (NOTE: R denotes a con-
trolling router, and A S is an Authorization Server).
a R - AS : [ dat upke t ]
Although not shown, a data packet may include
an authorization stamp, and a packet signature
covering the entire data and invariable portions
of the network layer header.
The A S verifies its own digital signature included
in the authorization stamp. I t also verifies the
freshness of the packet by inspecting the times-
tamp included in the authorization stamp. Fi-
nally, A S verifies the data packet's signature us-
ing the sender's public key.
AS -, R : [ C O N T R O L - V E R I F I E D ] ~ ~ ~ ~
(if all checks verified)
(if any check fails)
Router-request is targeted at core B
. but is terminated and processed by
this AS which is on the
unicast path lo B.
0 or
alert packet sent
back hop-by-hop if
control-failure recd.
0 - Authorization Server
logcally linked in the
AS CBT multicast group
0 - Core(also acting as AS)
0 -network router
Figure 2: Multicast Transit Traffic Control - Model of Interactions
10 Multicast Certificate Modification
Over the lifetime of a group, receivers can appear
and disappear at random. Furthermore, misbehaving
sources cannot be known to be so until they begin mis-
behaving. For this, and other reasons, it is important
for a groups initiator to be able to create, delete, or
modify an ezisting multicast certificates inclusion or
exclusion list, at any timeI4.
Using a misbehaving sender as an example, wenow
describe how a groups initiator modifies the corre-
sponding multicast certificate, maintained by the AS,
so that packets from that sender no longer cause dis-
ruption over the wide-area.
o A multicast groups initiator, say for group G,
unicasts reliably a cert-modib message to the AS,
which is encrypted with the private key of the ini-
tiator. The message includes the group identifier,
the list which is to be modified (inlusion or exclu-
sion), and how it is to be modified. In this case,
the exclusion list for G is to be appended with
the identity of sender S.
Note: a multicast Certificate cannot be created once a group
becomes advertised, since it is then much more difficult to reli-
ably establish the identity of that groups initiator.
o The AS authenticates the sender (group initia-
tor) for group G, with the aid of G s multicast
certificate. I t proceeds to append user S to the
certificates exclusion list.
From this point on, packets sent from source S to
group G, are liable to detection, should a router sub-
mit a packet with an (S, G) combination to the AS for
checking. That router will be notified by the AS that
packets with (S, G) combination are unauthorized.
As a result, the router sends an alert packet, which
travels hop-by-hop t o the router directly connected to
the offending sender, thereby preventing further traf-
fic from S destined for G from causing disruption over
the wide-area.
11 Security Analysis
11.1 Minimizing Assumed Trust
Wemake no assumptions about hosts being trusted.
With regards to our proposals for group access control
and multicast transit tmfic control, it is critical that
all ASS belonging to the AS group behave correctly,
i.e. adopt the correct procedures when requested to
perform an authorization.
We assume routers in the network behave correctly
most of the time, although, if this does not hold for
some routers, provided all routers do not simultane-
ously misbehave, unauthorized tr&c should not flow
for very long before being detected, and subsequently
prevented, from causing disruption over the wide-area.
11.2 Security Analysis of Group Access
Multicast group access control substantially re-
duces the overall risk of attack by restricting a group's
accessibility. It does not, however, reduce the threat of
attack on communications links. Group access control
depends on a local subnet's membershipinterrogating
router correctly participating in an exchange with the
AS as part of secure IGMP. If this assumption does
not hold then unauthorized listening is possible, un-
less all of the corresponding group's data packets are
encrypted. Unauthorized sending however, is liable to
be detected (and subsequently prevented) by random
checking by transit routers, as discussed in section 6.4.
Also, the scheme we have described can not en-
force group access control at the granularity of a user
or host: if multicast is to be taken advantage of on
broadcast media, it is not possible to prevent hosts
on an authorized subnetwork from receiving multicast
traffic already authorized to flow over that subnetwork
without altering the internetwork service interface [lo]
of hos t .
11.3 Security Analysis of Multicast Tran-
sit Traffic Control
The threats wepresent in section 4 can only be ef-
fectively countered by multicast transit traffic control
if the corresponding group is restricted.
Multicast transit traffic control serves to detect,
and subsequently prevent, unauthorized or misbehav-
ing sources from sending multicast datu to a restricted
group. This removes the threat of a successful denial
of service attack resulting from multicast traffic.
All security checking is carried out by an Authoriza-
tion Server. As AS group is assumed to be function
correctly, we can be assured of the integrity of the
result of a packet check.
The frequency with which routers are expected to
check a multicast packet should be such that multi-
cast packets from a particular source do not go un-
noticed for more than a few seconds, amortized over
the entire delivery tree. However, if some routers are
misbehaving, then an alert packet may experience dif-
ficulty in reaching a misbehaving source. Misbehav-
ing routers can bequickly identified by a neighbouring
router through failure to receive an acknowledgement
for an alert packet. That neighbouring router can then
advise the network administrator accordingly. Fur-
thermore, a subsequent packet check by a router u p
stream of a misbehaving router will eventually result
in the quelling of the data source.
Other than the assumptions we place on routers
as stated above, the security of multicast transit traf-
fic control is dependent on the mechanisms we use to
counter specific threats. We discuss specific threats
11.4 Security Analysis of Specific Threats
The multicast-specific threats we have discussed
throughout this paper can only be countered if group
access restrictions are imposed. Weare not proposing
the use of our schemes for so-called open groups be-
cause of the "freedom" afforded to both senders and
In the context of restricted groups, masquerading
and repudiation are not possible under the scheme
wehave described. This is because the authorization
stamp carried by packets of restricted groups is un-
forgeable - it is created and digitally signed by the
AS. It contains the identity of the requestor, as well
as the requestor's source I P address, thereby binding a
requestor to a particular host. Authorization stamps
cannot be "stolen" whilst being returned to the re-
questor, since they are encrypted using the public key
of the requestor. Furthermore, the combined presence
of a stamp and the sender's digital signature across
the network-layer header and packet data, means that
both header and data are bound together, thereby pre-
venting stamps from being "stolen" from data packets
in transit.
The presence of an authorization stamp and
sender's digital signature on each packet means that a
receiver of a packet can be sure that it originated from
the sender specified in the stamp, and is from the host
as specified by the packet's I P source address.
The presence of a timestamp together with a life-
time in the authorization stamp, means that replay
is only possible within the granularity, i.e. lifetime, of
the timestamp. If replay is considered a serious threat,
then the lifetime granularity can be increased, at the
cost of an increased number of exchanges with the AS.
If replay is caused by a stuttering source rather than
by malicious interception, such that it causes undue
congestion, it can be prevented using transit traffic
control, as described in section 6.4.
12 Summary
In this paper wemotivated the need for the integra-
tion of security controls and mechanisms in multicast
communication. We have proposed two schemes that
should be available to multicast groups that desire pre-
cautionary measures be taken to avert the threats we
have discussed. Our proposals eliminate many secu-
rity threats to secalled restricted multicast groups.
Multicast group access control provides a mecha-
nism for imposing group membership restrictions, and
significantly reduces the overall security threat by con-
straining a groups accessibility.
Multicast transit traffic control provides an effective
and flexible means for reliably ensuring the authentic-
ity, integrity, and freshness of multicast data packets
sent to restricted groups, without incurring any packet
forwarding delay. I t also provides a means for prevent-
ing misbehaving multicast sources from causing undue
disruption over the wide-area.
Whilst security measures usually incur additional
processing burden, we have introduced mechanisms,
as described in section 5.3, which help reduce this
cost significantly with minimal impact to the security
assurances offered. Our schemes incur no additional
burden to end-systems of unrestricted groups.
Both schemes rely on the existence of a security
framework such as that already proposed by the Inter-
net community. Our schemes are scalable (since they
require extremely little or no state), and are multicast
algorithm independent.
As no implementation yet exists for our schemes,
we do not yet have a more detailed analysis of the
cost of these schemes. Our schemes incur very little
processing overhead on routers, since the AS performs
all packet security checking. The major cost then, is
to an AS.
There is also the consequential cost of the delay of
a message exchange with an AS, which depends on
the time it takes an AS to process a packet. The
processing cost to the AS can be extrapolated from
similar analyses done in [25] and [ll]. The resulting
cost to group access control is a somewhat longer join
latency than there would be if no controls were em-
ployed. The cost to transit traffic control is a longer
delay in a router detecting unauthorized traffic.
In neither case do we expect these delays to be of
more than a few seconds at the very most, which is
largely insignificant in the context of our schemes.
Internet Group Management Protocol
IGMP is the protocol implemented in hosts and
routers on LANs to monitor multicast group presence
on a subnetwork. A router on a LAN is elected as
membership interrogator. This election is implicit in
the IGMP protocol and happens at start-up time. At
fixed intervals the elected interrogator sends a mem-
bership query to the all-systems multicast group to
which all end-systems subscribe. Hosts receiving this
query do not respond immediately, but rather ran-
domise their response over a ten second interval. On
expiry of this interval a host sends a group member-
ship report, once for each group it is affiliated to, and
addressed to the corresponding group. All local mul-
ticast routers receive this report. If a group report
arrives at a host before the expiry interval, the corre-
sponding membership report is cancelled at the receiv-
ing host. In this way, the membership interrogating
router learns of subnetwork group presence, and sub-
network bandwidth consumption due to membership
reporting is minimized [IO].
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