Form 5 Biology Peka

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Act 1.

6: To examine the structure of flowering plants in relation to water transport

1. A young balsam plant with its root system intact is taken. The root is washed to remove the soil
2. The plant is placed in a beaker with its root immersed in eosin solution.
3. The beaker is placed near the window. The eosin is left for 30 minutes to move into the roots,
stem and leaves.
4. The plant is removed from the beaker and the roots are washed with water.
5. A razor blade is used to cut a thin cross section and a longitudinal section of the stem and root.
6. Each section is mounted in a drop of water on a microscope glass slide. A cover slip is covered.
7. The section is examined under a microscope using the low power objective lens.
8. The diagram of the cross section of the stem and root is drawn. The structures which are stained
with eosin are shaded and labeled.

Aim : To study structure of flowering plants in relation to water transport
Problem Statement :
Hypothesis :
Manipulated variable : Different plant tissues
Responding variable : Tissues stained red
Fixed variable : Type of plant
Apparatus and Materials : Beaker, blade, microscope, glass slide, cover slide, young balsam plant,
dilute eosin solution
Technique : Observing structures of flowering plants using a microscope

Cross section of a stem Cross section of a root

1. The .........................tissue in a plant is responsible for water transport.
2. The...........................tissue is responsible for conducting plant because it is
stained .........................with eosin.
3. It is necessary to wash the plant before placing into eosin solution to............................................
and before cutting thin section of the stem to ................................................................................

The responsible for water transport in a flowering plants.

Experiment 1.10: The Effect of Air Movement on the rate of transpiration

1. A leafy shoot is cut under water and the cut end is kept in water. This is to prevent air from entering the
xylem vessels.
2. The capillary tube and rubber tubing are filled with water and the leafy shoot is inserted into the rubber
3. The surface of the leaves and stem are wiped with tissue paper.
4. Vaseline is spread around the stem and the rubber tubing to ensure the joint is airtight.
5. An air bubble is trapped in the capillary tube by lifting the capillary tube out of the water to trap the air
bubble inside the column.
6. The potometer is left aside until the air bubble in the capillary tube is moving steadily.
7. The initial position of the air bubble is marked as P.
8. Then the potometer is put under a high speed fan and the position of air bubble after 10 minutes is
marked as Q.
9. The distance of PQ is measured.
10. Steps 7 to 9 are repeated twice and the average is calculated.
11. Steps 1 to 10 are repeated with the fan off.
12. The results are recorded in a table and the rate of transpiration is calculated.

Rate of transpiration = cm min

Aim : To study the effect of air movement on the rate of transpiration
Problem Statement :
Hypothesis : The ................the movement of air, the greater the .................................
Manipulated variable :
Responding variable :
Fixed variable :
Apparatus and Materials : Potometer (capillary tube, rubber tubing), stopwatch, retort stand, standing
fan, basin, knife, ruler, marker pen, a freshly cut leafy shoot, vaseline, water
Technique : Measure and record the distance travelled by an air bubble in 10 minutes
using a ruler.
Condition of air
Distance travelled by air bubble in 10 minutes, PQ
Transpiration rate
PQ/10 (cm min
1 2 Average
Fast moving air
Still air

1. The leafy shoot must cut under water to prevent ................................ from forming inside the
xylem vessels of the shoot. This ensures a continuous column of water inside the xylem vessels.
2. The movement of air bubble from P to Q in 10 minutes time indicates the ....................................
in plant is taking place.
3. The movement of the air bubble in the potometer placed under a .....................................
represents the process of transpiration in the environment with high wind velocity.

Yes, the hypothesis is accepted. The faster the movement of air, the greater the rate of transpiration in

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