2014 Annies Heirloom Seeds Catalog
2014 Annies Heirloom Seeds Catalog
2014 Annies Heirloom Seeds Catalog
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Seed Catalog
S hi ppi ng
2 Onl y He i r l oom Var i e t i e s - No Hy br i ds - No GMOs - Fami l y Owne d & Ope r at e d
Annie's Favorite Tomato
Collection $5.50
All heirloom tomatoes are great, but these five
are our favorites of them all. Black Krim for
that excellent black tomato flavor, Thessaloniki
because it's so sweet and good, Koralik cherry
tomato because it's early, rich, flavorful and
hardy, Amish Paste for excellent sauce, and
Mortgage Lifter because of its big, beautiful,
delicious fruit. Minimum of 10 seeds of each of
the following:
Amish Paste
Mortgage Lifter
Black Krim
Favori te
Annie's Favorite Pepper
Collection $5.50
This is a collection of our favorite peppers,
with a traditional bell, a stuffing pepper,
a hot pepper, a spectacular Italian sweet
pepper, and fun Banana peppers. Receive 10
seeds of each of the following varieties:
Bull Nose
Sweet Banana
Corno di Toro Giallo
Topepo Rosso
Early Jalapeno
Southern American
Homestead Garden $81.50
Uniquely designed for the Southern gardener, this collection is tailored
to the Southern climate and regional food preferences. Enjoy cowpeas,
collard and okra along with many other Southern favorites! With
enough seed for fresh eating all season as well as preserving some
for winter, this collection of mostly American vegetable varieties is
a wonderful start to a bountiful season. Each collection includes 36
different vegetables and 2 herbs.
Northern American Homestead Garden $87.50
The Northern gardener faces many gardening challenges, from a cold
winter, a short spring, and cooler temperatures, to a short hot growing
season. Designed for these challenges, this master garden includes a
wide variety of vegetables that will thrive in the North. With enough
seeds for both fresh eating and preserving, this collection of mostly
American seed varieties is sure to please. Each collection includes 35
different vegetables and 2 herbs.
Favori te
Onl y He i r l oom Var i e t i e s - No Hy br i ds - No GMOs - Fami l y Owne d & Ope r at e d 1 - 800- 31 3 - 91 40 www. Anni e s He i r l oomSe e ds . com 3
Annies Favorites Collection $67.75
Chosen for their great taste, hardiness, or
beauty, the Annies Favorite vegetables are sure
to please. This collection contains a packet of
each of my favorite vegetables. If you cant
decide, you cant go wrong with this collection.
34 seed packets total.
Annies Sunower
Collection $6.00
Ranging in height from 60
inches down to 16 inches, you
can plant up a beautiful display
of sunflowers in colors ranging
from white to deep orange. Each collection
includes 10 seeds of the following varieties:
Autumn Beauty
Italian White
Lemon Queen
Teddy Bear
Velvet Queen
Beginner's Garden
Collection $10.00
Are you new to gardening
and don't know where
to start? The Beginner's
Garden Collection
contains all easy to grow vegetables that
are delicious and rewarding. All you need
is a patch of ground and a trellis for the
cucumbers to climb. Contains one packet of
each of the following vegetables:
Contender Bush Bean
Annies Lettuce Blend
Muncher Cucumber
Annies Radish Mix
Black Beauty Zucchini
Companion Flower Collection $13.00
Would you like to encourage beneficial insects and deter
bad bugs without chemicals? How about doing all that
and adding beauty to your garden? Companion planting
is the natural way to help your garden while enjoying
beautiful flowers alongside your vegetables. Support your
corn with tall sunflowers, deter bad bugs with marigolds and dill, use zinnias
to trap Japanese beetles, or nasturtiums to attract bugs away from your
vegetables. Each collection includes one packet of each of the following:
Crackerjack Marigold
Tall Trailing Mix Nasturtium
Tangerine Gem Marigold
Peppermint Stick Zinnia
Autumn Beauty Mix Sunower
Cut and Come Again Zinnia
Bouquet Dill
Culinary Herb
Collection $14.75
These are the most commonly
used herbs in European
cooking, sure to perk up
any kitchen. Each collection
includes one packet of the
Genovese Basil
Flat Leaf Parsley
Chives Oregano
Cilantro Sweet
Dukat Dill
Favori te
4 Onl y He i r l oom Var i e t i e s - No Hy br i ds - No GMOs - Fami l y Owne d & Ope r at e d
Dear Friends,
As we prepare for a new year, its good to stop and reflect
on the year gone by. 2013 was an exciting year for us,
as we moved the family, farm, and business to Beaver
Island, in the middle of Lake Michigan. This is a fairly
remote location, quiet, peaceful, beautiful, with a vibrant
and hardy community. It is an ideal location for seed
farming, because there is no commercial agriculture
here, and therefore less worries about cross-pollination
and GMO contamination. The downside is that we left
the fertile gardens that we worked to build, but we are
confident that we can rebuild them here, better than
ever. And dont worry, even out here, we still have daily
mail service, so youll get the same great service youve
come to expect from Annies. Weve got big plans here
on the island, and were excited about what is to come.
Going into 2014, were excited to bring you many new
products that we think youll love. Many of you have
asked for organic seeds, and we listened. Youll find lots
of great organic varieties all over the catalog. Another
thing customers have requested is fall collections specific
to different regions of the country, so our southern
friends can grow some of their regional favorites. Plus
weve gotten such a great response to our tomato and
pepper collections that weve created a few new ones this
year. If you love heirlooms because of their connection
to the past, try the Oldtime Favorite Tomatoes Collection
for tastes of a century ago. This year youll find all of
your old favorites, plus a bunch of new varieties that we
hope youll enjoy.
Gardening has gone from a hobby, to a passion, to a
way of life for us. Always full of successes and failures,
challenges and triumphs, the reward for our labor is
great food to share at the table with our families. We
love what we do, and we want to thank all of you for
giving us the opportunity to do it.
Good luck with your garden this year!
December 2013
Basil Collection with Nasturtiums
Look for the * to find Annies Favorites!
Our favorite varieties because of their
excellent taste and reliability.
Annies Garden Collections
Asian Garden Collection
Asian vegetables are interesting, beautiful and delicious. Enjoy this
collection of unique and fun to grow vegetables throughout the
season in delicious stir fries, salads and even Asian pickles! Each
collection includes one packet of each of the following:
Dwarf Bok Choy Kurojuroku Asparagus Bean
Aichi Cabbage Iwai Daikon Radish
Kailaan Chinese Broccoli Heshiko Bunching Onion
Dwarf Gray Snow Pea Thai Basil
Asian Garden Collection $17.25
Beginner's Garden Collection
Are you new to gardening and don't know where to start? The
Beginner's Garden Collection contains all easy to grow vegetables
that are delicious and rewarding. All you need is a patch of ground
and a trellis for the cucumbers to climb. Contains one packet of
each of the following vegetables:
Contender Bush Bean Annies Lettuce Blend
Muncher Cucumber Annies Radish Mix
Black Beauty Zucchini
Beginners Garden Collection $10.00
Companion Flower Collection
Would you like to encourage beneficial insects and deter bad bugs
without chemicals? How about doing all that and adding beauty to
your garden? Companion planting is the natural way to help your
garden while enjoying beautiful flowers alongside your vegetables.
Support your corn with tall sunflowers, deter bad bugs with
marigolds and dill, use zinnias to trap Japanese beetles, or
nasturtiums to attract bugs away from your vegetables. Each
collection includes one packet of each of the following:
Crackerjack Marigold Tall Trailing Mix Nasturtium
Tangerine Gem Marigold Peppermint Stick Zinnia
Autumn Beauty Mix Sunflower Cut and Come Again Zinnia
Bouquet Dill
Companion Flower Collection $13.00
Edible Flowers Collection
There are so many wonderful ways to use flowers. This collection
includes all edible flowers, flowers that can add beauty and flavor
to your favorite salads or desserts or just add a beautiful garnish to
a nice dinner. Each collection includes one packet of each of the
Giant Swiss Mix Pansy Pacific Beauty Mix Calendula
Scarlet Runner Bean Mammoth Gray Stripe Sunflower
Borage Oasis Chrysanthemum Greens
Jewel Mix Nasturtium
Edible Flowers Collection $14.75
Northern Fall Garden Collection
There are so many wonderful vegetables that thrive in the cooler
fall season. Instead of lamenting the loss of our wonderful summer
vegetables, look forward to the delicious bounty that is the fall
garden. This collection contains vegetables that are well suited to
being grown in the cool northern fall. Each collection includes one
packet of each of the following:
Autumn King Carrot Marvel of Four Seasons Lettuce
Golden Acres Cabbage Navet de Vertus Marteau Turnip
Detroit Dark Red Beet Oregon Sugar Pod II Pea
Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch Kale Waltham Broccoli
Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach
Northern Fall Garden Collection $17.00
Southern Fall Garden Collection
With a longer growing season and warmer winters, Southern
gardeners have many more options for fall gardens than northern
growers do. This collection includes many old favorites, perfect for
fall in the south. Each collection includes one packet of each of the
Detroit Dark Red Beet Giant Southern Curled Mustard Greens
Charleston Wakefield Cabbage Marvel of Four Seasons Lettuce
Danvers Half Long Carrot Navet de Vertus Marteau Turnip
Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch Kale Seven Top Turnip Greens
Georgia Southern Collard Greens Waltham Broccoli
Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach
Southern Fall Garden Collection $20.25
Overwintering Garden Collection
Wouldnt it be nice to harvest vegetables at the first sign of spring?
There are several vegetables that can be overwintered in the
garden, grown in the fall and not harvested but stored in the
ground for spring. These vegetables naturally overwinter to
produce seed the following spring. However, we can harvest
before they go to seed, enjoying our own fresh vegetables weeks
before any of the spring vegetables are ready to harvest. Each
collection includes one packet of each of the following:
Harris Model Parsnip Purple Top White Globe Turnip
Giant Winter Spinach Heshiko Bunching Onion
Purple Sprouting Broccoli Copenhagen Market Cabbage
Winter Density Lettuce
Overwintering Garden Collection $14.50
Pansy and Microgreen Salad
Tomatoes, Peppers and Basil
Annies Master Garden Collections
For a complete listing of vegetables, herb and flower varieties
included in each collection, please see our website.
Annies Favorites Collection
Chosen for their great taste, hardiness, or beauty, the Annies
Favorite vegetables are sure to please. This collection contains a
packet of each of my favorite vegetables. If you cant decide, you
cant go wrong with this collection. 34 seed packets total.
Annies Favorites Collection $67.75
Northern American Homestead Garden
The Northern gardener faces many gardening challenges, from a
cold winter, a short spring, and cooler temperatures, to a short hot
growing season. Designed for these challenges, this master garden
includes a wide variety of vegetables that will thrive in the
North. With enough seeds for both fresh eating and preserving,
this collection of mostly American seed varieties is sure to please.
Each collection includes 35 different vegetables and 2 herbs.
Northern American Homestead Garden $87.50
Southern American Homestead Garden
Uniquely designed for the Southern gardener, this collection is
tailored to the Southern climate and regional food preferences.
Enjoy cowpeas, collard and okra along with many other Southern
favorites! With enough seed for fresh eating all season as well as
preserving some for winter, this collection of mostly American
vegetable varieties is a wonderful start to a bountiful season. Each
collection includes 36 different vegetables and 2 herbs.
Southern American Homestead Garden $81.50
Annies Master Homestead Garden
For those of us with room to spare and a garden that is an
obsession, this master garden is the ultimate collection. Full of
delicious, unusual, or just beautiful vegetables and flowers, the
Annies Master Homestead Garden is the garden I would love to
tend. Each collection includes 84 different vegetables, 6 herbs, and
7 flowers.
Annies Master Homestead Garden $200.00
Master Fall Garden
The fall is a wonderful season for the garden, and this collection
embraces the cooler temperatures with vegetables that thrive once
the heat of summer has passed. Enjoy this master collection of 23
different vegetables that extend your fresh vegetables from the
garden past first frost up to the first snowfall.
Master Fall Garden $43.50
Artichokes and Cardoon
Grown for their delicious flowers or flavorful stalks, these wonderful
warm climate perennials can with some care also be grown as
annuals in the north.
Green Globe Artichoke
88 days. Green Globe produces nice, large, green globe shaped
artichokes. Artichokes are perennials in zones 7 and above, but
Green Globe can be grown as an annual in colder zones.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.50
Romanesco Artichoke
85 days. An Italian heirloom variety that produces large bronze and
purple artichokes.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Avorio Large Smooth Cardoon
65 days. Avorio Large Smooth is the largest of the cardoons with
extra wide, ribbed leaves. It is ripe when the stalks turn ivory
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.50
Avorio Large Smooth Cardoon
A cool climate perennial, asparagus takes about 3-4 years to
production and will produce for over 30 years.
Argenteuil Asparagus
A French variety that is traditionally raised for white asparagus. It
produces a nice green asparagus if the stalks aren't blanched. This
one is faster to production that some of the other asparagus.
Heirloom (min. 60 seeds) $2.50
Mary Washington Asparagus
The traditional American asparagus. Mary Washington is easy care
with good yields and flavorful, tender stalks. Expect to wait a year
longer than some of the faster asparagus, but it's well worth the
Heirloom (min. 60 seeds) $2.50
A garden staple, beans can be eaten fresh or left to dry for soups
and stews. Grow bush varieties for speed to harvest, or pole
varieties to save space.
Asparagus Beans
Also known as Chinese long beans, Asparagus beans are a delicacy
of South East Asia. They thrive in hot and humid conditions when
other beans fail to produce well. An excellent choice for those who
live in the hot and humid South for summer bean production.
Kurojuroku Asparagus Bean
75 days. One of the most popular varieties of long beans grown,
this black seeded variety produces high yields of stringless beans
with a sweet and crunchy pod.
Heirloom (min. 40 seeds) $3.00
Red Noodle Asparagus Bean
90 days. Beautiful red beans that turn green when they are cooked,
Red Noodle is a spectacular long bean. Large harvests of long
delicious beans make this a wonderful choice to grow for stir fries
and your favorite Asian dishes.
Heirloom (min. 40 seeds) $3.00
Red Noodle Asparagus Beans
Bush Snap Beans
Bush beans grow low to the ground, only 1-2 feet tall, and dont
require trellises or staking. Faster to harvest than pole beans, they
are a great choice for early beans or for those with a short growing
Annies Rainbow Beans
Rainbow beans is a collection of green, yellow, purple and striped
beans, making for a colorful garden as well as a beautiful and
delicious meal. The Heirloom mix is Contender, Golden Wax, Royal
Burgundy and Dragons Tongue. The Heirloom Organic mix is
Provider, Golden Wax, and Royalty Purple.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.50
Blue Lake Bush Bean
53-58 days. With nice yields of long, straight, green pods, Blue
Lake is one of the old standards, and for a good reason. Still grown
as one of the main commercial varieties, Blue Lake has a good bean
flavor and nice yields, making it a good choice for canning for the
home gardener.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $8.50
Bobis D'Albenga Bush Bean
56 days. A rare and beautiful variegated pod bush snap
bean. Known in Italy for its excellent flavor, it also performs well in
hot conditions. These beautiful pods turn dark green when cooked,
but that is when their wonderful flavor comes through.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Contender Bush Bean *
50 days. With its huge yields of tender, flavorful green pods,
Contender is my favorite bean. Throughout the years I have grown
many beans, but I keep coming back to this wonderful old time
favorite. It has a delicious bean flavor, and stays tender even when
large. The top beans grow straight, but the lower beans tend to
curve when they are near the ground.
Heirloom (80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Bulk (500 seeds) $8.50
Dragon's Tongue Bean
50-65 days. These are wonderful wax beans. Known for their
beauty, with creamy ivory flat podded beans with purple stripes,
they are also really flavorful, making them a real delight to grow.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $3.00
Fin de Bagnol Bean
49-57 days. When picked young, these French filet beans are
tender, very flavorful, and extremely delicious. They are extremely
prolific, and are best picked daily to ensure you get small and
tender beans.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $3.00
Golden Wax Bean
52 days. One of my favorite beans, it has a beautiful pale yellow
color and a tender and crisp texture. Firm and delicious, it rivals
Contender for flavor, making it a great addition to your garden.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $8.50
Masai Bush Bean
55 days. This dwarf, gourmet French filet bean is a wonderful
choice for container gardeners. It produces lots of straight, tender,
green pods at the top of these little plants. It is also one of the
best flavored beans and stays tender for several days, making them
a bit more care-free than other filet varieties.
Heirloom (min. 40 seeds) $2.50
Provider Bush Bean
50 days. With straight, round, delicious beans, Provider is an
excellent bush bean. The best tasting raw bean, it also is wonderful
cooked. It can be planted earlier than other varieties because it can
germinate at lower temperatures.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.00
Royal Burgundy Bush Bean
55 days. Deep purple when raw, Royal Burgundy beans are straight
and round, and cook up dark green. They are easy to pick because
the dark beans stand out against the green foliage. The beans are
really firm and crisp, and are a good choice for canning or for those
who like firm beans.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Royalty Purple Bush Bean
55 days. Introduced in 1957, this purple bush bean has beautiful
purple pods that cook up green. Developed to germinate in cool
temperatures, it can be planted sooner than other beans.
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.50
Top Crop Bush Bean
50 days. With its smooth, straight, thin green pods that form high
on the plant, Top Crop bush bean is a good choice for ease of
picking, fresh eating, freezing and canning.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $8.00
Pole Snap Beans
Growing on long, climbing vines, pole beans are a great choice for
those with space constraints, having your beans grow up instead of
out. Slower to production than bush beans, pole beans produce
less at a time over a longer period of time for those who want a
long and consistent crop of beans. And you can harvest them
standing up!
Cosse Violetta Pole Bean
80 days. This is a wonderful pole snap bean. It has beautiful purple
flowers followed by round, deep purple pods. The dark purple
pods stand out beautifully against the green foliage. But it's not
just beautiful, it's delicious as well with tender and flavorful pods.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $3.00
Kentucky Blue Pole Bean *
60 days. This was Grandma Annie's favorite pole bean. My mother
remembers two vegetables from her mother's garden, tomatoes
and Kentucky Blue Lake beans. It was developed from the Kentucky
Wonder and Blue Lake Pole beans, and takes on the best traits of
each. With tender, delicious beans that are stringless when picked
young, they rival any bush bean, and surpass many with their
excellent flavor. A great all-purpose bean for fresh eating as well as
Heirloom (min. 40 seeds) $2.50
Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean
58-68 days. The old standard for pole snap beans. When picked
young, it is almost stringless and very tender. Pole beans are
known for having the old fashioned bean flavor that is lost in some
of the modern, extremely mild beans.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $8.00
Lazy Housewife Pole Bean
75-80 days. One of the oldest varieties of pole beans, it was
brought to this country by German immigrants and introduced in
the early 1800s. Named because its the first bean that didnt need
stringing, Lazy Housewife is prolific and produces until frost.
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $5.00
Rattlesnake Pole Bean
65 days. Rattlesnake is a very pretty bean, green with small purple
stripes. It grows very tall, over 8 feet, and the beans are easier to
pick because the purple striping makes them stand out against the
foliage. Drought resistant, its a good choice for those who face
times of reduced rainfall.
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $3.00
Kentucky Blue Pole Bean
Bush Shelling Beans
Some of our most popular shelling beans are bush beans. They
grow low to the ground, and are easy and care-free. Just plant
them, weed, and let the beans mature and dry.
Black Turtle Bush Bean *
100 days. The most common heirloom variety of small black
shelling bean, Black Turtle is the black bean used for many
purposes in Mexican cuisine. It has a deep, earthy, rich flavor,
making it an excellent choice for refried beans and soups.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $3.00
Calypso Bean
90 days. Also known as Orca or Yin Yang, this strikingly colored
heirloom bean is also delicious. Sweet and nutty, it is a great
choice for beautiful soups and stews because it holds its shape well
when cooked. It is dependable and has good yields.
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.00
Cannellini Bean
100 days. Also known as White Kidney Bean, this Italian heirloom is
a favorite for its excellent flavor. Sweet, rich, and creamy, it is
mentioned by name in many recipes for minestrone.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $3.50
Garbanzo (Chickpea) Bean
65 days. Garbanzo beans are a staple in Middle Eastern and Indian
cooking. Our favorite uses are hummus and falafel. They are an
excellent choice for dry areas, but they won't do well in northern
Heirloom (min. 40 seeds) $2.50
Great Northern Bush Bean
90 days. A bush white shelling bean, Great Northern is a staple in
American cooking. A firmer bean, it retains its shape well when
cooked. It is slightly smaller than the cannellini bean with a slightly
grainy texture and a nutty flavor.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $8.00
Hidatsa Red Bush Bean
80-100 days. Hidatsa Red was originally grown by the Hidatsa
Indians of North Dakota. It is nutty, rich, sweet, and complex, one
of our favorite beans.
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.00
Jacob's Cattle Bean
90 days. Also known as the Anasazi bean, the Aztec bean, Cave
bean or New Mexico appaloosa bean, it was originally cultivated by
the Passamaquoddy Indians in Maine. It's a standard for baked
beans in the Northeast. It's named after the spotted cattle in the
biblical story, and it is well adapted to growing in areas with cool
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.50
Pinto Bush Bean
90 days. A well-known American standard bean, Pintos have many
uses. Nutty and slightly grainy, they are great for refried beans.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $8.00
Shelling Beans
Red Kidney Bush Bean
95 days. A traditional bean for chili and other southwestern dishes,
it is a beautiful deep red bush shelling bean. It has a tougher skin
than other beans, which makes it a great choice for soups and
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $3.50
Pole Shelling Beans
Pole beans are a great way to save space in the garden, as they will
grow to great heights when trellised properly. This means that
large yields can be achieved with little space on the ground. Since
they grow up off the ground, they arent as prone to mold in damp
Cherokee Trail of Tears Bean
85 days. This is the bean that was carried by the Cherokee Indians
from Georgia to Oklahoma when they were driven from their
homeland. A nice black pole bean, it can also be eaten as a snap
Heirloom (min. 40 seeds) $2.75
Good Mother Stallard Bean
85-95 days. A wonderful pole shelling bean, Good Mother Stallard
is both beautiful and delicious. It has an excellent rich meaty flavor,
and it holds it shape well in soups and stews.
Heirloom (min. 40 seeds) $2.50
Hidatsa Shield Figure Bean
90 days. From the Hidatsa tribe from the Missouri valley in North
Dakota, this is one of the most beautiful shelling beans. Pale cream
with a gold saddle, it is very distinctive. It cooks up creamy and
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $2.75
Speckled Cranberry Bean
60-90 days. These beans were brought from England around
1825. It produces lots of nearly stringless snap beans at 60 days
that can be left to dry for an excellent nutty flavored shelling bean.
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.00
True Red Cranberry Bean
95 days. One of the oldest beans, True Red Cranberry was
originally grown by the Native Americans in Maine. It has deep
glossy red, round beans that cook up slightly grainy, meaty, and
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.00
Pole Shelling Bean Collection
Can't decide which pole bean to grow? Why not grow some of
each? Create a beautiful mixed bean soup mix, or just have a
variety of beautiful bean in your pantry. This collection includes a
packet of each of the following: Cherokee Trail of Tears, Good
Mother Stallard, Hidatsa Shield Figure, Speckled Cranberry, and
True Red Cranberry.
Pole Shelling Bean Collection $14.50
Bush Lima Beans
Lima beans are a Southern treat, requiring heat and a long growing
season. Bush limas are the best choice for Northern growers, given
their shorter growing season.
Fordhook Lima Bean
75 days. Huge pods of delicious, tender lima beans grow on bush
plants. This is my favorite lima bean. It is one of the earliest lima
beans, so it is a great choice for northern growers, and it is also
really delicious, with huge beans.
Heirloom (min. 40 seeds) $2.50
Henderson's Butter Bean
60-75 days. The first Henderson's plants were found along the side
of the road in Lynchburg, VA in 1883. This bush baby lima bean is
early hardy, prolific, and drought tolerant, and it tastes great!
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $8.50
Pole Lima Beans
Pole lima beans have huge beans and very tall plants. You will
need to give them plenty of room to grow, mine far outgrew my 9
foot poles.
Christmas Lima Bean
80 days. What a beautiful and delicious pole lima bean! Huge
beans are creamy white striped with burgundy. One of the best
tasting beans, they cook up creamy and delicious. Add in high
yields and an early maturity, and it's an excellent choice for a pole
lima bean.
Heirloom (min. 40 seeds) $2.00
Florida Butter Speckled Bean
86 days. Known in the south as Speckled Butterbean, this bean is
buff with burgundy splashes. It performs well in all climates, but
does especially well in hot and humid conditions.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
King of the Garden Lima Bean
70 days. Introduced in 1883 by Frank Platt, King of the Garden is a
prolific and strong growing pole lima bean. It has large, creamy
white seeds that have a honey-like flavor.
Heirloom (min. 40 seeds) $2.50
Fava Beans
Fava beans, a staple of ancient Rome, produce large delicious
beans. Grown in cool conditions, they are best grown over the
winter in the South or as an early spring crop in the North. Fava
beans are also excellent at pulling nitrogen into the soil, so they are
an excellent vegetable to plant in your rotation.
Broad Windsor Fava Bean
65-85 days. Listed as far back as 1863, the Broad Windsor fava
bean is an excellent fava bean. Planted like peas, in the cool spring,
it produces large pods with 5-7 beans in each.
Heirloom (min. 20 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 20 seeds) $5.00
Roma Beans
Roma II Bush Bean
59 days. Easy to grow and prolific, Roma II is a wonderful Roma-
type bean. Large, flat, delicious beans cook up beautifully for a real
Italian treat. With bush plants that require no support, this is an
easy care, fast and prolific bean.
Heirloom (min. 40 seeds) $2.00
Romano Pole Bean
70 days. An Italian heirloom pole bean, Romano beans are large
and flat. They can be used fresh as a snap bean or dried for soups
and stews.
Heirloom (min. 40 seeds) $2.00
Roma II Bush Bean
Runner Beans
Painted Lady Runner Bean
68 days. This beautiful runner bean was described back in 1827 by
Arribida of Rio de Janiero. It has amazing, bicolor blooms that are
truly spectacular. Its a beautiful ornamental, but also edible bean,
producing beans that can be eaten as snap or shelling beans.
Heirloom (min. 10 seeds) $4.00
Scarlet Runner Bean
65 days. Spectacularly beautiful, the Scarlet runner bean is one of
the oldest runner beans known, dating back to the 1700s. With its
vibrant red flowers, it's a striking centerpiece to your vegetable
garden, or a beautiful addition to a decorative planting.
Heirloom (min. 20 seeds) $2.00
White Emergo Runner Bean
80 days. Similar to Scarlet Runner bean, only with white flowers
and white seeds. It is prized in Italy as a shelling bean, slightly
larger than Cannellini bean, with a wonderful flavor.
Heirloom (min. 20 seeds) $2.50
Runner Bean Collection
Could there be anything more beautiful than a tower of runner
beans? Why not grow some of each, creating an explosion of color
in shades of white, pink and red? Each collection includes a packet
of each of the following runner beans: Painted Lady, Scarlet, and
White Emergo.
Runner Bean Collection $7.75
Soybeans or Edamame
Lucky Lion Soybean
75 days. Highly prized for its high yields and wonderful, nutty
flavor, it does best with warm days and cool nights.
Heirloom (min. 40 seeds) $3.50
Midori Giant Soybean
68 days. A traditional edamame soybean, Midori is early maturing
with very large seeds. It has high yields, and does well in all
regions of the US.
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.00
Tankuro Edamame Soybean
85 days. Black soybeans are sought after in Japan for their taste
and distinctive rich flavor. They are known for having a better taste
and sweeter flavor than other varieties. Space this variety further
apart because it is more vigorous than other edamame soybeans.
Heirloom (min. 40 seeds) $3.50
Bean Supplies
Guard-N Seed Inoculant
Guard-N Seed Inoculant is used to naturally improve the yields of
your legumes. The inoculant helps the plants convert nitrogen in
the air into a usable for the plant, allowing the plants to create their
own fertilizer. Good for peas and beans, it contains Rhizobium
leguminosarum viceae and phaseoli and bradyrhizobium biovar
sp. Each 1.5 ounce packet treats up to 8 lbs of seeds.
Guard-N Seed Inoculant $8.00
Bean Pole Trellis Topper
These are really neat bean pole trellises designed for us by a
machinist friend. Purchase a length of 1/2" electrical conduit, insert
the topper into the conduit, drive the other side into the ground,
tie strings down from the topper to the ground, and secure the
strings into the ground with the provided J-hooks. Voila! Instant
trellis, perfect for beans and morning glories. Even better, there's
tremendous flexibility in height, as you can make the conduit any
length you want. Included in each kit is one bean pole topper and
8 J-hooks.
Bean Pole Trellis Topper $10.00
Baby Beet Greens
Grown for both their delicious, sweet roots and wonderful greens,
beets are an easy root to grow and a productive addition to your
Annie's Beet Blend
Can't choose? Why not grow a little of everything with this variety
of beets. All shapes and colors, Annie's Beet Blend contains a mix
of Detroit Dark Red, Burpees Golden, Chioggia, Bulls Blood, Albino
and Cylindra. Annies Organic Beet Blend contains a mix of Detroit
Dark Red, Burpees Golden, Bulls Blood, and Chioggia.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $3.50
Bull's Blood Beet
58 days. A wonderful dual purpose beet, known for its delicious
beautiful burgundy leaves and its excellent root. Frequently
harvested as baby beets, Bull's Blood is great choice for all your
beet needs.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $6.50
Burpees Golden Beet
55 days. My familys favorite beet, this round beet with bright
green leaves and a golden yellow root has a mild and sweet beet
flavor. It is also wonderful because it doesnt stain like red beets,
making it a good choice for families with children that always seem
to spill a little of their favorite foods!
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $4.50
Chioggia Beet
45-55 days. A beautiful Italian heirloom beet from Chioggia,
Italy. Also known as the candy cane beet or bulls-eye beet, it has
concentric rings of red and white, making for beautiful slices. A
mild and sweet beet, it is excellent sliced and grilled, tossed with a
little balsamic vinegar, olive oil and sea salt. The leaves are green
with green veins, and are delicious as well.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $6.50
Albino Beet
Cylindra Beet *
55-70 days. A Danish heirloom beet, Cylindra is a long cylindrical
deep red beet. This makes it great for slicing, producing more
uniform slices than a traditional beet. It also has a wonderful, fine
grained texture and a great sweet flavor when roasted. It is an
excellent choice for canning, pickling, or roasting.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Detroit Dark Red Beet
58-63 days. Introduced in 1892, this traditional round, red, beet is
one of the most popular beets available to gardeners. With a
delicious, sweet root, good flavor, and texture, it is great for baby
beets, full sized beets, and beet greens.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.50
Early Wonder Beet
48 days. The earliest beet we carry, it also has a great, sweet beet
flavor. If you want early beets, or have a short growing season,
Early Wonder is the beet for you.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Mammoth Long Red Mangel Beet
110 days. Mangels, also known as mangelwuzen or mangel beets,
are traditionally grown for livestock feed. They can also be used as
human food when harvested young. The leaves can be used similar
to chard or spinach, while the root can be used diced and used
similar to potato if the plant is grown in well watered and well
composted soil. An excellent choice for overwintering.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.50
White Albino Beet
50 days. Mild and sweet, this round beet has beautiful white flesh
for a truly unique addition to your garden. Originally from Holland,
this gourmet treat is perfect for the food enthusiast or the parent
who just doesnt like stains.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $3.00
Bok Choy
Grown for its delicious white stalk and tender greens, bok choy is a
wonderful Asian vegetable. Our Chinese friends grandmother
suggests that you eat bok choy regularly because it gives you
beautiful skin. We love it because it is a fast cool-season vegetable
with a delicious sweet flavor that goes well in soups, salads, and
Dwarf Bok Choy
40 days. This miniature bok choy has crisp white stalks and dark
green leaves. Stir-fried in oyster sauce is a favorite preparation for
our family.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Pak Choi Bok Choy
45-60 days. This is the traditional bok choy youd see at a Chinese
restaurant. With thick white stalks and large green leaves, it is a
delicious addition to your spring and fall garden.
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Tatsoi Bok Choy
20-50 days. Typically grown for salad greens, Tatsoi forms a rosette
of deep green leaves. Harvest it at 20 days for baby greens, or 50
for full sized greens.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 80 seeds) $3.50
White Stem Bok Choy
55 days. White stem bok choy has tender, thin stems and glossy
spinach-like leaves. Our most popular bok choy, it is a great multi-
purpose green.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Dwarf Bok Choy
Heirloom broccolis are outstanding compared to what youll find at
the grocery store. Do your kids hate broccoli? Heirloom varieties
are tender and sweet, without the strong bitter flavor associated
with broccoli. Most heirloom varieties produce lots of side-shoots,
so we recommend leaving the plant in the ground after the initial
harvest. You will be able to harvest miniature broccoli heads every
week for the rest of the season.
Calabrese Broccoli
58-90 days. Brought to America in 1880 by Italian immigrants,
Calabrese produces a tightly packed head up to 8 inches in
diameter. After the initial head is harvested, it produces many side
shoots up to the first hard frost.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Di Cicco Broccoli *
48 days. A wonderful Italian heirloom broccoli. More tender than
most broccolis, it has a delicate, open floret, and it produces lots of
side shoots. Di Cicco is our favorite broccoli for fresh eating,
because it is wonderfully sweet and it produces over the whole
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $4.50
Kailaan Chinese Broccoli
60-70 days. A popular Chinese vegetable, Kailaan is grown for its
delicious leaves and stalks. It has a similar growth habit to bok
choy, so do not expect it to form a head like European broccolis.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Purple Sprouting Broccoli
200 days. Purple Sprouting Broccoli is a variety that requires
overwintering, planting in the fall and harvesting in the spring. It
produces a purple head which turns green upon cooking, with
many side shoots. Plant this variety for an early spring harvest.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Rapini a Foglia D'Olivo Broccoli Raab
40-50 days. Grown more for its leaves than its shoots, Rapini a
Foglia D'Olivo is an olive leaf broccoli raab. The leaves are smooth
and spear shaped instead of jagged like other broccoli raabs.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Waltham Broccoli
85-92 days. Waltham performs best when planted in the summer
for fall harvest. An American variety, it was developed around 1950
in Massachusetts. We grow Waltham because it produces a nice,
compact central head that is excellent for freezing.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.25
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $4.50
Waltham Broccoli
Brussels Sprouts
Home grown brussels sprouts are wonderful. Sweet and flavorful
instead of bitter, these little cabbages only get sweeter after a frost.
An excellent vegetable to extend your growing season.
Catskill Brussels Sprouts
85-110 days. Introduced in 1941, Catskill produces good yields of
large, dark green sprouts. Its a good choice for freezing as well as
fresh eating.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Falstaff Brussels Sprouts
90 days. A beautiful purple brussels sprout, it stays purple even
when cooked! It has a mild, slightly nutty flavor. Purple brussels
sprouts are difficult to bring to harvest. Not for the novice
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.75
Long Island Improved Brussels Sprouts
100 days. Long Island Improved is the standard green brussles
sprout. Dating back to the 1890's, it is one of the most popular
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $6.50
Do your kids steal handfuls of raw chopped cabbage off the cutting
board when you arent looking? Ours do. Heirloom cabbages are
crisp, tender, and sweet, in stark contrast to their grocery store
cousins. With so many different preparations, cabbages have
become a staple of our diet.
Aichi Chinese Cabbage
70 days. Two words: egg rolls. Shredded Aichi, shredded carrots,
green onions, maybe some chicken or pork, soy sauce, and a little
corn starch to thicken. We have trouble getting this filling to the
wrappers because we are all eating it out of the bowl. In the
garden, this is one of the few heirloom Chinese cabbages that we
have found to reliably form a head.
Heirloom (min. 2000 seeds) $2.25
Brunswick Cabbage
70 days. A German heirloom, green, drumhead cabbage, it is good
both cooked and as a coleslaw. It is also an excellent choice for
winter storage and for making sauerkraut.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Charleston Wakefield Cabbage
74 days. Developed in 1892, this conical headed cabbage has 4-6
lb heads. More heat tolerant than most, this is an excellent variety
for Southern gardeners.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Copenhagen Market Cabbage
60-70 days. A traditional round cabbage that is fairly quick to
reach harvest. With its mid-sized, 2-3 lb cabbages, it is a good
choice for both fresh eating and sauerkraut.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Cuor di Bue Grosso Cabbage *
65-75 days. This is the sweetest raw cabbage I've tasted.
Deliciously sweet, with small conical heads, this is the perfect
cabbage for cole slaw or braised cabbage. This Italian variety is our
favorite for fresh eating.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $4.00
Danish Ballhead Cabbage
110 days. A late season cabbage that preserves well in the
garden. It produces large, round cabbages. It's a good choice for
fresh eating, winter storage, and sauerkraut.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage
75 days. This fast American cabbage can be grown in both spring
and fall. It produces conical heads that are compact, so it's a great
choice for those with less space. A more savory variety, it is perfect
for krauting or braising.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Cuor di Bue Grosso Cabbage
Testa di Ferro Cabbage
Filderkraut Cabbage
90 days. This super-sweet German variety makes for rich and
flavorful sauerkraut. It has a large pointed head and a small core,
making it very easy to cut fine shreds. It is our favorite variety for
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Golden Acres Cabbage
62 days. Originally introduced in the 1920s, Golden Acres is a
small green cabbage that has tender and sweet leaves. A great
choice for those who want a really early cabbage and those with
limited space.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $3.50
Late Flat Dutch Cabbage
110 days. This Amish heirloom produces a very large flat head. It
keeps very well and does best in cool weather. It is typically used
for krauting and braising.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Mammoth Red Rock Cabbage
100 days. One of the few red heirloom cabbages, Mammoth Red
Rock forms beautiful heads that appear to be more resistant to
cabbage moths than many green cabbages. It produces large,
round heads that are flavorful and sweet. Wonderful as a fresh
eating cabbage, it also makes for a beautiful, deep red
sauerkraut. Or mix some red and green cabbage for a pink
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.50
Testa Di Ferro Cabbage
85 days. A mid-season savoy cabbage also known as Ironhead
Savoy. This is a beautiful little cabbage, with a small head of green
crinkly leaves. It is highly prized for its great flavor. It is my favorite
for making cole slaw.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.50
A versatile favorite, carrots are great raw, cooked, shredded, and in
soups or stews. Heirloom carrots come in lots of different colors,
making them a fun snack for kids. Carrots can be surprisingly
difficult to grow, because they are slow to germinate and they need
to be kept moist the entire time. A weed-free bed is necessary,
because the weeds will take off before the carrots do. And of
course, loose soil is required to grow beautifully shaped roots.
Annies Rainbow Carrots Mix
Rainbow carrots is a fun mix of colors and flavors. Lunar White for
mild sweetness, Scarlet Nantes for that traditional orange carrot,
Jaune du Daubs for the richness and yellow beauty, and Dragon for
its wonderful purple color and spicy flavor.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $4.50
Autumn King Carrot
68 days. Autumn King is a great choice for fall gardens. It is an
excellent fresh eating carrot when picked smaller, though it is less
sweet than other varieties. Traditionally used as an animal feed
when left to grow larger.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Danver's Half Long Carrot
70 days. A standard American crisp orange carrot with a strong
carrot flavor. It maintains a lot of its flavor even when cooked. It
grows 5-6 inches long with a pointed tip and is a good choice for
denser soils.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 300 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $4.00
Dragon Carrot
85 days. A beautiful carrot, deep purple on the outside and orange
on the inside. It has a wonderful, spicy flavor that cooks up
beautifully. In our experience, little girls love purple carrots.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.25
Jaune du Daubs Carrot
60-70 days. A mild, French, yellow carrot with a long tapered
root. Originally grown for livestock, it is now highly desired for its
pretty color and good flavor.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Kuroda Carrot
75 days. This Asian carrot is long, uniform, and sweet. Grown for
many purposes, it is a favorite for juicing. It tolerates heat better
than most carrots.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Little Finger Carrot *
60 days. This is our favorite carrot. It can be harvested young for
baby carrots, or left to grow out for larger carrots. At full size, it is 1
inch wide and 5-6 inches long with a blunt tip. They are crisp,
sweet, and make for excellent fresh eating carrots, but they also
cook up wonderfully. An all-around excellent carrot.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 150 seeds) $4.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $4.00
Lunar White Carrot
60 days. A white, nearly coreless carrot, it is large, almost 12 inches
long, but can also be used as a baby carrot. It has a nice, mild
flavor. Although it is a white carrot, if the shoulders are exposed
they can become green, so you might want to hill up dirt around
the root tops as they form.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Paris Market Carrot
52 days. A cute, fun, bite-sized carrot with one inch round carrots.
Kids love these fun little carrots. It is also a great choice if you have
really dense soil that damages the root of longer carrots.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Red Cored Chantenay Carrot
70 days. A very sweet and crisp orange carrot with wide shoulders
tapering to a point. It is also a shorter carrot, approximately 6
inches long, making it a great choice for denser soils.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 300 seeds) $3.50
Scarlet Nantes Carrot
68 days. One of the most famous carrots, Scarlet Nantes dates
back to the 1850's and was developed by Vilmorin, one of the old
French seed houses. It is sweet and orange throughout. It grows 6
inches long with a cylindrical shape and blunt tip.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 300 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $3.75
St. Valery Carrot
80-90 days. We grow lots of this old French carrot for soups and
stews. It has a great, rich flavor, and big 12 inch long carrots that
give a lot of volume per carrot.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Tendersweet Carrot
75 days. A very sweet orange carrot. It grows 7 inches long with a
fine grained texture and orange throughout, with a semi-blunt end.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $4.00
St. Valery Carrot
Cauliflower is a much more versatile vegetable than most people
realize. We enjoy it curried, in omelets, steamed and pureed to
make soup, and in other unusual preparations. Cauliflower are
fairly easy to start and fairly hard to bring to harvest. They require
a lot of soil fertility to form a head, so maybe throw a bit of extra
composted manure down in the cauliflower patch.
Early Tuscan Cauliflower
75 days. One of the earliest heirloom cauliflowers, it has beautiful,
large, white heads with good leaf coverage to blanch the heads.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Romanesco San Guiseppe Cauliflower
90 days. An Italian heirloom, also known as Broccoli Romanesco or
Romanesco Calabrese, it has a beautiful, bright lime green color
and an interesting shape, with tightly packed florets that have a
swirled, pointed cone shape on the larger head. Its flavor is
somewhere between broccoli and cauliflower.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $3.50
Snowball Cauliflower
55 days. An early cauliflower that also does well overwintering in
warmer climates. It produces white, 7 inch heads with large outer
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $3.00
Snowball Y Cauliflower
70-80 days. A descendant of Snowball, Snowball Y was introduced
in 1947. A great fall crop, it produces smooth, dense 6-7 inch
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $5.00
Violet of Sicily Cauliflower *
68 days. A strikingly beautiful cauliflower. It is bright purple when
raw and green when cooked. It has a more delicate texture than
most cauliflower with looser florets, and the head has a flatter
shape than most of the white cauliflowers. Not only is it mild and
delicious, it is really easy to grow. I always have problems getting
cauliflower to form a nice head, but Violet of Sicily always forms a
beautiful head without any effort.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $5.00
Violet of Sicily Cauliflower
Snowball Cauliflower
Celery and Celeriac
Intense, peppery, and spicy, heirloom celery is a flavor bomb that
perks up all kinds of dishes. It is an integral part of Cajun, French,
and some Italian dishes, and youll definitely miss it if you leave it
out. Heirloom celeries tend to form less stalk and more leaves than
you may be used to, but the leaves are so flavorful that we promise
you wont mind.
Giant of Prague Celeriac
110 days. This is a large celeriac that has been around since
1871. It has a large, white root that has the flavor of celery. It can
be eaten fried or in soups.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Giant Red Celery
100 days. Red celery, with its dark green stalks that are touched by
red at the base, has a much stronger flavor than green varieties. I
found it easier to grow and hardier than green celery. This is our
favorite variety to use in soups and stews.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.50
Golden Self-Blanching Celery
85 days. Introduced in 1885, Golden Self-Blanching is a disease
resistant early variety. It is thick and tasty, with fewer strings and
less bitterness than other varieties.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Utah Tall Celery
110 days. The standard green heirloom celery, Utah Tall is
wonderfully versatile. This is the one youre going to want to grow
for celery sticks, but it is great prepared lots of other ways too.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $5.50
Corn is the classic vegetable of summer. With lots of different
types and varieties, heirloom corn is full of surprises. From rich and
flavorful sweet corn, to cute and colorful popcorn, to beautiful and
versatile field corn, theres something here for everyone.
Field and Flour Corn
Black Aztec Corn
85 days. A beautiful black corn, it dates back to the 1800's in the
seed trade. Many believe it to be the corn grown by the Aztecs
over 2000 years ago. It makes for fantastic tasting corn flour and
corn bread, though the grey color might seem a bit strange at first.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $3.50
Bloody Butcher Corn
105 days. Bloody Butcher is a beautiful multi-purpose corn. It has
large ears with big, deep burgundy kernels. This is what you can
use to make red corn chips without food coloring.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 50 seeds) $4.00
Boone County White Corn
120 days. One of the highest yielding white field corns developed
for the central and southern parts of the corn belt. It was originally
grown for making corn meal, and it dates back to the time of the
Civil War.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $8.50
Hickory King Corn
115 days. With its very large yellow kernels, Hickory King is a great
roasting corn. It is also used for grits, cornmeal, tortillas and it is
especially good for hominy, since the skins are easily removed by
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 400 seeds) $7.00
Hopi Blue Corn
110 days. Originally grown by the Hopi Indians, Hopi Blue is our
favorite field corn. Huge 12 foot stalks grow long, thin ears with
lots of deep blue-purple kernels. Flour made from these kernels
can be used to make exceptionally flavored blue corn tortillas.
Hopi blue is only available in very limited quantities.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $3.50
Lancaster Sure Crop Corn
115 days. An excellent yellow field corn, Lancaster Sure Crop was
developed in the early 1900's by Isaac Hershey. Most modern corns
are descendants of Lancaster Sure Crop. It has huge plants, 10-12
feet tall, with 10 inch long ears, and a strong root system. It is also
a drought tolerant corn.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $8.50
Oaxacan Green Dent Corn
75-100 days. Grown by the Zapotec Indians of southern Mexico for
hundreds of years where it is traditionally made into green corn
tortillas and tamales. This is a drought resistant variety.
Heirloom Organic (min. 50 seeds) $5.00
Hopi Blue Corn
Reids Yellow Dent Corn
85-110 days. Reids Yellow Dent Corn is the most popular open-
pollinated yellow corn in the US. It is one of the hardiest and
productive corns ever developed. It is especially suited to the corn
belt, but it is adaptable to almost every state.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $8.50
Silver King Corn
105 days. Not to be confused with the hybrid sweet corn of the
same name, Silver King is an old dent corn dating back over 100
years. It is a strong grower, particularly adapted to cold weather.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 50 seeds) $8.50
Silvermine Corn
97-110 days. An excellent white field corn for the north of the corn
belt. It does well in poor quality soils, and has high yields.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $8.50
Strawberry Popcorn
Japanese White Hulless Popcorn
86 days. Japanese Hulless is the standard white popcorn. 4-5 foot
plants grow lots of 4 inch ears, popping up into beautiful pure
white popcorn.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $3.00
Pennsylvania Butter-Flavored Popcorn
102 days. This very old popcorn has been loved by the
Pennsylvania Dutch for generations, and only recently was made
available to the rest of the world. Larger than most other popcorns,
it tastes so good you wont even need any butter.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $3.50
Strawberry Popcorn
100 days. Cute 2 inch ears are packed with beautiful deep red
kernels. It pops up into snow white, firm popcorn with excellent
flavor. The red color and little ears make it great for decorating as
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.75
Tom Thumb Popcorn
85 days. Tom Thumb is a miniature corn, with stalks that only get 3
feet tall. The cobs grow 4 inches long, with golden kernels that
make light and fluffy popcorn.
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $3.50
Sweet Corn
Country Gentleman Sweet Corn
92 days. Country Gentleman is a white shoepeg corn, meaning that
the kernels are not in straight rows like standard corns. Small,
tender white kernels that are crisp when harvested at their peak. A
good choice for fresh eating or freezing.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.75
Heirloom Organic (min. 50 seeds) $3.75
Golden Bantam Sweet Corn
70-85 days. A nice, fast, heirloom yellow sweet corn, the one from
which most of the original hybrid yellow sweet corns were
developed. When picked at its peak, it has a sweet, rich corn flavor
that rivals any hybrid.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 50 seeds) $4.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $8.50
Stowell's Evergreen Sweet Corn *
80-100 days. My favorite of the heirloom sweet corns. It is white,
with big, tender kernels. When it is picked at its peak, it is as sweet
and crisp as any hybrid. The sweetness fades very quickly after
harvest, so have the pot boiling before you go out to pick. I like
freezing it and reheating it with some poblano peppers, lime juice
and sour cream.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 50 seeds) $4.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $8.50
Sweet and crisp, cucumbers are a taste of summer. Around here, a
favorite preparation is to make cucumber boats. Cut them in half
the long way and hollow them out to make boats. Fill with tuna
salad, cover with cheese, and stick them under the broiler. Fast,
easy, healthy, and delicious. And dont forget pickles, a great way
to preserve your summer bounty for winter consumption.
Pickling Cucumbers
Boston Picking Cucumber
57 days. One of the old standards, Boston Pickling has been
around since 1883. It produces high yields of 6 inch cucumbers,
perfect for pickling.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $7.50
Homemade Pickles Cucumber
Chicago Pickling Cucumber
57 days. This old variety has a thin skin and black spines. It was
developed in Chicago for the commercial pickle trade, and has
been popular ever since to the home gardener. It produces high
yields of straight, plump cucumbers.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Homemade Pickles Cucumber
55 days. A wonderful pickling cucumber, Homemade Pickles has
high yields of green cucumbers. They can be harvested small for
baby pickles or left to grow to 5-6 inches for excellent dill pickles.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
National Pickling Cucumber
52 days. Originally developed for the National Pickling Association,
this pickling cucumber is what the commercial growers asked
for. Dependable yields over a long season and tailored for
Northern growers.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $7.50
Paris Pickling Cucumber
61 days. Paris Pickling Cucumber is a French cornichon
cucumber. It is very popular in markets in Paris, and produces large
yields of small, crisp cucumbers. For the traditional cornichons,
they must be picked young and frequently.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Slicing Cucumbers
Ashley Cucumber
65 days. Ashley is a disease resistant cucumber that is tolerant of
heat and humidity. A great choice for the south.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Marketmore 76 Cucumber
70 days. Still one of the most commonly grown slicing cucumbers,
it produces long, straight, almost seedless cucumbers that are great
for slicing in salads.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $7.50
Muncher Cucumber
65 days. This burpless variety is mild flavored, perfect for fresh
eating or pickling. It will grow 6 to 9 inches if left on the plant, so
pick it early if you want to use it for pickling.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Straight Eight Cucumber
63 days. An old fashioned variety still popular in home gardens,
Straight Eight is both early and prolific. It produces long, straight
cucumbers that are excellent for slicing.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $7.50
Specialty Cucumbers
Boothby's Blonde Cucumber *
60 days. My favorite cucumber, and my kids' favorite for pickles. It
is a slightly sweet cucumber that makes spectacular sweet pickles,
but can also be used as a slicer. It's also a joy to grow. With
perfect, straight, plump white cucumbers that are easily seen
amongst the darker foliage, it's both pretty and delicious.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Lemon Cucumber
65 days. Little round yellow fruits that are great for snacking.
Much less bitter than other varieties, it will yield heavily.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Mexican Sour Gherkin Cucumber
60-70 days. Not a true cucumber, but it has a great tart, slightly
lemony cucumber flavor. Its delicate vines with petite leaves
produce lots of little, 1 inch long, oblong cucumbers. They are
great in salads.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Suyo Long Cucumber
60 days. A traditional long fruited variety from China. Suyo Long is
sweet and slightly ribbed. It is a burpless variety, and goes well in
salads. These cucumbers are so long that they need to be trellised
in order to grow straight fruit.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $2.75
Traditionally eaten in Mediterranean, Asian, and Indian cuisine, our
favorite preparations are curried, roasted, and stuffed. Heirloom
eggplants are mild with no bitterness. In addition, they are
beautiful and a lot of fun to grow. Teardrop shaped to long and
thin, they range in colors from pale green to dark purple, with
patterns from solid to striped to blushed.
Bianca Sfumuata Di Rosa Eggplant
75 days. A beautiful Italian variety, white with a lavender blush. It
has a wonderful flavor and has the traditional egg shape. A great
choice for stuffing or eggplant parmesan.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Black Beauty Eggplant
90 days. The old Italian standard of eggplants. With its large, dark
purple fruits on moderate sized plants, it is a great all-purpose
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.50
Boothbys Blonde Cucumber
Kamo Eggplant
Diamond Eggplant
65-95 days. A great eggplant, with longer, dark purple, teardrop
shaped fruit. It has larger plants that are fairly prolific, and does
well in drought conditions. This eggplant is wonderful for roasting,
with its thin cross section that cooks evenly and quickly.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.00
Kamo Eggplant *
65 days. Grown for hundreds of years, this beautiful and unique
eggplant is prized for its excellent flavor. Kamo has small deep
purple fruit, a little bigger than an egg. Our favorite eggplant,
because of its great texture and flavor.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Lao Green Tiger Stripe Eggplant
90 days. An Asian heirloom from Laos, this variety produces cute
striped 2 inch fruit with a stronger, brighter eggplant flavor. Stays
firmer when cooked than most other varieties.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Lao Purple Tiger Stripe Eggplant
90 days. Virtually identical to Lao Green Tiger Stripe, but with
beautiful purple coloring.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Listada de Gandia Eggplant
80-90 days. This is a beautiful eggplant, mostly fuchsia to purple
with white stripes on a medium sized, tear drop shaped fruit. It
roasts up beautifully. Gorgeous in the garden, so pretty youll think
twice about picking and eating it.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
Louisiana Long Green Eggplant
75 days. A Southern heirloom, this long, thin, green eggplant is an
Asian variety. Its creamy white flesh has a good, sweet, mild flavor
with little bitterness. It is a good choice for simple Asian dishes, stir
fried, or roasted.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Prosperosa Eggplant
70-78 days. Prosperosa is a wonderful eggplant, producing
baseball to softball sized purple fruits with white shoulders. The
leaves are velvety dark green, with deep purple veins. It is good
just sauted in olive oil, but makes for excellent eggplant parmesan
or curry as well. They were petite plants for me in the North, but
are reported to be much larger for others. They are very prolific
and do well even in cooler climates. This is an excellent multi-
purpose eggplant.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Giant Bottle Gourd (Birdhouse)
110 days. These large, interesting gourds are grown for ornamental
purposes as well as for birdhouses. It requires a long warm
growing season, but I had a lot of luck with them in Michigan,
having yields of around 15 gourds from 2 plants. Dry them, cut a
hole and seed them for fun and interesting birdhouses.
Heirloom (min. 20 seeds) $2.50
Green Skin Bitter Melon
70 days. With its smooth warts, this Chinese bitter melon grows 8-
10 inches long and 3 inches wide. The leaves and shoots are also
edible. Bitter melon is traditionally eaten in curries, soups or stir
fries. If you soak the flesh in salt water, a lot of the bitter flavor is
leached out, making for a much milder vegetable.
Heirloom (min. 10 seeds) $3.00
80 days. These gourds have many purposes. The young fruit are
good cooked and used in salads, the immature fruits are good stir
fried, and the mature gourds can be dried for use as sponges.
Heirloom (min. 15 seeds) $2.50
Giant Bottle Gourd
From traditional Italian Escarole to Southern Collards and Mustards,
greens have been grown as a fast nutritious staple all over the
world. Delicious cooked or raw, greens have many interesting
flavors. Many are pleasantly bitter, while others are sweet or
peppery. They are commonly used to perk up salads, but many are
side-dishes all by themselves.
40 days. The hardiest of the winter salad greens, Claytonia has
heart-shaped leaves around a white-colored stem. It can tolerate
moderate frost and can be grown all winter in mild regions or cold
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.50
Oasis Chrysanthemum Greens
30-50 days. With its beautiful, edible, yellow flowers, and delicate
lacy foliage, this is a nice addition to your salad garden. The whole
plant is edible, from its leaves to its flowers, with a mild bitter
flavor. It is also a very fast variety, making it a nice addition to your
early spring or fall garden.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Red Garnet Amaranth
50 days. Amaranth is a very versatile green and grain. Red Garnet
has medium green leaves with a red overlay that is more
pronounced in warm climates. The shoots can be added to a salad,
the greens cooked like a spinach, its flowers are beautiful, and the
grains can be harvested and used similarly to rice and corn.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Rocket Salat Arugula
37 days. A gourmet Italian arugula, this is an excellent choice for
salads and fresh greens. It has a strong, rich, peppery taste when
grown in hot conditions, and a much milder flavor when grown in
cool conditions. We enjoy it as a replacement for lettuce in a salad.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 150 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $6.00
Vit Corn Salad (Mache)
50 days. A great variety for winter production either under cover or
outside. Sow between September and April for greens from
December to May. It has thick, broad leaves that form in upright
bunches. It has a mild minty flavor.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Chicory, Escarole and Endive
Italians love their bitter greens. Many do not consider a meal
complete without a bitter salad or roasted escarole.
Bionda a Cuore Pieno Escarole
60 days. Also known as Blond Full Heart Escarole, this is a beautiful
escarole. It has medium green, frilly leaves, with a delicate taste.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Catalogna a Foglie Frastagliate Chicory
47 days. Also known as Italian Dandelion, this chicory has glossy
green highly serrated leaves. It is a bitter green used in Mesclun
mixes or Italian salad mixes. It can be used in a salad mix at baby
size or full sized, as well as lightly steamed. It is a great choice for
growing in cooler weather.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Endive di Rufec
Cornetto Di Borseaux Escarole
65 days. A French endive with large, upright heads. Its almost a
heading type with crunchy, white stems. The heart is self-
blanching. It can be grown at any time for cuttings, but is best
grown in the fall for a full sized head.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Endive di Rufec
82 days. A fine quality frisee endive. It's very productive and can
be used in a mixed green blend or as a frisee salad.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Italiko Rosso Chicory
45 days. An upright, catalogna chicory with medium green leaves
and red ribs. It is often mistaken for a red dandelion. It can be
used as a salad green or braised. A good choice for cool weather
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Radicchio Rossa di Treviso Chicory
68 days. A traditional Italian radicchio with upright heads that have
red leaves and large pure white stems. It is good both grown for
baby leaves or full sized heads. It can be eaten raw in salads or
cooked as a vegetable. It produces the best color during cool
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Trieste Sweet Chicory
32-38 days. Trieste Sweet Chicory has heart shaped, light green
leaves that are used in salads. It is very mild, sweet tasting and is a
fast grower. An excellent choice for a cutting chicory. It can be re-
grown after cutting, but is of a higher quality if you succession
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Collard And Mustard Greens
Southern greens are a traditional staple, fast and nutritious.
Collards are a form of kale, while mustard greens have a sharp,
bitter flavor that many love.
Florida Broadleaf Mustard Greens
45 days. Slower to bolt than other varieties, this very large leafed
mustard produces flavorful leaves that are good in salads or
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Georgia Southern Collard Greens
78 days. Also known as Creole or Georgia Green Collards, it was
first introduced before 1880. It has a loose cluster of blue-green
leaves with a cabbage-like flavor. It is tolerant to heat and poor
soils and is a good choice for summer production.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Giant Southern Curled Mustard Greens
42 days. The traditional curled leaf variety of mustard green that is
so popular in the South. The leaves are bright green with very curly
edges and it has a strong mustard flavor. It is wonderful sauted
with bacon and garlic.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 150 seeds) $3.50
Komatsuna Asian Mustard Greens
35-40 days. A very tasty variety of Asian mustard
green. Komatsuna is an excellent choice for use in salads or any
way you would use spinach or pak choy.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Mizuna Asian Mustard Greens
45-50 days. A very interesting mustard green with serrated
leaves. It performs very well in the fall and makes for an excellent
addition to a salad.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.00
Morris Heading Collard Greens
85 days. An old southern favorite. It grows loose heads that are
dark green and slow bolting. The young leaves are the most tender
and flavorful, so harvest often. Great for fall growing, because it
becomes sweeter with frost.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Florida Broadleaf Mustard Greens
Basil Collection
From growing a kitchen herb garden for flavoring your food, to a
tea garden for delicious herbal teas, to a medicinal garden to help
with common ailments, herbs are versatile and a useful addition to
your garden.
Culinary Herbs
Culinary Herbs are a wonderful way to add lots of flavor to
everything you cook. Easy to grow, they can be grown almost
Culinary Herb Collection
These are the most commonly used herbs in European cooking,
sure to perk up any kitchen. Each collection includes one packet of
the following:
Genovese Basil Flat Leaf Parsley
Chives Oregano
Cilantro Sweet Marjoram
Dukat Dill Thyme
Culinary Herb Collection $14.75
Gourmet Culinary Herb Collection
This garden is for the gourmet chef that many of us aspire to be. It
includes all of the common herbs and many rare ones, giving you
lots of inspiration for new and exciting dishes. This collection
contains 22 packets of herbs. Please see our website for the list of
what is included.
Gourmet Culinary Herb Collection $42.50
Basil Collection
Basil is a wonderfully aromatic herb with traditional uses in many
cultures. From pesto to pho, different flavors give access to many
different cuisines. This collection includes a packet of each of or
eight basil varieties.
Basil Collection $14.75
Basil, Anise
73 days. With its licorice flavor, anise basil is a good compliment to
fish and tomato recipes.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Basil, Ball Type
70 days. This is a nice decorative basil. It has tiny leaves and grows
into little balls, looking like little topiaries. With its hot, spicy flavor
and wonderful aroma, it's an excellent decorative and eating basil.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Basil, Cinnamon
115 days. With its spicy cinnamon overtones, this basil is truly
unique. It can be used in teas or desserts. It also is a very
decorative plant, with dark red stalks and bright green leaves.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Basil, Dark Opal
80 days. Purple basil has been around since the late 1800's, and is
really a beautiful addition to your garden. It has deep purple leaves
with lavender flowers. A great herb to add to flavored oils or
vinegars, and a wonderful contrast in color and companion to
tomatoes in a hanging basket.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.50
Basil, Genovese *
68 days. The standard Italian culinary basil. It is a great herb to
grow to season tomato sauce and all your Italian dishes. We grow
tons of it to make pesto.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Basil, Lemon
60 days. The lemon flavor of this basil makes it a wonderful
complement to fish and salad dressing.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Basil, Lime
60 days. A unique basil with a flavor reminiscent of limes. Great
for fish and salads.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Basil, Thai
60 days. This is an unusual basil with a light, spicy flavor. It is
traditionally used in Asian dishes, but it can be used in any cuisine.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.50
75 days. A biennial, its leaves are used the first year and the seeds
collected during the second. The seeds are commonly used to
flavor breads. Traditionally it is used to treat indigestion and colic.
It may become invasive.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
60 days. Chervil is prized for its anise flavor, similar to tarragon,
and it is frequently used in greens mixes. A traditional part of a
French Mesclun lettuce salad, it can also be used as an herb to
flavor dishes such as fish and chicken.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Basil Genovese
75 days. A mild relative of the onion, both the leaves and purple
flowers are edible. Chopped raw chives add a nice flavor and visual
appeal to many potato dishes as well as most vegetable dishes. It
is a hardy perennial, and quite beautiful, so establish a plot in your
yard by the kitchen to have a ready supply all season.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.50
55 days. Traditionally used to flavor Mexican dishes, this herb has a
distinct flavor that adds interest to salsas. It can also be used to
replace basil in your favorite pesto for an interesting variation on
that traditional sauce.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
115 days. A biennial, cumin is best grown in warm climates. The
seeds are used in curries, chilies, and a lot of Southwest dishes.
Traditionally its used to aid digestion.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Dill, Bouquet
60-70 days. Grown for its delicious leaves and its wonderful seeds,
Bouquet dill is the most widely grown variety of dill.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Dill, Dukat *
60-70 days. Typically used to flavor pickles, dill is a versatile
herb. It complements fish and potatoes, or can be used as a great
base for a vegetable dip. Dukat dill is one of the sweetest dills and
remains in the leaf stage longer for a larger harvest.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
This Mexican herb is traditionally added to bean dishes to prevent
gas. It adds a richer, fuller flavor to cooked bean dishes.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $3.00
Fennel di Firenza
75 days. An excellent variety of fennel, it has some resistance to
bolting, and produces a nicely flavored root. It also produces good
tops and quality seeds. It is a perennial plant that grows in zones
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Garlic Chives
Often considered an Asian herb, garlic chives are also known as
Chinese chives or Chinese leeks. They have a mild garlic onion
flavor. They are a bit less cold hardy than standard chives, so if you
live in zone 4 or colder, it is best to cover them in the fall to protect
them. They have a beautiful white flower, which is also edible.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
75-85 days. Traditionally used in Asian dishes, it is a perennial in
only the warmest climates. Usually grown as an annual in most of
the United States.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Oregano and Thyme
Marjoram, Sweet
85 days. A wonderful cooking herb. Similar in flavor to oregano
but milder and sweeter.
Heirloom (min. 500 seeds) $2.00
80 days. Oregano is a nice herb traditionally used in Mediterranean
and Italian cooking. It has dark green leaves with purple flowers.
Heirloom (min. 400 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 400 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1200 seeds) $5.00
Parsley, Flat Leaf
75-85 days. Typically used as a garnish, fresh parsley is also
flavorful and delicious. It is traditionally used in Mediterranean
dishes, and is used as the primary green in some salads. With its
large, flat leaves, this is the traditional Mediterranean variety.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Parsley, Green Pearl
74 days. This aromatic curly leaf parsley is from Germany. It is one
of the most popular parsleys of Eastern Europe. It is a very flavorful
parsley that is also a beautiful garnish.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
85 days. Rosemary has a great flavor, and is the perfect
complement to roasted potatoes or zucchini. These plants grow 3
or more feet tall. Rosemary is difficult to grow from seed because
of its very low germination rate.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $3.00
80 days. A traditional ingredient in breakfast sausage or
Thanksgiving stuffing, fresh sage imparts sweetness and great
flavor without the harshness of most dried sage. A sage and green
onion stuffing is both simple and spectacular. Sage is a perennial
and has beautiful purple flowers that are a nice addition to a
decorative planting.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Organic (min. 50 seeds) $3.50
80 days. Traditionally used in French cuisine, it's a great herb to be
used in salads for its distinct lightly sour flavor.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Summer Savory
60 days. The leaves are used either fresh or dried to flavor meat
and egg dishes. It also is a great herb to grow as a companion
plant to repel garden bugs.
Heirloom (min. 500 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 500 seeds) $3.50
Tarragon, Russian
60 days. Russian tarragon is less flavorful than French tarragon, but
is a very prolific and hardy perennial. It has a mild anise flavor.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.50
90 days. Thyme is a very versatile herb. It can be used to flavor
most meats as well as most vegetables. It is a perennial, and has
beautiful purple flowers. It is frequently used as a landscaping
plant, and is great to plant near your kitchen for beauty and flavor.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Medicinal Herbs and Herbs for Teas
Medicinal herbs have been used to treat common ailments for
thousands of years. We keep a variety of them in our home, as a
first line of defense before going to the doctor. They are typically
supportive and restorative, and they are not intended to be a
substitute for modern medicine in the treatment of any illness.
Herbal First Aid Garden Collection
This collection was designed for us by a friend who is an herbalist.
It contains herbs that are easy to grow, mild, and useful. These are
the herbs we like to keep around the house for our familys use.
This collection contains 10 seed packets. Please see our website for
the exact contents.
Herbal First Aid Garden Collection $22.00
Herbal Tea Garden Collection
Herbal tea, both hot and iced, is the drink of choice around our
home. Dried herbs make good tea, but youll find that fresh herbs
make tea that is brighter in both flavor and color. This collection
contains the herbs that are our favorites for tea. This collection
contains 8 seed packets. Please see our website for the exact
Herbal Tea Garden Collection $17.50
Perennial, hardy in zones 4-9. It is best known for its candied stems
which have a flavor similar to licorice. Traditionally the whole plant
has been used as a remedy for many health ailments including
coughs and colds.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.50
120 days. This annual has been cultivated for thousands of years.
It is both culinary and medicinal, with its licorice flavor that is good
with baked goods. It requires a long hot summer to bring the
seeds to maturity. Traditionally it has been used to calm upset
stomachs and aid in digestion. It is also a companion plant as a
protection against aphids.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.50
Anise Hyssop
This wonderful perennial is both beautiful and delicious. A member
of the mint family, it has beautiful purplish blue flowers and a
pleasant licorice flavor that is wonderful in teas. It is traditionally
used to aid colds and sore throats. It can be invasive.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.50 24
Bee Balm
Bee Balm
Also known as Monarda or Bergamot, Bee Balm is a wonderful and
aromatic flower that attracts bees, butterflies and birds. It has been
traditionally used as a topical antiseptic or mouthwash. This mix is
called Panorama, with flowers in shades of reds and pinks.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.50
Borage has beautiful blue flowers that are edible and taste similar
to a cucumber. An excellent companion plant for squash, because
squash bugs wont cross it. That way they are easier to isolate, and
they will have a much harder time infesting your whole squash
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.00
Calendula is a wonderful dual purpose flower. Use the dried
flowers for teas or in skin balms while enjoying beautiful color all
Orange King Calendula (min. 50 seeds) $3.00
Orange flowers growing about 24 inches tall,
Pacific Beauty Mix Calendula (min. 50 seeds) $2.00
Enjoy a variety of shades of oranges and yellows
with this beautiful calendula mix.
80-90 days. In the mint family, catnip is excellent grown for a tea,
but is also loved by cats and honeybees. It is a larger plant,
growing up to 4 feet tall. It can be used as a companion plant and
is thought to repel many harmful insects including flea beetles and
squash bugs. Like all mints, it can become invasive. We have some
growing in the hayfield hundreds of feet away from the original
Heirloom (min. 500 seeds) $2.50
Chamomile, German
German Chamomile is traditionally used in teas to aid in sleep. An
infusion of the flowers can also be used to help with dampening off
in seed starts. A beautiful white flower, it is also a great addition to
any garden as a companion plant to attract hoverflies and wasps.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Chamomile, Roman
Also known as lawn chamomile, roman chamomile grows low to
the ground and for some is considered a weed. It has beautiful
white flowers which can be used in teas.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.50
Perennial, hardy in zones 3-8, common comfrey has been used for
centuries. It has purple, rose or white flowers. The leaves are
traditionally used as a topical to treat wounds and reduce pain in
cuts and scratches. I have used the dried leaves as a bath tea to
soothe skin wounds.
Heirloom (min. 10 seeds) $2.50
Also known as Purple Coneflower, this beautiful perennial blooms
in late summer and early fall. It is traditionally used in teas to treat
cold symptoms.
Heirloom (min. 30 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 30 seeds) $3.50
In cultivation since the Bronze Age, Fenugreek is used as a spice,
tea, vegetable, and dye. It grows best in a well-drained soil, and
needs little fertilizer.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Horehound candies were once the standard for coughs in Europe
and North America. Also known as wild oregano, it can be used
medicinally or as a culinary herb. Horehound is extremely invasive,
grow with caution. It has been known to take over entire hayfields.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Lavender, Vera
Grown for its beautifully scented flowers, lavender is a very versatile
plant. Its flowers are excellent dried for potpourri, delicious in teas,
and are traditionally used as a calming agent in teas.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.50
Lemon Balm
A member of the mint family, lemon balm has a pleasant lemony
scent and flavor. It is excellent in teas, and is traditionally used as a
mosquito repellant. It is a smaller plant, growing more as a
groundcover. Less so than catnip, it still can become invasive.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.50
Perennial, hardy in zones 5-8. The leaves have a mild celery flavor
that can be used in soups and stews. It is a vigorous and tall
growing herb with beautiful yellow flowers.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Orange King Calendula
Perennial, hardy in zones 3-9. Traditionally the root has been used
to sooth irritated skin of the throat, eyes, and lungs.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.50
Biennial in zones 4-9. Traditionally used to treat coughs, mullein
has striking yellow flower stalks that grow from a base of wooly
gray green leaves.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.50
Nettle, Stinging
Perennial in zones 3-10, stinging nettle is frequently found growing
wild in forest edges. The young shoots can be cooked and eaten,
and the dried leaves are very nutritious. I use nettle in teas for
soothing cold symptoms. Care must be taken in harvesting
because the leaves sting the skin and cause itching.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.50
Perennial in zones 4-9, this common lawn weed is traditionally used
to sooth cuts and wounds and stings. It is also traditionally used to
treat problems such as asthma and bronchitis.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.50
80 days. Spearmint has a wonderful flavor that goes great in
desserts, teas and salads. Mints can be invasive, so care must be
taken to keep them contained.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $3.00
St. Johns Wort
This beautiful perennial shrub has been traditionally used as an
antidepressant. It has bright yellow flowers over green foliage.
Hardy to zone 3.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.50
A hardy perennial that blooms in mid-summer with sweetly scented
flowers. Its flower extracts were used as perfume in the 16th
century. It is native to Europe and parts of Asia. The root is
prepared to make the herbal supplement that is used as a
sedative. 60 inches tall. Hardy to zone 4.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.50
Before the use of hops, wormwood was used as the bittering agent
in beers. Its leaves have been used in absinthe, vermouth and
other liqueurs for its bittering qualities. Traditionally used to treat
digestive ailments and intestinal worms. It does best in a shady
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.50
A flowering aster, yarrow is beautiful and an excellent companion
plant, thought to repel some bad bugs, but is especially helpful in
attracting predatory wasps, lady bugs and hoverflies. Traditionally
the plant has been used as a topical for wounds and cuts. It has
also been used as a food, and the younger leaves can be cooked as
a spinach or in a soup.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.50
Kale is one of our favorite vegetables. Versatile, easy, and
productive, kale can be harvested all summer and fall when planted
in the spring. Our favorite preparation is to brush the leaves with a
little olive oil and curry spices, then bake them until they are crisp.
Kale chips are a super-healthy alternative to potato chips, and
once you taste them, youll never go back.
Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch Kale
55 days. This is an early, hardy, and easy to grow kale with
beautiful curled blue-green leaves. It has a nice flavor and gets
sweeter after a frost.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $4.50
Lacinato Kale *
62 days. Lacinato kale is also known as dinosaur or black Tuscan
kale. It has highly savoyed, dark blue-green leaves. The tenderness
and mildness of its leaves makes it our favorite all kinds of uses.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $4.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $7.50
Portugese Tronchuda
110 days. This kale has a growth habit more like cabbage than like
other kales. Some grow it for the stalks and midribs of the leaves,
which are used like celery. It is highly productive.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Red Russian Kale
60 days. Beautiful, deep purple tinged leaves with red veins and a
feathery shape, Red Russian is a bit softer than the blue varieties, so
it doesn't need as much cooking to become tender.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $3.50
Siberian Kale
65 days. One of the most cold hardy of the kales, this dwarf kale
with large green leaves is an excellent choice for northern growers.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
White Russian Kale
60 days. Similar to Red Russian, but with white veins instead of red.
It gets sweeter after a frost.
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $4.50
Lacinato Kale
Kohlrabi is a fairly unknown vegetable, grown for its tasty bulb. It
tastes like a potato when raw, and like broccoli when cooked. We
like to slice and roast it, and eat it like French fries.
Purple Vienna Kohlrabi
60 days. An heirloom dating back to the 1860's, Purple Vienna has
a purple skin and a crisp white flesh.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $3.50
White Vienna Kohlrabi
50 days. A very old cultivar, White Vienna is creamy white in color.
It is drought tolerant and a good, easy vegetable to grow.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $3.50
Leeks are like gigantic green onions, grown for their subtle yet
wonderful flavor. Their most famous use is in leek and potato
soup, but they are really quite versatile.
American Flag Leek
130 days. Also known as Giant Musselburgh, it is the traditional
variety of leek grown by backyard gardeners. It overwinters well
and can be harvested in March in milder climates.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 150 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Carentan Leek
110 days. An old European favorite dating back to the 1800s,
Carentan Leek has large stalks and delicious flavor. It is a cold
hardy variety and is good for fall and winter production.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.50
One of the first vegetables of spring and last of fall, lettuce is easy
to grow, and one of the best vegetables fresh from the garden.
We like to take advantage of the cold-hardiness of lettuce,
eating it fresh from the garden even after snow has fallen.
It doesnt grow when its that cold, but it preserves
Lettuce Blends
Annie's Lettuce Blend
Our favorite mix of lettuces, reds and greens, romaines and leaf,
frilly and flat leafed. If you want a beautiful and interesting salad
mix, this is the blend for you. A blend of the following:
Amish Deer Tongue Paris Island Cos
Bronze Arrowhead Red Salad Bowl
Forellenschluss Salad Bowl
Oak Leaf Tango
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $7.50
Lettuce Starts
Baby Lettuce Blend
Everyone loves a salad of baby greens, each leaf beautiful, delicate,
and tender. This is a blend of lettuces that do particularly well
harvested young. A blend of the following:
Amish Deer Tongue Rouge dHiver
Forellenschluss Salad Bowl
Oak Leaf Tango
Red Salad Bowl
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $7.50
Cut and Come Again Lettuce Blend
Harvest this blend of leaf lettuce just above the ground and let it
grow back for a second and third harvest. Or go out and harvest
just enough of the larger leaves for dinner. Either way, this blend of
leaf lettuces is a great way to extend your lettuce harvests for many
weeks. A mix of the following:
Cocarde Rossa di Trento
Lollo Rossa Salad Bowl
Oakleaf Tango
Red Salad Bowl
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $7.50
Mesclun Lettuce Mix
This traditional French Mesclun salad is a mix of five lettuces,
endive, arugula and chervil. It makes for a wonderful mix of sweet,
pepper, bitter and flavorful greens. A blend of the following:
Lollo Rossa Salad Bowl
Paris Island Cos Endive di Ruffec
Red Salad Bowl Rocket Salat Arugula
Rouge d'Hiver Chervil
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.25
Microgreens Mix
Many people like to sprout vegetable seeds and eat the plants
when they are very small, only an inch or so tall. These are called
microgreen salads, and you'd be surprised at the huge variety of
interesting flavors available. We tested six different microgreen
mixes, and this one is easily our favorite. It contains the following:
Oak Leaf Lettuce Chives
Red Salad Bowl Lettuce Claytonia
Rouge dHiver Lettuce Rocket Salat Arugula
Salad Bowl Lettuce Viroflay Spinach
Vit Corn Salad
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.25
Misticanza Salad Mix
Misticanza is the Italian version of the French Mesclun mix. The
most traditional versions contain at least twenty-four different
Italian greens, many of them wild and hand harvested. Many of
those greens are available to us, including Arugula, Sorrel and Corn
Salad. We have chosen a large mix of Italian greens and beautiful
lettuces to make our own version of this wonderful Italian
salad. Our mix includes:
Forellenschluss Lettuce Catalogna a Foglia Frastagliate Chicory
Lollo Rossa Lettuce Endive di Ruffec
Oak Leaf Lettuce Italiko Rosso Chicory
Paris Island Cos Lettuce Rocket Salat Arugula
Rouge dHiver Lettuce Rossa di Treviso Chicory
Salad Bowl Lettuce Sorrel
Tango Lettuce Vit Corn Salad
Bionda Cuore Pieno Escarole
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.25
Organic Lettuce Blend
If you prefer all organic lettuces, this is the blend for you. It
includes the following:
Lollo Rossa Red Salad Bowl
Oak Leaf Rouge dHiver
Paris Island Cos Salad Bowl
Red Amish Tango
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $3.50
Romaine Lettuce Blend
This is a blend of all of our favorite Romaine lettuces. It includes
the following:
Amish Deer Tongue Paris Island Cos
Forellenschluss Rouge dHiver
Marvel of Four Seasons Verde Invierno
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.25
Butterhead Lettuce
Buttercrunch Lettuce
65 days. A wonderful butterhead lettuce. Tender, yet firm green
leaves with little to no bitterness.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $6.00
Indiana Amish Lettuce
40 days. This fast butterhead has green leaves tinted with scarlet.
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $3.00
S. Anna Lettuce
66 days. More heat tolerant than most, this butterhead produces
large heads of tender light green leaves. A good choice for warmer
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Romaine Lettuce Blend
Tom Thumb Lettuce
34 days. These are fun little lettuces. Miniature butterhead lettuces
with crinkly green leaves are delicious with mild, sweet and crisp
yet tender leaves. It is also a good choice for a summer lettuce
because they resist bolting better than many of the larger varieties.
Tom Thumb is our favorite butterhead.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Webb's Wonderful Lettuce
65-70 days. An English lettuce, it is a good summer variety because
it withstands the heat well. It is bright green and has large heads
with crisp leaves. A good choice for Southern growers.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $4.50
Winter Density Lettuce
65 days. Winter Density is best described as a tall butterhead, with
some characteristics of a romaine. It is crisp, sweet and
delicious. Winter Density is a good choice for overwintering in the
garden. It has dark green leaves and a densely packed head.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $4.00
Head Lettuce
Ice Queen Lettuce
80 days. This heirloom iceberg lettuce is known for its great taste
and texture. Far better than any grocery store variety, Ice Queen is
considered the best tasting iceberg lettuce available. It is also
more heat tolerant than many of the lettuces.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Cocarde Lettuce
Leaf Lettuce
Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce
45 days. One of the most popular lettuces, it has beautiful frilly
loose leaves. Quick and easy, tender and delicious, it has a nice
light yellow-green color.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $7.50
Bronze Arrowhead Lettuce
46 days. Sweet and tender, Bronze Arrowhead is our favorite leaf
lettuce. With its green and bronze rosette, its a crowd pleaser.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Cocarde Lettuce
49 days. This French oakleaf lettuce has large leaves that are dark
green and edged in dark red. It is beautiful, mild, and delicious.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Lollo Rossa Lettuce
53 days. A frilly, deep red lettuce. It is a little more bitter than
most lettuces, adding a nice contrast in flavor and color in a lettuce
blend. It is very beautiful with dark red leaves with a lighter green
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $4.50
Oak Leaf Lettuce
40 days. Grown for its distinctive oak leaf shaped leaves, Oak Leaf
is a great addition to a salad mix or as a stand-alone cut and come
again leaf lettuce. It grows quickly, making it one of the fastest
lettuces available.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $3.50
Red Salad Bowl Lettuce
44 days. This is a beautiful lettuce. Deep red, with frilly leaves and
a mild flavor. It is slow to bolt, making it a great choice for growing
in the heat or in warmer climates.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $6.00
Rossa di Trento Lettuce
45-60 days. An Italian, savoyed, green lettuce with wine red
edges. A very good "cut and come again" lettuce that can be
harvested throughout the season in mild climates.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Salad Bowl Lettuce
44 days. With medium green, frilly leaf lettuce, Salad Bowl is
tender, crisp, and has a great flavor. It makes a wonderful salad on
its own, but also adds interest to any lettuce mix.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $6.00
Tango Lettuce
52 days. This is the frilliest lettuce we sell. Both mild and sweet, it
is a wonderful addition to a blend, but also fun on its own. It is fast
to bolt, so it does best in cooler climates.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $3.50
Marvel of Four Seasons Lettuce
Romaine Lettuce
Amish Deer Tongue Lettuce
45-55 days. Dark green, crisp and firm, with tongue shaped
leaves. This is a delicious romaine type lettuce.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Cimmaron Lettuce
60 days. Cimmaron is a very striking lettuce. A little deep green
with lots of maroon veins and edges, this romaine type lettuce is
also very delicious. It has the firm texture of romaine lettuces but is
still very tender with a pleasant, mild flavor.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Forellenschluss Lettuce
60 days. A beautiful red speckled, green romaine type lettuce. It
grows tall with slender leaves. I love this lettuce. It is tender and
delicate, with a nice flavor. The color is wonderful, with a bright
green base and contrasting red spots.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Little Gem Lettuce
70 days. In England this is known as a gourmet lettuce, highly
prized for holidays and special occasions. It produces tiny, personal
sized, romaine shaped heads with a firm but tender texture and
mild flavor.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $4.00
Marvel of Four Seasons Lettuce *
48 days. This French heirloom is known for its wide range of colors,
depending on the weather and temperatures. It is a head lettuce
with a delicate, tender texture and fine flavor.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $3.50
Paris Island Cos Lettuce
72 days. The traditional variety of green romaine lettuce. It has a
firm, crisp texture and the great flavor we associate with romaine.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $6.00
Red Amish Lettuce
61 days. This is a red version of Amish Deer Tongue. Firm and
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $3.50
Rouge d'hiver Lettuce
70 days. A beautiful red romaine type lettuce. With a dark green
base and lots of red to burgundy coloring, this lettuce also has a
good flavor and texture. It is a good stand-alone variety, but also a
common component of baby lettuce blends and mixtures.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $3.50
Verde Invierno Lettuce
75 days. Tender and sweet, it is a great cold-hardy romaine. It
does not do well in heat, so grow it in the spring or fall.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Sweet and refreshing, melons are one of the treats of summer. In
the United States we usually refer to all orange melons as
cantaloupes, but most are actually muskmelons. Rarely do we see
true European cantaloupes.
Banana Melon
80-100 days. A long, thin melon with smooth blue skin that ripens
yellow, with salmon-pink flesh. It is incredibly sweet with a tropical
fruit scent. Some say it gets its name from the shape and others
say its from the flavor.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Charentais Melon
74 days. A true European cantaloupe, Charentais is a small, single
serving melon with an exceptional sweet flavor. It takes care to
achieve the remarkable flavor it is known for, but is a labor of love
of those in France who prize this melon.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Crenshaw Melon
110 days. This surprisingly sweet melon loves warm, dry weather.
6-8 pound melons ripen in the fall, with spicy sweet salmon colored
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Golden Beauty Casaba Melon
100-120 days. Introduced in the 1920s, it has a tough, wrinkled
rind that matures to a beautiful golden color, and white aromatic,
sweet flesh. This variety is adapted to hot and dry climates, but still
must be well watered.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Hale's Best Jumbo Melon
85 days. A great old standard muskmelon, with orange flesh and a
netted rind, Hale's Best Jumbo is a good melon for those who want
a larger muskmelon.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $8.50
Hearts of Gold Melon
90 days. Developed in the late 1800s in Benton Harbor, Michigan,
this muskmelon was once the most popular variety of melon for
market growers. It has a deep orange flesh and a delicious flavor.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Honey Rock Melon
75-90 days. Developed at Michigan State University and an All
American Selection in 1933, this very large muskmelon with sweet
orange flesh was developed for markets in the Northeastern US
and Canada. A great choice for cooler climates.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Honeydew, Green Flesh Melon
115 days. A smooth skinned melon with a thick rind that turns
from pale green to ivory when it's ripe, it is a very sweet green-
fleshed melon with a small seed cavity. Best grown in the south,
but can be grown in the north with extra care.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Minnesota Midget Melon *
70 days. Cute little muskmelons, each one a perfect individual
serving. Minnesota Midget produces lots of small, 5-6 inch, round
melons with really sweet, orange flesh.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $8.50
Jaune Canary Melon
110 days. Jaune means yellow in French, describing the color of
this fun and flavorful melon. It can be difficult to judge ripeness on
some melons. With Jaune Canary, it turns color when it is ripe so
you dont have to guess.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
A Southern favorite, okra is also a wonderful part of southern Asian
and Indian cuisine. Delicious fried, pickled, in soups and stews, or
in curries, okra is a versatile and interesting summer vegetable.
Burgundy Okra
55-60 days. A beautiful deep burgundy okra that turns dark green
when cooked. It is very flavorful and cooks up with a nice, firm
texture. Our family loves it sauted in a curry.
Heirloom (min. 75 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 75 seeds) $4.00
Clemson Spineless Okra
55 days. With its high yields and excellent flavor, Clemson
Spineless is the old-time favorite okra and for good reason.
Heirloom (min. 75 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 75 seeds) $4.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 300 seeds) $6.00
Dwarf Long Green Pod Okra
50 days. This variety produces 7-8 inch dark green pods on smaller
plants. A great choice if you have size constraints or for northern
growers because it doesn't require as long of a hot growing
Heirloom (min. 75 seeds) $3.00
Perkins Long Pod Okra
60 days. This high yielding old favorite produces really long okra
pods that remain tender even when large. It is a great choice for
canning, and in gumbos and stews. It is a large plant, growing up
to 5 feet tall.
Heirloom (min. 75 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 300 seeds) $6.00
Onions are a staple of nearly every cuisine. Adding a unique rich
flavor, onions can be eaten raw, roasted, grilled, and caramelized as
a part of any dish you cook.
It is important to grow the right type of onion for your area. The
bulb is formed according to the length of daylight during your
summer months. Long day onions are for those who live in the
North, with long summer days. Short day onions are for those in
the South, with more uniform summer days. Intermediate day
onions are for those in between. If you grow an onion that isnt
ideal for your day length, it wont form a bulb, or the bulb will be
small. Bunching onions dont form a large bulb, and can be grown
any time in any location.
Bunching And Pearl Onions
Barletta Onion
70 days. A small, early white pearl onion. Sweet and mild, it is
traditionally used in stews or pickled. It is labeled a short day
onion, but it is such a short season onion that it is easy to grow in
the North if you grow it early in the season. Short day.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Evergreen Bunching Onion *
All onions can be used as young, green onions before they form a
bulb, but Evergreen Bunching far outshines them for intense
flavor. It's well worth growing some for the amazing flavor it
imparts to salads, stir fries, soups, or anything you like to use
onions in.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Organic (min. 150 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Onion Starts
Heshiko Bunching Onion
A beautiful Japanese bunching onion. It is an excellent choice for
overwintering, because it is significantly more cold hardy than
other bunching onions.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.25
Red Bunching Onion
A beautiful pink and red tinged traditional French scallion. It has a
wonderful, mild and rich flavor.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.25
Cipollini Onions
Bianco di Maggio Onion
80 days. The classic cipollini onion. It is white, with a mild, sweet
flavor. It can also be grown out for a small early season
onion. Short to Intermediate day.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Borrettana Onion
105 days. A yellow, cipollini onion, Borrettana is small but packed
with flavor. Traditionally used as a pickling onion, Borrettana is
also a great addition to fried potatoes, green beans or any other
vegetable enhanced by the flavor of caramelized onions. Long to
Intermediate day.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.25
Intermediate Day Onions
Rossa Lunga di Firenze Onion *
100-120 days. A long, red, torpedo shaped onion with a wonderful,
mild, sweet flavor. A great salad onion and a wonderful onion in
potato salad. A short to intermediate day onion, it can be grown in
the North, but produces a smaller bulb there.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Utah Yellow Sweet Spanish Onion
115 days. A large, sweet yellow onion. Loved for its mild, sweet
flavor, it is excellent raw. It does well in Western states and similar
climates. It keeps moderately well. Intermediate day.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Long Day Onions
Ailsa Craig Exhibition Onion
100 days. Originally developed in 1887 by David Murray, gardener
to the Marquis de Ailsa, Ailsa Craig is a wonderful onion. They are
medium sized, and full of rich onion flavor. They aren't good
keepers, but are well worth growing for fresh use. Unlike a lot of
sweet onions, they caramelize with a rich and full onion
flavor. Long Day.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $3.50
Dorata di Parma Onion
110 days. A beautiful golden late season onion. It has excellent
storage qualities, and its large size makes it a great onion for
slicing. Long to Intermediate day.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
New York Early Onion
98 days. An early yellow onion with medium length storage
qualities, it has a tender flesh. Long day onion, best suited for
Northern growers.
Heirloom Organic (min. 150 seeds) $4.50
Red Bunching Onion
Rossa di Milano Onion
115 days. This Italian storage onion has a heat that chefs prize for
cooking authentic Italian recipes. It is a good keeper, and it
tolerates cool weather.
Heirloom Organic (min. 150 seeds) $2.50
Ruby Red Onion
110 days. A good storage onion, Ruby Red is a large, firm red
onion that lasts 5-6 months. It is good sized, with strong but sweet
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Walla Walla Sweet Onion
110 days. A large, sweet, yellow slicing onion. Best used fresh and
raw, as cooking lessens its flavor. It doesn't store well, but is well
worth growing for fresh eating. Long day.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 150 seeds) $4.00
White Sweet Spanish Onion
115 days. This is the standard commercial white onion. It produces
large globe shaped onions with white skin, and a sweet and mild
flavor, with moderate storage properties.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Short Day Onions
Early Texas Grano Onion
180 days. Released in 1944 and a parent of all the super sweet
onions including the Vidalia, Early Texas Grano is a sweet, flavorful
onion with a yellow skin and white flesh. Short keeper.
Intermediate to Short day.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Red Burgundy Onion
100 days. With a mild, sweet flavor, and large red skinned and
fleshed bulbs, this is exactly what you expect from a red onion. A
great choice for salads or hamburgers. Excellent keeper. Short day.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Tropeana Tonda Onion
110 days. Known throughout Europe as a great fresh market onion,
Tropeana Tonda produces large red onions that are delicious as
well as good for storage. Short to intermediate day onion.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Parsnips and Parsley Root
With their white, sweet roots, parsnips are an excellent fall
vegetable. They get sweeter after first frost, and can overwinter, so
they make for an excellent spring vegetable as well. We like to use
them in soups and stews, or they are fantastic just roasted in the
oven. Basically, anywhere youd normally use carrots, parsnips can
be substituted for an interesting and tasty variation.
American Parsnip
130 days. With tender, white roots, and a nice mild flavor,
American is an excellent parsnip. It has fairly long roots, which are
especially sweet when harvested in the fall.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.00
Parsley, Hamburg Rooted
90 days. Dating back to the 1600s, Hamburg Rooted Parsley is
grown for its parsnip like root instead of its flavorful leaves. The
leaves can be used as other parsleys, but its real value is in its 8-10
inch white root. The root can be used anywhere you use carrots
and parsnips, and its an excellent addition to chicken soups.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Harris Model Parsnip
Harris Model Parsnip
80-85 days. The standard by which all other parsnips are
judged. They are long, white and sweet with smooth grained
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $4.50
Turga Parsnip
100-110 days. This Hungarian parsnip is short, making it great for
dense soil. It is quite vigorous, yielding large, sweet, nutty roots.
Heirloom Organic (min. 250 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom peas are so sweet right off the plant that many of them
get eaten before they even get to the house. We love them in all
kinds of dishes, from scrambled eggs, to pea soup, to curry. Snow
peas are great too, fantastic pea flavor without the hassle of
shelling. Both shelling and snow peas thrive in cool weather, so
start them early to get a good crop before the heat of the summer.
In the south, they are a great winter crop.
Cowpeas are a much loved vegetable of the South, thriving in warm
climates. Related to beans, they can be eaten fresh or dried.
California Black Eye Cowpea
75 days. A southern favorite, this cowpea is very distinctive with its
creamy color and black eyes. A New Year's tradition, these
wonderful cowpeas can be eaten fresh or dried.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $10.00
Mississippi Silver Cowpea
60 days. Also known as Brown Crowder Cowpea, this is the earliest
of the cowpea varieties. It produces very easy-to-shell peas on
bush plants with the pods set at foliage height, making them easy
to pick. It is also has a delicate and delicious flavor.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $3.00
Shelling Peas
Blue Podded Pea
80-85 days. Blue podded peas are a productive Dutch pea grown
specifically for pea soup. Soak the peas overnight before cooking.
Heirloom Organic (min. 80 seeds) $3.00
British Wonder Pea
50-55 days. Introduced in England around 1890 and to America in
1904, this shelling pea with large pods grows on vines reaching 3
feet tall. It requires trellising.
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.00
Green Arrow Pea
65-70 days. A British shelling pea with a bush growing habit. It
produces long, thin pods with 9 to 11 sweet peas. A little later than
some of the others, with tender, crisp peas.
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.00
Laxtons Progress #9 Pea
60 days. With short vines and plump pods, Laxton's Progress
produces heavy yields of shelling peas of excellent quality. It has 9
peas per pod, hence the name.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.50
Lincoln Pea
65-70 days. Lincoln is one of the sweetest peas I've raised. It has
straight pods filled with tender peas, on a plant with a nice bush
growing habit. However, yields are highly dependent on the
weather. An excellent pea for freezing as well as fresh eating.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Little Marvel Pea*
59-63 days. An excellent, all purpose, bush variety pea. It is easy to
grow, fast, and very reliable. It grows up to 30 inches tall and
produces high yields of tender, sweet shelling peas. Good for fresh
eating, canning or freezing.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $10.00
Wando Pea
68 days. An excellent spring pea, it germinates well in the cold and
is the most heat tolerant of the shelling peas. A great choice for
those with short springs, who need to have a more heat tolerant
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $10.00
Snow Peas
Dwarf Grey Sugar Snow Pea
57-60 days. Dwarf Grey Sugar is a wonderful multi-purpose
pea. An excellent variety for Asian cooking, the pods are small, but
flavorful and sweet. It also produces a large number of tendrils that
are excellent sauted with garlic and oil for snow pea sprouts. To
top it off, it's beautiful, with purple and pink bicolor flowers.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.00
Golden Sweet Pea
60-70 days. Six foot tall vines with purple flowers produce lemon
yellow pea pods. Pick the pods at 3-3.5 inches for best flavor.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Mammoth Melting Snow Pea
68-72 days. Mammoth Melting Snow Pea lives up to its
name. Huge, tender, deliciously sweet snow peas grow on 5 foot
tall plants. A climbing pea, this one needs to be trellised. An
excellent choice for stir fries or just steamed for a simple yet
delicious dish.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $4.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $10.00
Oregon Sugar Pod II Pea *
60-70 days. A really nice, bush type, snow pea. It produces large,
flavorful, tender pea pods with good yields. It's best harvested
young, so make sure to harvest daily. Although not necessary, it
benefits from trellising. This is our favorite snow pea because it Is
easy, reliable, and tasty.
Heirloom (min. 80 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 40 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $10.00
Oregon Sugar Pod II Pea
Originally from the Americas, peppers have been transported to all
corners of the globe and bred into unique varieties specific to all
kinds of local cuisines. From Central America to Eastern Europe to
Asia, exploring our wide variety of peppers is like a trip around the
world. From French omelets, to Mexican salsas, to Hungarian
stuffed peppers, to Spanish Romesco sauces, to Indian Vindaloos,
we love peppers and never have enough around. Peppers grow
best in warm climates, but there are short-season choices for
northern growers as well.
Pepper Collections
Annies Favorite Peppers Collection
This is a collection of our favorite peppers, with a traditional bell, a
stuffing pepper, a hot pepper, a spectacular Italian sweet pepper,
and fun Banana peppers. Receive 10 seeds of each of the following
Bull Nose Sweet Banana
Corno di Toro Giallo Topepo Rosso
Early Jalapeno
Annies Favorite Peppers Collection $5.50
Annies Favorite Organic Peppers Collection
This is a collection of our favorite organic peppers, from traditional
bell peppers to Italian sweet to Mexican hot peppers. Receive 10
seeds of each of the following varieties:
California Wonder Marconi Red
Early Jalapeno Sweet Chinese Giant
Hungarian Hot Wax
Annies Favorite Organic Peppers Collection $7.00
Rainbow Bell Pepper Collection
For the bell pepper enthusiast, this collection has it all. California
Wonder is the only pepper intended to picked green, though any
can be eaten green if you pick them before they turn color. If you
let them mature, youll have a rainbow of different colors. Receive
10 seeds of each of the following varieties:
California Wonder Quadrato Giallo dAsti
Orange Bell Quadrato Rosso dAsti
Chocolate Bell
Rainbow Bell Pepper Collection $5.50
Mexican Pepper Collection
Mexico is the original home of the pepper, and you can tell by the
wide variety of flavorful and interesting peppers available. This is a
selection of our favorite Mexican peppers, ones we grow regularly
for salsa and all kinds of other fantastic dishes. Receive 10 seeds of
each of the following varieties:
Ancho Jalapeno M
Guajillo Serrano Tampiqueno
Mexican Pepper Collection $5.50
Edible Ornamental Pepper Collection
Many people grow ornamental peppers as landscaping plants,
because of the bold beautiful color accents they provide. But did
you know that even ornamental peppers are edible? Most of these
are very hot, so handle and eat with caution.
Receive 10 seeds of each of the following varieties:
Black Hungarian Fish
Bulgarian Carrot Romanian Sweet
Ciliegia Picante
Edible Ornamental Pepper Collection $6.00
Bell Peppers
Bull Nose Pepper
58 days. This red bell pepper was grown by Thomas Jefferson at
Monticello. Great flavor, on productive sturdy plants. Under
certain growing conditions, the ribs can become hot.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.75
Bull Nose Pepper
California Wonder Pepper
70 days. A wonderful bell pepper, thick-walled and blocky. It has
an excellent flavor, and is a great choice for a green bell pepper, or
allow it to ripen to red for a delicious red bell pepper. It's an
excellent pepper for stuffing, or added to any of your favorite
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $9.00
Chocolate Bell
60-85 days. This unique heirloom ripens to chocolate brown, with
thick sweet flesh. It is a fairly fast pepper, good for northern
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Jupiter Bell Pepper
70 days. Known for its great size and delicious flavor, Jupiter is
typically grown as a green bell pepper which ripens red. It
produces uniform, medium sized fruit. Jupiter is quite rare, so you
receive fewer seed per packet than usual.
Heirloom (min. 15 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $4.50
King of the North Bell Pepper
70 days. Developed in Wisconsin for northern growers, King of the
North is a good choice if you have a short growing season.
Medium sized, uniform bell peppers ripen to red.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
Mini Bells Mix *
60 days. Lots of tiny beautifully colored bell peppers grow on
medium sized plants. It produces peppers earlier than other
pepper varieties, which makes it a good choice if you have a short
growing season or just want peppers earlier in the summer. They
make a cute, delicious stuffed appetizer, or use them as you would
any other pepper. You just want to use a lot of them.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Orange Bell Pepper
90 days. A later variety, it produces pretty orange bell
peppers. They are both sweet and delicious.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Quadrato Giallo D'Asti Pepper
70-80 days. An Italian heirloom yellow bell pepper. It is incredibly
sweet, crisp, and tender when ripe. Absolutely delicious.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $9.00
Quadrato Rosso D'Asti Pepper
80-85 days. A large, very sweet, red bell pepper from Italy. It has
very sweet and crisp flesh and is good fresh or roasted.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $9.00
Sweet Chinese Giant Pepper
90 days. These long season peppers grow large under normal
conditions, but they will grow to a huge 6 inches long if you thin
the fruit. One of the biggest sweet peppers available. Mild, sweet
flesh, from a pepper that matures to bright red.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
California Wonder Pepper
Hot Peppers
Ancho Pepper *
90 days. I love ancho peppers. It's a hot pepper, but very mild and
full of pepper flavor. It makes a wonderful stuffing pepper for chili
rellenos, or a good base pepper for a mild Mexican salsa. A little
slower to mature than most hot peppers, but well worth the wait.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.50
Black Hungarian Pepper
75 days. With green leaves, purple flowers, and black fruit, many
people grow this pepper as an ornamental landscaping plant. The
peppers are about the size and shape of jalapenos, medium hot,
and they can be dried and ground to make paprika.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.00
Bulgarian Carrot Pepper
79 days. Another great ornamental pepper, its petite plants work
great for container gardening. Its early bright orange peppers are
very hot. Great for adding a colorful punch to salsa.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Cajun Tobasco Pepper
75 days. A Cajun specialty pepper, and the original one used for
Tobasco sauce. It is very flavorful and a good variety to grow to
make your own hot pepper sauce.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Cayenne Pepper
85 days. The traditional hot red pepper used to flavor lots of
dishes, Cayenne is a nicely flavored hot pepper. It is easy to grow
and easy to dry. I just leave them out on the counter till they are
dry and ready to be ground for my own, delicious red pepper
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.00
Chile de Arbol Pepper
90 days. Originally from Chihuahua, Mexico, these are known as
Birds Beak or Tree Chili peppers. They grow on 3-4 feet tall, tree
shaped plants with lots of small cayenne type peppers. They are
valued for their hot and smoky flavor. They make wonderful salsa
and amazing hot chili powder.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Ciliegia Picante
85 days. This old Italian heirloom is known by the locals as Baccio
de Satana", or Satans Kiss. You can guess how much heat this
little pepper has! It produces lots of golf ball sized peppers that
are traditionally stuffed with anchovies and mozzarella, and then
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Early Jalapeno Pepper
60 days. Early Jalapeno is a fast pepper, medium hot, and more
tolerant of cool weather than most peppers. The peppers will turn
red if you leave them on the plant long enough.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Fish Pepper
80 days. A unique African-American heirloom pepper that
originated in Baltimore in the 1870's. Traditionally used in the
oyster and crab houses, it is used to make medium hot to very hot
dishes. It is also a beautiful plant, with variegated foliage and
decorative peppers that start green with cream stripes, turn red
with brown stripes, and finally ripen solid red.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Guajillo Pepper
85 days. A wonderful chili, typically dried and used to make salsa
and chili powder. It has 6-8 inch long red-brown peppers with
moderate heat. I really enjoy this pepper roasted, peeled and sliced
in a squash soup.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Ancho Pepper
Habanero Pepper
Habanero Pepper
90-100 days. One of the hottest peppers, habaneros are also very
flavorful. Once you get past the heat, they have an almost apricoty
fruitiness. I like to simmer a few in tomato sauce, removing the
peppers before serving. The wonderful flavor and a bit of the heat
are transferred to the sauce.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.75
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.00
Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper
70 days. Hungarian Hot Wax is both early and prolific. A milder
hot pepper, it can be used fresh, dried or cooked. It's a favorite
sliced for salads or cooked on pizza. It's a good choice for those
with cooler climates.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.00
Italian Pepperoncini Pepper
75 days. The traditional Italian pickling pepper, it produces high
yields of long, thin sweet peppers with just a little heat. Beautiful
yellow peppers that ripen red, they are excellent both pickled or
eaten raw.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Jalapeno M Pepper
70-80 days. Jalapeno M is the standard Jalapeno that you see in
grocery stores. It is both hot and flavorful, and can be used in
anything from salsa to roasted stuffed peppers to jalapeno
poppers. Traditionally they are also dried and then smoked to
make chipotles.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $8.50 36
Padron Pepper
60 days. Padron is a small hot pepper famous in Spain where they
eat it sauted in olive oil with sea salt as a tapas appetizer. If the
peppers are harvested at 1 to 1 1/2 inches long, most will be mild
with about one in twenty hot. It's kind of like playing Russian
roulette, who knows if the next one will be the hot one! Leave
them to get to 2 to 3 inches long and all of the peppers will be
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Pasilla Bajio Pepper
78 days. A milder Mexican hot pepper, this pepper is a traditional
component of mole. More grown for its rich, smoky flavor than its
heat, it's a great choice if you like to make rich, dried pepper salsa
or moles or want a unique but mild chili powder.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Serrano Tampiqueno Pepper
85 days. A small, green hot Mexican pepper that ripens red. It is
used to add heat to salsa, and I like it in a roasted pepper winter
squash soup.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Sonora Anaheim Pepper
77 days. A mild long, green chili pepper that is a great choice for
making chili rellenos. They can grow very large and are thicker
than most chili peppers.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $12.00
Stavros (Greek Pepperoncini) Pepper
70 days. With shorter fruit than Italian Pepperocini, this is the
pepper that you commonly find pickled in jars at the grocery store.
It is usually picked and pickled in its yellow stage, though it will
turn red if left on the plant. It has very little heat, so little that some
people consider it a sweet pepper.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Thai Hot Pepper
85 days. Thai Hot is a very hot, flavorful pepper in the cayenne
family. The peppers grow upright, frequently above the foliage,
making it a great ornamental pepper. The chilies are used to add a
kick to Thai and other Asian dishes.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Sweet Peppers
Alma Paprika Pepper
70-80 days. An excellent pepper for drying or for fresh eating. It
ripens from creamy white, to orange, to red and has a nice
sweetness and a little heat.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.75
Corno di Toro Giallo Pepper *
75-85 days. Amazingly sweet, this long, thin, yellow Italian sweet
pepper is both delicious and prolific. Traditionally used for frying, I
love it roasted and added to a pasta salad.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Corno di Toro Rosso Pepper
75-85 days. A long, thin, red Italian sweet pepper. Very sweet and
flavorful, they are traditionally used as a frying pepper. I love the
rich, sweet flavor.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $9.00
Dulce Italiano Pepper
90 days. This sweet bull horn pepper is similar to Corno di Toro
Rosso, but a bit smaller. The meaty, sweet peppers have a thin skin,
and can be picked green or red.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Golden Treasure Pepper
80 days. This is a wonderful sweet pepper. Large, long, thin golden
yellow Italian sweet peppers, they are incredibly sweet.
Traditionally used as an Italian frying pepper, these are great raw or
Heirloom (min. 10 seeds) $3.00
Marconi Red Pepper
73 days. These big beautiful sweet peppers can reach up to a foot
long! They are very sweet, and can be eaten fresh or fried.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Romanian Sweet Pepper
75 days. These beautiful peppers mature from a nice ivory color, to
orange, to red. Frequently youll see all three colors on the plant at
the same time. They have a thick flesh and are very sweet.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Sweet Banana Pepper
70 days. Pickled banana peppers are a favorite on salads and
sandwiches. They get sweeter as they ripen, but let them go too
long and theyll turn a brilliant red. A fast pepper, good for cool
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.00
Sweet Nardello Pepper
75 days. Introduced to the US in 1887, this fast sweet pepper will
produce long, thin fruit all season long. Sweet Nardello has long
been considered one of the best frying peppers because they
become creamy and soft when fried.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Topepo Rosso Pepper
75 days. These are beautiful little Italian pimento peppers. They
are loved by Italians for stuffing, but can also be pickled or dried to
make a deeply colored paprika.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.75
Potatoes are grown in many regions of the world because they are
delicious, and because under the right conditions, they produce
tremendous yields. Plant pieces of potato in the spring, and enjoy
some of the best potatoes youll ever eat in the summer and into
fall. Heirloom varieties have stood the test of time, with interesting
colors, textures, and flavors.
We will have two potato shipping dates with different potatoes
available for each. The first shipment will be in mid to late February
for South and Southwest regions of the country. We will also have
a large shipment in early May that will be for all customers.
If you have freezing temperatures during the February shipment,
please wait until the May shipment. If your potatoes were to freeze
during shipment, they will rot and not be a viable seed.
Please check our website for the varieties that are available, and to
reserve your potatoes for either shipping date.
Easy and fun, radishes are one of the fastest vegetables in the
garden. With a wide variety of colors and shapes, they are fun to
grow and beautiful to display. They have a hot bite when eaten
raw, but they mellow when roasted.
Annie's Radish Mix
25-35 days. A beautiful mix of colors, Annie's Radish Mix is a blend
of Purple Plum, Cherry Belle, French Breakfast, and White Globe.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Annie's Organic Radish Mix
25-35 days. A mix of our favorite radishes, with all organic seeds.
Annie's Organic Radish Mix is a blend of Pink Beauty, Cherry Belle,
French Breakfast, and White Globe.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.50
Cherry Belle Radish
26 days. The standard radish, Cherry Belle is small, red, round, and
full of traditional radish flavor. Mild when grown in cool weather,
but with that characteristic radish bite.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
French Breakfast Radish *
25 days. Both beautiful and delicious, these oblong shaped red
radishes with a white tip are mild, crisp and flavorful.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.50
Iwai Daikon Radish
50 days. This is an absolutely beautiful little daikon radish. Its a
miniature daikon, fast to maturity, perfectly formed, and beautifully
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.75
Miyashige White Daikon Radish
65 days. Best planted in late summer for a cool growing season,
Miyashige produces roots that can reach 15 inches long. These
radishes are mild and crisp, and they store well.
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $3.50
Pink Beauty Radish
27 days. These are beautiful little radishes. Bright fuchsia pink,
round and almost blemish free. They have that distinctive radish
flavor, but are a bit milder than the red radishes. They are a great
addition to a mix or just grown on their own.
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Cherry Belle Radish
Purple Plum Radish
28 days. This striking radish has deep purple skin over crisp white
flesh. It is hardy, fast, crisp, and juicy.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Watermelon (Red Meat) Radish
60-70 days. Also known as Red Meat Radish, this unique variety
has a white bottom, green shoulders, and bright pinky-red flesh. It
bolts when planted in the spring, so it is best grown in late summer
and fall.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.75
White Globe (Hailstone) Radish
25 days. Introduced in 1908, this round, white radish is very mild
but flavorful. Fast even for a radish, the earliest ones may be ready
in a little over three weeks.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Purple Plum Radish
A perennial vegetable that is frequently cooked into pies, Victoria
has been around for more than 150 years. It has large, fat stems
with bright red skin, its not stringy, and it has an apple-gooseberry
flavor with a hint of lemon or grapefruit. It can be used in jams,
tarts, soups and sauces.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Mammoth Sandwich Island Salsify
120 days. A long season root that can be overwintered, salsify is
easy to grow. It produces creamy white roots, 8 to 9 inches long
and 1 to 1 inches across at the shoulder. Peeled and sliced then
boiled or fried, or in sauces or soups, it is a very versatile vegetable.
It is slow to germinate, taking up to 21 days.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach
Spinach is one of the most popular vegetables in the garden.
Delicious raw or cooked, it is also one of the most cold hardy
vegetables. Some people have reported planting it in the fall, then
having it sprout and come up during a warm spell in mid-winter!
We love it for a variety of uses, from curry, to creamed spinach, to
spinach salad.
America Spinach
50 days. A beautiful, very savoyed, dark green spinach. It has an
excellent flavor and is slower to bolt than other varieties, making it
a good choice for warmer climates.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $3.00
Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach *
48 days. This is our favorite spinach. It's the sweetest of the
spinaches that we've tried; tender and mild, but flavorful. It is also
slow to bolt, making it an excellent choice all around.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Giant Winter Spinach
50 days. A wonderful giant spinach with huge semi-savoyed leaves
that are dark green. It is very cold hardy and can tolerate damp
conditions. A great choice for overwintering in the garden.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $6.50
Merlo Nero Spinach
48 days. This Italian heirloom is a large, early spinach with slightly
savoyed leaves. The leaves are large and tender, and they taste
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $3.00
Viroflay Spinach
50 days. Viroflay is the giant of spinaches. The leaves are huge,
but stay tender and flavorful. Because of the large leaves, Viroflay
has excellent yields.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Romanesco Zucchini
Around here, everyone fights over the first zucchini of the season.
We love to pick them young, small, and tender, so we put in a
couple extra plants to make sure we have enough to go around.
Even a simple preparation like sauted with garlic and rosemary is
fantastic, when the zucchini is as tasty as our heirlooms are.
Winter squash is great in its own right. We love the long keepers,
pulling them out in mid-winter for a warming curry squash soup or
sweet baked squash with maple syrup. Anything that stores in the
basement without requiring canning or freezing is a winner in our
Summer Squash
Annies Summer Squash Mix
This is a beautiful mix of our favorite summer squashes and
zucchinis, guaranteed to add beauty, interest, and great taste to
your dinner table! It has a little of everything, yellow, dark green,
pale green and round. It contains Bianco di Triste, Black Beauty,
Tondo di Piacenza, and Early Prolific Straightneck.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Benning's Green Tint Scallop Squash
52 days. Medium to large scalloped squash that are almost white
with a pale tint of light green. They are really delicious. I like to
slice them up to make a zucchini lasagna of layers of zucchini,
cheese and tomato sauce.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $4.00
Bianco di Trieste Zucchini
46 days. This is a really nice light green zucchini. It is also known
as half long white because if it's pale color and shorter size. It has a
good, right, and full zucchini flavor.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Black Beauty Zucchini *
52 days. The traditional, dark green zucchini. It is our favorite,
because of its rich zucchini flavor. Pick it young and tender for best
results. It is very prolific as well, though after you taste it, chances
are youll wish you had planted a couple more.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $4.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $12.00
Cocozelle di Napoli Zucchini
50 days. Cocozelle di Napoli is a striped zucchini from the Naples
region of Italy. It has a great flavor and good yields.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Early Prolific Straight Neck Squash
42 days. Aptly named, this yellow squash has the shape of a
zucchini and huge yields. It has a nice flavor and is a great choice if
you want lots of yellow squash.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $12.00
Jaune et Vertus Scalloped Squash
55 days. A beautiful patty pan squash, pale cream with dark green
stripes. It is prolific over a long season and can even be left to
ripen, harden, and be eaten as a winter squash.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.75
Romanesco Zucchini
52 days. Known for its excellent flavor, Romanesco is a gourmet
zucchini. It is medium green in color with dark green lengthwise
stripes. It is very tender, mild, and highly prized.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $4.50
Tondo di Piacenza Zucchini
45-55 days. A very early, round, dark green zucchini that is very
productive. It makes a good stuffing zucchini.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Yellow Crookneck Squash
55 days. Yellow Crookneck squashes are warted, golden yellow
summer squash with a great, sweet summer squash flavor. They
are wonderful sauted or roasted, simply served with herbs, garlic
and olive oil.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $3.50
Winter Squash
Annies Winter Squash Mix
Winter squash are all unique and beautiful with different shapes,
sizes, colors and flavors. Enjoy this beautiful mix of our favorite and
versatile winter squashes, sure to inspire delicious dinners of soups,
roasted squash and stuffed squash! It contains Burgess Buttercup,
New England Pie, Sweet Dumpling, Table Queen Acorn, and
Waltham Butternut.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Blue Hubbard Squash
110 days. Huge, blue warted squash. It has a very hard rind,
requiring a lot of work to get in. However, this also makes them
store really well.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Burgess Buttercup Squash
100 days. I love buttercup squash. A nice size for a smaller family,
serving about 4 people with one squash. It has a nice sweet and
rich squash flavor.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $4.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.00
A Collection of Winter Squash
Waltham Butternut Squash
Connecticut Field Pumpkin
120 days. The traditional Jack-o-lantern pumpkin, Connecticut
Field has been grown for years and is still a very popular
commercial variety. Good yields of large, orange pumpkins, tall
and fat. They make great jack-o-lanterns, or use them to make
pumpkin pie.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.00
Galeux D'Eysines Squash
100 days. This is a striking and beautiful French heirloom squash,
originally grown to be used in soups and sauces. It is less sweet
than other squashes, but it has a great rich flavor. It is tan with lots
of warts, flattened and round with 10-15 lb fruits.
Heirloom (min. 15 seeds) $2.75
Gele Reuzen Pumpkin
125 days. A great German heirloom pumpkin. They can get
extremely large, up to 65 lbs, and are smooth, almost ribless and
orange. They can be used to make huge jack-o-lanterns, but are
also good as an eating pumpkin.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Howden Pumpkin
115 days. A descendent of Connecticut Field, youve probably seen
Howdens in the grocery store. With 20-25 lb fruit, deep ribs, and
solid handles, it makes great jack-o-lanterns as well as pies and
roasted seeds.
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $4.50
New England Pie Pumpkin
95 days. If you love pumpkin pie, New England Pie is the pumpkin
for you. Small, perfectly shaped, round, orange pumpkins packed
with lots of seeds for roasting and lots of wonderful, sweet
pumpkin flesh. Also known as Small Sugar.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.00
Rouge Vif d'Etampes Pumpkin
100 days. Rouge Vif d'Etampes is the old French Cinderella
pumpkin, squatty and short like Cinderellas carriage, rather than
round like jack-o-lantern pumpkins. It is orangey-red and highly
pleated, great for decoration but also quite suitable for eating.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.75
Spaghetti Squash
100 days. With a yellow rind and a pale yellow flesh, spaghetti
squash has flesh that falls apart into shreds when it's
cooked. Commonly used as a pasta replacement, I love it served
with brown sugar and butter.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $4.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.00
Sweet Dumpling Squash
90 days. Small and round with a flattened top, Sweet Dumpling is
beautiful with cream colored skin, green stripes, and specks. It has
sweet, tender flesh and is a great size for stuffing or baking as an
individual serving. Add in its high yields and excellent storage
properties, and Sweet Dumpling is sure to please!
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Table Queen Acorn Squash
92 days. Small, green, acorn-shaped squash. The flesh is sweet and
rich with a wonderful flavor. One squash feeds one or two people,
so it's a good choice if you have a small family.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.00
Waltham Butternut Squash *
85 days. Butternut squash is one of the sweetest squashes. Deep
orange flesh with a small seed cavity at the bottom, it is an easy
squash to use because most of the squash is solid flesh. It is also a
good keeper, most lasting the entire winter in my basement with
no additional care.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.00
Alpine strawberries are the true heirloom strawberry. They are so
sweet and flavorful, they almost always get eaten right in the
garden. They are quite different from modern hybrid varieties, in
that they produce very small berries and they dont send out many
runners. They take a little care to start from seed, but once
established are easy to care for and stay for many years.
Strawberries seeds require being chilled before they will germinate.
All of our strawberry seeds are pre-chilled, so they come to you
ready to plant.
Alexandria Alpine Strawberry
Known for its high yields, this strawberry really performs. If you
want lots of sweet little berries, Alexandria is your strawberry.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.00
Baron Solemacher Strawberry
This old variety produces plump, red, conical fruit. The berries are
tasty, and slightly larger than our other varieties.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.00
Mignonette Alpine Strawberry
Known for its excellent flavor, these delicious strawberries dont
have the high yields of Alexandria. If you are all about flavor, this is
the strawberry for you.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.00
Yellow Wonder Strawberry
Yellow Wonder Alpine Strawberry *
Pale yellow, and sweeter than the red strawberries, they have a
pineappley flavor mixed with strawberry. These are my favorite!
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.00
Sweet Potatoes
A staple of the South, sweet potatoes or yams are delicious and
sweet. Baked into a pie, a souffl, roasted, or cooked in a curry,
their flavor is sure to please. Our sweet potato slips are shipped to
you at the right time for your zone. Be sure to open them as soon
as they arrive so that they arent damaged by heat or cold, and
then plant them as soon as possible.
Please check our website for pricing and for the varieties that are
Swiss Chard
Closely related to the beet, Swiss chard is grown for its delicious
leaves instead of the root. We grow lots of chard as a summer
replacement for spinach. It is great sauted with garlic and
balsamic vinegar, or mixed in mashed potatoes. Our daughter
Annie says it is her favorite vegetable.
Annies Baby Swiss Chard Blend
This mix of Swiss chards includes varieties that are excellent as
baby greens as well as full-sized plants. Enjoy delicious salads in
the middle of the summer when your lettuces bolt and turn bitter.
Included is a mixture of the following: Barese, Perpetual Spinach,
Red Rhubarb, and Golden Swiss Chard.
Heirloom (min. 150 seeds) $2.50
Annies Rainbow Swiss Chard Blend
50-60 days. With all their rainbow colored stems, this collection of
Swiss Chard is sure to please. A beautiful mixture of Fantasia
Orange, Golden, Magenta Sunset, Fordhook Giant, and Red
Rhubarb Swiss Chards.
Heirloom (min. 150 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $7.50 41
Barese Swiss Chard
28 days. Intended for baby production, Barese grows quickly and
has glossy, dark green leaves with thick white stems. It is still good
if allowed to grow out.
Heirloom (min. 150 seeds) $2.50
Fantasia Orange Swiss Chard
53-60 days. With dark, shiny green leaves and bright orange carrot
colored stems, this Swiss Chard is a show stopper. It has savoyed
leaves, and delicious crisp stalks.
Heirloom (min. 150 seeds) $2.50
Five Color Silver Beets
50-60 days. This Australian heirloom variety is a beautiful mix of
colors: red, orange, yellow, white, and purple. The leaves are tender
and delicious.
Heirloom Organic (min. 75 seeds) $3.50
Fordhooks Giant Swiss Chard
60 days. A traditional Swiss chard with huge but tender leaves. It
has a great flavor, more sweet than most and less bitter.
Heirloom (min. 150 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 75 seeds) $4.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $5.50
Golden Swiss Chard
30-60 days. I absolutely love this Swiss chard. It's beautiful, with its
bright golden colored ribs with deep emerald leaves, and its flavor
is equally wonderful. Harvest at 30 days for baby Swiss chard, or
leave it 60 days for huge, full sized leaves.
Heirloom (min. 150 seeds) $3.50
Magenta Sunset Swiss Chard
53-60 days. A heat tolerant variety, Magenta Sunset has bright
magenta colored stalks that are tender and delicious. It has almost
flat leaves when picked as a baby green and slightly savoyed leaves
as it matures.
Heirloom (min. 150 seeds) $2.50
Annies Rainbow Swiss Chard Blend
Perpetual Spinach Swiss Chard
60 days. A cut and come again Swiss chard, it is mostly grown for
the young leaves. It is similar in flavor to fresh spinach, but has the
advantage of being much less sensitive to heat than spinach.
Heirloom (min. 150 seeds) $2.50
Red Rhubarb Swiss Chard
50-60 days. This Swiss chard looks almost like rhubarb, with its red
stalks and green leaves. It has a nice mild flavor, and is less bitter
than other Swiss chards. And it cooks up beautifully, with deep
green leaves and beautiful red stalks and veins.
Heirloom (min. 150 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 75 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 500 seeds) $7.50
Red Rhubarb Swiss Chard
Tomatillos and Ground Cherries
Tomatillos are a fairly little known but very traditional Mexican
vegetable. We use them in green salsas, to give a nice tart
counterpoint to the heat of the chilies. They are grown similarly to
tomatoes, and they sometimes require trellising. Ground cherries
are closely related to tomatillos, but they grow closer to the
Aunt Mollys Ground Cherry
70 days. Also known as Cape Gooseberry, this Polish variety of
ground cherry is prized for its unique flavor. It has beautiful yellow
fruit with a strawberry-like flavor. It can be used in preserves or
pies or in fruit salads.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 50 seeds) $3.50
Purple Tomatillo
78 days. A beautiful change of pace, these deep purple tomatillos
make a spectacular salsa. A little smaller than the verde tomatillo,
they have a sweeter flavor than most tomatillos.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.50
Verde Tomatillo
70 days. Verde is the standard green tomatillo, and for good
reason. Its high yields of medium sized green tomatillos make it a
great choice. It is an excellent variety for making salsa verde.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 50 seeds) $3.50
Now for the main event: Tomatoes. Everyone from celebrity chefs
to food critics are talking about heirloom tomatoes. With good
reason. Heirloom tomatoes have been perfectly bred for small-
scale home production. They dont transport well, they arent
always blemish-free, but when youre able to pick them at the peak
of ripeness and enjoy them right away, they are the best tomatoes
youll ever have, anywhere, anytime. Sweet, rich, full of flavor, they
are everything grocery store tomatoes wish they could be. Since
these heirlooms are traditional varieties developed for home use by
families and communities over the last few centuries, they are
widely variable in size, shape, and color. Try anything that strikes
your fancy, you cant really go wrong.
Most heirloom tomatoes are indeterminate, meaning that fruit will
continue to set throughout the season. A few heirloom tomatoes
are determinate, with large yields of tomatoes all at once.
Determinate tomatoes are great for canning and preserving, since
the whole crop comes in at about the same time. All tomatoes are
indeterminate unless otherwise noted.
Tomato Collections
Annie's Favorite Tomatoes Collection
All heirloom tomatoes are great, but these five are our favorites of
them all. Black Krim for that excellent black tomato flavor,
Thessaloniki because it's so sweet and good, Koralik cherry tomato
because it's early, rich, flavorful and hardy, Amish Paste for
excellent sauce, and Mortgage Lifter because of its big, beautiful,
delicious fruit. Minimum of 10 seeds of each of the following:
Amish Paste Mortgage Lifter
Black Krim Thessaloniki
Annies Favorite Tomatoes Collection $5.50
Annie's Favorite Organic Tomatoes Collection
If you would prefer all organic seeds, this is the collection for you.
10 seeds each of five of our favorite organic tomato varieties.
Black Prince Hartmans Yellow Gooseberry
Martinos Roma Nepal
Annies Favorite Organic Tomatoes Collection $7.00
Beefsteak Tomato Collection
Beefsteaks are the big, hearty tomatoes, large enough that one
slice is enough for your hamburger. Clearly people throughout the
years have loved beefsteaks, as there are a ton of heirloom
varieties. This collection contains five of our favorites, all different
colors. Minimum of 10 seeds of each of the following varieties:
Amana Orange Chocolate Stripes
Aunt Rubys Green Pineapple Hawaiian
Beefsteak Tomato Collection $5.50
Old Time Heirloom Favorite Tomatoes Collection
We require a variety to have been in cultivation for at least 50 years
before we consider it an heirloom. The youngest of these tomatoes
is 100 years old. Grow these, and try a tomato that your great-
great-grandfather grew. Minimum of 10 seeds of each of the
Brandywine Matts Wild Cherry
Cherokee Purple Nebraska Wedding
Old Time Heirloom Favorite
Tomatoes Collection $5.50
Rainbow Cherry Tomato Collection
There's nothing prettier and tastier than a bowl of brightly colored
cherry tomatoes. Grow this collection for a variety of shapes, sizes
and colors! Included in each collection is a minimum of 10 seeds of
each of the following varieties:
Black Cherry Snow White
Chadwick Cherry Yellow Pear
Ping Pong Pink
Rainbow Cherry Tomato Collection $6.50
Northern Tomato Collection
With a shorter growing season, those of us in the North appreciate
tomatoes that are fast to production, but we still desire that great
tomato flavor. This collection is both early and flavorful. Minimum
of 10 seeds of each of the following varieties:
Black Plum Soldacki
Bloody Butcher Stupice
Mountain Princess
Northern Tomato Collection $6.50
Southern Tomato Collection
With hot, humid summers, Southern growers are looking for
tomatoes that thrive in heat and resist cracking. Most of these
varieties were developed for Southern growers, and all will perform
well in heat and humidity. Minimum of 10 seeds of each of the
following varieties:
Arkansas Traveler Porter
Bradley Roma
Southern Tomato Collection $6.00
Italian Tomato Collection
After tomatoes were brought back to Europe from the New World,
Italy was the country that adopted the tomato more than any other.
From sun-dried tomatoes, to sauces like marinara, to fresh uses like
bruschetta, Italian tomatoes are as varied as their uses. This
collection consists of five great traditional Italian varieties.
Minimum of 10 seeds of each of the following varieties:
Costuluto Fiorentino Red Pear Abruzzese
Italian Heirloom San Marzano
Principe Borghese
Italian Tomato Collection $5.50
Early Tomatoes
Bloody Butcher Tomato
55 days. A highly prolific, very early tomato with 1-2 inch round
fruit. They are mostly blemish free, perfectly round. Bloody
Butcher is a good choice if you want an early tomato or live in an
area with a short growing season.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Glacier Tomato
65 days. This is a great early tomato. It doesn't have the yields of
Bloody Butcher, but it has an excellent flavor. The tomatoes are
round, red and small, about 2-3 inches in diameter. It is common
for early tomatoes to not have as much flavor as later tomato
varieties, but Glacier is both early and has that great flavor of the
longer season tomatoes.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.00
Moskvich Tomato
60 days. The largest of the early tomatoes, it produces good yields
of red tomatoes with a mild tomato flavor. If you have a short
season or just want early slicing tomatoes, Moskvich is an excellent
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
Mountain Princess Tomato
60 days. Grown for generations in West Virginia, this early tomato
is a great choice for slicing or canning. It has excellent yields of
round 8 oz red tomatoes with a mild tomato flavor. Determinate.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
Stupice Tomato
52 days. Originally from Czechoslovakia, Stupice (pronounced
Stoo-Peech-ka) is one of the earliest tomatoes. It produces
average yields of 2-3 inch, mild flavored, red tomatoes.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Paste Tomatoes
Amish Paste Tomato *
81 days. A great choice for making sauce or salsa. Indeterminate
plants with huge yields of large, tender, meaty tomatoes. A later
tomato, but well worth the wait.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.50
Black Plum Tomato
72 days. Small, but flavorful, these plum-shaped tomatoes are
great for fresh eating or sauce. They have the typical rich flavor of
a black tomato with blemish-free fruit that resists cracking.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Gilbertie Paste Tomato
85 days. These are amazing paste tomatoes. Huge, banana shaped
tomatoes with an excellent, rich flavor. Such meaty tomatoes that
are this big are rare. Add in the excellent flavor, and you have a
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Black Plum Tomatoes
Black Cherry Tomato
Martino's Roma Tomato
75-80 days. A really nice small paste type tomato. Its fruit is tender
and juicy. A determinate plant, the plants are smaller but produce
large yields of fruit earlier in the season than most paste type
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
Opalka Tomato
75 days. This is a very meaty, almost dry paste tomato. It is very
low in seeds and a great choice for sauce. I found it wasn't as good
of a choice for roasted salsa because the skins didn't separate from
the flesh very easily when it was roasted.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.75
Principe Borghese Tomato
80 days. This famous Tuscan tomato was developed specifically to
be preserved by sun-drying. It retains its flavor after drying better
than other varieties. The plants are small, but they yield lots of 1-2
oz plum shaped tomatoes. Determinate.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Roma Tomato
70 days. This classic paste tomato is one of the best sauce
tomatoes out there. It is determinate, so all of its fruit will ripen at
about the same time, making canning a snap.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $15.00
San Marzano Tomato
78 days. A well-known Italian heirloom tomato that is highly prized
for its exceptional tomato sauce. It is very firm with moderate
sized, roma shaped tomatoes.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $15.00
Canning Tomatoes
Bonnie Best Tomato
75 days. Also known as John Baer, Bonnie Best is one of the old
canning tomatoes. It has a decent amount of acid to aid in the
canning process. Good yields of perfectly round, 3-4 inch fruit.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
Porter Tomato
72 days. Originally introduced by Porter and Sons Seed Company
of Texas, Porter does well in hot climates. It's a great choice for
container gardening, especially in the South. It produces high
yields of small, 4 ounce, plum shaped tomatoes that are a good
choice for canning.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
St. Pierre Tomato
74 days. A traditional French canning tomato. Medium sized and
very round, it's an excellent choice for slicing and canning. It's
more acidic than most modern tomatoes, this extra acid aids in the
canning process.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Cherry and Salad Tomatoes
Black Cherry Tomato *
64 days. This is a spectacular cherry tomato. Beautiful clusters of
one inch tomatoes ripen on indeterminate vines. The flavor of this
tomato is amazing, sweet and rich. A wonderful snacking tomato.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $12.00
Blondkopfchen Tomato
75-80 days. What a cutie. These huge plants produce hundreds of
tiny, half inch, round deep gold colored tomatoes that are bursting
with intense sweetness. Dont be surprised if the kids sneak into
the garden and eat them all when you arent looking.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Chadwick Cherry Tomato
70 days. Delicious, larger cherry tomatoes, these tomatoes grow 1
inch in size and grow in clusters of 6 tomatoes. They have a great
sweet and rich tomato flavor. One of my favorite cherry tomatoes.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $15.00
Hartmans Yellow Gooseberry Tomato
75 days. Dating way back to 1865, these plants produce tons of
sweet and mild one inch yellow cherry tomatoes. Great for salads
or snacking.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $5.00
Isis Candy Tomato
70-80 days. A beautiful and fun cherry tomato, each tomato is red
with a yellow blush at the end. Round, sweet, and delicious, these 1
1/2 inch tomatoes grow in clusters of 6-8.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Jaune Flamme Tomato
70 days. Jaunne Flamme is a beautiful, 2 inch, round, orange
tomato. It has some apricot flavors as well as some acidity. It's a
pretty addition to a mix of small salad tomatoes.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.75
Koralik Tomato
61 days. These are delightful cherry tomatoes. Huge yields of
small, tart-sweet cherry tomatoes grow on vigorous
vines. Originally from Russia, this tomato is early and does well in
cooler climates.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Matt's Wild Cherry Tomato
70 days. This is a nice cherry tomato, reminiscent of the wild plant
that became the domestic tomato. It's amazingly sweet, with lots
of tiny red tomatoes on vigorously growing vines. I always miss a
few tomatoes, which self-seed a new crop the next year.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Ping Pong Pink Tomato
75 days. Amazing yields of pink cherry tomatoes about the size of
a ping pong ball. Delicious, juicy tomatoes with production right
up until frost.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Snow White Tomato
75 days. Ivory-white round tomatoes that are 1 inches in size.
They ripen to pale yellow and are very sweet with just enough acid
to balance.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Red Pear Tomato
70 days. This very old pre-1800 tomato produces tons of ounce
pear shaped fruit. Serve with Yellow Pear for a beautiful salad
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.00
Sweet Pea Currant Tomato
75-80 days. Tiny, extra sweet, tomatoes. Clusters of 1/4 to 1/2 inch
tomatoes cover these sprawling plants. They worked well in
hanging baskets, keeping the plants smaller and easier to
manage. Our 2 year old daughter loved climbing on a chair to
pluck a few sweet treats!
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Tiny Tim Tomato
50 days. A wonderful container cherry tomato. The plants reach
only 12 inches tall and produce small, nicely flavored red cherry
tomatoes. If you don't have much room, plant a few of these in
containers on your deck or hide a few amongst the flowers in your
front yard. They are so small that they don't require any trellising.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Yellow Pear Tomato
70 days. Beautiful and delicious. It is small, pear shaped, golden
yellow, and very sweet.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Matts Wild Cherry Tomato
Red Beefsteak Tomatoes
Red beefsteaks typically are reddish-orange in color. They have
rich, well balanced flavor with enough acids to allow for canning
and preserving.
Aussie Tomato
Abe Lincoln Tomato
82 days. Right on the edge of being a beefsteak or a slicing tomato
in size, we decided to put this one in the beefsteak section because
its meaty flesh is more like a beefsteak. Released in 1923, it bears
lots of beautiful and flavorful red tomatoes.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Aussie Tomato
85 days. Huge beefsteak tomatoes with a nice firm texture and
excellent flavor. They don't have a lot of seeds and they do have a
lot of firm, meaty flesh. A really nice beefsteak tomato.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Beefsteak Tomato
90 days. Also known as Red Ponderosa or Crimson Cushion, it
produces large meaty, slightly pleated, red tomatoes on vigorous
vines. It is loved for its good sweet flavor and high yields.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.00
Burbank Tomato
75 days. Released in 1915, Burbank is a nice medium-sized
beefsteak that performs well in drier climates. It has a deep red
color and great tomato flavor. Determinate, and good for canning.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Costuluto Fiorentino Tomato
81 days. Highly fluted heirloom tomato from the Florence region
of Italy. It has a good flavor and is a good choice for sauces,
especially the quick cook varieties.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Delicious Tomato
77 days. The world record holder for the largest tomato. Originally
called Burpee's Delicious, this red tomato produces large, round,
red fruit. It has a good flavor and makes for a nice slicer. I found it
didn't grow obscenely large in my garden, but still had a nice yield
of round tomatoes.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.00
Mortgage Lifter Tomato *
82 days. Originally developed by Radiator Charley out of four other
heirloom tomatoes, Mortgage Lifter takes the best traits from each
of them. It is rumored that Charley paid off his mortgage by selling
the seeds from his new, spectacular tomato. It does live up to its
legend, a wonderfully large, extremely flavorful tomato. It has a
great complex tomato flavor, rich and sweet.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Boxcar Willie Tomato
Red Slicing Tomatoes
Arkansas Traveler Tomato
85 days. An excellent tasting tomato with a great balance of sweet
and tart flavors, these 8 oz round pink-red tomatoes grow on
vigorous indeterminate vines. Arkansas Traveler is over 100 years
old and was originally grown throughout the south from Arkansas
to North Carolina. It is known for being able to produce in adverse
growing conditions of high heat, humidity or drought.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.00
Boxcar Willie Tomato
80 days. Named after Boxcar Willie, the singer at the Grand Ole
Opry, this tomato originates from New Jersey. It has oblong red
fruit, about 12 ounces, is very prolific, and has an old fashioned
acidic tomato flavor.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Creole Tomato
80 days. Louisiana bred, this heirloom has a wonderful, rich tomato
flavor with great acidic balance. It does well in hot and humid
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.75
Italian Heirloom Tomato
Italian Heirloom Tomato
75 days. Italian Heirloom produces huge yields of large, one
pound, pear-shaped and fluted tomatoes. A beautiful slicer, with a
good balanced tomato flavor.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.75
Marglobe Tomato
73-77 days. I really like this tomato. It is round, red, about 3 inches
in size, and has a great complex flavor. It's also fairly early, so it is a
good choice for northern growers.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.00
Nepal Tomato
78 days. With 10-12 ounce, medium-large, round, red fruit, Nepal
has a soft but meaty texture and excellent flavor.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
Red Pear Abruzzese Tomato
85 days. This Italian heirloom is known as a triple-purpose tomato
because it is great fresh, canned, or made into sauce. It produces
nice pear-shaped fruit, and it is moderately disease resistant.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Red Zebra Tomato
93 days. Similar to Green Zebra, only red. It produces large
amounts of perfectly round tomatoes, red with orange stripes, that
are about 3 inches in size.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.75
Rutgers Tomato
75 days. Introduced in 1934 by Rutgers University in conjunction
with the Campbells Soup company, Rutgers is a cross of an old
variety named JTD and Marglobe. It is no longer a commercial
standard, but it is still a great tomato for heirloom market growers.
It produces nice 6-8 oz meaty tomatoes with a hearty flavor.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.00
Thessaloniki Tomato *
78 days. This is my favorite slicing tomato. The flavor is really
sweet, but still complex and rich. Red, round, medium sized, and
delicious. If you can only grow one tomato, this is an excellent
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $10.00
Pink Tomatoes
Almost red, with shades of pink, these tomatoes are some of the
most flavorful of the heirloom tomatoes. Some are completely
pinky-red while others have green shoulders, but all have a great
rich flavor.
Bradley Tomato
76 days. Bred in 1961 at the University of Arkansas, Bradley is
known for producing well in humid conditions. It has lots of 6-10
ounce dark pink fruit that have a good old fashioned tomato
flavor. It's a good choice for slicing and especially canning, since
the fruit tends to ripen at the same time.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Brandywine Tomato
80 days. The standard beefsteak by which all other tomatoes are
judged, Brandywine is renowned for its great flavor. Very large,
oblong, pinky red fruit with a wonderful sweet flavor and meaty
texture. A great choice for slicing for a sandwich or just eating
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.75
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $15.00
Caspian Pink Tomato
80 days. Wow! This tomato is one of the only ones to beat
Brandywine in taste tests. It is my favorite beefsteak tomato, with
an excellent flavor, a nice firm texture, huge size and moderate
yields. And it made some of the best tomato sauce I've ever tasted,
sweet, rich, and delicious.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
German Johnson Tomato
76 days. This variety produces very large 1-2 lb fruits on huge
plants. Plant them more than three feet apart and stake or trellis
well. Tolerant of southern growing conditions.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
Rose Tomato
75-80 days. This heirloom from the Amish in Pennsylvania
produces beautiful dusty-rose beefsteak tomatoes that rival
Brandywine in taste.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
Rose de Berne Tomato
75 days. A beautiful slicing tomato, these tomatoes are delicious as
well. Sweet and rich with a nice balance, these pinky red tomatoes
are a nice choice for a medium sized tomato.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
Soldacki Tomato
75 days. This potato-leaf heirloom originated in Poland and was
brought to the US around 1900. The one pound fruit have thin
skins and are perfect for sandwiches. Not recommend for wet
areas, as the skins may crack.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Bicolor Beefsteak Tomatoes
Hillbilly Tomato
85 days. What a beautiful tomato. It is large and yellow, with red
blush and striping on the bottom half of the fruit. It also has a
great flavor, mild and well balanced. Add in its great yields, and it
is an excellent choice for distinctive and beautiful tomatoes.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Mr. Stripey Tomato
85 days. This is a beautiful golden tomato with a red end and
striping throughout the fruit. It is mild, sweet, low acid, with a
delicate skin and soft flesh.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Pineapple Hawaiian Tomato
93 days. This is a fun tomato. It is yellow with a red blush at the
tip, and it's huge. It has a wonderfully sweet flavor that has some
fruity undertones to it as well.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50 47
Black Tomatoes
Black tomatoes are a dark mahogany color with dark green
shoulders. The flavor is unique, spicy with almost a salty flavor.
Really delicious and rich.
Black Krim Tomato
75 days. Highly prized for its great flavor, Black Krim is a
spectacular beefsteak tomato. It has a complex, balanced, yet mild
flavor that can't be beat.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $12.00
Black Prince Tomato
70 days. One of the earlier black tomatoes, this heirloom hails from
Siberia. It produces 5 oz round uniform tomatoes with that great
black tomato flavor.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
Cherokee Purple Tomato
80 days. One of the old standby black beefsteak tomatoes. It is
large, oblong, and reasonably prolific. It has a rich tomato flavor,
but isn't as sweet as some of the other varieties.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Chocolate Stripes Tomato
79 days. Chocolate Stripes is a stunning tomato, with a red base
color and orange and green stripes, giving it an overall brownish
hue. The flesh is a deep reddish-brown, with a rich earthy flavor.
This tomato consistently ranks near the top of taste tests.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.75
Nebraska Wedding Tomato
Orange Tomatoes
Orange tomatoes have a beautiful color, ranging from peach to
deep pumpkin orange. The flavor is typically a bit sweeter than
reds, but they still have that rich acidity of the red tomatoes.
Amana Orange Tomato
90 days. Originally from the Amana Colonies in Iowa, these are
huge, light orange, fluted beefsteak tomatoes. They can get up to
2 lbs each, and have a sweet, almost tropical fruit flavor.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Nebraska Wedding Tomato
100 days. An old plains heirloom that in pioneer days was
supposedly given to Nebraska brides as a wedding gift. A nice
apricot-orange slicer, the fruit are juicy with a well-balanced flavor.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Valencia Tomato
76 days. With round, smooth bright orange fruit, this midseason
slicing tomato is great for northern climates. A family heirloom
from Maine, it is a rich, full flavored tomato with some pineapple-
like undertones.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
Yellow Tomatoes
Yellow tomatoes are typically the sweetest of the tomatoes. With
less acid and more sugars, they are a wonderful choice for children
who love the incredibly sweet flavor.
Azoychka Tomato
83 days. These are beautiful tomatoes. Deep golden in color,
sweet and mild in flavor. They are a medium-sized beefsteak, with
a nice uniform oblong shape.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Dixie Golden Giant Tomato
85 days. Huge, 1-2 lb lemon-yellow beefsteak tomatoes. It is an
Amish heirloom dating back to the 1930s with a very sweet fruity
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
White Tomatoes
Pale yellow and cream in color, white tomatoes are the mildest of
the tomatoes. Tomato lovers grow them for their stunning unusual
Great White Tomato
80 days. With color ranging from yellowish to creamy white, Great
White produces 1 lb fruit with a delicious fruity flavor.
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $4.50
White Queen Tomato
85 days. A really nice white beefsteak tomato. Most white
tomatoes are very low on flavor, but White Queen is packed with
it. It is also very beautiful, with ivory blemish-free fruit.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Green Tomatoes
The mention of green tomatoes usually evokes visions of unripe,
breaded and fried tomatoes. These green tomatoes are ripe when
green, taking on an almost olive tint as they ripen. They are soft,
sweet and delicious.
Aunt Ruby's Green Tomato
85 days. Larger green tomatoes ripen with a slight yellow
tint. Very mild, sweet and flavorful. It's a really pleasant surprise,
biting into one of these green beauties.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Green Zebra Tomato
75 days. This is a fun tomato. It ripens to a yellow-green with
darker green stripes. They are about 3 inches in size, nice and
round. It made a really nice addition to my green tomatillo salsa,
not detracting from the color, and adding some nice sweetness.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Viola di Milano Turnip
Turnips and Rutabagas
Turnips and rutabagas can be roasted, grilled, stewed, or added to
soups and stews. Rutabagas are thought to be a cross between
turnips and cabbage.
American Purple Top Rutabaga
90 days. This is an American variety of a yellow Swedish rutabaga
that dates back to the 1920's. It has large yellow round roots with
purple shoulders. It is pale yellow, and its sweet and fine grained
flesh cooks up orange.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $3.75
Gold Ball Turnip
65-70 days. Gold Ball is a beautiful turnip, golden colored,
reaching 3-4 inches in size. They are mild and fine grained, grow
quickly and store well.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Joan Rutabaga
100 days. A newer version of American Purple Top, the root is
yellow with a purple top and dense yellow flesh. The flavor is sweet
and mild, and it becomes even sweeter after frost.
Heirloom Organic (min. 100 seeds) $3.75
Navet de Vertus Marteau Turnip *
60 days. A French turnip dating back to the 1800's, this is a
wonderful choice for those who want a mild flavored and finely
textured turnip. It produces 2 inch wide and 4-6 inch long, large,
white turnips.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $4.00
Purple Top White Globe Turnip
45-65 days. A beautiful and very popular turnip, favored for its
flavor by turnip lovers. White with purple shoulders, it has a
slightly sweet root that can reach 5 inches across.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $3.75
Seven Top Turnip
50 days. Dating back to colonial times, this turnip is grown
exclusively for its nutritious and delicious greens. Traditionally
grown in the south for winter green production, it is also a great
choice for northern growers for early spring and fall greens
production because it is so fast growing.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $3.75
Viola di Milano Turnip
40 days. Nice, flat baby turnips, these beauties really stand
out. They have red shoulders and a white base. Known as a
buttery turnip, these are a nice selection from Italy.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Wilhelmsberger Rutabaga
90 days. Known also as German Green Top, this rutabaga has
golden yellow flesh covered by a green topped skin. This heirloom
is favored in markets in Germany and Northern Europe.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
One of the fruits of summer, watermelons are a traditional
Southern favorite and a favorite on the 4
of July. Heirloom
watermelons come in various sizes and colors, sure to fill your
needs from an individual serving watermelon to a huge melon that
can serve a crowd.
Black Diamond Watermelon
90 days. These huge, round watermelons average 35-50 lbs but
can get even larger! With delicious red flesh and a dark green
bruise resistant rind, this is a wonderful choice for huge
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Cream of Saskatchewan Watermelon
80-85 days. Originally from Russia, Cream of Saskatchewan was
brought to Canada by Russian immigrants. It was developed to
produce melons in cool climates with short growing seasons and is
an excellent choice for northern growers. It is a smaller
watermelon, with a green striped rind and pale yellow to cream
colored sweet flesh.
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $4.00
Crimson Sweet Watermelon
88 days. Crimson Sweets are large, 20-25 pound watermelons with
sweet red flesh and a light and dark green striped rind. The vines
can grow up to 10 feet, so this is one variety that needs room to
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $3.50
Dixie Queen Watermelon
80 days. Developed in the late 1800s this watermelon is large,
growing up to 50 pounds. It is round with a pale green rind and
dark green stripes. It has a bright red very sweet and crisp flesh,
and white seeds.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Florida Giant Watermelon
90 days. The largest of the watermelons, this is the one to grow if
you want to win competitions. It regularly produces 50 pound
watermelons with a dark green rind and bright red flesh. It is sweet
and delicious as well.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Golden Midget Watermelon
70 days. A very early watermelon, this little beauty has a lot of
things going for it. A great choice for people with a short growing
season or who just want early watermelons, it produces small,
single serving watermelons that are about 3 pounds each. With its
great, sweet flavor, and a rind that changes color to yellow when
it's ripe, this little beauty is just a great choice all around.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.25
Moon and Stars Watermelon
95 days. A large, old American heirloom watermelon that was
almost lost. One man saved this beautiful melon for all of us to
enjoy. The rind is dark green with a large yellow 'moon' and many
speckled 'stars.' The flesh is deep red with black seeds.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.25
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $5.00
Sugar Baby Watermelon *
84 days. An Annie's favorite, Sugar Baby produces small icebox
watermelons. Deep red flesh with black seeds and a dark green
rind. It is sweet, juicy, and a great choice for a small
watermelon. This melon turns from striped to solid dark green as it
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $3.50
Tendersweet Orange Watermelon
90 days. This is a unique watermelon with bright orange flesh,
black seeds, and a dark green striped rind. It produces 30 pound
watermelons with a hollow core, and has a rind that is tough
enough to allow for selling at a farmer's market.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.00
Crimson Sweet Watermelon
Marine Heliotrope and Four OClocks
Bachelor Buttons, Tall Mix
Beautiful button shaped flowers grace these fun wildflowers.
Originally found in grain fields in England, they are now mostly
grown as ornamental and cut flowers. 9 weeks, 36 inches.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
With beautiful feathery foliage and large daisy like flowers, cosmos
are a wonderful annual for late summer color.
Diablo $2.50
Beautiful orange flowers with dark green foliage. 28 inches
tall. (Min. 50 seeds)
Sensation Mix $2.00
Pink and White flowers. 42 inches tall. (Min. 100 seeds)
Four O'Clock, Marvel of Peru
Also known as Marvel of Peru, these are wonderful little flowers
that were thought to have been exported from the Andes in
1540. They open up in the late afternoon and have a wonderful
fragrance. The flowers are unique in that several colors can be
found on the same plant, and sometimes change color over the
course of one flower's lifetime. 12 weeks, 36 inches tall.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.50
Heliotrope, Marine
A unique plant from the Victorian era, it has deep purple flowers
that are a cluster of very small blooms with dark green
foliage. Known for its wonderful vanilla scent, it is only 18 inches
tall, a clean and tidy, beautiful plant.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.50
President Tyler Morning Glory
Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate
This flower was grown by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello. It is a
quick growing annual that grows 5 to 6 feet tall with bright pink
flower clusters. It will self-seed, so look forward to years of this
beauty! 12 weeks.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Love in a Mist (Nigella)
With its beautiful array of pastel colored flowers, Love in a Mist is a
fun flower to grow. Only reaching 24 inches, it has beautiful,
unique flowers followed by interesting seed pods. The foliage is
delicate and fernlike and forms a mist around the flowers, hence
the name Love in a Mist. 14 weeks.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Love Lies Bleeding
With its long red tassel flowers hanging down from tall, 3-4 feet,
canes, this plant was a favorite of the Colonial American and
Victorian garden. An Amaranth, the entire plant is edible, and it
was a source of food in the Americas. 6 weeks. 36-48 inches.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
With their beautiful orange pompom flowers, marigolds are
excellent ornamental and companion flowers. They are strongly
scented and are excellent pest repellent plants for your garden.
African, Crackerjack Series Mix $2.00
Large orange and yellow flowers. 32 inches tall. 10 weeks.
(min. 100 seeds)
Mr. Majestic Marigold $3.00
French Marigold, orange and red flowers. 14 inches tall. 11
weeks. (min. 50 seeds)
Golden Gem Marigold $2.00
Small highly scented gold flowers. 10 inches tall. 11 weeks.
(min. 100 seeds)
Lemon Gem Marigold $2.00
Small highly scented yellow flowers. 10 inches tall. 11
weeks. (min. 100 seeds)
Red Gem Marigold $2.00
Small highly scented reddish orange flowers. 10 inches tall.
11 weeks. (min. 100 seeds)
Tangerine Gem Marigold $2.00
Small highly scented orange flowers. 10 inches tall. 11
weeks. (min. 100 seeds)
Morning Glories
Whether you plant them at the base of your mailbox, a trellis, or a
telephone pole, there is nothing more beautiful than blooming
morning glories. Most flowers curl up in the warm part of the day,
but are open in their full glory in the mornings. 12 weeks.
Crimson Rambler Morning Glory $2.50
Deep red flowers. (min. 35 seeds)
President Tyler Morning Glory $3.00
Deep purple flowers. (min. 35 seeds)
Empress of India Nasturtium
These are wonderful flowers that are beautiful ornamentals and
excellent companion plants. They have edible flowers and leaves,
as well as seed pods. They are very appealing to bugs, so you can
use them to attract the bugs away from your vegetables, making
them a trapping plant in the garden. They come in both vining and
bush varieties.
Jewel Mix Nasturtium $2.00
Red and yellow flowers on bush plants. (min. 25 seeds)
Tall Trailing Mix Nasturtium $2.50
Red and yellow flowers on long vines. (min. 25 seeds)
Empress of India Nasturtium $2.50
Red flowers on bush plants. (min. 25 seeds)
Peach Melba Nasturtium $2.50
Peach flowers with orange centers on bush plants. (min. 25 seeds)
Vesuvius Nasturtium $2.50
Orange flowers on bush plants. (min. 25 seeds)
With their beautiful, unique flowers and decorative seed pods,
poppies are a wonderful centerpiece flower.
California Mission Bells $2.00
Semi-double flowers in orange, red, white, and gold. 16 inches tall.
(min. 100 seeds)
Danish Flag $2.00
Feathery red petals with a white center. 30 inches tall.
(min. 100 seeds)
Ladybird $2.00
Brilliant red flowers with a black center. 15 inches tall.
(min. 100 seeds)
Lilac Pompom $2.00
Light purple pompom flowers. 36 inches tall. (min. 100 seeds)
Pansy and Viola
With their cheerful little faces, pansies are a wonderful flower for
the spring and fall garden. A biennial, they are edible and a
wonderful addition to a salad.
Swiss Giant Pansy $2.50
Large flowers. 8 inches tall. (min. 100 seeds)
Johnny Jump Up Viola $2.50
Tricolor purple, white and gold. 7 inches tall. (min. 100 seeds)
Petunia, Old Vining
Beautiful white, lavender and purple flowers originally from Chile,
they are a great choice for borders or hanging baskets, as well as
being good companion plants in your garden.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.50
Sweet Pea, Royal Family Mix
Sweet peas were a favorite flower in the late Victorian era. They are
early, beautiful and have a wonderful scent. They can grow up to 6
feet tall where a suitable support is provided. 10 weeks.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.25
Beloved for their huge, cheerful flowers that resemble smiling faces,
sunflowers are a garden favorite. Most are known for towering
above the garden, the tallest reaching 12-15 feet. However, there
are some that are just 16 inches tall, making them very versatile.
Annie's Sunflower Collection
Ranging in height from 60 inches down to 16 inches, you can plant
up a beautiful display of sunflowers in colors ranging from white to
deep orange. Each collection includes 10 seeds of the following
Autumn Beauty Italian White
Lemon Queen Maya
Teddy Bear Velvet Queen
Annies Sunflower Collection $6.00
Autumn Beauty Mix Sunflower $2.00
A mix of yellows and oranges. 60 inches tall. 11 weeks.
(min. 30 seeds)
Dwarf Sunspot Sunflower $2.00
Yellow flowers and a brown center. 24 inches. 10 weeks.
(min. 30 seeds)
Italian White Sunflower $2.00
Creamy white flowers. 48 inches. 11 weeks. (min. 30 seeds)
Lemon Queen Sunflower $2.00
Pale yellow flowers, 60 inches tall. 11 weeks. (min. 30 seeds)
Mammoth Gray Stripe Sunflower $2.00
Huge yellow flowers, large seeds. 12-15 feet tall. 12 weeks.
(min. 30 seeds)
Mammoth Gray Stripe Sunflower Organic $3.50
Huge yellow flowers, large seeds. 12-15 feet tall. 12 weeks.
(min. 30 seeds)
Maya Sunflower $2.00
Yellow flowers. 36 inches tall. 11 weeks. (min. 30 seeds)
Teddy Bear Sunflower $2.00
Yellow pompom flowers. 16 inches tall. 9 weeks.
(min. 30 seeds)
Velvet Queen Sunflower $2.00
Deep orange to brown flowers. 60 inches tall. 11 weeks.
(min. 30 seeds)
Teddy Bear Sunflower
With their wonderful, colorful flowers in shades of pinks, yellows,
reds and whites, zinnias are wonderful companion plants for the
garden, attracting Japanese beetles and saving your beans from
these pests.
Benary Giant Series Mix $2.25
Large flowers, 48 inches tall. (min. 100 seeds)
California Giant Mix $2.00
Large flowers, 36-40 inches tall. (min. 100 seeds)
Cut and Come Again $2.00
Medium flowers, 24-30 inches tall. (min. 100 seeds)
Giant Cactus $2.00
Huge flowers, 30 inches tall. (min. 100 seeds)
Peppermint Stick $2.00
Striped flowers, 30 inches tall. (min. 100 seeds)
Benarys Trimix Aster
The alpinus genus of aster is the only species native to North
America. It is hardy with large, daisy like flowers. Benary's Trimix is
a beautiful collection of pinks, whites and lavenders developed by
the Benary seed company of Germany. Blooms in May and June.
12 inches. Hardy to zone 3.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Black-eyed Susan
Everyone loves the Black-eyed Susan. Beautiful yellow flowers with
black centers, a cheerful and fun biennial. They reseed themselves,
for an easy care planting. 1-3 feet tall. Hardy to zone 5.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Columbine, Mountain Blue
These are one of the wonderful native flowers of North America.
With its beautiful two toned blue spurred flowers, Mountain Blue is
the original wild columbine.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.00
Coneflower See Echinacea in Medicinal Herbs
Delphinium (Larkspur)
Delphinium are beautiful flowers, sending up stalks covered in
flowers in shades of whites, blues and pinks. It is native throughout
the Northern hemisphere and the African mountains. It is an early
bloomer, giving a beautiful show of flowers. 12 weeks, 36 inches
Heirloom (min. 150 seeds) $2.00
Dianthus, Spring Beauty Mix
Also known as Cottage Pink, or carnations, these delightful
perennial flowers have a wonderful fragrance and are very
attractive to bees, butterflies, and birds. 14 inches tall. Hardy to
zone 4.
Heirloom (min. 75 seeds) $2.50
Forget Me Not
This early season bloomer is a wonderful addition to your perennial
flower garden. Its beautiful bright blue flowers are a cheerful sight
of spring. Zones 4-8. 6 inches tall.
Heirloom (min. 100 seeds) $2.00
Gaillardia, Perennial
With beautiful daisy-like flowers that bloom in mid to late summer,
gaillardia are easy to grow. Hardy to zone 3.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.50 52
Lupine, Russells Extra Choice Mix
With their beautiful flower spikes in pinks, yellows, whites, peaches
and bicolors, lupine is a wonderful perennial. It does best in areas
with cool summers. Hardiness zones 4-8. 30-36 inches tall.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.50
Mexican Hat, Red Midget
Also known as prairie coneflower, this beautiful wildflower can be
seen along the roadsides in the American southwest. It naturalizes
easily and is a heavy bloomer with hundreds of flowers on a well-
established plant. 15 inches tall. Hardy to zone 6.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.50
Perennial Sunflower, Maximilliani
These are beautiful plants with smaller yellow sunflowers. A great
choice for lots of fall color. 60 inches tall. Hardy to zone 3.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.00
Natures insecticide, these beautiful daisy flowers have been used
for years to control insects on us as well as in the garden. One of
the approved organic pesticides, pyrethrum is extracted from these
flowers. You can grow the flowers, dry them, and then use the
crushed dried flowers as they were used in the past.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Shasta Daisy, Alaska
Bright and cheerful, Shasta Daisies are hardy perennials that form
dense groups once established. They prefer full sun to partial
shade and bloom in June and July. They make for a wonderful cut
flower as well. Hardy to zone 3. 36 inches tall.
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.50
Valerian See Medicinal Herbs
Veronica, Sightseeing Mix
Very attractive to bees, butterflies and birds, it is a wonderful flower
to attract hummingbirds. It is also a great water meter in your
garden. Veronica is very hardy, but will wilt when it begins to dry
out. However, it springs back as soon as it is watered. Water when
the Veronica looks to need it, and the rest of your garden will do
well. 24 inches tall. Hardy to zone 4.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.00
Beautiful, old fashioned flowering biennials, hollyhocks have a
central spire surrounded by large flowers.
Indian Spring Hollyhock $2.00
Flowers in shades of rose, pink and white. 50 inches tall.
Hardy to zone 4. (min. 30 seeds)
Queenie Series Mix Hollyhock $2.00
Multiple colored flowers. 24 inches tall. Hardy to zone 4.
(min. 30 seeds)
Single Mix Hollyhock $2.00
Large flowers with multiple colors, white, yellow, pink and
maroon. 48-72 inches tall. Hardy to zone 3. (min. 30 seeds)
Black Eyed Susan
Onl y He i r l oom Var i e t i e s - No Hy br i ds - No GMOs - Fami l y Owne d & Ope r at e d 1 - 800- 31 3 - 91 40 www. Anni e s He i r l oomSe e ds . com 53
Mail Orders to:
PO Box 467
Beaver Island, MI 49782
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Flat-Rate Shipping $5.99
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54 Onl y He i r l oom Var i e t i e s - No Hy br i ds - No GMOs - Fami l y Owne d & Ope r at e d
Annie's Rainbow
Carrots Mix
Rainbow carrots is a fun mix of
colors and flavors. Lunar White for
mild sweetness, Scarlet Nantes for
that traditional orange
carrot, Jaune du Daubs for the richness
and yellow beauty, and Dragon for its
wonderful purple color and spicy flavor.
Heirloom (min. 300 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $4.50
Cut & Come Again Lettuce Blend
Harvest this blend of leaf lettuce just above the
ground and let it grow back for a second and third
harvest. Or go out and harvest just enough of the
larger leaves for dinner. Either way, this blend of
leaf lettuces is a great way to extend your lettuce
harvests for many weeks. A mix of the following:
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $7.50
Mexican Pepper Collection $5.50
Mexico is the original home of the pepper, and you
can tell by the wide variety of flavorful and interesting
peppers available. This is a selection of our favorite
Mexican peppers, ones we grow regularly for salsa and all
kinds of other fantastic dishes. Receive 10 seeds of each
of the following varieties:
Jalapeno M
Serrano Tampiqueno
Favori te
Herbal First Aid
Garden Collection $22.00
This collection was designed for us by a friend
who is an herbalist. It contains herbs that are
easy to grow, mild, and useful. These are the
herbs we like to keep around the house for
our familys use. This collection contains 10
seed packets.
Favori te
Rossa di Trento
Lollo Rossa
Salad Bowl
Red Salad Bowl
Onl y He i r l oom Var i e t i e s - No Hy br i ds - No GMOs - Fami l y Owne d & Ope r at e d 1 - 800- 31 3 - 91 40 www. Anni e s He i r l oomSe e ds . com 55
Bloomsdale Long
Standing Spinach
48 days. This is our favorite spinach.
It's the sweetest of the spinaches
that we've tried; tender and mild, but
flavorful. It is also slow
to bolt, making it an excellent choice all
Heirloom (min. 200 seeds) $2.00
Heirloom Organic (min. 200 seeds) $3.50
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1000 seeds) $5.00
Annie's Lettuce Blend
Our favorite mix of lettuces, reds and
greens, romaines and leaf, frilly and
flat leafed. If you want a beautiful
and interesting salad mix, this is the
blend for you. A blend of Amish Deer
Tongue, Cocarde, Forellenschluss, Oak Leaf, Red Salad
Bowl, Rossimo, Rouge d'Hiver, Salad Bowl, and Tango.
Heirloom (min. 250 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Bulk (min. 1500 seeds) $7.50
Black Beauty Zucchini
52 days. The traditional, dark green
zucchini. It is our favorite, because of
its rich zucchini flavor. Pick it young
and tender for best results. It is very
prolific as well, though after you taste
it, chances are youll wish you had planted a couple more.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.25
Heirloom Organic (min. 15 seeds) $4.00
Heirloom Bulk (min. 250 seeds) $12.00
Caspian Pink Tomato
80 days. Wow! This tomato is one of
the only ones to beat Brandywine in
taste tests. It is my favorite beefsteak
tomato, with an excellent flavor, a nice
firm texture, huge size
and moderate yields. And it made some
of the best tomato sauce I've ever tasted,
sweet, rich, and delicious.
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $3.50
Alexandria Alpine
Known for its high yields, this
strawberry really performs. If you
want lots of sweet little berries,
Alexandria is your strawberry.
Heirloom (min. 50 seeds) $2.00
Annies Summer Squash Mix
This is a beautiful mix of our favorite
summer squashes and zucchinis,
guaranteed to add beauty, interest,
and great taste to your dinner table!
It has a little of everything, yellow,
dark green, pale green and round. It contains Bianco di
Triste, Black Beauty, Tondo di Piacenza, and Early Prolific
Heirloom (min. 25 seeds) $2.50
Favori tes
Favori tes
Rainbow Cherry Tomato
Collection $6.00
There's nothing prettier than a bowl of brightly
colored cherry tomatoes! Grow this collection
for a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors.
Included in each collection is a minimum of 10
seeds of each of the following varieties:
Black Cherry
Chadwick Cherry
Yellow Pear
Matt's Wild Cherry
www. Anni e s He i r l oomSe e ds . com 55
Annie's Heirloom Seeds
PO Box 467
Beaver Island, MI 49782
Southern American
Homestead Garden $81.50
Uniquely designed for the Southern gardener, this collection is tailored
to the Southern climate and regional food preferences. Enjoy cowpeas,
collard and okra along with many other Southern favorites! With
enough seed for fresh eating all season as well as preserving some
for winter, this collection of mostly American vegetable varieties is
a wonderful start to a bountiful season. Each collection includes 36
different vegetables and 2 herbs.
Northern American Homestead Garden $87.50
The Northern gardener faces many gardening challenges, from a cold
winter, a short spring, and cooler temperatures, to a short hot growing
season. Designed for these challenges, this master garden includes a
wide variety of vegetables that will thrive in the North. With enough
seeds for both fresh eating and preserving, this collection of mostly
American seed varieties is sure to please. Each collection includes 35
different vegetables and 2 herbs.
Favori te
S hi ppi ng