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oX F oR D 1\O O K W O R M S LI B R A R Y
Fantasy & Horror
Stage 2 (700 hcadwords)
Series Ediror: J cnnifcr Bnsscrr
Fouudcr Editor: Trici. i Hcdgc
Activitics Editors: [ennifer Basscrr and Alisen Baxrcr
llNIVI".H\1"I v I'IU;S~
Crcat Clarcndon Srrect. Oxord OX2 6DP
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.: -t t, S 111q ' !) :1
1Count Dracula
2 1.un in d.uigcr
,1 lucy in d:tllgcr
4 Lucy's dearh
.I1)N:\III:\N II"I(KI;,I('~ I)IARY
5 Mina in danger
6 Dr.iculu musr die
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Count Dracula
y story begins about seven years ago, in 1875. My
name is J onathan Harker, and 1live and work in
London. My job is to buy and sell houses for other people.
One day a letter arrived for me frorn a very rich man who
lived in Transylvania. He wanted to buy a house in England
and he needed my help. The man was Count Dracula, and 1
agreed to help him.
1found a house for him, and he asked me to take all the
papers for it to Transylvania. 1was not very pleased about
this. 1was planning to get married in the autumn, and 1did
not waur to leave my bcautiful Mina.
'But you must go, J onathan,' she said. 'The Count is rich,
and perhaps he will give you more work later.'
So 1agreed to go. 1did not know rhen of the terrible danger
which waited for me in Transylvania.
And so, on 4th May 1arrived at a lirtletown called Bistritz.
Tr'lIlsylvania wus a srr.uigc and hcauriful country. T1H:rc wcrc
mountains, trees and rivers everywhere. And somewhere high
in the mountains was the Count's home, Cast1e Dracula.l had
six hours to wait before rhe coach carne to take me there, so 1
wcnr inro a link hotel. Insidc rhc hotel it wus warm and
friendly. The people there were all laughing and talking.
'Where are you going?' they asked me.
, ~,
[onathan Harker's Diary
'To ClSrle Dr.icula ;' 1rcplicd,
SlIddeJ 1ly rhc room was silcnt and everyone turned to look
;Hme. 1could not undcrstand why they all J ooked afraid.
'DOJ l'! go rhcrc ,' sornconc s.i id.
'Bll( 1ILI\'l' ((l,' 1;IIIS\\'l'I'l'd. 'I('s busiucss."
Thcy bcgan to ralk aguin, bur thcy wcrc no longer Iaughing.
Slowl y, rhc hotel kccpcrs wifc rook rhc gold cross frorn her
ncck and put it into my hand. 'T ake this,' she said. 'There is
d.uigcr at Casrlc Dracula. Pcrhaps this will help YOLl.'
When rhc coach arrivcd and 1gor inro ir, ;1 crowd of pcople
eame ro w.irch, and 1hca rd rhe word 'vampirc'.
The coach travelled up into rhe mountains. Higher and
highcr it wenr, fastcr and fasrer. The sun was hr ight , but above
(he t rccs t hcrc \I';ISSllO\V ou (he mounr.un iops. '1'hcnsuddculy
the sun went down behind the mountains and everywhere was
dark. In the forest around us, the wolves were howling. It was
a terrible sound.
Suddenly rhe coach stopped. A small carriage carne down
t hc n.urow ro.id 011 t hc righl.h)lIr bl.ick horscs wcrc pulling
ir, and the driver was dressed in black, with a black hat pulled
down over his face.
'Where's the Englishman?' he called. 'I've come from Castle
He looked strangc, standing rherc in the moonlight, and
suddenly 1was afraid. But it was too late. 1could not go back
500n we were on our way to Castle Dracula. The mounrains
wcrc all nround us aud rhc 1110011 wus behind black clouds. 1
A small carriage came down the narrou/ road.on the right .
4 Dracula
Jonathan Harker's Diary
Slowly, the big wooden door opened .
1went into the castle and the Count carefully locked the
door bchind me. He put rhc kcy into his pockct and turned to
go upstairs. 1Eollowed him, and we came to a room where a
wood fire burned brightly. In front of it there was a little table
with food and drink 011 it. The COUl1t asked me to sit down
and eat, but he did not eat with me. Later, we sat and talked
by the fire. His English was very good, and while we talked, 1
had time to look at him carefully. His face was very white, his
ears were like the ears of a cat, and his teeth were strong like
the teeth of an animal. There was hair on his hands and his
fingers were very long. When he touched me, 1was afraid.
It was nearly morning when 1went to bed, and outside, the
wolves were still howling.
Thc ncxr morning I found my hrcakfnsr on thc lirrlc rabie in
front of the fire. Now that it was light, 1could see that Castle
Dracula was old and dirty. 1saw no servants all that day.
The Count did not come to brcakfasr, but there was alettcr
from him on the table.
'Co .inywhcrc in rhc custlc,' ir said, "bur somc of rhc rooms
are lockcd. Do not try to go into thcsc rooms.'
When the Count came back in the evening, he wanted to
know all nhour his ncw house in Eugland.
'Well,' 1began, 'it's a very big house, old and dark, with a
high wall all round it. There are trees everywhere. That's why
the houseis dark. It has a lirtle church too.' And 1showed him
some pictures oE ir.
He was pleased about the church. 'Ah,' he said, 'so 1shall
be near the dead.'
could scc noth ing - but 1cou Id srill hca r the wolves. The horses
wcnr Iasrcr and Iastcr, and rhc driver Iaughed wildly.
Suddcnly the carriage stoppcd. 1opened the door and got
out. At once the carriage drove away and 1was alone in front
of rhc du rk , silcnt castlc. 1stood therc, looking up at it, and
slo wly , rhc hig wooclcn door oponed. A tall m.m stood in front
of me. His hair was white and he was dressed in black from
head ro foot.
"Come in, Mr Harker,' he said. '1 arn Count Dracula.' He
held out his hand and 1took ir. Ir was as cold as ice!
i!.'!f it~,~-~' '..
'.1~1 ,~, \
"~,,,. \'1'
(> J)rtlOdd
[onatbun Harltcr's Diary
1 went over to the
window and looked
out. 1 was high abovc rhc ground. Many of the doors in the
castle were locked. Suddenly, 1understood. 1was a prisoner!
IlLc v c u in j ; t lu: COllIll s a icl , 'YOll m u s r w r ir c lo yOllr
London office and te11 Mr Hawkin that you '11 be here
for another month.'
\'I /C r.i lkcd for a long rime and once 1 fe11asleep. I woke up
suddcnly and found rhe Counr's face near me. The sme11 which
ea me frorn him was terrible. I r was the smell of death.
'You'rc tirccl,' rhc Count said. 'Co to hcd now.' And when
he smilcd , his faee was the face of a wolf.
and 1was afraid. But his
hand touched the gold
eross at my neck and his
faee changed. He took
the mirror from me,
w c nt to t hc windo w,
and a minute later the
mirror was lying in a
l"hollS; llld pic c c hr
below. He did not
speak, but left the room
quickl y. Aud 1 stood
there, and asked myself
why 1could not see this
man in the mirror.
Our business was now f-inished. The Count had all the papers
fur his ncw hUlI SC, ami t hcrc was norhing to kccp me in
Tr :1I1S\"h"; 1I1i; 1 or in (:; ISlk Dr .u u l.i. liut llw <'; Olllll did 1101
w.mr me to [cave. 1 wns alonc wirh him in rhc c.istlc, but 1
ncvcr S;\W him in rhc duyrirnc. 1only saw liim at night whcn he
e.une .ind s.it w ir h me. \YJ ealw.iys ralkcd u n r il rhc m or u in g
and he asked me many qucsrions about England. '1 have plans
to go rhcre mysclf soon,' he said. 'Tell me about sending
rhillgs tu England by ship.' 50 we talked abolir ships and rhe
sea, and 1thought about Mina, and her friend Lucy. Lucy and
her morhcr werc staying by rhe sea, and Mina was planning to
visir rhcrn rhcrc sume rirnc. Stupidly, 1 rold thc Couur abour
There was no mirror in rny bedroorn, but 1 had one with
me,;1 prescnr fr or n Mina. One morning 1was standing in front
of ir all~1 1 w as shn ving. Suddcnly ;1 hand touchcd me and a
voiee said, 'Good lllorning.' The Counr was standing next to
me. He was standing next to me, but 1could not sce him in the
1\1\' h.uic] s lw ok ; 1I1llll"1I1 mvscl l. \)Iood hl'..',; 1I110r u n dow ll
my tacc .md 1saw thar Counr Dracula was watching ir hungrily.
Suddenly he pur out his hand. He had a wild look in his eyes,
The Count's hand touched the
gold cross at my neck.
1am in danger
Jonathan Harher's Diary 9
\\fhen I heard this, 1 went cold. Another month! But what
could 1do? 1worked for Mr Hawkin, and the COU~1t'Sbusiness
was imporrant to him, so if rhe Counr needed me, then 1 had
to sray. 1 wrote 111)' letter, bur 1knew rhat the Count planned
to re.id ir. I co uld not rcll Mr Huwk in rhar 1W;IS;1 prisoucr in
Casrle Dracula!
Thnr evening rhc Counr die! nor sray ;1I1drnlk wirh me, bur
bcforc he lctr rhc roOI11, he turncd to me .uid said , "My yOLlllg
friend, sIeep only in this room or your bedroom. You must
n.-vcr (;dl ;I,~IL'l'pin ;\11\' othcr room in dlL' clsrk. You will he in
d,lllgcr i(yOll do.'
\X!hen he left, 1 went to m)' room, but 1 could not rest and
hq.',;lll In vv.ill, -P\llld thc (;l~tk. \l.uiv of rhc doors wcrc locked,
hur 1 (\11111<1 (lIlL' \\'hiL'h \\',I~upell. I plIshed b.ick rhc door .md
saw rhat there was a window in the room. It was a beautiful
niuhr .uu.l rhc mounr.uns lookcd woudcrful in rhc sofr yellow
lighr of rhc moon. Suddcnly, something moved below me. Ir
was the Counr. Slowly, he carne out of the window - first those
hands, like the hands of an animal, and then his head. He began
tu move clown the wall, head first. With his black cloak around
hirn, he looked like a horrible hlack bird - and 111)' blood ran
cold. \Vhat ll'dS Counr Dracula?
I shivercd, and sat clown for a minute. The room was warm
and fricndlv. 1rhink rhar ma ny years ago it W:1Sa room for the
LIdies of rhc c.isrle, .md 1decidcd uor to go back to 111ycold,
d.irk roorn , bur ro slccp in rhis room. So 1lay down and closed
rhe window 1 saw three beautiful young women. They were
watching me, and talking quietly. 'He is young and strong,'
one of them said.
'Yeso There are kisses for a11of us,' anotheranswered.
1was cxcircd and .ifraid. 1kncw rhar 1wanrcd thosc soft red
mouths to touch me.
One of thc worncn carne nca rer. Her strong white teeth
touchcd my ncck. I closed my cycs and waited. 'Kiss me! Kiss
me!' 1thought.
Suddcnly rhcrc w.is a cry of angcr. Ir was rhc Counr! He
pulled the woman away Irorn me, and her bright blue eyes
1l1\" cvcs.
5uddenly 1felt thar 1 was not alone. In themoonlight from
The Count pulled the woman away from me.
J () I )rtl"//
[on.ttlian I lnrlcrr": Diary
1 I
Two Ilighrs larcr, rhc Counr c.uuc tu me. '\X!rite to Mina," he
said. 'Tell her that your work in Transylvania is finished and
thnr vou urecorninj; homc.'
How p!cased I "vas whcn I hc.ud this! Bur rhcu rhc Couur
snid, 'S;l)' rh.rr yOll are ;H gisrriu" .md pur juuc 29th on rhc
lctrcr. '
1shivcrcd when he said rhis. 1knew then that the Count
pl.mned to kill me on thar day. What could 1do? There was
norhing. I could only wa it and rry to escape. But rhe Count
took awa y all my other clothes and l11ytravel papers, and he
lock cd rhc door of m)' room.
A wcck or two latcr, 1heard noises in the casrle, the sound
of mcn working. 'Perhaps one of them wil! take a letter out of
rhc c.isrlc for me,' I rhough t.
l~ut ir W;lS roo late! It wus .ilrcady junc 29th, .uu] rh.u cvcning
frorn my window I saw thc Count leave thc castle, with my
lcrrcr ro Mina in his h.uid. He w.is going to post ir! I kncw rh.ir
I must do somctlung bctorc ir w.is too late,
V;llllpires CIlI (J IIly comeout al llighl, so I k ncwlila! t hcrc
was no danger during the day. The next morning 1decided to
visit rhe Counr's room to see whar 1could find. To do this 1
had to gct into it by the window. This was possible because
his room was just below my bedroom, and there were little
holes in rhc wal! bctween rhe stones. 1could put my feet in
these, and 1could use the heavy curtains from my window to
hold onro. It was dangcrous, but 1had to try.
Slowly 1moved down the wal!. Once or twice 1almost fel!,
but at last 1found myself in the Count's bedroom.
Thc room was cmpry. Thc Count was not rhcrc, 1lookcd
for the castle keys, but 1could not find thern. Over in one comer
of the room thcre was sorne gold, and on rhe other side of rhe
1'00111 thcrc w.is a big woodcn door. It was open and 1saw rhat
thcre wcrc soruc srairs going down. 1went down rhern, and 1
carne to anothcr door. This was open too, and 1found myself
in a room with a stone fIoor. Slow1y, 1looked around me. There
were about fifty wooden boxes in theroom. They were coffins,
and rhey were fuI! of earth. In one of thern lay rhe Count! 1
could not say if he was dead or asleep. His eyes were open and
looked cold and srony , but his facc did not look like the facc
of adead mano His lips were still very red, but he did not move.
Slowly 1went nearer. 1thought perhaps that he had the castle
keys on him. But when 1looked at those eold, stony eyes, my
blood r.ui culd. Afruid, 1turncd and ruu back to thc window.
1did not stop to think until 1was baek in my room.
Thar night thc Count carne to me again. 'Tomorrow yOll
IlII'IH:dI'edwit h ;\ wild lllger. 1l()okl'L1 .u t hc Couur .uu.l his
eyt'\ wrn: luunuu; wit h ,di IIlc>lil'c:-, 01 hcll.
'Ccr off hirn!' he cricd. 'He's nor for you! Sray away [rorn
him.' r\ sccond latcr, thc worncn wcrc 110 longer thcrc. They
did nor lc.ivc hy rhc door, hur thcy wcrc 110 longcr rhcrcl
1rcrncmber IlO more of rhar nighr. \~hen 1wokc, I W~lS in
bcd in my room. My gold cross lay ou rhc tablc ncxt to me,
bright in the morning SUIl.
1kncw rhcn rhar rhosc womcu were varnpircs, and rhar rhey
w.mrcd my blood.
12 Dr.tcul.t [onutlian Harker's Diary 13
/ 1 1 one of tbe coffins lay tbe Count,
Morning came at last, and 1was still alive. '1 must escape,' 1
thought. But first 1had to get the keys.
Once again, 1went down the wall <111d inro the Counr's room.
1ran down the stairs, to the room with the eoffins.
The Count was there, in his coffin, but he looked younger
and his hair was no longer white. There was blood on his
rnouth, which ran down across his neck. My hands were
shaking, but 1had to touch him, ro look for the keys. 1felt all
over his body, but they weren't there. Suddenly 1wanted to
kill C~)unt Dracula. I took a workman's harnmcr , and began
to bring it down hard on to that horrible, smiling face. But
just then the head turned and the COl111t'Sburning eyes looked
at me. His bloody mouth srnilcd more horribly than cvcr. I
dropped the hammer and stood there, shaking. What could 1
do now?
J ust then 1 heard the sound of voices. The workmen were
coming back. 1hurried back up the stairs to the Count's room.
Below, 1heard the noise of akey. The workmen were opcning
;\ door. So rhcrc W;\S .morhcr door ro rhc outsidc do wn rhcrc! 1
listened carefully, and heard the sound of hammers. They were
getting the coffins rcady for a journey - perhaps to England! 1
remernbered the Count's words about his plans to visit my
1rurncd to run back downsrairs, ro filld this opcn door. Bur
1was too late. A cold wind ran through the casde and, with a
crash, the door at the top of rhe stairs closed and locked itself.
1 could nor gcr back down the stairs.
500n 1saw from the window the heavy carts full of coffins,
\ViII rct urn Wh\SLII\d,' he s;\id - .md 1kncw rh.ir tornorrow
was rhe day of m)' death.
1l.iv d O \\" I\ 011 I\l ) " bcd , bur 1d id nor slccp vcrv wcll. During
rhe nighr 1 hcard wornens voices outside my door, and then
rhe Co unr , saying , '\X/ait. Your time has not yet come.
To m o rro w Il igh r - y O l l (;\11 h uv c h i m rh e l l . ' Th c w o m c n
laughcd, a low, sweet sound, and 1shook with fear.
. .
. . .~~
Lucy in danger
hile J onathan was away, 1was veryunhappy. He did
not write to me often, and when he did, his letters
were strange and very short. 1knew that something was
wrong. But what? Was J onathan in danger? 1thought about
himall the time. Whydidn't he come backto England and to
J Sil/U [rom the uundoio the heavy carts fuLl o] coffins.
1felt better when, at last, I did get a letter from him.
J onathan said that he was coming home and was at Bistritz.
But again it was a short, strange letter. 'Perhaps he's ill. ' 1
Myfriend, Lucy, also wrote to me. '1know that you will be
happyfor me: she wrote. 'Arthur has askedme to marryhim!
lsn't it wonderful? I love himverymuchoHe's awayjust now,
andyou knowthat Mother and 1are staying at Whitby, bythe
sea. Please come andstaywith us, and 1cantell you all about
it. '
~11ll1rhc work mcn clrovc uway. 1was alonc in thc castlc with
rhosc terrible v.unpirc worncn.
While 1W~lS writ ing rhcsc words in Illy diu ry, 1dccidcd whnr .
to do. I must rry to escape. I shull try to get down the wall
outside. The window is high above the ground, but 1have to
rrv. Isha ll rake so me of rhe gold with me- if 1escape, perhaps
it \Viii be hclpful larcr.
If 1die, ir will be bcrrer rhan rhe dearh that waits for me
hcrc, Coodbyc, Mina! Will I cvcr see you agaiu?
Arthur Holmwood loved Lucyvery mucho I was really
pleased to hear her news and I decided to go immediately.
And it would help me not to think about J onathan all the time.
Lucymet me atthe station, and it was wonderful to see her
again. She was full of life andtalked happilyof her plans. 'Oh,
Mina: she said to me. '1amreallyhappy. I love Arthur very
much. '
. .
Mina's Story
But sometimes it was hard for me, because when Lucy
talked of Arthur, I thought of J onathan again.
The weather was good and Lucy and I walked a lot,
sometimes bythe sea, but we often went upto the old church
on the hill.
At night, Lucy and I slept in one room, but sometimes she
walked in her sleep. She began to sleep badly, and her mother
and I decided to lock the bedroom door at night.
Then one day the weather changed. The skywas black and
heavy, and that night there was a terrible storm. Lucy was
very excited by it, and she sat by the window all night and
watched the sea.
The next morning there was aship on the beach.
'Its a Russian ship, from Varna on the Black Sea: Lucv's
servant told us. 'There are coffins on it, and they're full of
earth. And abig black dog jumped off the ship and ran upthe
'And is everyone on the ship alive?' Lucy asked.
'That's the strange thing about it.' the servant replied.
'There was no one on the ship, either dead or alive.'
Everybody in the town was very excited by this strange
ship, but there were no answers to the mystery. And nobody
sawthe big black dog again.
That night I woke upandfound that the bedroom door was
open and l.ucv was not there. I looked for her everywhere in
the house, but I could not find her. 'I'rn afraid for her, I don't
know whv.' I said to her mother.
I knewthat l.ucv sometimes likedto go and sit quietly inthe
churchyard, so I hurried out into the night to look for her. And
I found her. She was sitting in the churchyard, white in the
moonlight, and I thought I saw something dark behind her-
something dark and horrible. Slowly, its head moved nearer
to Lucy. Afraid, I called out, 'Lucy! Lucy!' A white face and
burning red eyes looked up at me - and then, nothing! Lucy
was alone, asleep inthe moonlight. I woke her, and she gave a
little cry. She put her hands to her neck, and I saw that there
were two little drops of blood there.
Lucy u/as sitting in the churchyard, white in the moonlight.
__.~ 1....
After that night Lucy was worse. She left her bed every
night and her lovely face was white. I was afraid for her and
locked the door at night. And I still did not hear from
J onathan. I was unhappy and did not sleep well myself, so
one night I went for a walk alone. 'Lucy will be all right,' I
thought. 'The door is locked. Shecan't get out, and no one can
get in.' But when I came back, I found Lucy by the open
window. 'Lucy!' I cried. But she did not reply. Shewas asleep,
and near her, just outside the open window, there was
something black, like abig bird.
A day or two later, I had a letter. J onathan was ill and in
hospital in Budapest. 'Of course, I must go to him
immediately,' I said to Lucy. I did not want to leave her, but
J onathan was everything to me. 'He needs me,' I said.
And when at last I arrived in Budapest and held J onathan in
my arms, I felt happy. J onathan was very ill but he was
getting better every day. Hedid not want to talk about his time
in Castle Dracula, but he gave me his diary to read. And so I
learnt about Count Dracula and J onathan's terrible adventure
in the castle. But he escaped! And when he fell ill in the
mountains, some workmen found him and took him to the
hospital. Poor J onathan! His face was white and thin, and he
was still very afraid, but now we were together again and
everything was all right.
J onathan and I were married on September 1st, and then
we began our journey home. We arrived back in England on
September 18th, and it was wonderful to be home again.
Everyone looked happy onthat warm autumn evening, when
Mina's Story
we drove through the streets of London. J onathan smiled and
said softly, 'Oh Mina, I love you.'
'1love you, too, J onathan,' I replied. I was truly happy.
And then, suddenly, J onathan's face went white, and he
cried out. He was looking at a carriage, outside a shop. In it
there was a pretty qirl with dark hair. She was waiting for
someone. And near the carriage, watching the pretty girl,
there was aman - atall, thin man, with long white teeth and a
very red mouth. 'lt's the Count!' J onathan cried. 'Here in
'1t'5 the Count!' [onathan cried. 'Here in London!'
I '-
2( )
[ucl: ..... cuar.ls Stor)'
J onathan put his headin his hands andsaid nothing forthe
rest of the journey. I was very afraid for him. Was it really true
- that this horrible Count Dracula was here in London?
When we arrived home, there was a letter from Arthur
Holmwood. Lucy was dead! My dearest Lucy, dead! It could
not betrue!
Later we readthe letter again.
'Soon after you left.' Arthur wrote, 'Lucy began to get
worse. I did not know what to do. I knew only that I must do
something quickly, so I asked our old friend, J ack Seward, to
come andseeher. "He's adoctor:' I thought. "Perhaps hecan
do something to help Lucy." Hecame at once, but in the end
nobody could help poor Lucy, and she died yesterday.'
blood. But how? Was itthrough these two little wounds in her
I decided to send for my old teacher Professor Van Helsing
from Holland. Perhaps hecould help.
Hecame immediately, and when he saw how ill Lucy was,
hesaid, 'We must give her blood at once.'
'She can have my blood!' cried Arthur. 'AII of it - to the last
Van Helsing was right. With Arthur's blood in her, Lucy
began to get better immediately. But before he Ieft, Van
Helsing did one more thing. Hebrought some flowers with a
very strong smell, and he put a circle of them round Lucy's
neck. 'My dear,' hesaid, 'these are garlic flowers. Do not take
them from your necktonight, and do not open your window.'
Van Helsing had to return to Holland for a few days and
before he left. hetold us: 'You must watch Lucy every niqht,
and besure that she wears the garlic flowers.'
Lucv's mother was ill herself - her heart was not strong -
and Arthur had to go back home because his father was
dying. Sofor aweek I watched over Lucy myself at night, and
sometimes, when I sat by her bed, I heard strange noises at
the window. Perhaps it was atree, or the wind, I thought.
I was working at my hospital during the day, and after a
week I was very tired, so one night I did not go to Lucy's
house. I needed to sleep, and I knew that Lucy's mother and
the servants were there. Also, Van Helsing sent new garlic
flowers every day, for Lucy to wear at night.
The next morning at the hospital I had a note from Van
Lucy's death
hen I heard from Arthur the terrible news of Lucy's
strange illness, I went to her immediately. I could see
that she was very ill. She lay in bed all day and didnot move.
She was as white as a ghost and she was very thin.When
night carne. she was afraid to sleep, and in the morning, on
her neckthere were two strange little wounds.
I did not know what was wrong with Lucy. She was losing
J ) r.t rt ti" 23 [acl: Sel{!<i,-d'$ .'1/0'-)'
round to the back of the house and Van Helsing broke the
kitchen window and we went in.
Itwas dark inthe kitchen, but we could seethe bodies ofthe
four servants on the floor. They were not dead, but asleep.
'Someone put something in their drinks.' said Van Helsing.
'Come! We must find Lucy. If we are not too late!'
We ran up to Lucy's room, and stopped outside it. With
white faces andshaking hands, we opened the door softly and
went into the room.
How can I describe what we saw? The bodies of two
women - Lucy and her mother - lay on the bed. The faces of
both women were white, and onthe mother's facethere was a
look of terrible fear. In her hand she heId the flowers from
Lucy's neck, and onthe floor there was glass from the broken
Van Helsing looked down at the two women. 'The poor
mother is dead,' hesaid. 'But for Lucy it is not too late! Goand
wake the servants!'
I ran downstairs to wake them. 'Put her in a hot bath.' Van
Helsing said.
After atime, Lucy began to show some life, and they took
her and put her in awarm bed. Fromtime to time she slept,
but she did not fight to stay alive. She could not eat anything,
and she was very weak. We sent for Arthur, and when he
came, hewas very unhappy. Hisfather was now dead, and he
could seethat Lucy was very, very ill. One of us sat with Lucy
all the time, andthat night Arthur and Van Helsing slept inthe
sitting-room, while I watched over Lucy.
v un I le/sin,!!, [nt! (/ eire/e ()!.!!,arlic {loioers round Lucy's necli,
Helsing. 'Watch Lucy carefully toniqht,' he wrote. '1shall be
with you tomorrow.' But that was now today! The note was
too late!
I did not wait for breakfast, but hurried to the house
immediately. I knocked onthe door, but there was noanswer.
J ust then Van Helsing arrived.
'What happened?' he cried. 'Did you not get my note?
Ouick! Perhaps we are already too late!'
We knocked again, but there was still no answer. We went
2 - + Draculu
When Van Helsing came back up to me at six oclock.
Arthur was still asleep downstairs. Van Helsing went over to
Lucy and looked at her. 'The wounds on her neck have gone,'
hesaid. 'She will soon be dead. Bring Arthur.'
When Arthur and I came back, Lucy opened her lovely eyes.
'Oh, Arthur.' she said softly. 'Kiss me, my love.'
He moved his head nearer to her, but Van Helsing pulled
him back. 'No!' he cried. For a minute, Lucy's face was hard
and angry. She opened her mouth, and her teeth looked very
'Ob, Arihur,' Lucy said softly, 'Kiss me, my lave.'
jack. Seu/ard's Story 25
long and sharp. Then her eyes closed and she slept. Soon she
woke again, took Van Helsing's hand and said softly, 'My true
friend.' And then, quietly, Lucy died.
'She's gone,' said Van Helsing, and Arthur put his head in
his hands and cried.
Later, I went back into Lucy's room, and Van Helsing and I
looked down together at her beautiful face.
'Peor girl,' I said. 'lt is the end.'
'No,' he replied. 'This is only the beginning.'
Some days later there were strange stories in the
newspapers, stories about young children who went out at
night and did not go home until the next morning. And when
they did go home, they talked about a 'beautiful lady'. AII
these children had drops of blood and two little wounds on
their necks.
Van Helsing read these stories, and he brought the paper
round to me. 'What do you think of that?' he asked.
'1don't know,' I said. 'These two little wounds sound like
poor Lucy's wounds, but how can that be?'
Then Van Helsing explained. At first I could not believe it,
and we talked for a long time. At last I said, 'Are you saving
that poor Lucy was killed by a vampire, and that now the
vampire is taking blood from these children too?'
'No,' Van Helsing replied. 'You haven't understood. The
vampire which is taking blood from these children is ... Lucy
I was very angry. 'That's not true!' I cried.
26 Dr.nul.
'Then come with me,' he said. 'And I will show vou.'
So that night he took me to Lucy's tomb. He had the key
and we went inside. I was very afraid. In the dark, with the
dead flowers Iying on Lucy's coffin, the tomb was a terrible
place. Slowly, Van Helsing began to open the coffin, Then he
turnad to me, and said, 'Look.'
I came nearer and looked. The coffin was empty.
For me, it was a terrible surprise, but Van Helsing only
shook his head. 'Now we must wait outside,' he said.
We waited all night. I was cold and afraid, and angry with
myself and with Van Helsing. Then, suddenly, something
white moved inthe trees near the tomb. We went nearer, and
we found a little child on the ground, by the tomb. Van
Helsing held it out to me, and Ilooked at its neck. 'There are no
wounds on the child's neck,' I said.
'No,' Van Helsing replied. 'We are just intime.'
The next day, Van Helsing and I went back into the tomb
again and opened the lid of the coffin. This time Lucy's body
lay there. She died more than a week ago - but she did not
look dead. Her mouth was red and her face was more
beautiful than ever. Then Van Helsing pulled back her mouth
and showed me her long, sharp teeth.
'Now do you believe me?' he said. 'Lucy is now one of the
Un-Dead, and with these teeth she will soon kill one of these
poor little children. We must stop her before she does.' He
stopped for a minute and thought. 'But we must send for
Arthur. He, toa, must see- and believe this.'
Arthur was very unhappy, and also angry. He could not
. I " ( " / . ; . Sciou nl St or- 27
believe that Lucy was now one of the Un-Dead, but inthe end
he agreedto come with us to the tomb.
Itwas just before midnight when we got to the churchyard.
The night was dark, but now andthen, alittle moonlight came
through the clouds. Van Helsing opened the door of the tomb
and we all went in.
'Now, .J ack,' he said to me, 'vou were with me yesterday
afternoon. Was Miss Lucy's body inthat coffin then?'
'It was.' I replied.
Slowly, Van Helsing opened the coffin. Arthur's face was
white when he moved nearer. We all looked down. The coffin
was empty!
For a minute, no one spoke. Then Van Helsing said, 'Now
we must go outside and wait.'
Slowly, Van Helsing opened the coffin.
Itwas good to beoutside again, away from the dark, smelly
tomb. We stood and waited in silence. Then, through the
trees, we saw something white. Itwas moving nearer to us. Its
face was white, its mouth was red, and drops of blood fell
from it. Suddenly it saw us and stopped. It gave us a look of
terrible anger, and Arthur gave a little cry. 'lt's Lucy!'
She smiled. 'Oh, Arthur, come to me. Leave those others,
and come to me, my lave,' she said sweetly.
Arthur took his hands from his face and opened his arms to
her. She was moving nearer to him when Van Helsing ran
between them. and held out his little gold cross. Lucy stopped
and stood back from it. Then, with a look of terrible anger on
her face, she went to the tomb and through the door. The door
was closed, but she went through it!
'Now, Arthur, my friend,' Van Helsing said, 'do you
Arthur put his face in his hands and cried, '1do! Oh, 1do!'
The next day, Arthur, Van Helsing, and I went back to the
tomb. Van Helsing had a bag with him, and when we were in
the tomb, he again opened Lucy's coffin. The body lay there,
horribly beautiful. Arthur was white and he was shaking. 'ls
this really Lucy?' he asked.
'lt is, and it is not. But wait, and you will see the real Lucy
again,' Van Helsing replied.
Hetook from his bag a long piece of wood and a hammer.
Arthur and I stood silent and watched. Then Van Helsing said
to Arthur, 'You loved Lucy. You must bring her backto us. You
must take this piece of wood in your left hand, and the
Jack Seu/ard's Story
hammer in your right hand. Then you must drive the wood
through Lucy's heart. It isn't easy for you, but it will soon be
done. Canyou do this for her?'
'1can,' Arthur replied strongly.
His face was very pale, but he held the piece of wood over
Lucy's heart, and brought the hammer down hard.
Arthur held the piece o] wood ouer Lucy's heart,
and brought the hammer doum hard.
;() J)rdClIIIl
[onathan Harker's Diary
The body turned from side to side and a horrible scream
came from the open red mouth. Arthur did not stop. Harder
and harder he hit the wood with the hammer, until, at last, the
body stopped moving and lay quieto
The hammer fell from Arthur's hand, and he stood there,
white and shaking. Van Helsing went over to him. 'And now
you may kiss her.' he said. 'See! The vampire is dead, and the
real Lucy has come back.'
It was true. Lucv's face was pale and still, but it was now
quiet and restful. Arthur kissed her softly on the mouth, and
then VAn Helsinq closecl the coffin aqain. this time, for ever.
'Now, rny riends.' Van Helsing said. 'vve have only just
begun. We must fincJ the vampire that killed Miss Lucy. It will
be clifficult and danqerous. Will you help me?'
'Ves,' we said. 'We will.'
Mina had another letter, from Proiessor Van Helsing.
ubout rhc time whcn you werc with Lucy at Whitby.'
So the Profcssor carne to scc us at our housc, and we lcarnt
d1l' (1111storv of poor Lucy 's rcnihlc dc.irh. Thcn Mina gave
Van Helsing l11ydiary to read, and he learnt about my time at
Casrlc Dracula. He; was very excited.
'Ah!' he cried. 'Now 1begin to understand so many things!
This Count Dracula - he was the vampire that killed pOOl' Miss
Lucy. Will you help us to find him?'
Of course, Mina and 1agreed to help. When 1saw Count
Dl'acula in London, 1was very afraid, but now 1felt stronger
beca use 1had work to do.
We began at once. Mina went to stay with J ack Seward at
his house, to tell him and Arthur all about the Count, and 1
went to Whitby. 1wanted to find out about the coffins that
were in the ship 011 the night of the storrn - the ship that brought
Count Dracula to England. After many questions, llearnt that
the coffins were now in the Count's house in London.
Mina in danger
OI1lC lhys after Mina got rhe lcrrcr from Arrhur, wirh rhe
news of Lucy's dcarh, she had anorher lerter. This was
frorn Profcssor Van Hclsing, a fricnd of Arthur's. In it he
wrorc, '1 know, frorn your lettcrs to Lucy, thar you were her
dearest friendo I would very much like to rneet you, to talk
jOJlatlllllll-hrl.:..cr's Diary
.i.; f)r<lddd
l hurricc] h;ll'k ro l.ondon ;lIld tu j.ick Scward's housc, \X/hell
rold Van Hclsing rhis ncws, he called us al! together, and
suid , "No w rhe dangcr begins. 1 ha ve learnt much about
vampircs frorn old hooks, and I know that they can come out
only ar night. During rhe day they are like dead bodies and
musr havc a place to hidc. I think that Count Dracula uses his
l'oftins for his lbyti!lle hidillg-places. lf wc e.in filld him in a
coffin , wc can kill him. Bur let's go to his housc tonight. We'lI
pur holv hrc.id in rhc coffins, and rhen rhe Counr cannor ger
b,lll 11110I lu-m. I k'll I lu-u h.iv 110ph' lo hidl' dllrillg rhc
lb}, .md he will be wea ker, and easier to fight when we find
h i111.'
So rh.u 111ght Vnn l-klsing. ,J ;lCk. Art hur, .i nd 1 wcnr out
rogcrhcr ro rhc Counr's housc, Milla, of course, did not come
wirh LIS.I \\1;IS afraid tu lea ve her alone, bur she said thar rhere
\\,;IS more da ngcr for liS rh.u: for hcr.
jack had sorne old keys wirh him, and wirh one of these we
got into rhe house. Ir wns old and dirry, and rhe smel] of blood
\\,;IS l'\'lT\'\\'hlTl'. \Vl' I\';dknl I hrollgh I hl' e'old. cmpt y rooms
and at lasr we found thc coffins.
From his h;lg Van Hclsing took SOIllCholy bread. 'Wc must
pUl ;1l)ieCL'o' Ihis in L';IChcoflin,' he s.ud.
We workcd ha rd. It took a long time to break opcn each
coHin and pur holy hread inside. \X/ewcre just opening the last
coffill whcn V;1I1 Hclsing gave a cry. '\Xle are too late! Thc
Count is coming!'
We looked up from our work and saw Count Dracula. He
carne through the dark room like a black cloud. His angry
facc was whirc amI his cycs hurucd like red fircs. Van Hclsing
held out his gold cross, and the Count stopped. Afraid for our
lives, we ran from the house.
Count Dracula carne through the dark room like a black cloud.
3- +
f) ra'""ltI
'Quick!' cried Van Helsing. 'We musr get back! Now he has
sccn LIS, Mina may he in dangcr!'
My heart nearly stopped when 1 heard this. 'Oh, Mina!' I
cricd silcnrly. '1 cannot losc Mina!'
13urwhcn wc gor hack ro j.ick's housc, cvcryrhing W~IS quieto
1ran upstairs. Thc bcdroorn door was locked. I callcd out to
ll1y fricnds, 'Help me! 011, hclp me!'
Together we broke down rhe door - and then my blood ran
cold. A tall dark man was standing in thc moonlighr, by the
window. In his arrns he hcld my wife, my Mina! Her white
nighrdrcss liad blood on ir, and her face lay againsr Count
Dracula. Blood droppcd frorn his mouth, and he was holding
Mina to hirn tohile she dranl: his blood!
1ran to her and tried ro pull hirn away from her. Van Helsing
ran at the Count and held up his gold cross.
\Xlhen he s.iw rhc cross, Counr Dracula moved back and
droppcd Mina's hody. Shc gave a terrible cry and fcll across
rhc bcd. A cloud movcd across rhe moon , and when rhe 11100n
e.une Irorn bL'hind ir, Counr Dr.icula wus nor rhcrc.
'Oh, Mina, my lovc!' 1cried. 1took her in my arrns. 'What
has huppcncd? Tell us!' 1was wild wirh fear.
M in.t shivcrcd. 'Don 'r [cave me!' shc cricd. 'Oh, picase don 't
lcave me!' Hcr face "vas pa le, and we could see two little
\\UlIIH.IS un hcr ncck . ShL' pur hcr hL'~ldinhcr h~lllds ;1I1dgavL';1
long, terrible scre.uu. 'Sruy with me!' she cried.
And 1held her in m)' arrns unril the first J ight of day showed
in rhc cusr.
Dracula must die
he next day Van Helsing, J ack Seward, Arthur, and 1
mude our plans. Mina was rhcrc too. Shc was very pale,
but she wantcd to help us. We knew tha t we had to kll
Dracula beforc Mina died.
'If we don't,' Van Helsing said, 'Mina will die and will be a
vampire for ever. 1have been back to the Count's house this
morning, and the last coffin has gone. We must find it. Count
Dracula will be in it during the day. If we can find him before
dark, we can kill him.'
'But where is it now?' 1asked wildly.
Of course, we did not know the answer. But then Mina
spoke. '1feel that 1am half a vampirealready, and sometirnes
strange thoughts come into my head. 1think that these thoughts
are Counr Dracula's. J ust now, when you were speaking, 1
thoughr rhar 1could hear the sound of a ship moving through
water. '
'Of course!' cried Van Helsing. 'Dracula has decided to leave
England! He knows now that we are his enemies and that ir is
dangeroLls for him herc. So he is goingback to Transylvania-
by ship! We must find out which ships left for the Black Sea
l.isr night .'
At the London shipping office we learnt that one ship sailed
for Varna in the Black Sea rhe night before. We also learnt of a
p.isscngcr who arrivcd at the lasr minure - a rall thin man in
black. He had a paje face, burning eyes, and a very red mouth .
.)(l J ir.t.:1" .1
j(}/I.tlJ tIlI J 1.11"1':'1'1"':; 1ii.u
\Ve tool: tbe first train to Galatz, but u/e u/ere toa Late.
We hurried back to our hotel to rell my dear Mina the news,
but we saw that she knew it already, and her face was white
with fear. 'He has gone,' she said quietly, 'and he is taking me
with him. Oh my dear friends! Before 1change into a vampire,
you must kill me! Then you must do what you did to poor
Lucy, to give me rest. Tell me that you will do this for me!'
1 held her hands, but 1 could not speak. I f that day ever
comes, 1don't know how 1shalllive through it.
l.arcr, whilc Mina slept, we rricd to makc ncw plans.
'Sheis right,' said Van Helsing unhappily. 'Our poor Mina
is in great danger. She is already beginning to change - her
teeth are getting longer and sharper, and when the Count reads
her thoughts, her eyes are hard and cold. We must find him
and kill him - before it is too late!'
1can remember litrle of th next few days. 1was wild with
fear and anger. We learnt that the Count's coffin was travelling
by boat up the river, and J ack Seward, Arthur, and 1began to
follow in another boato Van Helsing took my Mina with him
in a carriage, and they began to drive across rhe mountains to
Cnstlc Dracula. When 1 said goodhye to her, 111yheart was
brcaking. Pcrhaps I shall never sce her again.
We fol1owcd the Counr's boat for I ive days, bur wc could
not catch it. Then we learnt from sorne villagers that he was
now rravelling by roud, so we boughr horses and rode like rhe
wind through the night.
By late afternoon on the next day, we were getting near to
Castle Dracula. 'We must ride faster!' 1cried to the others,
The sun was beginning to go down andthen, suddenly, we
r\f1d he h.id wirh him;1long box!
'So,' said Van Helsing. 'The ship will take about thrce weeks
to sail to Varna, hur we will rakc thc train across Europe and
ger thcrc much fastcr. V/e leave tornorrow!'
\'Ve lcfr London on ;1 cold Ocrober da y and four dnys larer
wc wcrc in Varnu. \X 1c mude our pla ns, and waitcd for the ship
tu arrivc. Every day Mina rold us that she could still hear the
sound of water. But thrce weeks went by, and the ship did not
.urivc. Thcu , .ir l.isr , \\'L' h.u] ncws - rhc ship W;lS nor coruiug
to Vurna , and was alrcady at Galatz!
\X Ic took rhe first rrn in to Galatz, bur we were too late. The
box was 110 longer on rhe ship. 'Someone came and took it this
morning,' one of the sailors told us.
.)s f) r.t <" /1/.1
[onatb.tn Ha rlicrs Diar
saw on rhe road in fronr of LI S some men with a cart. And on
rhc b.ick of the cut was rhe coffin.
1had only one thought in my head - to kill the varnpire, to
tinish hiIIIfar evcr. A rrhur and J ack were right behind mewhen
I .!.()Ilo t lu: c.ur . I jlllllj1ell roru 111)' h(l!"sl' onro t lu: c.ur , .incl
whilc juck and Arthur fought thc driver and the orher men, 1
pushcc] rhc coffin rothe groul1d, Ir fell .ind brokc open. Counr
Dr.icnla 1:1)' tlu-rc, ~1I1d rhc l.isr lighr trom rhc SUIl cll UIl his
terrible face. His eyes burned red and they looked at me in
hate. I n afew seconds, when rhe sun went down, he would be
free to move. 1 jumped down to the ground, held my knife
high over his heart, and brought it down as hard as 1could. I t
wcut straight throllgh t hc v.uupirc'x hc.irt . Counr Dracula !2.~lve
a horrible scream, and rhen lay quieto I n the sarne second the
sun went down, and when we looked into the coffin again, ir
was cmpry ...
1[umped dou/n to the ground, and held my knife high ouer his heart .
-tU Dracula
Abovc LIS UIl thc hill was Casrlc Dracula , ami SOOI1 we saw
Vun I-klsillg. He hurricd do wn thc hill tu LIS, ami l11ydca r Mina
wus with him. I ran to her and took her in my arrns. Her lovely
face wa s hright and happy again. 'Ir's all right, my love,' she
said softly. '\Ve found rhe tombs of the three vampire women.
Thcv c.uinor hurt LIS 1l0W, and Dracula is dead at lasr! We can
begill tu livc agaiu.'
---" " ' .~ ~ ~ ,~
beeome (past tense beeame) to ehange and begin to be
believe to think that something is true
earriage a kind of 'ear' pulled by horses, for earryng people
cart a kind of open 'car ' pulled by horscs, for carrying people
or things
castlc a big strong building thar can kccp cncmicsout
churehyard a place by a church where dead people le under
thc ground
cloak a big loose coat, with no sleeves for the arrns
coach a large kind of 'car' pulled by horses, for carrying people
eoffin a box in which a dead person lies
Count a title for a nobleman in so me countries
curtain a piece of cloth thar covers a window
earth dirt from the ground
fear (n) you feel rhis way when you are afraid
frightened very afraid
garlie a plant wirh white flowers and a strong taste and smell,
which is uscd in cooking
h.unmcr (11) a hc.ivy roo l uscc] for hilling rhings (c.g, nnils into
a wall)
h.irc (11) ver)' xrron]; dislike; opposirc of ' Iovc'
hcart t hc t11111t;insidc yOllr chcst , r h.ir puxlics ihc hloocl rouud
the body
hell the place where bad pcoplc go after they are dead
holy speci;J bcc.msc ir is [rorn rhc church
horrible vcry b.ul, terrible; IlIakillt; you vcry afraid or uuha ppy
howl (u) to make a long, 101ld crying sound
'\\'" ',lIt!,,,<.;,itt/() /it,' ,t,<.;,.Iil/,

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