GEOMETRY PROJECT: "Tantalizing Tessellations" Name - Period: - OBJECTIVE: Create Tessellations Using Polygons and Transformations
GEOMETRY PROJECT: "Tantalizing Tessellations" Name - Period: - OBJECTIVE: Create Tessellations Using Polygons and Transformations
GEOMETRY PROJECT: "Tantalizing Tessellations" Name - Period: - OBJECTIVE: Create Tessellations Using Polygons and Transformations
Period: ____
OBJECTIE: Create tessellations !sing "ol#gons and trans$ormations%
A tessellation, or tiling, of a plane is a collection of tiles that fill the plane with no gaps or overlaps.
You will receive paper and an index card to create a unique tessellation of a polygon using translations,
rotations, and/or glide reflections. Using the index card, create a shape that will be tessellated across
your entire paper &#o! ma# !se an# 'om(ination o$ t)e trans$ormations (elo* to 'reate #o!r
s)a"e+. BE !EA"#$E%
,el"$!l -in.s:
http&// )lic* +,a*e Your -wn,. then +/ow to ,a*e a
"essellation.. hoose one of the listed (ethods to see a creative exa(ple. 0lease be sure that
your tessellation follows the directions of this pro'ect.1
I% Translations:
Polygon should have
opposite sides that are
parallel and congruent.
-"/E! E2A,03E&
4. "race the shape on a piece of construction paper.
)Coloring one side o$ t)e "attern *ill )el" "re/ent a''idental $li""ing d!ring tra'ing%+
5. "ranslate )slide1 the figure over so that the edge of the index card (atches
an edge of the shape on the paper. "race the new position of the polygon.
6. ontinue translating and tracing your polygon until your page is full.
)#t is o*ay if part of the polygon gets cut off near an edge of the paper.1
7. olor your tessellation, using a pattern in your colors that (atches the pattern in your transfor(ation.
&0dding 'olor and $eat!res *ill en)an'e t)e art*or.%+
!EA"#$E E2A,03E8&
Cut your index card
into a 3x3 square
II% Rotations:
Adjacent sides must
be congruent.
4. "race the shape on a piece of construction paper.
5. !otate the polygon so the edge of the index card (atches
an edge of the shape on the paper. "race the new position of the figure.
6. ontinue rotating and tracing the polygon until your page is full.
)#t is o*ay if part of the polygon gets cut off near an edge of the paper.1
7. olor your tessellation so that all rotation sy((etries are the sa(e color.
III% Glide Re$le'tions:
9. "race your figure on a piece of construction paper.
:. 8lide your figure down, and then reflect it over the vertical axis. )You can also slide the figure to the
right and then reflect it over the vertical axis.1
;. ontinue translating, reflecting and tracing your figure until your page is full.
4. olor each figure that faces the sa(e direction the sa(e color.
!EA"#$E E2A,03E&
Glide Reflection
Polygon should have
opposite sides that are
parallel and congruent.
Cut your index card
into a 3x3 square
Cut your index card
into a 3x3 square
!EA"#$E E2A,03E&
______ Translations (10 points)
- Index card of tessellated shape was attached to the project and turned in.
- The tessellated shape was created using a translation, rotation, and/or glide reflection.
______ !erall "ppearance (1# points)
- $our project should loo% co&plete and professional.
- It should 'e colored (not done co&pletel( in pencil).
- The entire paper &ust 'e co!ered. (There should )T 'e an( e&pt( space.)
- The shapes &ust fit together li%e a pu**le () o!erlap).
______ +reati!it( (# points)
- $our project should 'e ,)I-,. and should show effort.
- /tudents can ha!e si&ilar for&ats, 'ut not identical projects.
TOT0- GR03E: ______456
______ Translations (10 points)
- Index card of tessellated shape was attached to the project and turned in.
- The tessellated shape was created using a translation, rotation, and/or glide reflection.
______ !erall "ppearance (1# points)
- $our project should loo% co&plete and professional.
- It should 'e colored (not done co&pletel( in pencil).
- The entire paper &ust 'e co!ered. (There should )T 'e an( e&pt( space.)
- The shapes &ust fit together li%e a pu**le () o!erlap).
______ +reati!it( (# points)
- $our project should 'e ,)I-,. and should show effort.
- /tudents can ha!e si&ilar for&ats, 'ut not identical projects.
TOT0- GR03E: ______456