Antimicrobial Resistance

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Effect of antibiotic prescribing in primary care on

antimicrobial resistance in individual patients: systematic
review and meta-analysis
Ceire Costelloe, research associate,
Chris Metcalfe, senior lecturer in medical statistics,
Andrew Lovering,
consultant clinical scientist,
David Mant, professor of general practice,
Alastair D Hay, consultant senior
lecturer in primary health care
Objective To systematically review the literature and,
where appropriate, meta-analyse studies investigating
subsequent antibiotic resistance in individuals
prescribed antibiotics in primary care.
Design Systematic review with meta-analysis.
Data sources Observational and experimental studies
identified through Medline, Embase, and Cochrane
Review methods Electronic searches using MeSH terms
and text words identified 4373 papers. Two independent
reviewers assessed quality of eligible studies and
extracteddata. Meta-analyses were conductedfor studies
presenting similar outcomes.
Results The review included 24 studies; 22 involved
patients with symptomatic infection and two involved
healthy volunteers; 19 were observational studies (of
which two were prospective) and five were randomised
trials. In five studies of urinary tract bacteria (14348
participants), the pooled odds ratio (OR) for resistance
was 2.5 (95% confidence interval 2.1 to 2.9) within
2 months of antibiotic treatment and 1.33 (1.2 to 1.5)
within 12 months. In seven studies of respiratory tract
bacteria (2605 participants), pooled ORs were 2.4 (1.4 to
3.9) and 2.4 (1.3 to 4.5) for the same periods,
respectively. Studies reporting the quantity of antibiotic
prescribed found that longer duration and multiple
courses were associated with higher rates of resistance.
Studies comparing the potential for different antibiotics
to induce resistance showed no consistent effects. Only
one prospective study reported changes in resistance
over a long period; pooled ORs fell from12.2 (6.8 to 22.1)
at 1week to6.1(2.8to13.4) at 1month, 3.6(2.2to6.0) at
2 months, and 2.2 (1.3 to 3.6) at 6 months.
Conclusions Individuals prescribed an antibiotic in
primary care for a respiratory or urinary infection develop
bacterial resistance to that antibiotic. The effect is
greatest in the month immediately after treatment but
may persist for up to 12 months. This effect not only
increases the population carriage of organisms resistant
to first line antibiotics, but also creates the conditions for
increased use of second line antibiotics in the
One of the most pressing problems facedby healthcare
services is the increasing prevalence of antimicrobial
resistance. Compounded by a diminishing number of
newagents entering clinical practice, such resistance is
widely recognised as a major threat to public health.
In general practice, there are concerns that some com-
mon infections are becoming increasingly difficult to
treat and that illnesses due to antibiotic resistant bac-
teria may take longer to resolve.
Some antimicrobial resistance mayresult fromindis-
criminate or poor use of antibiotics. In response, initia-
tives at the local, national, and international levels, are
trying to promote antibiotic stewardship, with the
goal of improving the appropriateness of antimicrobial
use. However, such initiatives rely for success on the
continuing education of prescribers and patients,
which needs to be supported by high quality evidence
linking antimicrobial use to the emergence of resis-
Although many countries have been successful in
reducing primary care prescribing of antimicrobials,
primary care is still responsible for the majority of anti-
biotics prescribedtopeople.
3 4
Much of this use is inthe
treatment of suspected respiratory infection and levels
of prescribing vary widely within
and between
suggesting that further reductions are pos-
sible. However, there are many barriers to reducing
the inappropriate use of antimicrobials, including:
patient and practitioner expectations,
lack of patient
awareness of the problems caused by antimicrobial
and a perception in primary care clinicians
and patients that antibiotic resistance is only a
or minimal
risk. Although the reason
for such views being held is unclear, it may in part be
because some previous studies have only investigated
the relation between prescribing and resistance with
population level data.
Consequently for clinicians,
whose primary concern is the unwell individual, the
Academic Unit of Primary Health
Care, NIHR National School for
Primary Care Research,
Department of Community Based
Medicine, University of Bristol,
Bristol BS8 2AA
Department of Social Medicine,
Canynge Hall, University of Bristol,
Bristol BS8 2PS
Department of Microbiology,
Bristol Centre for Antimicrobial
Research and Enterprise,
Southmead Hospital, Bristol
Department of Primary Health
Care, NIHR National School for
Primary Care Research, Oxford
University, Headington, Oxford
Correspondence to: A Hay
[email protected]
Cite this as: BMJ 2010;340:c2096
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impact of antimicrobial use on the prevalence of socie-
tal resistance may not be an important consideration.
To reduce prescribing, it may therefore be important
to highlight the effect of antimicrobial use on emergent
resistance for individuals.
To date, a limited number of good quality studies
have reported on the relation between prescribing
and prevalence of resistance for individuals treated in
primary care,
and to the best of our knowledge no
systematic reviews have been published in this
We have therefore undertaken a systematic
review and meta-analysis of studies where the effect
of antimicrobial use on the emergence of resistance
has been assessed for individual patients in primary
care. We were particularly interested in quantifying
the strength and duration of any association as well as
identifying which antibiotics were most and least likely
to cause resistance.
Search strategy
The search strategy was designed to identify observa-
tional and experimental studies: conducted in any
country; investigating relations between primary care
prescribed antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance in
bacteria sampled from any body site; analysed at the
level of the individual; and published in any language.
We searched the MEDLINE (1955 to May 2009),
EMBASE (1980 to May 2009), and Cochrane data-
bases using the OVID interrogation software. We
also searched for grey literature and unpublished
work using the ISI web of knowledge, which identifies
journal articles, patents, websites, conference proceed-
ings, and open access material. MeSH terms used
included ambulatory care, drug resistance, anti-
microbial resistance, and bacterial resistance. We
combined these terms with selected text word searches
that included: primary care, ambulatory care,
family practice, and antibiotics (see box for full
search strategy). Additionally, we screened the refer-
ence lists of selected papers and wrote to authors who
appeared more than once in our search asking for
details of other published and unpublished studies.
We performed citation searches of all full text papers.
Study selection
Studies were eligible for inclusion if they investigated
and reported quantitative relationships between pri-
mary care prescribed antibiotics and subsequent anti-
microbial resistance at the level of the individual.
Studies were excluded if they were not original
research, did not measure antibiotics prescribed in pri-
mary care, or were ecological studies.
Two independent reviewers (CC, ADH) screened
the title and abstract of papers identified by the electro-
nic searches, completing an inclusion/exclusion form
for all papers. We retrieved full copies of included
papers, each of which was independently reviewed
for eligibility by two authors (CC and either DM,
CM, ADH, or AL). Disagreements were resolved by
discussion with a third author.
Data extraction and quality assessment
Full articles were independently reviewed for quality
and data extracted using a purpose-designed form by
two reviewers (CC and one other). Disagreements
were resolved by discussion with a third author
(ADH). Where data extraction was difficult or unclear,
the papers author was contacted for clarification.
The explanatory variables extracted included: study
design; description of participants; recruitment loca-
tion; prescribed antibiotic types; dose and number of
courses; and time between antibiotic exposure and
measurement of resistance. Time was measured as
the exact time at which individuals took antibiotics,
or time period during which antibiotic prescribing
was recorded, before measurement of resistance.
The outcome data extracted were: bacteria type;
sampling location; the antibiotics to which resistance
was measured; and the method of measuring resis-
We agreed that the most important quality criteria
for studies quantifying the relation between prescrib-
ing and resistance were (1) a reliable measure of anti-
biotic exposure; (2) a reliable measure of resistance; (3)
unbiased control selection; (4) ability to identify inci-
dent cases (that is, patients bacteria were known to be
non-resistant before exposure toantibiotics); (5) adjust-
ment for key confounders such as recent hospitalisa-
tion or instrumentation of the urinary tract. Each
study was rated according to these criteria and any stu-
dies that met fewer than three criteria present were not
included in the meta-analyses.
Data synthesis and analysis
All analyses were done using STATA version 10. The
outcome measure was the odds ratio (OR) of resistance
in participants exposed to antibiotics compared with
those who were unexposed. The ORs and associated
Papers identified by database search (n=4373)
Papers exported into Refman2 (n=1134)
Excluded on the basis of title (n=3239)
Excluded on the basis of title and abstract (n=728):
No primary care prescribing data (n=514)
Not original research (n=146)
Not individual level data (n=68)
Papers exported into Access database (n=926)
Papers to be read in full (n=198)
Duplicates removed (n=208)
Excluded on full reading (n=174):
No primary care prescribing data (n=143)
Not original research (n=23)
Insufficient data to determine resistance risk (n=8)
Papers included in systematic review (n=24)
Fig 1 | Stages of inclusion/exclusion and evaluation of studies
in the systematic review
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95% confidence intervals (CI) were tabulated by bac-
terium type and sampling location (for example,
Escherichia coli from the urinary tract) and by time
since exposure to antibiotic. Heterogeneity was mea-
sured using the I
statistic and the null hypothesis of no
heterogeneity was testedusing the Qstatistic generated
from the
test. For analyses in which we found evi-
dence of heterogeneity, a random effects model was
used to estimate the pooled OR. Where meta-analyses
involved non-randomised studies the unadjusted OR
was calculated or used, since unadjusted ORs were
available for many more studies than the adjusted OR.
We carried out a meta-analysis of the adjusted
results, although we only had sufficient data to do this
for the studies examining resistance in urinary tract
bacteria at the 0-3 month period. Meta-regression was
used to investigate differences in the OR between
exposures and resistance across different time periods.
The meta-regression analyses could each include sev-
eral estimates based on overlapping data from the
same study; a sensitivity analysis based on the boot-
strap method was used to check for overestimation of
the precision of estimates. Finally, we produced funnel
plots tolook at the possibility of small study effects, one
cause of which is publication bias. All methods were
undertaken according to the MOOSE
guidelines for the conduct and reporting
of systematic reviews. During the course of the study
guidelines were developedand we have
also adhered to these where relevant.
Study characteristics
Database searches identified 4373 potential studies of
which 3239 were excluded on the basis of title (fig 1).
Assessment of title and abstract led to the identification
of 208 duplicate studies and the exclusion of 728 stu-
dies not meeting eligibility criteria. For 514 studies, no
primary care prescribing data were presented and 146
of the studies identified were reviews, and not original
research. Sixty-eight articles were ecological studies
and did not report on resistance individuals. The
remaining 198 papers were read in full, and of these
174 were excluded on the basis of not including pri-
marycare prescribing data (143), not reporting original
research (23), and not reporting sufficient evidence to
determine resistance risk (8). Twenty-four papers were
included in the review.
Table 1 summarises the characteristics of the final 24
studies includedin the review.
17-19 23-43
These consisted
of five randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and 19
observational studies, two of which were prospective,
and 17 retrospective controlled observational or case-
control studies. These studies investigated effects in
15 505 adults and 12 103 children. Although not an
inclusion criterion, all studies were based in countries
where antibiotics are available by prescription only.
Twenty-two studies sampled bacteria from patients
with symptomatic infection: urinary tract infection
(seven studies);
17-19 23-25 27
respiratory tract infections
otitis media (two);
36 42
chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (one);
meticillin resistant Staphy-
lococcus aureus (MRSA) infection (four);
and tra-
choma in children (one).
Two studies examined
asymptomatic healthy adult volunteers.
18 35
presented a wide range of antibiotic exposure analyses
including those for: macrolides (eight
19 24 29 31 33-35 37 42 43
penicillins (five);
17 27 32 34 35
sulphonamides and trimethoprim (six);
17-19 23-25
losporins (six);
27 33 34 36 37 42
tetracyclines (two);
33 37
nolones (two);
33 37
nalidixic acid (one);
metronidazole (one);
nitrofurantoin (one);
any antibiotic (seven)
18 25 30 38-41
given between two
and 104 weeks before measurement of antibiotic resis-
tance. Adherence to antibiotic regime was not assessed
in most of the studies as they were retrospective and
researchers were only able to measure prescribing
from patients records or questionnaires, though in
one of the RCTs
adherence was measured by record-
ing medicine bottle weights at various time points
throughout the study.
Table 2 reports the quality assessment of the studies.
Only one study
met all five criteria. Three
all of urinary tract bacteria, met fewer
than three criteria and were excluded from the meta-
Resistance in urinary bacteria
Of the eight studies investigating effects on urinary
bacteria, one was an antibiotic comparison study
(table 1). The remaining seven studies reported com-
parisons between no treatment and prescription of any
18 25 23
17 19 24
in relation to resistance to ampicillin,
17-19 23-25
Five were of sufficient quality to be
included in the meta-analysis.
17-19 24 23
Estimates from
these studies were grouped according to the periods
over which exposure was measured and represented
on a forest plot (fig 2). This plot shows that at all time
MEDLINE and EMBASE search strategy
1 exp Drug Resistance, Microbial/145030
2 bacterial resistan$.tw. 7742
3 antibiotic resistan$.tw. 36098
4 family practice (no related terms) 1530
5 antimicrobial resistance (no related terms) 2042
6 drug resistan$.tw. 77383
7 primary care (no related terms) 10339
8 ambulatory care (no related terms) 913
9 family practice (no related terms) 1530
10 exp Primary health care/91893
11 antibiotics (no related terms) 10404
12 2 or 3 or 4 or 6 or 7 232539
13 5 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 97137
Combination of 12 and 13 4373
$ indicates truncation. tw=text word. No related terms specifies search words
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Table 1 | Study characteristics (by reference number)
Study Design n Participants Recruitment Bacteria Sample site Method AB used
AB to which
Crude or adjusted OR
(95% CI), P for primary
Urinary bacteria
17 O 8833 SA MLR Ec U PDT Tr Tr 0-6 1.22 (1.16 to 1.28) P<0.001
19 CC 903 SA GP Ec U PDT Am Am 0-12 1.7 (1.24 to 2.32)
Ec U PDT Tr Tr 0-12 2.39 (1.62 to 3.53)
23 CC 3435 SA MLR Ec U PDT AA Tr 0-6 1.36 (1.14 to 1.60)
Ec U PDT Tr Tr 0-6 3.95 (3.04 to 5.12)
24 CC 559 SA OP Ec U PDT ST, Q, P, AA ST 0-12 4.1 (2.20 to 7.50) P=0.03
18 O 618 ASA GP or POST Ec U PDT AA Tr,Am 0-12 1.13 (0.79 to 1.63)
Ec U PDT AA Tr, Am 0-2 1.93 (1.06 to 3.51)
25 CC 300 SA GP Ec U M O or Am Q 0-6 0.26 (0.09 to 0.74)
26 OP 35 SC GP Ec U PDT Su Am, Str, Te, Ch, K,
Su, G, Tr, N
NR 0.14 (0.03 to 0.56) P=0.9
27 RCT 131 SA women with
recurrent UTI
OP Ec U PDT N or Cp N 2-6 W 0.67 (0.30 to 1.6) P=0.01
Respiratory bacteria
28 OP 119 SC GP H T MIC Am Am 2 1.9 (1.3 to 2.7) p<0.001
29 CC 145 SA GP Sp T PDT Ma Ma 0-6W 2.11 (1.05 to 4.26)
30 CC 412 SA GP Hi S PDT AA Am 0-3 2.1 (1.2 to 36.0) P<0.002
31 O 263 SC GP Spy T PDT Ma Ma 0-3 4.19 (1.23 to 14.26)
32 RCT 795 SC OP Sp NP PDT Sh Am or StAm P, Am, Tr-Su 0-2 1.5 (1.2 to 2.8) P=0.001
33 O 737 SC OP Sp NP E Cp P, Ce, E, Tr, Su,
To, Cf, Cef, Te
0-4 2.3 (1.04 to 5.1) P<0.05
Sp U PDT Not Ma Ma 0-6W 1.27 (0.64 to 2.54)
34 CC 134 SC and ASC PED Sp NP,OC,AN E B P 0-1
Sp NP,OR,AN Not B P 0-1 6.0 (0.06 to 516.4)
Sp NP,OR,AN B P 0-6 1.0 (0.003 to 255.6)
Sp NP,OR,AN Not B P 0-6 13.7 (0.6 to 311.48)
Sp NP,OR,AN B + Oth P 0-6 0.02 (0.0007 to 1.08)
35 RCT 224 ASA U Sp TON GAP Az Ma 8D 1.86 (0.9 to 3.75) P<0.05
Sp TON GAP Cl Ma 8D 2.47 (1.2 to 5.07)
36 CC 448 Cwithsuspected
otitis media
DCC Pn NP PDT B, Co, or E P 0-12 8.8 (2.69 to 28.8) P<0.001
37 CC 100 A with COPD OP Hi S PDT P B 0-24 2.15 (0.94 to 4.89)
Hi S PDT Cp B 0-24 4.04 (1.22 to 13.4)
Hi S PDT Te B 0-24 2.45 (1.09 to 5.49)
Hi S PDT Ma B 0-24 4.04 (1.22 to 13.4)
Hi S PDT Co B 0-24 1.94 (0.82 to 4.6)
Hi S PDT Q B 0-24 2.13 (0.5 to 9.07)
Hi S PDT Oth B 0-24 0.69 (0.29 to 1.61)
38 O 167 A with skin
GP Sa SK PDT AA Me 0-1 2.7 (0.8 to 15.0) P<0.1
Sa SK PDT Me 0-6 3.1 (1.1 to 8.6) P<0.01
Sa SK PDT Me 0-12 1.5 (0.6 to 4.0) P<0.4
39 O 206 A with skin
MTC Sa SK PDT AA Me 0-12 0.147(0.05to0.4) P=0.123
40 CC 131 C with MRSA
positive N
PED Sa N PDT AA Me 0-12 16.13 (6.38 to 40.76)
41 O 840 C with Sa skin
PED Sa SK PDT AA Me 0-3 0.98 (0.67 to 1.42)
42 RCT 1009 C with acute
otitis media
PED GN ST PDT Cf or Amor Az CEFT, Cp, Am 3-5D P<0.01
43 RCT 121 C with early
PED Ct OC E Az Az 2W P=0.1
Design: O=observational, OP=observational prospective, CC=case-control, RCT=randomised controlled trial. Participants: A=adults, C=children, SA/SC=symptomatic adults/children, ASA/
ASC=asymptomatic adults/children. Recruitment: GP=general practice, POST=postal recruitment, PED=paediatric clinic, OP=outpatient clinic, DCC=day care centre, MLR=medical lab records
(routine laboratory samples linked to regional prescribing database), MTC=military training centre, U=university. Bacteria: Ct=Chlamydia trachomatis, Ec=E coli, GN=gram negative,
H=Haemophilus, Hi=Haemophilus influenzae, Pn= pneumococci,Sp=S pneumoniae Sa=S aureus, Spy=S pyogenes.Antibiotics (AB): AA=any antibiotic, Az=azithromycin, Am=amoxicillin, B=
lactam, Ce=ceftriaxone, Cf=cefprozil, Cef=cefaclorR, Cp=cephalexin, Cl=clarithromycin, Co=co-trimoxazole, E=erythromycin, G=gentamicin, K=kenamycin, Ma=macrolide, Me=meticillin,
N=naladixic acid, O=ofloxacin, P=penicillin, Q=quinolone, ShAm=short course high dose amoxicillin, StAm=standard amoxicillin, Str=streptomycin, Su=sulphonamide, ST=sulphamethoxazole-
trimethoprim, Te=tetracycline, Tr=trimethoprim, To= trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole. Method (of measuring resistance): PDT=paper disk testing, MIC=minimum inhibitory concentration, E=E
testing (AB Biodisk, Sweden), GAR=grid agar plate. Sample site: U=urine, T=throat, NP=nasopharyngeal, N=nasal, OC=ocular, ST=stool, SK=skin, S=sputum, TON=tonsil, OR=oral cavity,
AN=anterior nares.
*Either exact time at which individuals took antibiotics, or time period during which antibiotic prescribing was recorded, before measurement of resistance.
Insufficient data to calculate OR and/or 95% CI and/or P value.
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periods the odds of resistance were greater in patients
exposed to these antibiotics than in those who were
unexposed and that the strongest association was at
0-1 months, with reduced association at subsequent
time points, and a small but important residual associa-
tion within 12 months. In participants who were unex-
posed to antibiotics, the pooled odds of resistance
variedlittle betweentime periods (pooledodds of resis-
tance among unexposed participants was 0.44 at
0-1 month, fig 2). The coefficient for each month
increase in the exposure period was 0.33 (95% CI
0.49 to 0.17, P<0.001) from the meta-regression
showing a clear time trend. There was no evidence of
within group heterogeneity in the 0-1 and 0-3 month
periods, but some evidence of heterogeneity in the
0-6 month and 0-12 month periods. For studies in
whichadjustedORs were presentedwe dida meta-ana-
lysis of these results, although we only had sufficient
data to do this for the studies examining resistance in
urinary tract bacteria at the 0-3 month period. The
resulting pooled OR did not differ markedly from the
unadjusted or crude ORused in the meta-regression at
the same time point (pooled adjusted OR2.17, 95%CI
1.49 to 3.22), compared with 2.48 (2.06 to 2.98)
Resistance in respiratory bacteria
Nine studies examined resistance in respiratory tract
28-35 37
Since the Malhotra-Kumar
were prospective and measured resistance at
specific time points, their data are presented separately
from the remaining retrospective studies measuring
antibiotic exposure during periods of time. The Sportel
measured resistance over a 0-24 month period
ina groupof patients with chronic obstructive pulmon-
ary disease (in which the lower respiratory tract
becomes colonised with different bacteria from those
usually resident in the upper respiratory tract
) so it
was not included in the meta-analysis. The remaining
seven studies were meta-analysed according to time
29-34 36
Figure 3 shows that although there was
some evidence of an association between antibiotics
and resistance between 0 and 1 month (with an OR of
2.1, 95%CI 1.0 to4.2), 0 and2 months (pooledOR2.4,
95% CI 1.4 to 3.9), and 0 and 12 months (pooled OR
2.4, 95%CI 1.3to4.5), intervening periods showedless
evidence of such associations, and no association
between resistance and time with a coefficient of
0.01 (95% CI 0.26 to 0.24, P=0.91). We found little
within group heterogeneity with the most heterogene-
ity present in the 0-12 month period with an I
value of
57.3% (P=0.04). Among participants who were unex-
posed to antibiotics the pooled odds of resistance var-
ied across time periods (fig 3) from 0.08 in the
0-2 month period to 0.51 during the 0-3 month period.
Some studies did not report raw data and for these stu-
dies the odds of resistance in the control group could
not be calculated.
The Chung study
used minimum inhibitory con-
centrations of ampicillin as a measure of antibiotic
resistance and also presence of the integrative and con-
junctive element ICEHin 1056 that encodes -lacta-
mase and circulates among nasopharyngeal
Haemophilus species. Prescribing amoxicillin to a
child in general practice more than tripled the mean
inhibitory concentration for ampicillin (9.2 g/ml
compared with 2.7 g/ml, P=0.005) and doubled the
risk of isolation of Haemophilus isolates possessing
homologues of ICEHin1056 (67%, 42 of 63, compared
with 36%, 14 of 39 in patients who were not exposed to
antibiotic) with a relative risk of 1.9 (95%CI 1.2 to 2.9)
at two weeks post-exposure and 1.0 (0.5 to 1.7) at
12 weeks post-exposure.
The Malhotra-Kumar study
was the only rando-
misedcontrolledtrial toexamine resistance (associated
with azithromycin or clarithromycin) at specific time
points. Figure 4 and the meta-analysis of the pooled
0-1 month
Pooled odds ratio
Test for heterogeneity: I
=0.0%, P=0.576
0-3 months
Pooled odds ratio
Test for heterogeneity: I
=0.0%, P=0.796
0-6 months
Pooled odds ratio
Test for heterogeneity: I
=89.2%, P=0.000
0-12 months
Pooled odds ratio
Test for heterogeneity: I
=71.9%, P=0.007
4.45 (3.78 to 5.21)
4.85 (2.63 to 8.94)
3.11 (1.57 to 6.17)
4.40 (3.78 to 5.12)
2.60 (2.04 to 3.33)
2.62 (1.69 to 4.07)
2.26 (1.41 to 3.62)
1.93 (1.06 to 3.51)
2.48 (2.06 to 2.98)
1.36 (1.14 to 1.61)
1.67 (1.32 to 2.10)
3.95 (3.04 to 5.12)
1.83 (1.39 to 2.42)
1.65 (1.10 to 2.46)
2.57 (1.83 to 3.61)
4.10 (2.20 to 7.50)
2.18 (1.57 to 3.03)
1.22 (1.16 to 1.28)
1.18 (1.06 to 1.32)
1.62 (1.18 to 2.23)
1.13 (0.79 to 1.63)
2.36 (1.59 to 3.50)
1.33 (1.15 to 1.53)
Any antibiotic
Any antibiotic*
Any antibiotic*
Any antibiotic*
Any antibiotic*
* Any antibiotic other than trimethoprim. ST=sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim. NR=not reported
1 10
Time period,
Antibiotic use
associated with
Antibiotic use
associated with
Odds ratio
(95% CI)
Odds ratio
(95% CI)
Resistance in
(control) group (%)
Fig 2 | Forest plot showing individual study and pooled ORs (log scale) for resistance in urinary
tract bacteria (E coli) and antibiotic exposure. Studies grouped according to time period during
which exposure was measured and ordered within each time period by increasing standard
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OR showed a decaying association with resistance to
macrolides at all time points upto6 months withstrong
evidence of a time trend ( coefficient 0.25 (95% CI
0.39 to 0.11, p=0.004).
Resistance over time in MRSA studies
We found few studies investigating effects on MRSA;
three studies in skin samples
38 39 41
and one study in
nasal samples.
Paganini et al
examined community
acquired MRSA in children. These isolates were
obtained from skin and soft tissue infections, and
some invasive infection sites. The study found that
10% (26 of 273) of isolates were resistant to clindamy-
cin as well as meticillin and 1%(two of 272) were resis-
tant to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Raw data
obtained from the authors allowed the calculation of
an OR for resistance of 0.98 (95%CI 0.67 to 1.42) sug-
gesting that previous antibiotic use is not an important
risk factor for community acquired MRSA isolated
from childrens skin infections. However, exposure
data for this study relied on parental reports only.
Campbell et al
examined community acquired
MRSA in skin infections in healthy military trainees.
Previous antibiotic use was not associated with MRSA
infection (OR 0.7 (95% CI 0.2 to 1.9).
Baggett et al
investigated a large outbreak of com-
munity acquired MRSA in a rural community and
found a strong association (OR 3.1, 95% CI 1.1 to
8.6) between this infection and the prescription of any
antibiotic in the previous 0-6 months. This association
disappeared (1.5, 0.6 to 4.0) when the time period was
broadened to include any antibiotic prescription in the
preceding 12 months.
Lo et al
examined resistance associated with the
use of any antibiotic in the 12 months preceding resis-
tance testing. This study reported a strong association
of OR16.1 (95%CI 6.4 to 40.8) between previous anti-
biotic use and nasal colonisation of Panton-Valentine
leukocidin positive MRSA in healthy children.
We did a meta-analysis of the three studies investi-
gating MRSA and resistance in bacteria sampled from
skin abrasions
38 39 41
in which individuals had been
exposed to antibiotics in the previous 12 months; the
pooled OR for these studies was 1.04, with the confi-
dence interval crossing the null (95% CI 0.47 to 2.29).
Comparisons between antibiotics
Many of the studies included in the review looked at
head to head comparisons between antibiotics,
although their statistical power was often limited. For
example, the Ghaffar study
examined resistance to
penicillin in Streptococcus pneumoniae following use of
lactam drugs or lactam in combination with another
antibiotic class but the 95% confidence intervals
around the estimated OR varied from 0.1 to 516.
Table 2 | Study quality (by reference number)
Data on antibiotic
exposure complete
and accurate?
well defined?
Resistance status
known before
Adjusted OR
(95% CI) P
17 Y Y N Y Unknown Y 1.22 (1.16 to 1.28) ) <0.001
19 Y Y Y Y Unknown Y Not reported
23 Y Y N Y Unknown Y 4.35 (3.03 to 5.73)
1.32 (1.10 to 1.60)

24 Y Y Y Y Unknown Y 4.1 (2.2 to 7.5, ) 0.03

18 Y Y Y Y Unknown Y 1.12 (0.77 to 1.65)
Y Y Y Unknown Y 1.95 (1.08 to 3.49)
25 N Y Y NA Unknown Y Ciprofloxacin 20.6 (2.4 to 179.2),
ofloxacin 7.6 (2.9 to 19.5)
0.006, 0.0001
26 N Y Y NA Unknown Unknown Not reported
27 Y Y Y NA Y Unknown Not reported
28 Y Y Y Y Y Y Not reported
29 N Y Y Y Unknown Y 1.0003 (1.0001 to 1.0004) <0.0001
30 Y Y Y Y Unknown Y 3.4 (1.3 to 9.2) <0.01
31 Y Y Y Y Unknown Y 2.16 (0.55 to 8.45) 0.26
32 Y Y Y Y Unknown Y Not reported
33 Y Y Y Y Unknown Y 2.7 (1.1 to 6.6 ) <0.001
34 Y Y Y Y Unknown Unknown Not reported
35 Y Y Y Y Y Y Not reported
36 Y Y Y Y Unknown Y Not reported
37 Y Y Y Y Unknown Y 1.15 (1.04 to 1.28) <0.01
38 Y Y Y Y Unknown Y Not reported
39 Y Y Y Y Unknown Y Not reported
40 Y Y Y Y Unknown Y 29.37 (10.72 to 80.50) <0.001
41 N Y Y Y Unknown Y Not reported
42 N Y Y No controls Unknown No Not reported
43 Y Y Not reported Y Unknown Y Not reported
page 6 of 11 BMJ | ONLINE FIRST |
The Sportel study
allowed greater precision and
showed that there was no greater association between
penicillin use and ampicillin resistance than cephalos-
porinuse inHaemophilus influenzae (OR0.4, 95%CI 0.1
to 1.4). The Malhotra-Kumar study
also reported no
difference in macrolide resistance in Streptococcus pneu-
moniae after use of azithromycin or clarithromycin at
any previous time, although use of clarithromycin was
associated with greater expression of the erm(B) gene,
which confers high level macrolide resistance.
To summarise, in comparisons of different anti-
biotics in the same antibiotic classes for effects on resis-
tance, we found no evidence that one class led to
reduced resistance compared with another, although
we were unable to adequately address the issue owing
to the limited number of studies available.
Effects of antibiotic dose, duration, and number of courses
on resistance
Several studies assessedthe relationbetweenresistance
andincreasingcourses of or doses of antibiotic(table 3).
Schrag et al
compared the effect of standard dose and
duration of amoxicillinwith that of high dose and short
durationamoxicillinonresistance at 5, 10, and28days.
They reported some evidence of reduced resistance at
28 days associated with this treatment (OR 0.77, 95%
CI 0.06 to 0.97), possibly attributable to better compli-
ance. Hillier et al
found greater rates of resistance
associated with higher doses of amoxicillin (OR 2.3,
95% CI 1.1 to 4.6) and longer courses of trimethoprim
(2.9, 1.4 to 5.8), but no differences associated with dif-
ferent course durations for amoxicillin (1.5, 0.7 to 2.9).
Hillier also found associations between number of
courses of amoxicillin (three or more v one; OR 3.9,
95%CI 1.0 to 14.7) and trimethoprim(three or more v
one; 3.6, 1.2 to 10.5) and resistance.
The Hay study
showed no differences in resistance rates with differing
numbers of antibiotic courses, but did find an increase
of 1% in the odds of resistance for each 200 mg tri-
methoprim tablet prescribed (OR 1.01, 95% CI 1.01
to 1.02). The same type of association was not found
for increasing numbers of 500 mg amoxicillin tablets
Publication bias
We were able to assess publication bias in the urinary
bacteria studies investigating resistance in E coli and
antibiotic exposure in the previous six months. The
Funnel plot in fig 5 shows some evidence of positive
publication bias. There were too few studies to assess
publication bias for respiratory flora.
Principal findings
Our reviewidentifieda number of studies that together
provide strong evidence of an association at the indivi-
dual patient level between the prescribing of anti-
biotics in primary care and antimicrobial resistance in
bacteria at different sites, including the urinary and
respiratory tracts and the skin. Effects were strongest
in the month directly after prescription but were
detectable for up to12 months. This residual effect is
likely to be an important driver for the high endemic
levels of antibiotic resistance in the community.
Moreover, we found evidence of a dose-response rela-
tion for two commonly prescribed first line antibiotics
in primary care, amoxicillin and trimethoprim.
Prescribing time periods
Most studies that reported resistance in urinary and
respiratory bacteria reported the association between
resistance and antibiotics prescribed within overlap-
ping time periods. This means that associations with
longer time periods could reflect long or short term
relations. However, the prospective studies did not suf-
fer fromthis methodological weakness and did suggest
persistence of resistance over a number of months.
28 35
0-1 month
Pooled odds ratio
0-2 months
Pooled odds ratio
Test for heterogeneity: I
=1.6%, P=0.313
0-3 months
Pooled odds ratio
Test for heterogeneity: I
=44.2%, P=0.146
0-6 months
Pooled odds ratio
Test for heterogeneity: I
=0.0%, P=0.463
0-12 months
Pooled odds ratio
Test for heterogeneity: I
=57.3%, P=0.039
2.10 (1.05 to 4.26)
2.10 (1.04 to 4.23)
2.10 (1.20 to 3.60)
4.19 (1.23 to 14.26)
2.37 (1.42 to 3.95)
1.50 (1.20 to 1.80)
2.30 (1.04 to 5.10)
1.80 (0.80 to 4.20)
0.40 (0.10 to 1.30)
1.48 (0.95 to 2.32)
1.56 (0.50 to 4.86)
3.93 (0.44 to 35.28)
1.90 (0.69 to 5.21)
1.28 (0.64 to 2.54)
1.20 (0.50 to 2.50)
1.60 (0.80 to 3.50)
6.75 (1.78 to 25.51)
7.22 (1.73 to 30.05)
8.56 (1.14 to 64.04)
2.37 (1.25 to 4.50)
Any antibiotic
Any antibiotic
Any antibiotic
* lactam plus another antibiotic. NR=not reported
1 10
Time period,
Antibiotic use
associated with
Antibiotic use
associated with
Odds ratio
(95% CI)
Odds ratio
(95% CI)
Resistance in
(control) group (%)
Fig 3 | Forest plot showing individual study and pooled ORs (log scale) for resistance in
respiratory tract bacteria and previous antibiotic prescribing. Studies grouped according to
time period during which exposure was measured and ordered within each time period by
increasing standard error
BMJ | ONLINE FIRST | page 7 of 11
Reverse causality and confounding
If bacterial samples are takenonly if the illness does not
respond to first line antibiotics (as is standard practice
in many parts of the UK) then retrospective case-con-
trol analyses will show a spuriously strong association
with previous antibiotic prescribing. This bias is
avoided if only incident cases are included. For most
of the studies reviewed it was not possible to ascertain
whether non-incident cases had been excluded. This
bias is less likely, although not impossible, in
prospective studies than in retrospective ones. How-
ever, bothof the prospective studies eliminatedreverse
causality as a possible explanation by collecting base-
line resistance data; they showed substantial increases
inresistance withindays of prescribing andsubsequent
decay in effects over three months in the Chung study
(28) and six months in the Malhotra-Kumar study.
Other confounding associations, such as the relation
between community prescribing and recent hospital
admission, could also have introduced bias. However,
the studies that attempted to adjust for potential con-
founders such as age, sex, comorbidities, catheter use,
and smoking status seldom demonstrated substantial
difference between crude and adjusted estimates of
Heterogeneity between studies
The observed differences between studies may well
reflect the difficulties of overlapping time periods and
confounding, but could also reflect the differences in
populations studied (which must have varied in base-
line prevalence of antibiotic resistance and transmis-
sion potential), the definition of resistance applied,
and the different antibiotic-organismrelationships stu-
died. Residual heterogeneity was a particular problem
in the pooled analyses of urinary bacteria in the
0-6 month and 0-12 month periods and in the analyses
of respiratory bacteria in the 0-12 period. As pre-
viously noted, this heterogeneity existed despite
some evidence of publication bias.
MRSA studies
Hospital MRSA strains are becoming feral, persisting
in the community, and non-hospital epidemic strains
are being acquired in the community.
Although two
of the studies suggest that the selective pressure pro-
duced by antibiotic prescribing in the community
may contribute to this problem, the other two showed
no effect. The mechanism of MRSA transmission is
clearly complex and to explore this issue further,
repeated screening of large numbers of individuals
(mostly non-carriers) would be necessary over a long
period. In the meantime, minimisation of unnecessary
community prescribing for skin infections seems a rea-
sonable precautionary principle.
Clinical and research implications
This review provides the evidence needed by clini-
cians responsible for the prescription of antibiotics in
primary care to quantify the link between individual
prescribing decisions and the problem of antibiotic
resistance. Although the clinical impact of isolating
antibiotic resistant bacteria warrants further research
in its own right, resistance is not simply a characteristic
of the infecting organism. It is also related to the indi-
viduals bacterial gene pool, since resistance carried on
plasmids and integrons can be transferred between
commensal organisms and potential pathogens. And
because both transmission of commensal organisms
between individuals and antibiotic prescribing in the
At 1 week post-antibiotic
Pooled odds ratio
At 2 weeks post-antibiotic
Pooled odds ratio
At 1 month post-antibiotic
Pooled odds ratio
At 2 months post-antibiotic
Pooled odds ratio
At 6 months post-antibiotic
Pooled odds ratio
14.67 (6.14 to 35.00)
10.44 (4.65 to 23.44)
12.22 (6.76 to 22.10)
11.59 (5.08 to 26.47)
5.37 (2.58 to 11.17)
7.70 (3.63 to 16.34)
9.25 (4.21 to 20.31)
4.13 (2.01 to 8.46)
6.08 (2.76 to 13.39)
4.37 (2.13 to 8.98)
3.00 (1.48 to 6.08)
3.61 (2.18 to 5.97)
1.89 (0.88 to 3.77)
2.47 (1.20 to 5.07)
2.16 (1.30 to 3.61)
0.1 1 10 100
Time period
Antibiotic use
associated with
Antibiotic use
associated with
Odds ratio (95% CI) Odds ratio (95% CI)
Fig 4 | Forest plot showing individual analytic and pooled ORs (log scale) for resistance in
respiratory tract streptococci of healthy volunteers from the Malhotra-Kumar study
previous antibiotic prescribing
Log odds ratio

-0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Fig 5 | Funnel plot with pseudo 95% confidence limits for
studies investigating the relation between resistance in
urinary bacteria and antibiotic use in the previous six months
page 8 of 11 BMJ | ONLINE FIRST |
community remain frequent events, even a transient
effect of antibiotic use on the carriage of resistant
organisms by an individual could have a major impact
on the endemic level of resistance in the population.
Our findings also provide evidence to support the
Standing Medical Advisory Committee report recom-
mendations that the fewest number of antibiotic
courses should be prescribed for the shortest period
And they draw attention to the increased
risk of resistance to commonly used first line anti-
biotics: if a patient has received one or more courses
of such antibiotics in the previous 12 months and
further antibiotic treatment is necessary, for a subse-
quent respiratory or urinary infection, consideration
should be given to choosing a different antibiotic.
This final implication serves to highlight that the only
way to avoid the vicious cycle of resistance leading to
the ever greater use of more powerful broad spectrum
antibiotics is to avoid their initial use whenever
The main research implication is the need to
strengthen the current evidence base, which is heavily
reliant on observational studies, with more clinical
trials. We believe that the opportunity to assess the
effects of antibiotics on antimicrobial resistance should
be considered whenever a placebo or no treatment
controlled trial is being designed. Further research is
also needed to assess relations between antibiotics pre-
scribed in primary care and more serious infections
that require secondary care treatment, as well as to
further clarify the effects of interactions between anti-
biotic dose, duration, and adherence on resistance.
In conclusion, we have summarised and synthesised
evidence fromaroundthe worldthat primarycare anti-
biotics make an important contribution to the problem
of antimicrobial resistance. Primary care clinicians and
patients may wish to consider this evidence when dis-
cussing the benefits and risks of prescribing and con-
suming antibiotics.
Contributors: CC performed the searches. CC and ADH identified eligible
studies. All authors appraised study quality and extracted data. CC and
CM transformed data and performed the meta-analyses. CC and ADH
drafted first sections of the text. All authors contributed to the final draft.
ADH and CC are the guarantors. All authors had full access to all of the
data (including statistical reports and tables) in the study and can take
responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data
Funding: This work was undertaken by the University of Bristol in
collaboration with the University of Oxford which both received a
proportion of their funding from the Department of Healths NIHR School
for Primary Care Research. The views expressed in this publication are
those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Department of
Health. The funder had no role in the study design; data collection, data
analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; or in the
Table 3 | Relations between antibiotic dose and resistance (by reference number)
High dose/
Standard dose
and duration
Antibiotic to which
resistance was measured Time* OR (95% CI)
Schrag 2001
High dose amoxicillin
90 mg/kg for 5 days
Normal dose amoxicillin
40 mg/kg per day for 10 days
Penicillin 5 days 0.9 (0.6 to 1.2)
10 days 1.16 (0.88 to 1.53)
28 days 0.77 (0.06 to 0.97)
Hillier 2007
High dose amoxicillin 500 mg Normal dose amoxicillin 250 mg Ampicillin 0-12 months 2.26 (1.13 to 4.55)
Amoxicillin >7 days Amoxicillin <7 days Ampicillin 0-12 months 1.50 (0.76 to 2.92)
Trimethoprim >7 days Trimethoprim <7 days Ampicillin 0-12 months 2.89 (1.44 to 5.78)
Hillier 2007
2 courses amoxicillin 1 course amoxicillin Ampicillin 0-12 months 1.58 (0.77 to 3.27)
3 courses amoxicillin 1 course amoxicillin Ampicillin 0-12 months 3.95 (1.06 to 14.72)
2 courses trimethoprim 1 course trimethoprim Trimethoprim 0-12 months 0.98 (0.39 to 2.49)
3 courses trimethoprim 1 course trimethoprim Trimethoprim 0-12 months 3.62 (1.25 to 10.48)
Hay 2005
2 courses any antibiotic 1 course any antibiotic Trimethoprim 0-12 months 1.18 (0.53 to 2.37)
3 courses any antibiotic 1 course any antibiotic Trimethoprim 0-12 months 0.4 (0.12 to 1.31)
4 courses any antibiotic 1 course any antibiotic Trimethoprim 0-12 months 2.77 (0.94 to 8.15)
Increasing dose of trimethoprim by
200 mg
Normal dose of trimethoprim Trimethoprim 0-12 months 1.01 (1.01 to 1.02)
Increasing dose of lactam by 500 mg Normal dose of lactam Amoxicillin 0-12 months 1.00 (0.99 to 1.01)
*Either exact time at which individuals took antibiotics, or time period during which antibiotic prescribing was recorded, before measurement of resistance.
Worldwide, primary care is responsible for the majority of
antibiotic use by human beings
Although many countries have reduced prescribing rates,
substantial variations remain between countries
Many clinicians and patients do not see antibiotic
resistance as a reason to refrain from antibiotic use
Antibiotics prescribed to an individual in primary care were
consistently found to be associated with resistance of
urinary and respiratory bacteria to those antibiotics in that
Antibiotics prescribed in primary care may impact on
bacterial resistance in a patient for up to 12 months
The greater the number or duration of antibiotic courses
prescribed in the previous 12 months, the greater the
likelihood that resistant bacteria would be isolated from
that patient
BMJ | ONLINE FIRST | page 9 of 11
decision to submit the article for publication. The researchers were
independent of the funder.
Competing interests: All authors have completed the Unified Competing
Interest form at (available on request
from the corresponding author) and declare that (1) CC, ADH, DM, AL, and
CM have support from the Universities of Bristol and Oxford for the
submitted work; (2) None of the authors has relationships with any
companies that might have an interest in the submitted work in the
previous 3 years; (3) None of the authors spouses, partners, or children
have any financial relationships that may be relevant to the submitted
work; and (4) None of the authors has any non-financial interests that
may be relevant to the submitted work.
Ethical approval: Not required.
Data sharing: No additional data available.
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Accepted: 19 March 2010
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