Quantitative Risk Analysis Approach To Port Hydrocarbon Logistics

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Journal of Hazardous Materials A128 (2006) 1024

A quantitative risk analysis approach to port hydrocarbon logistics

A. Ronza
, S. Carol
, V. Espejo
, J.A. Vlchez
, J. Arnaldos
Department of Chemical Engineering, Centre dEstudis del Risc Tecnol ` ogic (CERTEC), Universitat Polit` ecnica de Catalunya,
Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Tr amites, Informes y Proyectos (TIPs), C/Llenguadoc 10, 08030 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Received 10 March 2005; received in revised form 21 July 2005; accepted 22 July 2005
Available online 26 August 2005
A method is presented that allows quantitative risk analysis to be performed on marine hydrocarbon terminals sited in ports. A signicant
gap was identied in the technical literature on QRA for the handling of hazardous materials in harbours published prior to this work. The
analysis is extended to tanker navigation through port waters and loading and unloading facilities. The steps of the method are discussed,
beginning with data collecting. As to accident scenario identication, an approach is proposed that takes into account minor and massive spills
due to loading arm failures and tank rupture. Frequency estimation is thoroughly reviewed and a shortcut approach is proposed for frequency
calculation. This allows for the two-fold possibility of a tanker colliding/grounding at/near the berth or while navigating to/from the berth.
A number of probability data dening the possibility of a cargo spill after an external impact on a tanker are discussed. As to consequence
and vulnerability estimates, a scheme is proposed for the use of ratios between the numbers of fatal victims, injured and evacuated people.
Finally, an example application is given, based on a pilot study conducted in the Port of Barcelona, where the method was tested.
2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Ports; Accident frequencies; Hazardous materials; Hydrocarbon logistics; Quantitative risk analysis
1. Introduction and brief review of the literature
In this paper a method for applying quantitative risk anal-
ysis (QRA) to port hydrocarbon logistics is described and
discussed. Ports are environments often overloaded with haz-
ardous materials, both in bulk and containerised. Recent Haz-
Mat accidents at port terminals include those that occurred
in 2004 in Porto Torres, Italy (tanker unloading benzene, two
deaths, loss of ship), and in 2003 in Octiabrskaya, Russia
(explosion and re of tanker unloading crude oil, one death),
Gdansk, Poland (four killed after the explosion of a petrol
barge), and Staten Island, NewYork (two crewmembers dead
while unloading a petrol barge).
The method here proposed was rst devised as part of a
Spanish project called FLEXRIS and applied to the premises
of the Port of Barcelona, one of the largest ports on the
Mediterranean Sea. Though based on a QRA approach [1],

Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 93 4016675; fax: +34 93 4011932.

E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Ronza).
this method presents a number of novel features that deserve
special consideration.
Over the last few decades much experience has been
gained in the eld of risk analysis of standard (petro)chemical
plants. Now this knowledge is being applied to a wide range
of industrial activities involving hazardous material han-
dling, including ports. Nevertheless, few works on the
application of QRA to navigational aspects and terminal
operations are available. On a European level, this is
probably due to the role played by the Seveso II directive
[2], which does not affect these environments. But public
authorities are beginning to feel concerned about how safe
harbours are, not only with regard to land operations but also
to the possibility of ship collisions and (un)loading acci-
dents. The Spanish government, in compliance with IMOs
OPRC Convention
, has recently issued a decree [3] in
which, among other things, port authorities, marine loading
The International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response
and Co-operation was issued by the International Maritime Organization in
0304-3894/$ see front matter 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Ronza et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials A128 (2006) 1024 11
d pool diameter (m)
f frequency (year
frequency of a shipland collision while
a tanker is manoeuvring near a berth
frequency of a shipship collision while
a tanker is (dis)charging at a terminal
frequency of a shipship collision while
a tanker is (dis)charging at a terminal,
expressed per unit time and per ship passage
frequency of a shipland collision, for a tanker
moving through the port (operation
grounding frequency, for a tanker moving
through the port (operation
frequency of a shipship collision, for a tanker
moving through the port with another moving
ship (operation
frequency of a shipship collision, for a tanker
moving through the port with a moored vessel
frequency of a minor spill due to hull failure for
a ship moving through the port (operation
frequency of a major spill due to hull failure for
a ship moving through the port (operation
frequency of a minor spill due to hull fail-
ure in the proximity of (un)loading berth
frequency of a major spill due to hull fail-
ure in the proximity of (un)loading berth
m number of products bunkered in the port
n number of hydrocarbon products traded in the
probability of a minor spill, given the external
impact on the hull
probability of a major spill, given the external
impact on the hull
release ow rate (kg/s)
R individual risk (victims person
RF lethality function (victims person
T ship trafc (passages/h)
t duration of (dis)charge (h)
x, y Cartesian coordinates
fraction of double-hulled tanker trafc
fraction of single-hulled tanker trafc

burning rate (kg m

wind direction (

product i
berth j
terminals and shipyards are required to produce a contin-
gency plan for accidental marine hydrocarbon pollution,
including a study of the effects of possible spills and of their
In view of these facts, a method is needed to standardise
risk assessment in port settings. We feel that this structured
procedure will help port system stakeholders (especially
port authorities and hydrocarbon terminals) to optimise the
performance of their investments in the elds of prevention
and safety, by helping them to reduce the most signicant
risks. For example, newly projected terminals might be
located by taking into consideration losses due to accident
scenarios. The method devised allows port authorities to
build an objective basis for making decisions about the
conditions to be required of hydrocarbon terminal dealers,
in order to guarantee safety.
Insights on different kinds of risk assessment for
HazMat handling at port terminals can be found in the
Rao and Raghavan [4], Thomas [5] and Hartley [6], who
present the use of risk indexes specically devised for port
Kite-Powell et al. [7], who attempt to build a risk assess-
ment tool based on historical data for US ports;
Trbojevic and Carr [8], on the subject of safety manage-
ment systems (with several examples of risk assessment
Cunningham [9], who provides a demonstration of a risk
Ronza et al. [10], on simplied event trees for port acci-
Darbra et al. [11], who provide a historical analysis of
accidents in harbours.
Egidi et al. [12] briey explain how they dealt with the
problem of assessing HazMat accident risk at a sea-terminal,
while recognising the scarcity of literature on this topic.
Several risk assessment reports, made available to the
public via the Internet, proved to be a valuable source of
information. Some of these reports were taken into account
while carrying out the present project [13,14], despite the
fact that they are not actually complete QRAs. The Canvey
Reports [15,16] were the rst signicant contribution to
industrial port environment QRAs, and they are still relevant
today. What these works lack, however, is an attempt at
standardising the process of risk assessment of navigation
and (un)loading operations for a generic port/terminal.
This is what has been done in this project in the case of
hydrocarbons, with a special regard to accident frequency
1990. The 1998 OPRC re-issue is now the principal legislation on counter
pollution from a harbour authority and oil handling facility perspective.
12 A. Ronza et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials A128 (2006) 1024
2. Scope of the method
Only liquid hydrocarbons were considered. Moreover,
only bulk transportation and handling are included within
the scope of the research.
The analysis covers port waters (from port entrance to
berths) plus (un)loading terminals. Accidents occurring dur-
ing the (external) approach of the tankers to the port were
not taken into account, nor were land accidents, such as
those that can take place during storage and land transporta-
tion (within and outside the connes of the port). Finally,
possible sabotage-related scenarios and accidents likely to
occur during tanker maintenance operations were excluded
fromthe analysis. Instead, navigation through port waters and
(dis)charge were specically addressed. For a discussion on
the patterns of accidental events, such as the operation carried
out when the accident occurred, see [10] and [11].
Therefore, the operations considered are (1) tanker navi-
gating through the port, (2) tanker manoeuvring in the prox-
imity of berths, (3) tanker (un)loading bulk hydrocarbons
and (4) bunkering operations.
3. Description of the methodology
3.1. Collection of relevant information
The rst step to take is, of course, to gather the relevant
data that will be used during the analysis (see Fig. 1 for a
schematic representation of the method). This is an extremely
important phase and ensuring that it is carried out properly
can save a great deal of time and avoid rough approximations.
Critical data to be collected are as follows:
The geographical location of the port.
Adetailed map of the port (at least of port waters, berthing
lines and areas where hydrocarbon stevedoring companies
are located).
Climate data (average temperatures, humidity, wind roses
and atmospheric stability). The critical data that are neces-
sary for accident simulation models are (1) average ambi-
ent temperature, (2) average water temperature, (3) average
relative humidity, (4) wind speed, and (5) atmospheric sta-
bility distribution.
Technical data on berths and (un)loading locations. These
data can be obtained fromthe port authority, but it is easier
to collect them directly from the stevedoring companies
that make use of the loading arms and berthing facilities.
Critical data are (1) typical tank volumes for (un)loading
tankers, (2) product temperatures and pressures both for
ship transport and (un)loading, especially for refrigerated
From the point of view considered in this study there is no signicant
difference between loading and unloading operations, since the probability
of a loss of containment are the same for both situations, as are the physical
effects of the scenarios.
Table 1
Chart for the collection of trafc data
Number of (un)loading operations
LNG LPG Petrol Gasoil +kerosene Fuel oil . . .
Berth 1
Berth 2
Berth 3
Berth 4
Blanks should be lled in with the number of tanker (un)loading operations
per unit time.
or liqueed products (LPG, LNG), (3) the number of load-
ing arms per berth, (4) operational ow rates for loading
arms and hoses, and (5) loading arm and hose diameters.
Physical and chemical data for the hydrocarbon products
taken into account. Critical data used later in the simula-
tions are (1) density, (2) estimated molecular weight, (3)
vapour pressure, (4) thermal conductivity, and (5) heat of
combustion, etc.
Trafc data. These are critical to the calculation of the
frequencies of accidents. The best way to collect trafc
data is by organising them according to product type and
berth (see Table 1). They should be given by tanker visit
per unit time (e.g. per year). In order to estimate them, one
should refer to past data (for example the last 2 or 3 years),
but if more accurate data or reliable estimations on future
trade are available, these should be used instead. Likewise,
bunkering operations data should be taken into account
(operations per year). General trafc data (the number of
ship visits to the port per year, regardless of ship cargo)
are also needed, because they affect the frequency of ship
collisions (the busier the port, the more likely collision
events will be).
Duration of (un)loading operations. This is also necessary
for the estimation of the frequency of accidents. When
these data are not directly available, an estimate of an aver-
age duration for product p
and berth b
might be assessed
in the following way:
total loaded and unloaded volume
operational owrate
no. operations
Tanker hulls. As double hull tankers are much less likely
to give rise to releases when they undergo a collision or
groundingthansingle hull ships are, it is important toknow,
for every product, the ratio of single to double hull tankers.
Information that is not critical but is nonetheless useful
can be gathered about past accidents (spills, res, etc.) that
have occurred in the port involving the hydrocarbons under
3.2. Scenario identication
From a general point of view, only two basic events can
cause a loss of containment during the aforementioned opera-
A. Ronza et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials A128 (2006) 1024 13
Fig. 1. Diagram of the suggested method (n =number of hydrocarbon products handled; m=number of hydrocarbon products bunkered).
14 A. Ronza et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials A128 (2006) 1024
tions: hull failure and loading arm/hose failure. In both cases
the approach described by TNO [17] was followed. This
means that, for every loss of containment, a two-fold pos-
sibility has to be considered:
in the case of hull failure, a minor as well as a massive
for loading arms, partial and total rupture.
For bunkering operations, only two scenarios are considered
(one for hull failure and one for hose rupture), as the amounts
spilled are generally small. In a general application, the num-
ber of scenarios will therefore be as follows:
number of scenarios = 4n +2m (1)
n being the number of hydrocarbon products traded and m
the number of products bunkered (normally m=2, diesel oil
and fuel oil being the bunkered fuels).
3.3. Frequency estimation
The approach that was followed is to estimate accident
frequencies on the basis of both trafc data and general fre-
quencies found in technical literature. Great efforts were
made to select appropriate general frequencies for the sce-
narios previously described. Table 2 summarises the gen-
eral frequencies that were selected and used. Many sources
were consulted, but none of them proved to be actually
focused on accidental events in a port environment (many
are rather general, related to open sea maritime accidents;
see Rmer et al. [21]). Apart fromproposing data specically
intended for ports and focussing on the most recent and/or
widely used frequencies, an additional criterion that was
followed in the selection of data is the intention not to com-
plicate excessively the calculations by introducing too many
An important remark must be made here. While loading
arm scenarios are of a purely punctual nature, hull ruptures
are both punctual and linear. In fact the latter may be caused
by any of the following:
an external impact (shipship or shipland) while the
tanker is moving towards the berth or from the berth to
the port entrance (linear operation);
by an external impact (shipland) during manoeuvres near
the (un)loading berth or a shipship collision while the
tanker is (dis)charging (punctual operations).
This dual nature must be taken into account, because,
while the physical effects of the accident are practically the
same, their consequences (on people and installations) may
be different. If a re or explosion takes place during the move-
ment towards/away from the berth, it will generally have
less severe consequences because the accident location is
further away from the docks. For this reason, it is impor-
tant to calculate separate frequencies for punctual and linear
3.3.1. Loading arm and hose failures
These events are purely punctual. Moreover, given the
failure (i.e. the rupture), the probability of spillage is 1. There-
fore, once proper literature data are selected, they are used
directly without further calculations.
As for loading arms, we suggest using the data proposed
in the Purple Book [17]. Different gures can be found in
DNV Technica [22], which are used, for instance, by the
Environmental Resources Management [14]. The approach
followed by [22] is to consider the possibility of three spill
sizes (instead of two, as in TNOs approach). The order of
magnitude of the data is the same. DNV suggests an overall
failure rate of 1.94 10
; approximately 76%
of the spills is considered to be small, 18%is medium and
6% large. In order not to increase the number of scenarios,
TNOdata were preferred. The Rijnmond Report [23] presents
some loading arm failure frequency data as well. They are
smaller than those proposed by the Purple Book, and they are
expressed as number of failures per hour of operation. TNOs
gures were preferred here just because they are much more
For the same reason, in the case of hoses, the data found in
[19] are suggested, rather than those of the Rijnmond Report.
3.3.2. Hull failures, punctual events
Two initiating events are likely to provoke accidents at the
a. a shipland collision while the tanker is manoeuvring near
the berth;
b. a shipship collision during the (dis)charge, caused by
a ship running adrift and colliding with the (un)loading
Literature data for these events are shown in Table 2.
The frequency of both classes of initiating event must be
expressed using consistent units. To do so, a frequency per
unit time of shipship collision during (dis)charge must be
estimated thus:
= F
T t
where f
is expressed in events per ship visit, F
is the fre-
quency of a shipship collision while a tanker is (dis)charging
at a terminal, expressed per ship passage (4.0 10
), T the ship trafc in the proximities of the berth
[ship passages h
] (this can be estimated from the general
trafc data for the port and the berth position), and t is the
duration of the discharge. Note that this can change according
to the berth and the product that is being discharged, depend-
ing on owrates, tank dimensions, and the number of loading
arms actually used.
Another aspect must be taken into consideration: given an
external impact, the probability of an actual spill occurring
must be identied. Several probability data have been found
in the literature. They are reviewed in Table 3.We suggest to
use TNOs data [17], because:
A. Ronza et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials A128 (2006) 1024 15
Table 2
General frequencies for the initiating events
Operation or scenario Type of initiating event Initiating event General frequency Source
Transfer, loading arm (total rupture) Punctual External impact, mechanical failure 6 10
Transfer, loading arm (partial rupture) Punctual External impact, mechanical failure 6 10
Transfer, hose (total rupture) Punctual External impact, mechanical failure 4 10
[18], after
data from
Tanker manoeuvre Punctual Shipland collision 2.2 10
ship visit
Tanker (dis)charge Punctual Shipship collision (passing ship) 4 10
Tanker moving to/from berth Linear Shipland collision 1.5 10
Grounding 0.3 10
Shipship collision with passing ship 2.3 10
Shipship collision with moored ship 0.5 10
They allow for both a minor and a major spill scenario,
that is, for a greater detail in scenario denition.
In the case of liqueed gas carriers, TNOs data are much
more recent than the Canvey data [15]. Shipbuilding and
vessel trafc control have changed since then (which is
reected in a decrease of spill probability by an order of
In the case of oil tankers, Ref. [14] recommends gures
of the same order of magnitude as those of Purple Book,
but makes a distinction among various circumstances
(berthing impact, impact with jetty, shipship collision).
To use these data would complicate the method, without
signicant improvements.
Therefore, after the approach suggested by TNO [17], we
propose the following probabilities that, given an external
impact, a spill will take place:

0.1(single hull tanker)

0.0015(double hull tanker)
0.00012(gas tanker, semi-gas tanker)
Table 3
Summary of probability data referring to spill events from tankers, as a result of an external impact
Event Scope (as dened in the
original source)
Probability Source
Spill due to shipship collision Ammonia carriers 0.2 [15]
Oil tankers Single hull 0.425, double hull 0.178 [14], pp. 1421
Spill due to berthing impact Ammonia carriers 0.1 [15]
Spill due to impact with jetty Oil tankers Single hull 0.425, double hull 0.264 [14], pp. 1422
Spill due to shipland collision (grounding) Ammonia carriers 0.2 [15]
Oil tankers Single hull 0.5, double hull 0.23 [14], pp. 1420
Spill due to external impact (shipship
or shipland)
Tankers Major spill [17]
Liquid tanker, single hull 0.1
Liquid tanker, double hull 0.0015
Gas tanker o semi-gas tanker 0.00012
Minor spill
Liquid tanker, single hull 0.2
Liquid tanker, double hull 0.006
Gas tanker o semi-gas tanker 0.025
Continuous spill due to external impact,
given serious hull damage (very
severe damages for class G ships)
Tankers and barges in
inland waterways
Single hull [17]
Low ow rate 0.2
High ow rate 0.1
Double hull or refrigerated ship
Low ow rate 0.006
High ow rate 0.0015
Gas carrier (regardless of temperature)
Low ow rate 0.025
High ow rate 0.00012
Referable also to LNG carriers.
Data are obtained on the basis of the event trees published in this source.
16 A. Ronza et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials A128 (2006) 1024

0.2(single hull tanker)

0.006(double hull tanker)
0.025(gas tanker, semi-gas tanker)
where p
is the probability of a major spill and p
is the
probability of a minor one. This approach has been chosen
for various reasons.
Therefore, for the punctual hull failures the actual general
frequencies to be used are as follows:
= (f
= (f
where f
is the frequency of a major spill and f
the frequency of a minor one (for the denition of major and
minor spills as a function of tanker type, see Section 3.5).
In the case of liquid hydrocarbon bulk tankers, an addi-
tional remark must be made. Because a port, or even a single
terminal, is normally characterised by mixed trafc of single
and double hull tankers, the values of p
and p
must be
estimated on a statistical basis. Whenever possible, data for
individual terminals should be used, but if these are not avail-
able a general port ratio of single- to double-hulled tankers
can be used. Internal port ship lists or general ship databases
(e.g. the Lloyds Register of Ships) can be referred to at this
stage. For tankers (other than gas carriers) the probability of
a spill will be calculated as follows:
= 0.1x
= 0.2x
where x
) is the ratio of port visits by single-hulled
(double-hulled) tankers to the total of port visits by hydro-
carbon bulk tankers. Obviously, x
3.3.3. Hull failures, linear events
For hydrocarbon spills, four initiating events are possible
while the loaded tanker is approaching (or leaving) the berth:
c. shipland collision;
d. grounding;
e. shipship collision between the tanker and another passing
f. shipship collision between the tanker and a moored ship.
The general frequencies for these events are shown in
Table 2. Ref. [24] gives a different account of frequency data
for collisions and groundings. These have not been taken into
account because they overlook the possibility of collisions
with passing ships; moreover, they are expressed in events
per nautical mile, which imply an additional complication of
the calculation. As the data in Table 2 are all expressed in
proper units (ship visit
), the overall frequency for linear
hull failure events will simply be as follows:
= (f
= 2.5 10
= (f
= 2.5 10
Table 4 summarises the general accident frequencies that we
3.3.4. Bunkering scenarios
We suggest taking into consideration the following two
bunkering accidental events:
hose failure during bunkering;
hull failure due to external impact on the delivering boat.
The rst scenario is analogous to the (un)loading accidents
previously described, except that bunkering is normally car-
ried out by way of a hose, so hose failure frequency must
be used (4 10
, see Table 2). This event may
take place at almost any place along the berthing line of the
port, as the bunkeringboat generallyapproaches the receiving
ship where the latter is moored.
Ahull failure on the delivering boat must be considered in
the same light as other hull failures. Because of the relatively
small dimensions of the volumes transferred, only a minor
spill should be taken into account. Anyway, more specic
data are needed, such as whether the delivering boat (if there
is only one in service at the port) is single- or double-hulled.
This means that the probability of a spill is decided directly
on the basis of Eq. (3) and not by means of statistics. One
must also take into account the fact that this event may take
place either while the delivering boat is moving towards the
receiving ship, or along the berthing line while the delivering
boat is carrying out the bunkering operation.
3.3.5. Calculation of actual frequencies
The general frequencies dened above shall be multiplied
by the trafc data (organised according to berth and prod-
uct (dis)charged, see Table 1), in order to obtain the actual
scenario frequencies, i.e. specic data for the port under con-
sideration. The result should be a further chart similar to
Table 5.
3.4. Event trees and denition of probabilities
The following step of the procedure is to draw proper
event trees, and assign numerical probabilities to each of
their branches. As the setting is basically the same for all
the scenarios (release on port waters), it is necessary to draw
only n event trees, n being the number of hydrocarbon prod-
ucts analyzed. Whenever possible, maritime and port-specic
probability data must be given priority.
In Fig. 2, an event tree for LPG spills is shown. This was
actually used in the application of the method to the Port of
3.5. Consequence analysis
The models we used in the consequence analysis and that
we suggest should be used in future applications are listed in
Table 6.
A. Ronza et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials A128 (2006) 1024 17
Table 4
Summary of the general frequencies proposed
Type of event Scenario type Dimension General frequency
Spill due to loading arm failure Punctual Total arm rupture
=6 10
Partial arm rupture
=6 10
Spill due to hull failure Punctual Major spill f
=(2.2 10
+4 10
Tt) p
Minor spill f
=(2.2 10
+4 10
Tt) p
Linear Major spill f
=2.5 10
Minor spill f
=2.5 10
Supposing that loading arms are used. Use hose failure frequency otherwise (see Table 2).
Table 5
Chart showing frequencies for the scenarios of a given product
Scenario Scenario type Actual frequencies
Berth 1 Berth 2 Berth 3 Berth 4 . . .
Loading scenario, product 1, total rupture Punctual
Loading scenario, product 1, partial rupture Punctual
Hull failure scenario, product 1, major spill Punctual
Hull failure scenario, product 1, minor spill Punctual
Bunkering scenario, fuel oil, hose rupture Linear (along berthing line)
Bunkering scenario, fuel oil, hull failure followed by minor spill Diffuse (almost wherever in port waters)
Fig. 2. Event tree for LPG. Sources: P
, P
, and P
from [17], where they are dened as the probabilities of ignition of a reactive or highly reactive gas with
outow between 10 and 100 kg/s; P
from [17], probability of immediate ignition of K1 class liquids (when ejected downwards and immediately ignited LPG
can be considered as a liquid); P
from TNOs LPG, A Study [25].
18 A. Ronza et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials A128 (2006) 1024
Table 6
Models and sources used in the project
Phenomena or quanti-
ties to be modelled
Models used and sources
Liquid releases Software: EFFECTS by TNO (models
contained in the Yellow Book [26]) and Shell
Evaporation rates Software: EFFECTS by TNO (models
contained in the Yellow Book [26])
Burning rates Software: EFFECTS by TNO (models
contained in the Yellow Book [26]) and
LNGFIRE by Gas Technology Institute (for
Pool re radiation Software: EFFECTS by TNO (models from
[26]) and Shell FRED (for LNG, LPG)
Jet re radiation(LPG) Shell FRED
Cloud dispersion and
Shell FRED
Oil spill evolution ADIOS 2.0 by NOAA
Individual risk was assessed using the vulnerability corre-
lations found in [27]. An additional criterion was adopted that
is currently widely accepted: in the case of ash res, 100%
lethality was assumed for the area occupied by the portion
of gas cloud in which the concentration is greater than the
lower ammability limit, while outside that zone, lethality is
assumed to be zero.
For the denition of the amounts of liquids spilled from
damaged tankers, the guidelines suggested in the Purple Book
[17] are to be followed. Therefore, whenever a tanker spill
is calculated, a major spill is considered to be a continuous
release of the following:
180 m
over 1800 s in the case of gas carriers,
126 m
over 1800 s in the case of semi-gas carriers,
75 m
over 1800 s in the case of liquid bulk tankers,
while a minor spill is considered to be a release of the
90 m
over 1800 s in the case of gas carriers,
32 m
over 1800 s in the case of semi-gas carriers,
30 m
over 1800 s in the case of single-hulled liquid bulk
20 m
over 1800 s in the case of double-hulled liquid bulk
For loading arm failure, the spill duration was considered
to be 120 s. For partial ruptures, it was postulated that the
orice sectionis 10%of the pipe section. Bothof these criteria
are proposed by [17].
Several controversial issues are raised by the application
of the models. One of these is the estimation of the rate of
evaporation of petrol from layers deposited on water, which
presented some difculties related to the major inuence
of certain variables, such as water temperature and wind
3.6. Estimation of individual risk
Societal risk was estimated by building on the general
procedure described by Pietersen and van het Veld [1]. TNOs
software RISKCURVES, which implements this procedure,
was also used. The individual risk at a point (x, y) is expressed
by the following equation:
R(x, y) =


f RF
(x, y)p()p
d (10)
where represents the wind direction, k stands for stability
class, f is the accident frequency, RF
(x, y) the lethality
function estimated on the basis of the vulnerability criteria,
p() the probability that the wind will blow in the direction
and p
is the probability of the class of stability k.
Eq. (10) is solved by commercial software that discretises
the integral by way of a summation of 8, 12 or 16 radial
3.7. Estimation of overall risk for the population
By integrating the product of R by the local population
density over spatial coordinates, the global risk for a given
accident scenario is obtained. By adding up the several R
functions (one for each scenario), a global risk function is
obtained. In order to estimate the number of injured and
evacuated people, historical data have been used. The aver-
age ratios of injured people/evacuees to fatalities have been
estimated to be the following:
2.21 injured people for each fatality;
220 evacuees for each fatality.
The data used to obtain these gures are a subset of
the 1033 port-area accidents analysed in [11]. Of these
accidents, only the 428 that occurred during bulk hydro-
carbon (un)loading and tanker movement/manoeuvres were
retained. The data are taken fromthe MHIDAS database [28],
in which three elds are devoted to gauging the consequences
of the accidents on humans: KR, IR and ER, which represent
the number of people that were killed, injured and evacuated
as a consequence of the accident. Unfortunately, these elds
do not always give positive information. This means that KR
may be 0 or more or it might not be dened at all. The same
happens with IRand ER. In order to estimate the above IR/KR
and ER/KR ratios, the following assumptions were made:
1. whenever KR and ER are not dened, they are assumed
to be 0;
2. to obtain the IR/KR rate, only the accidents for which IR
is dened were used.
In fact, it is highly probable that an undened KR (ER)
simply means that there have not been any victims (evacuees)
as a consequence of an accident. This is certainly not true for
IR data, since many accidents have a high KR record while
the number of injured people remains undened. It is very
A. Ronza et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials A128 (2006) 1024 19
Table 7
IR/KR and ER/KR ratios for different accident data subsets
Accident subset No. accidents IR/KR ER/KR
(Un)loading accidents 261 3.09 358
Tankers approaching or manoeuvring 167 0.67 1.66
General 428 2.21 220
unlikely that these accidents have not caused some people
to be affected other than fatally, so the average rate IR/KR
was estimated solely on the basis of the records for which a
positively dened IR was available.
Apart from the above rates (IR/KR=2.21 and
ER/KR=220), which are general, averaged for all the
accidents, more specic rates can also be estimated, as a
function of the operation that was carried out during the
accident. The values are shown in Table 7.
It is interesting to note how both IR to KR and ER to KR
ratios decrease dramatically when it comes to accidents that
occurred during the approach or manoeuvre of a tanker (on
average, IR is even smaller than KR in these circumstances).
This means that manoeuvre/approach do not have signicant
aftermaths other than in terms of human life loss. The reason
why the injured to killed ratio is so low is that these acci-
dents mainly involve tanker crews, who are often so close to
the accident that they are more likely to suffer death than
non-fatal injuries. Likewise, ER/KR is low because these
accidents normally happen farther from working and resi-
dential areas, and are consequently of less concern in terms
of people to be evacuated.
The general ratios should be used whenever the present
QRA conceptual approach is applied to a port, because the
scenarios, as they have been designed and structured, entail
both (un)loading and ship manoeuvre/approach operations.
Nevertheless, the operation-specic values can be used for
studies that focus on a particular stage in port hydrocarbon
logistics. Note that, however useful it is to estimate the con-
sequences of accident for humans, the gures in Table 7 only
represent historical averaged data.
4. Case study: the Port of Barcelona
The Port of Barcelona is one of the largest Mediterranean
ports in terms of the number of tonnes traded, and the largest
in Spain. Bulk liquid trade amounts to about 25% of the total
tradedgoods. Almost 9milliontonnes of bulkliquidenergetic
hydrocarbons were transported out of and (mainly) into the
port during 2003 [29], which constitutes the main part of the
hazardous material ux through the harbour.
The port is quite close to the city. The oldest, down-
town terminals have been reconverted in the last decade
and are now a tourist and commercial district. The main
hydrocarbon terminals are located in a separate section of
the port (Moll dInamables, Flammable Product Wharf),
which is more than 2 km away from the nearest residential
Table 8
List of scenarios for the Port of Barcelona
Scenario no. Description
1 Major LNG spill from cargo tank rupture
2 Minor LNG spill from cargo tank rupture
3 Major LNG loading arm failure
4 Minor LNG loading arm failure
5 Major LPG spill from cargo tank rupture
6 Minor LPG spill from cargo tank rupture
7 Major LPG loading arm failure
8 Minor LPG loading arm failure
9 Major petrol spill from cargo tank rupture
10 Minor petrol spill from cargo tank rupture
11 Major petrol loading arm failure
12 Minor petrol loading arm failure
13 Major diesel oil/kerosene spill from cargo tank rupture
14 Minor diesel oil/kerosene spill from cargo tank rupture
15 Major diesel oil/kerosene loading arm failure
16 Minor diesel oil/kerosene loading arm failure
17 Major fuel oil spill from cargo tank rupture
18 Minor fuel oil spill from cargo tank rupture
19 Major fuel oil loading arm failure
20 Minor fuel oil loading arm failure
21 Fuel oil spill from cargo tank during bunkering operations
22 Fuel oil hose failure during bunkering operations
23 Diesel oil spill from cargo tank during bunkering operations
24 Diesel oil hose failure during bunkering operations
The following bulk hydrocarbon products are traded:
kerosene and diesel oil,
fuel oil.
Crude oil is virtually absent as a bulk liquid. For practical
purposes, kerosene and diesel oil were grouped together, as
they present similar characteristics with regard to ammabil-
ity and general hazardousness issues.
The harbour, like most Mediterranean ports, is compact,
and not scattered over multiple locations. Nine private com-
panies carry out bulk liquid trade activities. Five of them
perform energetic liquid hydrocarbon stevedoring, one of
which is exclusively devoted to the unloading and distribution
of LNG cargo, and another trades in LPG. All the companies
but one are located on the Flammable Product Wharf, where
they make use of the berths and unloading facilities located
therein. One company currently holds the concession for a
separate bulk liquid jetty.
The bunkering service is performed by a specialised barge
held by one of the companies. As a result (see Eq. (1)), 24 sce-
narios were considered during the study, which are itemised
in Table 8.
By way of example, Scenario 1 (a major LNG spill from
cargo tank rupture) is presented and discussed below as a
particular application of the method.
Firstly, relevant data are collected for the scenario in step
(a). Apart from the physical conditions of LNG being stored
in the tankers (112 K, 120 kPa), it is necessary to consider
20 A. Ronza et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials A128 (2006) 1024
Fig. 3. Iso-individual risk curves for scenario no. 1 (major LNG spill from cargo tank rupture).
the trafc ow of LNG tankers and the duration of unloading
operations, considering that the Port of Barcelona, when this
work was being carried out, had only one LNG unloading
berth, which is situated almost at the entrance of the port.
It was estimated that, on average, 169 LNG tankers entered
the Port of Barcelona in a 1-year period to discharge. A sin-
gle discharge operation, considering the average dimensions
of the LNG tankers usually in service at the Port, the num-
ber of loading arms (two), and their operational ow rate
(3000 m
/h), lasts 13.2 h on average. It is also necessary to
estimate the average number of ships passing the LNGtanker
while it is discharging; considering the position of the LNG
berth and the overall trafc data of the Port of Barcelona, it
is estimated that 3.7 ships pass that spot every hour.
The frequency of LNG spill events due to hull failure is
thenestimatedin(b). Because it is botha linear anda punc-
tual scenario, two frequencies must be taken into account.
The frequency of the accidents that are likely to happen in
the proximity of the berth is calculated using Eq. (4):
= (f
= (2.2 10
3.74 13.2) 0.00012
= 2.88 10
where the probability of spill p
is specic to gas carriers,
in compliance with Eq. (2). Thus, the actual frequency of a
spill, considering the yearly LNGtanker trafc, is as follows:
f = 2.88 10
169 = 4.87 10
For the linear phenomenon, Eq. (8) must be used:
= 2.5 10
0.00012 = 3.0 10
which implies a frequency of
f = 3.0 10
169 = 5.07 10
A. Ronza et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials A128 (2006) 1024 21
An event tree is drawn out (step c) in which it is made clear
that the spill can give rise to a pool re, a ash re followed
by a pool re or simply to the dispersion of a gas cloud.
The probabilities of these events are 0.065, 0.037 and 0.898,
The consequences for people of each of these sub-events
(apart from cloud dispersion, which does not cause harmful
effects) must be calculated (step e).
When, for example, a pool re is considered, the steps
to be taken in order to calculate the radiated power are the
calculation of the released ow rate,
estimation of pool diameter:
d = 2


where y

is the mass combustion rate, which can be esti-

mated using the LNGFIRE commercial software devised by
the Gas Technology Institute. Subsequently, the heat radi-
ated by the pool re can be estimated, using programmes
such as Shell FRED, and eventually mortality percentages
are obtained through the probit equation by Eisenberg et al.
Individual risk was then calculated for this scenario (step
f). This is shown by way of isorisk curves in Fig. 3 (which
not only takes into account pool res but all the nal events
possibly caused by an LNG spill). Two risk areas are clearly
visible in the gure, a circular one, which expresses the risk
of punctual accidents occurring in the proximities of the
berth, and an elongated one, which follows the trajectory
of the LNG tankers from the port entrance to the berth and
expresses the risk of hull failures while the ship is moving.
The calculation of the overall risk for this scenario (g) leads
to a number of casualties of 2.5 10
Fig. 4. Iso-individual risk curves for all the scenarios.
22 A. Ronza et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials A128 (2006) 1024
Fig. 5. fN curves referred to the accidents included in the scope of the
Fig. 4 shows the overall risk of all 22 scenarios. Again,
risk is clearly concentrated along tanker port routes and
near (un)loading berths. Fig. 5 shows the fN curves for
the scenarios identied in the Port of Barcelona. The lim-
ited number of casualties is due to the low population den-
sity in the port area and because the effects of the acci-
dent scenarios never reach beyond the connes of the port
5. Discussion and conclusions
A methodology was designed that allows the anal-
ysis of the risk arising from bulk hydrocarbon acci-
dent scenarios at ports. The scope of the method is
restricted to tanker (un)loading operations, hull failures
for tankers navigating through port waters and bunkering
A series of typical accident scenarios were identied.
Basically, four scenario types must be considered: major and
minor spills for loading arm failure, and major and minor
spills for tanker hull failure. While the rst two can only
take place during (dis)charge, the latter can affect a tanker
both when it is navigating and when it is at berth. Initiating
events were classied for these scenarios. To be specic, six
can be identied for hull failure accidents. Two are punctual
events: when a tanker is (dis)charging, it can be hit and
punctured by a passing ship, while during the manoeuvre
vessels can strike the berthing line. Contrarily, four initiating
events are linear, as they can affect a tanker moving through
port waters: these are shipland collision, grounding, ship
collision with a passing ship and ship collision with a moored
Frequencies were estimated for all the initiating events
through an extensive bibliographical survey. The equations in
Table 4 represent a shortcut for estimating frequency data for
every scenario type. For tanker hull failures, frequencies have
to be calculated separately for punctual and linear events;
punctual initiating events are roughly 10 times more frequent
than linear ones
Sensitivity and uncertainty of the model are not different
from the case of other QRA approaches, given that vulnera-
bility and physical effects models are not new. Punctual and
linear events have an individual risk of the same order of
magnitude, but in general punctual events have a higher soci-
etal risk, because their effects can have a signicant impact
ashore, where the population density is higher. The critical
step regarding both sensitivity and uncertainty is frequency
estimation. As to hose/loading arm failures, the inuence of
the frequency data is quite obvious: choosing data other than
those of Table 2 changes the risk of those scenarios in a
proportional way. For tanker navigation accidents, it must
be observed that the frequency of shipland collision during
tanker manoeuvre is higher than the sum of all the frequen-
cies regarding ship collisions/groundings occurring when the
ship is moving towards/from the berth. This tendency is con-
rmed by some historical data [30] estimated for some US
ports. However, studies such as [30] should be carried out
with data referring to more ports and to larger time spans, in
order to provide more rened frequency data.
The case study provided results that are consistent with
classic quantitative risk analyses as applied to chemical
plants and storage areas. Some inconsistencies were found in
delayed ignition ash res, especially for the 2F atmospheric
class of stability. It is very likely that in these conditions
results are overestimated. However, overall the estimation of
the consequences derived from the accidents presented no
signicant difculties, provided that the accident scenarios
had been properly dened (amount spilled, maximumarea of
the spill, loading arm sections, etc.), as well as other condi-
tions such as water temperature, spilled product temperature
and wind speed. The results obtained were always found to
be consistent with those of a conventional QRA.
Another aspect that was addressed is how to take into
account the presence of both single- and double-hulled liquid
tankers. Eqs. (6) and (7) must be used, prior to the frequency
In addition, a shortcut was suggested for calculating the
number of injured people and evacuees, given the number of
accidental deaths. This method was based on an analysis of
428 accidents, which occurred in ports while transporting or
(un)loading bulk hydrocarbons.
Moreover, the method can help locate newly projected
terminals as well as allowport authorities tobuildanobjective
basis for making decisions about conditions to be required of
hydrocarbon terminal dealers, in order to guarantee safety.
The method presented and discussed in this paper can be
easily extended to other product types, such as general bulk
chemicals and toxic products, with only slight modications
(mainly concerning the calculation of effects). It would be
This gure is conrmed by historical data. Taking in consideration the
aforementioned set of 428 hydrocarbon port accidents, it was seen that the
ratio of linear to punctual accidents is 1.5:10.
A. Ronza et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials A128 (2006) 1024 23
interesting to adapt the method to the transport and handling
of containerised goods, by identifying proper frequencies and
consequence estimation models. By doing so, a complete risk
assessment scheme for the manipulation of hazardous mate-
rials in port environments would be made available.
The authors wish to acknowledge the collaboration of the
APB (Port Authority of Barcelona).
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