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Excel Training

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Table of Contents

IISME Form ……………………………………...2-3

Abstract ………………………………………..4
Objectives ………………………………………..4
Description ...….…………………………………..4
Standards ………………………………………..5
Materials ..………………………………………5
Connections ….…………………………………….5
Resources ....……………………………………..5
Procedure …...…………………………………...5
Modules …………………………………….6-16
Introduction ……………………...6-7
Charts & Graphs ……………………...8-9
Tessellations ………………………10
Crossword Puzzles .…………………..11-13
Calculation Forms ….………………..14-16
Survey ……………………………………....17
Evaluation ……….……………………………...18

Teachers will receive an introduction to the basic features and functions of Excel.
Examples of student projects will be shown to illustrate a vareity of uses for the software
application. Instruction, guidance, and support will be given to teachers on how to create
classroom projects using Excel. The workshop demonstrates an effective method of
integrating technology with content standards.


• Teachers will understand the basic functions and features of Excel

• Teachers will participate in an Excel professional development training

• Teachers will create five projects using Excel

• Teachers will complete pre and post surveys regarding their proficiency in Excel

• Teachers will evaluate the training, indicate if they will implement one or more of the
projects learned in class, and identify if they would like additional help.


“Excel with Excel” has been designed to introduce the basic features and functions of Excel
Teachers will be taught how to use the application by creating five interactive learning
activities. Teachers will also be given a variety of internet resources and view a variety of
student and teacher created projects using Excel.
The workshop has been divided into five modules. Each module contains a brief
introduction, list of objectives, and step by step instructions on how to create an Excel based
activity. The first module is a basic introduction to Excel and is designed for those that have
minimal or no experience using the application. The remaining modules provide instruction
and practice of new skills and each result in a finished project, an interactive learning activity.
These activities can then be used in the classroom and as templates to create similar one.
The most effective method for the delivery of content outlined would be one or two staff
development training sessions. Depending on the grade level and ability of their students,
teachers have a variety of options after leaving the workshop. Some teachers, especially those
in the lower grades, can use what they learn to create similar projects for their students to
complete. Teachers of older students can actually teach their students how to use Excel and
help them create their own projects.
At the end of the training workshop teachers will have learned and practiced a variety of
skills in Excel. Teachers will receive printed instructions for each module completed. These
can be used as a reference when designing their own interactive Excel based learning activities
that are specific to the needs of their individual classrooms. In addition, the instructor of the
workshop will be available throughout the year to assist teachers in the design, planning,
and/or implementation of their classroom projects.


This project addresses the National Board of Certification standard: Standard VI Multiple
Teaching Strategies for Meaningful Learning. The project also addresses three ISTE National
Educational Technology Standards: Standard IIIA- facilitate technology-enhanced experiences
that address content and student technology standards, Standard IIIC- apply technology to
develop students' higher order thinking sills and creativity, and Standard IVA- apply
technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment
Teachers will be introduced to an instructional tool and strategy that engages students and
promotes learning in their classrooms. The projects teachers create as a result of the workshop
will give them the skills to integrate content standards with technology. The Excel based
projects teachers choose to implement in their own classroom, will allow their students to be
creative, learn about design and learn required on content. Projects created Excel can be used
as an alternative to assess the learning progress of students.


• Computers with the Microsoft Office software application


During my fellowship I was responsible for learning Microsoft Office 2003 and present its
new features at staff training sessions. It is clear that computer skills are used extensively and
necessary to complete a variety of tasks in the workplace. Staff needs to be updated on
software applications as new versions are introduced. To help teachers prepare students for the
workplace in the future, they need to be proficient in software applications and the ability to
create technology rich projects.


This website is a great resource for learning, using, and implementing Excel projects in the
classroom. It has extensive lists of tutorials, project ideas, and links to other useful websites:


The learning modules outlined here have been adapted from the following website:



• Ask teachers to complete “Pre-Workshop: Staff Excel Survey” form

• Plan, schedule, and invite teachers to Excel workshop
• Conduct Excel workshop
• Ask teachers to complete “Post-Workshop: Staff Excel Survey” and “Workshop
Evaluation” forms

• Provide assistance as needed throughout the year to those teachers who choose to
implement an Excel based project in their classroom

Excel is a software program that allows users to enter and manipulate data.

Open a new Excel spreadsheet
Enter data
Change cell size
Sort data
Format borders
Save and print

Open a new Excel spreadsheet

Click the Excel icon on the Dock or
Double click the hard drive icon on the Desktop/Applications/Excel

Explain the following:

Spreadsheet- basic document in Excel
Columns- identified by letters:
(A, B, C, D….)
Rows- identified by numbers:
(1, 2, 3, 4….)
Cells- rectangular field where data is
entered and each one is identified by a
letter and number (A1, B4, C23…..)

Enter Data
Once students understand basic spreadsheet terms and layout, they are ready to enter data
into their spreadsheets.

1. In cell A1, type NAMES

2. Continue down column A (A2, A3, A4….)
typing one student’s name in each cell
until all names are listed.
3. In cell B1, type TV TIME
4. Continue down column B (B2, B3, B4….)
typing the number of hours per day each
student watches TV.
5. Click File/Save to save work

Sort Data
It is sometimes necessary to arrange data in a particular order. Tell students that they are
going to arrange their TV viewing times in order, from most hours to the fewest hours.

1. Highlight all the cells with data

in them, click cell A2, hold down
the mouse button, drag the cursor
down and to right until all the
cells are included
2. In the menu bar go to Data/Sort
3. In the menu select TV Time
4. Select Descending
5. Click OK
6. Save your work

Create a Border

1. Highlight all the cells with text or

numbers in them, click cell A1,
hold down the mouse button,
drag the cursor down and to right
until all the cells are included
2. Click Format/Cells then click
the Border Tab
3. Click the boxes above Outline
and Inside
4. Hit OK
5. Save your work


1. Highlight all the cells with texts

or numbers in them, click cell
A1, hold down the mouse button,
drag the cursor down and to right
until all the cells are included
2. Click File/Print Area/Set Print
3. Click Print

Charts and graphs are used to show relationships between numbers. Use the table of data
created in the introduction.

Format numbers
Add and delete rows in a spreadsheet
Align data
Create a chart or graph

Format Numbers
Numbers have to be formatted correctly depending on the type being displayed.

1. Highlight all the cells in column

B containing a number
2. Click Format/Cells/Number
3. Click Number in the Category
4. Choose 2 in the Decimal Places
5. Click OK

Add. Delete, or Align Data

Columns or rows can be added or deleted from a spreadsheet at any time.

1. Click Row 2 to left of the first

name to highlight the entire
second row
2. Click Insert/Row.
3. Type “in the name of the
instructor” and “the number of
hours of TV watched”
4. To delete a column or row, click
the number of the row or letter of
the column and then click

Numerical data in is a spreadsheet is automatically aligned to the right of a cell

1. To realign the data highlight all
the cells in column B that contain
2. Click Format/Cells/Alignment
and then under the Horizontal
window choose Center

Create a Chart or Graph

1. Highlight all the cells with text or numbers in

them, click cell A1, hold down the mouse
button, drag the cursor down and to right until
all the cells are included
2. Go to Insert/Chart or click the Chart Button
3. Chart Wizard
Step 1: Choose Column as the Chart type
Step 2: Click Next
Step 3: Type TV Viewing as the title
Names as the Category X axis
Hours as the Value Y axis
Click Next
Step 4: Click as New Sheet
Step 5: Click Finish
4. Save your work

Tessellations are patterns that have a single repeated shape arranged so that there is no
overlapping or space between shapes.

Modify page orientation
Use Drawing Toolbar to create and color shapes
Copy and paste shapes
Manipulate shapes on a worksheet to create a pattern

The Basic Polygon

1. Open Microsoft Excel

2. Click View/Toolbars/Drawing
3. Click File/Page
4. On the Drawing Toolbar, find
the Auto Shapes button/click
Basic Arrows/choose Chevron
5. Draw a chevron on the
spreadsheet, make it about two
columns wide and four rows tall
6. Save your Work

The Tessellation

1. Click Edit/Copy
2. Click Edit/Paste 15 times
3. Arrange the chevrons so they are
row upon row and end to end
with no spaces in between
4. Use the Paint Icon on the
Drawing toolbar to color the
polygons. Alternate with two
5. Save your work


Using Excel creates a crossword puzzle that is interactive. As students type in their
responses to a clue they are given immediate response to whether they answered correctly
or not.

Create borders
Color cells
Alignment of data in cells
Modify column width and row height
Add cell comments
Add conditional formatting for cells
Create a template

Typing the Basic Puzzle

1. Open a worksheet in Excel

2. In cells B3 through F3 type the
word CHALK horizontally (one
letter per cell)
3. In cells C3 through C10 type the
word HOMEWORK vertically
4. In cells C5 through F5 type the
word MATH
5. In cells E3 through E9 type the
6. Save your work
7. Highlight all the cells from A1 to
G12 and click
8. Highlight each word and click
and Inside/OK
9. Save your work

Finishing the Basic Puzzle

1. Highlight a group of cells in the puzzle that 7. Click

do not have letters in them, for example: A1 Format/Column/Width/ty
through A12 pe 10/OK
2. Choose Format/Cells/Pattern/yellow/OK 8. Save your work
3. Continue to color all the empty cells
(Do not color cells with letters in them)
4. Highlight all cells from A1 to G12
5. Click Format/Cells/TextAlignment/
Horizontal and Vertical choose Center/OK
6. Click Format/Row/Height/type 30/OK

Adding the Puzzle Clues

1. Click cell 3B, click Insert/Comment

and in the sticky note that appears,
erase what appears and type the clue
used on a blackboard
2. Click cell 3C, click Insert/Comment,
erase what appears and type school
work you do in the evening
3. Click cell 5C, click Insert/Comment,
erase what appears and type subject
that teaches you about numbers and
4. Click cell 3E, click Insert/Comment,
erase what appears and type there are
26 of these in the alphabet
5. Save your work

Making it Interactive
A condition in Excel tells the program that if a certain value is typed, the formatting will
change. Conditions must be set to let students know whether their answers are correct or
not. To let students know when a correct letter is typed into a box it will turn blue.

1. Click cell B3
2. Click Format/Conditional
3. Click Add, There are now two
menus, Condition 1 and Condition 2
4. For Condition 1: In the drop down
menu that says “between”, select
“equal to” and type the letter C in
the empty box, click
Format/Patterns/choose light
5. For Condition 2: In the drop down
menu that says “between”,
select “not equal to”, and type the
letter C in the empty box, click
Format/Patterns/choose grey/OK
6. Click OK again
7. Repeat steps 1-5 for every letter in
the puzzle
8. When Conditional formatting is
done, erase all the text from the
puzzle. The puzzle should be blank
with grey boxes and red triangles in
the corner of the clue cells
9. Save your work

Creating a Template

1. Click File/Save as/Format/change the type to Template

2. Notice the extension is not “.xlt” not “.xls”


Formulas can be created to make calculations of data from several cells.

Merge Cells
Select noncontiguous cells
Insert and modify graphics
Create functions to calculate data
Add protection to a worksheet
Lock and unlock cells

Adding and Formatting Text

1. Open an excel spreadsheet
2. Highlight cells B2 through I3 and
in the Formatting Toolbar
choose Bold for font, 20 for size,
and click the Merge and Center
3. Click Format/Cells/Alignment/
choose Center for both Vertical
and Horizontal/OK
4. Type Trip Cost Estimator
5. Highlight cells B5 through G5,
press the control key and highlight
B9 through G9, B13 through G13
and B17 through G17
6. In the Formatting Toolbar click
12 for font size, B for bold and
then the Merge and Center
7. In cells B5 through G5 type The
number of miles will you travel
8. In cells B9 through G9 type How
many miles of gallons does your
car get?
9. In cells B13 through G13 type
How much does a gallon of gas
10. In cells B17 through G17 type
The cost of your trip will be:
11. Save your work

Adding Color

1. Highlight cells A1 through J1, press 3. Highlight cell H5 click

the Control Key and then highlight Format/Cells/Patterns/
cells A22 through J22, A2 through choose light yellow/OK
A21, and J2 through 21 4. Highlight cell H9 click
2. Click Format/Cells/Patterns/ Format/Cells/Patterns/
choose red/OK choose light green/OK

5. Highlight cell H13 click
choose light blue/OK
6. Highlight cell H17 click
choose light purple/OK
7. Highlight cell H5, press the
Control key and then highlight
cells H9, H13, and H17
8. Click Format/Cells/Border/click
9. Save your work

Adding Functions

1. Highlight cell H17 and place your

cursor in the long blank space at
the top of the worksheet next to
the symbol fx (in the small box
H17 will appear)
2. Type =H5/H19*H13 (#DIV/0!
will appear but ignore it)
3. Highlight cell H13 click
currency and 2 decimal
4. Save your work

Inserting and Modifying Graphics

1. Click Insert/Picture/Clip 2. Choose and click one picture you

art/Search for “car”/OK like, it will appear on your
3. Drag the image to the top left
hand corner of the worksheet
4. Grab a corner of the image to
resize it so it doesn’t cover any
5. Repeat the steps above to insert
three more images and place one
in each of the three corners
6. Save your work

Adding Protection

1. Highlight cell H5, press the

control key and highlight cells H9
and H13
2. Click Format/Cells/Protection/
uncheck the Locked box/OK
3. Click Tools/Protection/Protect
Sheet/type in school for a

Name ____________________________ (circle one)

pre-workshop post-workshop

Staff Excel Survey

Please identify your overall experience with Excel
(circle one)
No Experience Beginner Intermediate Advanced

Please rate your ability in each of the following skills:

(check one box for each skill)

Skill I can I think I I have

do it know how no idea
Open a new spreadsheet
Save and print
Modify Page Orientation
Enter data
Align data
Sort data
Format numbers
Change cell size
Merge cells
Color cells
Select non-contiguous cells
Add cell comments
Add conditional formatting
Create borders
Add and delete rows in a spreadsheet
Modify column width and row height
Create and color shapes
Copy and paste shapes
Manipulate shapes to form a pattern
Insert and modify graphics
Create a chart or graph
Create functions
Add protection to a worksheet
Lock and unlock cells
Create a template

Please indicate your interest in attending an Excel Workshop

(circle one)

Yes, I am interested Maybe, depends when it is No, I am not interested

Name _____________________________

Excel Staff Development Training Workshop

Please rate your satisfaction with the training
(use this scale)
1- Very Dissatisfied
3-Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied
5-Very Satisfied

Usefulness of training 1----------------2------------------3----------------4----------------

Format of training 1----------------2------------------3----------------4----------------
Content of training 1----------------2------------------3----------------4----------------
Objectives outlined 1----------------2------------------3----------------4----------------
Topics covered 1----------------2------------------3----------------4----------------
Speaker’s skills 1----------------2------------------3----------------4----------------
Overall rating 1----------------2------------------3----------------4----------------

General comments:
Please answer the questions below:
(circle one for each question)

Are you going to create an Excel based project for your students to complete?

yes maybe no

Are you going to teach your students how to create their own projects using Excel?

yes maybe no

Would you like additional help and support to complete a project using Excel?

yes maybe no


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