Hypnosis Trance Script

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The passage discusses using self-hypnosis to achieve goals and solve problems. It provides a hypnotic induction script to help the listener relax deeply.

The purpose of the hypnotic induction script is to guide the listener to imagine a relaxing place and take them deeper into a state of relaxation through counting down from 10 to 1.

The hypnotist uses techniques like embedded suggestions, dependent suggestions, presuppositions, illusory choices, and nominalisations marked in the script to take the listener deeper into relaxation.

Transcript of hypnotic induction from audiotape

How to use Hypnosis to help yourself and others

Free by Email: Self Hypnosis For Health, Wealth and Wisdom
Have you ever wondered how many of the claims made for self hypnosis are
actually true? Or just how to use self hypnosis to achieve your goals, or solve
Discover this and more with our FREE Email series Click here to subscribe

The script below is part of one of two deeply relaxing
hypnotic inductions on this tape. The tape also tells
you just what hypnosis is, what it can be used for, and
how it can benefit you in your everyday life.
Click here for more info
The hypnotic language techniques in this script are
marked specially (see key below). You will fully
appreciate how this works when you hear them
delivered by top hypnotist Mark Tyrrell on the
You can also download the audio file of the script here.

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Important Note: If you record this script, do not listen to it in any
situation that requires concentration, such as driving. The same applies
to the audio download.

Underline = (Embedded) suggestion Italic = Dependent suggestion
Bold = Presupposition BOLD CAPITALS = Illusory choice
Different font = conscious/unconscious split BIG CAPITALS = nominalisation

! Download a full-length, professional self hypnosis induction here. !

Induction: A Relaxing Place
Okay, now, you can go into hypnosis with eyes open or eyes closed, but it
may well be more COMFORTABLE just to take a moment to close your
eyes right now. An interesting thing is that when you begin to relax
deeply, the flow of blood in the body is altered - when a person becomes
tense, blood tends to leave the stomach and go into the major muscle areas
and people can develop digestive problems but when you RELAX, quite
often parts of the body feel warmer. Sometimes the hands feel warmer and
blood flows into the hands and the stomach often begins to function in a
very NI CE, EVEN way as you begin to relax.
Now what you can do is just to take a few seconds now to imagine the sort
of place where you could be at this time on listening to this you are
where you can really give the space in your mind, where you can really
learn and discover the new ways of doing in your life. Now in a few
moments I am going to count from one to ten and you can just allow the
process of listening to those counts to take you more and more into that
place noticing the things you could see and hear or taste or smell and just
be aware of once being in that SPECI AL RELAXI NG place. I do not need
to know where that is and you may not even know where that is until you
find yourself there. I t could be A FOREST OR A BEACH, FIELD,
PEACEFUL AND RESTFUL and as you become more aware of thi s
pl ace you can begin to notice changes in you.
So from 1 just becoming more and more aware of how you breath
deeper as you RELAX more and how you can notice temperature
variations in different parts of the body as you go down to 2. And now you
can imagine yourself walking down to that place through A FIELD OR A
that place, thats it, 3 RELAXI NG deeper and you know the more you
experience CALMNESS in your everyday life, the more clearly the mind
can work in certain ways. and 4 thats it, drifting DOWN AND
ACROSS OR UP to 5. J ust becoming aware of the sort of shapes you
would be able to be aware of. BI RDS SI NGI NG OR WATER OR WHATEVER you
would experience in this special place you know, the skin on your face
may alter colour just a little bit the colour as blood comes to the surface.
You know when people are very tense, they tend to go pale some times and
blood can come to the surface and move around the body more freely. You
RELAX more and more to 6 and 7 and you know when you go into
hypnosis, the mind wanders inward the same way that it does when you
dream sleep. The mind wanders inward and you can travel the expanse of
your CREATI VE inner reality. Thats it 7,8 thats it just drifting
through 9 and you can begin to prepare to drift down to the next number
and when you do so you can notice how RELAXATI ON can extend more
and more throughout your body drifting around the mind. Part of you can do
what it likes and part of you can be aware what of real REST and 10 just
drifting through you dont have to see or be aware at all levels of the
special place but a part of you, even the part you are not aware of, can be
aware of this SPECI AL place and the powerful, peaceful and serene
effects that this place can have for you and on you. Almost as if just to sit
in this place can allow muscles to rest in the neck and back the legs and
the arms and even the bones to REST, almost as if they are covered by an
invisible quilt of TRANQUI LI TY thats good and all the organs to
REST and the joints (continues).

o To buy the audio tape How to Use Hypnosis to Help Yourself and Others,
click here.

o You can read more on hypnotic language patterns here

o You may forward this script in its entirety to anyone you think may be
interested, or provide it as a download from your own site as long as it is not
altered in any way.

Uncommon Knowledge Ltd 2002 All Rights Reserved

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