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Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming


Use Flowchart Symbols for
Structured Programming

Workbook 1

Developed by:

Albert Dieter Ritzhaupt, MBA, ACP

Albert Dieter Ritzhaupt, 2005
All Rights Reserved.

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming


At the conclusion of this Module, you will be able to Use Flowchart Symbols for
Structured Programming:

Use the terminal symbol
o Identify the terminal symbol
Notice the terminal symbol is visualized as a capsule
o Use the terminal symbol as either a start or end a process
Ensure flow charts have one beginning and one end
Use of the flow line and connector symbols
o Identify the flow line and connector symbol
o Use flow lines to connect two non-flow lines symbols and show the flow of control
Ensure a unidirectional relationship between two non-flow line symbols
Ensure that flow lines should not connect to other flow lines without a connector
Use the input/output symbol
o Identify the input/output symbol
o Use the input/output symbol for input
Use input from a storage device
Use input from a keyboard
Use input from an electronic monitor
o Use the input/output symbol for output
Use output to a storage device
Use output to a monitor
Use output to a printer
Use the process symbol
o Identify the process symbol
o Use a process symbol to represent a single computer operation
Notice that a process symbol is used to represent a single step in an algorithm
Notice a process symbol could be used to represent a calculation
Notice a process symbol could be used to represent a assignment
Ensure only one step is represented in a process symbol
Use the decision symbol
o Identify the decision symbol
Notice that a decision symbol is often referred to as a decision diamond
Notice that a decision symbol is supposed to evaluate one or more outcomes
o Use the use of the decision symbol to identify outcomes
Use of the decision symbol to identify one outcome
Use the decision symbol to identify two outcomes

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

Use Flowchart Symbols for Structured Programming ....................................................................... 1
OBJECTIVES....................................................................................................................................... 2
PRE INVENTORY............................................................................................................................... 4
PRE INVENTORY kEY.................................................................................................................... 12
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 13
Use the Terminal Symbol ................................................................................................................... 14
Purpose of the Terminal Symbol .................................................................................................... 14
Terminal Symbol Visualized as a Capsule ..................................................................................... 14
Terminal Symbol has one beginning and one end.......................................................................... 15
Use the Flow Line and Connector Symbols ....................................................................................... 19
Purpose of the Flow Line Symbol .................................................................................................. 19
Purpose of the Connector Symbol .................................................................................................. 19
Flow Line and Connector Symbols Visualized .............................................................................. 19
Think Logical Path for Flow Line .................................................................................................. 20
Incorrect Flowcharts Due to Missing Connectors .......................................................................... 20
Incorrect Flowcharts Due to Bidirectional Flow Lines .................................................................. 20
Purpose of the Input/Output Symbol .................................................................................................. 24
Terminal Symbol Visualized as a Capsule ..................................................................................... 24
Use the input/output symbol for an input operation....................................................................... 25
Use the input/output symbol for an output operation..................................................................... 26
Use the process symbol ...................................................................................................................... 29
Process Symbol Visualized as a Rectangle .................................................................................... 30
Incorrect Flowcharts Due to Multiple Processes in a Single Process Symbol ............................... 30
Use the decision symbol ..................................................................................................................... 34
Decision Symbol Purpose............................................................................................................... 34
Decision Symbol Visualized as a Diamond.................................................................................... 34
Use the use of the decision symbol to identify outcomes............................................................... 35
Identify One Outcome .................................................................................................................... 35
Identify Two Outcomes .................................................................................................................. 35
POST INVENTORY.......................................................................................................................... 39
POST INVENTORY KEY................................................................................................................. 47
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

DIRECTIONS: Using your Response Sheet, circle the letter which best completes the
following statements.

1. The terminal symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts.





2. The terminal symbols can be used to __________________ a flow chart process.

a. capture input and output in

b. start and end

c. open

d. both a and b above

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

3. You can see that the example flowchart above would be considered incorrect because it ________.

a. has more than one terminal end symbol

b. has more than one terminal start symbol

c. only has three terminal symbols

d. should have four terminal symbols

4. The flow line symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts and
the connector symbol is visualized as a ___________.





Start process
End process End process
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
5. A flow line symbol is analogous to a __________________ in structured programming.

a. logical path

b. connector

c. process

d. terminal symbol

6. With regards to only the flow lines, you know the example flowchart above would be considered
incorrect because ________.

a. it does not use a connector symbol to
connect flow lines

b. the two flow lines exhibit bi-directionality

c. it does use a connector symbol to connect
two flow lines

d. both b and c above

End process
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
7. The input/output symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts.





8. An input/output symbol could be used to visualize input from a ________ in a structured
programming flowchart.

a. storage device

b. keyboard

c. electronic monitor

d. All of the above

9. An input/output symbol could be used to visualize output to a ________ in a structured
programming flowchart.

a. storage device

b. flowchart symbol

c. printer

d. both a and c above

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
10. The process symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts.





11. A process symbol could be used to visualize ________ in a structured programming flowchart and
is considered to be __________ in an algorithm.

a. a calculation or assignment; a single step

b. a calculation or assignment; multiple
c. multiple calculations or assignments; a
single step
d. multiple calculations or assignments;
multiple steps

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

12. With regards to the process symbol, you know the example flowchart above would be considered
incorrect because it ________.

13. The decision symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts.





a. uses the incorrect flow chart symbol for a

b. has two processes in one process box

c. has only a calculation and an assignment
are present

d. should include only one flow line

End process
Start process
Add A to B
Move A to C
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
14. You know a decision symbol is often referred to as a(n) ________ and can be used to evaluate
_______ or more outcomes.

15. With regards to the decision symbol, you know the example flowchart above evaluates ________

a. algorithm; one

b. algorithm; two

c. decision diamond; one

d. decision diamond; two

a. one

b. two

c. three

d. four

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

16. With regards to the decision symbol, the example flowchart above evaluates ________


a. one

b. two

c. three

d. four

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming


1. A
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. D
10. C
11. A
12. B
13. D
14. C
15. B
16. A


If you answered fifteen (15) questions correctly, you have sufficient knowledge of this Module. You
may review this workbook if you deem necessary.

If you answered two (2) or more questions incorrectly, review the following pages.


1 3 pages 14 - 18
4 6 pages 19 - 23
7 9 pages 24 - 28
10 12 pages 29 - 33
13 16 pages 34 - 38

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
Use Flowchart Symbols for
Structured Programming


In this module, you will learn how to Use Flowchart Symbols for Structured Programming
including the following:

Use the terminal symbol
o Identify the terminal symbol
Notice the terminal symbol is visualized as a capsule
o Use the terminal symbol as either a start or end a process
Ensure flow charts have one beginning and one end
Use of the flow line and connector symbols
o Identify the flow line and connector symbol
o Use flow lines to connect two non-flow lines symbols and show the flow of control
Ensure a unidirectional relationship between two non-flow line symbols
Ensure that flow lines should not connect to other flow lines without a connector
Use the input/output symbol
o Identify the input/output symbol
o Use the input/output symbol for input
Use input from a storage device
Use input from a keyboard
Use input from an electronic monitor
o Use the input/output symbol for output
Use output to a storage device
Use output to a monitor
Use output to a printer
Use the process symbol
o Identify the process symbol
o Use a process symbol to represent a single computer operation
Notice that a process symbol is used to represent a single step in an algorithm
Notice a process symbol could be used to represent a calculation
Notice a process symbol could be used to represent a assignment
Ensure only one step is represented in a process symbol
Use the decision symbol
o Identify the decision symbol
Notice that a decision symbol is often referred to as a decision diamond
Notice that a decision symbol is supposed to evaluate one or more outcomes
o Use the use of the decision symbol to identify outcomes
Use of the decision symbol to identify one outcome
Use the decision symbol to identify two outcomes
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
Use the Terminal Symbol

Purpose of the Terminal Symbol

The terminal symbol in structured programming flowcharts indicates a starting or ending point in the
logic of a process.

Terminal Symbol Visualized as a Capsule

The terminal symbol is visualized as a capsule with text within it indicating whether the terminal
symbol is being used as a starting or ending point. When reading a structured programming flowchart,
the first step is to identify the starting point visualized as a terminal symbol. The process than can be
followed to the ending terminal symbol, which indicates the end of the process being visualized. The
figure below provides an example of how a terminal symbol might look as either a starting or ending

To use the terminal symbol, you need to know that:
The terminal symbol can be used to represent either a starting or
ending point of a process
The terminal symbol is visualized as a capsule with text inside
indicating whether it is a starting or ending point
The terminal symbol is visualized as:

Starts the process
using a terminal
End process
Ends the process
using a terminal
Start process
Information goes here
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

Terminal Symbol has one beginning and one end

A typical maze will usually only have one beginning and one ending point. If this were not the case,
how would we know where to begin and where to end? A structured programming flowchart works
much the same way. It should only have one beginning point and one ending point. Otherwise, users
attempting to use the flowchart are likely to get confused.

Incorrect Flowcharts Due to Multiple Starting or Ending Points

If a software developer plans to use flowcharts to visualize complex logical processes, he or she should
be able to identify flowcharts that do not follow the principle of having one beginning and ending
point. The figure below shows two flowcharts. The first flowchart shows an example of a flowchart
that follows this principle. The second flowchart shows an example of a flowchart the does not follow
this principle. If you see more than one starting or ending point in a flowchart, you know this
flowchart did not follow this principle.

To insure the proper use of terminal symbols in structured programming
There should be only one beginning point and one ending point in a
structured programming flowchart
Generally a flowchart that has one beginning and one ending point
does not violate this principle

End process
Start process
End process
Start process
End process
Incorrect use of
terminal symbol
Correct use of
terminal symbol
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming


DIRECTIONS: Using your Response Sheet, circle the letter which best completes the
following statements.

1. The terminal symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts.





2. The terminal symbols can be used to __________________ a flow chart process.

a. capture input and output in

b. open and close

c. start and end

d. both a and c above

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

3. You can see that the example flowchart above would be considered incorrect because it ________.

a. has more than one terminal start symbol

b. has more than one terminal end symbol

c. should have six terminal symbols

d. only has three terminal symbols


Start process
End process End process
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming


1. D
2. C
3. B


If you answered any of the above questions incorrectly, review this section of the text before

If you answered the above questions correctly, proceed to the next section.

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
Use the Flow Line and Connector Symbols
Purpose of the Flow Line Symbol

The flow line symbol in structured programming flowcharts connects various non-flow line symbols.
It is intended to connect the various steps in the logical process of the flowchart.

Purpose of the Connector Symbol

The connector symbol in structured programming flowcharts is used to connect any two flow line
symbols that follow the same logical path.
Flow Line and Connector Symbols Visualized

The flow line symbol is visualized as a unidirectional arrow connecting to flowchart items. When
reading a structured programming flowchart, the flow line symbols connect the various steps in the
logical process. The connector symbol is visualized as a circle and is used to connect to flow line
symbols on a logical path. The figure below provides an illustration of how a connector symbol and
flow line symbols might be used in a logical process.

To use the flow line and connector symbols, you need to know that:
The flow line symbol can be used to connect two non-flow line
symbols in a logical path
The connector symbol can be used to connect one or more flow line
symbols on a logical path
The flow line and connector symbols are visualized as:

Flow line symbols are
connecting non-flow
line symbols in a
logical process
Connector symbol
used to connect two or
more flow line
End process
Start process
Flow line symbol Connector symbol
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

Think Logical Path for Flow Line

A flow line symbol should be thought of a logical path between steps in a logical process. The term
logical path is analogous to flow line symbol in structured programming flowcharts
Incorrect Flowcharts Due to Missing Connectors

It is important to insure that your structured programming flowcharts do not connect two or more flow
lines without the use of a connector symbol. A software developer should be able to identify
flowcharts that do not follow this principle. In the figure below titled example 1, the first example
shows what a flowchart might look like if it does not follow this principle. Directly below the
incorrect figure is an example of how a connector would be used to resolve the problem.
Incorrect Flowcharts Due to Bidirectional Flow Lines

If a software developer plans to use flowcharts to visualize complex logical processes, he or she should
be able to identify flowcharts that do not follow the principle of unidirectional flow lines. A single
logical path cannot go in two directions without the use of a decision symbol which will be discussed
in a subsequent lesson. The figure below titled example 2 shows what a flowchart that does not follow
the principle of unidirectional flow lines. This is confusing to a reader of this flowchart because it
would indicate that the logical path can go in both directions.

To insure the proper use of flow line and connector symbols in structured
programming flowcharts:
Recognize that a flow line is analogous to a logical path.
Ensure that connector symbols are used to connect any two or more
flow line symbols on the same logical path.
Ensure that the all flow lines used only have one direction
Start process
End process
Correct use of
Incorrect because
no of connector
Some process
because of bi-
Example 1 Example 2
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming


DIRECTIONS: Using your Response Sheet, circle the letter which best completes the
following statements.

4. The flow line symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts and
the connector symbol is visualized as a ___________.





5. A flow line symbol is analogous to a __________________ in structured programming.

a. connector

b. logical path

c. terminal symbol

d. process

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

6. With regards to only the flow lines, you know the example flowchart above would be considered
incorrect because it ________.

a. does use a connector symbol to connect
flow lines

b. does not include directionality

c. does not use a connector symbol to
connect two flow lines

d. both a and c above


End process
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming


4. A
5. B
6. C


If you answered any of the above questions incorrectly, review this section of the text before

If you answered the above questions correctly, proceed to the next section.

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

Purpose of the Input/Output Symbol

The input/output symbol in structured programming flowcharts is
used to represent either an input or output operation, such as
reading from a file or writing to a computer monitor.

Terminal Symbol Visualized as a Capsule

The input/output symbol is visualized as a parallelogram with text within it indicating what type of the
input or output operation is being used. An input/output symbol can be used only to represent a single
input or output operation. Therefore, if a read operation is being visualized, the symbol cannot be used
to also represent a write operation. It can only represent a single input or output operation. The figure
below provides two examples of the input/output symbol being used.

To use the input/output symbol, you need to know that:
The input/output symbol can be used to represent single input or
output operation
The input/output symbol is visualized as a parallelogram with text
inside indicating the type of input or output operation
The input/output symbol is visualized as:

End process
Start process
Read Name
Write Name
An input operation
An output operation
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
Use the input/output symbol for an input operation

An input/output symbol used as input can be used for input from
many different input devices. The specific type of operation is
usually described as either an open or read operation, such as reading
opening a file or from the keyboard.

It is important to note that if a logical process requires information
that must be used; the flowchart must first show an input operation
gathering that input for the subsequent process. A few of the devices described below are common
devices used for input operations:

A storage device A storage device is used to store secondary memory nonvolatile. Some
examples of storage devices include floppy disks, hard drives, flash memory sticks, compact
disks, or digital video disks.
A keyboard A keyboard is one of the more common input devices. A keyboard consists of
various keys that allow the users to input data, control cursor and pointer locations, and to
control the dialog with a computer.
An electronic monitor An electronic monitor is example of an uncommon input device. An
electronic monitor, such as those used in point-of-sale systems are often referred to as touch
screens. A user of an electronic monitor will type input on the screen

The examples provided above are not the only types of input devices or sources of input. The diagram
below provides two examples of input: one from a user and one from a file. It is not necessary to
specify the source or the device, as shown below. However, for clarity purposes it can sometimes be
helpful to the user of the flowchart.

An input/output symbol can be used for input from:
A storage device
A keyboard
An electronic monitor
Read name from
a keyboard
Open the emp.dat
Example 2
End process
Start process
Read Name
from keyboard
Example 1
End process
Start process
Open emp.dat
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
Use the input/output symbol for an output operation

An input/output symbol used as output can be used for output to
many different output devices. The specific types of operations are
usually described as either a close or write operation, such as closing
a file or writing to a printer.

It is important to note that some devices can be both input devices
and output devices. For example, a touch screen electronic monitor
or a storage device can be used for both output and input. A few of
the devices described below are common devices used for output

A storage device Described in input.
An electronic monitor Described in input.
A printer - A printer is a computer peripheral device that produces a hard copy, which is a
permanent human-readable text and/or combination of graphics, usually on paper, from data
stored in a computer connected to it.

The examples provided above are not the only types of output devices. The diagram below provides
two examples of output: one to a printer and to a file. It is not necessary to specify the device, as
shown below. However, for clarity purposes it can sometimes be helpful to the user of the flowchart.

An input/output symbol can be used for output to:
A storage device
An electronic monitor
A printer

Write report to a
Close the emp.dat
Example 2
End process
Start process
Write report to
Example 1
End process
Start process
Close emp.dat
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

DIRECTIONS: Using your Response Sheet, circle the letter which best completes the
following statements.

7. The input/output symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts.





8. An input/output symbol could be used to visualize input from a ________ in a structured
programming flowchart.

a. speaker

b. keyboard

c. electronic monitor

d. both b and c above

9. An input/output symbol could be used to visualize output to a ________ in a structured
programming flowchart.

a. storage device

b. electronic monitor

c. printer

d. All of the above

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming


7. C
8. D
9. D


If you answered any of the above questions incorrectly, review this section of the text before

If you answered the above questions correctly, proceed to the next section.

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
Use the process symbol

The process symbol is used to represent any single operation in an
algorithm. Generally, this type of operation is either a calculation or an
assignment statement. A calculation is a deliberate process for
transforming one or more inputs into a result using either arithmetic or
logical operations. For example, the calculation below shows two ways of
represents a single adding operation using two inputs and resulting in one

An assignment statement is similar to a calculation, but does not include a logical or mathematical
operation. As assignment statement is the transfer of a value from one variable to another. For
example, the assignment statements below show two ways of representing the transfer of one value to

The process symbol can be used to represent these types of operations. These types of operations are
considered single steps in an algorithm. An algorithm is a procedure or formula for solving problem,
and is what a flowchart represents in its entirety.

A process symbol can be used to:
Represent a calculation
Represent an assignment statement
Represents a single computer operation in an algorithm

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
Process Symbol Visualized as a Rectangle

A process symbol in structured programming flowcharts is visualized as a rectangle with text inside
representing the specific type of operation taking place. The type examples below show how a process
symbol can be used for the operations shown above.

Incorrect Flowcharts Due to Multiple Processes in a Single Process Symbol

A software developer should be able to identify flowcharts that do not follow the principle of a single
operation in a process symbol. A process symbol can only represent one operation per process symbol.
The figure below provides an example of an incorrect use of a flowchart because of two processes in a
single process symbol and how the process should be represented.

A process symbol is:
Only a single calculation or assignment statement
Visualized as a rectangle with text inside indicating the type of
The input/output symbol is visualized as:

A calculation An assignment
Example 2
End process
Start process
Example 1
End process
Start process

Incorrect Correct
Example 2
End process
Start process
Example 1
+ A
End process
Start process
+ A
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming


DIRECTIONS: Using your Response Sheet, circle the letter which best completes the
following statements.

10. The process symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts.





11. A process symbol could be used to visualize ________ in a structured programming flowchart and
is considered to be __________ in an algorithm.

a. two calculations or assignments; multiple

b. two calculations or assignments; a single

c. a calculation or assignment; multiple

d. a calculation or assignment; a single step

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

12. With regards to the process symbol, you know the example flowchart above would be considered
incorrect because it ________.


a. has two processes in one process box

b. uses the incorrect flow chart symbol for a

c. should not include only one flow line

d. has only a calculation and an assignment
are present

End process
Start process
Add A to B
Move A to C
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming


10. C
11. D
12. A


If you answered any of the above questions incorrectly, review this section of the text before

If you answered the above questions correctly, proceed to the next section.
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
Use the decision symbol
Decision Symbol Purpose

A decision symbol is one of the most powerful visual aids in
structured programming flowcharts. It is used to evaluate one or
more outcomes logical paths. Alternative paths are taken based on
the evaluation of a decision symbol.
Decision Symbol Visualized as a Diamond

If a software developer plans to visualize one or more outcomes, a
decision symbol must be used. Since a decision symbol looks like a
diamond, we sometimes refer to a decision symbol as a decision
diamond. A decision diamond is used to show the logical path that
should be taken. A decision symbol is visualized as a diamond with
test inside indicating the condition to be evaluated. The figure below shows how a decision symbol
can be used to evaluate two outcomes based on a condition.

The figure above shows two possible outcomes based on one condition. If the condition evaluates to
true, the left path is taken. If the condition evaluates to false, the right path is taken. This is what is
meant to evaluate between one or more outcomes.

To use the decision symbol, you need to know that:
A decision symbol is sometimes referred to as a decision diamond
The decision symbol is visualized as a diamond with text inside
indicating the condition to be evaluated
The decision symbol is visualized as:

End process
Start process
Outcome 1 Outcome 2
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

Use the use of the decision symbol to identify outcomes

As previously mentioned, the decision diamond is
used to evaluate outcomes based on some condition.
To shed more light, this section will show an example
of one outcome evaluated and an example of two
outcomes evaluated based on a condition.
Identify One Outcome

The following sentence represents a condition with
one outcome. If a child is greater than 38in tall, he
can ride on the rollercoaster, otherwise, he cannot.
The one outcome here is that a child will ride the
rollercoaster. Since not riding a rollercoaster is not a
process or action, then we do not consider it a
possible outcome. The figure to the left shows this
visualized as a flowchart.
Identify Two Outcomes

The concept of overtime pay provides a very
strong example of a condition being evaluated
with two possible outcomes. If an employee
worked more than forty hours in one week, he is
paid time and one half, otherwise, he is paid
normally. In this example, regardless of
whether the condition is true or false, two
possible outcome or actions or processes are
taken. The figure to the right shows this
visualized as a flowchart.

Notice that the corners of the diamond are not
required as being true or false, they are interchangeable as long as they are marked properly.

You should be able to identify a decision symbol used to:
Evaluate one outcome
Evaluate two outcomes

End process
Start process
height > 38in
Child rides
End process
Start process
hours > 40
Overtime No Overtime
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming


DIRECTIONS: Using your Response Sheet, circle the letter which best completes the
following statements.

13. The decision symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts.





14. You know a decision symbol is often referred to as a(n) ________ and can be used to evaluate
_______ or more outcomes.

a. operation ; one

b. decision diamond; one

c. operation; two

d. decision diamond; two

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

15. With regards to the decision symbol, you know the example flowchart above evaluates ________

16. With regards to the decision symbol, the example flowchart above evaluates ________

a. two

b. three

c. four

d. five
a. four

b. three

c. two

d. one
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming


13. A
14. B
15. A
16. D


If you answered any of the above questions incorrectly, review this section of the text before

If you answered the above questions correctly, proceed to the next section.
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

DIRECTIONS: Using your Response Sheet, circle the letter which best completes the
following statements.

1. The terminal symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts.





2. The terminal symbols can be used to __________________ a flow chart process.

a. capture input and output in

b. close

c. start and end

d. both a and b above

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

3. You can see that the example flowchart above would be considered incorrect because it ________.

a. should have six terminal symbols

b. only has three terminal symbols

c. has more than one terminal start symbol

d. has more than one terminal end symbol

4. The flow line symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts and
the connector symbol is visualized as a ___________.





Start process
End process End process
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
5. A flow line symbol is analogous to a __________________ in structured programming.

a. process

b. logical path

c. terminal symbol

d. connector

6. With regards to only the flow lines, you know the example flowchart above would be considered
incorrect because ________.

a. it does use a connector symbol to connect
two flow lines

b. it does not use a connector symbol to
connect flow lines

c. the two flow lines exhibit bi-directionality

d. both b and c above

End process
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
7. The input/output symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts.





8. An input/output symbol could be used to visualize input from a ________ in a structured
programming flowchart.

a. storage device

b. electronic monitor

c. keyboard

d. All of the above

9. An input/output symbol could be used to visualize output to a ________ in a structured
programming flowchart.

a. printer

b. electronic monitor

c. storage device

d. All of the above

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

10. The process symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts.





11. A process symbol could be used to visualize ________ in a structured programming flowchart and
is considered to be __________ in an algorithm.

a. multiple calculations or assignments; multiple

b. multiple calculations or assignments; a single step

c. a calculation or assignment; multiple steps

d. a calculation or assignment; a single step

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

12. With regards to the process symbol, you know the example flowchart above would be considered
incorrect because it ________.

13. The decision symbol is visualized as a ___________ in structured programming flow charts.





a. uses the incorrect flow chart symbol for a

b. should include only one flow line

c. has two processes in one process box

d. has only a calculation and an assignment
are present

End process
Start process
Add A to B
Move A to C
Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming
14. You know a decision symbol is often referred to as a(n) ________ and can be used to evaluate
_______ or more outcomes.

15. With regards to the decision symbol, you know the example flowchart above evaluates ________

a. algorithm; one

b. decision diamond; two

c. decision diamond; one

d. algorithm; two

a. four

b. three

c. two

d. one

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming

16. With regards to the decision symbol, the example flowchart above evaluates ________


a. two

b. one

c. four

d. three

Workbook 1: Use flowchart symbols for structured programming


1. B
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. B
11. D
12. C
13. D
14. C
15. C
16. B


If you answered fifteen (15) questions correctly, you have sufficient knowledge of this Module. You
may review this workbook if you deem necessary.

If you answered two (2) or more questions incorrectly, review the following pages.


1 3 pages 14 - 18
4 6 pages 19 - 23
7 9 pages 24 - 28
10 12 pages 29 - 33
13 16 pages 34 - 38

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