Business Process Reengineering BPR

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Report produced for the EC funded project

I NNOREGI O: dissemination of innovation and knowledge management techniques

by Sotiris Zigiaris,
MSc, BPR engineer
J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 0
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
1. Description.................................................................................................................2
1.1 What is the Business Process Re-engineering IMT..........................................................2
1.2 Objectives of BPR..........................................................................................................8
1.3 Methodology of a BPR project implementation / alternative techniques........................9
1.4 Expected Results / Benefits ...........................................................................................11
1.5 Characteristics of firms and service providers................................................................11
2. Application...............................................................................................................12
2.1 Where the technique has being applied. .........................................................................12
2.2 Types of firms / organizations that BPR can be applied. ..............................................13
2.3 Duration and implementation cost of BPR....................................................................13
2.4 Conditions for implementation (infrastructures required etc.) ........................................14
2.5 European Organizations Supporting the Implementation of BPR..................................14
3. Implementation Procedure of BPR.......................................................................14
3. 1 Steps / Phases of a BPR project ....................................................................................14
3.2 Partial techniques and tools included in each step..........................................................17
3.3 Related Software...........................................................................................................17
4. Bibliographic references. ..........................................................................................17
5. Annexes..........................................................................................................................19
Annex 1. Process management tools ...................................................................................19
Annex 2. Workflow management tools ...............................................................................21
Annex 3. Re-engineering Methodology - REMORA (sample tables)...................................23
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
Business Process Reengineering involves changes in structures and in processes within
the business environment. The entire technological, human, and organizational
dimensions may be changed in BPR. Information Technology plays a major role in
Business Process Reengineering as it provides office automation, it allows the business to
be conducted in different locations, provides flexibility in manufacturing, permits quicker
delivery to customers and supports rapid and paperless transactions. In general it allows
an efficient and effective change in the manner in which work is performed.
1.1 What is the Business Process Re-engineering
The globalization of the economy and the liberalization of the trade markets have
formulated new conditions in the market place which are characterized by instability and
intensive competition in the business environment. Competition is continuously
increasing with respect to price, quality and selection, service and promptness of delivery.
Removal of barriers, international cooperation, technological innovations cause
competition to intensify. All these changes impose the need for organizational
transformation, where the entire processes, organization climate and organization
structure are changed. Hammer and Champy provide the following definitions:
Reengineering is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business
processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary measures of
performance such as cost, quality, service and speed.
Process is a structured, measured set of activities designed to produce a specified
output for a particular customer or market. It implies a strong emphasis on how
work is done within an organization. " (Davenport 1993).
Each process is composed of related steps or activities that use people, information, and
other resources to create value for customers as it is illustrated in the following example.
Business processes are characterized by three
elements: the inputs, (data such customer inquiries
or materials), the processing of the data or
materials (which usually go through several stages
and may necessary stops that turns out to be time
and money consuming), and the outcome (the
delivery of the expected result). The problematic
part of the process is processing. Business process
reengineering mainly intervenes in the processing
part, which is reengineered in order to become less
time and money consuming.
Customer Inquiry Delivery of Results
1. Trigger 3. results
2. Processing
Figure 1. The componentsof a business process
An example of a business process: Credit card approval in a bank.
An applicant submits an application. The application is reviewed first to make sure that the form
has been completed properly. If not, it is returned for completion. The complete form goes through
a verification of information. This is done by ordering a report from a credit company and calling
references. Once the information is verified, an evaluation is done. Then, a decision (yes or no) is
made. If the decision is negative, an appropriate rejection letter is composed. If the decision is
positive, an account is opened, and a card is issued and mailed to the customer. The process,
which may take a few weeks due to workload and waiting time for the verifications, is usually
done by several individuals.
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
The term "Business Process Reengineering" has, over the past couple of year, gained
Increasing circulation. As a result, many find themselves faced with the prospect of
having to learn, plan, implement and successfully conduct a real Business Process
Reengineering endeavor, whatever that might entail within their own business
organization. Hammer and Champy (1993) define business process reengineering (BPR)
An example of BPR application.
A typical problem with processes in vertical organizational structure is that customers
must speak with various staff members for different inquiries. For example, if a bank
enters into
the bank
d to apply
for a loan,
apply for
an ATM
card and
open a
account, most probably must visit three different
desks in order to be serviced, as illustrated in
figure 2. When BPR is applied to an organization
the customer communicates with only one person, called "case manager", for all three
inquiries, shown in figure 3.
manager completes an application for a loan in electronic form, which in turn is
submitted through the network to the next team member, the credit control director, who
examines the credit status of the customer. If the credit status is not satisfactory the
rejection of the loan is approved by the credit manager and a rejection form is filled and it
is returned to the case manager. The case manager explains to the customer the reason
that his application was rejected.
On the other hand, if the credit status of the customer is satisfactory, the application is
submitted electronically to the next team member, who calculates interest rates and
payment tables. The application is then submitted to the credit manager for approval
using a digital signature. The approval of the application along with the payment table is
delivered to the customer by the case manager.
" the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of the business processes to
achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of
performance, such as cost, quality, service and speed".
Figure 2. Three inquiries three waiting queues
Figure 3. One Stop Service for all three inquiries
The implementation of "One Stop Shopping" as
a major customer service innovation, requires
the close coordination with a team of staff
assigned to a process powered by IT for
exchanging information and documents in order
to service the customer's request. For instance a
customer applying for a loan "triggers" a team of
staff assigned to service a loan application. The
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
Most importantly, while the loan application team was processing the loan application,
the case manager "triggered" the account team to open a savings account and the ATM
team to supply the customer with an ATM card. The customer leaves the bank having a
response for his loan application, a new savings account and an ATM card, And all these
without having to move around the desks for signatures and documents. All the
customer's requests were satisfied at the same time in parallel motion.
The difference between the vertical organization (figure 2) and the cross functional
organization (figure 3) lies in the way businesses are organized internally. The vertical
organization is organized based on functional units (e.g. the sales, the accounting
department). In cross-functional organizational units the main organizational unit is the
process. Since "doing business" is mainly running processes, it would be very logical to
organize companies based on processes. For instance, the ordering process crosses
different departments. The sales department for order taking, the accounting department
for credit control and invoicing, the logistics department for inventory control and
distribution, and the production department for producing the order.
An every day business - customer conversation...
Throughout the conversation there is an emphasis on department functions. Each
employee is satisfied with the fact that "I have done my job but I do not know what the
others did". (see bold characters in the conversation". Nobody would like to take total
responsibility. While this situation seems awkward, it is the most usual case in most
organizations. Most of the times it is up to the good will of some employees, like the
logistics manager, for the customer to receive some type of service.
Using BPR the company will be organized based on processes. The company will
organize an order processing team, braking the departmental barriers. The team would be
composed of a case manager to respond to the customers requests, and employees from
Assuming a customer calls the company to ask why his order has not yet arrived to
its premises.
"Let me transfer you to the accounting department to check if the order was
invoiced" responds the telephone operator.
The customer must explain his problem to the accounting department again. "We
had invoiced your order, but I don't now if already shipped to you. You need to call
the logistics department, unfortunately I could not transfer you since they are
located in another city".
The customer calls the logistics department and explains the situation again. The
logistics manager responds "that although the order should have been distributed to
you, I haven't yet received the order from themin the production department".
"Please hold on a minute, I will try to talk to themto find out what happened". The
inventory manager tried to help out the situation, since he felt that the customer was
getting aggravated from the other side of the phone. After a while he said "Sir I am
sorry, it is the finish department's fault. Somebody had forgotten your order in the
finish storage. I will have it send out to you as soon as possible." After this odyssey
the customer was seriously considering whether he would place another order.
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
the accounting department, the logistics department and the production department. The
process must be designed to trace an order step by a step electronically and provide an
answer back to the customer quickly. THE CUSTOMER MUST SPEAK WITH ONE
PERSON, the case manager. All internal controls are the responsibility of the order
processing team.
BPR focuses on team building operations around processes and building a company
mentality to personnel. The objective of the technique is to build customer-oriented
effective organizations. The customer does not care if the accounting department works
adequately, he wants to see his order processed as it should be.
If the management of the company overheard this conversation, they would be
desperately seek for a solution to the problem. Most frequently they would change around
the organizational chart and would replace people in the company hierarchy or would
modify the roles and responsibilities of some employees. Businesses continuously are
overcoming some major or minor changes in the way they operate without having the
desired outcome. Their effort is crashed on the departmental barriers and the employee
mentality to protect their personal or functional interests.
How can BPR be applied to an organization?
When British Telecom had announced their Business Plan, all competitors were eager to
find out who would be the new CEO of the organization. To the surprise of all the new
CEO it was the customer. The company had decided to transform all the operations of
the organization the way customers wanted them to operate. The most important action in
applying BPR is the company's strategic goal to provide customer oriented services. BPR
is a technique used to implement this type of organizational structure.
Having the management commitment for change, another very important factor for
implementing BPR, is the enabling role of Information Technology. The way that
businesses are organized around departments is very logical since, for instance, there
were physical barriers in the communication of the accounting department with
production department. (The warehouse could be in another location in the another part of
the city). So it wasn't possible for a cross-functional team to communicate efficiently. In
the 90s when telecommunication technologies were becoming abundant and low costing
BPR was becoming a world-wide applicable managing technique for business upgrade,
enabled by the technology. Employees can easily operate as a team using
intranets/extarnets, workflow and groupware applications, eliminating distances. We can
work together even though we are located in different places.
Empowering people. Empowerement means giving people the ability to do their work:
the right information, the right tools, the right training, the right environment, and the
authority they need. Information systems help empower people by providing information,
tools and training.
Providing Information. Providing information to help people perform their work is a
primary purpose of most information systems although they provide information in many
different ways. Some systems provide information that is essential in informing a
business process, such as the prices used to create a customers bill at a restaurant. Other
systems provide information that is potentially useful but can be used in a discretionary
manner, such as medical history information that different doctors might use in different
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
Providing Tools. In addition to providing the right information, empowering people
means giving them the right tools. Consider the way planning analysts produce
consolidated corporate plans based on plans of individual divisions and departmants. If
the plans are submitted on paper, it is a major task to add up the numbers to determine the
projected corporate bottom line. When the plan is changed during a negotiation process,
the planning analyst has to recalculate the projected results. With the right tools, the
numerical parts of the plans arrive in a consistent, electronic format prmitting
consolidation by a computer. This leaves the analyst free to do the more productive work
of analysing the quality of the plan.
Providing Training. Since information systems are designed to provide the information
needed to support desired work practices, they are often used for training and learning. As
shown by an expert system and a decision simulator, they sometimes provide new and
unique training methods.
IBM developed an expert system for fixing computer disk drives. The expert system was
an organized collection of the best knowledge about fixing these disk drives, and it
fostered rapid and efficient training. Before the system was developed, technicians
typically took between 1 and 16 months to become certified, but with the expert system,
training time dropped 3 to 5 months.
Eliminating Unproductive Uses of Time. Information systems can reduce the amount of
time people waste doing unproductive work. A study of how professionals and managers
at 15 leading U.S. corporations spent their time concluded that many professionals spent
less than half of their work time on activities directly related to their functions. Although
the primary function of salespeople is selling, the time breakdown for salespeople
averaged 36 percent spent on prospecting and selling, 39 percent spent on prospectin an
selling, 3 percent on servicing accouts, 19 percent on doing aministrtative chores, and 6
percent on training. Better use of information systems could save much of their
unproductive time performing chores such as collecting product or pricing information,
determining order status for a customer, resolving invoice discrepancies, and reporting of
time and expenses.
Eliminating Uneccesary Paper. One common way to improve data processing is to
eliminate unnecessary paper. Although paper is familiar and convenient for many
purposes, it has major disadvantages. It is bulky, difficult to move from place to place,
and extremely difficult to use for analysing large amounts of data. Storing data in
computerized form takes much less physical space and destroys fewer forests, but that is
only the beginning. It makes data easier to analyze, easier to copy or transmit, and easier
to display in a flexible format. Compare paper telephone bills with computerized bills for
a large company. The paper bills identify calls but are virtually impossible to analyze for
patterns of inefficient or excessive usage.
Eliminating Unnecessary Variations in the Procedures and Systems. In many
companies, separate departments use different systems and procedures to perform
essentially similar repetitive processes, such as paying employees, purchasing supplies,
and keeping track of invetories. Although these procedures may seem adequate from a
totally local viewpoint, doing the same work in different ways is often inefficient in a
global sense. Whenever the systems must change with new technology, new regulations,
or new business issues, each separate system must be analysed separately, often by
someone starting from scratch.
Minimizing the Burden of Record Keeping, Data Handling, and General Office Work.
Since processing data is included in most jobs, improving the way people process data is
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
an obvious place to look for information system applications. Focus on basic data
processing tasks: Reducing the burden of record keeping means being more efficient and
effective with the six components of data processing. Those components are capturing,
transmitting, storing, retrieving, manipulating, and displaying data. Capture data
automatically when generated: Capturing data automatically at the time of data
generation is especially important in minimizing the burden of record keeping.
In depth, BPR assumes that the current processes in a business are inapplicable and
suggest completely new processes to be implemented by starting over. Such a perspective
enables the designers of business processes to disassociate themselves from today's
process, and focus on a new process. The BPR characteristics - outcomes include the
; Several jobs are combined into one.
; Decision-making becomes part of the job of employees (employee empowerment).
; Steps in the processes are performed in natural order, and several jobs get done
; Processes have multiple versions. This enables the economies of scale that result
from mass production, yet allows customization of products and services.
; Work is performed where it makes the most sense.
; Controls and checks and other non-value-added work are minimized.
; Reconciliation is minimized by cutting back the number of external contact points
and by creating business alliances.
; A single point of contact is provided to customers.
; A hybrid centralized/decentralized operation is used.
BPR is achieving dramatic performance improvements through radical change in
organizational processes, rearchitecting of business and management processes. It
involves the redrawing of organizational boundaries, the reconsideration of jobs, tasks,
and skills. This occurs with the creation and the use of models. Whether those be physical
models, mathematical, computer or structural models, engineers build and analyze models
to predict the performance of designs or to understand the behavior of devices. More
specifically, BPR is defined as the use of scientific methods, models and tools to bring
about the radical restructuring of an enterprise that result in significant improvements in
Redesign, retooling and reorchestrating form the key components of BPR that are
essential for an organization to focus on the outcome that it needs to achieve. The
outcome pursued should be an ambitious outcome (as for instance, are a 24 hour delivery
to any customer anywhere in the world, approval of mortgage loans within 60 minutes of
application, or ability to have on-line access to a patient's medical records no matter
where they are in any major city in the world). These types of visionary goals require
rethinking the way most organizations do business, careful redesign. They will
additionally need very sophisticated supporting information systems and a transformation
from a traditional organizational structure to a network type organization.
In resuming, the whole process of BPR in order to achieve the above mentioned expected
results is based on key steps-principles which include redesign, retool, and reorchestrate.
Each step-principle embodies the actions and resources as presented in the table below.
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
human resources
The 3 Rs of re-engineering
Creating the new enterprise involves considerable change in virtually everything to do
with people's working lives. Rather than fixing the old, we set out to create the new.
There is a fundamental transformation occurring in business - in terms of its structure,
processes, people, and technology. The table following presents the changes in that occur
in the business under BPR.
Changes in the World of Work
From Conventional To BPR
Functional departments Process Teams
Simple tasks (division of labor) Empowered employees
Controlled people (by management) Multidimensional work
Training of employees Education of employees
Compensation for skill and time spent Compensation for results
Pay raises based on promotions and
Low pay plus high performance-related
Advancement based on ability Advancement based on performance
Protective organizational culture Productive organizational structure
Managers supervise and control Managers coach and advise
Hierarchical organizational structure Horizontal (flat) structure
Executives as scorekeepers Executives as leaders
Separation of duties and functions Cross-functional teams
Linear and sequential processes Parallel process
Mass production Mass customization
SOURCE: Based on Hammer and Champy, 1993.
In resuming, the whole process of BPR in order to achieve the above mentioned expected
result is based on key step-principles which include redesigning, retooling and
reorchestrating. Each principle embodies the actions and resources as presented in the
table below.
1.2 Objectives of BPR
When applying the BPR management technique to a business organization the
implementation team effort is focused on the following objectives:
Customer focus. Customer service oriented processes aiming to eliminate customer
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
Speed. Dramatic compression of the time it takes to complete a task for key business
processes. For instance, if process before BPR had an average cycle time 5 hours, after
BPR the average cycle time should be cut down to half an hour.
Compression. Cutting major tasks of cost and capital, throughout the value chain.
Organizing the processes a company develops transparency throughout the operational
level reducing cost. For instance the decision to buy a large amount of raw material at
50% discount is connected to eleven cross checkings in the organizational structure from
cash flow, inventory, to production planning and marketing. These checkings become
easily implemented within the cross-functional teams, optimizing the decision making
and cutting operational cost.
Flexibility. Adaptive processes and structures to changing conditions and competition.
Being closer to the customer the company can develop the awareness mechanisms to
rapidly spot the weak points and adapt to new requirements of the market.
Quality. Obsession with the superior service and value to the customers. The level of
quality is always the same controlled and monitored by the processes, and does not
depend mainly on the person, who servicing the customer.
Innovation. Leadership through imaginative change providing to organization
competitive advantage.
Productivity. Improve drastically effectiveness and efficiency.
In order to achieve the above mentioned adjectives the following BPR project
methodology is proposed.
1.3 Methodology of a BPR project implementation / alternative techniques
BPR is world-wide applicable technique of business restructuring focusing on business
processes, providing vast improvements in a short period of time. The technique
implements organizational change based on the close coordination of a methodology for
rapid change, employee empowerment and training and support by information
technology. In order to implement BPR to an enterprise the followings key actions need
to take place:
Selection of the strategic (added-value) processes for redesign.
Simplify new processes - minimize steps - optimize efficiency -.(modeling).
Organize a team of employees for each process and assign a role for process
Organize the workflow - document transfer and control.
Assign responsibilities and roles for each process.
Automate processes using IT(Intranets, Extranets, Workflow Management)
Train the process team to efficiently manage and operate the new process
Introduce the redesigned process into the business organizational structure
Most reengineering methodologies share common elements, but simple differences can
have a significant impact on the success or failure of a project. After a project area has
been identified, the methodologies for reengineering business processes may be used. In
order for a company, aiming to apply BPR, to select the best methodology, sequence
processes and implement the appropriate BPR plan, it has to create effective and
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
actionable visions. Referring to 'vision' we mean the complete articulation of the future
state (the values, the processes, structure, technology, job roles and environment)
For creating an effective vision, five basic steps are mentioned below.
- the right combination of individuals come together to form an optimistic and energized
- clear objectives exist and the scope for the project is well defined and understood
- the team can stand in the future and look back, rather than stand in the present and look
- the vision is rooted in a set of guiding principles.
All methodologies could be divided in general 'model' stages:
The Envision stage: the company reviews the existing strategy and business processes and
based on that review business processes for improvement are targeted and IT
opportunities are identified.
The Initiation stage: project teams are assigned, performance goals , project planning and
employee notification are set.
The Diagnosis stage: documentation of processes and sub-processes takes place in terms
of process attributes (activities, resources, communication, roles, IT and costs).
The Redesign stage: new process design is developed by devising process design
alternatives and through brainstorming and creativity techniques.
The Reconstruction stage: management technique changes occur to ensure smooth
migration to the new process responsibilities and human resource roles.
The Evaluation stage: the new process is monitored to determine if goals are met and
examine total quality programs.
Alternative techniques to BPR
Total Quality management, often referred to as total quality management (TQM) or
continuous improvement process (CIP), refers to programs and initiatives that emphasize
incremental improvement in work processes and outputs over an open-ended period of
time. In contrast, Reengineering refers to discrete initiatives that are intended to achieve
radically redesigned and improved work processes in a bounded time frame. The major
differences between the two
Comparing TQM and Reengineering
Case for action Assumed to be necessary Compelling
Goals Small-scale improvements in
many places with cumulative
Scope and focus Attention to tasks, steps, and
processes across the board
Select but broad
business processes
Degree of change Incremental and continual Order of magnitude and
Senior management
Important up front Intensive throughout
Role of information
Incidental Cornerstone
SOURCE: Gulden and Ewers, 1997.
In opposition with the other existing approaches on business process improvement, which
suggest gradual and incremental improvements, as for instance the Total Quality
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
Management approach, BPR does propose dramatic changes. The major differences
between process innovation through BPR and incremental improvement through TQM
are mentioned on the table that follows.
Process Innovation vs Incremental Improvement
Process I nnovation I ncremental I mprovement
Change Abrupt, volatile Gradual, constant
Effects Immediate, dramatic Long-term, more subtle
Involvement A few champions From few to everybody
Investment High initially, less later Low initially, high to sustain
Orientation Technology People
Focus Profits Processes
SOURCE: Merlyn V., Ernst and Young, private communication.
The differences between the two management techniques extend to the organizational
structure, the implementation time and results achieved and to the basis upon which the
whole procedure towards change and improvement is elaborated, as shown in the table
1.4 Expected Results / Benefits
The expected results for a company that implements business process reengineering are
the following:
Reallocation of jobs and processes so as to be combined into fewer, to be executed in
natural order, simultaneously and by the least possible number of employees.
Reorganization of the company's structure (downsizing) and employee
Jobs and processes become flexible so as to be executed according to the needs of
each case, company's and customer's need's (hybrid centralized/decentralized
The above changes will bring reductions of costs in the company, better quality (as far as
price, promptness of delivery and offerings of related services) in the products and
services provided to the customers. BPR shows that there is 'more than one way to skin a
cat' and enables a fresh view without ingrained prejudice affecting judgement. It can
produce huge initial savings where a business is struggling and often has the affect of
turning around an unprofitable operation. Also, it leaves the business with a fully
documented model of the operation, which is invaluable if embarking on a quality
The expected outcome from a successful BPR process should the desired one for the
favor of the business concerned. The dramatic changes that are caused involve people's
jobs and working relationships as it is very often that jobs are eliminated and the entire
process is not as beneficial for all.
1.5 Characteristics of firms and service providers
Several surveys and benchmarking findings reveal the essential role of consultants in the
BPR process. Consultants' help and guidance may be extremely beneficial in all stages of
the BPR procedure. This is due to the fact that consultants have the following attributes:
They are objective and immune to internal politics.
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
They have followed the process before.
They bring information and best practices from other companies.
They are good communication paths between front line workers and customers, and
the leaders of the company or organization.
Consultants, besides their beneficial qualities, can also unintentionally create barriers
by: having the solution being viewed as "theirs" and not "yours", and taking too
strong a lead role and disengaging the organization.
The consultants may play different roles in the BPR procedure, and this is a matter for the
company to decide always taking into account the organizations needs and the specific
BPR approach chosen. The role of consultant may be:
a strong facilitator and experienced practitioner who brings a methodology with
a team member; can be an objective and unbiased contributor to the solution;
a subject-matter expert with knowledge of performance levels and best practices of
similar organizations and processes; able to perform specific tasks for the team.
2.1 Where the technique has being applied
Many public and private sector organizations and SMEs Word-wide had undergone major
reengineering efforts. The technique was applied first to multinational cooperations, such
PACKARD, DEC, KRAFT FOODS having as a result major downsizing in their
organizational structures.
Later, the banking sector began to reengineer with a great degree of success such as
utility companies used reengineering as a technique to improve service like OTE, ELTA.
BPR is also being used to change the organizational structure of public services. First the
government cabinet of Egypt reengineered its processes along with many Municipals in
Europe. The public health sector is undergoing a major re-engineering in Europe using
the CORBA methodology.
As the technique was becoming well known to the business sector smaller enterprises
were using the technique for organizational upgrade. Today most SMEs are investigating
the re-engineering technique and a lot of them are applying re-engineering, since the
technique is applicable and affordable to almost all SMEs. This is proved by the
increasing demand for BPR consultants in Greece and worldwide.
Most of the times re-engineering is applied as a "must" when innovative IT tools are
introduced to SMEs. Tools such as SAP, BAAN and various ERP systems that promote
the horizontal organizational structure are the vehicles for re-engineering the
organizational structure in order to adapt to the horizontal operational subsystems of the
tools. For the first time we can say " that IT does not only support management, IT
changes the organizational structure". Today 120 businesses from small to medium size
in Greece and thousands in Europe have installed such types of IT systems reengineering
also their organizational structure.
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
2.2 Types of firms / organizations that BPR can be applied
BRP could by implemented to all firms (manufacturing firms, retailers, services, etc.)
and public organizations that satisfy the following criteria:
Minimum Number of employees: 20 (at least 4 in management positions).
Strong management commitment to new ways of working and innovation.
Well formed IT infrastructure (requirements are presented in paragraph 2.4).
Business Process Reengineering could be applied to companies that confront problems
such as the following:
High operational costs
Low quality offered to customers
High level of ''bottleneck" processes at pick seasons
Poor performance of middle level managers
Inappropriate distribution of resources and jobs in order to achieve maximum
performance, etc.
2.3 Duration and implementation cost of BPR
The BPR technique, in general, is not a time consuming process. The duration of each
BPR project varies from 6 -to 10 months. This variation relates to the kind of business
and the extend to which BPR is going to be implemented. Moreover, it depends on the
techniques and methodology that each consulting company (that usually participates in
the procedure) is using. For instance, BPR HELLAS, using the RE-engineering
Methodology Oriented towards Rapid Adaptation (REMORA) proposes the following
time schedule:
Preparation & coordination for BPR
Business modeling & measurements
Management of change & controls
Technical design of the solution
Personnel adjustment & training
Realization & transfer of changes
Implementation Cost
The implementation of a BPR project consists of two stages:
1. The process management and redesign study and consulting stage.
2. The implementation of the redesigned process using IT tools including employee
training and introduction of the new processes to the company organizational
The cost of a BPR for projects applied to SMEs for selective processes varies depending
on the complexity of the business environment and the number of processes for
reengineering In general, the following cost is applicable for each stage.
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
Stage Description Cost in Euro
1 The process management and redesign study and consulting. From 4000 to 7000
2 The implementation of the redesigned process using IT tools
including employee training and introduction of the new
processes to the company organizational structure
From 5000 to 9000
Total From 9000 to 16000
2.4 Conditions for implementation (infrastructures required etc.)
Infrastructure requirements:
An operating transactional and accounting computerized system inclosing the
commercial part of the transactions.
A network that connects all key personnel.
Workstations with Windows NT or Windows 1995 system or latest version.
An exchange server (MS outlook, or MS back office or Lotus Notes)
2.5 European Organizations Supporting the Implementation of BPR
The importance and the need for Business Process Reengineering in the small and
medium enterprises and to bigger companies as well, is great. The European Commission
has acknowledged this situation and promotes BPR and supports the efforts of SMEs to
proceed to reengineering. Under the ESPRIT and the latest IST programmes, there is a
number of projects such as the COBRA (URL www.imsgrp,com), and ROCHADE (URL
BPR supporting organizations
WARIA. The Workflow And Reengineering International Association. URL
BPRC. Business Processes Resource CentreURL:
3. 1 Steps / Phases of a BPR project
A BPR project consists of specific steps aiming to a successful outcome.. The necessary
steps in a rapid re-engineering methodology are the following as they presented in figure
STEP ZERO - preparation and coordination of the project.
Duration: Two days Participants: BPR team, BPR consultants..
To establish a strong management support
To explain to the members of the BPR implementation team the implementation
details of the project and their role in the successful outcome in the BPR effort.
Actions taken:
Explain to the top-level management the necessity to commit to the BPR project.
Allocate the most capable employees to the BPR implementation team and assign
roles for each one of them.
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
Run an 8-hour workshop having as participants the members of the BPR
implementation team. The consultants will present the project step by step, as well as,
the role of the implementation team in the success of the project.
STEP 1 - Business diagnosis & measurements.
Figure 4 - Steps in the implementation of a BPR project
Duration: 4 weeks Participants: BPR team, BPR consultants, personnel involved
with processes
To diagnose & identify problematic areas in the current processes
To measure the performance characteristics of the current processes based on
measurable factors such as average cycle time, delays, number of mistakes or number
of customer complaints.
Actions taken:
Diagram each process using a process management tool such as OPTIMA, ADONIS
or BONAPART (see annex A-1).
Record physical on the site measurements for each step of a process related to time,
resources spent or efficiency (see annex A-3).
Input all measurements in the process management tool for further evaluation and
Identify added value processes that have a major impact on customer service.
STEP 2 - Selection of processes for change and modeling.
Duration: 7 weeks Participants: BPR team, BPR consultants.
To identify the strategic processes that are feasible to change
To redesign and model the selected processes
Actions taken:
STEP 1 -
STEP 2 -
STEP 3 -
STEP 4 -
STEP 5 -
STEP 6 -
STEP 7 -
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
Set the characteristics of the processes that are more important to the organizational
Based on the characteristics identify the processes that will change based on the
added value they provide and their feasibility for change. (see annex A-3).
Redesign processes based on the characteristics that serve the organizational goals
Simulate the processes in running environment using the process management tool
(see annex A-1)
Model the new process using the diagramming tool of the process management tool
STEP 3 - Technical design of the solution.
Duration: 10 weeks
Participants: BPR team, BPR consultants, IT experts.
To automate modeled business processes (step 2) using networks and workflow tools
To redesign and model the selected processes
Actions taken:
Establish network connections between process team members.
Prepare intranet applications to exchange forms and documents between team
Prepare workflow application that will implement each step in the redesigned process
automatically.(see annex A-2).
STEP 4 - Personnel adjustment & training.
Duration: 10 weeks
Participants: Process team members, process coordinator, trainers.
To train personnel in the new ways of working using IT in the redesigned processes.
To redesign and model the selected processes
Actions taken:
Adjust each position according to skills needed in the new process.
Provide training in the operation of new processes, so employees will feel
comfortable in the changing job environment
STEP 5 - Management of change & employee empowerment.
Duration: 1 week
Participants: BPR team, BPR consultants, process team, executive management.
To establish a positive attitude for the change between employees
To minimize the resistance to change between employees by empowering their
position based on performance appraisal and bonus systems.
Actions taken:
Establish executive management determination for change and determinate any
attempts of resistance to change.
Facilitate the change process outlining the positive effects of change
STEP 6 - Introduction of new processes into business operations.
Duration: Day and time are set by executive management
Participants: The whole business organization
To set the time and date of operating under the new processes, emphasizing the fact
that working under the old processes is not an acceptable practice.
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
Actions taken:
Prepare and test all background resources (IT, documents, equipment)
Set time and date for operating under the new processes.
Do not allow any non-conformities in the operations of new processes
STEP 7 - Continuous improvement.
Duration: Runs dynamically and continuously after the end of the project
Participants: BPR implementation team
To capitalize from the BPR project and develop internal experts for other BPR
Actions taken:
Periodically evaluate the performance of business processes
Plan the time and the resources for the next reengineering project.
3.2 Partial techniques and tools included in each step
The tools and techniques are explained in each step in paragraph 3.1 with related
references to the annex.
3.3 Related Software
The are two categories of software used in implementing a BPR project
1. Process management tools, used for the design, performance evaluation of process (see
annex A-1).
2. Workflow applications for implementing modeled processes (see annex A-2)..
1. "15 Principles for Better Business Engineering" Daniel S. Appleton, Business
Engineering Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 2
2. "Achieving Breakthrough Improvement Through Business Process Reengineering"
Michael S. Yoemans and Janice L. Beckett, Armed Forces Comptroller, Winter,
3. "After Reengineering: Taking Care of Business" Jeff Moad, Datamation, Oct
4. "After the Reengineering Hype, An Ambiguous Legacy"Jeffrey Zack, American
Banker, April 1, 1996
5. "Applying Information Technology to Reengineering" Tim R. Furey, Jennifer L.
Garlitz and Michael L. Kelleher, Planning Review, Nov-Dec 1993
6. "Automating Business Process Reengineering:"National Productivity Review,
Winter, 1994
7. "Beating the Risks of Reengineering"Michael Hammer and Steven Stanton, Fortune,
May 15, 1995
8. "Bell Atlantic Reengineers Payment Processing"Scott Humphrey, Enterprise
Reengineering, Oct/Nov, 1995
9. Business Reengineering:Dorine C. Andrews and Susan Stalick, Prentice Hall, New
York, 1994
10. "Canada Institute Reengineers Document Delivery, The"Judy Bassett, Enterprise
Reengineering, June/July 1995
11. "Change Requires Reengineering" Industry Week, June 20, 1994
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
12. "Chasing the BPR Tool Market" Randy Barrett, Enterprise Reengineering, March,
13. "Getting Past the Obstacles to Successful Reengineering"
Dr. Winford E. Holland and Sanjiv Kumar, Business Horizons, May-June, 1995
14. "Going Horizontal" Chief Executive, May 1996
15. Government Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Readiness Assessment
General Services Administration, 1996
16. "Hocus-Pocus of Reengineering, The"Paul A. Strassmann, Across The Board, June,
17. "How Benchmarking Can Improve Business Reengineering"
Theodor Richman and Charles Koontz, Planning Review, Nov-Dec 1993
18. "How BPR Can Go Awry"Thomas G. Cody, Enterprise Reengineering, March,
19. "How to Reshape Your Business to Fit the Future" Robert M. Randall, Planning
Review, Jan-Feb., 1995
20. "Human Resource Management Lessons From A Decade of Total Quality
Management And Reengineering"California Management Review, Summer, 1994
21. "Human Resources: First Stop for Reengineers"
Larry Willets, Enterprise Reengineering, July 1996
22. "Human Resources: Requirement for Reengineering" Management Review, June,
23. "Putting the Engine into Reengineering"
Elaine M. Mandrish and Robert H. Schaffer, National Productivity Review, Spring
24. "Reality of Business Reengineering, The: Pacific Bell's Centrex Provisioning
Donna B. Stoddard, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa and Michael Littlejohn, California
Management Review, Spring 1996
25. Reengineering A. Strassmann, Information Economics Press, New Canaan, CT,
26. "Reengineering Administrative Logistics"
Ellen Metaal and Bruce Gladwin, Enterprise Reengineering, September, 1995
27. "Reengineering Aetna"
Glenn Rifkin, Forbes ASAP, 6/7/93
28. "Reengineering and Information Resources Management"
Dr. Sharon L. Caudle, Public Manager: The New Bureaucrat, Winter 1994
29. "Reengineering Challenge:"
Planning Review, Nov-Dec, 1994
30. Reengineering for Results: Keys to Success from Government Experience
Dr. Sharon L. Caudle, Nat'l Academy of Public Administration, Wash.D.C., 1995
31. Reengineering Handbook, The
Dr. Raymond Manganelli and Mark M. Klein, American Management Association,
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
Annex 1: Process Management tools
WorkFlow Analyzer is an industry leading BPR tool that combines process modeling and
simulation in one integrated package. Using WorkFlow Analyzer, you can study your
current business process in detail, pinpoint critical paths and bottlenecks and identify
opportunities for improvement. Before you implement any changes, WorkFlow Analyzer
lets you predict the effects of those changes. And after your new process is up and
running, WorkFlow Analyzer lets you modify it in response to changing conditions.
Structured Visual Modeling
Facilitates communication between business analysts and IT professionals
Captures the complexity of actual business processes
Automatically Generates Simulation Model From Business Process Model
Produces simulation results with ease
Validates new design
Ensures consistency
Integrates BPR and Workflow Production
Builds operational workflows automatically
Reduces implementation time and cost
Graphical Reporting Plus Animation
Results that everyone can understand
Bottleneck analysis
Performance measurement
Cost-benefit tradeoffs
Activity based costing
Scaleable and Modular
Use same tool for both large and small projects
Promotes model re-use
Facilitates model maintenance
Open Interface - PC and Workstation Based
Integrates with existing IT infrastructure
Model of Procurement System
A large organization is using WorkFlow Analyzer to redesign its
procurement system. To launch the BPR project, a model of the
original process is built. WorkFlow Analyzer's simple visual
methodology captures complex workflows and critical path
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
Procurement System - "As Is Scenario"
WorkFlow Analyzer automatically generates the simulation model
used to study the procurement system. In the original process, all
supplies were handled identically. Simulation reveals the long- and
costly- approval delays for inexpensive items.
WorkFlow Analyzer Lets You:
Whether you are improving an existing operation or designing a new one from
scratch, you begin by describing the process. WorkFlow Analyzer lets you model
complex processes with ease. Its simple visual vocabulary is ideally suited to
capturing and expressing the characteristics of a business process from staffing
and equipment requirements to workflows and critical path dependencies. And its
hierarchical representation lets you describe that process in whatever level of detail
you need.
Are your design assumptions valid? Are you getting the performance you need? Are
you deploying personnel to best advantage? You can't improve what you can't
measure. WorkFlow Analyzer's powerful simulation engine gives you answers, not
approximations. It allows you to analyze the way your business processes actually
work, without having to master a laborious simulation language. And by displaying
simulation results through animation and other innovative graphical methods,
WorkFlow Analyzer lets you instantly assess key factors, such as bottlenecks,
resource utilization and operating costs. This means you spend your time solving
business problems, not programming problems.
Once your solution has been designed and verified, WorkFlow Analyzer lets you
make a rapid and error-free transition from BPR analysis to business process solution.
WorkFlow Analyzer integrates seamlessly into your existing IT environment, and
interoperates with other components of your corporate information infrastructure. For
workflow automation systems, WorkFlow Analyzer automatically generates routing
information and flow logic directly from your business modeleliminating the
intermediate manual programming step and assuring consistency between your
design and your implementation.
Once the process is running, WorkFlow Analyzer lets you feed actual operating
parameters back into the model to update the assumptions you made in the initial
simulation. This means you can refine your implementation as your business changes.
The knowledge that makes your company run is distributed throughout your
organization. WorkFlow Analyzer transforms that often ephemeral knowledge into a
tangible business asset, a collection of reusable business models that everyone across
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
your enterpriseanalysts, IT professionals and end-userscan easily understand.
And Meta's Business Model Repository allows you to accumulate and preserve those
models, and pass them on to the next BPR team. With WorkFlow Analyzer, you
never have to start from scratch. Every new project can build on the lessons and
successes of previous projects .
WorkFlow Modeler 4.1 requires Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT
4.0. For minimum hardware, you should have a Pentium, 32 MB of RAM (64 MB RAM
recommended), and 15 MB of hard disk space.
Other similar products
CACI Products Company: SIMPROCESS
Feith Systems And Software, Inc. Workflow
IA Corporation: WorkVision
Interfacing Technologies Corporation: FirstSTEP
Mentor Graphics: WorkXpert Tool Suite: FlowXpertTM - FlowXpertTM
XpertBuilderTM - XpertBuilderTM
PowerCerv: FLOWBuilder
Staffware - production based workflow software
Annex 2: Workflow management tools
ActionWorks Process Builder-Designer Edition enables rapid design of e-processes.
Process Builder-DE is all you need to design an online business process. Use Process
Builder-DE to map workflows, define roles, specify rules and design web forms.
Discover the bottlenecks that create breakdowns for the business. Communicate these to
the team and seek their feedback. Then, improve the process in order to compete more
effectively. Process Builder-DE's drag-and-drop mapping tool, design wizards and
workflow templates help you design a process quickly and easily.
Leverages pre-defined process maps for a quick-start on your own process design
Provides Open Process Mapping for unparalleled ease of process definition, analysis and
continuous process improvement
Focuses on customer satisfaction as a goal for every process
Supports knowledge worker processes, with the ability to handle negotiations, exceptions
and ad-hoc workflows
Features integrated process design and application development (available in the Process
Builder-Developer Edition, purchased separately)
Process Design
Process Builder-DE lets you start your process design with a pre-defined business process
map, or you can create a new one. Building the business rules that define a process is fast
and easy because it's simply a matter of answering questions contained in a series of
templates and protocol wizards. The aim throughout is to design a streamlined process
that enables your organization to deliver better products and services to satisfied
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
You now have a process map built on the patented Business InterAction model that
underpins all Action Technologies' solutions. The customer requests a task; the performer
performs it. Next, it's the developer's task to build the complete web-based application
with the Process Builder-Developer Edition. Finally, you can completely automate your
business process and deploy it online with the ActionWorks Metro server.
With Process Builder-DE, business analysts and application designers can design e-
processes using the following significant
Process Mapping
Drag-and-drop process mapping tool
Pre-defined business process maps with
workflow, roles and rules
Workflow objects that define business
Sub-process maps
Agent Performer functions that describe
automated software agents
Process cycle times computation
Organizational roles and identities definition
Rich, flexible work management features including workflow protocols
(workflow restart, new acts, simple acts and control of "acts" per state)
Process documentation and management
Automatic consistency checking
Rendezvous, splitter, and conditional flow objects
Application Design
Point-and-click form layout including field data, controls and attribute definition
Form preview for initiate, status and reply forms
Custom views with cascading style sheets and filters display and manage work
MailLinks (e-mail notification) are pre-configured and can be customized easily through
Comment history enables discussions and track various business process events
Shared Work Offices manage team-based
Attachments are added to business process
through a point-and-click interface
Extranet initiation enables customers,
partners or suppliers to initiate business
processes from the Web
Timing services remind, follow-up and
escalate work
Component assembly environment speeds
development and enables the reuse of
common objects such as address books and
calendars in the form of Java applets or
ActiveX components (available in the
Process Builder-Developer Edition)
The code for all these application services is
generated automatically (available in the
Process Builder-Developer Edition)
Process Builder
provides an easy-
to-use drag-and-
drop process
mapping tool
Process Builder provides point-and-click form preview.
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
System Requirements
PC-compatible Pentium computer
64 MB of RAM
32 MB of available hard disk space
Microsoft Windows 95, 98 or Microsoft Windows NT
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.02 or above (must be pre-installed)
Other similar products
GFI Communications - GFI Emailflow for Exchange/
DIaLOGIKa GmbH: multiDESK Access
JetForm Corporation: JetForm
Digital Equipment Corporation: Expeditor -
Eastman Software: Workflow
FileNet: Visual WorkFlo
IBM: MQseries Workflow
TeamWARE Flow
Open Text Corporation: Livelink Workflow
Portfolio Technologies, Inc.: Office.IQ
Remedy Action Request System
COSA Workflow
ViewStar Corporation: ViewStar
METEOR Enterprise Application Suite
Annex 3: Re-engineering Methodology - REMORA (sample tables)
Process No. Ability to change Opportunity Impact on
Impact on clients
Rating 0
- 10
Table A-3.1 Process evaluation table
Process No Creation of ONE-
Table A-3.2 Opportunity /cost table
INNOREGIO project S. Zygiaris, Msc, BPR Engineer
BPR Hellas SA
Steo No Related Document Repeatition Workflow
Table A-3.3 Workflow / document table
Process No
Table A-3.4 Employee upgrade table

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