Church Administration and Leadership Final Exam

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The key takeaways are that the church can be understood from three dimensions - the people of God, the body of Christ, and the new humanity. It is also important for churches to develop ethical policies regarding their finances and employee termination procedures.

The three dimensions are: the people of God, which refers to God's holy community; the body of Christ, where Christ is the head and believers are parts of the body; and the new humanity, which refers to believers being made new through Christ.

For Paul, 'new humanity' refers to believers being made new creatures through uniting with Christ by faith - their old sinful nature is passed away and they are renewed. They derive spiritual nourishment and support from Christ.


Church Administration and Leadership

Final Exam
Date: May 12, 2014
Student Id # 000000000000000 Student Name:
1- According to Powers, to fully understand the nature of the church, one must
approach it on the following dimensions: The people of God, the body of
Christ and the new humanity. Give a complete explanation of each
dimension. [15 pts]
The people of God
According to Power the church is sometimes pictured as the people of God The concept is
presupposed in the phrases "my people," "his people," or "thy people" (depending on the
speaker), which are found roughly two hundred times each in Scripture. In the Old Testament
Israel is called out from the nations to be God's people, holy as He is holy, separated to the Lord,
and ultimately commissioned to communicate His offer of salvation to the world. In the New
Testament this role passes on to the Christian Church. Throughout the development of the
concept in Scripture, the people of God is seen as a corporate, holy, interacting, sharing,
worshiping community in the world, God's continuous method of communicating His mind to
mankind through mankind.
The body of Christ
According to Powers it is image of the Church, and this image or model of the Church portrays
Christ as the head and individual believers, grafted into the body through the redemptive love of
Christ, as other parts of the body. As members of the body, different persons are given different
gifts, abilities, and functions. Together the members accomplish the work of the body under the
direction of Christ, the head. In Ephesians 4:4 Apostle Paul mentions that there is one body,
One church for the word "body" means in the verse the body of Christ; see The meaning here is,
there ought to be unity. The church is, at present, divided into many denominations. It has
different forms of worship, and different rites and ceremonies. It embraces those of different
complexions and ranks in life, and it cannot be denied that there are often unhappy contentions
and jealousies in different parts of that church. Still, there is but one - "one holy. Christ did not
come to redeem and save different churches, and to give them a different place in heaven. He did
not come to save the Episcopal communion merely or the Presbyterian or the Methodist
communions only; nor did he leave the world to fit up for them different mansions in heaven. He
did not come to save merely the black man, or the red, or the white man; nor did he leave the
world to set up for them separate mansions in the skies. He came that he might collect into one
community a multitude of every complexion, and from every land, and unite them in one great
brotherhood on earth, and ultimately assemble them in the same heaven. The church is one body
which is the Body of Christ.

Our new humanity
Base on Powers point of view, sometimes the image of the Church as the body of Christ is
combined with the image of the church as the new humanity. Both images are frequently found
in the writings of Paul, and new humanity is especially present in Ephesians, Galatians, and
Corinthians. God has brought the new humanity into being through the redemptive mission of
Jesus Christ. For a complete explanation on the new humanity I am going to use the idea of Paul
in 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are
passed away; behold all things are become new. The phrase to "be in Christ," evidently means to
be united to Christ by faith; or to be in him as the branch is in the vine-that is, so united to the
vine, or so in it, as to derive all its nourishment and support from it, and to be sustained entirely
by it. Paul infers that anyone is a new creature who is in Christ is that which is stated in the
previous verse; to wit, the change of views in regard to the Redeemer to which he there refers,
and which was so great as to constitute a change like a new creation. The affirmation here is
universal, "if any man be in Christ;" that is, all who become true Christians-undergo such a
change in their views and feelings as to make it proper to say of them that they are new creatures.
No matter what they have been before, whether moral or immoral; whether infidels or
speculative believers; whether amiable, or debased, sensual and polluted yet if they become
Christians they all experience such a change as to make it proper to say they are a new creation.
The change is produced so great as to make it proper to say that he is a new man. He has new
views, new motives, new principles, new objects and plans of life. He seeks new purposes, and
he lives for new ends. If a drunkard becomes reformed, there is no impropriety in saying that he
is a new man. If a man who was licentious becomes pure, there is no impropriety in saying that
he is not the same man that he was before. All things become new that is, all things in view of
the mind. The purposes of life, the feelings of the heart, the principles of action, all become new.
The understanding is consecrated to new objects, the body is employed in new service, the heart
forms new attachments etc...

2- According to the professor, church administration involves a clear
understanding of the church mission. Provide an elaborate view of the
churchs mission. [10 pts]
The mission of the church is base on the declaration of Jesus in Mathieu 28 v 19-20 which is the
great commission. This passage is actually not a command but a present participle (going). The
only command in the entire Great Commission is "make disciples" ("teach all nations") Jesus
said, "While you are going, make disciples of all the nations." No matter where we are, we
should be witnesses for Jesus Christ and seek to win others to Him (Acts 11:19-21).
Church administration involves a clear understanding of the church mission. There are few of
them that were mentioned in class by the professor that I am going to consider base on my
understanding. First of all, the churchs mission in both, belief and practice, should be grounded

in the biblical theology of mission. This requires sustained reflection on the biblical teaching of
the entire Bible. Therefore, the mission of the church should be predicated upon the affirmation
of a full and sole authority of Scripture. Second of all the churchs mission should be conceived
primarily in terms of the churchs faithfulness and responsiveness to the missionary mandate
given by the Lord Jesus Christ as recorded in Scripture.

3- According to powers, there are nine principles for life in the ministry that a
pastor needs to be cognizant of. State and define 5 of such principles. [15

a). Principle of unity and diversity.
We find our ministry in Christ, his message, and the basic commitments to ministry
page 10

b). Principle of Servant Leadership.
Christians are called to grow continually toward the likeness of Christ. This requires
understanding and practicing a style of leadership consistent with the teachings of Jesus,
caring for and serving others. A major responsibility is involving others in the process of
discovering, developing, and using their spiritual gifts in Christian service.
c). Principle of acceptance
How we view ourselves and others influences how we seek to lead. Christ gave us the
example of accepting ourselves, others, and institutions as imperfect yet potentially good
and useful in Gods plan. All have potential for redemption.
d). Principle of Authority and Responsibility
In the local church God has delegated authority and responsibility to the body, the
church. Biblical teachings about spiritual gifts tell how members of the body are to work
together under the lordship of Christ: as the church has affirmed my gifts, I am to take
initiative and you are to assist. As the church has affirmed your gifts, I am to provide
support. As we give to and receive from one another, we carry on the life and work for
which we have been commissioned.
e). Principle of Inclusiveness
A necessary dimension of our life together requires interdependence among believers. All
parts of the body are valuable, contributing to the life and mission of the church: young
and old, male and female, doctor and grocery clerk, deacon and nursery worker, ordained
and unordained, brown and white and black and yellow. There is no greater or lesser in
the sight of God.

4- According to powers, success in the ministry is measured through a variety of
factors. Name them and provide a clear explanation for each. [10 pts]

Baptism: According to the Christians faith, baptism is important in order to receive
salvation. However, Jesus Christ also commands us to be baptized. Mark 16: 16 whoever
believes and baptized will be saved.
Community influence: Jesus Christ described the Church and its impact on the world to
demonstrate a spiritual energy and depth that transformed the surrounding culture for the
kingdom of God. God has ordained churches and has given them the power to transform
communities, yet with each passing year it seems they become increasingly irrelevant.
Financial stability
Faithfulness of members
Mission support

5- Based on the readings and lectures, who is responsible for leadership in a
local church? [short answer is not accepted] [5 pts]

The normal practice for most local church is the pastor. However, increasingly churches
have multiple ministers including full and part time) and many lay leaders. Today there is
a major shift toward multiple ministers and lay leaders working together in a shared
ministry as ministry teams under the guidance of a staff minister. (Ministers and Teams)
are responsible for leadership.

6- According to the professor, transformational leadership involves a number of
issues. How does this process work? [5 pts]
Ministers and congregations must agree to create dynamic, active, developing
organizations within the church that are responsive to the complex needs of its members,
the community served by the church, and the regional and global mission fields.


7- I nnovative congregational action is a three steps process that enhances
ministry in a local church. State them and define each component. [10 pts]

a). Help your congregation define its dream.
Dreaming is the process of clarifying, taking ownership of, and communicating forcefully
the congregation or institutions redemptive vision.
b). Help your congregation evaluate its ministry program.
Evaluating is the process of discovering and duplicating the congregation or institutions
successes while discovering and eliminating the organizations failures. Evaluation
provides an appraisal, feedback, and control mechanism.
c). Help your congregation plan Effective Ministry programs.
Planning is the process of creating your organizational future before it happens. It is also
the attempts to write history in advance.

8- The administrative model proposed by powers involves: creating, choosing,
catalyzing and coordinating. This process offers several advantages. Name
them and state how they are useful in church administration. [5 pts]

The administrative model proposed by powers involves: Creating, Choosing, catalyzing, and
It works in the way that numerous steps can be used in guiding a congregation or institution to
focus on its dream. The evaluation involves five critical elements.
1) Evaluating calls us to measure performance against purpose. Good evaluation demands that
standards of effectiveness or success be established beforehand. Goals always precede
2) Evaluating uses both quantitative and qualitative information. More objective information
like statistics, attendance reports, and budget summaries need to be considered. Additionally,
more subjective materialsopinions and other clues to the morale levels of the congregation
need to be included to balance and blend feelings into the factual picture.
3) Evaluating uses a range of persons and a variety of methods. Both planners and implementers,
along with persons involved in a program and those not involved, should be included in the
evaluative process. Statistical records, interviews, questionnaires, continua, and pretests and
posttests provide a variety of data. Involve as many members as possible and gather only
information that will be used. When information is requested, members assume it will be used

and are disillusioned if it isnt. Expect persons with negative perspectives to speak up early and
loudly; take their opinions seriously without overreacting.
4) A model for evaluation should invite both positive and negative perspectives and consider
both past and future time frames.
5) Evaluation is a continuing cycle. Pre-evaluation provides status checks before a ministry is
launched. Mid-evaluation double-checks progress either to assure that the project is on course or
to make midcourse corrections. Post-evaluation includes both an immediate debriefing after a
project is completed and more seasoned reflections later on.
Planning provides congregations and institutions with reasonable targets for fulfilling their
dream. Planning processes usually involve several considerations.

The process of saying good-bye is largely a relational one. While proclamation (evangelism,
preaching, teaching, and worship) and pastoral care (counseling, family ministry, grief work, and
officiating special events) enter into closure strategies, management is the focus here. Closure
involves several attitudes and actions.
Budgeting is resource management. The budget of an institution provides a stackpole for the
coordinated use of the churchs four primary resources:
1. Moneythrough an adopted, unified budget.
2. Timevia the churchs calendar.
3. Facilitiesby developing and maintaining buildings and properties; and, most
4. Peoplethrough a plan of evangelism, member development, and leader enlistment and
Setting s motivational climate and helping members channel their energies toward the
congregations dream are the challenges of church leaders. Several management actions yield big
Organizing the congregation for action is a basic management practice.

Team building holds two congregational concerns in balanced tension: creating a family
atmosphere and getting ministry done. (See chapter 4, working with people)

9- Power has identified five distinguishing characteristics of the New Testament
church. Name them and state what role they play in the local church. [5 pts]

The five distinguishing characteristics if the New Testament church are: worship, proclamation,
education, ministry, and fellowship. It is these traits that we define as the primary functions of a
local church and around which all organization develops. To support these five functions, we add
a sixth that is implicit in Scripture and very much needed in todays churchleadership.
Administrative leadership is the glue, or support, that enables the five primary functions to
operate together as the body of Christ. Thus, when a congregation is organized and functioning
correctly, all efforts are focused on fulfilling the purpose of the church under the lordship of
Jesus-Christ. Based on the functions of a church, programs and organizations are developed.
These are means, or ways, for achieving the mission or purpose of the church; they are not ends
in themselves. Each program or organization exists to achieve a specific purpose or portion of a
churchs ministry. And each, theoretically, should be the most effective structure to achieve the
purpose for which it exists.
10- Effective Church administration requires clear organizational structures.
Provide a clear definition of that process. [5 pts]
Because of common objectives among evangelical churchesmaking disciples, enabling
members to grow and mature, and developing spiritual awareness and power in the lives of
believerssimilar structures have evolved among denominations to enable churches to do their
work. For example, most churches have various types of worship and fellowship opportunities as
well as organizations to facilitate Bible study, discipleship development, mission activities, and
Christian living. Although names of these may vary, such as Sunday school, Bible school, and
church school, the functions and general organizational principles are remarkable similar from
denomination to denomination.

11- According to powers, the following individuals can be church officers, except [5 pts]

a. Moderator
b. Treasurer
c. Financial secretary
d. Clerk
e. Trustees
f. Pastor

12. Based on your understanding of the class, please provide a step by step
guideline for effective committee work [10 pts]

13- According to Powers, what make non-for-profit organizations to difficult to manage? [10

a) Find out how you are using your time now. Keep a time diary of your actual work
activities for a week. What do you notice about your stewardship of your professional
b) Plan to use your time on priorities. Most effective ministers work from a prioritized to-do
list of daily tasks. They also use a quiet hour, an uninterrupted time for concentrating
on crucial projects. They reserve the times when their biological clocks are at their best
for working on their most challenging tasks. They plan before they attempt to complete
their work.
c) Work on a weekly and daily schedule. Regular structure improves productivity.
d) Handle a piece of work once. Use a three-step cycle of action: start, work, and stop.
e) Delegate to team members. Free yourself for crucial tasks and give others a chance to
participate and grow.
f) Refresh yourself. Move from intense involvement to Sabbath refreshment.
g) Group similar tasks together. For example, think communication and write a thank-you
note while you are waiting on someone to come to the phone.
h) Plan to grow personally and professionally.
i) Live one day at a time.
j) When uncertain or frustrated, ask yourself the basic time-stewardship question: What
the best use of my time right now?

14- According to the professor, the personnel committee is responsible for the
several duties. Name them. [5 pts]


Principle function: To assist the church in administrative matters related to all employed
Relationships and responsibilities
With Councils
1. Committee chairperson serves as ex officio member of the church council.
With Committees
1. Consult with the finance committee in developing and budgeting salary schedule and
benefit provisions for all church staff members annually.
2. Consult with the finance committee in budgeting for any additional church staff
With Church Officers
1. Committee chairperson informs moderator of reports to be made in the church business
2. Committee chairperson gives a copy of any reports made during the church business
meeting to the church clerk for permanent record in the minutes of the church.
3. Committee chairperson keeps the church treasurer informed regarding budgeted salary
and benefit provisions for all staff members.
With Church Staff
1. Work with the staff members to:
Prepare and update job descriptions annually.
Negotiate a salaries schedule and benefit provisions annually.
Develop church policies and procedures relating to church staff personnel.
Discuss needs for additional church staff positions.
2. Consult with appropriate staff member(s) in locating, interviewing, and recommending
additional church staff personnel.
3. Assess job performance of each staff member at least annually (and be sensitive to job
insecurities that may plague them).
With Church Business Meeting
1. Make periodic reports on work of the personnel committee.
2. Answer questions about the work of the personnel committee.
3. Recommend all employed personnel for every church staff position.
4. Recommend administrative policies and procedures for all employed personnel.


15- According to powers, the following require legal advice. Name them. [5

1. Stewardship. What is the responsibility of the church from a stewardship standpoint? If a
person has attempted to swindle the church, the court may be the only place to deal with
the problem. The church must analyze the situation from the perspective of the wise and
proper use of its resources.
2. Safety. The responsibility of the church to provide adequate safety precautions is
sometimes overlooked and may result in a court case. The church must not hide behind
any spiritual excuse when its negligence concerning the safety of its members and guests
is involved.
3. Fraud. In the case of a company that has demonstrated outright fraud; the case may have
to be settled in court. The church may have a responsibility to keep that company from
treating others in a similar matter.
4. Public relations. Going to court should always be the last resort. It will be embarrassing
and difficult and may have a negative effect on the churchs public image.
5. The doctrine of charitable immunity no longer protects churches from lawsuits. More and
more, the trend is toward close inspection of all nonprofit institutionsincluding
churchesas to the ways in which they abide by the rules and regulations of society.
Churches must set a good example in al those situations where they are required to do
certain thingseven going beyond the minimum expectations to do more than is

16- Ethical standards for ministers and congregations involves the following:
[5 pts]
Ethical standards for ministers and congregations involves: Employment law, termination
policies, and financial policies.

17- Several ethical situations confront ministers in the local church. Explain
the three most important ones. [15 pts]

Ethical Situations That Confront Ministers and the Church

Ministers and lay leaders in conferences, classes, and denominational meetings have reported
problems and expressed their deepest concern related to ethics in five areas. It would be helpful
to review each of these five to determine if standards have been established and appropriate
practices are being followed in your church.
Employment Law
Ethical problems are growing among ministers and the church because many feel that the laws
do not apply to them and/or the church. For instance, some church leaders dont think twice
about the manner in which they handle personnel matters if they feel the law should not include
them or the church. It is important for church members to understand that the church is not
exempt from employment law. Laws change rapidly, and churches are not excused for not
complying because they were not aware of the law.
One example that continues to be difficult for churches is related to the law regarding overtime
pay. Many churches continue to pay secretaries or administrative assistants a salary and ignore
the fact that if office personnel work over forty hours a week, they must be paid overtime. Often
this is ignored because the church and/or ministers feel like the employees are doing the
additional work as volunteers or they are allowed to accumulate compensatory time and take off
at a later time. The law does not see it that way. The church is not an exception to this law, no
matter how much the church ignores it.
One of the newest laws affecting churches is the ruling that a church employee cannot serve in a
volunteer position that is related to the position for which one is employed. For example, a youth
ministers secretary must be paid the same hourly rate if he/she chaperones a trip or teaches a
Bible study class for youth. Although this is a difficult law, the churches are responsible to
respect it and abide by its rulings. A strong set of ethics will support doing what is required even
when you disagree with it.
To keep the church informed, it would be helpful to assign a staff member responsibility for
keeping a file of personnel regulations and attending conferences designed to help the church
know and understand the meanings of the law.
Termination Policies
Many churches view church employees as different from those who work in secular businesses,
especially as relates to termination. More and more churches neglect performance evaluations,
which are necessary for employees to know and understand what is expected in their positions.
Instead a supervisor who becomes frustrated with poor performance often asks, How can I help
this employee improve and make a contribution to the church?

Sometimes a supervisor comforts him or herself by using the at-will employment law
applicable in many states, without thinking of the consequences for the church or the employee.
The at-will employment law is often used by a church to fire someone without reason,
especially ministers. Churches with established codes of ethics concerning employee
relationships are less inclined to fire employees. In addition, the ethics of the supervisor who
fires someone should always reflect how he or she would like to be treated.
Financial Policies
Financial problems often result from the attitude of pastors and congregations that church
finances should be confidential and that its nobodys business how funds are being spent or
recorded. However, the government holds churches accountable for obeying the laws, even
though they are nonprofit organizations.
In recent years church financial ethics have become a major concern for ministers because of
dishonesty in reporting correct amounts, especially related to discretionary funds, expense
accounts, gifts, and housing allowances. To avoid this, churches should establish policies related
to financial expenditures and receipts that reflect honesty and trustworthiness. If a church has a
set of ethical guidelines, the task of developing financial policies will become easier

18- Why is it important to have a ministerial code of ethics? State what should
include in your personal code of ethics. [10 pts]

Developing a code of ethics, whether personal or for congregational use, involves the same
process. Before beginning, however, it is important to determine the purpose the code will fulfill.
Will the code of ethics be written to encourage the right behavior or will it be used to inspire
people to make the right decisions? For a congregation, writing a statement of values or a code of
conduct may better communicate to the church and personnel what the church expects. When the
person or congregation agrees on the purpose for having a code of ethics and is serious about
being disciplined to follow the code, the process of determining what to include can begin.

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