Concept & Methodology
Concept & Methodology
Concept & Methodology
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process that examines the environmental
consequences of developmental actions in advance. The emphasis, compared with many other
mechanisms for environmental protection, is on prevention. It requires a systematic, holistic and
multidisciplinary approach. Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) is an assessment of the possible
impact(s)positive or negative, direct or indirect, short run or long run, local or strategic, reversible
or irreversible, quantitative or qualitative that a proposed project may have on the environment;
considering natural, social and economic aspects. Presently, Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)
by carrying out various environmental impact studies has become crucial and central to the
developmental projects.
The EIA studies in the Indian subcontinent are relatively young and do not conform to any
standardized methodology for the lack of long-term baseline data on various environmental
variables of land, air, water and biological diversity. CISMHE of Delhi University has been
engaged in carrying out EIA studies since 1980s by networking with experts in the academic
institutions as well as the hydropower industry in India to establish a standard methodology in EIA
for hydro projects. The methodologies that CISMHE has followed during the last decade or so
have been the outcome of the interaction between various stakeholders in these projects. These
EIA methodologies followed an evolutionary path whose ingredients in terms of intellectual and
operational components are mostly indigenous and are not based on any previous works. It is
realized now that the methodologies evolved and followed by CISMHE in conducting EIA studies
are based on a synthesis of methodologies that were followed since 1970s throughout the world.
The adopted and evolved methodology is structured in three typical stages of EIA, scoping,
baseline study, impact and impact assessment. Scoping aims at determining the most important
impacts to be taken into account, and consequently at setting the content and the boundaries of the
sources of disturbance (or project activities) associated with the activity under analysis, and the
impacts caused by the interaction. Baseline survey forms an essential component to study the
Environmental Impact Assessment Concept & Methodology
various environmental variables whose interaction with the proposed developmental activities is
likely to produce a derived environmental condition, which may be significantly different from the
initial (baseline) condition. This makes the availability or creation of baseline data extremely
crucial for any predictive studies such as EIA.
The importance of baseline information related to air, water and land environment, and
biodiversity has been highlighted above. Besides these components the key factor that governs the
acceptability and success of a development project is the existing socio-economic status of the
people living in that area where the project is proposed. The impact on the quality of life on the
people living in the vicinity of the proposed project is important to arrive at the informed decision
as to the environmental feasibility of the project. With the passage of time a number of new
dimensions like ethnic diversity, cultural sensitivity of human communities and issues such as
displacement, resettlement and rehabilitation were added to the EIA studies. Also, what began as
an EC directive on environment assessment regarding impact of development on flora and fauna
(CEC, 1985) has today developed into a major concern for the conservation and management of
ecosystems and biodiversity in the environmental, financial and techno-commercial appraisals of
developmental projects.
The developmental actions may have impacts on physical, biological, social and economic
environments. It requires a suitable and feasible management plan, which emphasizes to avoid the
action, which has negative impacts on the resources or to minimize or mitigate the negative impacts.
Environmental Impact Assessment aids to the formulation of developmental actions, is an instrument
for the sustainable development, helps in formulation the management strategy for the resources.
In the present, standard methods earlier developed at the Centre and published elsewhere,
were followed for Environment Impact Assessment of Lower Siang H.E. project (CISMHE, 1993,
1998, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2008; Clark, et al.; 1981, Leopold, et al.; Sassaman, 1981; Lohani and
Halim, 1987, Biswas & Geping, 1987). Studies on water resource development projects by various
authors were particularly consulted in the present study as well (Bisset, 1987; Dee, et al., 1973; Duke,
et al., 1979 and lEUP, 1979). A brief account of the methodologies and matrices followed in the
Environmental Impact Assessment Concept & Methodology
present study is given below under different headings. All the methods were structured for the
identification, collection and organization of environmental impact data. The information thus gathered
has been analysed and presented in the form of a number of visual formats for easy interpretation and
The present study on Environmental Impact assessment (EIA) of Lower Siang H.E. project in
East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh includes all the aspects outlined in the Terms of Reference
(TOR) by Environment Appraisal Committee of Ministry of Environment & Forest, India. The study
areas comprise free draining catchment area, areas within 10 km radius (influence zone) and areas of
project activities. With the help of baseline information, likely impacts were identified and a
comprehensive Environment Management Plan (EMP) was formulated to avoid and/or minimize the
negative impacts.
Proposed Lower Siang H.E. project is located on the river Siang in East Siang district of
Arunachal Pradesh. The proposed project involves a 111m high (above deepest foundation level)
concrete dam with 9 units (300 MW each) surface Power House located at toe of dam having total
installation of 2700 MW. The study area was bifurcated into areas of direct and indirect impacts. The
area of indirect impacts includes the free-draining catchment area of proposed Lower Siang H.E.
project, which comprises nearly of 4747.42 sq km. The indirect impacts on the various aspects
included in EIA were also assessed in the 10 km radius of the proposed project. It includes 10 km
periphery of proposed dam and power house sites, tail of reservoir and river bed. The total area of 10
km radius (influence zone) is 2208 sq km. The free draining catchment and influence zone cover
parts of East Siang, West Siang and Upper Siang districts. The areas of direct impacts constituted the
area of major activities like dam site, submergence area and other proposed activity sites. The various
aspects depending on the magnitude of impacts were studies in the areas of direct impacts.
Primary surveys were conducted in different seasons of the year to collect data on geology,
flora, fauna, forest types and ecological parameters including soil and water. During these surveys
Environmental Impact Assessment Concept & Methodology
data and information were collected on geophysical and biological attributes of the catchment and
free draining areas in brief, influence area (10 km radius) and project areas in details. In addition,
detailed surveys and studies were also conducted for understanding aquatic ecology and fish life of
Siang river and tributaries. Primary surveys in the entire catchment area were also conducted for the
purpose of ground truthing and augmenting the remotely sensed data. For this purpose various
attributes such as land features, rivers, forests and vegetation types were recorded on the ground in
the catchment area (Fig.2.1). A detailed schedule of the survey and samplings is given below.
S. N. Duration of Survey Parameters studied
1 January, February 2007 Water, Fauna, Flora,
Geology, Soil, Fish, Air
2 September, 2007 Water, Fauna, Flora,
Fish, Ground truthing
Air environment
3 July, 2008 Water, Fisheries,
Flora, Soil,
4 April, 2008 Water, Fisheries, Fauna,
Ground truthing
5 December, 2009 Socio-economic surveys
Geo-physical aspects
Catchment surveys
6 February, 2009 Socio-economic surveys
Catchment survey for
Ground truthing
The detailed methodologies of various parameters are described in the following paragraphs.
Spatial database on physiographic features were taken from various sources including Survey
of India (SOI), satellite data and analyzed with the help of Geographic Information System (GIS)
tools. These data were collected, arranged and presented as thematic maps according to the EIA
methods used in the study. The thematic maps are presented in the form of general drainage map of
the catchment and its sub-watersheds, relief map, aspect map, slope map etc. In addition, river
gradient profile of the Siang river was calculated from its upper reaches to the proposed dam site.
Environmental Impact Assessment Concept & Methodology
The regional geology around the project area highlighting geomorphology, stratigraphy and
structural features were based on the existing information, such as i) Detail Project Report (DPR,
2009), ii) Geology of Arunachal Pradesh (Kumar, 1997), iii) Geodynamics of Northeastern India and
Adjoining Region (Nandy, 2001), iv) Seismotectonics of South Asia (Kayal, 2008), v)
Seismotectonic Catalogue of India and its Environments published by Geological Survey of India
(GSI publication 2000), v) Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) earthquake data in the vicinity
of the project area and vi) published literatures (Verma and Kumar, 1987; Kayal, 1996 etc.). The
discussion on project geology has been based on the data available in DPR LSHP (2009) and field
observation in the selected sites. The discussions on landslides and geomorphology have been
carried out based on base maps like Survey of India toposheets, satellite imageries etc. and field
The data on rainfall are available at 11 rain gauge stations namely, Rotung, Riga, Karko,
Along, Gelling, Tuting, Migging, Nyering, Passighat, Pugging, and Yinkiong. The discharge data of
the Siang river is available at Rotung site for 19 years (from 1978 to 2005 with gap years between
1994 to 2000) and discharge series for 18 years (from 1978 to 2005 with gap years of 1989-90 and
years between 1994 to 2000) was derived at Bodak dam site. This data set was utilized for
calculating ten daily, monthly, annual water discharge with 90% and 50% dependability for Lower
Siang H.E. Project. Variation pattern of annual flood peaks and sediment load in the Siang river
were studied based on DPR.
Land use and land cover mapping was carried out by standard methods of analysis of
remotely sensed data followed by ground truthing, ground control point data collection and
interpretation of satellite data. The raw satellite data was sourced from National Remote Sensing
Agency (NRSA), Hyderabad and Earth Science Data Interface (ESDI) at Global Land Cover Facility
maintained by Department of Geography, University of Maryland, NASA and Institute for
Environmental Impact Assessment Concept & Methodology
Advanced Computer Studies at Maryland, USA. Digital image processing of the satellite data and
the analysis of interpreted maps were carried out using ERDAS Imagine 9.1 and ArcGIS 9.1 for GIS
2.9.1 Database
Digital data on CDROMs of IRS P6 from NRSA and data from LANDSAT-7 ETM+ was
used for the present studies and the project area was extracted from the full scenes. The details of the
satellite data used in this study are as follows:
Satellite Sensor Path/Row Date Data type & Bands
IRS P6 LISS-IV 112/51 05-12-2006 Digital (1,2,3,4)
IRS P6 LISS-IV 113/51 15-12-2005 Digital (1,2,3,4)
LANDSAT 7 ETM+ 135/40 15-11-2001 Digital (1,2,3,4,5,7)
LANDSAT 7 PAN 135/40 15-11-2001 Digital (8)
For mapping the vegetation, standard methodology of digital image processing was adopted
which included the use of image elements like tone, texture, shape, location, association, pattern and
the ancillary information like elevation and landforms. These interpretation elements were followed
by the preparation of an interpretation key.
2.9.2 Base Map Preparation
The base map of the study area was prepared using topographic sheets of the Survey of India
of the entire catchment, using various permanent features like roads, rivers or any other land based
features. These features were transferred to the base map. Since the area has high drainage density,
we only transferred and considered the main streams for the purpose. This was followed by the
preliminary interpretation of satellite data and a preliminary interpretation key was prepared. The
preliminary interpreted maps thus prepared were taken to field for ground checking.
2.9.3 Ground Truth Collection
A reconnaissance survey was carried out in the Siyom river catchment during different
seasons in 2007, 2008 and 2009. These surveys were undertaken basically to understand the terrain
and vegetation and the vegetation associations of the study area. During this visit the preliminary
interpreted data was checked and necessary corrections made. The ground truth data checks were
Environmental Impact Assessment Concept & Methodology
completed in as many as 4-5 such visits to different parts of the river catchment. The physiographic
features on satellite data appearing in different tones and textures were used to correlate image elements
and ground features for accurate identification. Subsequently, field visits were undertaken in three
seasons for water, air and soil sampling and other parameters. These field surveys were also utilized to
further collect the necessary ground truth throughout the study area. The interpretation key was finalized
and the satellite images were interpreted as per the objectives of the project and all the thematic details
were transferred to base map on 1:50,000 scale. The preparation of final maps was followed by final
ground checks, which form the most essential part of the mapping. The final interpreted maps were taken
to field and refined after the ground checks.
2.9.4 Classification Scheme
The classification scheme adopted for the preparation of land use/ land cover maps and related
thematic maps was done on 1:50,000 scale for preparing the environmental management plan, action
plan for watershed management and the catchment area treatment plan. Different forest classes were
identified and the degraded areas and scrubs were delineated for the purpose of preparation of erosion
maps. The high altitude grasslands/ alpine pastures and agricultural areas were also identified and
delineated. The non-forest land cover in the form of rocky land, moraines, glaciers, lakes, etc. was also
demarcated for the calculation and classification of erosion intensity.
2.10 SOIL
The soils of project sites (proposed dam site and power house site) and catchment are
described in this section. The soils are classified by using the standard method of NBSS (1998).
Samples were collected with the help of auger. Soils were removed from upper temporary layer
(generally, 5 cm or more according to the soil profile) with the help of digger; samples were retrieved
form 10- 25 cm in depth and about 10x10 sq cm. in area. The physical properties included moisture
content, water holding capacity, bulk density and pore size measurement (soil texture). Soil moisture
was calculated by evaporating moisture from pre-weighed soil, at 105
C for 24 hours in an oven and
reweighing the soil. Standard methods for soil analysis were followed as given in Jackson (1958) for
bulk density, soil texture and water holding capacity. The soil was divided into 6 textural classes by
using sieves of different mesh sizes viz. >2000 m for gravel, pebbles, cobbles and boulders, 500
Environmental Impact Assessment Concept & Methodology
2000 m for very coarse and coarse sand, 200 500 m for medium fine sand, 50-200 m for very
fine sand and 20 50 m for coarse and medium silt and > 20 m for fine silt and clay.
Chemical characteristics of soil were determined by measuring the pH, conductivity,
chloride, phosphate, nitrate and organic matter. Soil pH and conductivity were measured by the
instruments pHScan and TDScan 3 (Oakton, Eutech Instruments), respectively. Phosphate and
nitrate were determined by the ion specific meter (Hanna Instruments). Chloride estimation was
done by colorimetric analysis given by Adoni (1985) while organic matter was calculated by
Walkleys method (Walkley, 1947).
Microbial analysis was done by Serial Dilution Technique. Microbes were isolated at 10
dilution on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA, Himedia) and Nutreint Agar (NA, Himedia) for fungal and
bacterial populations, respectively. Media were prepared by dissolving the ingredients in distilled
water and heated till agar was completely dissolved, pH was adjust 5.4 ( 0.2) and 7.2 ( 0.2) for
fungal and bacterial cultures, respectively. Finally, media were autoclaved at 15 lb/inch
for 15
minutes and allowed to cool about 40 - 45
C to pour into sterilized Petri plates. Inoculated Petri
plates were incubated at 27
C ( 2.0) for fungal and at 34
C ( 2.0) for bacterial colonies. Five to
seven days old Petri plates were used for population counting and expressed as CFU (Colony
Forming Units) for fungi and MPN (Most Probable Number) for bacteria.
Forest types and plant species were recorded during the field visits in 2007 and 2009. Besides the
primary surveys in the project areas, the floristic data for the catchment study were sourced from the
published literature.
To understand the community structure, vegetation sampling was carried out at different
locations in the project area. During a reconnaissance survey in Jan.2007 and Feb.2009, three
sites/stands viz., dam site lower reaches, dam site upper reaches and downstream site (Ranaghat)
were selected for vegetation structure analysis on the basis of the presence of forest patches in the
area. At each of the three sites a 100 m long and 10 m wide belt transect was laid perpendicular to
the forest edge. Transects consisted of 10 contiguous 10 m x 10 m frame quadrats. In each 10 x 10 m
Environmental Impact Assessment Concept & Methodology
frame quadrat ten 5 x 5 m subquadrat were established for analysing saplings or shrubs and 1 x 1 m
subquadrat for recording seedlings. The herbs were analysed by placing ten quadrats of 1 x 1 m
randomly on each site. The optimal size and number of quadrats needed were determined using
species area curve. All the individuals having cbh (Circumference at brest height)less than 10 cm
were considered as seedlings, the individuals falling within cbh range of 10-31.4 cm were designated
as either saplings or shrubs. The individuals having cbh more than 31.4 cm were recorded as trees.
The tree basal area was also determined as an index of dominance as:
Basal area = r
Or C=2 r
Where C= Circumference at breast height
r = Radius
The index of diversity was computed by using Shanon-Wiener information index (Shanon Wiener, 1963) as :
H = - (ni/n) x ln (ni/n)
Where, ni is individual density of a species and n is total density of all the species.
2.12 FAUNA
In order to collect the information on the fauna (mammlas, birds, herpetofauna, butterflies) in
the catchment area of Siang river primary as well secondary sources were utilized. The primary
surveys were carried out for three seasons. The following methods were adopted during the survey
of fauna.
i. The Forest Working Plans of the Forest Divisions falling in the project area were referred to for
secondary information on the wildlife of the catchment area.
ii. Interviews of local villagers for the presence and relative abundance of various animal species
within each locality.
iii. Data collection on habitat condition, animal presence by direct sighting and indirect evidences.
iv. Direct sighting and indirect evidences such as calls, signs, tracks and pallets of mammals were
recorded along the survey routes taking aid from Prater (1980).
v. A detailed survey of birds was carried out in the project sites and catchment area using the
literatures of Ali & Ripley (1983), Grewal et al. (2002) and Dutta and Basu (2006) as field
guides. The invertebrates were inventorized with the help of Das and Chattopadhyay, 2006;
Mandal, 2006).
Environmental Impact Assessment Concept & Methodology
The criteria of IUCN (2008), Wildlife Protection Act (1970) and Zoological Survey of India
(1994) were followed to describe the conservation status of the species.
A detailed survey was carried out for the mammals, birds, reptiles and butterflies. The
various sites were selected which would likely to be disturbed by the various activities of the project.
The surveyed sites included proposed colony site, power house/dam site, tracks from Passighat to
Along and Ranaghat to Bodak. The birds were surveyed in the morning hours while butterflies in
noon hours.
The water sampling was conducted at different locations in the 15 km river stretch of Siang
river. These locations were grouped into 3 sampling sites namely W
, W
and W
. Sampling site W
involved river stretch upstream of dam site while W
site covered between 5 km to 7 km
downstream of dam site. Site W
included Ranaghat.
The sampling was carried out for three seasons (winter, pre-monsoon and monsoon,). A total
of 15 physical and chemical parameters and 5 biological parameters were studied to assess the river
water quality. The discharge data provided by the DPR of Lower Siang H.E. project was used for the
analyzing the seasonal variation in the flow of Siang river. The water current velocity at all sites was
measured with the help of float method. A 20 m stretch of the river was measured and marked at
both ends. A float was thrown at upper end and the time taken by the float to travel the marked
distance, was recorded by a stop watch. The water temperature was recorded with the help of
graduated mercury thermometer. Care was taken in measuring the temperature as it was recorded
from surface, column and near the bottom of the river. An average value of these readings was
computed. The Ph was recorded with the help of pHScan (Eutech) and Ph meter (EI 132 E) in the
field. For the turbidity of water, samples were collected in sampling bottles from different sites in the
field and brought to the laboratory for analysis. The turbidity was recorded with the help of
Nephelometer or turbido meter (EI 331 E). The total dissolved solids were measured with the help
of TDScan 1 (Eutech) at each site. Similarly conductivity was recorded with the help of TDScan 3
(Eutech) at the site. Dissolved oxygen was measured by using digital DO meters (Eutech ECDO
602K). Total alkalinity, alkalinity as carbonates and bicarbonates, total hardness, Ca and Mg
Environmental Impact Assessment Concept & Methodology
contents, chloride and heavy metals were measured with the help of APHA (1992) and Adoni
(1985). Nitrate (NO
N) and phosphate (PO
P) were measured using HAANA instruments (HI
93728 and HI 93713, respectively).
Biological characteristics involved the status of total coliforms, zooplankton, suspended
algae, phytobenthos and macro-invertebrates. A presumptive test (presence/absence test) was
performed for the estimation of total coliforms. The method described by Central Pollution Control
Board (CPCB), New Delhi was adopted for this purpose. For the quantification of zooplankton and
suspended algae 50 liters of water for each community was filtered at each site by using plankton net
made up of fine silk cloth (mesh size 25 m). The study was repeated three times at each site and the
samples were pooled. The filtrate collected for suspended algae was preserved in the Lugols
solution while unpreserved samples of zooplankton were brought to the laboratory. Epilithic
phytobenthos were obtained by scrapping the surface of rocks and boulders (4x4 cm
) with the help
of a hard brush. Three replicates, obtained from each site were pooled and preserved in Lugols
solution for further analyses. Before going further for other analysis of the plankton and benthic
samples the density was estimated by using drop count method. The density of suspended algae and
phytobenthos were estimated with the help of APHA (1992). The suspended algae and phytobenthos
were identified with the help of Sarod and Kamat (1984), Hustedt and Jensen (1985) and
Edmondson (1959). The zooplankton was identified by using literatures of Edmondson (1959) and
Battish (1992).
The macro-invertebrates were obtained with the help of a square foot Surbers sampler or a
square foot quadrate. The substrate, mainly stones were disturbed and immediately transferred to a
bucket underwater and later rinsed thoroughly to dislodge all the attached macro-invertebrates. The
organisms trapped in the Surbers sampler were also transferred to the bucket. The material was
sieved through 100m sieve. Samples were collected in three replicates and pooled for further
analysis. The samples were preserved in 3% formalin or 70% ethyl alcohol. The organisms obtained
were then counted after identifying them up to family level by the procedure described by Pennak
(1953) and Edmondson (1959). Biological monitoring working Party score (BMWP, 1978) and
Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) (Armitage, et al., 1983) were used to assess the water quality.
Environmental Impact Assessment Concept & Methodology
The study of fish fauna was carried out in the river Siang and its tributaries up to 1500 m.
Common fishing methods were used to land fish from Siang river and its tributaries. The fish were
landed with the help of local fishermen using gill nets and hooks. The fish were identified with the
help of Talwar and Jhingran (1991). In addition, literature of Sen (2006) was consulted to make an
inventory of fish fauna of lower stretch of Siang river.
Conservation Assessment Management Plan of Biodiversity Conservation Prioritization
Project Workshop (CAMP-BCPP, 1997) was followed to know the conservation status of fish
species inhabiting river Siang and its tributaries.
The data collected for air pollutants, traffic density, noise levels, etc. are given in Table 12.2
i. Traffic density The density of traffic was recorded at Pasighat during morning and evening
hours in different seasons. Per hour traffic density was recorded at morning, noon and evening of
the day.
ii. Air Pollutants: The level of suspended particulate matter (SPM), respirable suspended particulate
matter (RSPM), non-respirable suspended particulate matter (NRSPM), NO
and SO
recorded in the ambient air by running respirable dust sampler (Envirotech APM 460 BL) with
gaseous sampling attachment (Envirotech APM 411 TE). The sampler was run at largest nearby
town at passighat during January 2007 and September 2007.
iii. Noise Level: The noise level at the project area, in the villages, and inside the forest was
recorded with the help of noise recorder D2023 (cygnet type 2 as per IS 9779, 1981).
Socio-economic profile includes brief description of Arunachal Pradesh, East district and the
circles in which project components are located. History, cultural aspects, ethic values and tribal life
of Arunachal Pradesh and East Siang district are mentioned briefly. A detailed account on the
demography, education, occupation, and other amenities of the villages located in 10 km radius and
project affected villages is discussed in EIA report. In order to collect the baseline data for
Environmental Impact Assessment Concept & Methodology
preparation of R & R plan, a door to door survey for project affected families was carried out for the
proposed project. A detailed questionnaire was prepared for this purpose and the same is placed at
Annexure-I. The surveys and preparation of the plan included the following procedure:
Due to the non availability of revenue records, the land for the acquisition was identified by
the project authority with panchayat members and Gram Budha of concerned village.
Door to door socio-economic survey of the project-affected families/owner was conducted to
collect the base line data. Data was collected on various parameters e.g. Demography,
Occupation, Education, Quality of life, Income patterns, Land holdings, Amount of land loss
due to this project, etc. This detailed information has been used in preparation of the R&R
The existing socio-economic profile of the project-affected area has been given in the EIA
Discussions were held with almost all project affected families/persons, out of which
maximum number of PAFs have given their willingness to accept project.
Evaluation and prediction of impacts is based on a broad matrix group ecosystem constituted
by physical and biological components. The vulnerability of an ecosystem to various impacts resulting
from an activity or multiple activities was identified and accordingly impacts were predicted. A
generalized scheme for an ecosystem based impacts is outlined below. Using this model matrixes of
activities having impact on environmental valuables were constructed (Fig. 2.2). This matrix is very
close to the Environmental Evaluation System (EES) of Battelle Columbus Laboratories in USA
described by Dee et al. (1979).
The main theme of the ecosystem approach in visualizing impacts on various sets of
environmental data revolves around the projection that natural processes and patterns are likely to be
affected by the developmental activity. In natural ecosystems, the impacts would change the existing
state of equilibrium or environmental condition. In managed ecosystems and human societies
impacts could be positive or negative. Similarly, in case of natural ecosystems likelihood of negative
Environmental Impact Assessment Concept & Methodology
impacts could be seen in terms of direct and/or indirect, temporary or permanent impacts. The
prediction of impacts was described for construction and operational phases separately.
Physical Biological Human
Geological stability/vulnerability Terrestrial & Aquatic Agriculture
Seismic/tectonic activity Ecosystem structure QOL
Sedimentation Ecosystem diversity Aesthetic/culture
Natural hazards Taxonomic diversity Economy
(Avalanches, flood, landslide, etc.) Endangered species First Resource
Preservation areas
Environmental Impact Data
Fig.2.2 A simplified model for assessing environmental impacts of water resource projects