Water and Economic Growth. Edward B. Barbier

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2004. The Economic Society of Australia. ISSN 00130249
THE ECONOMIC RECORD, VOL. 80, NO. 248, MARCH, 2004, 116
Water and Economic Growth*
Department of Economics and Finance, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, USA
Several hydrological studies forecast a global problem of water
scarcity. This raises the question as to whether increasing water scarcity
may impose constraints on the growth of countries. The inuence of
water utilisation on economic growth is depicted through a growth
model that includes this congestible nonexcludable good as a productive
input for private producers. Growth is negatively affected by the
governments appropriation of output to supply water but positively
inuenced by the contribution of increased water use to capital pro-
ductivity, leading to an inverted-U relationship between economic growth
and the rate of water utilisation. Cross-country estimations conrm
this relationship and suggest that for most economies current rates of
fresh water utilisation are not yet constraining growth. However, for a
handful of countries, moderate or extreme water scarcity may adversely
affect economic growth. Nevertheless, even for water-scarce countries,
there appears to be little evidence that there are severe diminishing
returns to allocating more output to provide water, thus resulting in
falling income per capita. These results suggest caution over the claims
of some hydrological-based studies of a widespread global water crisis.
I Introduction
Recent hydrological projections of the worlds
fresh water resources have pointed to an emerging
global threat, the dwindling supply of fresh water
relative to the growing demand for water world-
wide (Falkenmark et al. 1998; Revenga et al. 2000;
Vrsmarty et al. 2000). According to various scen-
arios, water scarcity is expected to grow dramatically
in some regions as competition for water increases
between agricultural, urban and commercial sectors.
* Invited address, Australian Conference Of Economists,
Glenelg, South Australia, Australia, 13 October 2002.
I am grateful to Richard Damania, Keith Hancock, Patrik
Hultberg, Chuck Mason and two anonymous referees for
helpful comments, to Lee Bailiff for research assistance
and to Margie Reis for assistance in manuscript preparation.
Correspondence: Professor Edward B. Barbier, John S.
Bugas Professor of Economics, Department of Econ-
omics and Finance, University of Wyoming, PO Box
3985, Laramie, WY 82071-3985, USA. Email:
[email protected]
The cause of this global water crisis is largely the
result of population growth and economic develop-
ment rather than global climate change (Vrsmarty
et al. 2000).
Any contribution that economics can make to the
current hydrological debate over the future water
crisis must be to examine the claim that increasing
water scarcity may reduce the per capita income of
countries. This is the issue addressed by the follow-
ing paper.
However, some water resource experts, while not
minimising the potential threat of water scarcity, are less
sanguine about the accuracy of future projections of global
and regional water shortages (Gleick 2000). Because future
technical, efciency and institutional improvements are so
difcult to predict, current projections of future water use
vary widely. For example, two diverging studies projecting
the increase in world water demand over 19952025 sug-
gest that the increase could be as little as 13 per cent or as
much as 37 per cent (Cosgrove & Rijsberman 2000).
Modelling the relationship between water use
and economic growth in an economy requires rst
determining what type of economic good is water.
Although in some economies there is increasing
reliance on the involvement of the private sector in
providing some water services, with little loss of
generality, one can and view the aggregate supply
of water utilised by a country as a government-
provided nonexcludable good subject to congestion.
Following the approach of Barro (1990) and Barro
and Sala-I-Martin (1992), modelling the inuence
of water utilisation on economic growth allows the
development of a growth model that includes
publicly provided goods that are subject to congestion
as a productive input for private producers in an
If water has the characteristic of a nonexcludable
good subject to congestion, then there are essen-
tially two ways in which water scarcity may affect
economic growth. First, as water becomes increasingly
scarce in the economy, the government must exploit
less accessible sources of fresh water through appro-
priating and purchasing a greater share of aggregate
economic output, in terms of dams, pumping stations,
supply infrastructure etc. Second, it is also possible
that water utilisation in an economy may be restricted
by the absolute availability of water. Thus the inu-
ence of water use on growth may be different for a
water-constrained economy. As a consequence, in
our model we distinguish between the case in which
water is not a binding constraint in the economy and
the case in which it is binding.
In the interior solution with no absolute water
scarcity constraint, our model suggests that there
is a concave, or inverted-U, relationship between
economic growth and the rate of water utilisation.
The socially efcient rate of water utilisation also
ensures that the per capita growth rate is at its maxi-
mum. For the water-constrained economy, if too high
a proportion of output is allocated to provide water,
then the negative effects of allocating more output
to obtain the extra water will exceed any gains in
productivity. The result is that per capita output and
consumption in the economy will decline.
Our theoretical model therefore suggests two
testable propositions. First, is there any empirical
evidence of an inverted-U relationship between
economic growth and the rate of water utilisation for
a broad cross-section of countries? Second, does the
presence of moderate or extreme water scarcity ad-
versely affect economic growth in some countries?
The empirical results of this paper provide strong
support for the hypothesised inverted-U relation-
ship between economic growth and the rate of
water utilisation across countries. Estimations of this
relationship also suggest that current rates of fresh
water utilisation in the vast majority of countries are
not yet constraining economic growth. To the contrary,
there is probably scope for many countries to increase
fresh water use provided it is done efciently
and still achieve higher growth rates. However, our
empirical analysis also suggests that, for a handful
of countries, it is difcult to reject the hypothesis
that the presence of moderate or extreme water
scarcity adversely affects economic growth. Never-
theless, even for water-scarce countries, there appears
to be little evidence that there are severe diminishing
returns to allocating more output to provide water,
thus resulting in falling income per capita. Thus the
results of this paper suggest caution over the claims
of some hydrologically-based studies that by 2025
at least 17 countries are likely to face absolute
water scarcity, and an additional 24 countries may
The increasing role of the private sector in the provision
of water services in some economies is discussed further in
the conclusion, particularly with regard to improving the
efciency of water use. However, the use of institutions
such as water markets and privatised water utilities does
not necessarily detract from the overall view of water as a
congestible nonexcludable good, nor does it affect signi-
cantly the assumption that it is a public authority that is
ultimately responsible for providing this good, even though
the authority may decide that the most efcient way of
providing some services is to allow regulated private entities
be the ultimate end-use supplier. See Dosi and Easter (2000)
and Johnstone and Wood (2001) for further discussion. See
also note 7, which discusses how the model of this paper
could be compatible with either public or private provision
of delivered water.
Interestingly, the authors suggest that water systems
are a good example of this type of congestion model of
economic growth Barro and Sala-I-Martin (1992, p. 650)
state: The congestion model applies readily to highways
and other transportation facilities, water and sewer sys-
tems, courts, etc. Futagami et al. (1993) extend the model
by Barro (1990) to include both public and private capital,
which allows the additional advantage of being able to
analyse the transitional dynamics of an economy to its
steady-state. As public infrastructure is an important input
in the supply of water provided to producers, depicting
water supply as a nonexcludable, congestible good pro-
duced through public capital accumulation would be an
interesting theoretical extension of the current paper. For
example, denoting g as public infrastructure per person and
r as fresh water utilisation per capita, one could depict
r r(k
), r > 0, r < 0, and equation 2 in the model of this
paper, below, would be modied to {
z(), with the func-
tion z having the same properties dened in equation 2.
contrast, consumptive use is water withdrawn from a
source and actually consumed or lost to seepage, con-
tamination, or a sink where it cannot economically
be reused. Thus water consumption is the proportion
of water withdrawal that is irretrievably lost after
human use. For example, in 1995 total global fresh
water withdrawals amounted to 3 800 km
, of which
2 100 km
was consumed.
These standard hydrological denitions of water
withdrawal, consumption and availability imply very
limited temporal and geographical scales. Ecological
damage and losses of hydrological functions may
take several years to affect the availability of fresh
water in a region, and in poor economies there is the
additional problem that the effective supplies avail-
able to producers and households may be less than
actual supplies due to lack of access to safe water
and the time spent collecting water (Sullivan 2002).
Assessing the fresh water supplies of a country can
sometimes be arbitrary, as major rivers, lakes and
other water bodies often transcend political bound-
aries (Gleick 2000). Thus, as argued by Sullivan (2002,
pp. 12056), a more comprehensive water use index
relative to supply should take into account physical
water availability, water quality and ecological
water demand, and include as well as social and
economic measures of poverty, thereby linking
macro-level hydrological date reecting regional or
catchment-level water availability and microlevel data
on household water stress. However, to date, such
a comprehensive water use index has yet to be devel-
oped for a cross-section of regions or countries.
In this study, we will use average annual water
withdrawals (km
/year) as our measure of fresh
water utilisation. There are two reasons for this. First,
the available data across a broad range of countries
is much more reliable and accurate for water with-
drawals than consumption. Second, hydrologists
measures of water stress and scarcity are usually
couched either in terms of water availability per per-
son (cubic metres per person per year) or in terms of
relative water demand (the ratio of water withdrawals
to total fresh water resources per year).
When the
latter measure is employed, hydrologists typically
In these studies, the denition of absolute or physical
water scarcity is that, even with the highest feasible efciency
and productivity of water use, countries will not have suf-
cient water resources to meet their agricultural, domestic,
industrial, and environmental needs in 2025. Economic
water scarcity means that countries have sufcient water
resources to meet their needs in 2025 but these countries
face severe nancial and capacity problems in increasing
their additional water storage, conveyance and regulation
Faurs et al. (2000) for the FAO AQUASTAT method-
ology. Surface water resources are usually computed by
measuring total river ow occurring in a country on a yearly
basis. Groundwater resources are expressed as a measure
of aquifer recharge through inltration. In arid areas,
groundwater is estimated in terms of recharge from rain-
fall, whereas in humid areas aquifer recharge is associated
with the base ow of connected river systems.
The original development of the water stress or
scarcity index is attributed to the Swedish hydrologist Malin
Falkenmark. The Falkenmark index suggests that water
stress for a country begins when there is less than 1 700
cubic metres of fresh water available per capita per year.
When the index reaches 1 000 m
/year per capita water
stress is considered severe. For further discussion, see
Falkenmark (1989) and Falkenmark and Rockstrm (1998).
Hydrologists also use the UNs criticality ratio of water
face economic water scarcity (Seckler et al. 1999;
Cosgrove & Rijsberman 2000).
The paper is organised as follows. The next sec-
tion develops the approach for incorporating water
as a publicly provided but congestible good in a
growth model. The model is then applied to the case
in which water scarcity is binding and the case in
which water availability is a constraint on the econ-
omy. Using a cross-country data set, we then test
the hypotheses that there is an inverted-U relation-
ship between growth and water utilisation and that
water scarcity may affect this relationship adversely.
The conclusion summarises the main ndings and
results of the paper, and discusses recent institutional
innovations that may improve the efciency of
water use in economies.
II A Model of Water Use and Economic Growth
The most common measure of aggregate fresh
water availability employed by hydrologists is the
FAOs denition of a countrys total renewable
water resources, which consists of adding up aver-
age annual surface runoff and groundwater recharge
from endogenous precipitation, and typically includes
surface inows from other countries (Gleick 1998,
2000; Faurs et al. 2000).
In the following analysis,
we will use this ow indicator as our measure of the
total renewable fresh water resources of a country.
Hydrologists also distinguish two concepts of
water use: water withdrawal and water consumption
(Gleick 2000, p. 41). Withdrawal refers to water
removed or extracted from a fresh water source and
used for human purposes (i.e. industrial, agricultural
or domestic water use). However, some of this water
may be returned to the original source, albeit with
changes in the quality and quantity of the water. In
consider values for a country between 0.2 and 0.4 to
indicate medium to high water stress, whereas values
greater than 0.4 reect conditions of severe water
limitation (Cosgrove & Rijsberman 2000; Vrsmarty
et al. 2000). In the following analysis, we also con-
sider relative water demand, or what we prefer to
term the rate of water utilisation relative to fresh
water availability, to be the critical indicator.
Let w be the annual per capita renewable fresh
water resources of a country (in cubic metres per
person per year), and let r be total per capita fresh
water utilisation by that country (in cubic metres
per person per year). In essence, w represents the
hydrologists concept of the total annual water sup-
plies available to an economy on a per capita basis,
whereas r is the actual supply provided and used,
i.e. the water withdrawal.
As suggested by Barro (1990) and Barro and Sala-
I-Martin (1992), the actual supply of water withdrawn
and utilised by a country, for domestic, agricultural
and industrial purposes, has the characteristics of a
government-provided nonexcludable good subject
to congestion. That is, modelling the inuence of
per capita water withdrawal, r, on the growth of the
economy can be depicted through a growth model
that includes this congestible government-provided
good as a productive input for private producers.
The contribution of water utilisation or withdrawal,
r, to the per capita output of the ith producer, y
, can
therefore be represented as
y Ak f
f f
i i
, , .
> < 0 0 (1)
Following Rebelo (1991), part of private pro-
duction depends on constant returns to the per capita
capital stock available to the producer, k
, which is
broadly dened to include both physical and human
capital components, and A > 0 is a parameter reect-
ing the level of technology. In addition, production
increases with respect to the amount of water
utilisation, which is supplied through public services.
However, because of congestion, the ow of water
available to the ith producer is necessarily limited
by the use of water by all producers in the economy.
Denoting aggregate per capita output across all N
producers in the economy as y Ny
, it follows that
water utilisation, r, has to increase relative to y in
order to expand the water available to the ith pro-
ducer. In contrast, an increase in per capita output
relative to total water utilisation in the economy
lowers the water available to each producer, and
therefore reduces y
in equation 1.
Note, however, that the specication of equa-
tion 1 captures only the nonexcludable aspect of
immediate water utilisation among producers. What
is missing from equation 1 is any consideration of
how aggregate water utilisation in the economy
may generate feedback effects over time in terms of
reduced ecological services and thus aggregate out-
put. As discussed previously, in some regions the
cumulative ecological damages and losses of hy-
drological functions that arise from aggregate water
utilisation may affect the availability of fresh water,
although this feedback effect may take years or
even decades to manifest itself in terms of impacting
economic output (Sullivan 2002).
Not only may the aggregate water supplies in an
economy have the characteristic of a nonexcludable
good subject to congestion, but also the provision of
these supplies may be affected by their physical
availability, or water scarcity. There are two ways in
which this may occur.
First, it can be generally assumed that the govern-
ment provides water for use in the economy by ap-
propriating a share of aggregate private output. For
example, in modelling the supply of general public
goods, Barro (1990) has argued that one can think
of government as simply purchasing a ow of
output from the private sector (e.g. battleships and
highways), the services of which the government in
turn makes available to the economy as a whole. In
order to provide the water utilised by the economy,
r, one can also envision the government purchasing or
represented by equation 1. Equally, the output, y
, which
results from production may itself be delivered water.
Both factors may be particularly important with respect to
domestic water use, where the producer supplying water
directly to consumer households could be either a privately-
or publicly-owned utility. However, regardless of who owns
the water utility, this producer of delivered water to
domestic households would have to compete with producers
in the agricultural and industrial sectors for available
water supplies in the entire economy. Such aggregate
supplies of water therefore still have the characteristic of
a public good subject to congestion, and thus equation 1
applies to all private and public production in the domestic,
industrial and agricultural sectors of an economy that
utilise water.
withdrawals relative to the total fresh water renewable
resources available to each country annually (United
Nations 1997; Cosgrove & Rijsberman 2000). Vrsmarty
et al. (2000) refer to the criticality ratio as relative water
demand (RWD). An RWD value between 0.2 and 0.4
indicates medium to high stress, whereas a value greater
than 0.4 reect conditions of severe water limitation.
As noted by Barro (1990), the government could be one
of the producers in the economy with production function
appropriating a share, z, of aggregate economic output
that is specically devoted to water supply (e.g. dams,
irrigation networks, water pipes, pumping stations
etc.). This suggests that r zy. However, as per capita
fresh water utilisation in the economy, r, rises relat-
ive to the available annual per capita renewable fresh
water resources, w, one would also expect that more
aggregate output must be allocated for water supply.
As water becomes increasingly scarce, i.e. water util-
isation rises relative to available fresh water resources,
the government must exploit less accessible sources
of fresh water. To do this, requires appropriating
and purchasing a greater share of aggregate economic
output, in terms of dams, pumping stations, supply
infrastructure etc. Denoting r/w as the rate of
water utilisation relative to total fresh water avail-
ability, it therefore follows that
r z()y, z > 0, z > 0, z(0) 0,
z(0) 0, z(1) , z(1) < , (2)
where > 0, 0 < < 1, and z() < 1 is the pro-
portion of aggregate economic output appropriated
by the government for providing water, which is
assumed to be an increasing function of the rate of
water utilisation by the economy relative to its fresh
water resources, . In addition, as aggregate output,
y, rises in the economy, so does water utilisation,
r. Finally, as water becomes increasingly scarce, i.e.
1, the proportion of output appropriated by the
government to supply water is bounded above by ,
and the rate of appropriation by .
Water scarcity also inuences water utilisation in
an economy by limiting the total amount of water
available for withdrawal. That is, even if all fresh
water resources are used (i.e. 1), water with-
drawals are nite. Thus total per capita fresh water
availability imposes the following constraint on the
r z()y w, (3)
with r z()y < w if 0 < 1 and r z()y w if
Making the standard assumption that the supply
of labour and population are the same, and that popu-
lation grows at the constant rate n, per capita output
in the economy is allocated as
y c + r + { + ( + n)k, k(0) k
, (4)
where c is per capita consumption, { is the change in
the per capita capital stock over time and is the
rate of capital depreciation.
A specic functional form for z() corresponding to
equation 2 might be

, .
Finally, all consumers in the economy are assumed
to share identical preferences over an innite time
horizon, given by


dt n

, , (5)
where is the rate of time preference. Maximisation
of W with respect to choice of c and , subject to
equations 1 to 4, yields the following Lagrangian
expression, L, comprising the current-value
Hamiltonian for the problem specied by equation
5 subject to equation 4, plus the constraint on the
control variable r given by equation 3
z Akf z

[( ( )) ( ( ))


+ ( ) ] c n k
+ [w z()Akf (z() ) ]. (6)
The resulting rst-order conditions are

[ (1 z( ) )Akf z ] Akf (z() )z
[Akf (z() )z + z()Akf z],
(t) 0, w z()Akf (z() ) 0,
[w z()Akf (z() ) ] 0. (8)
| [ (1 z() )Af (z() ) ( + n) ]
+ z()Af (z() ) (9)
lim ( ) ( ) .
e t k t

0 (10)
plus the equation of motion (4). Equation 7 is the
standard condition that the marginal utility of con-
sumption equals the shadow price of capital, . Equa-
tion 8 determines the optimal allocation of the rate
of water utilisation of the economy, including the
complementary slackness condition imposed by the
water scarcity constraint. The Lagrangian multiplier
can be interpreted as the scarcity value of fresh
water supplies to the economy. Equation 9 indicates
the change over time in the marginal imputed
value of the capital stock of the economy. Finally,
equation 10 is the transversality condition for this
innite time horizon problem.
Differentiating equation 7 with respect to time and
substituting into equation 9 yields


+ +

( ( )) ( ( )) ( )

z Af z n

( ) ( ( ))

z Af z
The above equation indicates that growth in per capita
consumption is negatively affected by the govern-
ments appropriation of output to supply water, z(),
positively inuenced by the contribution of water
use to the net marginal productivity of capital,
Af (z() ) ( + n + ), and adversely impacted by
conditions of water scarcity, z()Af (z() )/c

Further interpretation of the inuence of water use
on growth in the economy requires examining the
conditions under which the water scarcity constraint
(equation 3) is binding or not. We begin with the
interior solution in which the economy is not con-
strained by per capita fresh water availability.
(i) Case 1. Water Scarcity is not Binding in the
If the water scarcity constraint (equation 3) is not
binding, then the complementary slackness con-
dition requires that w > r and (t) 0 for all t. For this
interior solution, equation 11 reduces to
g z Af z n [( ( )) ( ( )) ( )]. + +

Although water scarcity no longer affects the
growth in per capita consumption, g is still inuenced
by water utilisation in the economy. Growth is nega-
tively affected by the governments appropriation of
output to supply water, z(), and positively inuenced
by the contribution of water use to the net marginal
productivity of capital Af (z() ) ( + n + ). More-
over, it can be easily demonstrated that in this
economy, per capita consumption, capital and output
all grow at the same rate g, and there are no tran-
sitional dynamics to this steady-state growth path.
In the initial period, the socially efcient level of
water use, *, that satises equation 8 for (0) 0 is
chosen, along with the initial values for per capita
consumption and output. After the initial period, k(t),
c(t) and y(t) then grow at the constant rate deter-
mined by equation 12.
It is also straightforward to demonstrate that
the socially efcient rate of water utilisation, *,
maximises growth in the economy. Differentiating
equation 12 with respect to we get

f z z f z if ( ( )) < > 0 1 ( ( )) ( ( )). (13)
Thus, the socially efcient rate of water utilisation
that satises equation 8 also ensures that the per
Figure 1
Growth and the Rate of Water Utilization
for the Interior Solution
capita growth rate is at its maximum, g*.
as z() is strictly convex, it follows that the slope
of equation 12 with respect to the rate of water uti-
lisation is positive for < *, and conversely, is
negative for > *. Consequently, as depicted in
Figure 1, the relationship between growth and the
rate of water utilisation is concave.
However, current policies for supplying water in
most countries, even those that do not face binding
water scarcity constraints, are not socially efcient
(Dosi & Easter 2000). For example it is possible that
water management in some countries may lead to a
rate of water utilisation that is too high, i.e.
> *.
There are two implications of this outcome. First,
as is clear from Figure 1, over-use of water will
lead to a lower rate of economic growth, i.e. g
< g*.
Second, individual producers that benet from the
provision of water are not contributing a sufcient
share of the social costs of providing this non-
excludable good.
A lower rate of economic growth, i.e. g
< g*, may
also result if the rate of water utilisation is too low,
< *. An economy in this situation may be
able to increase its growth by utilising more of its
fresh water resources.
If water scarcity is not binding, i.e. (t) 0, then
condition 8 reduces to f (z() ) (1 z() )f (z() ). Efcient
water use requires that the marginal benet of an increase in
the rate of water utilisation, f (z() )/f (z() ), must equal its
marginal cost, 1/(1 z() ). The benet of increased water
utilisation in the economy is that it contributes to more
aggregate per capita output. The cost is that the govern-
ment must appropriate a larger proportion of aggregate
output to provide water supplies to the economy. The above
equation is therefore the social efciency condition deter-
mining the optimal rate of water utilisation, if the economy
does not face any binding water scarcity constraint.
The proof is available from the author upon request.
(ii) Case 2. The Water-Constrained Economy
We now turn to the case where the water scarcity
constraint equation 3 is binding in the economy, and
thus the complementary slackness condition requires
that w r and (t) > 0 for all t. Equation 2 also
implies that z
( ) , 1 z (1) < . That
is, the proportion of aggregate economic output appro-
priated by the government for providing water is
now determined by the ratio of the potential water
supplies to aggregate output, which is bounded by
the maximum rate of appropriation, .
For the water-constrained economy, growth in per
capita consumption is now governed by a modied
version of equation 11, with the rate of output
appropriated by the government to supply water set
at the maximum rate,


+ +

( ) ( ) ( )
( )

Af n
Growth in the water-constrained economy, g
is positively inuenced by the net marginal pro-
ductivity of capital, Af () ( + n + ), including
the contribution of water use to this productivity,
but adversely affected by the governments appro-
priation of output to supply water, , and by the
conditions imposed by water scarcity, Af()/.
Note as well that, in a water-constrained economy,
it is always optimal for the government to choose
the maximum rate of appropriation of output to
supply fresh water.
For the water-constrained economy, condition 8

( )
( ) ( )



f f

1 0 .
the latter expression, equation 14 can be simplied
further to
g Af n
( ) ( ) + +


f f
( )
( )
( ) ( )

Again, it is straightforward to show that in the
water-constrained economy, per capita consumption,
capital and output all grow at the same rate g
governed by equation 15.
In the initial period, the
government chooses the maximum rate of appro-
priating economic output in order to supply fresh
water, y r w, along with the initial values for
per capita consumption and output. After the initial
period, k(t), c(t) and y(t) grow at the constant rate
determined by equation 15.
Although in a water-constrained economy it is
always optimal for the government to appropriate
output at the maximum rate, , to supply fresh water,
this does not necessarily mean that economic growth
will occur. From equation 15,

g Af n
( ) ( ) < 0 if + +

< ( )
( )
( ) ( )

f f

That is, growth in the water-constrained economy
will occur only if the net marginal productivity of
capital exceeds the negative effects on the economy
of water scarcity.
If both and w are constant then it follows from this
constraint that y must also be constant; i.e. there is no
growth in per capita income in the water-constrained
economy. To rule out this outcome and to make this case
interesting, we assume that, by appropriating output at its
maximum rate, the government is able to increase fresh
water availability, although not sufciently to overcome
the binding constraint, i.e. y w r. Essentially, there are
two ways that a government might increase w in a water-
constrained economy. First, it might invest in improved
wastewater treatment to increase the rate of recovery and
return of water withdrawals to the original fresh water
sources. Second, it might invest in desalinisation plants to
augment fresh water sources with converted sea and brack-
ish water. Both approaches are common, albeit expensive,
options currently being explored by water-constrained
economies in the world (Gleick 2000).
It follows that, for the water-constrained economy, con-
dition 8 is now [ (1 )Akf () Akf ()] [Akf ()
+ Akf ()] or

( )
( ) ( )


f f

1 0 The latter
condition (17) determines the optimal use of water in the
water-constrained economy. From the complementary
slackness condition, > 0, and as > 0, which means
f f

( )
( ) ( )

> 1, i.e. in the water-constrained economy
the marginal benet of an extra unit of water in terms of
its marginal productivity contribution always exceeds the
social cost of providing water. A binding water scarcity
constraint implies that it is socially optimal for the govern-
ment to choose the maximum rate of appropriating econ-
omic output in order to supply fresh water, y r w, as
the benets of water use will always outweigh the costs of
For the proof, see the previous note.
The proof is available from the author upon request.
In sum, in the water-constrained economy, water
is always valuable in the sense that the marginal
benets of water in terms of its contribution to
marginal productivity will always exceed the social
cost of supply. This means that it is always optimal
to allocate the maximum amount of output possible to
extract the available fresh water supplies. However,
whether this leads to growth or economic decline
depends on whether the gains in net marginal pro-
ductivity outweigh the resource costs to the economy
of providing this water. An economy that has either
too little or too much water relative to economic
output is likely to be more adversely affected by this
decision than an economy that has moderate supplies
relative to overall output. The latter water-constrained
economy can still provide sufcient water supplies
to all its producers in order to increase net marginal
productivity in the economy without allocating too
much output to do so, and thus achieve economic
III Cross-Country Empirical Analysis of
Water and Growth
The above theoretical analysis of the relationship
between growth and water utilisation suggests the
possibility of a concave, or inverted-U, relation-
ship (see equation 13 and Figure 1). That is, as the
rate of water utilisation, , in an economy increases,
economic growth, g, rst increases, then stabilises
and eventually falls. This is the normal case that
we would expect for an economy in which water
availability is not an absolute binding constraint.
This suggests a simple test for examining the
relationship between water use and growth across
countries; i.e. is there any empirical evidence of an
inverted-U relationship between economic growth and
the rate of water utilisation for a broad cross-section
of countries? The rest of this section summarises
one approach to testing this hypothesis through a
cross-country analysis.
The key variable in this analysis is of course the
rate of water utilisation, . A recent assessment of
the worlds fresh water supplies provides estimates
of the annual renewable water resources and the total
amount of fresh water withdrawal for a single year
of estimate for 163 countries (Gleick 1998, 2000).
The ratio of fresh water withdrawals, r, relative to
supplies, w, can therefore serve as our cross-country
measure of r/w.
Ideally, one would want to test any relationship
between growth and r through a pooled cross-
sectional and time series (i.e. panel) analysis. How-
ever, the Worlds Water database reports only a
single-year estimate of fresh water withdrawals and
supplies for each country. In addition, because dif-
ferent sources are used to provide these estimates,
the year in which r and w is estimated varies greatly
from country to country. Given these limitations, it
is therefore possible to estimate a cross-country
relationship between per capita growth in GDP and
through a cross-sectional as opposed to a panel
analysis. Thus, the following empirical analysis must
be considered only a preliminary test of the theoretical
model, as the results obtained may arise from the use
of our limited cross-country data set. A more robust
test of the theory must wait until a better (i.e. pooled
cross-sectional and time series) data set becomes
In empirically examining the hypothesised
inverted-U relationship between g and , one must
also be aware of several issues raised in the gen-
eral literature on estimating cross-country growth
relationships (see Agnor 2000 and Temple 1999 for
recent reviews). First, most researchers generally have
opted for the 5- or 10-year averages of annual growth
rates in order to avoid any business cycle effects.
Given that many of our single-year estimates of
for many countries are from the mid-1990s, this
necessarily limits us to representing growth as a 5-
year annual average. Second, to avoid simultaneity
concerns, researchers often make use of initial values
for the explanatory variables in the growth regres-
sions. For example, if the single-year estimate of the
rate of water for a country in our sample is, say, for
1994, then for this country we should regress the
average annual growth over 199499 on the value
of for this country in 1994. Finally, because cross-
sectional growth regressions require assumptions
about parameter constancy, whereas in reality coun-
tries differ widely in terms of social, political and
institutional characteristics, the resulting neglect of
possible parameter heterogeneity in cross-sectional
models is likely to result in problems with heter-
oskedasticity. The result is that most researchers
use heteroskedastic-consistent standard errors, or
alternative techniques, to correct for the observed
(i) Model Description and Data
Taking the above considerations into account, the
following basic empirical specication can be used
to test the hypothesis that there is an inverted-U
relationship between growth in per capita GDP and
the rate of water utilisation across countries:
+ b

+ b

+ (17)
where the dependent variable is the ve-year aver-
age growth rate for each country, beginning at the
year of estimate, t. Note that b
> 0 and b
< 0
implies that the inverted-U hypothesis holds.
The empirical literature on growth has also ident-
ied a substantial number of variables that are
partially correlated with the rate of economic growth
across countries. The problem faced by this litera-
ture is that growth theories are often not explicit
enough about which variables should belong in
a true regression of growth. Recent efforts have
therefore focused on determining robust empirical
estimations of proposed growth relationships (Levine
& Renelt 1992; Sala-I-Martin 1999). The general
approach is to argue that there is a vector of xed
explanatory variables that are widely used in the
literature and that have to be somewhat robust in the
sense that they systematically seem to matter in
most growth regressions. It therefore follows that, if
other variables are also thought to explain growth
rates across countries, then these variables should
add to rather than detract from the robustness of the
regression. That is, the inclusion of these additional
variables in growth regressions along with the xed
variables should not affect the robustness of the
latter, and the new variables should in themselves be
signicantly correlated with growth.
The implication for our model is that, if the hypoth-
esised U-shaped relationship between growth and the
rate of water utilisation is robust, then this relation-
ship should also hold if the normal set of xed
variables, x, that account for growth across countries
is also included. We therefore also estimate the
following basic growth regression:
t, t+5
+ b

+ b

+ b
x + . (18)
Following Sala-I-Martin (1999) and Temple (1999),
we choose the xed variables, x, to be the initial
level of income per capita in year t, the primary-
school enrolment rate in year t and the secondary-
school enrolment rate in year t.
Finally, the empirical literature on growth has also
identied consistently a number of other variables
that appear to be signicantly correlated with growth
across countries. Of particular importance appear to
be variables that reect the institutional framework,
the level of development and the degree of trade
openness of countries (Agnor 2000; Keefer and
Knack 1997; Sachs & Warner 1995; Sachs & Warner
1997; Sala-I-Martin 1999; Temple 1999). This
suggests that, extending our growth model further
to include these additional explanatory variables,
y, should not affect the hypothesised U-shaped
relationship between growth and the rate of water
utilisation, if that relationship is robust. Our full
growth model for empirical estimation is:
t, t+5
+ b

+ b

+ b
x + b
y + , (19)
where y includes, for each country in the sample, an
index of political stability/ lack of political violence,
an index of the control of corruption, the annual
population growth rate in year t, total trade as a
percentage of real GDP in year t and a dummy
variable indicating whether the country is classied
as a developing economy.
The data for the 5-year average cross-country
growth rates, g, and the various variables compris-
ing x and y were all derived from the World Bank
World Development Indicators data set (World Bank
2001). The exceptions were the control of corruption
and political stability indices, which were derived
from the World Banks study of governance across
countries (Kaufmann et al. 1999a, 1999b), and the
dummy variable for developing countries, which uses
the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation classi-
cation of countries.
(ii) Estimation Results
Table 1 summarises the growth regression results
for equations 17, 18 and 19.
As the Wald statistic
The original xed variables chosen by Sala-I-Martin
(1999) included life expectancy in the initial year rather
than the secondary-school enrolment rate. The author justi-
es the use of the latter two variables because both are
reasonable and widely used measures of the initial stock
of human capital (Sala-I-Martin 1999, p. 180). However,
Temple (1999, p. 135) has argued that to include the
primary-school enrolment rate without also including the
secondary-school enrolment rate, or vice versa, tends to
exaggerate the variation in human capital across countries.
Following this approach, we therefore include the secondary-
school enrolment rate in the initial year as one of our three
xed variables. We exclude life expectancy because there
were a signicant number of missing observations in this
data series for the countries in our sample.
The World Banks governance data set covers 178
countries and therefore is the best match for the 163
countries of our sample of all the institutional data series
currently available. The indicators in this data set are based
on data referring to 199798 and are measured in units
ranging from about 2.5 to 2.5, with higher values
corresponding to better governance outcomes (e.g. greater
political stability or control of corruption). The FAO
classication of developing countries excludes the advanced
economies of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation
and Development, the former Soviet republics and Eastern
European countries in transition, South Africa and Israel.
As an alternative to equation 17, a non-linear estimation
of the relationship between 5-year average cross-country
growth rates, g, and the rate of water utilisation, , was
Table 1
Cross-Country Regression of Water Use and Growth
Dependent variable: Five-Year Average Annual Growth of per capita Income (g
Variables Base Case Model Basic Growth Model Full Growth Model
Constant 0.818 (2.432)** 1.275 (0.685) 9.569 (2.534)**
1.614 (5.117)* 1.647 (5.828)* 1.947 (2.515)**

0.279 (6.815)* 0.273 (7.024)* 0.257 (2.577)*
Log per Capita Income in Year t 0.042 (0.146) 1.538 (3.379)*
Primary School Enrolment in Year t 0.029 (2.138)** 0.016 (1.096)
Secondary School Enrolment in Year t 0.005 (0.383) 0.009 (0.547)
Population Growth in Year t 0.496 (1.748)***
Trade Openness in Year t 0.002 (0.322)
Political Stability Indicator 1.183 (2.421)**
Control of Corruption Indicator 2.454 (3.640)*
Dummy for Developing Countries 2.683 (2.258)**
Inverted-U Relationship Yes Yes Yes
(Estimate of *) (2.895) (3.025) (3.790)
Elasticity of 0.292 0.270 0.348
(Sample Mean of ) (0.227) (0.229) (0.248)
(Sample Mean of g
) (1.155) (1.294) (1.298)
Number of Observations (N) N 143 N 132 N 120
Likelihood Ratio Test 10.617* 18.529* 38.520*
Wald Statistic 99.500* 88.110* 104.799*
Breusch-Pagan LM statistic 1.743 2.936 32.831*
t-statistics are in parentheses.
Maximum likelihood estimation after correcting the variancecovariance matrix for multiplicative heteroskedasticity.
Ordinary least squares employing standard errors based on Whites heteroskedasticity-consistent variancecovariance matrix.
* signicant at 1% level; ** signicant at 5% level; *** signicant at 10% level.
ratio test statistic is also signicant for all regres-
sions in Table 1, which suggests that the hypothesis
that all regression coefcients should be restricted to
zero can be rejected. An examination of the pairwise
simple correlations of the independent variables of
and BreuschPagan Lagrange multiplier tests imply,
all models required correction either for multipli-
cative heteroskedasticity using maximum likelihood
estimation or for generalised heteroskedasticity
using Whites consistent estimator.
The likelihood
attempted. The alternative non-linear relationship was
t,t +5

+ , which was estimated through both non-
linear ordinary and weighted least squares. None of the
coefcients in the latter regressions were signicant. In
addition, for both regressions the Wald test of the hypoth-
esis that the coefcients are not signicantly different from
zero was not signicant. Thus the hypothesis could not be
rejected. Extending the two non-linear regressions to include
x and y variables as alternatives to equations 18 and 19 pro-
duced similar results. As a second alternative to equations
1719, a model was estimated that included a cubic term
for the rate of water utilisation,
. However, the coefcient
for this term is insignicant, and its inclusion causes the
signs of the coefcients for and

to reverse, reduces the
overall explanatory power of the regressions, and fails to
produce a signicant Wald test. Thus the alternative cubic
version of equations 1719 is also rejected.
Heteroskedasticity was detected through both visual
inspection of the residuals and from employing two statistics
for testing the hypothesis of homoskedasticity, the Breusch-
Pagan Lagrange Multiplier statistic and the Wald statistic
(Greene 1997). The latter two statistics are reported in
Table 1, and the signicance of one or both of them con-
rms the presence of heteroskedasticity. Two recommended
procedures for estimating a heteroskedastic regression model
were subsequently employed and compared: ordinary
least squares employing standard errors based on Whites
heteroskedasticity-consistent variancecovariance matrix,
and maximum likelihood estimation after correcting the
variancecovariance matrix for multiplicative heteroskedas-
ticity. In the latter procedure, the starting values of the
regression coefcients are estimated through ordinary least
squares, but convergence after multiple iterations is achieved
through generalised least squares (see Greene 1997).
Several versions of the multiplicative heteroskedasticity
model were estimated, by testing for a specic type of
heteroskedasticity, var(
, associated with a subset
of the explanatory variables, z. Comparisons across regres-
sions of the likelihood ratio test and the t-statistic tests on
individual coefcients led to the selection of the preferred
estimated heteroskedastic regression models reported in
Table 1.
Thus although these clustered observations appear to
t the hypothesised inverted U-shaped relationship,
any computed value of * is essentially a projection
of this estimated relationship that is likely to be far
less accurate given that so few actual observations
are available to verify this projection.
Table 1 also reports the elasticity estimates for
. These are fairly consistent, ranging from 0.3 to
0.35 across the three models. This suggests that, on
average, the countries in each sample could increase
fresh water utilisation and achieve a modest increase
in growth. For example, the full growth model pre-
dicts that an increase in the rate of water utilisation
by 10 per cent could increase the average growth
rate in the sample of countries from 1.30 per cent to
1.33 per cent.
In sum, the regression results reported in Table 1
provide strong support for the hypothesised inverted-
U relationship between economic growth and the rate
of water utilisation across countries. Our estimations
of this relationship also suggest that current rates
of fresh water utilisation in the vast majority of
countries are not constraining economic growth. To
the contrary, most countries may be able to increase
growth by utilising more of their fresh water re-
sources, although there are obvious limits on how
much additional growth can be generated in this way.
The latter caveat is extremely important. Even if
a country could raise its growth rate by increasing
the regressions in Table 1 indicates that these vari-
ables are not highly correlated with one another.
For all three models, the coefcients b
and b
only have the expected signs but also display con-
sistently similar magnitudes. In the basic and full
growth models, for those additionally included vari-
ables that are statistically signicant in explaining
growth, their estimated coefcients also conform to
the predicted signs. Overall, the three regression
models suggest that the hypothesis of an inverted-U
relationship between growth and the rate of water
utilisation across the diverse group of countries in
our sample cannot be rejected, as this relationship
appears to be remarkably robust.
For each of the models in Table 1 an estimate of
* is computed, which corresponds to an estimate of
the rate of water utilisation that leads to maximum
economic growth as indicated in Figure 1. The
estimated * is fairly large across the three models,
ranging from 2.9 to 3.8. However, these estimated
values must be treated with caution. Only a handful
of countries in our full sample of 163 countries show
rates of water utilisation at or exceeding these
The vast majority of countries display rates
of water utilisation that are much less than one. For
example, the mean of in the full sample is 0.548,
whereas the median is only 0.047. In essence, the
data are allowing us to estimate only the part of the
curve depicted in Figure 1 well to the left of *.
Correlation between the rate of water utilisation and
the other explanatory variables listed in Table 1 appears to
be particularly low. For example, the pairwise correlation
coefcients between and
, respectively, and the other
explanatory variables ranges from 0.121 to 0.165. Only
four pairs of explanatory variables in Table 1 display
correlation coefcients greater than 70 per cent: log per
capita income and control of corruption (0.788), dummy
for developing countries and secondary school enrolment
(0.778), log per capita income and secondary school
enrolment (0.775) and political stability and control of
corruption (0.739).
The countries are Bahrain, Kuwait, Libya, Malta, Qatar,
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Note that
Kuwait, Libya, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates do not
appear in the regression sample as observations of 5-year
average annual growth rates could not be obtained for these
countries over the specied time periods. Fifteen other coun-
tries also do not appear in the regression sample as obser-
vations of 5-year average annual growth rates could not be
obtained for these countries either. One additional country
does not appear in the regression sample as an observation
of its rate of water withdrawal could not be obtained. In
sum, whereas the full sample contains 163 countries, due
to missing observations the largest regression sample
reported in Table 1 is 143 countries.
Given the limitations of the data, and in particular that
the data are allowing estimation of only the left-hand part
of the hypothesised inverted-U relationship in Figure 1, as
an alternative specication to equations 17, 18 and 19 a
reciprocal model of the relationship between 5-year aver-
age cross-country growth rates, g, and the rate of water
utilisation, , was attempted. For example, the reciprocal
model g
+ b
(1/) + , b
> 0, b
< 0 would estimate
the left-hand part of Figure 1; i.e. the curve would asymp-
totically approach the upper limit b
, which would now
also serve as the estimate of *. The reciprocal model was
also extended to include the additional x and y explanatory
variables for the basic and full growth models equations 18
and 19, respectively. The procedures outlined in note 18
for detecting and correcting heteroskedasticity in the regres-
sions were followed. Although in all the regressions of
the reciprocal model the estimated coefcients of b
displayed the predicted signs, only b
was statistically
signicant. The coefcient b
and the coefcients for any
additional x and y explanatory variables were always stat-
istically insignicant in all versions of the reciprocal model.
In addition, for all regressions, the likelihood ratio test stat-
istic was not signicant, suggesting that the hypothesis
that all regression coefcients be restricted to zero cannot
be rejected for any version of the reciprocal model. The
latter model can therefore be rejected as an alternative to
the inverted-U estimations of Figure 1 depicted in Table 1.
cubic metres per year per person is expected to
experience only intermittent and localised water short-
ages, the threshold of 1 000 cubic metres is con-
sidered to be a level below which a country is likely
to experience widespread and chronic shortfalls. At
less than 500 cubic metres per capita annually, water
availability can be considered to be so serious a prob-
lem that social and economic development may be
It is possible to devise a water stress index for our
sample of 163 countries, using the single-year esti-
mate of fresh water supply for each country divided
by its population in year 2000.
Sixteen countries
face conditions of extreme water scarcity (less than
500 cubic metres/person/year), whereas four countries
experience moderate water scarcity (between 500
and 1 000 cubic metres/person/year). By including
dummy variables to represent the moderate and
extreme water scarcity countries, respectively, in the
regressions of equations 17, 18 and 19, we can test
the hypothesis that conditions of scarcity may affect
adversely economic growth rates across countries.
Table 2 summarises the results for the regressions
with the water scarcity dummies. Once again, all
models required correction either for multipli-
cative heteroskedasticity using maximum likelihood
estimation or for generalised heteroskedasticity using
Whites consistent estimator.
The likelihood ratio
test statistic is also signicant for all regressions,
which suggests that the hypothesis that all regres-
sion coefcients should be restricted to zero can be
rejected for the regressions in Table 2.
The inclusion of the water scarcity dummies in
the regressions produces remarkably consistent esti-
mations compared to the previous regressions that
excluded the dummies (see Tables 1 and 2).
hypothesis of an inverted-U relationship between
growth and the rate of water utilisation cannot be
rejected, and the estimates of the turning point for
In fact the sample for the regression is even smaller as
four of the countries, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar and the
United Arab Emirates, do not have observations for 5-year
annual growth rates.
The year 2000 level of population was preferred to
population in 2025 because we are estimating the effects of
potential water scarcity on 5-year average annual growth
rates during the 1980s and 1990s for most countries.
The same procedure for detecting and correcting for
heteroskedasticity in the regressions for Table 1 was also
followed for the regressions reported in Table 2. See note
18 for further details.
An examination of the simple pairwise correlations
between moderate and extreme water scarcity dummies,
respectively, and the other explanatory variables in Table 2
indicates low correlation. All correlation coefcients
are less than 50 per cent, and most fall in the range of
its rate of water utilisation, maintaining greater
than one is likely to be unsustainable for most
countries over the long run. In fact, as our theor-
etical model indicates, for an economy in which water
scarcity is binding, i.e. w r and therefore 1, the
resulting scarcity constraint will have very different
implications for the economys growth path (com-
pare equations 12 and 15). Economic growth is
now determined by the ratio of the potential water
supplies to aggregate output, which is equal to the
maximum rate of government appropriation, i.e.
w/y . As condition 16 indicates, although in a
water-constrained economy it is always optimal for
the government to appropriate output at the maxi-
mum rate, , to supply fresh water, this does not
necessarily mean that economic growth will actually
occur. For the economy to grow requires, rstly, that
the net marginal productivity of capital exceeds the
negative effects on the economy of water scarcity,
and secondly, that there are sufcient fresh water
resources, w, available to appropriate.
Empirically verifying condition 16 and the growth
path of the water-constrained economy is very
difcult for our data set. First, only 10 out of the
163 countries in our sample display rates of water
utilisation of > 1. This is too small a subsample for
conducting a separate regression.
Second, as noted
above, our data set contains only a single-year esti-
mate of the rate of water utilisation for each country.
Some countries that have rates of water utilisation of
> 1 in a single year may not necessarily experience
chronic water scarcity over a longer period of time,
as implied by our model of the water-constrained
Nevertheless, provided that we can use an appro-
priate indicator of long-run water scarcity across
countries, it may be possible to test an alternative
hypothesis, namely that growth rates are likely to
be adversely affected in economies facing chronic
water scarcity.
Hydrologists have suggested that one potential
indicator of long-run water scarcity is the so-called
Falkenmark water stress index (Falkenmark 1989;
Falkenmark & Rockstrm 1998). The water stress
index is constructed by taking a past level of renew-
able fresh water supply available to a country (e.g.
from the 1960s to early 1990s) and dividing it by
that countrys population at a future date, usually in
2000 and 2025. While a country with more that 1 700



Table 2
Cross-Country Regression of Water Use and Growth: Controlling for Moderate and Extreme Water Scarcity
Dependent variable: Five-Year Average Annual Growth of per capita Income (g
Moderate Water Scarcity Moderate and Extreme Water Scarcity
Variables Base Case Model Basic Growth Model Full Growth Model Base Case Model Basic Growth Model Full Growth Model
Constant 0.848 (2.461)** 1.264 (0.683) 9.652 (2.553)** 0.826 (2.395)** 3.508 (2.118)** 9.567 (2.534)**
1.602 (5.048)* 1.652 (5.895)* 1.939 (2.509)** 1.917 (3.250)** 3.404 (9.750)* 2.100 (2.015)**

0.278 (6.766)* 0.275 (7.135)* 0.255 (2.565)* 0.310 (4.964)* 0.466 (11.192)* 0.273 (2.183)**
Log per Capita Income in Year t 0.034 (0.120) 1.550 (3.400)* 0.375 (1.450) 1.542 (3.342)*
Primary School Enrolment in Year t 0.031 (2.305)** 0.017 (1.125) 0.040 (3.069)* 0.017 (1.125)
Secondary School Enrolment in Year t 0.009 (0.656) 0.009 (0.535) 0.040 (3.517)* 0.008 (0.493)
Population Growth in Year t 0.483 (1.691)*** 0.471 (1.653)***
Trade Openness in Year t 0.002 (0.321) 0.002 (0.255)
Political Stability Indicator 1.159 (2.368)** 1.142 (2.248)**
Control of Corruption Indicator 2.471 (3.662)* 2.492 (3.593)*
Dummy for Developing Countries 2.639 (2.214)** 2.641 (2.215)**
Dummy for Moderate Water Scarcity 1.062 (1.029) 0.737 (0.795) 1.653 (2.958)* 1.065 (1.028) 1.416 (1.754)*** 1.674 (2.980)*
Dummy for Extreme Water Scarcity 0.583 (0.516) 3.339 (4.451)* 0.295 (0.233)
Inverted-U Relationship (Estimate of *) Yes (2.885) Yes (3.009) Yes (3.798) Yes (3.091) Yes (3.650) Yes (3.851)
Elasticity of 0.290 0.271 0.346 0.349 0.566 0.375
(Sample Mean of ) (0.227) (0.229) (0.248) (0.227) (0.229) (0.248)
(Sample Mean of g
) (1.155) (1.294) (1.298) (1.155) (1.294) (1.298)
Number of Observations (N) N 143 N 132 N 120 N 143 N 132 N 120
Likelihood Ratio Test 12.908* 19.031* 38.7942* 12.778* 23.599* 38.189*
Wald Statistic 91.960* 89.967* 57.288* 89.590* 84.960* 59.261*
Breusch-Pagan LM statistic 2.909 3.004 33.657* 2.808 2.886 34.605*
t-statistics are in parentheses.
Maximum likelihood estimation after correcting the variance-covariance matrix for multiplicative heteroskedasticity.
Ordinary least squares employing standard errors based on Whites heteroskedasticity-consistent variancecovariance matrix.
* signicant at 1% level. ** signicant at 5% level. *** signicant at 10% level.
and its elasticity are similar.
For the full growth
model that includes the moderate water scarcity
dummy, a 10 per cent increase in the rate of water
utilisation again raises the average growth rate in the
sample of countries from 1.30 per cent to 1.33 per
cent. For the full growth model that includes both
the moderate and water scarcity dummies, a 10 per
cent increase in will raise growth only slightly
more, to 1.34 per cent.
Table 2 indicates that the water scarcity dummies
have the expected negative signs, although they are
signicant only in the full growth models and in the
basic growth model in which both the moderate and
extreme water scarcity dummies are included. Given
the robustness of many of the additional explanatory
variables in the basic and full growth models, these
regressions are likely to yield more reliable estimates
of growth rates across countries. Thus, based on the
results of Table 2, it is difcult to reject the hy-
pothesis that the presence of moderate or extreme
water scarcity adversely affects economic growth.
IV Conclusion
This paper has sought to shed light on recent
concerns expressed over the global water crisis
by examining the possible linkages between water
scarcity and growth through both a theoretical and
empirical analysis. The approach taken was to
examine the inuence of the rate of water utilisation
on an economy in a growth model that includes this
congestible nonexcludable good as a productive
input for private producers. We looked at two poten-
tial effects, a relative and an absolute water scarcity
In the case of the economy in which there is no
absolute water scarcity constraint, our model suggests
that there is a concave, or inverted-U, relationship
between growth and the rate of water utilisation (see
Figure 1). Moreover, the socially efcient rate of
water utilisation also ensures that the per capita
growth rate is at its maximum, g*. In contrast, over
or under-use of water is likely to result in less over-
all growth in the economy. For the water-constrained
economy, the relationship between growth and the
rate of water utilisation is likely to be more complex.
Although it is always optimal for the government
to appropriate output at the maximum rate, , to
supply fresh water, this does not necessarily mean
that economic growth will occur (see equation 16).
Growth requires, rstly, that the net marginal pro-
ductivity of capital exceeds the negative effects on
the economy of water scarcity, and secondly, that
there are sufcient fresh water resources, w, avail-
able to appropriate.
The empirical analysis of this paper provides strong
support for the hypothesised inverted-U relation-
ship between economic growth and the rate of water
utilisation across countries. Our estimations of this
relationship also suggest that current rates of fresh
water utilisation in the vast majority of countries are
not yet constraining economic growth. However,
countries that are water stressed, i.e. have limited
fresh water supplies relative to current and future
populations, may nd it especially difcult to gener-
ate additional growth through more water use. Our
empirical analysis suggests that we cannot reject the
hypothesis that the presence of moderate or extreme
water scarcity adversely affects economic growth.
There are some important caveats to these generally
optimistic ndings that increased water utilisation
may constrain growth in a handful of countries.
First, fresh water supplies and use rates vary
considerably across the regions within a country. A
country as a whole may appear to have sufcient
fresh water supplies relative to demand, but specic
regions and sectors may not. Variability in climate,
rainfall, demographics and economic activity may
also contribute to problems of localised water
scarcity. In particular, arid and semiarid regions of
the world are the most vulnerable to future water
stress (Vrsmarty et al. 2000). An important exten-
sion to the cross-country study of this paper would
be to examine regional differences in growth within
a country or countries, particularly where a large
number of regions are experiencing moderate or
severe water scarcity.
Second, a critical factor in assessing the actual
amount of fresh water available in a country is that
many rivers, lakes, groundwater aquifers and other
water bodies often cross political boundaries or are
difcult to exploit for legal, technical or economic
reasons (Gleick 2000).
The reciprocal model discussed in note 21 was also
extended to include the moderate and extreme water scarcity
dummies, as an alternative to the regressions reported in
Table 2. However, the scarcity dummies were not signi-
cant in the reciprocal model, nor did their inclusion
improve the poor overall performance of this model. The
reciprocal model can therefore be rejected as an alternative
to the estimations in Table 2.
Thus, as noted by Gleick (2000, p. 26):
. . . the theoretical water availability rarely represents
the actual water available to any particular person,
which depends on economic factors, legal water rights,
technical ability to capture, store, and move water from
Third, while water-scarcity constraints on overall
economic growth may be less likely, fresh water
availability could be more problematic for key sectors
in some countries, such as agriculture. For example,
many hydrologists, meteorologists and water resource
experts have expressed concern recently that, with
the world population increasing by 50 per cent over
the next 30 years, water scarcity may become a key
factor behind global food insecurity, reduced produc-
tion growth and rising international cereal prices
(United Nations 1997; Falkenmark et al. 1998;
Seckler et al. 1999; Rosegrant & Cai 2001).
Fourth, this paper has focused fairly narrowly on
the availability of fresh water supplies to provide
economic uses of water. The wider ecological
services provided by water have been ignored, and
there is inevitably a trade-off between maintenance
and protection of these services and the increasing
allocation of water for use in the economy. As pointed
out by Sullivan (2002), any resulting decline in the
hydrological functions of ecosystems may in turn
reduce future water availability.
Finally, although in this paper it was analytically
convenient to view water as a congestible, non-
excludable good supplied solely by a government to
the private producers of an economy, it is important
to note that current thinking in the economics of
water management challenges the notion that a
government should be the sole provider of water
services in an economy. The main argument in favour
of institutional reform is that, given the rapid growth
of water demands over recent decades, the public
sector alone is incapable of ensuring socially efcient
levels of supply and water utilisation in many coun-
tries (Briscoe 1996; Dosi & Easter 2000). Instead,
providing an adequate supply of water to an economy
and ensuring its efcient utilisation constitutes a
bundle of services that is best divided up between
the public and private sector, with some of the
services more efciently provided by the private
sector (Parker & Tsur 1997). Already, increased
private sector participation and use of water markets
and cost-recovery pricing has occurred in the United
States, the European Union and even some develop-
ing countries (Dosi & Easter 2000; Johnstone &
Wood 2001). It appears that, if the rate of water
utilisation is to be socially efcient so as to maxi-
mise economic growth, then public as well as private
sector involvement will be required as privatisation,
pricing reform and water markets all have the poten-
tial for establishing the incentives for more efcient
use of water in the economy then simply relying on
public sector water management alone.
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