Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.0

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Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.

Siemens PLM Software

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation
Release Notes
Version 9.0
December 2008

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.0
Siemens PLM Software

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Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.0
Siemens PLM Software

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 9.0
The release notes provide a brief overview and description of new functionalities and features
introduced with Tecnomatix Plant Simulation version 9.0.
For more detailed descriptions on new and enhanced functionalities in Tecnomatix Plant
Simulation 9.0 please use the Tecnomatix Plant Simulation online help.
Besides the numerous functional changes described in the following chapters there are few major
changes that we want to point out here:
Plant Simulation 9.0 can be installed as a true 64-bit program under 64-bit Windows
operating systems.
Please note some additional remarks for the 64-bit version in the chapter 64-bit Version.
The 3D visualization has been ported to the common infrastructure used in all Siemens
PLM Software 3D applications. Currently existing 3D models cannot be loaded into
version 9.0.0 because the 3D model converter could not be finished at time. This feature
will be announced and released with one of the next service packs.
Please review the patch notes released with the service packs accordingly!

New Features in Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 9.0

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 9.0 provides a number of new and improved features.
We added new material flow features.
We modified material flow features.
We modified and added information flow features.
We modified and added user interface features.
We modified and added SimTalk features.
We modified and added 3D Viewer features
64-bit Version
As the program changed at a number of places, you might have to adapt simulation models you
created in previous versions of Tecnomatix Plant Simulation, when you open them in version 9.0!
Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.0
Siemens PLM Software

New Material Flow Features
In Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 9.0 we added these features to the material flow objects:
We added the PickAndPlace robot to the material flow objects. It picks a part up at
one station and places it onto another station.

We added the command Calculate Angles to the context menu of the pick-and-place
robot and of the Turntable in the Frame.
We added a feature allowing you to define multiple failures for a machine. For this
reason we modified the Tab Failures.
We added the exit strategy MU Attribute to the material flow objects.
We added the command Reorder Successors to the context menu of objects in the
We added the command Edit Frame Display Panel to the View menu of the Frame.
We added the attributes XPosOrigin3D and YPosOrigin3D to the Frame. They set the
point on the x-axis and y-axis in the Frame in 2D, which will be mapped to the origin
of the scene, i.e. the center of the grid in 3D.
We added a number of functions making modeling with Connectors easier (compare
Connect Objects with the Connector):
To exchange the successor of a Connector, select the end point of the Connector
and drag it to another object.

To exchange the predecessor of a Connector, select the starting point of the
Connector and drag it to another object
To place an object, which you insert from the class library into a Frame, in between
two already connected objects, drag that object onto that spot of the Connector
and drop it there. In this process Plant Simulation exchanges the successor of the
original Connector.
To automatically connect predecessor and successor when deleting an object
located between other connected objects, hold down the Ctrl key while you delete
the object.
We added the Tab Exit Strategy to the Store.
We added the list box MU distance type and the attribute MUDistanceType to the
Line to model a no-gap conveyor.
We added an optional argument to the method getRouteLength of the Track for route
We added the text box Route weighting to the Transporter, which sets the factor that
Automatic routing uses to determine on which route the Transporter drives to its

We added the attribute RouteWeightingAttr to the Transporter.
Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.0
Siemens PLM Software

We added the feature Start delay duration to the Transporter. To facilitate this, we
added the event StartTransporter to the List of Scheduled Events.
We extended the functionality of the Transporter. You can now also enter a list or a
table as the Destination. This list or table can be a CardFile, a QueueFile, a
StackFile, or a TableFile, which you inserted into a Frame. It can also be a user-
defined attribute or a Variable of type table, list, queue, or stack. The list or table has
to have the column type object. The Transporter then covers all destination objects in
the list or table one after the other.

To facilitate this, we added the method DestinationListRow.
We added the button Debug to the Dialog of the Event Debugger.
We added a feature which executes a Method, which expects a single argument of
type object with this object as argument when you drag this object onto the Method
and drop it there.
Modified Material Flow Features
In Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 9.0 we modified these features of the material flow objects:
We changed the definition of Resource Statistics. Setting-up is now treated as an
exclusive state for statistics purposes. Thus the states Setting-Up and Working,
Waiting or Blocked do not overlap any more. In case a resource is setting-up and
working at the same time, this resource is in the state working. A resource is
blocked, if it is not paused, not failed, fully occupied, not processing and not setting
up. A resource is waiting, if it is not paused, not failed, not fully occupied, not
processing and not setting up.

For this reason we also removed the statistics methods statSetupBlockingPortion,
statSetupWaitingPortion, and statSetUpWorkingPortion.
We added the sort criterion > setting-up to the Statistics Wizard.
We added state Setting-up to the values which the Chart shows.
We changed the definition of working of the Turntable: It now also is working, when
it rotates, not matter if it moves a part or not. Before it was only working, when it
moved a part.
We changed the behavior of the Turntable: Until now the Turntable determined an
angle from the layout in the Frame, when an object was not present in the respective
angle table. From now on the Turntable checks the Exit Angle Table for an entering
part or the Entry Angle Table for an exiting part, if the object is present there and
uses that angle. If the object is not contained in the respective table, the Turntable
uses the angle from the layout.
We changed the layout of the Tab Failures for allowing you to define multiple
failures/downtimes of machines.
We changed Resource Statistics: It does not increment the frequency of waiting and
blocking times any more, when the time is 0. This effects the results of the mean
value of the Waiting Time and the Blocked Time.
We changed the state of the Assembly station from blocked to waiting, when it is
waiting for mounting parts.
Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.0
Siemens PLM Software

We changed how Plant Simulation counts the waiting time for an Importer. It now is
always part of the waiting time.
We changed how Plant Simulation moves MUs to the length-oriented objects, such
as Line and Track, etc. A part cannot be moved onto the exact same position on
which a part is already located.
We activated the feature Set-Up > Only when empty for the ParallelProc as the
default setting.
We changed the layout of the Tab Importer.

We do not support these statistics methods of the material flow objects any more:
statBlockingExpCount, statBlockingExpDelta, statBlockingExpMu,
statBlockingExpPortion, statBlockingExpTime, statWaitingExpCount,
statWaitingExpDelta, statWaitingExpMu, statWaitingExpPortion, and
We changed how Plant Simulation calculates the next animation event for the Line. In
previous versions it calculated it from the current position, now it calculates it like the
Track does.
We changed how Plant Simulation processes the Exit Blocking List. The Out events
of the MUs are now being processed in the same order as they were entered into the
exit blocking list. This mainly effects the ParallelProc.
We changed how Plant Simulation handles blocking lists in connection with MUs on
If an MU attempts without avail to move onto a Transporter, a Container, or a
Worker, Plant Simulation only enters this MU into the blocking list, when the
target does not move.
If an MU attempts without avail to move from a Transporter, a Container, or a
Worker, Plant Simulation only enters this MU into the blocking list, when the
target does not move.
When the Transporter, the Container, or the Worker moves on, because its
speed changes or because it is moved,, Plant Simulation removes MUs,
which wanted to move off the object, and MUs, which wanted to move onto
the objects from the blocking lists. This prevents an MU to jump onto a
Transporter, a Container, or a Worker or from a Transporter, a Container, or
a Worker at a later point in time.
We made the Segments table of the length-oriented objects editable.
In previous versions Plant Simulation did not enter an MU, whose attempt to move
from the Store to another object failed, into the blocking list of the target object. Plant
Simulation 9 does enter the MU into the blocking list and thus ensures that the MU
will MU moved using the standard transfer mechanism as soon as the target object
can receive it.
We do not support the methods continue and stop of the Transporter any more. You
can use the attribute Stopped instead. It does not matter if the Transporter is driving
on a Track or on a Line.
Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.0
Siemens PLM Software

We changed the name of the text box Final speed of the Transporter and of the Line
to Speed.
We changed the name of the text box Speed of the Transporter and of the Line to
Current speed

In Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 9.0 we modified these features of the resource objects:
We added two sections for the service statistics of the Broker, Dwelling Time and
Mediation Time, to the Statistics Report. You can also use the method serviceStat to
return the service statistics.
We added an optional boolean argument to the methods globalTestImportFor and
localTestImportFor of the Broker. This argument sets if all Workers/Exporters will be
listed or if only the actually available Workers/Exporters will be listed.
We removed the Waiting Time Statistics and the Blocked Time Statistics of the
Importer from the Statistics Report, as waiting for an Importer now always counts
as waiting time.
We added the method calculateWorkingDuration to the ShiftCalendar.

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.0
Siemens PLM Software

Information Flow Features
In Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 9.0 we added these features to the information flow
objects or modified existing features:
We removed the method init for tables, which we replaced with the method
initialize starting with version 7.6. For this reason you can now also create a
user-defined attribute of type method for tables with the name init, which
can serve as an init control.
User Interface Features
In Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 9.0 we added these features to the user interface objects or
modified existing features:
We added these methods to the Dialog: createButton, createCheckBox,
createDropDownListBox, createEditTextBox, createGroupBox, createImage,
createListBox, createListView, createMenu, createRadioButton, createStaticTextBox,
createTabControl, createTabPage, and setGroupID.
We renamed the method setText of the Dialog to setCaption.
We added a function to select the Background color of the Comment.
We added the state Setting-up to the values, which the Chart shows.
We added several Marker types to the Chart.
You can now freely combine Line styles and Line weights of the Chart, unless you
selected the check box Display in frame.
The fourth argument of the method setLineStyle of the Chart is now optional.
We removed support for the method reset of the Chart. This way you can now create
a user-defined attribute of type method and name it Reset, which will be called when
you click Reset in the EventController. To reset the values of the Chart, you can use
the method resetValues.
We removed support of the ISA Dialog Manager.
Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.0
Siemens PLM Software

SimTalk Features

In Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 9.0 we added or modified these SimTalk features:
We added the function calendarWeek.
We added the function clearConsole.
We added the function F3Dblock3DUpdate.
We added the function is64BitApplication.
We added two optional arguments to the function saveModel.
We added the function num_to_hex.
We changed how the Relational Operators <== and >== handle strings. In
previous versions <== was treated the same as < or ==, i.e. the first part of the
condition considered upper and lower casing. Starting with version 9 upper and
lower casing do not matter for <== and >== any more.
Example: "bat" <== "BET"
Previous behavior: "bat" <== "BET"
"bat" < "BET" or "bat" == "BET"
"bat" < "BET" or toLower("bat") = toLower("BET")
"bat" < "BET" or "bat" = "bet"
false or false
New behavior: "bat" <== "BET"
toLower("bat") <= toLower("BET")
"bat" <= "bet"
We do not support the function openURLInMainWindow any longer.

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.0
Siemens PLM Software

3D Viewer Features
In Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 9.0 we added or changed these features:
We ported the 3D Viewer to the Siemens PLM software standard Direct Model and now
also use the common 3D-Engine of all Tecnomatix programs. With Direct Model you can
exchange data with other applications in .jt format. During this process we removed a
number of functions as compared to previous versions, which are not required any more.
We removed the command Edit > Flatten Graphic.
We removed the command Edit > Compile Graphic.
We removed the command Edit > Create LODs.
We removed the command Edit > Create Primitive > Text.
We removed the command Edit > Create Primitive > Point Light.
We removed the command Edit > Create Primitive > Directional Light.
We removed the command Edit > Object Editors > Color. You can use the
command Edit > Appearance > Material instead.
We removed the command Edit > Object Editors > Paint Color.
We removed the command Edit > Object Editors > Texture.
We removed the command Edit > Object Editors > LOD Ranges.
We removed the command Edit > Object Editors > Pruning.
We removed the command Edit > Object Editors > Make Billboard.
We removed the command Edit > Object Editors > Turn Normals.
We removed the command Edit > Object Editors > Make Materials Double-
We removed the command Edit > Object Editors > Correct Specular Color.
We removed the command Edit > Global Editors > Background Color. For the
time being you cannot set the background color of the 3D scene.
We removed the command View > Lights.
We removed the command View > Statistics.
We removed the command View > Axes.

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.0
Siemens PLM Software

Please note: As the model format changed, you cannot load 3D models, which you
created in previous versions of Plant Simulation, into Plant Simulation 9 at the moment.
We added these new features:
We added the 3D Standard toolbar to the scene window.
We defined abstract 3D graphics for the built-in objects.
We added the function TransformGeometry.
We made connecting objects in 3D easier. To establish connections with the Connector,
you can now use the same procedure as in 2D.

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.0
Siemens PLM Software

In Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 9.0 we added or changed these features:
We modified the main menus and the toolbars in the program window:
We added the menu item Pack and Go to the File Menu.
We added the menu item Manage Class Library to the File Menu. You
can use it to add objects and add-ins to the class library or to delete them
from it. It replaces the command File > Add Objects.
Plant Simulation shows the icon of a library folder green in the class
We removed the command Add Objects from the File Menu and
replaced it with the command Manage Class Library.
We completely reorganized the View Menu.
We made the Window Menu a menu of its own on the top level in the program
We changed custom attribute to user-defined attribute.
We added a setting for selecting the Libraries directories, i.e. the application object
libraries, which you yourself develop or which you purchase from a third party vendor.
We added the command Save Folder As Library to the context menu of class library.
We added the command Edit Library Information to the context menu of class library.
We added the methods getLibraryInfo and setLibraryInfo, which apply to the folder.
We added a feature for merging folders. To do so, hold down Alt and drag the
replacing folder in the Class Library onto the folder to be replaced and drop it there.
You can also use the method replace. Plant Simulation then forms the superset of
both folders and merges those classes, which are present in both folders.
We added commands for inserting and removing vertical separator bars between
groups of objects in the Toolbox, compare Insert a Separator and Remove the
We added the command Antithetic Random Numbers to the Tools menu of the
We added a feature allowing you to add a color gradient to filled rectangles, compare
Vector Graphics Toolbar.
We added a feature enabling you to move vector graphics objects one pixel or one
grid unit at a time with the arrow keys in the Frame.
We added a feature enabling you to enlarge vector graphics objects in the Frame by
holding down Ctrl and pressing one of the arrow keys.
Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.0
Siemens PLM Software

We added a feature enabling you to zoom the contents of the Frame by dragging a
marquee over an area with the right mouse button.
We added the commands Show Memory Usage and Show Changed Attributes to
the context menu of the windows Show Inheritance and Show Structure.
We added commands to the context menu of the Console.
We added a feature for preventing the user from opening specific objects. When you
enter a user-defined attribute of type method as the Open control, and when this
method is encrypted, you cannot open the respective object any longer. Only the
Open control itself can still open the object.
We added the method removeAllObservers.
We added a feature allowing you to directly import jt files into the 3D Viewer with the
command Import 3D Geometry.
We added the Start Options /UILanguage:ENU, /UILanguage:DEU,
/UILanguage:JPN, and /UILanguage:CHS.
We added an upper-case R to the icon of the folder, which you designate as a root
folder (rootFolder).
We replaced the text box Channel ID on the tab Communication of the Tab User-
defined Attributes of the objects with the check box Connect to 3D attribute. We
also replaced the corresponding attribute ChannelID of the user-defined attributes
with the attribute ConnectTo3D.
We renamed the context menu command Open Statistics Wizard of the Chart in the
Frame to Statistics Wizard.
We renamed the context menu command Show/Hide Display Window of the
Report, the Chart, and the Plotter in the Frame to Show.
We renamed the command Edit > Sample Color to Pick Color in the Icon Editor.
We changed when Plant Simulation applies changed Seed Values. It now applies
them immediately and resets all random number streams with the new seed values.
We added a feature for entering the Host name to the OPC Interface.
We added a number of instructional videos covering a number of topics. You find
them in the installation folder of Plant Simulation in the folder Help > Videos.

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Release Notes Version 9.0
Siemens PLM Software

64-bit Version
Under the 64-bit version of Windows you can decide, if you want to install the 32-bit or the 64-bit
version of Plant Simulation 9.0. You can also install both versions one after the other and run
both at the same time. Both versions are compatible, meaning you can open and work with
models, which you created in one version in the other version and vice versa.
In the 32-bit version of Windows the amount of available memory is limited, so that you cannot
create models of arbitrary size. Normally the available memory more than suffices to create even
large simulation models though. The 64-bit version does not impose any practical memory
limitations. Be aware that these restrictions do apply:
When you employ the C Interface to link a DLL, which you yourself programmed,
this DLL has to be compiled for the 32-bit or for the 64-bit version respectively.
When you employ ActiveX to address a COM object, this COM object has to be
created for the 32-bit or for the 64-bit version respectively.
For the object ODBC you also need 64-bit drivers for ODBC in the 64-bit version
of Plant Simulation. At present Microsoft does not provide 64-bit drivers for
Access, Excel, etc. so that no ODBC drivers for the 64-bit version of Plant
Simulation are present on your operating system.
When you create a self extracting model with Pack and Go with the 64-bit
version, you can only open this model on a 64-bit version of Windows.
When you create an extremely large simulation model, which requires more than
3 GB memory, you cannot open this model in the 32-bit version.
Distributed experiments currently cannot be started and controlled from a 64-bit
version. But it is possible to run 64-bit simulation clients, if they are controlled
from a 32-bit Plant Simulation experiment master.

We added in SimTalk the method is64BitApplikation(). This method can be used to determine
whether Plant Simulation is running as 32-bot or 64-bit version.

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