FOS Password Recovery Notes v71x

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14 December 2012

Fabric OS
Password Recovery Notes
Supporting Fabric OS v7.x, v6.x, v5.x, v4.x, v3.x, v2.6.x
Copyright 2010-2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Title Publication number Summary of changes Date
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 53-1000114-01 New document March 2006
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 53-1000114-02 Updated for next release December 2008
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 53-1000114-03 Corrected and restructured November 2010
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 53-1000114-04 Caution added December 2010
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 53-1000114-05 Defect fixed February 2012
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 53-1000114-06 Defect fixed July 2012
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 53-1000114-07 Updated for next release December 2012
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 1
1 Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
In this chapter
Password recovery overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Password recovery using root account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Obtaining the boot PROM recovery password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Password recovery using Password Recovery firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Password recovery overview
Several methods exist for recovering passwords on a Brocade Fabric OS switch or director. The
correct approach depends on the version of Fabric OS you are using, which passwords you have,
and on the hardware platform you are using.
Table 1 lists the procedures described in this document and the conditions under which you would
use each procedure to recover passwords. These conditions are a combination of Fabric OS version
and account access availability.
You cannot perform password recovery procedures on FIPS-enabled switches because these
procedures require access to a serial port. The serial port is disabled on FIPS-enabled switches.
TABLE 1 Password recovery procedures and when to use them
Condition (Fabric OS version and account access
Use these procedures
Access to root account on any supported
version of Fabric OS
Password recovery using root account on page 2
Fabric OS v4.1x, 4.2x, 4.4x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, or
No root account access
Boot PROM interface access
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface on page 3
Fabric OS v4.1x, 4.2x, 4.4x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, or
No root account access
No Boot PROM interface access
Obtaining the boot PROM recovery password on page 18,
and then Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface
on page 3
Fabric OS v2.6.x or 3.x
No root account access
Password recovery using Password Recovery firmware on
page 19
2 Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Password recovery using root account 1
When connected through a serial cable to the console, always save the output by using the capture
functionality under Windows, or the script functionality for UNIX or Linux.
Password recovery on Fabric OS v4.x, v5.x, v6.x, and v7.x
If you have access to the root account you can reset the passwords for all other accounts on the
system, including the factory, admin, and user accounts. The root account can reset the root,
factory, and admin accounts. Admin can reset the user login. See Password recovery using root
account on page 2.
If you do not have access to the root account, you can use the boot PROM method. This option is
available only on Fabric OS v4.1 or later. See Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface
on page 3. If the password is set on the boot PROM and is unknown, contact your switch service
provider for a Boot PROM recovery string to regain access to the switch. See Obtaining the boot
PROM recovery password on page 18.
Password recovery on Fabric OS v2.6.x and v3.x
If you have access to the root account, you can reset the passwords for all other accounts on the
system, including the factory, admin, and user accounts. The root account can reset the root,
factory, and admin accounts. Admin can reset the user login. See Password recovery using root
account on page 2.
If you do not have access to the root account, you can use Password Recovery firmware, available
from your switch support provider. See Password recovery using Password Recovery firmware on
page 19.
Password recovery using root account
If you have access to the root account, you can reset the passwords on the switch to default. This
feature is available for all currently supported versions of the Fabric OS.
To reset any account password from the root account, follow these steps:
1. Open a CLI session (by means of a serial connection or telnet for an unsecured system and
sectelnet for a secure system) to the switch.
2. Log in as root.
3. At the prompt, enter the passwddefault command as shown below:
switch:root> passwddefault
4. Follow the prompts to reset the password for the selected account. For example:
switch:root> passwddefault
All account passwords have been successfully set to factory default.
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 3
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
Once the passwords have been reset, log into the switch as admin, and change your default
passwords. Make sure to keep a hardcopy of your switch passwords in a secure location. Table 2
lists the default passwords for Fabric OS switches.
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface
Enter commands at the boot PROM interface exactly as shown. Incorrectly entered commands at
the boot PROM interface can render your switch unstable or unusable. To recover, you would
need to seek help from your switch service provider or return your switch to the factory for repair.
You can use this procedure if you need to recover passwords on a device running Fabric OS v4.1.x,
4.2.x, 4.4.x, 5.x, 6.x, or 7.x and the root account is not accessible. If the root account is accessible,
use Password recovery using root account on page 2, instead.
To use this procedure, you must have access to the Boot PROM interface; that is, its password must
be available or not set. If you do not have access to the Boot PROM interface, use Obtaining the
boot PROM recovery password on page 18 before using this procedure.
If you are attempting to recover passwords for Fabric OS v4.4.0, you must review Password
recovery for Fabric OS v4.4.0 on page 16 before beginning this procedure.
The specific steps required to recover passwords using the Boot PROM interface depend on several
factors, including the following:
The Boot ROM environment Two Boot ROM environments exist, the original 440 processor
types and the newer Freescale processor type, which uses U-Boot.
Location of the Linux kernel On earlier products, the Linux kernel was maintained on
separate hardware chips. For these products, these procedures make references to
MEM()0xF00000000. Later products place the kernel on the compact flash. For these
products, these procedures make references to ATA()0xb689f type structures.
Whether the platform has a single CP, or has active and standby CPs This procedure is
disruptive to traffic on the 3250, 3850, 3900, 4100, 200E, 4900, 5000, 7500, 7600, 300,
5100, 5300,VA-40FC, 6505, 6510, and 6520 switches and Brocade Encryption Switches,
because it requires you to reboot the switch; traffic resumes after the switch is rebooted. On a
Brocade 12000, 24000, 48000 director, DCX, DCX-4S,DCX 8510-8, or DCX 8510-4 platform
you can reset the passwords without disruption by performing this procedure on the standby
To reset the passwords on the active CP from the standby CP, extra steps are necessary to
communicate with the active CP.
TABLE 2 Default passwords
Account Default password
factory shuntang (older switches)
password (newer switches)
root fibranne
admin password
user password
4 Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
Throughput of the switch or Director 8-Gbps devices, including the Brocade 300, 5100,
5300, DCX, and DCX-4S devices, require the creation of a temporary boot environment
Table 3 lists the types of combinations. Each combination has a separate password recovery
procedure, described later in this section.
This section provides detailed procedures for performing password recovery on each group of
related devices, as well as a quick reference for advanced users who need only a reminder of the
basic steps:
Password recovery procedure: quick reference on page 4
Password recovery procedure for Brocade DCX, DCX-4S, DCX 8510-8, and DCX 8510-4 on
page 5
Password recovery procedure for Brocade 300, 5100, 5300,VA-40FC, 6505, 6510, and 6520
switches and the Brocade Encryption Switch on page 8
Password recovery procedure for Brocade 200E, 4900, 5000, 7500, and 7600 switches on
page 10
Password recovery procedure for Brocade 12000, 24000, and 48000 switches on page 12
Password recovery procedure for Brocade 3250, 3850, 3900, and 4100 switches on
page 14
Password recovery procedure: quick reference
Advanced users who need only a reminder of the basic steps can use this quick reference to
recover passwords:
1. Press Esc during reboot.
2. Choose option 3.
TABLE 3 Factor combinations and associated Brocade devices
Factor combinations Associated Brocade Fabric OS devices
U-Boot ROM
active and standby CPs
8-Gbps platform
Brocade DCX, DCX-4S, DCX 8510-4, and DCX 8510-8
U-Boot ROM
single CP
8-Gbps platform
Brocade 300, 5100, 5300, 6505, 6510, 6520, Brocade
Encryption Switch, VA-40FC
original Boot ROM
single CP
Brocade 200E, 4900, 5000, 7500, 7600
original Boot ROM
active and backup CPs
Brocade 12000, 24000, 48000
original Boot ROM
single CP
Brocade 3250, 3850, 3900, 4100
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 5
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
3. printenv
4. For 8-Gbps platforms only:
setenv OSLoadOptions "single"
5. For 8-Gbps platforms only:
For Non-8 Gbps platforms:
boot ATA()0x77588 -s
where the argument to the boot command is the first parameter shown for OSLoader in the
output of the printenv command.
6. mount -o remount,rw,noatime /
7. mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
For step 7, choose the second parameter shown for OSRootPartition.
8. /etc/init.d/network start
Step 8 is required only for devices with active and standby CPs.
9. /sbin/passwddefault
10. bootenv OSLoadOptions quiet;quiet
11. reboot -f
Password recovery procedure for Brocade DCX, DCX-4S, DCX 8510-8,
and DCX 8510-4
1. Connect to the standby CP of the Brocade DCX, DCX-4S,DCX 8510-8, or DCX 8510-4 Backbone.
To determine which CP is standby, use one of the following methods:
If you have the appropriate passwords, use the haShow command.
You cannot use the haShow command if you have lost all passwords.
Use the active LED to identify the active and standby CPs.
2. Reboot the standby CP by using either the fastBoot command or the reboot command. Enter:
> fastboot
> /sbin/reboot
3. When prompted to stop test or stop AutoBoot, press Esc.
The Boot PROM menu is displayed with the following options:
Start system
6 Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
Used to reboot the system.
Recover password.
Used to generate a character string for your support provider to recover the Boot PROM
password. Use this feature only when directed by technical support personnel.
Enter command shell.
Used to enter the command shell, to reset all passwords on the system.
Checking system RAM - press any key to stop test
Checking memory address: 00100000
System RAM test terminated by keyboard
set_bootstatus: BS_LOAD_OS, platform_idx = 6
Hit ESC to stop autoboot: 0
1) Start system.
2) Recover password.
3) Enter command shell.
4. Enter 3 at the prompt to open the command shell.
Option? 3
5. Type the Boot PROM password, if prompted, and then press Enter. The Boot PROM has a
password only if one was defined.
If you are prompted to enter a new Boot PROM password, make sure it is at least 8 characters
in length. Do not select this option unless specifically instructed by support personnel.
6. To change the OSLoadOptions=quiet;quiet setting so that the switch boots into single-user
mode, enter the following command:
=> setenv OSLoadOptions "single"
7. Enter the printenv command to verify the change:
=> printenv
LoadIdentifiers=Fabric Operating System;Fabric Operating System
(output truncated)
8. Save the changes:
=> saveenv
Saving Environment to Flash.....Done
9. Enter the boot command with no parameters to bring up the device in single-user mode:
=> boot
ATA device vendor STI Flash 8.0.0, product
STI1M73108114125534, revision 01/17/07
Map file at LBA sector 0x5003f
(output truncated)
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 7
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
10. Enter the mount command with the following parameters to remount the root partition as
read/write capable:
sh-2.04# mount -o remount,rw /
EXT3 FS on hda1, internal journal
11. Mount the secondary partition.
If the previous command returns hda2, then use hda1 in this command. If the previous
command returns hda 1, use hda2.
sh-2.04# mount /dev/hda2 /mnt
kjournald starting.
Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS on hda2, internal journal
EXT3-fs: recovery complete.
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
12. From the serial connection to the standby CP, view the /etc/hosts file to determine the
hostname of the CPs:
sh-2.04# /bin/cat /etc/hosts localhost swd77 #sw0 swd76 #sw1 mycp0 #cp0 < CP0 SLOT 5 cp1 #cp1 < CP1 SLOT 6 #fc0 #fc1 cp_0_inteth #cp_0_internaleth cp_1_inteth #cp_1_internaleth
The hostnames for CP0 and CP1 are user definable, and might be different for each
13. From the serial connection to the standby CP, set the appropriate hostname to the CP. Use the
hostname displayed in the previous step. In the above example, mycp0 is the standby CP.
sh-2.04# hostname mycp0
14. Start networking on the standby CP to enable communication with the active CP:
sh-2.04# /etc/init.d/network start
15. From the standby CP, enter the rsh command to run a remote shell on the active CP and reset
its password with the passwddefault command:
For DCX or DCS 8510-8:
If the standby CP card is in slot 6 (CP0), enter:
sh-2.04# rsh /sbin/passwddefault
If the standby CP card is in slot 7 (CP1), enter:
sh-2.04# rsh /sbin/passwddefault
For DCX-4S or FCX 8510-4:
If the standby CP card is in slot 4 (CP0), enter:
sh-2.04# rsh /sbin/passwddefault
8 Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
If the standby CP card is in slot 5 (CP1), enter:
sh-2.04# rsh /sbin/passwddefault
16. Reset the OSLoadOptions to quiet;quiet:
sh-2.04# bootenv OSLoadOptions quiet;quiet
17. Reboot the standby CP by using the reboot f command.
sh-2.04# reboot f
18. Log in to the active CP as admin from a telnet or serial connection, and set new passwords for
all accounts when prompted.
The password recovery procedure is now complete.
Password recovery procedure for Brocade 300, 5100, 5300,VA-40FC,
6505, 6510, and 6520 switches and the Brocade Encryption Switch
To recover a password on a Brocade 300, 5100, 5300, 6505, 6510, 6520, Brocade Encryption
Switch, or VA-40FC, follow these steps:
1. Connect to the serial console port of the switch.
2. Reboot the switch by using either the fastBoot command or the reboot command. Enter:
> fastboot
> /sbin/reboot
3. When prompted to stop test or stop AutoBoot, press Esc.
The Boot PROM menu is displayed with the following options:
Start system
Used to reboot the system.
Recover password.
Used to generate a character string for your support provider to recover the Boot PROM
password. Use this feature only when directed by technical support personnel.
Enter command shell.
Used to enter the command shell, to reset all passwords on the system.
Checking system RAM - press any key to stop test
Checking memory address: 00100000
System RAM test terminated by keyboard
set_bootstatus: BS_LOAD_OS, platform_idx = 6
Hit ESC to stop autoboot: 0
1) Start system.
2) Recover password.
3) Enter command shell.
4. Type 3 at the prompt to open the command shell:
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 9
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
Option? 3
5. Type the Boot PROM password, if prompted, and press Enter.
The Boot PROM has a password only if one was defined.
If you are prompted to enter a new Boot PROM password, make sure it is at least 8 characters
in length. Do not select this option unless specifically instructed by support personnel.
6. To change the OSLoadOptions=quiet;quiet setting so that the switch boots into single-user
mode, enter the following command:
=> setenv OSLoadOptions "single"
7. Enter the printenv command to verify the change:
=> printenv
LoadIdentifiers=Fabric Operating System;Fabric Operating System
(output truncated)
8. Save the changes:
=> saveenv
Saving Environment to Flash.....Done
9. Enter the boot command with no parameters to bring up the device in single-user mode:
=> boot
Map file at LBA sector 0x17da68
## Booting image at 00400000 ...
(output truncated)
10. Enter the mount command with the following parameters to remount the root partition as
read/write capable:
sh-2.04# mount -o remount,rw /
EXT3 FS on hda1, internal journal
11. Mount the secondary partition.
If the previous command returns hda2, then use hda1 in this command. If the previous
command returns hda 1, use hda2.
sh-2.04# mount /dev/hda2 /mnt
kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS on hda2, internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
12. Enter the passwddefault command to reset all passwords to default values as follows:
sh-2.04# /sbin/passwddefault
All account passwords have been successfully set to factory default.
If additional user accounts existed, they are deleted. Only the default accounts and passwords
13. Reset the OSLoadOptions to quiet;quiet:
10 Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
sh-2.04# bootenv OSLoadOptions quiet;quiet
14. Reboot the switch by using the reboot f command.
sh-2.04# reboot -f
Traffic flow resumes when the switch completes rebooting. If you do not use the f option, you
will have to reboot the switch manually.
15. Log in as root to the switch by means of a serial connection or telnet and set new passwords
for all accounts.
The password recovery procedure is now complete.
Password recovery procedure for Brocade 200E, 4900, 5000, 7500,
and 7600 switches
To recover a password on a Brocade 200E, 4900, 5000, 7500, or 7600 switch, follow these steps:
1. Connect to the serial console port of the switch.
2. Reboot the switch by using either the fastBoot command or the reboot command. Enter:
> fastboot
> /sbin/reboot
3. When you see the message Press escape within 4 seconds..., press Esc.
The Boot PROM menu is displayed with the following options:
Start system
Used to reboot the system.
Recover password.
Used to generate a character string for your support provider to recover the Boot PROM
password. Use this feature only when directed by technical support personnel.
Enter command shell.
Used to enter the command shell, to reset all passwords on the system.
The system is coming up, please wait...
Checking system RAM - press any key to stop test
System RAM check terminated by keyboard
System RAM check complete
Press escape within 4 seconds to enter boot interface.
1) Start system.
2) Recover password.
3) Enter command shell.
Option? 3
4. Type 3 at the prompt to open the command shell.
5. Type the Boot PROM password, if prompted, and press Enter.
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 11
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
The Boot PROM has a password only if one was defined.
If you are prompted to enter a new Boot PROM password, make sure it is at least 8 characters
in length. Do not select this option unless specifically instructed by support personnel.
6. Enter the printenv command and make a note of the following values from its output. You will
need these values later in this procedure.
From the OSLoader field, the first of the two ATA memory addresses shown
From the OSRootPartition field, the second partition value shown
These values are shown in red in the following example:
> printenv
LoadIdentifiers=Fabric Operating System;Fabric Operating System.
7. Enter the boot command with the first ATA memory address you obtained in step 6 and the s
> boot ATA()0xb009f -s
Booting "Manually selected OS" image.
Entry point at 0x00800000 ...
8. Enter the mount command with the following parameters to remount the root partition as
> mount -o remount,rw,noatime /
9. Enter the mount command with the following parameters, where hda is followed by the second
partition value (such as hda1 or hda2) from the OSRootpartition field in the output of the
printenv command as obtained in step 6:
> mount /dev/hda2 /mnt
OSRootPartition has not changed in any of the releases. It either points to the first partition
(hda1) or the second partition (hda2). You simply swap the order, for example
OSRootPartition=hda1;hda2 or OSRootPartition=hda2;hda1. The first entry is assigned as
the root or bootable partition. Normally, either partition is bootable unless there was a
firmware download in progress that went wrong or there is corruption in the partition.
10. Enter the passwddefault command to reset all passwords to default values, as follows:
> /sbin/passwddefault
If additional user accounts existed, they are deleted. Only the default accounts and passwords
12 Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
11. Reboot the switch by using the reboot f command.
> reboot -f
Traffic flow resumes when the switch completes rebooting. If you do not use the f option, you
will have to reboot the switch manually.
12. Log in as root to the switch by means of the serial interface or telnet and set new passwords for
all accounts.
The password recovery procedure is now complete.
Password recovery procedure for Brocade 12000, 24000, and 48000
To recover a password on a Brocade 12000, 24000, or 48000 Director, follow these steps:
1. Connect to the standby CP of the Brocade 12000, 24000, or 48000 Director.
To determine which CP is standby, use one of the following methods:
If you have the appropriate passwords, use the haShow command.
You cannot use the haShow command if you have lost all passwords.
Use the active LED to identify the active and standby CP.
2. Reboot the standby CP by using either the fastBoot command or the reboot command. Enter:
> fastboot
> /sbin/reboot
3. When you see the message Press escape within 4 seconds..., press Esc.
The Boot PROM menu is displayed with the following options:
Start system
Used to reboot the system.
Recover password.
Used to generate a character string for your support provider to recover the Boot PROM
password. Use this feature only when directed by technical support personnel.
Enter command shell.
Used to enter the command shell, to reset all passwords on the system.
The system is coming up, please wait...
Checking system RAM - press any key to stop test
System RAM check terminated by keyboard
System RAM check complete
Press escape within 4 seconds to enter boot interface.
1) Start system.
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 13
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
2) Recover password.
3) Enter command shell.
Option? 3
4. Enter 3 at the prompt to open the command shell.
5. Type the Boot PROM password, if prompted, and then press Enter. The Boot PROM has a
password only if one was defined.
If you are prompted to enter a new Boot PROM password, make sure it is at least 8 characters
in length. Do not select this option unless specifically instructed by support personnel.
6. Enter the printenv command and make a note of the following values from its output. You will
need these values later in this procedure:
From the OSLoader field, the first of the two ATA memory addresses shown
From the OSRootPartition field, the second partition value shown
These values are shown in red in the following example:
> printenv
LoadIdentifiers=Fabric Operating System;Fabric Operating System
7. Run the boot command with the first memory address (obtained in step 6) and the s option.
> boot MEM()0xF0000000 -s
Booting "Manually selected OS" image.
Entry point at 0x00800000 ...
8. Enter the mount command with the following parameters to remount the root partition as
> mount -o remount,rw,noatime /
9. Enter the mount command with the following parameters where hda is followed by the second
partition value (such as hda1 or hda2) from the OSRootpartition field in the output of the
printenv command as obtained in step 6:
> mount /dev/hda2 /mnt
OSRootPartition has not changed in any of the releases. It either points to the first partition
(hda1) or second partition (hda2). You simply swap the order, for example
OSRootPartition=hda1;hda2 or OSRootPartition=hda2;hda1. The first entry is assigned as
the root or bootable partition. Normally, either partition is bootable unless there was a
firmware download in progress that went wrong or there is corruption in the partition.
14 Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
10. From the serial connection to the standby CP, view the /etc/hosts file to determine the
hostname of the CPs:
# /bin/cat /etc/hosts localhost swd77 #sw0 swd76 #sw1 mycp0 #cp0 < CP0 SLOT 5 cp1 #cp1 < CP1 SLOT 6 #fc0 #fc1 cp_0_inteth #cp_0_internaleth cp_1_inteth #cp_1_internaleth
The hostnames for CP0 and CP1 are user definable, and might be different for each
11. From the serial connection to the standby CP, set the appropriate hostname to the CP. Use the
hostname displayed in the previous step. In the above example, mycp0 is the standby CP.
# hostname mycp0
12. Start networking on the standby CP to enable communication with the active CP:
> /etc/init.d/network start
13. From the standby CP, enter the rsh command to run a remote shell on the active CP and reset
its password with the passwddefault command:
If the standby CP card is in slot 5 (CP0), enter:
> rsh /sbin/passwddefault
If the standby CP card is in slot 6 (CP1), enter:
> rsh /sbin/passwddefault
14. Reboot the standby CP by using the reboot f command.
> reboot f
15. Log in to the active CP as admin from a telnet or serial connection, and set new passwords for
all accounts when prompted.
The password recovery procedure is now complete.
Password recovery procedure for Brocade 3250, 3850, 3900, and
4100 switches
To recover a password on a Brocade 3250, 3850, 3900, or 4100 switch, follow these steps:
1. Connect to the serial console port of the switch.
2. Reboot the switch using either the fastBoot command or the reboot command. Enter:
> fastboot
> /sbin/reboot
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 15
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
3. When you see the message Press escape within 4 seconds..., press Esc.
The Boot PROM menu is displayed with the following options:
Start system
Used to reboot the system.
Recover password.
Used to generate a character string for your support provider to recover the Boot PROM
password. Use this feature only when directed by technical support personnel.
Enter command shell.
Used to enter the command shell, to reset all passwords on the system.
The system is coming up, please wait...
Checking system RAM - press any key to stop test
System RAM check terminated by keyboard
System RAM check complete
Press escape within 4 seconds to enter boot interface.
1) Start system.
2) Recover password.
3) Enter command shell.
Option? 3
4. Type 3 at the prompt to open the command shell.
5. Type the Boot PROM password, if prompted, and press Enter.
The Boot PROM has a password only if one was defined.
If you are prompted to enter a new Boot PROM password, make sure it is at least 8 characters
in length. Do not select this option unless specifically instructed by support personnel.
6. Enter the printenv command and make a note of the following values from its output. You will
need these values later in this procedure.
From the OSLoader field, the first of the two MEM memory addresses shown
From the OSRootPartition field, the second partition value shown
These values are shown in red in the following example:
> printenv
LoadIdentifiers=Fabric Operating System;Fabric Operating System
7. Run the boot command with the first memory address (obtained in step 6) and the s option.
> boot MEM()0xF0000000 -s
16 Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
Booting "Manually selected OS" image.
Entry point at 0x00800000 ...
8. Enter the mount command with the following parameters to remount the root partition as
> mount -o remount,rw,noatime /
9. Enter the mount command with the following parameters, where hda is followed by the second
partition value (such as hda1 or hda2) from the OSRootpartition field in the output of the
printenv command as obtained in step 6:
> mount /dev/hda2 /mnt
OSRootPartition has not changed in any of the releases. It either points to the first partition
(hda1) or the second partition (hda2). You simply swap the order, for example
OSRootPartition=hda1;hda2 or OSRootPartition=hda2;hda1. The first entry is assigned as
the root or bootable partition. Normally, either partition is bootable unless there was a
firmware download in progress that went wrong or there is corruption in the partition.
10. Enter the passwddefault command to reset all passwords to default values, as follows:
> /sbin/passwddefault
If additional user accounts existed, they are deleted. Only the default accounts and passwords
11. Reboot the switch by using the reboot f command.
> reboot -f
Traffic flow resumes when the switch completes rebooting. If you do not use the f option, you
will have to reboot the switch manually.
12. Log in as root to the switch through a serial connection or telnet and set new passwords for all
The password recovery procedure is now complete.
Password recovery for Fabric OS v4.4.0
In Fabric OS v4.4.0, you must take additional steps before and after performing the Password
recovery using the Boot PROM interface on page 3. Otherwise, the switch is left in single-user
Password recovery steps before root command
When running Fabric OS v4.4.0, you must save the output of the printenv command before booting
the switch in single-user mode. Saving this information is necessary because booting the system
from the Boot PROM command shell in Fabric OS 4.4.0 erases all Boot PROM parameters. You will
reenter these parameter values later, after the password recovery process is complete.
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 17
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface 1
A skeletal procedure is provided here. For procedural details, see Password recovery using the
Boot PROM interface on page 3, and find the procedure for your specific switch. Remember to
save the output of the printenv command.
1. Connect to the serial port of the switch or the standby CP.
2. Reboot the switch and press Esc within 4 seconds following the message Press escape within
4 seconds....
3. Enter 3 at the prompt to enter the command shell.
4. Enter the Boot PROM password.
5. Enter the printenv command and save the output. For example:
The system is coming up, please wait...
Checking system RAM - press any key to stop test
Checking memory address: 01300000
System RAM check terminated by keyboard
System RAM check complete
Press escape within 4 seconds to enter boot interface.
1) Start system.
2) Recover password.
3) Enter command shell.
Option? 3
=> printenv
LoadIdentifiers=Fabric Operating System;Fabric Operating System
6. From the output of the printenv command, record the value for OSLoader.
OSLoader ___________________________________________
Password recovery steps after root command
After you have recovered the passwords, you must perform these steps:
1. Connect to the serial port interface of the switch or standby CP.
2. Reboot the switch and press Esc within 4 seconds following the message Press escape within
4 seconds...
3. Enter 3 at the prompt to enter the command shell.
"Enter Boot PROM interface:"
4. Enter the Boot PROM password.
5. Enter the following command strings, one at a time, to the Boot PROM parameters you saved
before booting from the Boot PROM command shell:
18 Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Obtaining the boot PROM recovery password 1
The value of the OSLoader= string should be set to the exact value from step 6 on page 17
unsetenv OSBooted
setenv LoadIdentifiers=Fabric Operating System;Fabric Operating System
setenv OSLoadOptions=quiet;quiet
setenv OSLoader=MEM()0xF0000000;MEM()0xF0800000
Obtaining the boot PROM recovery password
Use this procedure on devices running Fabric OS v4.1.x, v5.x, v6.x,or v7.x when you do not have a
Boot PROM password.
This procedure obtains a Boot PROM recovery password. It does not reset the Fabric OS passwords
on the switch. Once the Boot PROM password has been recovered, you must go through the Boot
PROM command shell to reset the Fabric OS passwords on the switch.
This section explains how to gather the information you need to send to your switch support
provider in order to get a Boot PROM recovery password. Once you have received the Boot PROM
recovery password and have gained access to the Boot PROM, you must reset the passwords as in
Password recovery using the Boot PROM interface on page 3.
To obtain the Boot PROM recovery password from your switch support provider:
1. Connect to the serial port of the switch or standby CP.
2. Reboot the switch or standby CP.
3. Press Esc within four seconds following the message Press escape within 4 seconds....
4. Enter 2 at the prompt. A character string is displayed, shown in red in the following example:
1) Start system.
2) Recover password.
3) Enter command shell.
Option? 2
Send the following string to Customer Support for password recovery:
5. Send the character string to your switch support provider to obtain a Boot PROM recovery
6. Perform the appropriate steps to set the Boot PROM password if it was not set, as prompted:
Recovery password is NOT set. Please set it now.
7. Enter the Recovery Password that is generated from your support provider when prompted,
and reenter it when prompted.
Enter the supplied recovery password.
Recovery Password: YnfG9DDrlFMDVkNM0RkPtg== < Supplied by your support
Re-enter Recovery Password: YnfG9DDrlFMDVkNM0RkPtg==
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 19
Password recovery using Password Recovery firmware 1
8. When prompted with New password:, enter the new Boot PROM password and reenter it
when prompted:
New password: xxx
Re-enter new password: xxx
9. Record the new password for future reference.
10. Enter the saveEnv command.
Follow these steps to recover a complete recovery entry. The output is related to the steps
above as well.
a. Enter the resetPw command to clear boot PROM password usage.
b. Enter the saveEnv command. Passwords will no longer be required for Boot PROM access.
> saveenv
You are now ready to recover passwords as described in Password recovery using the Boot PROM
interface on page 3.
Password recovery using Password Recovery firmware
This procedure applies only to Brocade switches and Directors running Fabric OS v2.6.x and v3.x.
This procedure requires Password Recovery firmware, available from your switch support provider.
The Password Recovery firmware is effective only for the first time it is launched. You cannot use
the Password Recovery firmware to perform any other switch functions.
These procedures require switch downtime. Brocade recommends removing the switch from the
fabric and rejoining it after the recovery process is complete.
In order to complete the steps in this section you need the following:
Password Recovery firmware: Provide the exact Fabric OS version and the WWN of the switch
to your support provider with a request for the Password Recovery firmware. This firmware can
be launched only once, and it recovers the password for the specific switch only.
Ethernet connection between host and switch. This can be a network connection from a host to
the switch or a direct connection with an Ethernet crossover cable.
Serial connection to the switch.
The Brocade SilkWorm 2800 does not have a serial port on the switch. Password recovery on a
Brocade SilkWorm 2800 is not supported.
Password recovery for Fabric OS v2.6.x and v3.x
To reset the passwords on a Fabric OS v2.6.x and v3.x switch by using the Password Recovery
firmware, follow these steps:
20 Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Password recovery using Password Recovery firmware 1
1. Copy the Password Recovery firmware to a host that is accessible to the switch, either an FTP
server or a laptop (running an FTP server) directly connected to the Ethernet port. You must
use either FTP or RSHD to copy the firmware. If FTP is used, the password cannot be blank.
2. Connect to the console port.
3. Power the switch off and back on.
4. Set the boot parameters on your switch to perform a netboot:
a. At the [VxWorks Boot] prompt for the switch, enter c.
b. Type the requested information at the prompts. To accept the default value for a
parameter, press Enter.
The parameters are defined as follows:
Press any key to stop auto-boot...
[VxWorks Boot]: c
'.' = clear field; '-' = go to previous field; ^D = quit
boot device : fei
processor number : 0
host name : host
file name : /usr/switch/firmware resetPasswd303f6f
inet on ethernet (e) :
inet on backplane (b):
host inet (h) :
gateway inet (g) :
user (u) : user
ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh):
flags (f) : 0x0
target name (tn) : sw2800
startup script (s) :
other (o) :
5. Press @ at the [VxWorks Boot] prompt to begin booting the Password Recovery version of the
firmware from the network.
[VxWorks Boot]: @
boot device : fei
processor number : 0
host name : host
file name : resetPasswd303f6f
inet on ethernet (e) :
host inet (h) :
gateway inet (g) :
user (u) : user
flags (f) : 0x0
target name (tn) : sw2800
Attaching network interface fei0... done.
Attaching network interface lo0... done.
host name Name of machine on which Password Recovery firmware is located
file name Full pathname where Password Recovery firmware is located
inet on ethernet Switch IP address
host inet The IP address for the FTP or RSHD host
gateway inet Gateway address
user Login name of user account on host machine
Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes 21
Password recovery using Password Recovery firmware 1
host is alive <-------------------------CONNECTION TO HOST PROVIDING FIRMWARE IMAGE
Loading... 4407608 + 329564 + 1153796
Starting at 0x10400000...
Attaching network interface fei0... done.
Attached TCP/IP interface to fei unit 0
Attaching network interface lo0... done.
telnetInit: telnetd initialized.
NFS client support not included.
efwHookAdd: Added Ethernet Hook
Adding 9407 symbols for standalone.
Model: 4
flash time 0, creation time 1048818644
Committing configuration...done.
setting passwd to defaults <-------FIRMWARE IMAGE RESETS PASSWORD TO BROCADE
Time Bomb has been set
Passwords have been reset. Please power cycle the switch.
The user, admin, factory, and root passwords are reset to the default values.
6. Turn off the switch and turn it on again.
7. Press any key when you see the message Press any key to stop autoboot... This provides
access to the boot prompt.
8. Set the switch to boot from the flash again:
a. At the [VxWorks Boot] prompt, enter c to begin resetting the boot parameters to the default
b. Remove the values that you added by typing a period (.) after each parameter, then press
Enter. The boot parameters are returned to the default settings.
9. Turn off the switch and turn it on again to reload the original firmware from flash. The switch
resumes normal operation.
10. Log in to the switch by means of telnet or the serial interface as root, and set new passwords
for all accounts.
22 Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Password recovery using Password Recovery firmware 1

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