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Red Hat OpenStack-3-Deployment Guide Foreman Technical Preview-En-US

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Steve Gordon Summer Long

Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat

OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly)
Deployment Guide (Foreman
Technology Preview)
Deploying Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform using Foreman
Edition 1
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment
Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
Deploying Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform using Foreman
Edition 1
Steve Gordon
[email protected]
Summer Long
[email protected]
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Deploying Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform using Foreman Please note that Foreman is
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Table of Contents
1. Document Conventions
1.1. Typographic Conventions
1.2. Pull-quote Conventions
1.3. Notes and Warnings
2. Getting Help and Giving Feedback
2.1. Do You Need Help?
2.2. We Need Feedback!
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. Product Introduction
1.1.1. Overview
1.1.2. Architecture
1.1.3. Service Details Dashboard Service Identity Service OpenStack Networking Service Block Storage Service Compute Service Image Service Object Storage Service Metering (Technical Preview) Orchestration (Technical Preview)
1.2. Foreman Introduction
1.3. Requirements
1.3.1. Hardware Requirements
1.3.2. Software Requirements Register to Red Hat Network Red Hat Enterprise Linux Repository Configuration Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Repository Configuration
Chapter 2. Installing Foreman
2.1. Prerequisites
2.1.1. Configuring the Firewall
2.2. Installing Packages
2.3. Configuring the Installer
2.4. Running the Installer
Chapter 3. Configuring Foreman
3.1. Changing the Password
3.2. Configuring Installation Media
3.3. Editing Host Groups
3.3.1. Controller Node
3.3.2. Compute Node
Chapter 4. Adding Hosts
4.1. Registering Existing Hosts
4.2. Provisioning New Hosts
4.3. Assigning Hosts
Chapter 5. Logging In
Revision History
Table of Contents
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
Table of Contents
1. Document Conventions
This manual uses several conventions to highlight certain words and phrases and draw attention to
specific pieces of information.
In PDF and paper editions, this manual uses typefaces drawn from the Liberation Fonts set. The
Liberation Fonts set is also used in HTML editions if the set is installed on your system. If not, alternative
but equivalent typefaces are displayed. Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and later include the Liberation
Fonts set by default.
1.1. Typographic Conventions
Four typographic conventions are used to call attention to specific words and phrases. These
conventions, and the circumstances they apply to, are as follows.
Mono-spaced Bold
Used to highlight system input, including shell commands, file names and paths. Also used to highlight
keys and key combinations. For example:
To see the contents of the file my_next_bestselling_novel in your current working
directory, enter the cat my_next_bestselling_novel command at the shell prompt
and press Enter to execute the command.
The above includes a file name, a shell command and a key, all presented in mono-spaced bold and all
distinguishable thanks to context.
Key combinations can be distinguished from an individual key by the plus sign that connects each part of
a key combination. For example:
Press Enter to execute the command.
Press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to switch to a virtual terminal.
The first example highlights a particular key to press. The second example highlights a key combination:
a set of three keys pressed simultaneously.
If source code is discussed, class names, methods, functions, variable names and returned values
mentioned within a paragraph will be presented as above, in mono-spaced bold. For example:
File-related classes include filesystem for file systems, file for files, and dir for
directories. Each class has its own associated set of permissions.
Proportional Bold
This denotes words or phrases encountered on a system, including application names; dialog box text;
labeled buttons; check-box and radio button labels; menu titles and sub-menu titles. For example:
Choose System Preferences Mouse from the main menu bar to launch Mouse
Preferences. In the Buttons tab, select the Left-handed mouse check box and click
Close to switch the primary mouse button from the left to the right (making the mouse
suitable for use in the left hand).
To insert a special character into a gedit file, choose Applications Accessories
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
Character Map from the main menu bar. Next, choose Search Find from the
Character Map menu bar, type the name of the character in the Search field and click
Next. The character you sought will be highlighted in the Character Table. Double-click
this highlighted character to place it in the Text to copy field and then click the Copy
button. Now switch back to your document and choose Edit Paste from the gedit menu
The above text includes application names; system-wide menu names and items; application-specific
menu names; and buttons and text found within a GUI interface, all presented in proportional bold and all
distinguishable by context.
Mono-spaced Bold Italic or Proportional Bold Italic
Whether mono-spaced bold or proportional bold, the addition of italics indicates replaceable or variable
text. Italics denotes text you do not input literally or displayed text that changes depending on
circumstance. For example:
To connect to a remote machine using ssh, type ssh [email protected] at a shell
prompt. If the remote machine is example.com and your username on that machine is
john, type ssh [email protected].
The mount -o remount file-system command remounts the named file system. For
example, to remount the /home file system, the command is mount -o remount /home.
To see the version of a currently installed package, use the rpm -q package command. It
will return a result as follows: package-version-release.
Note the words in bold italics above username, domain.name, file-system, package, version and
release. Each word is a placeholder, either for text you enter when issuing a command or for text
displayed by the system.
Aside from standard usage for presenting the title of a work, italics denotes the first use of a new and
important term. For example:
Publican is a DocBook publishing system.
1.2. Pull-quote Conventions
Terminal output and source code listings are set off visually from the surrounding text.
Output sent to a terminal is set in mono-spaced roman and presented thus:
books Desktop documentation drafts mss photos stuff svn
books_tests Desktop1 downloads images notes scripts svgs
Source-code listings are also set in mono-spaced roman but add syntax highlighting as follows:
static int kvm_vm_ioctl_deassign_device(struct kvm *kvm,
struct kvm_assigned_pci_dev *assigned_dev)
int r = 0;
struct kvm_assigned_dev_kernel *match;
match = kvm_find_assigned_dev(&kvm->arch.assigned_dev_head,
if (!match) {
printk(KERN_INFO "%s: device hasn't been assigned before, "
"so cannot be deassigned\n", __func__);
r = -EINVAL;
goto out;
kvm_deassign_device(kvm, match);
kvm_free_assigned_device(kvm, match);
return r;
1.3. Notes and Warnings
Finally, we use three visual styles to draw attention to information that might otherwise be overlooked.
Notes are tips, shortcuts or alternative approaches to the task at hand. Ignoring a note should
have no negative consequences, but you might miss out on a trick that makes your life easier.
Important boxes detail things that are easily missed: configuration changes that only apply to the
current session, or services that need restarting before an update will apply. Ignoring a box
labeled 'Important' will not cause data loss but may cause irritation and frustration.
Warnings should not be ignored. Ignoring warnings will most likely cause data loss.
2. Getting Help and Giving Feedback
2.1. Do You Need Help?
If you experience difficulty with a procedure described in this documentation, visit the Red Hat Customer
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Portal at http://access.redhat.com. Through the customer portal, you can:
search or browse through a knowledgebase of technical support articles about Red Hat products.
submit a support case to Red Hat Global Support Services (GSS).
access other product documentation.
Red Hat also hosts a large number of electronic mailing lists for discussion of Red Hat software and
technology. You can find a list of publicly available mailing lists at https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo.
Click on the name of any mailing list to subscribe to that list or to access the list archives.
2.2. We Need Feedback!
If you find a typographical error in this manual, or if you have thought of a way to make this manual
better, we would love to hear from you! Please submit a report in Bugzilla: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/
against the product Red Hat OpenStack.
When submitting a bug report, be sure to mention the manual's identifier:
If you have a suggestion for improving the documentation, try to be as specific as possible when
describing it. If you have found an error, please include the section number and some of the surrounding
text so we can find it easily.
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. Product Introduction
1.1.1. Overview
Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform provides the foundation to build a private or public
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud on top of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It offers a massively
scalable, fault-tolerant platform for the development of cloud-enabled workloads.
The current Red Hat system is based on OpenStack Grizzly, and packaged so that available physical
hardware can be turned into a private, public, or hybrid cloud platform including:
Fully distributed object storage
Persistent block-level storage
Virtual-machine provisioning engine and image storage
Authentication and authorization mechanism
Integrated networking
Web browser-based GUI for both users and administration.
The Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform IaaS cloud is implemented by a collection of
interacting services that control its computing, storage, and networking resources. The cloud is
managed using a web-based interface which allows administrators to control, provision, and automate
OpenStack resources. Additionally, the OpenStack infrastructure is facilitated through an extensive API,
which is also available to end users of the cloud.
Report a bug
1.1.2. Architecture
The following diagram provides a high-level overview of the OpenStack architecture.
Each OpenStack service has a code name, which is reflected in the names of configuration files and
command-line utility programs. For example, the Identity service has a configuration file called
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
Table 1.1. Services
Section Code Description
Dashboard horizon A web-based dashboard for managing OpenStack services.
Identity keystone A centralized identity service that provides authentication
and authorization for other services, and manages users,
tenants, and roles.
quantum A networking service that provides connectivity between the
interfaces of other OpenStack services.
Block Storage cinder A service that manages persistent block storage volumes for
virtual machines.
Compute nova A service that launches and schedules networks of
machines running on nodes.
Image glance A registry service for virtual machine images.
Object Storage swift A service providing object storage which allows users to
store and retrieve files (arbitrary data).
(Technical Preview)
A service providing measurements of cloud resources.
(Technical Preview)
heat A service providing a template-based orchestration engine,
which supports the automatic creation of resource stacks.
The Service Details section provides more detailed information about the Openstack service
components. Each OpenStack service is comprised of a collection of Linux services, MySQL databases,
or other components, which together provide a functional group. For example, the glance-api and
glance-registry Linux services, together with a MySQL database, implement the Image service.
For more information on the support scope for features marked as technology previews, refer to
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1.1.3. Service Details Dashboard Service
The Dashboard service provides a graphical user interface for end users and administrators, allowing
operations such as creating and launching instances, managing networking, and setting access
controls. Its modular design allows interfacing with other products such as billing, monitoring, and
additional management tools. The service provides three basic dashboards: user, system, and settings.
The following screenshot displays a user's dashboard after OpenStack is first installed:
Chapter 1. Introduction
The identity of the logged-in user determines the dashboards and panels that are visible in the
The Dashboard service is composed of:
openstack-dashboard, a Django (Python) web application, so that the dashboard can be easily
accessed using any web browser.
An Apache HTTP server (httpd service), to host the application.
A database, for managing sessions.
Report a bug Identity Service
The Identity service authenticates and authorizes OpenStack users (that is, keeps track of users and
their permitted activities); the service is used by all OpenStack components. The service supports
multiple forms of authentication including user name and password credentials, token-based systems,
and AWS-style logins (Amazon Web Services).
The Identity service also provides a central catalog of services and endpoints running in a particular
OpenStack cloud, which acts as a service directory for other OpenStack systems. Each endpoint is
adminURL, the URL for the administrative endpoint for the service. Only the Identity service might
use a value here that is different from publicURL; all other services will use the same value.
internalURL, the URL of an internal-facing endpoint for the service (typically same as the
publicURL, the URL of the public-facing endpoint for the service.
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
region, in which the service is located. By default, if a region is not specified, the 'RegionOne'
location is used.
The Identity service uses the following concepts:
Users, which have associated information (such as a name and password). In addition to custom
users, a user must be defined for each cataloged service (for example, the 'glance' user for the
Image service).
Tenants, which are generally the user's group, project, or organization.
Roles, which determine a user's permissions.
The Identity service is composed of:
keystone service, which provides the administrative and public APIs.
Databases for each of the internal services.
Report a bug OpenStack Networking Service
The OpenStack Networking service provides a scalable and API-driven system for managing the
network connectivity, addressing, and services within an OpenStack IaaS cloud deployment. Because the
OpenStack network is software-defined, it can easily and quickly react to changing network needs (for
example, creating and assigning new IP addresses).
Advantages include:
Users can create networks, control traffic, and connect servers and devices to one or more networks.
OpenStack offers flexible networking models, so that administrators can change the networking
model to adapt to their volume and tenancy.
IPs can be dedicated or floating; floating IPs allow dynamic traffic rerouting.
OpenStack Networking is composed of:
quantum-server Python daemon, which manages user requests (and exposes the API).
The quantum-server daemon is configured with a plugin that implements the OpenStack
Networking API operations using a specific set of networking mechanisms. A wide choice of plugins
are also available. For example, the openvswitch and linuxbridge plugins utilize native Linux
networking mechanisms, while other plugins interface with external devices or SDN controllers.
quantum-l3-agent, an agent providing L3/NAT forwarding.
quantum-*-agent, a plug-in agent that runs on each node to perform local networking
configuration for the node's VMs and networking services.
quantum-dhcp-agent, an agent providing DHCP services to tenant networks.
Database, for persistent storage.
Report a bug Block Storage Service
The Block Storage (or volume) service provides persistent block storage management for virtual hard
drives. The block storage system manages the creation of block devices to servers. Block storage
volumes are fully integrated into both the Compute and Dashboard services, which allows cloud users to
manage their own storage needs (Compute handles the attaching and detaching of devices). Both
regions and zones (for details, refer to the Object Storage section) can be used to handle distributed
Chapter 1. Introduction
block storage hosts.
Block storage is appropriate for performance-sensitive scenarios such as database storage,
expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block-level storage. Additionally,
snapshots can be taken to either restore data or to create new block storage volumes (snapshots are
dependent upon driver support).
Basic operations include:
Create, list, and delete volumes.
Create, list, and delete snapshots.
Attach and detach volumes to running virtual machines.
The Block Storage service is composed of the following:
openstack-cinder-volume, which carves out storage for virtual machines on demand. A number
of drivers are provided for interaction with storage providers.
openstack-cinder-api, which responds to and handles requests, and places them in the
message queue.
openstack-cinder-scheduler, which assigns tasks to the queue and determines the
provisioning volume server.
Database, for state information.
See Also:
Section, Compute Service
Report a bug Compute Service
The Compute service is the heart of the OpenStack cloud by providing virtual machines on demand.
Compute schedules virtual machines to run on a set of nodes by defining drivers that interact with
underlying virtualization mechanisms, and exposing the functionality to the other OpenStack
Compute interacts with the Identity service for authentication, Image service for images, and the
Dashboard service for the user and administrative interface. Access to images is limited by project and
by user; quotas are limited per project (for example, the number of instances). The Compute service is
designed to scale horizontally on standard hardware, and can download images to launch instances as
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
Table 1.2. Ways to Segregate the Cloud
Concept Description
Regions Each service cataloged in the Identity service is identified by its region, which
typically represents a geographical location, and its endpoint. In a cloud with
multiple Compute deployments, regions allow for the discrete separation of
services, and are a robust way to share some infrastructure between Compute
installations, while allowing for a high degree of failure tolerance.
A cloud's Compute hosts can be partitioned into groups called cells (to handle
large deployments or geographically separate installations). Cells are configured
in a tree. The top-level cell ('API cell') runs the nova-api service, but no nova-
compute services. In contrast, each child cell runs all of the other typical nova-
* services found in a regular installation, except for the nova-api service. Each
cell has its own message queue and database service, and also runs nova-
cells, which manages the communication between the API cell and its child
This means that:
A single API server can be used to control access to multiple Compute
A second level of scheduling at the cell level is available (versus host
scheduling), which provides greater flexibility over the control of where virtual
machines are run.
Host Aggregates
and Availability
A single Compute deployment can be partitioned into logical groups (for example,
into multiple groups of hosts that share common resources like storage and
network, or which have a special property such as trusted computing hardware).
If the user is:
An administrator, the group is presented as a Host Aggregate, which has
assigned Compute hosts and associated metadata. An aggregate's metadata
is commonly used to provide information for use with nova-scheduler (for
example, limiting specific flavors or images to a subset of hosts).
A user, the group is presented as an Availability Zone. The user cannot view
the group's metadata, nor which hosts make up the zone.
Aggregates, or zones, can be used to:
Handle load balancing and instance distribution.
Provide some form of physical isolation and redundancy from other zones
(such as by using a separate power supply or network equipment).
Identify a set of servers that have some common attribute.
Separate out different classes of hardware.
For more information on the support scope for features marked as technology previews, refer to
Chapter 1. Introduction
Compute is composed of the following:
openstack-nova-api service, which handles requests and provides access to the Compute
services (such as booting an instance).
openstack-nova-cert service, which provides the certificate manager.
openstack-nova-compute service, which creates and terminates the virtual instances. The
service interacts with Hypervisor to bring up new instances, and ensures that the state is maintained
in the Compute database.
openstack-nova-conductor service, which provides database-access support for Compute
nodes (thereby reducing security risks).
openstack-nova-consoleauth service, which handles console authorization.
openstack-nova-network service, which handles Compute network traffic (both private and
public access). This service handles such tasks as assigning an IP address to a new virtual
instance, and implementing security group rules.
openstack-nova-novncproxy service, which provides a VNC proxy for browsers (enabling VNC
consoles to access virtual machines started by OpenStack).
openstack-nova-scheduler service, which dispatches requests for new virtual machines to the
correct node.
Apache Qpid server (qpidd service), which provides the AMPQ message queue. This server (also
used by Block Storage) handles the OpenStack transaction management, including queuing,
distribution, security, management, clustering, and federation. Messaging becomes especially
important when a OpenStack deployment is scaled and its services are running on multiple
libvirtd service, which is the driver for the hypervisor and enables the creation of virtual
KVM Linux hypervisor, which creates virtual machines and enables their live migration from node to
Database, for build-time and run-time infrastructure state.
Report a bug Image Service
The Image service acts as a registry for virtual disk images. Users can add new images or take a
snapshot (copy) of an existing server for immediate storage. Snapshots can be used as back up or as
templates for new servers. Registered images can be stored in the Object Storage service, as well as in
other locations (for example, in simple file systems or external web servers).
The following image formats are supported:
raw (unstructured format)
aki/ami/ari (Amazon kernel, ramdisk, or machine image)
iso (archive format for optical discs; for example, CDROM)
qcow2 (Qemu/KVM, supports Copy on Write)
vhd (Hyper-V, common for virtual machine monitors from VMWare, Xen, Microsoft, VirtualBox, and
vdi (Qemu/VirtualBox)
vmdk (VMWare)
Container formats can also be used by the Image service; the format determines the type of metadata
stored in the image about the actual virtual machine. The following formats are supported.
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
bare (no metadata is included)
ovf (OVF format)
aki/ami/ari (Amazon kernel, ramdisk, or machine image)
The Image service is composed of the following:
openstack-glance-api, which handles requests, and image delivery (interacts with storage
backends for retrieval and storage). This service uses the registry to retrieve image information (the
registry service is never, and should never be, accessed directly).
openstack-glance-registry, which manages all metadata associated with each image, and
which requires a database.
Database, for image metadata.
Report a bug Object Storage Service
The Object Storage service provides object storage in virtual containers, which allows users to store
and retrieve files. The service's distributed architecture supports horizontal scaling; redundancy as
failure-proofing is provided through software-based data replication.
Because it supports asynchronous eventual consistency replication, it is well suited to multiple data-
center deployment. Object Storage uses the concept of:
Storage replicas, which are used to maintain the state of objects in the case of outage. A minimum of
three replicas is recommended.
Storage zones, which are used to host replicas. Zones ensure that each replica of a given object can
be stored separately. A zone might represent an individual disk drive or array, a server, all the
servers in a rack, or even an entire data center.
Storage regions, which are essentially a group of zones sharing a location. Regions can be, for
example, groups of servers or server farms, usually located in the same geographical area. Regions
have a separate API endpoint per Object Storage service installation, which allows for a discrete
separation of services.
The Object Storage service is composed of the following:
openstack-swift-proxy service, which exposes the public API, and is responsible for handling
requests and routing them accordingly. Objects are streamed through the proxy server to the user
(not spooled). Objects can also be served out via HTTP.
openstack-swift-object blob server, which stores, retrieves, and deletes objects.
openstack-swift-account server, which is responsible for listings of containers, using the
account database.
openstack-swift-container server, which handles listings of objects (what objects are in a
specific container) using the container database.
Ring files, which contain details of all the storage devices, and which are used to deduce where a
particular piece of data is stored (maps the names of stored entities to their physical location). One
file is created for each object, account, and container server.
Account database.
Container database.
ext4 (recommended) or XFS filesystem for object storage.
Housekeeping processes, including replication and auditors.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Report a bug Metering (Technical Preview)
The Metering service provides user-level usage data for OpenStack-based clouds, which can be used
for customer billing, system monitoring, or alerts. Data can be collected by notifications sent by existing
OpenStack components (for example, usage events emitted from Compute) or by polling the
infrastructure (for example, libvirt).
Metering includes a storage daemon that communicates with authenticated agents via a trusted
messaging system, to collect and aggregate data. Additionally, the service uses a plugin system, which
makes it easy to add new monitors.
The Metering service is composed of the following:
ceilometer-agent-compute, an agent that runs on each Compute node, and polls for resource
utilization statistics.
ceilometer-agent-central, an agent that runs on a central management server to poll for
utilization statistics about resources not tied to instances or Compute nodes.
ceilometer-collector, an agent that runs on one or more central management servers to
monitor the message queues. Notification messages are processed and turned into metering
messages, and sent back out on to the message bus using the appropriate topic. Metering
messages are written to the data store without modification.
Mongo database, for collected usage sample data.
API Server, which runs on one or more central management servers to provide access to the data
store's data. Only the Collector and the API server have access to the data store.
Report a bug Orchestration (Technical Preview)
The Orchestration service provides a template-based orchestration engine for the OpenStack cloud,
which can be used to create and manage cloud infrastructure resources such as storage, networking,
instances, and applications as a repeatable running environment.
Templates are used to create stacks, which are collections of resources (for example instances, floating
IPs, volumes, security groups, or users). The service offers access to all OpenStack core services via a
single modular template, with additional orchestration capabilities such as auto-scaling and basic high
Features include:
A single template provides access to all underlying service APIs.
Templates are modular (resource oriented).
Templates can be recursively defined, and therefore reusable (nested stacks). This means that the
cloud infrastructure can be defined and reused in a modular way.
Resource implementation is pluggable, which allows for custom resources.
Autoscaling functionality (automatically adding or removing resources depending upon usage).
Basic high availability functionality.
The Orchestration service is composed of the following:
heat, a CLI tool that communicates with the heat-api to execute AWS CloudFormation APIs.
heat-api, which is an OpenStack-native REST API that processes API requests by sending them
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to the heat-engine over RPC.
heat-api-cfn, which provides an AWS-Query API that is compatible with AWS CloudFormation and
processes API requests by sending them to the heat-engine over RPC.
heat-engine, which orchestrates the launching of templates and provide events back to the API
heat-api-cloudwatch, which provides monitoring (metrics collection) for the Orchestration
heat-cfntools, which is a package of helper scripts (for example, cfn-hup, which handles updates
to metadata and executes custom hooks).
The heat-cfntools package is only installed on images that are launched by heat into
Compute servers.
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1.2. Foreman Introduction
Foreman is a deployment management tool. It provides a web user interface for managing the installation
and configuration of remote systems. Deployment of changes is performed using Puppet. Additionally
Foreman is able to provide Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), Domain Name System (DNS),
Preboot Execution Environment (PXE), and Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) services. Controlling
these services allows Foreman to provision even physical systems that do not yet have an operating
system installed.
Foreman uses what is referred to as a host group definition to group hosts that share common
configuration requirements together. Two host groups are provided with the version of Foreman included
in Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform:
OpenStack Controller
This host group is intended for use on a single host that will act as a controller for the
OpenStack deployment. Services that will be deployed to hosts added to this host group
OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon).
OpenStack Image Storage service (Glance).
OpenStack Identity service (Keystone).
MySQL database server.
Qpid message broker.
The OpenStack API and scheduling services, including those of the Compute service (Nova),
also run on the controller.
OpenStack Nova Compute
This host group is intended for use on one or more hosts that will act as compute nodes for the
OpenStack deployment. These are the systems that virtual machine instances will run on, while
accessing the authentication, storage, and messaging infrastructure provided by the controller
node. An instance of the Compute service (Nova) runs on each compute node.
Chapter 1. Introduction
At this time compute services deployed using Foreman are configured to use Nova Networking
(openstack-nova-network) instead of OpenStack Networking (quantum-server) to provide
network services. Additionally the OpenStack Block Storage service (Cinder) is not currently
included in the provided host group definitions.
This guide documents the steps involved in:
Installing Foreman.
Configuring Foreman.
Adding hosts to Foreman.
Completion of the steps detailed in this guide will result in the deployment of a Foreman server, an
OpenStack controller node, and one or more OpenStack compute nodes.
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1.3. Requirements
Deploying OpenStack using Foreman requires a minimum of three physical systems:
A system to host Foreman itself.
A system to act as a controller node in the OpenStack deployment.
A system to act as a compute node in the OpenStack deployment.
Refer to the Getting Started Guide for more specific controller and compute node hardware
requirements. Only additional requirements specific to deployment using Foreman will be covered here.
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1.3.1. Hardware Requirements
The hardware requirements of each system involved in a Foreman deployment of OpenStack relate
primarily to networking and are listed here.
Foreman Server
The system that will act as the Foreman server requires two network interfaces:
A network interface to reach the external network.
A network interface to own internal provisioning services including DHCP, DNS, and PXE or
TFTP on the local subnet.
The Foreman server must be reachable from the controller node and the compute nodes that
will act as Foreman clients. The Foreman server does not however require access to the
OpenStack public and private networks.
Controller Node
The system that will act as the controller node requires three network interfaces:
A network interface to communicate with the Foreman server and the software repositories
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required to retrieve OpenStack packages. This interface must be connected on the same
subnet as the interface of the Foreman server that will provide host provisioning services
including DHCP.
A network interface to dedicate to traffic on the public OpenStack network.
A network interface to dedicate to traffic on the private OpenStack network.
Compute Nodes
The systems that will act as compute nodes also require three network interfaces. These
network interfaces will be used for the same purposes as those attached to the controller
nodes, listed earlier in this section.
All systems must have fully qualified domain names (FQDNs). Note that when provisioning
systems Foreman is able to manage DNS records locally.
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1.3.2. Software Requirements
The Foreman server, the Compute controller node, and all Compute nodes must be registered to Red
Hat Network. Each system must also be subscribed to receive both Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server
and Red Hat Enteprise Linux OpenStack Platform packages.
Report a bug Register to Red Hat Network
Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform requires that each system in the OpenStack environment
be running Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server and that all systems be signed up to receive updates from
Red Hat Network using Subscription Manager. For further information on managing Red Hat
subscriptions refer to the Red Hat Subscription Management Guide.
All steps in this procedure must be executed while logged in to the account of the root user on the
system being registered.
RHN Classic is intended to be used with legacy systems (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0 or Red
Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6 and earlier releases). It is strongly recommended that Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 6.1/5.7 and later systems use Customer Portal Subscription Management,
Subscription Asset Manager, or similar certificate-based subscription management service. As
such these instructions are not intended for use on systems which have been registered to Red
Hat Network using RHN Classic.
1. Run the subscription-manager register command to register the system to Red Hat
# subscription-manager register
Chapter 1. Introduction
2. Enter your Red Hat Network user name when prompted.
Username: [email protected]
Your Red Hat Network account must have Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform
entitlements. If your Red Hat Network account does not have Red Hat Enterprise Linux
OpenStack entitlements then you may register for access to the evaluation program at
3. Enter your Red Hat Network password when prompted.
4. When registration completes successfully system is assigned a unique identifier.
The system has been registered with id: IDENTIFIER
The system has been registered to Red Hat Network and is ready to be attached to specific software
Report a bug Red Hat Enterprise Linux Repository Configuration
Follow the steps in this procedure to register a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system to receive updates from
Red Hat Network. These steps must be run while logged in as the root user. Repeat these steps on
each system in the OpenStack environment.
1. Use the subscription-manager list command to locate the pool identifier of the Red Hat
Enterprise Linux subscription.
# subscription-manager list --available
Available Subscriptions
Product Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server
Product Id: 69
Quantity: 1
Service Level: None
Service Type: None
Multi-Entitlement: No
Expires: 01/01/2022
Machine Type: physical
The pool identifier is indicated in the Pool Id field associated with the Red Hat Enterprise
Linux Server product. The identifier will be unique to your subscription. Take note of this
identifier as it will be required to perform the next step.
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The output displayed in this step has been truncated to conserve space. All other available
subscriptions will also be listed in the output of the command.
2. Use the subscription-manager attach command to attach the subscription identified in the
previous step.
# subscription-manager attach --pool=POOLID
Successfully attached a subscription for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server.
Replace POOLID with the unique identifier associated with your Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server
subscription. This is the identifier that was located in the previous step.
3. Run the yum repolist command. This command ensures that the repository configuration file
/etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo exists and is up to date.
# yum repolist
Once repository metadata has been downloaded and examined, the list of repositories enabled
will be displayed, along with the number of available packages.
repo id repo name
rhel-6-server-rpms Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server (RPMs) 8,816
repolist: 8,816
The output displayed in this step may differ from that which appears when you run the yum
repolist command on your system. In particular the number of packages listed will vary if
or when additional packages are added to the rhel-6-server-rpms repository.
You have successfully configured your system to receive Red Hat Enterprise Linux updates from Red
Hat Network.
Report a bug Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Repository Configuration
Follow the steps in this procedure to configure a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system to receive OpenStack
packages and updates from Red Hat Network. Access to a Red Hat software entitlement that includes
Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform is required, such entitlements include:
Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure
Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure (without Guest OS)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform
Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Preview
Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform (without Guest OS)
These steps must be run while logged in as the root user. Repeat these steps on each system in the
Chapter 1. Introduction
1. Use the subscription-manager list command to locate the pool identifier of the relevant
Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure or Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform entitlement.
# subscription-manager list --available
Available Subscriptions
Product Id: ID_1
Pool Id: POOLID_1
Quantity: 3
Service Level: None
Service Type: None
Multi-Entitlement: No
Expires: 02/14/2013
Machine Type: physical
Product Id: ID_2
Pool Id: POOLID_2
Quantity: unlimited
Service Level: None
Service Type: None
Multi-Entitlement: No
Expires: 02/14/2013
Machine Type: virtual
Locate the entry in the list where the Product Name matches the name of the entitlement that
will be used to access Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform packages. Take note of the
pool identifier associated with the entitlement, this value is indicated in the Pool Id field. The
pool identifier is unique to your subscription and will be required to complete the next step.
The output displayed in this step has been truncated to conserve space. All other available
subscriptions will also be listed in the output of the command.
2. Use the subscription-manager attach command to attach the subscription identified in the
previous step.
# subscription-manager attach --pool=POOLID
Successfully attached a subscription for ENTITLEMENT.
Replace POOLID with the unique identifier associated with your Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure or
Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform entitlement. This is the identifier that was located in
the previous step.
3. Install the yum-utils package. The yum-utils package is provided by the Red Hat Enterprise Linux
subscription but provides the yum-config-manager utility required to complete configuration of
the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform software repositories.
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
Note that depending on the options selected during Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation the yum-
utils package may already be installed.
4. Use the yum-config-manager command to ensure that the correct software repositories are
enabled. Each successful invocation of the command will display the updated repository
a. Ensure that the repository for Red Hat OpenStack 1.0 (Essex) has been disabled.
# yum-config-manager --disable rhel-server-ost-6-preview-rpms
Loaded plugins: product-id
==== repo: rhel-server-ost-6-preview-rpms ====
bandwidth = 0
base_persistdir = /var/lib/yum/repos/x86_64/6Server
baseurl =
cache = 0
cachedir = /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6Server/rhel-server-ost-6-preview-
cost = 1000
enabled = False
Yum treats the values False and 0 as equivalent. As a result the output on your
system may instead contain this string:
enabled = 0
If you encounter this message in the output from yum-config-manager then the
system has been registered to Red Hat Network using either RHN Classic or RHN
This system is receiving updates from RHN Classic or RHN
Consult the Red Hat Subscription Management Guide for more information on
managing subscriptions using RHN Classic or RHN Satellite.
b. Ensure that the repository for Red Hat OpenStack 2.1 (Folsom) is disabled.
Chapter 1. Introduction
# yum-config-manager --disable rhel-server-ost-6-folsom-rpms
Loaded plugins: product-id
==== repo: rhel-server-ost-6-folsom-rpms ====
bandwidth = 0
base_persistdir = /var/lib/yum/repos/x86_64/6Server
baseurl =
cache = 0
cachedir = /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6Server/rhel-server-ost-6-folsom-rpms
cost = 1000
enabled = False
c. Ensure that the repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 3 (Grizzly) has
been enabled.
# yum-config-manager --enable rhel-server-ost-6-3-rpms
Loaded plugins: product-id
==== repo: rhel-server-ost-6-3-rpms ====
bandwidth = 0
base_persistdir = /var/lib/yum/repos/x86_64/6Server
baseurl =
cache = 0
cachedir = /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6Server/rhel-server-ost-6-3-rpms
cost = 1000
enabled = True
Yum treats the values True and 1 as equivalent. As a result the output on your
system may instead contain this string:
enabled = 1
5. Run the yum repolist command. This command ensures that the repository configuration file
/etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo exists and is up to date.
# yum repolist
Once repository metadata has been downloaded and examined, the list of repositories enabled
will be displayed, along with the number of available packages.
repo id repo name status
rhel-6-server-rpms Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server (RPMs) 8,816
rhel-server-ost-6-3-rpms Red Hat OpenStack 3 (RPMs) 138
repolist: 10,058
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The output displayed in this step may differ from that which appears when you run the yum
repolist command on your system. In particular the number of packages listed will vary if
or when additional packages are added to the repositories.
6. Install the yum-plugin-priorities package. The yum-plugin-priorities package provides a yum plug-in
allowing configuration of per-repository priorities.
# yum install -y yum-plugin-priorities
7. Use the yum-config-manager command to set the priority of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux
OpenStack Platform software repository to 1. This is the highest priority value supported by the
yum-plugin-priorities plug-in.
# yum-config-manager --enable rhel-server-ost-6-3-rpms \
Loaded plugins: product-id
==== repo: rhel-server-ost-6-3-rpms ====
bandwidth = 0
base_persistdir = /var/lib/yum/repos/x86_64/6Server
baseurl =
cache = 0
cachedir = /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6Server/rhel-server-ost-6-3-rpms
cost = 1000
enabled = True
priority = 1
8. Run the yum update command and reboot to ensure that the most up to date packages, including
the kernel, are installed and running.
# yum update -y
# reboot
You have successfully configured your system to receive Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform
packages. You may use the yum repolist command to confirm the repository configuration again at
any time.
Report a bug
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Installing Foreman
2.1. Prerequisites
2.1.1. Configuring the Firewall
The system that will act as the Foreman server must allow incoming network traffic on a number of ports:
TCP port 53
The Foreman server needs to accept DNS requests on this port when provisioning systems.
UDP port 69
The Foreman server needs to accept TFTP requests on this port when provisioning systems.
TCP ports 80 and 443
The Foreman web user interface accepts connections on these ports.
TCP port 8140
The Foreman server accepts connections to Puppet on this port.
Procedure 2.1. Configuring the Firewall
1. Log in to the system that will act as the Foreman server as the root user.
2. Open the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file in a text editor.
3. Add these lines to the file:
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 69 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8140 -j ACCEPT
They must appear before this line:
-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
Example 2.1. Foreman Server Firewall Configuration File
This is an example of a default Red Hat Enterprise Linux firewall configuration that has been
updated to include rules allowing incoming network traffic on ports 80, 443, and 8140:
# Firewall configuration written by system-config-firewall
# Manual customization of this file is not recommended.
-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 69 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8140 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
-A FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
4. Restart the iptables service:
# service iptables restart
The firewall configuration has been updated to allow incoming network traffic on the ports required by
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2.2. Installing Packages
The Foreman installer is included in the ruby193-openstack-foreman-installer package. Additionally it is
recommended that the ruby193-foreman-selinux package is also installed, allowing SELinux to be run in
enforcing mode on the Foreman server.
Procedure 2.2. Installing Packages
1. Log in to the system that will host the Foreman installation as the root user.
2. Install the ruby193-openstack-foreman-installer and ruby193-foreman-selinux packages.
# yum install -y ruby193-openstack-foreman-installer \
The Foreman installer is now locally installed and ready to run.
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2.3. Configuring the Installer
The Foreman installer sets several environment variables which influence the installation process.
These environment variables must be set with values specific to the target environment before running
Chapter 2. Installing Foreman
the installer.
Procedure 2.3. Configuring the Installer
1. Log in to the system that will host the Foreman installation as the root user.
2. Open the /usr/share/openstack-foreman-installer/bin/foreman_server.sh file in
a text editor.
# vi /usr/share/openstack-foreman-installer/bin/foreman_server.sh
3. Locate the OpenStack configuration keys within the file. The first configuration key listed is
Example 2.2. OpenStack Configuration
#FOREMAN_GATEWAY= (or false for no gateway)
4. Remove the comment character (#) from the start of each line, then edit the value of each
configuration key. These configuration keys will determine the network topology of the OpenStack
environment, once deployed:
The IP address to assign to the Compute controller node on the private OpenStack
Example 2.3. Value for PRIVATE_CONTROLLER_IP
The network interface on the controller node to connect to the private OpenStack
Example 2.4. Values for PRIVATE_INTERFACE
The IP range to associate with the OpenStack private network is defined using Classless
Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation.
Example 2.5. Value for PRIVATE_NETMASK
The IP address to assign to the Compute controller node on the public OpenStack
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Example 2.6. Value for PUBLIC_CONTROLLER_IP
The network interface on the Compute controller node to connect to the public OpenStack
Example 2.7. Values for PUBLIC_INTERFACE
The IP range to associate with the OpenStack public network is defined using Classless
Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation.
Example 2.8. Value for PUBLIC_NETMASK
The IP address of the default gateway on the Foreman network. The nodes will use this
gateway to access installation media during the provisioning process.
Example 2.9. Value for FOREMAN_GATEWAY
If bare metal provisoning is not required then set the value of the
FOREMAN_GATEWAY configuration key to false. The FOREMAN_PROVISIONING
configuration key found elsewhere in the file must also be set to false.
if [ "x$FOREMAN_PROVISIONING" = "x" ]; then
if [ "x$FOREMAN_PROVISIONING" = "x" ]; then
Chapter 2. Installing Foreman
It is possible to use identical network definitions for the OpenStack public and private
network for testing purposes. Such a configuration is not recommended for production
5. Save the file and exit the text editor.
The Foreman installer is now configured and ready for use.
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2.4. Running the Installer
The installer is a script provided by the ruby193-openstack-foreman-installer package for deploying
Foreman. It uses Puppet manifests to deploy Foreman on the local system.
Procedure 2.4. Running the Installer
1. Log in to the system that will host the Foreman installation as the root user.
2. Change to the /usr/share/openstack-foreman-installer/bin/ directory. The installer
must be run from this directory.
# cd /usr/share/openstack-foreman-installer/bin/
3. Run the foreman_server.sh script.
# sh foreman_server.sh
4. A message is displayed indicating that the functionality being deployed is provided as a
Technology Preview:
#################### RED HAT OPENSTACK #####################
Thank you for using the Red Hat OpenStack Foreman Installer!
Please note that this tool is a Technology Preview
For more information about Red hat Technology Previews, see
Press [Enter] to continue
Press the Enter key to indicate that you understand the support ramifications of the Technology
Preview designation and wish to proceed with installation.
5. The installer deploys Foreman using Puppet manifests. This may take a significant amount of
6. A message is displayed once deployment of the Puppet manifests has been completed:
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
Foreman is installed and almost ready for setting up your OpenStack
First, you need to alter a few parameters in Foreman.
Go to the Smart Class Parameters tab and work though each of the parameters
in the left-hand column
Then copy /tmp/foreman_client.sh to your openstack client nodes
Run that script and visit the HOSTS tab in foreman. Pick CONTROLLER
host group for your controller node and COMPUTE host group for the rest
Once puppet runs on the machines, OpenStack is ready!
In the actual output FQDN will have been replaced with the fully qualified domain name of the
system to which Foreman was deployed.
Foreman has been installed successfully.
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Chapter 2. Installing Foreman
Chapter 3. Configuring Foreman
3.1. Changing the Password
By default the Foreman installer creates an administration account with the user name admin and
password changeme. It is highly recommended that users change this password immediately following
Procedure 3.1. Changing the Password
1. Open a web browser either on the Foreman server itself or on a system with network access to
the Foreman server.
2. Browse to https://FQDN/. Replace FQDN with the fully qualified domain name of your Foreman
Example 3.1. Foreman URL
3. The login screen is displayed. Type admin in the Username field and changeme in the
Password field. Click the Login button to log in.
Figure 3.1. Foreman Login Screen
4. The Overview screen is displayed. Select the Admin User My account option in the top right
hand corner of the screen to access account settings.
Figure 3.2. Accessing Account Settings
5. The Edit User screen is displayed. Enter a new password in the Password field.
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
6. Enter the new password again in the Verified field.
7. Click the Submit button to save the change.
The password of the Foreman admin user has been updated.
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3.2. Configuring Installation Media
To support provisioning of bare-metal hosts some additional configuration is required. In particular the
Foreman installation media configuration must be updated to include a path to a local copy of the Red
Hat Enterprise Linux installation media. This installation media will be used when provisioning bare-metal
The installation media must already exist and be accessible using HTTP on the Foreman network. For
more information on preparing installation media for network installation see the Red Hat Enterprise
Linux Installation Guide.
Procedure 3.2. Configuring Installation Media
1. Use a web browser on a system with network access to the Foreman server to open the Foreman
web user interface.
2. Log in using the admin user and the password that was set in Section 3.1, Changing the
3. Click More Provisioning Installation Media in the top right hand corner of the page.
Figure 3.3. Provisioning Menu Items
4. The Installation Media page is displayed. An OpenStack RHEL mirror entry already
exists by default but the associated path is only provided as an example and must be corrected.
Chapter 3. Configuring Foreman
Figure 3.4. Installation Media Page
5. Click the OpenStack RHEL mirror entry.
6. The Edit Medium page is displayed.
7. Update the Path field to contain the URL of a local installation mirror. These variables can be
used in the URL and will be replaced automatically:
The system architecture, for example x86_64.
The operating system version, for example 6.4.
The operating system major version, for example 6.
The operating system minor version, for example 4.
Example 3.2. Path
8. Click Submit to save the updated Path.
The Foreman OpenStack RHEL mirror installation media configuration has been updated.
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3.3. Editing Host Groups
Foreman allows users to override the parameters that will be used when adding new hosts to a host
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
group. In particular the host groups contain parameters for manipulating the passwords that will be used
for a variety of user and service accounts that will be created on hosts that Foreman manages.
It is highly recommended that users edit the value of the admin_password configuration key in
the OpenStack Controller host group. This configuration key determines the password to be used
when logging into the OpenStack dashboard as the admin user.
Procedure 3.3. Editing Host Groups
1. Use a web browser on a system with network access to the Foreman server to open the Foreman
web user interface.
2. Log in using the admin user and the associated password.
3. Click More Configuration Host Groups.
Figure 3.5. The Host Groups Menu Item
4. The Host Groups page is displayed. The available options are:
OpenStack Controller
OpenStack Nova Compute
Click the name of the host group to edit.
5. The Edit page is displayed. Select the Parameters tab.
6. The list of parameters associated with the host group is displayed. For each parameter to be
edited click the associated override button. A text field will appear at the bottom of the page.
Enter the new value for the parameter in the text field.
Figure 3.6. Override Button
Chapter 3. Configuring Foreman
For more information on the available host group parameters see:
Section 3.3.1, Controller Node
Section 3.3.2, Compute Node
7. Repeat the previous step for each parameter in the host group that needs to be edited.
8. Click Submit to save the updated parameter values.
The host group has been updated and the values of the selected parameters have been overridden.
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3.3.1. Controller Node
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
Table 3.1. Controller Node Parameters
Parameter Name Default Value Description
admin_email admin@DOMAIN The email address to associate
with the OpenStack admin user
when it is created using the
Identity service.
admin_password Random The password to associate with
the admin Identity user when it
is created. This is the password
of the user that will be used to
administer the cloud.
cinder_db_password Random The password to associate with
the cinder database user, for
use by the Block Storage
cinder_user_password Random The password to associate with
the cinder Identity service
user, for use by the Block
Storage service.
glance_db_password Random The password to associate with
the glance database user, for
use by the Image Storage
glance_user_password Random The password to associate with
the glance Identity service
user, for use by the Image
Storage service.
horizon_secret_key Random The unique secret key to be
stored in the Dashboard
keystone_admin_token Random The unique administrator token
to be used by the Identity
service. This token can be used
by an administrator to access
the Identity service when normal
user authentication is not
working or not yet configured.
keystone_db_password Random The password to associate with
the keystone database user,
for use by the Identity service.
mysql_root_password Random The password to associate with
the root database user, for
use when administering the
nova_db_password Random The password to associate with
the nova database user, for
use by the Compute service.
nova_user_password Random The password to associate with
the nova Identity service user,
Chapter 3. Configuring Foreman
for use by the Compute service.
verbose true Boolean value indicating
whether or not verbose logging
information must be generated.
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3.3.2. Compute Node
Table 3.2. Compute Node Parameters
Parameter Name Default Value Description
nova_db_password Random The password associated with
the nova database user. This
password must match the value
used for the same field in the
controller host group.
nova_user_password Random The password associated with
the nova Identity service user.
This password must match the
value used for the same field in
the controller host group.
private_interface eth1 The interface to attach to the
private OpenStack network.
public_interface eth2 The interface to attach to the
public OpenStack network.
verbose true Boolean value indicating
whether or not verbose logging
information must be generated.
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Chapter 4. Adding Hosts
To deploy OpenStack on hosts in a Foreman managed environment it is necessary to add the hosts to
Foreman. Hosts are added by either adding the Puppet agent to existing servers or using the PXE boot
provided by Foreman to provision new hosts.
Once the hosts have been added to Foreman they are assigned to one of the host groups defined in
earlier procedures. The host group selected for each host determines which of the provided deployment
templates will be applied to it. Once a host group is selected the associated templates are then applied
to the host when the Puppet agent next connects to Foreman.
To add existing Red Hat Enterprise Linux hosts to Foreman, see Section 4.1, Registering Existing
To provision bare metal hosts and add them to Foreman, see Section 4.2, Provisioning New Hosts.
Once all required hosts are visible from the Foreman web user interface follow the steps outlined in
Section 4.3, Assigning Hosts to assign roles to the hosts and complete deployment.
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4.1. Registering Existing Hosts
The Foreman installer generates a script for registering new hosts. By default this script is saved to the
/tmp/foreman_client.sh file on the Foreman server. The script must be copied to each new host
to facilitate registration with the Foreman server. When run on a new host the script performs these
Installs the augeas and ruby193-puppet packages.
Configures the Puppet agent to access the Foreman server.
Starts the Puppet agent.
Once started the Puppet agent registers the host to Foreman, allowing the host to be managed from the
Foreman user interface.
For the host to be added successfully it must already be registered to receive packages from the
Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat OpenStack software repositories. See Section 1.3.2,
Software Requirements for more information.
Procedure 4.1. Registering Hosts
1. Log in to the Foreman server.
2. Copy the /tmp/foreman_client.sh file from the Foreman server to the new host:
$ scp /tmp/foreman_client.sh USER@IP:DIR
Replace USER with the user to use when logging in to the new host, replace IP with the IP address
or fully qualified domain name of the new host, and replace DIR with the path to the directory in
which the file must be stored on the remote machine. The directory must already exist.
Chapter 4. Adding Hosts
Example 4.1. Copying the Script
$ scp /tmp/foreman_client.sh [email protected]:~/
3. Log in to the new host as the root user.
4. Change into the directory to which the foreman_client.sh script was copied:
# cd DIR
Replace DIR with the path to the directory used when copying the file to the host.
5. Run the foreman_client.sh script:
# sh foreman_client.sh
6. When the script completes successfully the Puppet agent is started and this message is
Starting puppet agent: [ OK ]
7. Use a web browser on a system with network access to the Foreman server to open the Foreman
web user interface.
8. Log in using the admin user and the password that was set in Section 3.1, Changing the
9. Click the Hosts tab.
10. Verify that the newly registered host is listed:
In this example the two hosts listed are:
The Foreman server (foreman.example.com).
The host destined to be the controller node (controller.example.com).
Note that although the fully qualified domain name indicates the role that the new host will take
(controller node) this is not actually determined until the host is assigned to the relevant host
Figure 4.1. Hosts Tab
Repeat this process for all existing hosts that will be included in the OpenStack deployment. See
Section 4.3, Assigning Hosts for information on adding the newly registered hosts to a host group and
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
deploying OpenStack to them.
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4.2. Provisioning New Hosts
Foreman provisions new physical hosts by using networking infrastructure it controls including DHCP,
DNS, PXE, and TFTP services. New physical hosts are added to Foreman by providing the MAC
address associated with the network interface of the system that is connected to the Foreman network
and some other configuration details. The new host will be provisioned using this configuration when it
next starts.
To provision a new host an activation key will be required. An activation key facilitates non-interactive
registration of systems to Red Hat Network or an equivalent service provided by a Red Hat Network
Satellite server. To learn how to create an activation key see
https://access.redhat.com/site/solutions/2474. The activation key must be created with access to both
the Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat OpenStack software repositories listed in Section 1.3.2,
Software Requirements.
Procedure 4.2. Provisioning New Hosts
1. Use a web browser on a system with network access to the Foreman server to open the Foreman
web user interface.
2. Log in using the admin user and associated password.
3. Click the Hosts tab.
4. Click the New Host button.
5. Enter the desired fully qualified domain name for the new host in the Name field.
6. Do not select a Host Group at this time.
7. Click the Network tab. The Network tab contains settings that define the networking
configuration for the new host.
a. Enter the MAC address of the network interface on the physical machine that is connected
to the Foreman network in the MAC address field.
Example 4.2. MAC Address
In this example the ip link command is used to identify the MAC address of the eth0
network interface.
# ip link show eth0
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 00:1a:4a:0f:18:bb brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
The MAC address of the eth0 network device is 00:1a:4a:0f:18:bb.
b. Ensure that the value in the Domain field matches the domain that Foreman is expected to
Example 4.3. Domain
c. Ensure that a subnet is selected in the Subnet field. The IP address field will be
automatically selected based on the subnet selection.
Chapter 4. Adding Hosts
Example 4.4. Subnet
OpenStack (
8. Click the Operating System tab. The Operating System tab contains options for
configuring the operating system installation for the host.
a. Select x86_64 in the Architecture field.
b. Select RedHat 6.4 in the Operating System field.
c. Enter a password for the root user in the Root password field.
It is highly recommended that a secure root password is provided. Strong
passwords contain a mix of uppercase, lowercase, numeric and punctuation
characters. They are six or more characters long and do not contain dictionary
words. Failure to enter a secure root password in this field will result in the default
root password, 123123, being used.
d. Click the Resolve button. Two templates will appear:
OpenStack PXE Template
OpenStack Kickstart Template
9. Click the Parameters tab. The Parameters tab contains settings that will be used to register
the new host to Red Hat Network or a Red Hat Network Satellite server.
A. To configure the host to register to Red Hat Network:
a. Click the Override button next to the satellite_type configuration key. Enter
hosted in the Value field.
b. Click the Override button next to the satellite_host configuration key. Enter
xmlrpc.rhn.redhat.com in the associated Value field.
c. Click the Override button next to the activation_key configuration key. Enter the
Red Hat Network activation key to be used when registering the host in the associated
Value field.
B. To configure the host to register to a Red Hat Network Satellite server:
a. Ensure the satellite_type is set to the default value, site.
b. Click the Override button next to the satellite_host configuration key. Enter the IP
address or fully qualified domain name of the Red Hat Network Satellite server in the
associated Value field.
c. Click the Override button next to the activation_key configuration key. Enter the
Red Hat Network activation key to be used when registering the host in the associated
Value field.
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
If the system is intended to be provisioned using packages from a different location instead
of Red Hat Network or a Red Hat Network Satellite server then the OpenStack
Kickstart Template must be edited. Access the template editor by clicking More
Provisioning Provisioning Templates, selecting the OpenStack Kickstart
Template entry, and removing this line from the template:
<%= snippets "redhat_register" %>
The line must be replaced with environment specific commands suitable for registering the
system and adding equivalent software repositories.
10. Click the Submit button. Foreman will prepare to add the hosts the next time they boot.
11. Ensure network boot (PXE) is enabled on the new host. Instructions for confirming this will be in
the manufacturer instructions for the specific system.
12. Restart the host. The host will retrieve an installation image from the Foreman PXE/TFTP server
and begin the installation process.
13. The host will restart again once installation has completed. Once this occurs use the Foreman
web user interface to verify that the new host appears by clicking the Hosts tab.
Repeat this process for all new hosts that will be added to the OpenStack deployment. See Section 4.3,
Assigning Hosts for information on adding the newly added hosts to a host group and deploying
OpenStack to them.
Once a host has been booted successfully over the network the Foreman server updates the
PXE configuration directory (/var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/) to ensure that future
boots are performed using local boot devices. This ensures that the host does not re-provision
itself when restarted. To re-provision a system that has already been registered to Foreman
Use the web user interface to delete and re-add the host; or
Use the web user interface to view the details of the host and click the Build button.
In either case use the Resolve Templates button on the resultant page to ensure the correct
PXE and Kickstart templates are used. Additionally use this command on the Foreman server
while logged in as the root user to allow the host to register with a new certificate:
# scl enable ruby193 'puppet cert clean HOST'
Replace HOST with the fully qualified domain name of the host.
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4.3. Assigning Hosts
Once client hosts have been registered with Foreman they must be assigned to host groups to allow
Chapter 4. Adding Hosts
installation and configuration of OpenStack. Which host group a host is assigned to defines what role it
performs in the environment and which packages will be deployed.
Procedure 4.3. Assigning Hosts
1. Use a web browser on a system with network access to the Foreman server to open the Foreman
web user interface.
2. Log in using the admin user and associated password.
3. Click the Hosts tab.
4. Select the host from the list displayed in the table.
5. Click the Select Action Change Group option.
In this example one host (controller.example.com) is selected and the options available in
the Select Action menu are visible.
Figure 4.2. Selecting an Action
6. The Change Group window is displayed.
Figure 4.3. The Change Group Window
7. Use the Select host group field to select a host group. The available options are:
OpenStack Controller
OpenStack Nova Compute
Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
If no controller node has been configured yet, select OpenStack Controller, otherwise select
OpenStack Nova Compute to provision compute nodes.
A controller node must be provisioned before attempting to provision a compute node.
Puppet must have completed installation and configuration of the controller node before
compute nodes are deployed.
8. Click the Submit button to save the host group selection.
The host group configuration of the host has been updated. The Puppet agent installed on the host will
connect to Foreman every 30 minutes by default. When the Puppet agent next connects, the host group
change will be detected and the associated configuration changes applied.
Once a controller has been provisioned using the OpenStack Controller host group, repeat the
process to provision each compute node, selecting the OpenStack Nova Compute host group.
To force the Puppet agent to connect to Foreman immediately, log in to the host as the root user
and run this command:
# scl enable ruby193 "puppet agent --test"
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Chapter 4. Adding Hosts
Chapter 5. Logging In
Once at least one controller node and one compute node are successfully installed and configured,
access the user interface with a web browser. Replace HOSTNAME with the host name or IP address of
the server acting as the controller node:
When prompted, log in using the credentials of the admin user. This is the password that was set for
the admin_password configuration key of the controller node ( Section 3.3.1, Controller Node). To
begin using the OpenStack deployment refer to Using OpenStack With the Dashboard in the Getting
Started Guide.
Figure 5.1. Dashboard Login Screen
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Red Hat OpenStack Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Deployment Guide (Foreman Technology Preview)
Revision History
Revision 3.1-2.400 2013-10-31 Rdiger Landmann
Rebuild with publican 4.0.0
Revision 3.1-2 Thu Aug 8 2013 Stephen Gordon
Updated draft.
Revision 3.1-1 Wed Jul 31 2013 Stephen Gordon
BZ#986371 - Added TFTP and DNS firewall rules.
Revision 3.0-1 Wed Jul 10 2013 Stephen Gordon
Initial release.
Revision History

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