GIS Vs AIS - Substation Earthing

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GIS vs AIS Substation Earthing
Compressed SF6 gas used in MV and HV switchgears as an insulating medium has led to the
development of compact gas-insulated substation (CIS) technology (figure 1). GIS , having
many advantages over often used and conventional air-insulated substations (AIS), have
been receiving wide application.
However, this alternate technology has inevitably lead to a different set of problems to resolve.
in the case of substation earthing, we can discern three major aspects of the GIS substation
design which need a different approach to those used in AIS.
1. The use of a 10 times better insulating gas makes it possible to desi gn a much more
compact substation. This also means a significant reduction in the grounded area of
the substation.
2. This compact design means the phase conductors are much closer than in AIS and
with metal enclosures, for gas containment, electromagnetically induced currents
appear in the earthing system.
3. Compressed SF6 gas insulation facilitates small dielectric clearances in the GIS. As a
result breakdown occurs rapidly in the nanosecond range. The rapid collapse of voltage
results in the generation of very fast travelling wave transients which propagate
throughout the CIS. The coupling of these transients with the earthing system provokes
a transient ground potential rise (TGPR).

Figure 1 - GIS double bus-bar section view

CB: Circuit Breaker
D: Disconnectors
ME: Metal Enclosure
BB: BusBars
CT: Current Transfomers
VT: Voltage Transformers
S: Steel structures
Reduced ground area
The area occupied by a GIS substation is typically only 10-25% of that of the equivalent air
insulated instal lation.
Normally, with an AIS, a single uninsulated copper loop laid around the perimeter of the site
with cross connections to pick up the individual items of equipment, will provide a sufficiently
low resistance electrode. However, the smaller area occupied by a CIS means that the size of
the main earth loop will be smaller and therefore the total amount of conducting path will also
be smaller.
The possible solutions to reduce the earth electrode resistance are (1):
High density grid: frequent and short connections from the switchgear elements to the
earth grid. This reduces the TGPR in the GIS and contributes to reduce the total earth
electrode resistance, but not in direct proportion to the additional length.
Connection to the reinforced concrete mat: connecting the reinforcing steel mesh and
structural steel to the earth grid will reduce the total earth electrode resistance. However
this is complicated and it has to be done in a way that avoids problems of overheating
and damage of the reinforced structure due to excessive circulating currents.
Use of deep driven ground rods: If, after the above methods have been applied, the
earth electrode resistance is still high, then the use of dee!p driven ground rods will be

Induced currents
Gas Insulated Substations have a grounded outer sheath enclosing the high voltage inner
conductor, unlike conventional equipment whose closest ground is the earths surface. At the
same time the phase separation is muc:h smaller.
Depending on the current circulating through the bus-bars there will be a significant
electromagnetic field surrounding the enclosures (figure 2). Thle alternating variation of this
magnetic field induces currents in the grounded enclosure and other metallic parts in the
substation such as steel structures, inter-phase enclosure connections and ground connections
(i.e. earth shunt connections) etc. (2,4,5).
The induced currents in the enclosure can reach 90% of the value of the primary busbar
current and they circulate in opposite direction which reduces the total magnetic field outside
thle enclosure.

Figure 2 - Magnetic flux density distribution around the three phase enclosures in a GIS bus-duct

Measurements have been performed in a Reyrolle 420 kV substation using a portable current
transformer (CT). This consisted of a 0.5m diameter, flexible Rogowski coil, an integrator and a
digital voltmeter. The accuracy of the measurement system was first checked in the laboratory
which showed less than 5% error wich was considered to be adequate for the proposed
The Rogowski coil was wrapped around various earthing connections in the GIS, e.g.
grounded chambers, earth straps, inter-phase shunts, steel supports, ladders etc. The results
confirmed a high percentage of current circulating through the enclosure (in the range from 50
to 85% of the 2000 A of the primary current).
It was also found that a high level of circulating current (up to a 50%) was present in the inter-
phase copper earth straps which shunt the individual phase enclosures.

Fast Transients Overvoltages and TGPR
At the beginning of the GIS technology, the grounding design was based in the classical
approach of limiting the power frequency enclosure potentials to safe levels based on the
maximum expected fault-current conditions.
In contrast to these relatively low potentials, arcing between the grounded enclosures and
other grounded components which are indicative of much higher potentials, were routinely
observed during breakdown in HV tests or during normal disconnector operation. An
exhaustive research was done to understand the mechanism of this particular TGPR in CIS.
The reasons for this TGPR were the specific characteristics of the breakdown in SF6 producing
overvoltages with a very fast rise time of 5-20 ns and at the same time the specific coaxial
arrangement of the bus-duct which happened to be very good for the transmission of these
MHz range voltage surges.
Because of the low operating speed of the disconnector, each closing and opening operation
will produce tens of pre-strikes and re-strikes (figure 3).

Figure 3 - Pre-strikes during disconnector closing operation

Each pre-strike generates a fast transient wave of half the value of the voltage across the
contacts which is transmitted in both directions away from the pre-strike point (3). When the
travelling wave arrives at the aidSF6 termination, the vertical bushing and the overhead line
define external surge impedances which allow the incident travelling wave to refract out.
In figure 4, the aidSF6 termination is modelled as a junction of three transmission lines
each with its own surge impedance:
1. The internal coaxial GIS bus duct.
2. The overhead line-to-ground transmission line.
3. The bus enclosure to ground transmission line.

Figure 4 - Transmission line model of the TGPR in the Air/SF6 termination

One part of the incident wave is reflected back into the bus duct, another part continues
through the overhead line-to-ground transmission line and the rest forms the TGPR at the
bushing-enclosure junction (6). This TGPR is soon attenuated by the enclosure ground straps
which act as other transmission lines.
J ust to give an idea of the order of magnitude of the TGPR these are the results of the
measurements performed in a 525 kV GIS by Ontario-Hydro (6):
Voltage across contacts during disconnector closing: 526 kV(Vs)
Voltage propagate through GIS bus : 0.5 Vs = 263 kV
Arrives at bushing A (17.7 m from Vs) : bush i n 9).
TGPR at bushing A: 45 kV (26% V input to bushing)
Maximum TGPR measured in substation building: 3 kV 172 kV (33% attenuation by T of
Some of the reported experiences of TGPR in GIS are :
TGPR is of relatively high magnitude but lasts only microseconds with frequencies to
above 30MHz.
Personal safety : no injuries reported but possible dangerous reactions against the spark
or tingling when working in the GIS .
Inadvertent operation of protective devices.
Destruction of electronic components in secondary equipment and temporary
measurement equipment used for commissioning etc..
Sparking in air, between the grounded parts of the system i.e. between earth straps in
close proximity.
Short, straight and low inductance connections to the earth grid contribute to reduce the
TGPR. If the GIS is inside a building, then connecting the enclosure [via short earth straps] to
the building structure when crossing the walls will help to attenuate the TGPR inside the
Finally, special care must be taken when dealing with discontinuities in the gas enclosure as
encountered with an external CT, cable sealing end:s, transformer connections etc. At these
points the enclosures are separated bly an insulating spacer and the associated earth strap
connections are often too long and too inductive for effective grounding of high frequency
transient potentials.
Therefore significant voltages of several kV develop across the insulated flange which may
cause sparking in the surrounding air. In this case the use of surge suppressers, such as metal
oxide varistors (MOV) is highly advisable.
When designing the grounding of a CIS, together with the classical approlimiting the power
frequency enclosure potentials to safe levels based on the maximum expected fault-current
conditions, it is also necessary to be aware of the specific problems related to the GIS design.
Consideration must be given to induced currents which may cause overheating in the earthing
system even under normal load flow conditions.
The effects of the TGPR produced by fast transients over voltages must also be considered
and the associated impact on high frequency earthing techniques especially at enclosure

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