Pulmonary Edema

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Pulmonary Edema

by Tom Secrest
Pulmonary edema is caused by an accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space between pulmonary capillaries and lung alveoli. The net effect of
pulmonary edema is hypoxia.
Diffusion Basics:
The factors that influence diffusion consist of [1] the concentration gradient, [] surface area of the diffusible surface, [!] diffusion distance, and [4]
molecular weight "si#e$ of the diffusing substance. %ith regard to pulmonary edema the only factor that changes is diffusion distance. &s the distance between the
pulmonary capillary wall and the alveolar wall increases, due to the increase in pulmonary interstitial fluid, the rate of diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide
decreases. The decreased rate can lead to hypoxia "hypoxemia$.
Circulation Basics:
'ecall that diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide is a function of: [1] the pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure, [] the interstitial fluid hydrostatic
pressure, [!] the plasma oncotic pressure, [(] the interstitial fluid oncotic pressure, [)] the filtration constant of the capillary membranes, [*] the surface area of the
capillary membrane, [+] the viscosity of the filtrate, [,] the membrane thic-ness, and [9] the filtration coefficient of the membrane. .n cardiogenic pulmonary edema,
there is an increase in the pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure. /ost other variables remain relatively constant. 0ormally there is a net inward directed force
across the pulmonary capillary wall, however when outward directed forces "that is the pulmonary hydrostatic pressure and interstitial fluid oncotic pressure$ and
the inward directed forces "that is the interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure and plasma oncotic pressure$ are out of balance, there is a shift from net inward directed
forces to net outward directed forces1 when this happens fluid will begin to accumulate in the pulmonary interstitial space. The fluid increases diffusion distances
and therefore slows the rate of diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into the capillaries.
Pulmonary edema tends to develop slowly because of specific anatomical differences in the vascular system of pulmonary circulation. Two important
features are [1] arterial compliance and [2] capillary recruitment.
&rterial compliance is associated with reduced amounts of smooth muscle in walls of the pulmonary arteries. This feature allows arterial vessels in the
pulmonary circulation to stretch in response to increased pressures in the pulmonary circulation. The increased diameter means that increased pressures in the
pulmonary trun- are dissipated as blood flows towards the pulmonary capillaries, which helps -eep functional capillary pressure near its normal operational value
of about , mm2g.
The second feature is recruitment, which refers to the opening of additional capillary beds in the lungs. %hen a person is at rest, not all pulmonary
capillaries are receiving blood flow at any given moment. &t normal operating pressures, the lungs contain a little more than a third of their maximum capillary
volume "that is, +3 ml, which is normal, relative to a maximum capillary volume of about 33 ml.$ This means that as pulmonary hydrostatic pressures increase,
pulmonary capillary volume increases, which in turn further dissipates any increase in pulmonary pressures. 2owever, as would be expected, these compensation
mechanisms have limits. 4nce these limits are reached, further increases in pulmonary hydrostatic pressure causes an accumulation of fluid in the interstitial
space surrounding the alveoli and pulmonary edema begins.
.n general, treatment is directed at [1] reducing pulmonary hypertension and [2] increasing oxygenation of tissues.
Pulmonary hypertension can be addressed with [1] diuretics which decrease plasma volume and or [2] treatments "either pharmacological or surgical$
intended to improve the pumping efficiency of the left ventricle.
'elieving hypoxia can be done with supplemental oxygen. 5y breathing higher partial pressures of oxygen, the diffusion gradient between alveoli and
pulmonary capillaries is increased which facilitates increased diffusion of oxygen into the blood.

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