MantoPlate Data Sheet

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Product Health & Safety Data Sheet

Mortar Render

Issue 1: May 2014

1: Izozek MantoPlate Mortar


Mortar render
Suitable for exterior use

Not suitable for application to heavily oiled and steeped

1.2 Use of the substance/preparation
All loose, flaking and unstable material must be identified and
then thoroughly removed.

Supplied ready to use by speed mixing (750-850 turns per
minute) for 2 minutes and applying as a mortar render.

1.3 Company Identification
Produced by: Izozek
Yeni!ehir Mah. Ula! Baba Cad.
Pehlivano"lu #!han
No: 21/106 Seluklu
Konya, Turkey
t: +90 332 234 14 47
e: [email protected]

1.4 Emergency Telephone
Contact Number:
m: +90 532 678 92 92
(only available during office hours)

2: Hazards Identification
2.1. A mortar render comprising:

Perlite Water
Pumice Acrilic ADC 750
Calcite Boron (mined in Madeni)
Niporex Bermacoll CCA 425
Bermix 50

The components vary in concentration according to the
required properties of the product. The resultant mixture is

2.2. Hazards
Irritating to eyes and skin and respiratory system by
prolonged exposure.

R36 Irritating to eyes
Wet material can cause irritation, inflammation or burns on
contact with eyes.

R37 Irritating to respiratory system
Inhalation of dry material can irritate the nose and throat and
cause inflammation of the respiratory tract

R38 Irritating to skin
Contact with mixes can cause skin disease. Irritant contact
dermatitis is caused by a combination of the wetness,
alkalinity and abrasiveness of the mixture.
Allergic-contact dermatitis may be caused by individual
sensitivity to compounds, which may occur. Skin ulceration,
may result from contact with freshly mixed material.

R22 Ingestion
The swallowing of small amounts mortar renders is unlikely to
cause any significant reaction. Larger amounts can cause
irritation of the stomach and intestines.

S2 Keep out of the reach of children

S18 Handle and open container with care.

S29 Do not empty into drains.

S51 Use only in well-ventilated areas.

S38 In case of insufficient ventilation wear suitable respiratory

2.3. Other hazards
Not determined

3: Composition/Information
Perlite (7075% silicon dioxide; SiO21215% aluminium
oxide: Al2O334% sodium oxide: Na2O35% potassium
oxide: K2O0.5-2% iron oxide: Fe2O3 0.20.7% magnesium
oxide: MgO0.51.5% calcium oxide: CaO35% loss on
ignition (chemical/combined water)
Water (content varies)
Pumice (silicon dioxide: SiO2 60-75%; aluminium oxide:
Al2O3 13-17%; iron (III) oxide: Fe2O3 1-3%; calcium oxide:
CaO 1-2%; sodium oxide: Na2O potassium oxide: K2O 7-
8%; titanium oxide: TiO2 trace; sulphur trioxide: SO3 trace)
Boron (mined in Madeni)
Calcite (CaCO3)

3.1. Substances
Niporex (Vinyl Acetate Copolymer)

3.2. Mixtures
Acrilic ADC 750 (copolymer of styrene and acrylic acid ester)
Bermacoll CCA 425 (Ethyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose)
Bermix 50

4: First aid measures
Eye Contact
Irrigate eyes immediately with clean water for at least fifteen
minutes. Seek medical advice without delay if irritation

Remove from exposure if dry product is inhaled. If respiratory
tract becomes inflamed, seek medical advice.

Skin Contact
Where skin contact occurs with wet mortar render, either
directly or through saturated clothing, the material must be
washed off immediately with soap and water. Where mortar
render enter boots or gloves or saturates clothing, the article
should be removed immediately and washed before further

Where mortar render is swallowed, wash out mouth and drink
plenty of water. Do NOT induce vomiting. Seek medical
advice if a large amount is swallowed.

In all cases of doubt, or where symptoms persist, medical
advice should be obtained.

5: Fire Fighting Measures
Mortar render is non-flammable and does not support
combustion of other substances. No special fire fighting
procedure, extinguisher media or explosion hazard is

6: Accidental Release Measures
6.1. Personal Protection
In the event of spillage avoid cleaning methods that generate
airborne dust. Avoid breathing in dust by standing up-wind,
damping down with water and wearing a suitable dust mask if

Wipe spillage with water as adhesion to all materials is
permanent and may not be removable when dry.

6.2. Environmental precautions
The release of dust into the environment does not constitute
a significant environmental hazard. However, where dust
passes beyond site boundaries this may be regarded as a
statutory nuisance.

Prevent mortar render from contaminating drains

Wash all spillage with water as adhesion to all materials is
permanent and may not be removable when dry.

6.3. Methods of Cleaning
If possible, use a vacuum or other dustless cleaning method.
Avoid dry sweeping which produces airborne dust. Damp
down surfaces, sweep/shovel up waste and dispose of
according to statutory restrictions.

Wipe splashes during application as adhesion to all materials
is permanent and may not be removable when dry.

7: Handling and Storage
7.1. Precautions for safe handling
Avoid direct contact with skin and eyes. Bagged material
should be stacked in a safe and stable manner.

Supplied in approximately 40ltr bags use an appropriate
lifting technique when manual handling.

Issue 1: May 2014

7.2. Storage
Bulk storage of mortar render should be in a dry environment
for no longer than 6 months with temperature ranges not
exceeding -5C to 40C.

For materials in bags, due regard should be paid to risks
outlined in the Manual Handling Operations Regulations.
Some bags may have traces of material on the outer surface.

The appropriate personal protective clothing should therefore
be used whilst handling.

7.3. Specific end use
Mixed and unused material can be retained in the original
packaging shat should be tightly sealed for no longer than
1 month in a dry environment with temperature ranges not
exceeding -5C to 40C.

Ventilation equipment may be needed to ensure dust levels
are below occupational exposure limits (OES).

8: Personal Protection
8.1. Precautions
Direct skin contact with mortar render should be avoided. It is
also important not to kneel or sit on the wet material as
harmful contact can occur through saturated clothing

8.2. Protective Clothing
Protective clothing (for example, long-sleeved clothing and
gloves, full-length trousers and impervious boots) should be
worn when handling wet mortar render, particularly covering
arms, hands, legs and feet.

If the atmospheric dust exceeds OEL wear suitable personal
protective equipment. Use approved dust respirators.

Wide vision full goggles with anti-mist for eye protection.
Wear boots that resist dust penetration.

9: Physical and Chemical Properties
9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical

Form Powder
Colour Off white/grey in dry form

There is no known hazards where used before or after
materials with chemical and properties.

9.2. Other information
There are no conditions to avoid.

10: Stability and Reactivity
10.1. Conditions to Avoid

Stable; no known conditions to avoid.

10.2. Chemical stability
Stable (Baron is a mineral known to stabilize a range of

No hazardous decomposition of product.

11: Toxicological Information
11.1 Short Term Effects
Eye contact
Mild exposure may cause soreness. Untreated mild or gross
exposure can lead to chemical burns and ulceration of the

Skin Contact
Short-term exposure may cause mild alkali burns and acute
allergic dermatitis. Long-term exposure may cause irritant
contact dermatitis.

If small amounts are swallowed there is unlikely to be a
significant reaction. If large quantities are swallowed this
could result in irritation to the gastro intestinal tract.

Dry product may cause inflammation of mucous membranes.
Inhalation of large quantities may cause progressive lung

11.2 Chronic Effects
Prolonged or repeated inhalation of high dust concentrations
may cause ulceration and perforation of the nasal septum
and pneumonitis.

Contact dermatitis
Prolonged or repeated contact with skin may result in severe
irritation or dermatitis.

12: Ecological Information
The product is considered to be non-toxic.

13: Disposal Considerations
No special measures needed.

Disposal should be in accordance with local and national
legislation. Keep out of reach of children.

14: Transport Information
Not classified as hazardous for transportation.

15: Regulatory information
15.1. UK Regulations/Legislation Requirements
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
HSE Guidance Note EH26 (Occupational Skin
Diseases Health and Safety Precautions)
HSE Guidance Note EH40 (Workplace Exposure
Any authorised manual on First Aid by St. Johns/
St. Andrews/Red Cross
Manual Handling Operations Regulations
Environmental Protection Act

15.2. Chemical safety assessment
Safety phrases
S22 Do not breathe dust
Avoid breathing dust.

S28 Wash immediately with plenty of water after contact
with skin.
Avoid eye and skin contact by wearing suitable eye
protection, waterproof clothing, waterproof footwear and
waterproof gloves.

S36/37 Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves
Clothing contaminated by wetted mortar should be removed
immediately and washed before re-use.

Keep out of reach of children.

On contact with eyes or skin, rinse immediately with plenty
of clean water. Seek medical advice after eye contact.

16: Other information
This Safety Data Sheet has been prepared in accordance
with UK REACH Competent Authority Leaflet Number 13
Safety Data Sheets November 2012.

HSE Guidance Notes EH40: Occupational Exposure Limits
EH44: Dust in the Workplace: General principles of Protection

This Safety Data Sheet does not constitute a workplace risk
assessment for COSHH.

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