Strategic Control, Levels of Strategy

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Question 1

Each level of strategy involves different strategic decisions. Discuss taking into
consideration the different levels of strategy. Illustrate your answer with the help
of examples

Introduction: -

The term ‘strategy’ is derived from the Greek word “STRATEGOS”, which means
Generalship. The word ‘strategy’, means “THE ART OF GENERAL”. For a company
strategy is one of the most significant concepts to emerge in the field of management,
and also one of the most vital for survival and success.


“Strategy is the determination of basic long-term goals and objectives of an

enterprise and the adoption of the course of action and the allocation of resources
for carrying out these goals” Alfred chandler

“A unified, comprehension and integrated plan designed to assure that the basic
objectives of the enterprises are achieved” William Glueck

Strategic management is “that set of managerial decisions & actions that determines
the long run performance of a corporation” (Thomas L.WWhelen)

Strategy is long term & growth is achieved by deepening strategy. It is-

➢ The future plan of action, which relates to the company’s activities and
depends on its mission/vision
➢ It is concerned with the resource available today and those that will be
required for the future plan of action.

➢ It is about the trade off between its different activities and creating a fit among
these activities.

A company needs strategy at various levels, as there is a different need at each level.

Hierarchical Levels of Strategy

Strategy can be formulated on three different levels:

• Corporate level

• Business unit level

• Functional or departmental level


Corporate-level strategies address the entire strategic scope of the enterprise. It is the
"big picture" view of the organization and includes deciding in which product or
service markets to compete and in which geographic regions to operate. For multi-
business firms, the resource allocation process like cash, staffing, equipment and other
resources are distributed is established at the corporate level. Market definition is also
in the domain of corporate-level strategists, the responsibility for diversification, or
the addition of new products or services to the existing product/service line-up, also
falls within the realm of corporate-level strategy. Similarly, whether to compete
directly with other firms or to selectively establish sstrategic alliances—falls within
the purview corporate-level strategy.

Critical questions answered by corporate-level strategists tinclude:

• What should be the scope of operations-what businesses should the firm be in?
• How should the firm allocate its resources among existing businesses?
• What level of diversification should the firm pursue;- which businesses represent
the company's future? Are there additional businesses the firm should enter or are
there businesses that should be targeted for termination or divestment?
• How diversified should the corporation's business be?
• How should the firm be structured? Are the responsibilities or each business unit
clearly identified and is accountability established?

• Should the firm enter into strategic alliances—cooperative, mutually-beneficial
relationships with other firms?


Corporate-level strategists have a tremendous amount of leeway as well as

responsibility. Corporate-level strategy decisions are classified into three grand
strategies. These grand strategies involve efforts to expand business operations
(growth strategies), decrease the scope of business operations (retrenchment
strategies), or maintain the status quo (stability strategies).


Corporate strategies represent the long-term direction for the organization. The top
management has the primary decision making responsibility in developing corporate
strategies and these managers are directly responsible to shareholders. They are
paralyzed without accurate and up-to-date information from managers at the business-
level. Corporations are responsible for creating value through their businesses which
they do so by managing their portfolio of businesses, ensuring that the businesses are
successful over the long-term, developing business units, and ensuring that each
business is compatible with others in the portfolio.


The Tata group has a wide range of business from cars,software to Insurance .The
main strategic responsibilities of Tata’s CEO Ratan N.Tata is to
i. Overall strategic objectives
ii. Deciding whether the firm should divest itself from any of its business
iii. Allocating resources among different business
iv. Decisions on any new acquisitions or mergers for any particular unit
v. Corporate strategies and policies for business which fall under the
brand umbrella ‘Tata’
vi. Managing corporate portfolio of business
vii. Maximize corporate responsibility

viii.Give a sense of direction to the Corporation

Business Unit Level Strategy (SBU)

Strategic decisions made at the business level reflect various means that have been
adopted to achieve the mission, goals, and objectives of a single business, or
division, of the firm. A strategic business unit may be a division or a product line
that can be planned independently from the other business units of the firm.


At the business level, the strategy formulation phase deals with:

• positioning the business against rivals

• anticipating changes in demand and technologies and adjusting the strategy to

accommodate them

• influencing the nature of competition through strategic actions such as vertical


• Developing and sustaining a competitive advantage for the goods and services
that are produced.

According to Michael Porter three generic strategies-cost leadership, differentiation,

and focus can be implemented at the business unit level to create a competitive
advantage and defend against the adverse effects of the five forces.

Taking again Tata group as an example and in particular Tata consultancy services.
The responsibility of the Managing Director,N.Chandrasekharan will be to
i. Translate the general statement of intent from the CEO into strategies for TCS
ii. Formulate strategy for TCS
iii. Take strategic decisions regarding the company’s market foray
iv. Develop strategies against competitors
v. Assess and take appropriate action on the progress of the company in the
vi. Lookout for suitable acquisitions which will help enhance the competitiveness
of the company

Functional Level Strategy

The functional level of the organization is the level of the operating divisions and
departments. The strategic issues at the functional level are related to business
processes and the value chain.


Functional units of an organization are involved in higher level strategies by

providing input into the business unit level and corporate level strategy, such as
providing information on resources and capabilities on which the higher level
strategies can be based. Once the higher-level strategy is developed, the functional
units translate it into discrete action-plans that each department or division must
accomplish for the strategy to succeed.

For example in the above two cases where the CEO gave direction to the
conglomerate as a whole and the managing director of TCS set to implement his
company’s strategy on the lines of the corporate policy, it will actually be the
Functional level managers such as in Human resource, product development,
customer service etc who actually carry on the task of implementing this strategy.As
above it could be in production, service ,finance or any integral functional unit in the
company.The manager in product development in TCS will have his work cut out as

i. Implement the general strategic outline provided by the managing director

ii. Plan,communicate and implement the strategic outline provided by the MD
iii. Determine which products are to be followed up with,products which are to be
done with
iv. Identifying the right,viable products for R&D
v. Ensure quality conforming to the standards of the organization
vi. Ensure smooth running of the product development unit
vii. On the look out for new technologies to acquire
viii.Staying tuned with the competitiors R&D work
ix. Give feedbackto the corporate & business level managers about the sucees of
their policies or drawbacks since they are in the frontline of the battle.

Societal strategies

A societal strategy is how the company perceives itself in its role towards the society,
in terms of a particular vision / mission statement that it strives to fulfill corporate
level strategies are then derived from the societal strategy.

Levels of Strategy








In this Essay,I have broadly outlined what strategy is,the different levels of strategy
with examples. All three levels of strategy are equally important and they complement
each other.I conclude by saying that for a corporate, synergy of all the three strategic
planes is very crucial to its success

1. Strategic management from theory to Implementation-David Hussey 4th ed
2. Concepts in Strategic management and business policy(Thomas
L.Wheelan,J.David ( 9ed)
3. Strategic management an Integrated approach(CharlesW.L.Hill,Gareth
R.Jones 6 ed)

Word Count: 1172


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