Section A Questions 1-4

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Questions 1-4
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. Razin like to go ___________ in the jungle with his father.
A rollerblading
B trekking
C fishing
2. Ali and aufik are going to !enang b" ____________.
A ferr"
B train
C bic"cle
#. hat ____________ cake is cream" and delicious.
A round
B s$uare
C triangular
% rectangular
&. Alina needs a ping pong ball and a __________ to pla" ping pong.
A bat
B rac$uet
C shuttlecock
Questions 5-7
Read the te't and choose the best answer.
(ast )aturda"* +ora and her famil" went to a ,-. ____________
for a picnic. he" went there b" ,/. ____________ . he" wanted to swim
so the" changed into their ,0. ___________ .
-. A pond /. A bus 0. A swimsuits
B town B car B uniforms
C beach C 1an C p"jamas
% 1illage % jeep % t2shirts
Questions 8-10
Choose the best answer for each picture gi1en.
3. A he girl is throwing rubbish on the floor.
B he girl is throwing rubbish out the window.
C he girl is throwing rubbish into the dustbin.
4. A Rahman likes to fish.
B he bo" is feeding the fish.
C 5e is keeping his fish in the water.
16. A 7e celebrate our +ational %a" on #1st August.
B 7e celebrate our +ational %a" on #1st 8arch.
C 7e celebrate our +ational %a" on #1st 9ul".
Questions 11 15
(ook at the pictures below carefull". Choose the best sentences to fit the situation
shown in the picture.
Rina* this is m" sister*
11. A +ice to meet "ou* )usan.
B his is m" friend* Rina.
C his is m" grandmother.
12. A I collected man" seashells.
B he beach was beautiful.
C :es* I did.
1#. A 8a" ; help "ou?
B 5ow man" mangoes do "ou want?
C he bananas are cheap.
1&. A )ee "ou later.
B 5ere "ou are.
C hank "ou<
1-. A 7here is Rosli?
B Is Rosli stud"ing?
C Is Rosli in the bedroom?
Questions 16 21
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1/. here ________ man" rambutans in that tree.
A am
B is
C are
%id "ou ha1e fun at the
; want to bu" mangoes and
5e is stud"ing in his
10. 9ohan is ______ than his brother.
A strong
B stronger
C strongest
13. here are three bedrooms ______ a li1ing room in m" house.
A or
B and
C but
14. Rosnah ______ some fruits and 1egetables at the market "esterda".
A bought
B bu"s
C bu"
26. ________ did "ou bu" from the supermarket?
A 5ow
B 7hat
C 7here
21. +urin>s father is a doctor. ______ works in the hospital.
A he"
B )he
C 5e
Question 22-23
Choose the answer with correct spein!.
22. !ak 8ail caught a __________ in his garden.
A mousedeer
B mouthdeer
C mausdier
2#. _________ is the national flower of our countr".
A 5aibiskus
B 5ibiskes
C 5ibiscus
Question 24-25
Choose the answer with correct pun"tu#tions$
2&. A (ast )unda"* Rizal went to 8elaka.
B (ast sunda"* Rizal went to 8elaka
C last )unda" rizal went to melaka.
2-. A %o "ou sell sugar* eggs* butter and flour!
B %o "ou sell sugar* eggs* butter and flour?
C %o "ou sell sugar eggs butter and flour.
Question 26-30
(ook at the picture carefull". Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
his is 7ei ?eong. 7ei ?eong is a ,26. __________. 5e ,27. _______ in a
5e grows fruits ,28. ________ 1egetables in his farm. ,2%. _________ sells them at
the market e1er" )unda". 7ei ?eong is ,30. _________ hardworking farmer.
2/. A doctor 24. A 5e
B farmer B It
C teacher C )he
20. A work #6. A a
B works B an
C worked C the
23. A or
B and
C but
Question 31-35
Read the passage below and answer the $uestions that follow.
%uring the school holida"s* Anita usuall" 1isits
her grandparents. he" li1e on a farm in Bagan
%atoh* !erak. Anita>s grandfather plants fruit trees
and 1egetables on his farm. 5er grandmother looks
after the ducks and chickens.
Anita likes going to the farm. here is so much
to do there but she likes feeding the chickens the

Anita>s grandparents sometimes take her to eluk Intan* a town nearb". here
go there to watch a mo1ie at the cinema or shop at the supermarket.
#1. 7here is Anita>s grandparents> farm? It is in ________________.
A Bagan %atoh
B eluk Intan
C ?uala (ipis
#2. 7hat does Anita>s grandparents plant on his farm?
A @ruits trees and flowers.
B @lowers and 1egetables.
C Aegetables and fruit trees.
##. 7ho looks after the ducks and chickens?
A Anita.
B Anita>s grandfather.
C Anita>s grandmother.
#&. 7hat does Anita like doing the most in the farm?
A 7atering the fruit trees.
B @eeding the chickens
C 7atching mo1ies.
#-. 7h" do Anita and her grandparents go to the town?
A o sell the fruits and 1egetables.
B o watch a mo1ie or shop.
C o 1isit her parents.
Question 36-40
Read the passage below and answer the $uestions that follow.
School Canteen Day
Date : 9-10-2010 (Saturday)
Time : 9 a.m. 1 p.m.
Place : School Canteen.
Pupil can ell !ood" handmade thin#" $oo% and toy.
&e 'ill ue the money collected to $uy ne' tory$oo%.
Than% you
(i )leena *hoo
#/. 7hen is Canteen %a"?
A Bn )unda"* 4th. of )eptember* 2616.
B Bn )aturda"* 4th. of Bctober* 2616.
C Bn )aturda"* 4th. +o1ember* 2616.
#0. 7hat time does Canteen %a" start?
A At 4 o>clock in the morning.
B At 4 o>clock at night.
C At 1 o>clock in the afternoon.
#3. 7hat will the pupils sell?
A o"s and books.
B @ood and clothes.
C 8agazines and handmade things.
#4. 7here will the" sell the things?
A At school canteen.
B At the school field.
C In the school hall.
&6. 7ho wrote the notice?
A 8iss Aleeza.
B 8iss Aleena.
C 8iss Ameela.

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