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IMT Ph.D. Program Institutions, Markets and Technologies

Application Call 2014/2015
Deadline: July 14
, 2014 at 18:00 (Italian time)

IMTs international PhD program Institutions, Markets and Technologies is truly unique. The program,
which lasts three years and includes a research period abroad, and is governed by a single collegial body
(made up primarily of tenured professors at the Institute).

Based on the strong interdisciplinary nature of the Institute which integrates competences in economics,
engineering, computer science, physics, history and cultural heritage - IMTs doctoral program offers
advanced training for the analysis and management of a variety of technological and societal systems. More
specifically, the program encompasses the four scientific macro-areas present at IMT: Computer Science,
Systems Engineering, Economics and Management, and is articulated in 8 field-specific, yet complementary,

Every curriculum is affiliated with one or more macro-areas and is linked with one of the Institutes Research
units. The structure of the program therefore perfectly reflects IMTs multidisciplinary organization model,
which places the integration of research and education at the fulcrum of its mission.

Curricula Descriptions

The curriculum in Computer Science focuses on key aspects of current research in the
theory and applications of informatics, such as open-endedness, autonomy, security,
concurrency, cost-effectiveness, quality of services, and dependability. The main goal
is to develop models, algorithms, and verification methods for modern distributed
systems. The doctoral students enrolled in this curriculum will carry out cutting-edge
research on the fundamentals and applications of architectures and languages for
modern distributed systems, including global and cloud computing systems, web
systems and services, and mobile systems. They will also acquire professional skills in
the application of computer technologies to massively distributed systems.

The curriculum in Control Systems is oriented towards model-based control of
dynamical systems and decision-making algorithms, including embedded optimization
algorithms for control and management of stochastic, networked, and large-scale
dynamical systems. Motivated by the pervasive nature of data information systems
and by the availability of powerful (and possibly distributed) computational resources,
the main goal is to devise complex decision-making strategies that make systems
react with a certain degree of autonomy and in an intelligent way to changes in their
operating environment. Research skills in model-based control and optimization of
dynamical systems taught enable students to conceive novel theories and algorithms.
Students also learn professional skills for designing, simulating, and deploying control
systems in a variety of application areas, such as smart grids and energy markets,
finance, automotive and aerospace systems, water network management, industrial
processes, and many others.
Image Analysis

The curriculum in Image Analysis focuses on the analysis of large-scale multimodal
imaging data arising in the natural and life sciences. Motivated by the explosion in
such imaging data, the goal is to develop high-throughput and high-precision
strategies to analyze intelligently these vast data sets to prove expert-driven
hypothesis but also unearth unseen patterns. Such vast datasets arise from studying
various organs (e.g., the heart) and organisms (humans, other model organisms such
small or large animals, and plants), with multiple modalities (MRI, PET, and optical at
various scales), which span multiple dimensions (e.g., 2D, 3D, multispectral), and are
dynamic and repeated. This scenario is particularly prevalent now, where this type of
analysis is needed to speed up imaging studies that accompany genotype-driven
experiments. Research is focused on combining (and devising new) machine learning
and data mining algorithms with innovative feature extraction, sparse data
representation, and scientific visualization, to achieve the above goals. Students learn
a variety of image analysis and machine learning methods and develop new image
processing and analysis algorithms that are tailored towards taking advantage of cloud


infrastructures. The skills of handling large amounts of data and processing them in a
distributed fashion are particularly sought-after in the job market due to the recent
interest in 'big data'.


The curriculum in Computational Mechanics focuses on the development of innovative
computational methods to study events governed by the principles of mechanics. As a
fundamental part of computational science and engineering, concerned with the use
of numerical approaches to characterize, predict and simulate physical events and
engineering systems, the present curriculum is oriented towards modelling the
behavior of complex heterogeneous materials and structures. Strongly motivated by
industrial applications and by the recent advances in physics and materials science,
special attention is given to the analysis of engineering problems characterized by
multiple length scales and multiple fields (coupled problems). The doctoral students
enrolled in this curriculum will acquire multidisciplinary skills in fracture and contact
mechanics, computational methods, computer programming, optimization theories and
complex networks. International cooperation with renowned universities are exploited.
Complex Networks


The theory of Complex Networks introduces a novel way to look at several natural and
technological phenomena. In this curriculum we use this framework derived from the
mathematics of Graph Theory, the database analysis of Computer Science and the
modelling skills of Statistical Phyisics to describe some specific Natural Phenomena.
The activities done are on:
Analysis of Communities in Brain Networks
Reconstruction of Network of correlation from Time Series Analysis
Use of Bipartite Networks spectral properties for the clustering of patients with
similar diseases
Definition of Chemical Networks
Study of the Root-Apices interaction in plants
Study of Channel Networks in plants

The curriculum in Management Science is oriented towards managerial decision
making in complex organizations based on a quantitative approach to finance,
marketing, information systems, operations, organizational behavior, innovation and
industrial dynamics. The participants are expected to acquire a solid grasp of
underlying principles of information theory, decision sciences, statistics and numerical
methods, along with their organizational and economic implications. Students and
faculty address research questions raised by the emerging digital economy, the
transformation of organizations and markets, and opportunities for new business
models. MS is inherently multi-disciplinary. Study in this area utilizes faculty with
backgrounds in economics, management science, computer science, decision sciences
and complex system analysis. Theoretical methodologies and models are tested
through the methodical/systematic investigation of real world case studies.


The curriculum in Economics provides participants with a solid knowledge base in
microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics and management, as well as in some
more specific fields, such as political economy and the analysis of complex systems.
Students and faculty address a wide range of research questions in the areas of
macroeconomics, political economy, economics of innovation and industrial economics.
With its interdisciplinary approach, the curriculum deals with issues in political
economy, applied public economics, the functioning of industries and markets and the
impact of macroeconomic factors on the functioning of markets, as well as on
productivity and growth. The character of the curriculum is distinctive in its
deployment of a strong integration of theoretical, technical and practical expertise, to
educate highly qualified professionals who analyze, plan, and manage concrete
applications of political economy. Theoretical methodologies and models are tested
through the methodical/systematic investigation of real world case studies. The
curriculum is designed to prepare candidates for leading positions in the academy and
international organizations, as well as in research and consulting centers.
Analysis and
of Cultural
The curriculum in Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage proposes courses in
Management of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Institutions, European and International
Legislation on Cultural Heritage and Landscape, Art History, Museology, Technologies


applied to the valorization of Cultural Heritage. Both research oriented and practice
oriented courses constitute the program, which aims at educating qualified
professionals operating in the concrete field of cultural management and academics.
It promotes research offering the students a lively contact with different research
approaches and methodologies, through case studies belonging to research fields
such as Art History, Classical Archaeology and Museology.

Duration: 3 years

Language: Courses and seminars are held in English.

Classes start in November 2014.

Scholarships and Facilities
32 Ph.D. positions are covered by scholarships in the gross amount of 13,638.47 /year. Some
scholarships could be financed by the CNR.
4 additional positions without scholarships may also be offered.
All Ph.D. students will have tuition fees waived (Regional Tax excluded).
Ph.D. students who are granted a scholarship have free accommodation in shared double rooms in
the School residence halls (with the exception of students whose permanent residence is within
30km of IMT).
All Ph.D. students will have free access to the canteen services.
All Ph.D. students are covered by insurance against any accident and/or injury that may occur while
carrying out their Ph.D. activities.

The number of places with scholarship may be increased as a result of funding provided by public or private
organizations made available after the publication of the notice and within the deadline for submission of
requests to participate. Of such cases is given notice by advertising on the website of IMT.
All Ph.D. positions may be covered by an apprenticeship contract. This is a type of work contract specifically
created for youth, in which the company provides both remuneration and professional training for the young
worker while benefiting from tax reductions in exchange. It is a type of contract therefore that is particularly
suited for growing companies looking to invest in young workers to progressively grow within the enterprise.

For more information, please visit the IMT PhD/Prospective Students page
Applications are open to candidates who meet the below requirements without regard to nationality, age,
gender or religion.
Knowledge of English is compulsory.
The candidate must have completed and obtained a degree equivalent to at least 4 years of
university studies.


Italian Degree Foreign Degree Graduating Applicants
-"Laurea Magistrale" (or
"Specialistica"), according to DM n
509, of November 3, 1999

- Four- or five-year degree
according to the previous rules of
the Italian higher education system
Foreign degrees are considered
and their eligibility is assessed by
the Selection Committee.

For admission, the minimum
duration of university studies is
equivalent to 4 years (full time).

If admitted, foreign degree holders
are required to hand in a
"Dichiarazione di valore". This
document is not required to apply
(see documents for enrollment

Applicants obtaining their degree
by no later than October 31
2014 may apply (Italian or foreign
degree according to the previous

They must hand in the copy of
their degree certificate by the date
of enrollment.
However, we recommend to
anticipate the document by email
[email protected] or
[email protected] or via fax
+39 0583 4326 565

Applicants must fill out the online application form and attach the required documents by July 14
2014 at 6:00 pm (Italian time), on pain of exclusion from the competition.
Applications submitted by means other than the online procedure will not be accepted, unless explicitly
permitted by IMT following a well-motivated request concerning technical impediments.
All Candidates are invited to read carefully the Application guidelines, available on IMT website inside the
application procedure section. This document provides guidance on filling out the different sections of the
application form.
In order to apply, applicants must first submit their personal data: Applicants will then receive a
confirmation e-mail containing a password and basic instructions for the submission procedure.

Application Procedure
The first time applicants access their account, they will be requested to choose the Curriculum(s) to which
they wish to apply.
While not mandatory, information and attachments marked Optional are most welcome, as they enable the
Admissions Committee to evaluate candidates comprehensively.
Data and documents entered into the application form are the sole responsibility of the applicant. In the
event of false declaration(s), the applicant will not be allowed to enroll in the Ph.D. Program at IMT.
In order to submit the application form, applicants must insert all the mandatory data and attachments as
listed below.


The curriculum(s) to which
the applicant is applying

Compulsory It is possible to apply for more than one Curriculum.

For those applying to more than one Curriculum,
basic personal information will remain the same in
all individual applications. The Education information
can be changed from application to application.
Applicants will be free to switch from one application
to another as they wish, but are not allowed to
register more than once with different e-mail
addresses and/or different names or to submit more
than one application to the same Curriculum
otherwise only the last one will be considered valid.

The selection committee reserves the right to
propose that the applicant be considered,
interviewed for or admitted to another curriculum it
deems appropriate in addition to or instead of that
to which the candidate has applied.
Personal Data Compulsory
English language level Compulsory Applicants must indicate their level of English
Education Compulsory Applicants must have completed and obtained a
degree equivalent to at least 4 years of university
studies. Applicants must indicate the average exams
mark and final vote (if any) for each obtained
Reference Letter Compulsory Applicants have to provide the names and contact
information (e-mail and telephone number) of two
referees. The first referee must agree to submit a
reference letter in English in respect of the applicant
through our online application system, by July 22

IMT does not notify applicants in the event that
referees fail to provide a reference. Applicants will
be able to verify the status of the references on the
Summary page, but are not granted access to any
references provided.
Additional information Compulsory Applicants must indicate how they found out about
Interview Compulsory
Applicants have to indicate the mode by which they
wish to be interviewed
Compulsory Applicants have to indicate if they are interested in
the Higher education and research apprenticeship.
More information on:
Additional qualification(s) Optional


Publications Optional
Applicants can indicate published articles, books or
any material that can be considered relevant for
Ph.D. and research activity.
Disability assistance for the
Applicants can indicate if they need assistance to
participate in the selection procedure.

The selection committee will accept attachments in Italian or English language only (except the Research
Statement described below).
Please note that you have to upload the document in PDF or other non-modifiable standard format
(i.e.: JPEG, JPG, GIF).
The maximum size is 3MB for each single attachment.
If your file is too big, you can upload it as a ZIP file as long as it is in PDF (or other non-modifiable
1. Copy of National
Identity Card or


For Italians and EU Citizens: National Identity card or
Extra-EU applicants: National Identity card or Passport
(highly recommended).

The copy has to be signed by the candidate, indicating the date
and place of signature. In case that your document is not
written in English or Italian, please upload also a translation
into English or Italian (Please note that you can translate the
document yourself- there is no need for an official/legal

In particular the pages containing the applicants photograph,
personal data, document number, place and date of issue. If
some of this information is missing, the document will not be
In the event that copies of documents are illegible, the Selection
Committee may request to see the original prior to the date of
the entrance interview.
2. Curriculum vitae
et studiorum
Compulsory Compulsory (English highly recommended)
3. Education
(see table 1,
Compulsory Degree Certificates (Bachelor / Master):

for applicants with a degree: a self-declaration or a
certificate declaring the possession of a degree,
conferral date, issuing University and final grade;

for applicants who expect to complete their
degree by the 31
of October 2014: certificate or
self-declaration indicating examinations taken and
grades obtained. Please note that it is compulsory to
hand in the degree certificate by the date of enrolment.


Candidates can anticipate the document by email
[email protected] or [email protected] or via fax
+39 0583 4326 565.

The certificate is required to enable the Selection Committee to
declare equivalence for the sole purpose of admission to this
Call. If the certificate is not in Italian or in English, the applicant
should also submit a translation into English or Italian.

4. Research

Research Statement (maximum 10,000 characters) highlighting
the applicants ability to formulate an original and coherent
research proposal and his or her major research interests as
specified below for each curriculum.
For AMCH: A research proposal. The proposal is not binding
and is used largely for the purposes of evaluating the
application. Once admitted, the candidate will define a research
topic in agreement with his or her Advisor.

For all other Curricula: A cover letter describing the
applicants scientific or academic expertise and experience in
relevant methods and areas of study, research interests, future
plans and reasons for wishing to pursue Ph.D. study at IMT.

5. Academic
Compulsory For each degree, the applicant has to attach at least one of the
documents listed below.

Academic transcript: an official document detailing your
course, classes taken or subjects studied and results, completion
date, graduation date.

Diploma Supplement: a detailed transcript of student
attainment that is appended to the certificate of attainment of
the qualification.

6. Dichiarazione di
Optional Dichiarazione di valore: translation and legal certification by
a qualified Italian diplomatic or consular representative in the
country where the degree/qualification has been issued,
reporting the list of all the exams taken and the grades received
by the applicant, according to the relevant legislation.
In case of admission this document will be requested prior to


In the table below you can find some indications about the exact document allowed to attach in the
Education section according to your degrees.

Phase Italian EU (non Italian)

Legally residing
in Italy
NOT legally residing in
Self declaration
declaring the
possession of a
degree, conferral
date, issuing
University and,
final grade(*)
Self declaration
declaring the
possession of a
conferral date,
University and,
final grade(*)
Self declaration
declaring the
possession of a
degree, conferral
date, issuing
University and,
final grade(*)
Certificate declaring
the possession of a
degree, conferral date,
issuing University and,
final grade
- - - -
Self declaration
declaring the
possession of a
degree, conferral
date, issuing
University and,
final grade(*)
Self declaration
declaring the
possession of a
conferral date,
University and,
final grade(*)
declaring the
possession of a
degree, conferral
date, issuing
University and,
final grade
Certificate declaring
the possession of a
degree, conferral date,
issuing University and,
final grade
Dichiarazione di
valore (**)
Dichiarazione di
valore (**)
Dichiarazione di
valore (**)
Dichiarazione di valore
declaring the
possession of a
degree, conferral
date, issuing
University and,
final grade
declaring the
possession of a
conferral date,
University and,
final grade
declaring the
possession of a
degree, conferral
date, issuing
University and,
final grade
Certificate declaring
the possession of a
degree, conferral date,
issuing University and,
final grade
Dichiarazione di
valore (**)
Dichiarazione di
valore (**)
Dichiarazione di
valore (**)
Dichiarazione di valore
(*) according to the Presidential Decree art.3, 46 n 445 of 28.12.2000
(**) see details in the Enrolment Section

If the application lacks an information or an attachment referred to as "compulsory", applicants can be
conditionally admitted to the selection procedure and their application will be considered valid only if they
produce the required documents within the day scheduled for the exam.
Information and attachments referred to as "optional" are useful to the Selection Committee.


Prior to final submission, applicants will have the possibility to modify and save the inserted information
whenever they wish.
We strongly recommend applicants review the inserted information and uploaded attachments before
submitting the application. No changes are allowed to submitted data. Erroneous data and/or
attachments will be evaluated as they are submitted.
Please note that applicants are responsible for ensuring that their completed application arrives on time.
We strongly suggest that applicants submit their application well in advance of the deadline in order to avoid
last-minute congestion in the online application procedure.

Applicants are evaluated by the selection committee of the program in which they intend to register on the
basis of their prior performance and professional promise, as evidenced by their academic record and any
other pertinent data they submit. While high academic achievement does not guarantee admission, IMT
expects such achievement or other persuasive evidence of professional promise.

Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of their academic background, skills and scientific value with
reference to the subjects of the interdisciplinary program, and their general aptitudes to research. The
selection committee will also assess the relevance of any publications, the suitability of the research project
or motivation letter and any additional special qualifications, educational activities and/or participation in
research groups or projects.

The selection committee reserves the right to propose that the applicant be considered, interviewed for or
admitted to another curriculum it deems appropriate in addition to or instead of that to which the candidate
has applied.

The selection procedure will be carried out in two phases:

1. Assessment of all the applications admitted through the online procedure: The short-list of
candidates admitted to the interview will be published on the web site and on the Online Notice Board
of IMT.

2. Interview: Once short-listed, applicants will be required to participate in a comprehensive interview
in English in order to assess their aptitude for research in the curricula for which they have applied, as
well as their English proficiency. The dates interviews will be published on the web site and on the
Online Notice Board of IMT.

Candidates admitted to the interview must confirm their participation by email to
[email protected] within 48 hours of publication of the shortlist.

According to the mode by which the Candidates wish to be interviewed, the interviews could be conducted
as follows:

At IMT headquarters in Lucca

Via videoconference or through any other procedure allowing visual contact with the candidates and
viewing of their identity document (candidates must show identification before the interview begins).

At an Italian Embassy/Consulate. In this case, the candidate must provide IMT with the contact
details of the relevant Italian Embassy/Consulate. Before the interview, the Embassy/consulate staff
will proceed with an identification verification of the candidate.


General ranking list and evaluation results will be published on the Schools Online Notice Board and on this

The list will indicate the names of the applicants who have been admitted to the Ph.D. Program.

In the event that the number of suitable candidates exceeds the number of scholarships available, a limited
number of places in the program may be offered without scholarship.

Candidates who apply for more than one Curriculum are eligible to be admitted to the ranking of one
Curriculum only. Moreover, the Selection Committee could consider a candidate suitable for a different
Curriculum selected by the candidate. In this case, the candidate will be admitted for the curriculum decided
by the Selection Committee.

In the event of forfeiture or exclusion of a candidate within 45 days from the date of beginning of the
program, he or she shall be replaced by the next suitable candidate according to the ranking.

Once admitted to the Ph.D. program, candidates who wish to enroll must download the enrollment form
from IMT website, fill it in, and submit it in person or by post to IMT (Piazza San Ponziano 6 55100 Lucca
Italy) within 10 days from the notification of the results on the Schools Online Notice Board and on this

All documents required for the enrolment have to be enclosed; otherwise, the request will be rejected.

Admitted applicants who do not send the enrollment form within the deadline will automatically forfeit their
place in the program.

Please note that enrollment is effective ONLY starting from your arrival at IMT (no later than the first day of
official classes). Unauthorized absences may nullify the enrollment procedure.

In the event that any of the documents downloaded during the application procedure do not correspond
those submitted during enrollment due to deliberate false declaration, the applicant will automatically forfeit
their place in the program.
Dichiarazione di Valore
Prior to registration, admitted candidates with foreign degree will have to send the Dichiarazione di valore
or a document that certifies that the procedure for obtaining such document has been initiated. The
"Dichiarazione di Valore" is a translation and legal certification issued according to the relevant legislation by
a qualified Italian diplomatic or consular representative in the country where the degree/qualification has
been issued, listing all the exams taken and the grades received by the applicant.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that it may take quite some time to obtain the Dichiarazione di
Valore; as such, we suggest contacting the Italian diplomatic representative in the country
where the degree has been issued as soon as possible in the application process.


Additional Documentation and Entry Visa
All information concerning foreign degrees and entry visas is available on the dedicated Facilities page.
IMT offers assistance concerning entry visa procedures. Additional information is provided on the website of
the Italian Embassies and Consulates.
The scholarships are awarded in order of merit. In cases of equal merit, preference will be given based on
the assessment of candidates economic situation, as determined pursuant to the Decree of the President of
the Council of Ministers of 9 April 2001.
Scholarships for the Ph.D. program are subject to the payment of INPS social security contributions
managed separately pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 26 of Law n. 335 of 8 August 1995, as amended, with
two-thirds paid by the Administration and one third by the scholarship recipient.
The amount of the scholarship cannot be less than that determined in accordance with Article 1, paragraph
1, letter a) of Law n. 315 3 August 1998 and subsequent amendments and additions. Holders of
scholarships are exempt from payment of fees for admission to and attendance of the program.
The scholarship has a maximum duration of three years and is subject to annual confirmation, after
verification, in accordance with Article 14 of these Regulations, that the student has completed the program
of activities for the previous year.
Installments the scholarship shall be disbursed at the end of the relevant period on a monthly basis, except
as provided in paragraph 13 of the PhD Regulations.
Scholarship holders may renounce their scholarship at any time without withdrawing from the program. In
this case, the Scientific Board may decide to award the scholarship to the first eligible student.Students who
withdraw or are expelled from the program within the first 45 days of the start of the program or from
registration are not entitled to the scholarship.
If a student is registered conditionally for reasons related to the timing of the release of the Dichiarazione di
Valore by the diplomatic or consular representation, the disbursement of the scholarship is suspended as a
precautionary measure. Upon the resolution of the conditional registration, all installments due to the
student shall be paid.

For further information, please contact:
[email protected]
t+39 0583 4326745

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