MBC E-Messenger

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There are numerous upcoming events and activities at MBC. Please

take a moment to carefully review the attached announcements,
flyers, and community information and make note of the
appropriate deadlines.
Macedonia Baptist Church
Dr. Leonard L. Hamlin, Sr., Pastor
3412 South 22nd Street, Arlington, VA 22204 (Sanctuary)
2229 South Shirlington Road, Arlington, VA 22206 (Office)
(703) 521-7663 (Office) (703) 521-6316 (Fax)
www.mbcva.ws (Website)
Theme: Generosity; Transforming Your Heart (The Faith of the Disciple)
7 at 7 on Wednesday
Join Pastor Hamlin on the prayer line for
approximately 7 minutes
each Wednesday morning at 7:00am
Dialin Number: (712) 432-1212
ID: 373-561-388

The African American Leadership Council of Arlington and the Citizens of Northern
Virginia cordially invite you to Virginias 8
Congressional District Candidate Forum
tonight, Friday, May 16, at 6:30pm. Additional details are on the attached flyer.

S.H.A.R.E. Distribution Day is this Saturday, May 17 in the Multipurpose Room
from 6:00am8:45am.


Womens Day Worship services will be this Sunday, May 18
at 7:45am
and 10:45am. All women are asked to wear the color purple. See the
attached flyer for additional information.


The next Noon Day Hour of Power will be Wednesday, May 21, at which time Min.
Janice Clarke will bring the preached word. You can pick up a bagged lunch as you
head back to the office at the end of the service.


The Heart and Soul Ministry will present a life-changing play entitled The Shot
that Saved Me on Friday, May 30. This true-story play is written and directed by
Bro. Jeff Haskins and the cast has been rehearsing and preparing this presentation
to be a blessing to you. Invite your family and friends to join you and be sure to
arrive promptly to get a good seat. See the attached flyer for additional details.


The Recreation Ministry invites you to join them to see the musical THE LION
KING at the Kennedy Center on Sunday, July 20 at 7:30pm. See the attached flyer
for ticket information and take advantage of the payment plan. The final payment is
due on or before June 1, 2014.


All requests to the Trustee Ministry should be submitted by e-mail at
[email protected]. This e-mail address is also to be used to contact any
individual trustee regarding MBC business.

Mens Day is June 8, 2014 at the 7:45am and 10:45am services. The Mens Day
Theme is Think on These Things and the scripture reference is Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is
just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is
any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Attire for Mens Day is dark suit and white shirt and see link below for bowtie.


Membership & Spiritual Development Ministry

Sickle Cell Sabbath will be back again this year on Sunday, June 29, 2014 at 9:30
am at Drew Model School (3500 S. 23rd St., Arlington, Va.). This worship service
is collaborated with the American Red Cross, which will accept your blood dona-
tions for sickle cell patients, who require multiple blood transfusions to control this
painful disease that often results in strokes. Please sign up in the narthex after
each service beginning Sunday, May 4, 2014 or online at www.mbcva.ws, click
Event Registration. Give life!! For further information, see the attached flyer and
you may also contact Rev. Lois Nicholson at [email protected].


Dr. Hamlin has accepted an invitation to bring the preached word on Sunday, July
13, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. at St. John Baptist Church, Keswick, VA for their Revival
Service. The Macedonia congregation is invited to join in this worship service.

A commercial bus will be available to travel to Keswick, VA on Sunday,
July 13, 2014. The bus will depart MBC immediately after the second
service. Individuals that plan to ride the bus must pay in full -- there
will be no refunds. The cost per person is $20. The last day to reserve
your seat is June 15, 2014.


A free weight control event ("Beat the Scale") will be held at Virginia Hospital
Center. You must register for this event that is scheduled for June 14, 2014. See
the attached flyer for full details.

The Arlington Commission on Long-Term Care Residences and The Arlington
Commission on Aging would like to recruit you to work on one or both of these
Commissions. See the attached flyer for details. If you have additional questions, feel
free to contact Maimoona N. Bah-Duckenfield, LCSW, Program Director, Area Agency
on Aging, Arlington Aging and Disability Services, 2100 Washington Blvd. 4th Fl.,
Arlington, VA 22204-5703, 703-228-1709 (Direct), 703-228-1019 (Fax).


Please call or have someone to contact the church office if you desire prayer,
hospital visit, and/or communion during an extended illness or for a family
member. Once the office receives your request, a tribal leader will contact you.


Members, if you have moved, or if your home, cell or work phone numbers have
changed, please fill out a Change of Address form at the Information Center.
All bulletin announcements and meeting room requests must be sent directly to the
church clerk, L. Sandra Garner at [email protected]. The Sunday bulletins are
distributed by e-mail and limited copies are available on Sundays for our Forerunners
and visitors and those who do not have access to e-mail.


CDs and DVDs of Sunday morning sermons are available for purchase after the
7:45am and 10:45am services at the Information Center.



Nauck Clean Up Day is Saturday, May 17
. See the attached flyer.
Thank you!
Alexis Williams, MSW, LSW, LGSW
Manager, Nauck Community Services Center
2229 S. Shirlington Road
Arlington, VA 22206

Turtle Trot
Lace up your sneakers and join us Saturday, May 17, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Lower
Bluemont Park (329 N. Manchester Street, North 4th Street Entrance) for this
chip-timed, certified 5k race to support Arlingtons turtle and wildlife rehabilita-tion
and education programs. Be sure to also catch some real turtle races afterwards! For
more information call 703-228-6535 or email [email protected] Register at
Active.com after Jan. 1. $30 fee for adults and teens, $15 fee for children 12 and under.
For more info visit www.arlingtonva.us/dpr search turtle trot.

Neighborhood Day
On Saturday, May 17, neighborhoods across Arlington will organize events ranging
from picnics to sporting events. A beloved Arlington tradition, Neighborhood Day
brings communities together to enjoy the great outdoors (or indoors) and strengthens
ties between neighbors. Arlington offers some great resources to help get the party
started including moon bounces, face painters, fire trucks, help organizing stream
cleanups and walkabouts, picnic areas and more! Tell us how youre celebrating! Visit
our webpage and fill out the Neighborhood Day Activities Form to send us details on
your activity. All neighborhood activities will be listed on the Neighborhood Day web-
page. For more information about how to get involved in Neighborhood Day, email
Laura Barragan at [email protected].

Want Trees?
Tree Canopy Fund program was created to increase the tree canopy in Arlington
County by planting trees on private property and supporting maintenance of cham-
pion trees and public education and outreach projects. This year the program will
only offer large trees, with mature height ranging from 40 to 100 feet. Groups eligible
to receive grants for tree planting include civic and homeowner associations, commu-
nity nonprofit organizations, civic service clubs, church or school-related groups, and
ad hoc neighborhood groups. The tree canopy fund can be used to plant trees on any
private property location including homeowners yards, condo association property,
apartment property, places of worship property, and in private clubs. Online applica-
tions must be received by midnight on Friday, June 20.

For mor e communi ty events and acti vi ti es, addi ti onal i nfor mati on on
any of the above-menti oned acti vi ti es and to access the for ms to be
completed, please vi si t http:/ / arli ngtonparks.us./ department/
par ksr ecr eati on

Bible Study Schedule
at 7pm

Each 1st Wednesday will be Corporate Prayer and Praise. Everyone is encouraged
and invited to attend.
Every 2nd Wednesday of the month will be Pastors Bible Study which is open to
Every 3rd Wednesday of the month will be Mens and Womens Bible Study.
Each 4th Wednesday will be Young Adult Bible Study.
The 5th Wednesday of each month will be Leadership Night. All leaders of MBC
will meet with Pastor Hamlin.


Parents, while you are in service or performing ministry, please be mindful that you are
responsible to know where your children are at all times. If you permit them to leave you
for restroom breaks, etc., they must return to you at an appropriate time and not be left
unsupervised. We appreciate your cooperation.


PLEASE TAKE NOTE: There should be no walki ng in the sanctuary duri ng
pr ayer , the message or altar call, unless you are coming to the altar. If there is
an emergency, please request the ushers assistance. Thank you.


Are you praying for, visiting, and/or calling
the sick and shut-in?


Keep up on all events at Macedonia by visiting the
monthly calendar of events at the MBC website at

******** Network********
MBC Website: www.mbcva.ws
Facebook: www.facebook.com@MacedoniaBaptistChurcharlington, va
Twitter: www.twitter.com@mbc_arlington

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father in
heaven. Matthew 5:16
The Media Ministry is seeking dedicated and committed members to be a part of its ministry.
We are embarking on new projects and continuing projects and need additional members to
help. Below is a list of some of the duties that the Media Ministry is responsible to carry out.
You will see there are many projects and we ask that you carefully look over the list and pray
that the Lord will lead you to be instrumental part of this Ministry. If you have any
questions, feel free to contact Gina Dykes or MIT George Pittmon or you may contact the
church office.









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