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****Business success is dependent on a variety of factors -
a realistic business idea, a well thought-out business plan, an appropriate marketing
strategy and great customer service are amongst the top ones. While customer service is a part of marketing, it can be segregated as a separate field on its own. It's important to define the term customer service before we proceed. Customer service includes all aspects of interaction with a customer and speaks to the organiation's image in the mind of a customer. A customer provides an organization with that most organic of all advertising tools - word of mouth advertising. A happy and satisfied customer is much more likely to send more customers your way. Further, there is the potential for repeat business, which is the backbone of many businesses. It is obvious that a customer who has been provided with a product or service that he or she desired in the ideal way, would build a relationship with the seller. Further customer relationship management teaches the business where there are flaws in the system and provides valuable customer feedback. hen a business receives feedback, it is able to see the customer!s image of the organization and the impression of its services. "his tool is invaluable in correcting systems as well as image management for the business. It is also an outsider!s perspective, which provides the business owner or management a uni#ue insight. Additionally, a satisfied customer would be more likely to participate in activities that help to generate customer preference data. "his data goes back to the marketing function in assisting the organization to better target and attract it potential customers. In fact, it would not be a stretch to say that without good customer service, a business would not survive. "he old adage !"he customer is always right! has been the foundation of many an organization and what it really means is that keeping customers happy is the foremost principle of any business. "he reason for the survival of many small businesses in a tough and competitive market is their ability to provide personalized customer service. It is the human touch that warms and enlivens an organization in the customer!s mind and goes towards building a relationship. "his relationship is the basis of future growth for a business. $egular and sustained interaction with a customer ensures that the customer feels connected with the business. For instance, a small pub owner who chats with his customers and knows them by name builds a relationship with them. Further, when he makes sure that their regular bartender makes their drinks and the food is fresh and hot, he is providing customer service. "he customers have a good e%perience and feel that the establishment treated them well. &nce an organization grows or goes online, there is less potential for this face-to-face interaction and then the business must find creative ways to ensure customer satisfaction. "he role of customer service to a business, online or offline, is essential to its growth and survival. ******As category management continues to evolve in the chain drug industry, there is a fear among some retailers and manufacturers that, in practice, it may erode the buyer!s ability to make creative decisions that can build bottom line sales. Although category management sounds good in theory, a manufacturer said, in principle it can actually 'dilute the buyer, make them into something they!re not #ualified to be. '"he function of buyer and category manager or category analyst should be separate,' this manufacturer source said. '$etailers need dedicated category analysts at the retail level to keep track of what a particular brand, item or category can do. (ost $ecent )ealth *are Articles A +umb ,ew )ealth Insurance Idea- .unishing .atients For "ests and .rocedures .reventing Fatal (edical /rrors- It!s 0oing to 1e a 2ong, )ard 3log Attention 0ene 3e#uencing *ompanies- Find A ,iche 2ooking for a 0reat )ospital4 0ood 2uck -- the 5uality +ata 3ucks (oney "alks, ,obody alks on the (edicare 0ravy "rain (ore 6 '1ut you don!t want the buyer to be involved with that because the buyer has to be open, has to think like a merchant. 1uyers should be creative. "hey should be looking for products and promotional ideas that will bring in the customers. "hey should be buying so they can bring their category!s business to the ne%t highest level.' &ne top sales e%ecutive for a midsize est *oast-based beauty care company agreed. )e said, '*ategory management would be better served if the analyst functions are kept separate from the buying functions. "he analyst should be the one relating to the buyer how well they!ve succeeded in building their business. "he analyst should be telling the buyer which of their creative decisions worked and which didn!t, and, at that point, products can either be deleted or e%panded based on their performance.' '"he buyer!s 7ob is and should be, to find the right assortment, the best products, the best promotions that will create sales,' added the e%ecutive vice president of a large manufacturing company. '"hey are one of the creative forces in the retail chain. 1ut today, you find buyers talking about electronic data interactions and about advance ship notices. "hese important operational issues should be done for the buyers. "hey!re not what a buyer should be doing.' &ne leading beauty care manufacturer said retailers are focusing too much on efficient assortments in the beauty care sections of their stores, and not enough on developing strategies to increase customer traffic and build sales. '&ne of the drawbacks to category management,' he said, 'is that retailers are focused on cosmetics, not on beauty. e try to think of opportunities to help them think of beauty care as a whole assortment of products including hair and skin care. +epartment stores are losing a lot of share in skin care and drug stores have an opportunity. '"he challenge is to have differentiated displays and service, yet the category management focus on efficient assortment shifts the thinking away from traffic building initiatives, such as service and innovative displays.' '*ategory management has its place if it!s used properly,' said the owner of a small manufacturing company in the ,ortheast. '1ut today, lots of retailers are using it to enhance their bottom line. 8pper management is encouraging buyers to rely on vendors to help finance their ac#uisition activities and they!re forgetting all about the consumer!s point of view. 3o what you see is that retailers are giving their support to the large manufacturers who have lots of dollars to spend on the retailer!s advertising programs and the smaller guys are being left out of the picture. '&ne of the results is that buyers are no longer being rewarded for taking chances and developing new business opportunities by finding new products or new vendors. "hey are being rewarded for negotiating the best deals and enhancing the bottom line. "here!s a conse#uence to that. 'After a while all the retail stores will start to look alike, all carrying the same brands from the same big manufacturers, and the stores will inevitably become more and more boring, and the consumer will begin to shop somewhere else.' *&.9$I0)" :;;< $eproduced with permission of the copyright holder. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission. *&.9$I0)" =>>? 0ale, *engage 2earning *****.urchasing (anagers, 1uyers, and .urchasing Agents ,ature of the ork "raining, &ther 5ualifications, and Advancement /mployment @ob &utlook .ro7ections /arnings ages $elated &ccupations 3ources of Additional Information 3ignificant .oints About A= percent of purchasing managers, buyers, and purchasing agents are employed in wholesale trade or manufacturing establishments. /mployment is pro7ected to grow < percent, which is as fast as the average. &pportunities should be best for those with a college degree in engineering, business, economics, or one of the applied sciences. .rospects often need continuing education or certification to advance. About this section ,ature of the ork About this section .urchasing managers, buyers, and purchasing agents buy a vast array of farm products, durable and nondurable goods, and services for companies and institutions. "hey attempt to get the best deal for their companyBthe highest #uality goods and services at the lowest possible cost. "hey accomplish this by studying sales records and inventory levels of current stock, identifying foreign and domestic suppliers, and keeping abreast of changes affecting both the supply of, and demand for, needed products and materials. .urchasing professionals consider price, #uality, availability, reliability, and technical support when choosing suppliers and merchandise. "o be effective, purchasing professionals must have a working technical knowledge of the goods or services to be purchased. "here are several ma7or types of purchasing managers, buyers, and purchasing agents. holesale and retail buyers purchase goods, such as clothing or electronics, for resale. .urchasing agents buy goods and services for use by their own company or organization. .urchasing agents and buyers of farm products purchase goods such as grain, *hristmas trees, and tobacco for further processing or resale. .urchasing managers usually handle more complicated purchases and may supervise a group of purchasing agents. .urchasing professionals employed by government agencies or manufacturing firms usually are called purchasing directors, managers, or agentsC sometimes they are known as contract specialists. .urchasing professionals in government place solicitations for services and accept bids and offers through the Internet. 3ome purchasing managers, called contract or supply managers, specialize in negotiating and supervising supply contracts. .urchasing specialists who buy finished goods for resale are employed by wholesale and retail establishments, where they commonly are known as buyers or merchandise managers. holesale and retail buyers are an integral part of a comple% system of distribution and merchandising that caters to the vast array of consumer needs and desires. holesale buyers purchase goods directly from manufacturers or from other wholesale firms for resale to retail firms, commercial establishments, and other organizations. In retail firms, buyers purchase goods from wholesale firms or directly from manufacturers for resale to the public. 1uyers largely determine which products their establishment will sell. "herefore, it is essential that they have the ability to predict what will appeal to consumers. If they fail to purchase the right products for resale, buyers 7eopardize the profits and reputation of their company. "hey keep track of inventories and sales levels, check competitors! sales activities, and watch general economic conditions to anticipate consumer buying patterns. 1uyers working for large and medium-sized firms usually specialize in ac#uiring one or two lines of merchandise, whereas buyers working for small stores may purchase the establishment!s complete inventory. /valuating suppliers is one of the most critical functions of a purchasing manager, buyer, or purchasing agent. (any firms now run on a lean manufacturing schedule and use 7ust-in-time inventories so any delays in the supply chain can shut down production and potentially cost the firm its customers. .urchasing professionals use many resources to find out all they can about potential suppliers. "he Internet has become an effective tool for searching catalogs, trade 7ournals, industry and company publications, and directories. .urchasing professionals attend meetings, trade shows, and conferences to learn of new industry trends and make contacts with suppliers. "hey often interview prospective suppliers and visit their plants and distribution centers to assess their capabilities. It is important to make certain that the supplier is capable of delivering the desired goods or services on time, in the correct #uantities, and without sacrificing #uality. &nce all of the necessary information on suppliers is gathered, orders are placed, and contracts are awarded to those suppliers who meet the purchaser!s needs. (ost of the transaction process is now automated through use of the Internet. .urchasing professionals often work closely with other employees in a process called Dteam buying.E For e%ample, before submitting an order, the team may discuss the design of custom- made products with company design engineers, the problems involving the #uality of purchased goods with production supervisors, or the issues in shipping with managers in the receiving department. "his additional interaction improves the #uality of buying by adding different perspectives to the process. ork environment. (ost purchasing managers, buyers, and purchasing agents work in comfortable offices. "hey fre#uently work more than the standard A>-hour week, because of special sales, conferences, or production deadlines. /vening and weekend work also is common before holiday and back-to-school seasons for those working in retail trade. *onse#uently, many retail firms discourage the use of vacation time during peak periods. "ravel is sometimes necessary. .urchasers for worldwide companies may even travel outside the 8nited 3tates. *****policies and procedures. * Act as mentor to the 1uyer role. 3kills and 5ualifications * /%cellent personal... 3enior 1uyer FIndirectsG3ervicesH IJK,>>> $otherham &ur client seeks a high-calibre 3enior 1uyer... categories. A strong indirectGservices sourcing background Fe.g. travel, transport, advertising, print....urchasing *******"he $ole of a 1uyers Agent - < Advantages for 1uyersA property buyers agent is a #ualified real estate professional that works e%clusively for the purchaser. A traditional selling agent works for the seller and is intent on achieving the highest possible sales price for the seller.
Attachment F&$ I((/+IA"/ $/2/A3/ .$ 2og F.ress $eleaseH L Feb >A, =>:> L A property buyers agent For buyers advocateH is a #ualified real estate professional that works e%clusively for the purchaser. A traditional selling agent works for the seller and is intent on achieving the highest possible sales price for the seller. ith todayMs hectic lifestyles, more and more people are choosing to use a buyers agent to help them buy their home or investment property. According to the $eal /state 1uyers Agents Association of Australia F$/1AAH, appro%imately K> firms in Australia act e%clusively as real estate buyers agents compared with = a decade earlier. As a professional property buyers agent sydney, .rosper 0roup are often asked about the role we play in the property buying process and also what advantages we can provide. 3o why are more people choosing to use a buyers agent4 :. .rofessional property buyers agents are property e%perts and have detailed information on the areas that they specialise in. "hey can advise you on the best streets, the most sought after types of properties, properties that have better potential for capital growth and those to avoid. =. A buyers agent searches and reviews the details of hundreds of properties each week and inspects dozens of short listed properties on your behalf, saving you hundreds of hours of legwork contacting all the selling agents, trawling the internet and sacrificing your weekends viewing properties L you are taken straight to the best properties. J. 1uyers agents use their contacts in the real estate profession to obtain details of properties before they are even advertised on the open market Foften called silent salesH. "his suits some sellers who may be reluctant to allow their home to be open for invasive home inspections and who may not wish to pay for the advertising costs to market the property. "he advantage for buyers is that you are not competing against other buyers to purchase the property. A. 1ecause your buyers agent is doing this full-time they are able to search across a wider and more e%tensive range of properties than you would be able to yourself. "his ensures that you have a wider and better selection of properties to choose from. K. A buyers agent does all the research and due diligence for you, liaising with property valuers, building and pest consultants, engineers, surveyors, architects and other consultants as re#uired to ensure your property represents value in every respect. N. 1uyers agents are e%perienced negotiators. "hey will negotiate on your behalf to secure the property at the lowest possible price. Also, they know the right tactics and strategies to use when dealing with real estate agents and remain ob7ective at all times without becoming emotionally attached to a property. <. 1ecause property A property buyers agent For buyers advocateH is a #ualified real estate professional that works e%clusively for the purchaser. A traditional selling agent works for the seller and is intent on achieving the highest possible sales price for the seller.O O O ****,egotiate price and to supply a companies needs in a timely manner 1alance best price and best service for an organization ****3ometimes consumers make evaluationsGchoices very carefully 3ometimes consumers make evaluationsGchoices with little care InvolvementBstrength of motivation, importance )abit Affective responses
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