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Earliest Known Use of Marine Resources by Neanderthals

Miguel Cortés-Sánchez1, Arturo Morales-Muñiz2, Marı́a D. Simón-Vallejo3, Marı́a C. Lozano-Francisco4,

José L. Vera-Peláez4, Clive Finlayson5,6, Joaquı́n Rodrı́guez-Vidal7, Antonio Delgado-Huertas8,
Francisco J. Jiménez-Espejo8*, Francisca Martı́nez-Ruiz8, M. Aranzazu Martı́nez-Aguirre9, Arturo J.
Pascual-Granged9, M. Mercè Bergadà-Zapata10, Juan F. Gibaja-Bao11, José A. Riquelme-Cantal8, J.
Antonio López-Sáez12, Marta Rodrigo-Gámiz8, Saburo Sakai13, Saiko Sugisaki13, Geraldine Finlayson5,
Darren A. Fa5, Nuno F. Bicho14
1 Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueologı́a, Facultad de Geografı́a e Historia, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain, 2 Laboratorio de Arqueozoologı́a, Departamento de
Biologı́a, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 3 Fundación Cueva de Nerja, Nerja, Malaga, Spain, 4 Museo Municipal Paleontológico de Estepona, Estepona,
Málaga, Spain, 5 The Gibraltar Museum, Gibraltar, United Kingdom, 6 Department of Social Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 7 Departamento de
Geodinámica y Paleontologı́a, Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales, Huelva, Spain, 8 Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Cientı́ficas, Universidad de Granada, Armilla, Granada, Spain, 9 Departamento de Fı́sica Aplicada I, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierı́a Agronómica, Universidad de
Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain, 10 Seminari d’Estudis i Recerques Prehistòriques, Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueologı́a, Facultad de Geografı́a e Historia,
Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 11 Departamento de Arqueologı́a del Spanish Scientific Research Council, Barcelona, Spain, 12 Grupo de Investigación
Arqueobiologı́a, Instituto de Historia, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Spanish Scientific Research Council, Madrid, Spain, 13 Institute of Biogeosciences, Japan
Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan, 14 Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal

Numerous studies along the northern Mediterranean borderland have documented the use of shellfish by Neanderthals but
none of these finds are prior to Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (MIS 3). In this paper we present evidence that gathering and
consumption of mollusks can now be traced back to the lowest level of the archaeological sequence at Bajondillo Cave
(Málaga, Spain), dated during the MIS 6. The paper describes the taxonomical and taphonomical features of the mollusk
assemblages from this level Bj19 and briefly touches upon those retrieved in levels Bj18 (MIS 5) and Bj17 (MIS 4), evidencing a
continuity of the shellfishing activity that reaches to MIS 3. This evidence is substantiated on 29 datings through
radiocarbon, thermoluminescence and U series methods. Obtained dates and paleoenvironmental records from the cave
include isotopic, pollen, lithostratigraphic and sedimentological analyses and they are fully coherent with paleoclimate
conditions expected for the different stages. We conclude that described use of shellfish resources by Neanderthals (H.
neanderthalensis) in Southern Spain started ,150 ka and were almost contemporaneous to Pinnacle Point (South Africa),
when shellfishing is first documented in archaic modern humans.

Citation: Cortés-Sánchez M, Morales-Muñiz A, Simón-Vallejo MD, Lozano-Francisco MC, Vera-Peláez JL, et al. (2011) Earliest Known Use of Marine Resources by
Neanderthals. PLoS ONE 6(9): e24026. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024026
Editor: Carles Lalueza-Fox, Institut de Biologia Evolutiva - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Received July 1, 2011; Accepted August 4, 2011; Published September 14, 2011
Copyright: ß 2011 Cortés-Sánchez et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: The results presented derive from research carried out under the sponsorship of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal) and the
European Science Foundation (III Community Support Framework). F. J. Jiménez-Espejo acknowledges funding from the Institute of Optics (CSIC) ‘‘JAE-Doc’’
postdoctoral program. This work also was funded by Projects CGL2009-07603, CTM2009-07715, CSD2006-00041, CGL2010-15810 (Ministerio de Ciencia e
Innovación), 200800050084447 (MARM), Project RNM 05212, and Research Groups HUM-143 and RNM-0179 (Junta de Andalucı́a). This work is a contribution to
the IGCPs 526 (Risks, Resources, and Record of the Past on the Continental Shelf) and 567 (Earthquake Arqueology and Palaeoseismology). The funders had no
role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction consequence of the restricted visibility [3] of coastal resources, due to

the submergence of the Pleistocene coastlines that took place during
Recent claims that intensive shellfish collecting is a trait of the Holocene Transgression. Alternatively, such dearth may reflect
anatomically modern humans appear to be in conflict with previous an ‘‘economic’’ constraint whereby the low amplitude of the
studies on Neanderthal sites [1]. Indeed documentation of the tides in most of the Mediterranean shores dictates a most restrictive
occurrence of coastal, even marine, animals in Neanderthal sites development of the productive littoral zone, where most of the
dates back to the analyses of Garrod et al. in 1928, at Devil’s Tower, shellfish resources concentrate [4]. In the context of these scenarios,
Gibraltar [2]. Most of this evidence, however, has been gathered the data from Bajondillo Cave, presented here, provide evidence for
over the last decade on the western European rim of the the exploitation of coastal resources by Neanderthals at a much
Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, earlier time than any of those previously reported.
with a concentration of sites on the southern fringe of the latter
(Table 1). Also, with the exception of one controversial site [1], none
of these reports proceed beyond MIS 3, being all post 50 ka. Up The archaeological site of Bajondillo Cave
until now it has been repeatedly entertained, yet impossible to prove, Bajondillo Cave is a ca. 30 m long rock shelter that opens within
that such absence of pre-50 ka data on shellfishing may have been a a 30 m high travertine formation in the city of Torremolinos

PLoS ONE | 1 September 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 9 | e24026

Earliest Use of Marine Resources by Neanderthals

Table 1. Overview of Neanderthal sites with reported mollusk distance to the Mediterranean Sea during the various MIS stages
remains. [5,7]. In particular, it is relevant to remark that during Bj19 such
distance was similar to today’s (ie., 200 m), indicating that humans
did not have to travel far to reach the shore.
Country Region Site References
Results and Discussion
Greece Peloponese Lakonis [62]
Italy Liguria Costa dei Balzi Rossi [63] Archaeological data
Riparo Mocchi The lithic industries from Bj19 (n = 73) are mostly flint
Barma Grande dominated. The techno-typological characteristics of this collec-
tion (Figure 3) place it fully within the Southern Iberian Middle
Latium Grotta dei Moscerini
Paleolithic complex [6]. Flaking technology includes Levallois,
Puglia Grotta dell’Alto
discoidal and Kombewa systems, and among the retouched
Grotta del Cavallo artifacts, one chopper and four flaked retouched tools were found.
Grotta del U’zzo From a functional standpoint, both thermo-alterations, a recurrent
Grotta Mario Bernadini feature on many of the animal remains, and sedimentary
Grotta dei Gigante
conditions have intensively altered the surface of the artifacts.
Temperature-induced changes (ie., cracking, polish, etc.) preclude
Spain Murcia Cueva Perneras [64–65]
a detailed use wear analysis of the lithic industries. Still,
Hoyo de los Pescadores unequivocal use wear has been recorded on at least three items
Cueva de los Aviones from Bj19. The microspatial analysis revealed a direct association
Cueva Antón existing between the dispersion of the lithic assemblages and the
Andalusia Abrigo 3 del Humo [66] faunal remains, mostly on the bottom of Bj19 and its contact with
Abrigo 4 del Humo
Cueva Bajondillo This paper
Archaeozoological data
Gibraltar Devil’s Tower [1]
Associated with the lithic industries of the Bj19 deposit,
Gorham’s Cave [67] intensively fragmented, occasionally butchered and often burned
Vanguard Cave [68] remains of four mammal species (aurochs, red deer, wild goat and
Portugal Algarve Ibn Ammar [69] rabbit), along with nine categories of marine invertebrates, have
Vale Boi [70]
been documented (Table 3): five of the invertebrates were
identified to species level (the barnacle Balanus trigonus, the snail
Estremadura Figueira Brava [71]
Stramonita haemastoma and the bivalves Mytilus galloprovincialis,
Furninha [71] Donacilla cornea and Panopea glycymeris). Two bivalves (Glycymeris sp.
and Thracia sp.) and one barnacle (Balanus sp.) were identified to
genus level, and two mollusk remains to Class level (i.e., marine
snails, Gastropoda). The mussel M. galloprovincialis is the over-
(Málaga, Spain). Located some 250 m from the present-day whelmingly-dominant species at Bj19, both in terms of identified
coastline, in the centre of a sector of the southern Iberian littoral remains and individuals, although the extensive fracturing that
dotted with Neanderthal sites (Figure 1), the cave escaped all these shells exhibit (Figure 4:1–6) dictates that 1,247 remains
high sea stands by virtue of its elevation (+15 m above mean sea should more properly remain identified to family level (i.e.,
level, a.s.l.). Indeed, during MIS 5, the largest of the marine Mytilidae). On the basis of current habitats [8–9], the vast
transgressive episodes in this sector of the Iberian coastline have majority of the marine mollusks would have been collected from
been documented at a maximum of +2 m a.s.l., and the significantly to moderately exposed rocky shores and from sandy
transgressive episode previous to the onset of the archaeological beaches, easily achieved during daily low tides.
sequence at Bajondillo Cave (i.e., MIS 7), reached to a maximum Of particular interest are the contrasting taphonomical
of +4.5 m a.s.l. [5]. For these reasons, none of the stratigraphic signatures of the marine mollusks when compared to their
horizons at Bajondillo Cave could have ever had a marine origin. corresponding terrestrial equivalents. In this way, and despite
The sedimentary sequence at Bajondillo Cave is a 5.4 m high their fragility and generally small size, the shells of the pulmonates
deposit filling a cavity within which 20 archaeological levels appear in good condition and complete for the most part (i.e.,
(Figure 2) with significant anthropological input, that includes an 59% at Bj19; 79% at Bj18 and 64% at Bj17), bearing no traces of
abundance of lithic industries, bones, shells and hearths have alterations suggestive of human manipulation (Figure 4: 15–17).
been recognized. In 1989, when the cave was discovered, the In contrast, almost all of the marine mollusks exhibit intensive
stratigraphic sequence uncovered the seventeen uppermost levels mechanical fracturing, with sharp edges on their shells suggestive
(Bj1–Bj17) after excavation of 5.6 m3 of sediment. In 2000 and of an absence of post-depositional transport, and very few appear
2002, 0.06 m3 of sediment were additionally retrieved during complete (i.e., barely 7% at Bj19). Such fracturing, coupled with
sampling works that uncovered the lowermost three levels (Bj18– the absence of shells eroded by water, indicates that the marine
Bj20). Twenty nine absolute dates obtained through 14C/AMS, mollusks from Bajondillo Cave, and in particular those from
thermoluminescence (TL) and U/Th methods set the chronology Bj19 do not represent ‘‘background fauna’’ from the nearby beach,
of the archaeological sequence [6] and allow one to define a a phenomenon that has recurrently caused problems in the
succession of chrono-cultural episodes that range from the Middle association of early Middle Paleolithic shellfish deposits from the
Paleolithic (MIS 6) to the Neolithic (MIS 1) (Figure 2; Table 2). Mediterranean with paleo-human activities. In addition, a sub-
Given the tectonic stability of the sector of the Iberian coastline stantial percentage of the mussels exhibit burning marks (Figure 4:
where Bajondillo Cave is located, one can reliably estimate its 1–6). These are recorded on 48% of the adult specimens from

PLoS ONE | 2 September 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 9 | e24026

Earliest Use of Marine Resources by Neanderthals

Figure 1. Map of the Iberian Peninsula locating Middle Paleolithic sites with reported finds of marine mollusks.

Bj19, the young mussels never exhibiting such traces. Thermo- Continuity of the shellfishing practice has been also documented
alterations suggest consumption rather than passive burning, given at the level of processing. Fracturing appears to have followed
that in most cases only the outer portions of the shells appear a similar pattern throughout the Middle Paleolithic, aiming at
carbonized and/or flaked. An indirect line of evidence supporting the removal of the densest portions of the shells as is the case of
this same hypothesis is provided by five of the epibiont barnacle the apex in gastropods (Figure 4: 10) and the umbo in bivalves
remains that fire not only detached from the mussel shells but that (Figure 4: 1–7). Consistency is also revealed in the burning marks.
in that process were thoroughly carbonized, as is the case of the In this way, the 55% of the adult mussels from Bj18 that were
four specimens from Bj18 (Figure 4: 8,11) or else calcined, as burned exhibit the same pattern recorded on those from Bj19, and,
happens with the specimen from Bj19 (Figure 4: 12). again, none of the young specimens from Bj18 exhibit thermo-
Unequivocal evidence for the transport of complete specimens alterations. The low number of burned mussels from level Bj17
to the cave in this earliest moment of the occupation is provided by does not lend them to comparison but may simply reflect the
a complete specimen of the fragile Donacilla cornea (Figure 4: 9). scarcity of marine shells therein retrieved (Tables 3, 4). Indeed,
Fine sieving also provided indirect evidence of a transport of fresh one of the prominent features of the marine mollusk assem-
animals in the form of a pearl whose morphometrics identify as blages at Bajondillo Cave is their drastic decline throughout the
deriving from a mussel (Figure 4:14); the excellent state of Middle Paleolithic. Such decline, reaching to MIS 3 -a stage not
preservation of this fragile specimen reinforces the notion of a lack considered in our paper due to its abundant documentation of
of long distance transport. Mussel shells with pearls in formation Neanderthal shell collecting activities in the northern Mediterra-
have been also occasionally retrieved from this same level (Figure 4: nean (paper in preparation) contrasts with the increase in the
13). number of lithic implements (Table 4), and as these incorporate
Marine mollusk gathering at Bajondillo Cave appears by no tens of thousands of items throughout the sequence, we are
means restricted to this early moment of the Mousterian that level positive that the drop in shellfish remains does not reflect a less
Bj19 represents. The presence of 590 marine shell fragments at Bj18 intensive occupation of the cave. The single one factor that best
and Bj17, representing a minimum number of 19 individuals, hints correlates with this decline is the increasing distance of the cave
at the prevalence of a practice that reached up to MIS 4, and to the coast. That distance reached to ca. 2.5 km in Bj18 (MIS 5)
where mussels kept on being the main cropped taxon (Table 3). and went up to ca. 8.0 km in Bj17 (MIS 4) [6]. Studies carried out

PLoS ONE | 3 September 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 9 | e24026

Earliest Use of Marine Resources by Neanderthals

Figure 2. Bajondillo Cave: Overview of records from the chronostratigraphical sequence (techno-typological sequence taken from

on shellfish transport by H. sapiens evidence that foragers rarely each other. In addition, 234U/238U activity ratios in the bone
carry shell over more than 5–10 km [10–11]. One can thus samples are similar, though slightly higher, to those found in the
postulate that at Bj17 Bajondillo Cave was reaching that distance carbonate samples from the same area.
threshold from the shore above which remains of seashells were As can be seen, EU ages are much younger than the expected
more likely to be left on the beach than be transported back to ages, even when one considers that two of them are in the range of
the site. expected concordance (#50 ka). As expected, LU4 ages are
Combined [11–12], the heavy incidence of burning, the younger than LU84 ages, and the later are concordant with TL
selection of particular species common in shell middens (as ages as well as with an U/Th age taken at the bottom of the
opposed to beach deposits), the selective burning and fracture sequence (i.e., 147 ka). These data evidence that the bones have
patterns, the presence of intact fragile shells, together with the been continuously absorbing U isotopes. The similarity in the
association with lithics and butchered mammal remains, indicate U/238U activity ratios between the bones and carbonates of the
that humans, rather than animals, were the agents responsible for Bajondillo Cave area demonstrates that, by comparison with 238U,
the mollusk accumulations at Bajondillo Cave. U was not preferentially absorbed by bone. Indeed, what these
results evidence is that the mechanism of U uptake by bones in this
Chronology system was produced by a linear uptake of both U isotopes
The Bajondillo Cave chronological sequence is now safely through time.
secured through 29 datings carried out by three different methods The date of the cave’s basal travertine sets the lower limit of this
(i.e., 14C/AMS, TL and U/Th series, Table 2); Six U/Th datings sequence (Table 5). The flowstone overlaying the basal travertine
from levels Bj19, Bj17 and Bj16 were made on bones, with two (Bj20-U/Th: 139.9633–36 ka) is particularly relevant since its
subsamples analyzed per bone (Table 5). Table 5 provides activity synchronicity is statistically identical with that of the lowermost of
concentrations in both mBq/g and activity ratios. In its last three the archaeological levels (i.e., Bj19-U/Th: 150.3610 ka; average
columns, the dates for each bone sample according to each of the from two datings, 1s). The absence of absolute dates from level
three uptake models are given. It should be remarked that U/Th Bj18 does not preclude its assignment to MIS 5 as the depositional
datings are coincident with TL datings carried out on a flint conditions of the sediments and the pollen indicate a moment of
artefact from level Bj17 (MAD2473) and on another flint artefact climatic amelioration that would have been in all cases previous to
plus its carbonate encrusting from Bj16 [i.e., MAD2383 (carbon- 95 ka (Figures 2, 5; see Materials and Methods).
ate) and MAD2392 (flint)] (Figure 2, Table 2).
The data on Table 5 evidence that U and Th concentrations in Isotopic and geochemical records
the two subsamples from each bone are quite similar considering In order to test the consistency and coherence, both chrono-
the error bars (1s) and provide nominal ages concordant with logical and contextual, of the Bj19 archaeological deposit, a series

PLoS ONE | 4 September 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 9 | e24026

Earliest Use of Marine Resources by Neanderthals

Table 2. Radiocarbon (14C/AMS), Thermoluminescence (TL) and Uranium/Thorium (U/Th) dates from Bajondillo Cave.

Level U/Th (8 dates) TL (13 dates) AMS (8 dates) Material Laboratory

Bj0–Bj2 - - - - -
Bj3 - - 7475680 Charcoal Ua-18269
Bj4 - - 7325665 Charcoal Ua-21999
Bj5 - - - - -
Bj6 - - - - -
Bj7 - 1643861497 - Carbonate MAD-3927
Bj8 - 1758261521 - Carbonate MAF-3926
Bj9 - 1870162154 - Flint MAD-2405
- - 199906480 Flint AA34710
Bj10 - 2434462653 - Flint MAD-2470
Bj11 - 2601362777 - Flint MAD-2482
- 2801962334 - Flint MAD-2559
- - 3369061195 Sediment Ua-17150
- - 3277061065 Sediment Ua-18050
Bj13 - 2853265319 - Carbonate MAD-2377
- - 3700561790 - Ua-18270
Bj14 - - .40000 - Ua-16859
- 2855162909 - Flint MAD-2463
Bj15 - - 291656725 Charcoal Ua-18051
- 3584763570 - Flint MAD-2446
- 3177562598 - Carbonate MAD-2410
3918364.620 Carb. Flint MAD-2383
Bj16 - 3998362710 - Carb. Flint MAD-2392
4200063700 - - Bone MA0506-1
3690062800 - - Bone MA0506-2
Bj17 - 6450066360 - Flint MAD-2473
6580064200 - Bone MA0505-2
7310063800 - - Bone MA0505-1
Bj18 - - - - -
Bj19 14940069600 - - Bone MA0507-2
151200614600 - - Bone MA0507-1
Bj20 139900633000–26000 - - Stalag.Crust CERAK-6483
Travertine 14700069200–8500 - - Travertine CERAK-6484


of isotopic studies were carried out (see Materials and Methods for values and the sedimentary facies at Bajondillo Cave are also
details): coherent, evidencing positive values in rich gelifracted levels
generated during cold and arid episodes, and negative values
a) d13C values: these ranged between 229% to 223%, typical during moments of active travertine formation. The postu-
for C3 plants in soils [13]. The most negative values roughly lated humid conditions during the Holocene and MIS 5
corresponded to the Holocene and the MIS 5 and MIS 6 inferred from the d13C values are also coherent with
stages whereas enrichments in the heavy carbon isotope independent paleotemperature and paleohumidity records
fraction corresponded to MIS 2, MIS 3 and MIS 4 (Figure 2). in this region such as the deep-sea cores on the Sea of
Sharp variations in d13C values during the various marine Alboran [14] and speleothems formed during the MIS 6 to
isotopic stages link with abrupt climatic events that in MIS 2 stages [15].
addition to Heinrich events, include the Dansgaard-Oeschger b) As has been evidenced in other regions, the amplitudes of the
cold stadial and the relatively warm interstadial cycles during isotopic variations in our recent specimens of M. galloprovin-
the glacial isotopic periods. The d13C trend plotted to the age cialis correspond to the annual amplitude of the surface
(Figure 2) showed a clear correlation with our palynological seawater temperature in the area [16]. In the case of the
data and corroborated the climatic influence on the d13C archaeological specimens (Figure 6), values clearly reflected
signal. Although the temporal resolution of cave deposits is cold and salty seawater conditions, in the case of the glacial
generally considered to be coarse when compared with other MIS 4, MIS 3 and MIS 2 stages, and the warmer conditions
paleoclimatic records, the correlations between the d13C that are associated with the terminal MIS 6, and the MIS 5

PLoS ONE | 5 September 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 9 | e24026

Earliest Use of Marine Resources by Neanderthals

Figure 3. Lithic industries from Bj19. Retouched tools (1–4, 6, 10), Flakes (5, 7–9, 12), Levallois core (13), Thermoaltered items (6,12,14). All pieces
executed in flint except no. 10 (quartzite).

and MIS 1 stages. The recorded M. galloprovincialis values of shifts, rather than global isotopic seawater changes [19]. For
ca. 3.5% from Bj17 (MIS 4) and Bj5 (Early Holocene) are these reasons, the isotopic data are in agreement with both
comparable to Late Holocene values of M. galloprovincialis the dates of the levels where the samples were taken and with
from the North Atlantic (i.e., ca. 3.0%) [17]. The major shift previously studied regional paleo-environmental proxies.
in the isotopic values recorded for Bj4-3 would correspond Most important is the fact that the oxygen isotopic data
with an approximate age of 7.4 cal ka BP. Such intra- provided by the shells sampled from Bajondillo Cave (Bj19-17)
Holocene variation is coherent with the last of the major evidence that these were contemporaneous with the deposits
oceanographic reconfigurations that occurred in the western in which they were retrieved.
Mediterranean at that time [18–19], and conforms with the c) Microstratigraphic studies at Bajondillo Cave point to a
prevalence of cold faunas in the region during the early progressive increase in the eolian input in levels Bj11, Bj9-8 [6]
Holocene [20–21]. The variability also indicates that isotopic that contrasts with levels Bj3, Bj5, Bj15, Bj17 and Bj19, where
variation within this coastal fauna reflects local water mass no eolian sand-rich layers have been detected. For such

PLoS ONE | 6 September 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 9 | e24026

Earliest Use of Marine Resources by Neanderthals

Table 3. Continental and marine (bold) shellfish species from eolian inputs were not described by the microstratigraphic
Bajondillo Cave levels 19-17. study (Figure 7).

Similar La/Lu variations can be observed in the nearby marine

sediments studied in previous analyses. In this way, during glacial
periods, the La/Lu ratio featured low values in the marine
Melanopsis laevigata (Lamarck, 1822) 4 4 sediments from site 300G on the Alboran Sea (Figure 8). Given
Iberus marmoratus (Férussac, 1821) 1 1 that an increase in La/Lu values develops during Heinrich events
Rumina decollata (Linné, 1758) 1 1 that represent cold and arid episodes with intense atmospheric
circulation [22], the high La/Lu ratios can be probably linked
Theba pisana (Müller, 1774) 2 2
with changes taking place in the Saharan eolian source. Indeed,
Xerotricha sp. 1 1
radiogenic isotope studies on marine cores from the western
Helicidae sp. 2 2 Mediterranean Sea identify the Southern Sahara/Sahelian region
Mytilus galloprovincial. (Lamarck, 1819) 94 3 as the main eolian source during MIS 2, MIS 3, MIS 4 and MIS 6,
Acanthocardia tuberculata (Linné, 1758) 1 1 and the Northern Sahara during MIS 1 and MIS 5 [23]. In
Callista chione (Linné, 1758) 1 1
addition, the high La/Lu values obtained for the eolian deposits
inside the cave appear to take place almost directly and
TOTAL Bajondillo 17 107 16 319
concurrently with low levels of anthropic artifacts.
Melanopsis laevigata (Lamarck, 1822) 11 11 In conclusion, and despite the limitations of cave deposits as
Rumina decollata (Linné, 1758) 10 10 paleoclimatological records, the high La/Lu ratios are associated
Succinea putris (Linné, 1758) 1 1 with eolian inputs deposited during glacial periods (i.e., MIS 2 and
Vitrea sp. 1 1 MIS 3) when a less intense occupation is documented at Bajondillo
Cave and glacial and arid conditions prevailed.
Otala lactea (Müller, 1774) 2 2
Cecilioides acicula (Müller, 1774) 3 3
Pollen record
Theba pisana (Müller, 1774) 3 3
The palinological record (Figure 5) shows that Bj19 is dominated
Bitynia tentaculata (Linné, 1758) 15 15 by Mediterranean taxa, mainly evergreen Quercus, pines, and
Helicidae sp. 6 6 elements from the xerothermophilous maquis. The presence of
Mytilus galloprovincial. (Lamarck, 1819) 496 10 mesophilous trees and of hydrophilous taxa suggests a cold to
Balanus sp. 4 4
temperate and dry to sub-humid climate. Pollen spectra from Bj18
exhibit a similar pattern, with a slight reduction of the steppe taxa
TOTAL Bajondillo 18 552 66 91
and an appearance of significant thermophilous taxa such as
Melanopsis laevigata (Lamarck, 1822) 11 11 Cosentinia, Withania and Selaginella denticulate. This suggests temper-
Iberus marmoratus (Férussac, 1821) 1 1 ate to thermic and sub-humid conditions. The glacial period that
Succinea putris (Linné, 1758) 2 2 corresponds to Bj17 is characterized by a marked increase of the
Cecilioides acicula (Müller, 1774) 1 1 steppe taxa and of the Poaceae, a marked decrease in the arboreal
cover of evergreen oaks, and the disappearance of humid (i.e.,
Theba pisana (Müller, 1774) 3 3
mesophilous trees and hydro-hygrophilus taxa) and thermic
Helicidae sp. 7 7 (Cosentinia, Withania and Selaginella denticulata) elements, indicating
Rumina decollata (Linné, 1758) 10 10 the existence of very cold and arid conditions.
Otala lactea (Müller, 1774) 1 1
Stramonita haemastoma (Linné, 1758) 1 1 Synthesis and implications
Balanus trigonus (Dawin, 1854) 2 2 It has been recently claimed that the expansion of the diet
Balanus sp. 3 3
to incorporate foods of marine origin constitutes a key adaptation
of modern humans (Homo sapiens) and a reflection of a major
Gastropoda 2 2
shift taking place in the cognitive capabilities of the species
Donacilla cornea (Poli, 1795) 1 1 [24–29]. In addition, this coastal adaptation, exemplified by
Glycymeris sp. 5 3 marine mollusk exploitation, has been postulated as crucial to a
Mytilus galloprovincial. (Lamarck 1819) 1305 29 potential coastal route of modern humans out of Africa to Asia via
Thracia? sp. 1 1
the Red Sea after ,120 ka [30–31]. However, the earliest
evidence reveals that coastal resource exploitation was already
Panopea glycimeris (von Born, 1778) 1 1
present 164 ka in Pinnacle Point, South Africa [25,29,32], long
Pisium casertatum (Poli, 1791) 1 1 before these migrations took place, and the claims that inten-
Pearl 1 - sive shellfish collecting is a trait of modern humans disregard
TOTAL Bajondillo 19 1359 80 73 those studies documenting Neanderthal use of shellfish during
MIS 3 [1].
NR: Number of rest. NISP: Number of individual species. LI: number of lithic The chronological data from Bj19 presented in this paper
confirm the existence of shellfish gathering at Bajondillo Cave as
early as ca. 150 ka BP (MIS 6). Such a statement derives from the
coherence of the archaeological sequence substantiated on 29
reason, a detailed sampling was undertaken in all these levels datings through radiocarbon, TL and U series methods. Different
to geochemically typify the nature of the eolian input. Our proxies (e.g., pollen, isotopic content, detrital elements and
results evidence an increase in the La/Lu ratio for the sand- lithostratigraphic features) have been studied at Bajondillo Cave
rich levels and low La/Lu values at Bj17 and Bj19, where allowing to reconstruct paleoenviromental conditions during cave

PLoS ONE | 7 September 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 9 | e24026

Earliest Use of Marine Resources by Neanderthals

Figure 4. Marine mollusks and barnacles from Bj19. Mytilus galloprovincialis (1–6), Glycymeris sp (7), Balanus trigonus (8,11–12), Donacilla cornea
(9), Stramonita haemastoma (10), Pearls of M. galloprovincialis (13–14), Melanopsis laevigata (15), Rumina decollate (16), Iberus marmoratus (17),
Fragments of M. galloprovincialis (18).

occupation. In addition, d18O values of the bivalve shells and d13C extraordinary, given the use of stones for breaking open oysters,
values from organic matter (i.e., C3 plant remains) in the soil, crabs and other coastal fauna by certain primates in Asia, first
together with inorganic proxies (La/Lu ratio) measured in the documented by Carpenter in 1887 and ‘‘rediscovered’’ in the
detrital fraction from levels Bj19-17, appear fully consistent with aftermath of the 2004 tsunami [33–34].
environmental conditions associated with MIS 6-MIS 4 stages in From such a perspective, and although undisputable evidence is
the region (Figure 2). presently lacking, it might well be that early hominids started
The data presented provide compelling evidence that shellfish exploiting marine mollusks along the Mediterranean shores as
harvesting was part of the Neanderthal trophic niche at essentially early as the Middle Pleistocene. Reflecting on it, as well as on data
the same time when Modern Humans were also exploiting the such as the 800 ka-old stone tools from the island of Flores [35–
coast in South Africa [25–29,32]. Although such behavioural 36], the contraction of Neanderthal populations [37] after this first
convergence may strike some as remarkable it is probably far from documentation of their adaptation to the coast runs counter to

PLoS ONE | 8 September 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 9 | e24026

Earliest Use of Marine Resources by Neanderthals

Table 4. Estimated densities of shellfish and lithic industries from Bajondillo Cave.

NR Marine NISP Marine Lithic industries Lithic industries/

m2 m3 NR NISP Shells/m2 Shells/m3 remains Lithic industries/m2 m3

Bj17 0.62 0.031

Bj18 0.15 0.0075
Bj19 0.24 0.017
Bj17 Continental shellls 11 11 17.7 354.8
Bj17 Marine shells 96 5 154.8 161.3
Bj17 Total 107 16 172.6 516.1 319 514.5 10290.3
Bj18 Continental shells 52 52 346.7 6933.3
Bj18 Marine shells 500 14 3333.3 1866.7
Bj18 Total 552 66 3680.0 1866.7 91 606.7 12133.3
Bj19 Continental shells 37 37 154.2 2176.5
Bj19 Marine shells 1322 41 5508.3 2411.8
Bj19 Total 1359 78 5662.5 4587.3 73 304.2 4291.1

2 3
Excavated areas (m ) and volumes (m ). NR: Number of rest. NISP: Number of individual species.

some of the expectations of the proposed model of territorial to the appropriate specialist for analysis (lithics, mammals,
expansion for modern humans out of Africa. shellfish, etc). Lithics were analysed by a combination of
The coincidence of dates at Bajondillo Cave with those from typological, technological, raw material, use wear analysis and
Pinnacle Point in South Africa, suggest that shellfish gathering metrical variables from a database. Shellfish and mammals were
reveals yet another case where Neanderthals and Modern Humans identified by comparison to known modern specimens. No portion
might have been following parallel behavioural trajectories, with of any artifact image was retouched or otherwise edited.
different evolutionary outcomes. For that reason, and also because Archaeological and stratigraphic interpretations were derived
shellfish gathering appears to be totally disconnected from the from a combination of field-based, macro-stratigraphic observa-
symbolic sphere, those data reinforce our suspicion that the coastal tions, computer analysis of mapped stratigraphic units, analyses of
adaptation, however important it might have been at the local plotted find distributions, and micromorphology.
level of specific populations, may be yet another overrated The paleoclimatic interpretation is based on a combination of
phenomenon in the list of behaviors long considered to represent geomorphological, sedimentary micromorphology, pollen, geo-
modernity [24,30–31,38]. chemical, isotopic, stratigraphic and chronological data. Notewor-
thy is the fact that the archaeological materials presented as
Materials and Methods well as 28 of the 29 available datings (Table 2), the 22 sedi-
mentary micromorphology samples, 114 pollen samples, and the
Archaeological Methods 156 samples selected for geochemical and isotopic analyses
Sediment volumes were measured during excavation, and bulk
(Figure 2), all derive from the same profile and from a restricted
samples of sediment were taken from every unique stratigraphic
sector of Bajondillo Cave, allowing for a very fine correlation of
unit. All observed finds were located in three dimensions, whereas
the various data sets.
the rest were sequentially captured by nested 10-mmR5-mmR2-
mm and 1-mmR0.5-mmR0.1-mm dry-sieving. Screened mate-
rials were packed in plastic bags and transported to the laboratory. Pollen analysis methods
Remains of archaeological materials each have their specific A total of 114 samples were analyzed. The pollen diagram
labelling system. Finds were sorted in the laboratory and provided (Figures 2, 5) comprises, for each sample, a minimum of 200 pollen

Table 5. U/Th dates from levels Bj19, Bj17 and Bj16 at Bajondillo Cave.

238 234 230 234

Layer Sample U U Th U/238U 230
Th/234U EU (ka) LU84 (ka) LU4 (ka)

Bj16 MA0506-1 27268 30269 51.262.0 1.11160.017 0.169660.0085 20.161.1 42.0±3.7 21.661.3
MA0506-2 25868 28769 45.261.2 1.11560.019 0.157560.0067 18.660.9 36.9±2.8 19.861.1
TL = 40.062.7 - - - - - - - -
Bj17 MA0505-1 23467 26668 73.061.8 1.13560.017 0.274560.0106 34.661.6 73.1±3.8 37.762.1
MA0505-2 24368 27369 69.361.6 1.12360.019 0.254360.0104 31.761.5 65.8±4.2 34.262.0
TL = 61.566.4 - - - - - - - -
Bj19 MA0507-1 26968 32269 149.967.8 1.19760.018 0.465060.0276 66.565.4 151.2±14.6 76.167.2
MA0507-2 27368 324610 148.864.0 1.18660.018 0.460060.0189 65.663.6 149.4±9.6 74.565.1


PLoS ONE | 9 September 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 9 | e24026

Earliest Use of Marine Resources by Neanderthals

Figure 5. Bajondillo Cave: Pollen sequence from levels Bj19-Bj17.


Figure 6. Stable oxygen isotopic composition of shells from Bajondillo Cave and Malaga coast. Bajondillo Cave: aragonitic and calcitic
mollusk shells and two present-day specimens of Mytilus cf. galloprovencialis from the coast of Malaga.

PLoS ONE | 10 September 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 9 | e24026

Earliest Use of Marine Resources by Neanderthals

ratios of bulk organic matter were measured at the Instituto

Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC-UGR). After carbonate
removal on a 1:1 HCl solution, d13C values of organic matter were
measured in selected samples by means of an EA-IRMS elemental
analyzer connected to a Finnigan MAT 251 mass spectrometer.
Results are expressed in d notation (%), using the international
Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite standard (V-PDB). The standard
deviations are of 0.1% for d13C in organic matter.
The carbon isotopic composition of organic matter reflects the
dynamics of carbon assimilation during photosynthesis and the
isotopic composition of the carbon source, which depends on
environmental conditions [42]. The d13C values of organic matter
in lake sediments are frequently used to distinguish among the
different organic matter sources, in particular between terrestrial
and aquatic plants. They can further differentiate between
different types of land plants (C3 and C4) and be used to measure
algal productivity [43]. In cave sediments, where mainly C3 plants
are present, d13C values can be correlated with humidity. Water
stressed ecosystems are enriched in 13C, reaching up to 222%
when compared with the average C3 value of ca. 227% [12], and
Figure 7. Bulk sediment La/Lu ratios from Bajondillo Cave. Grey this allows for the use of d13C as a paleohumidity proxy [44].
arrows reveal the increase of La/Lu values across eolian sand-rich layers
from Bajondillo Cave. Carbonate shell isotopic analyses
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024026.g007 A total of 32 shells from Bajondillo Cave and two present-day
mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the Malaga coast collected in
grains and 20 recorded taxa to enable statistically reliable 2004 at the Maro-Cerro Gordo Nature Park were analyzed in
inferences [39–40]. The relative values for each taxon, whether order to reveal their oxygen isotopic composition (Table 6). Of the
arboreal, shrub or herbaceous, were obtained from the sum of the former, 12 samples corresponded to mussels from Bj19-17 and Bj5-4
absolute values for each taxon referred to a pollen total. This total (Table 3 and Figure 6), the remaining samples incorporating
does not include hygrophilous taxa, cryptogam spores, undeter- species of both gastropods and bivalves (Table 6). Only adult
mined pollen grains or Cichorioidea because of their hypothetical specimens have been sampled in order to avoid the isotopic
overrepresentation in sedimentary deposits due to their zoophyllic fractionations of kinetic and metabolic origin that affect parts of
character [41]. the shells in the juveniles of many species [45]. XRD analysis
revealed the original aragonitic/calcitic composition in all cases
Organic matter C isotopic analyses evidencing that none of these shells had been altered diageneti-
A total of 96 samples were taken at approximately 5 to 10 cm cally. Four samples were micro-drilled for high resolution
intervals along the entire archeological sequence. Carbon isotope examination.

Figure 8. La/Lu ratio versus age, obtained in bulk sediments from site 300G (Alboran Sea basin). The red line depicts the 3-point
smoothing average. Light grey vertical bars signal cold periods, including Heinrich events (H1–H3) and the 8.2 cal ka BP cold episode.

PLoS ONE | 11 September 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 9 | e24026

Earliest Use of Marine Resources by Neanderthals

Table 6. Stable oxygen isotopic composition of shells from Bajondillo Cave and Malaga coast.

Sample M.g. S.h. P.c. Ib.m. M.t. M.l. Moll. N.c. C.e. Ch.g. Mod. B.t. B. G. A.t. R.d. Gi.

P.D. 0.96 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1.05 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bj1 - 20.34 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - 0.23 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - 21.40 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- 1.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - 1.03 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bj2 - - - 21.41 - 24.87 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bj3 - - - - - - 20.35 - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - 0.63 - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - 22.41 - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - 25.42 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bj4 3.96 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bj5 - - - - - - - - - 2.93 - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - 4.05 - - - - - - -
- - - - - - 1.94 - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - 4.36 - - - - - -
3.57 - - - - - - - - - 3.57 - - - - - - -
3.44 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bj6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 24.31 - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - 3.06 - - - - -
Bj8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.12 - - - -
Bj17 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.91 - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.49 - -
3.44 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bj18 1.72 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1.86 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bj19 21.16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1.98 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
22.20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1.22 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2017 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0.56 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20. 46 -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.99

Codes as follows: P.D.: Two present-day (year 2004) specimens of Mytilus galloprovincialis from the coast of Malaga. Species M.g. (Mytilus galloprovincilis), S.h.
(Stramonita haemastoma), P.c. (Patella caerulea), Ib.m. (Iberus marmoratus), M.t. (Monodonta turbinata), M.l. (Melanopsis laevigata), Moll. (Mollusk sp), N.c. (Neopycnodon
cochlear), C.e. (Cerastoderma edule), Ch.g. (Chamalea gallina), Mod. (Modiolus sp), B.t. (Balanus trigosus), B (Bivalvia sp), G (Gastropoda sp), A.t. (Acanthocardia
tuberculata), (Callista chione), R.d. (Rumina decollata), Gi. (Glycymeris sp).

Shells were dried at 50uC and, after a mechanical removal of the time that samples were taken for analysis. The experimental
their most superficial layers, were ground to a fine powder. d18O error for calcite was less than 60.1%. Carrara and EEZ-1,
Carbon dioxide was extracted from the calcite using 100% previously compared with the international standards NBS-18 and
phosphoric acid for 5 h in a thermostatic bath at 50uC [46–47]. A NBS-19, were used as the internal standards. For the micro-drilled
Pyrex microline was used for gas purification. The carbon and samples, the ca. 30 mg of powder collected for each sample were
oxygen stable isotopes analyses were conducted in a Finnigan analyzed using a mass spectrometer (IsoPrime; GV Instruments
MAT 251 mass spectrometer from the Instituto Andaluz de Ltd.) with a Multiprep individual acid bath carbonate precipitation
Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC-UGR, Granada). Isotopic results are device, at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and
reported in the standard delta (d) notation in parts per thousand Technology (JAMSTEC). The reproducibility of standard mate-
(%) relative to the international V-PDB standard [48]. All samples rials run higher than 0.08% for d18O.
were compared to a reference carbon dioxide obtained from a The micro-drilled present-day M. galloprovincialis samples exhi-
calcite standard (internal and international standard) prepared at bited a range of d18O values between 0.428% and 1.344%, with

PLoS ONE | 12 September 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 9 | e24026

Earliest Use of Marine Resources by Neanderthals

averages ranging between 0.96%–1.05% (Figure 2, Table 6). In ratio but no 230Th. This model applies to situations where fossil
the archaeological mussels, d18O values ranged between 22.2% bones have 234U/238U activity ratios considerably in excess of the
and 4.0%. The lowest values (,2%) corresponded to Bj19-18 and value in the surrounding waters [61].
present day samples and the highest values (.2%) corresponded to Bischoff et al.’s mathematical equations [60] have been used to
Bj17, Bj15 and Bj5-4 (Figure 6). When all samples were compared, develop a computer program in order to evaluate the age of three
we obtained a similar distribution with low values for Bj19-18, Bj3- bone samples assuming three U-uptake situations: (a) U/Th
1, and present-day samples, and high values for the samples from nominal ages (EU) [60], (b) a linear uptake of U (LU84), and (c) an
the remaining archeological levels (Table 6). Variability in d18O early uptake of U followed by a linear uptake of 234U (LU4). This
values for other species recovered from the same archeological program also incorporates the error implicit in the mathematical
level was very low as recorded for Callista chione and Acanthocardia equations.
tuberculata in level Bj17 and for M. galloprovincialis in levels Bj18 and Three bones were analyzed for U and Th concentrations. One
Bj5 (Figure 6). Only in level Bj19 did we obtain a wide range in gram of each bone was dissolved in nitric acid. The solution was
d18O values for M. galloprovincialis (i.e., from 22.2% to 1.9%). afterwards separated from solid residue by filtration with a filter of
0.45 mm pore size. This solution was used for both U and Th
Bulk sample geochemical analysis analysis. An iron carrier (FeCl3), and a well known amount of 232U
In order to determine the source area of the eolian deposits, the and 229Th for yield calculations, were added to the solution.
rare earth element La/Lu ratio has been used as a proxy in both Precipitation of the iron hydroxides for pH values above 9 was
the Mediterranean area [49–50] and the archaeological record carried out using concentrated ammonia. Uranium was separated
[51]. In the region of study, the La/Lu ratio has been specifically from Th and P with a solvent extraction method that used
used to discriminate eolian inputs of the African craton from those tributylphosphate (TBP) and xilene as the organic phase. The
of the European margin [52]. uranium fraction was then ready for electroplating.
Previous sedimentological analyses evidenced detritus material The thorium fraction needed to be purified. After precipitation
associated with calcareous tufa, eolian deposits and objects of of the iron hydroxides for pH values above 9, the precipitate
anthropic origin to constitute the main sedimentary infilling at was dissolved in HCl. Thorium was separated from P through
Bajondillo Cave [6]. A total of fourteen samples were performed precipitation at a pH = 3.5. After Th precipitated a minimal
using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) fraction P remained in solution. For such reason, the process was
previous to a HNO3+HF digestion. Measurements were taken in carried out two additional times in order to insure the elimination
triplicates by spectrometry (Perkin-Elmer Sciex Elan 5000) using of all of the P. To further purify Th, an anion exchange resin (i.e.,
Re and Rh as the internal standards. The instrumental error is of Dowex AG1-X8) was used. After completion of this procedure the
62% and 65% for elemental concentrations of 50 ppm and solution was ready for electroplating.
5 ppm, respectively [53]. The electroplating of uranium and thorium was performed for
one hour at 1.2 A onto stainless steel discs. One minute before
U/Th bone datings switching off the current, 1 ml of NH3 was added. The discs were
Due to the very low uranium content of living bones and measured with alpha spectrometry. The alpha spectrometer was
because fossil ones acquire uranium post-depositionally, bones equipped with PIPS detectors.
would not, in principle, be considered an ideal material for U/Th This method has provided good U and Th chemical recoveries,
dating. Still, and although their uptake mechanism is not well in both cases above 50% (Tables 2 and 5).
understood, their high affinity for uranium, one or two orders of
magnitude higher than that of authigenic carbonates, has
evidenced that they can nevertheless be useful for U/Th dating
purposes [54–55]. In an ideal scenario, bone would acquire The authors want to thank Jon Erlandson for reassurance of the
uranium after burial in an early uptake (EU) and then would taphonomical criteria selected for this study. The works at Bajondillo
remain as a closed system. This is often assumed to be the case for Cave and the shellfish harvesting in the Natural Park of Maro-Cerro
the younger bone samples (ca. ,20 ka). Under such assumption, Gordo were approved by the Junta de Andalucı́a (Spain). The manuscript
was greatly improved by the instructive comments and suggestions of two
their 14C dates should be concordant with their U/Th age [56–
anonymous reviewers.
58]. Older samples, on the other hand, often provide U/Th ages
that are too young, indicating a later U assimilation with time
[56,59]. In order to incorporate bones for dating purposes it is thus Author Contributions
critical to determine first their U-uptake mechanism. Bischoff et al. Conceived and designed the experiments: MC-S. Analyzed the data: MC-S
derived two mathematical models of linear uptake for U–series MDS-V NFB JFG-B AM-M MC-S MCL-F JLV-P JAR-C FJJ-E FM-R
dates on bone samples [60]. The first model assumes a linear MR-G JR-V CF GF DAF JAL-S AD-H S. Sakai MMB-Z MAM-A AJP-G
uptake of 238U and 234U followed by decay to 230Th with time. At S. Sugisaki. Wrote the paper: MC-S AM-M FJJ-E. Archaeology and lithic
technology: MC-S MDS-V NFB. Uses wear analysis of lithic industries:
t = 0 (i.e., initial conditions), the bone would be free of 238U, 234U
JFG-B. Archaeozoology and taphonomy: AM-M MC-S MCL-F JLV-P
and 230Th. The second model assumes that the bone sample fixes JAR-C. Geochemistry: FJJ-E FM-R MR-G. Geology: JR-V. Palaeoecol-
a finite amount of 238U and 234U soon after burial, and thereafter ogy: CF GF DAF. Palinology: JAL-S. Stable Isotopes: AD-H S. Sakai.
continues to absorb 234U greatly in excess of 238U. According to Microsedimentology: MMB-Z. Geochronology: MAM-A AJP-G S.
this second model, at t = 0, the bone has 238U and 234U in a given Sugisaki.

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