WWW Socialistworker Co Uk

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Jobs, pay, pensions...

fujitsu strike is a
battle for us all
crucial strike begins this The company is still taking an less time for action before they make
week at Fujitsu. The UNITE aggressive stance. It has rejected the staff redundant on 11 December and
union has called the first pension proposals from representatives end pension consultation. 
strikes in its campaign over jobs, pay and has been notifying hundreds of staff Members of both unions should
and pensions.  that they are provisionally selected for avoid falling for time-wasting or
Workers across the UK will strike on redundancy.  “divide and rule” tactics.
Thursday 12, Friday 13 and Monday But there are signs that the company The best chance for Fujitsu staff
16 November in what will be the first is worried about the potential action and to get a good result on jobs, pay and
nationwide strike in the IT industry.  its effects on clients.  Fujitsu recently pensions is to make the industrial
Fujitsu, a highly profitable firm, said it would delay the closure of the action called by UNITE as effective as
cancelled pay rises in March shortly pension scheme by a year. This is a step possible. And Fujitsu workers are not
before they were due to take effect. forward, but not enough.  alone in their battle.
Bosses did this even where they had
agreed a pay deal with the union.  Don’t be divided United resistance
Then in May the company announced Management are trying to divide UNITE In recent weeks tens of thousands
its intention to close the main final salary and PCS. of postal workers and busworkers
pension scheme to current members.  Most PCS members are not in the and hundreds of South Yorkshire
UNITE estimates that this would be pension scheme that Fujitsu is currently firefighters have been on strike over
the equivalent of a 20 percent pay cut trying to close. However, the company attacks on conditions, jobs and pay.
for the 4,000 staff affected.  has revealed that it has a strategy to exit In Leeds bin workers have been out
Even that was not enough. In all its defined benefit pension schemes.  on strike for eight weeks, Brighton
September Fujitsu put 6,000 staff at risk Fujitsu has offered separate talks with bin workers are in the middle of a
of redundancy, with a proposal to cut PCS.  PCS accepted the offer, and has so week of strike action and more than
1,200 jobs across the UK. far not called any industrial action.  250 Superdrug workers are in their
In contrast, Fujitsu did not respond to second week of all out strike. At
A beacon for others UNITE until after the notice of action British Airways 14,000 cabin crew are
Many other companies have done the had been served.  balloting for strikes before Xmas.
same as Fujitsu in proposing to close UNITE is concerned that the company Ordinary workers are refusing to
their final salary (defined benefit) is merely trying to waste time to allow pay for an economic crisis that they
pension schemes, but until now there didn’t make. The unions need to bring
has been very little serious resistance.  together these fights.
The outcome of the Fujitsu dispute Messages of support for
And more action will be needed
is important for employers and workers the Fujitsu workers to: at Fujitsu unless mangement make
across the public and private sector. [email protected] or major concessions. If Fujitsu workers
If profitable companies like Fujitsu to John Wood, 301 Bolton stay strong they could be set to win a
can get away with cutting jobs and Road, Bury, BL8 2NZ. victory not just for them but for every
pensions and freezing pay, it will make worker in the private and public sector.
it even harder for workers elsewhere.
And we know that there are huge cuts
lined up for the public sector by Labour ■ I would like to get Socialist Worker regularly
and Tories alike.
UNITE and PCS have been mounting ■ I want to join the Socialist Workers Party
a joint campaign over jobs, pay and
pensions at Fujitsu, with members of Name.................................................................................................................
both unions returning large majorities
for strike action and action short of
strike in industrial action ballots.  ..........................................................................................................................
Union membership has soared during
the campaign—over a third of UNITE’s Phone.............................................e-mail........................................................ Fujitsu 10/11/09
members at Fujitsu have joined this year
Circulation 020 7819 1171
and people are still joining up to support Return to SW industrial dept PO Box 42184, London
Editorial 020 7819 1180
the strike. SW8 2WD [email protected]

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