Guidance Note On Accounting For State-Level Value Added Tax: F F Y Y I I

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1. The State-level Value Added Tax (hereinafter referred to
as Value Added Tax or VAT) comes into effect from
April 1, 2005, in place of the sales tax structure prevalent
in various States. The VAT intends to bring harmonisa-
tion in the tax structure of various States and rationalise
the overall tax burden. The essence of VAT is that it pro-
vides credit/set-off for input tax, i.e., tax paid on pur-
chases, against the output tax, i.e., tax payable on sales.
2. VAT is a State subject, for which the States are indepen-
dent in taking decisions. The States, through discussion
in the Empowered Committee of State Finance
Ministers, constituted by the Ministry of Finance,
Government of India, have found it in their interest to
have certain features of VAT to be common for all the
States with a view to avoid unhealthy competition.
These features are contained in the White Paper on
State-Level Value Added Tax released by the
Empowered Committee on January 17, 2005 and consti-
tute the basic design of VAT. At the same time, the States
have freedom for making appropriate variations in their
respective State laws consistent with this basic design.
3. The objective of this Guidance Note is to provide guid-
ance in respect of accounting for various aspects of
State-level Value Added Tax, including accounting for
credit/set-off available for input-tax paid on purchases
and accounting for VAT payable on sales.
4. Salient features of VAT are briefly set out hereinafter.
Reference may, however, be made to the respective
State Acts, Rules, Notifications and Circulars issued
from time to time for details of the provisions of VAT
laws prevalent in various States.
5. The nature of VAT, as discussed in this Guidance Note, is
based on the White Paper released by the Empowered
Committee referred to in paragraph 2 above. Since the
VAT laws of the States are to be based on the White Paper,
the nature of VAT in all the States would be the same.
6. A trader/manufacturer (hereinafter referred to as a
dealer) who is registered or is required to be regis-
tered under the respective State laws on VAT is entitled
to an input tax credit (hereinafter referred to as VAT
credit) in respect of tax paid on purchases made during
the tax period where the purchases arise in the course of
his activities as a dealer. The VAT credit is allowed for
purchase of inputs/supplies meant for sale or for utili-
sation in the process of production for such sale, irre-
spective of when these are utilised/sold, and reduces
the immediate tax liability. The VAT is based on the
value addition to the goods, and the related VAT liabil-
ity of the dealer is calculated by deducting VAT credit
from tax payable on sales during the tax/payment
period (say, a month). If, for example, input worth Rs.
1,00,000/- is purchased and sales are worth Rs.
2,00,000/- in a month, and input tax rate and output tax
rate are 4% and 12.5% respectively, VAT credit and
calculation of VAT is as shown below:
(a) Input purchased during the month Rs. 1,00,000
(b) Output sold during the month Rs. 2,00,000
(c) Input tax paid and available as
VAT credit (Rs. 1,00,000 x 4%) Rs. 4,000
(d) Gross output tax payable
(Rs. 2,00,000 x 12.5%) Rs. 25,000
(e) VAT payable during the month after
adjustment of VAT credit [(d) (c)] Rs. 21,000
7. VAT credit is given to a dealer for purchase of
inputs/supplies in a State meant for sales within the State
as well as in other States. Even for stock transfer/con-
signment sale of goods out of the State, input tax paid in
excess of a certain percentage is eligible for VAT credit.
VAT credit is available in respect of all purchases made
and taxes paid thereon within the State. However, no
credit under the VAT laws is allowable in respect of
taxes paid on purchases made from other States.
8. If the VAT credit exceeds the tax payable on sales in a
month, the excess credit may be carried over to the
future month(s). If there is any excess unadjusted VAT
credit at the end of the specified period, the same is eli-
gible for refund. The period for which the excess VAT
credit can be carried over before becoming eligible for
refund is prescribed in the respective State VAT laws.
GN (A) 19 (Issued 2005)
Guidance Note on Accounting for
State-level Value Added Tax
(The following is the text of the Guidance Note on Accounting for State-level Value Added Tax, issued by the Council of the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.)
9. All goods, except liquor, lottery tickets, petrol, diesel,
aviation turbine fuel and other motor spirits whose
prices are not fully market determined, are covered
under VAT and get the benefit of VAT credit. The
goods not covered by VAT are taxed under the Sales
Tax Act or any other State Act or by making special pro-
visions in the VAT Act itself.
10. Besides prescribing various rates of tax for goods, the
State-level VAT laws may also specify (a) certain
goods which are exempt, and (b) the sales which are
zero rated. The essential difference between the
exempt sales and zero rated sales is that while in both
the cases, the dealer does not charge VAT, in case of
zero rated sales, he is eligible to claim VAT credit for
tax paid on purchase of inputs whereas for the exempted
sales, he is not eligible to claim VAT credit for the tax
paid on the purchase of inputs.
11. Exports sales are zero rated under the VAT laws. This
means that the dealer is not required to charge any tax or
pay any VAT on the export sales. The dealer, however,
is entitled to VAT credit in respect of tax paid within a
State on purchase of inputs. The VAT credit is not
restricted to only those goods which are meant or used
in the manufacture for exports. If, in any tax period, the
VAT credit declared in the VAT return exceeds the out-
put tax and the dealer has declared international exports
in the same tax period, he can claim refund of the excess
VAT credit. The refund will be made within the period
prescribed under the State VAT laws. The units located
in Special Economic Zones (SEZ) and Export Oriented
Units (EOUs) are granted either exemption from pay-
ment of input tax or refund of the input tax paid within
the prescribed period.
12. In some State VAT laws, industrial units may be granted
the facility of deferring output tax net of VAT credit.
Such units continue to collect tax on sales from the cus-
tomers at the time of making sales, but the tax is payable
after a certain specified period. The period of eligibility,
the method of computing the eligibile amount, the re-
payment etc., in such cases, shall be in a manner pre-
scribed under the respective State VAT laws.
13. All tax-paid goods purchased on or after April 1, 2004
and still in stock as on April 1, 2005 are eligible to avail
VAT credit, subject to submission of requisite docu-
ments. Resellers holding tax-paid goods on April 1,
2005 are also eligible. VAT is levied on the goods when
sold on and after April 1, 2005 and VAT credit is given
for the sales tax already paid in the previous year. This
VAT credit is available over a period of 6 months after
an interval of 3 months needed for verification. In cer-
tain States, however, immediate credit for tax-paid
goods lying in stock on April 1, 2005 may be available.
14. VAT credit on all capital goods, except a few capital
goods included in the negative list of respective State
laws, is also available to dealers. VAT credit on capital
goods may be adjusted over a maximum of 36 equal
monthly instalments. The States may at their option
reduce the number of instalments or may grant full
credit in the month of purchase of such capital goods.
Some of the State laws on VAT, e.g., the West Bengal
Value Added Tax Act, 2003, have defined the term
Capital Asset to include components, spare parts,
accessories, tools, etc., which are basically of the nature
of inventories.
15. Small dealers with gross annual turnover not exceeding
the limit specified in White Paper are not liable to pay
VAT. However, States have flexibility to fix threshold
limit within the specified limit and, therefore, certain
States have fixed lower limits in this regard. Small deal-
ers with annual gross turnover not exceeding the speci-
fied limit in this respect, who are otherwise liable to pay
VAT, however, have the option to pay tax under an
alternative scheme known as the composition scheme.
The dealers opting for this scheme are required to pay
tax at a small percentage, as prescribed, of gross
turnover and are not entitled to any VAT credit. Certain
States have fixed lower limits of turnover under the
composition scheme.
16. In some of the States, the dealers executing works con-
tracts, have been given an option either to pay tax on the
value of the goods at the time of incorporation of such
goods in the works executed, at the rates applicable to
the goods, or they may opt to pay tax by way of compo-
sition at applicable rates on a certain percentage of the
total consideration received as may be prescribed, and
in such a case, they may not be entitled to any VAT
credit or may be entitled to a partial VAT credit.
17. The entire design of VAT with input tax credit is mainly
based on documentation of tax invoice, cash memo or
bill. Every registered dealer, having turnover in excess
of the amount specified, issues to the purchaser, serially
numbered tax invoice with the prescribed particulars.
This tax invoice is required to be signed and dated by the
dealer or his regular employee, showing the required
particulars. The dealer is required to keep a counterfoil
or duplicate of the tax invoice duly signed and dated.
Failure to comply with the above attracts penalty. The
dealer is also required to keep and maintain a true and
correct account of his business transactions, and main-
tain appropriate records to ascertain his tax liability.
Various States have prescribed the records required to be
maintained by dealers engaged in various businesses.
18. The State VAT laws also provide for issuance of credit
notes/debit notes by the dealer in cases of wrong calcu-
lation of tax or return of goods after sales/ purchases are
made or in respect of annual discounts and other price
adjustments on settlement between the seller and the
19. The accounting treatment for VAT credit recommended
in the following paragraphs is required only in situa-
tions where the VAT credit is available. Accordingly,
accounting treatment recommended hereinafter would
not be applicable in cases where no VAT credit is avail-
able such as for
(i) dealers not registered under VAT, or
(ii) dealers having turnover below the threshold limit
as fixed under the State laws on VAT, and opting
for composition scheme, or
(iii) dealers engaged in the works contract and opting
to pay tax by way of composition; or
(iv) purchase of goods from unregistered dealers.
20. In the light of the salient features of VAT discussed
above, the VAT is a procedure whereby a dealer can
utilise credit for tax paid on inputs/ supplies against tax
payable on sales. Under the VAT, credit in respect of
purchases made during a period can be set-off against the
tax payable on sales during that period, irrespective of
when the supplies/inputs purchased are utilised/sold.
This implies that VAT credit is a credit on purchase of
inputs/supplies and a dealer becomes entitled to it
immediately upon making a purchase. This implies that
the dealer does not have to wait for the sales to be made
or the purchased goods to be used for production to claim
VAT credit. Further, there is no relationship between the
inputs and the outputs, if all sales are taxable.
21. With a view to recommend appropriate accounting treat-
ment for VAT credit, it would be useful to note the
requirements of paragraphs 6 and 7 of Accounting
Standard (AS) 2, Valuation of Inventories, issued by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, dealing
with cost of inventories and costs of purchase, which
are as below:
6. The cost of inventories should comprise all costs
of purchases, costs of conversion and other costs
incurred in bringing the inventories to their present
location and condition.
7. The costs of purchase consist of the purchase price
including duties and taxes (other than those subse-
quently recoverable by the enterprise from the taxing
authorities), freight inwards and other expenditure
directly attributable to the acquisition. Trade discounts,
rebates, duty drawbacks and other similar items are
deducted in determining the costs of purchase.
Attention is invited to the paragraph related to costs of
purchase, according to which, only those taxes have to be
included as costs of purchase which are not subsequently
recoverable by the enterprise from the taxing authorities.
Since the tax paid on inputs is available for set-off against the
tax payable on sales or is refundable, it is of the nature of
taxes recoverable from taxing authorities and accordingly,
input tax paid should not be included in the costs of purchase.
22. In view of the above, the amount of tax paid on purchase
of inputs/ supplies and available for VAT credit should be
debited to a separate account, say, VAT Credit
Receivable (Inputs) Account. As and when VAT credit is
actually utilised against VAT payable on sales, appropri-
ate accounting entries will be required to record the
adjustment, i.e., VAT Credit Receivable (Inputs)
Account should be credited with a corresponding debit to
the account maintained for tax payable on sales. The debit
balance in VAT Credit Receivable (Inputs) Account, at
the year-end, should be shown on the Assets side of the
balance sheet under the head Loans and Advances.
23. A dealer may purchase certain common inputs which are
to be used for making taxable sales as well as for mak-
ing exempt sales. In such a case, the dealer, on the date
of purchase, should estimate inputs expected to be used
for making taxable sales and for making exempt sales.
The dealer should recognise VAT credit only in respect
of those inputs which are expected to be used for mak-
ing taxable sales and no VAT credit should be recog-
nised in respect of inputs expected to be used for mak-
ing exempt sales. Subsequently, in case the actual use is
different from the estimated use, the dealer should pass
an appropriate adjustment entry for the same. Similarly,
in the case of stock transfer/consignment sale of goods
out of the State where VAT credit is available only to the
extent of a certain portion of input tax paid, the dealer
should make an estimate of the expected stock trans-
fers/consignment sales and account for accordingly.
24. The accounting treatment recommended in the follow-
ing paragraphs applies only to those capital goods
which are eligible for the credit.
25. Paragraph 9.1 of Accounting Standard (AS) 10, Accounting
for Fixed Assets, issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India, inter-alia, provides as below:
9.1 The cost of an item of fixed asset comprises its
purchase price, including import duties and other non-
refundable taxes or levies and any directly attributable
cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for
its intended use; any trade discounts and rebates are
deducted in arriving at the purchase price.
VAT credit is considered to be of the nature of a refundable
tax. Therefore, the tax paid on purchase of capital goods
should not be included in the cost of such capital goods.
26. As discussed in paragraph 14, VAT credit on capital
goods may or may not be available immediately. To the
extent VAT credit is available immediately, the amount
in respect thereof should be debited to an appropriate
account, say, VAT Credit Receivable (Capital Goods)
Account and the balance which is not available imme-
diately, should be debited to another appropriate
account, say, VAT Credit Deferred (Capital Goods)
Account. Subsequently, when the balance credit or a
part thereof becomes available, the appropriate adjust-
ment for the same should be made, i.e., the amount of
credit becoming available should be credited to VAT
Credit Deferred (Capital Goods) Account with a corre-
sponding debit to VAT Credit Receivable (Capital
Goods) Account. Depreciation should be charged on
the original cost of fixed asset excluding VAT credit.
27. A dealer may, normally, utilise the VAT credit receiv-
able balance pertaining either to inputs or to capital
goods for adjusting/setting-off the following liabilities:
(a) Liability in respect of VAT payable on sales.
(b) Liability in respect of disallowance/withdrawal of
VAT credit.
28. All liabilities adjusted out of the VAT credit receivable
balance should be credited to the VAT Credit
Receivable (Inputs) Account or VAT Credit Receivable
(Capital Goods) Account. The corresponding debit for
the same should be given to the account maintained for
recording VAT liability on sales, say, VAT Payable
Account, if the liability for VAT payable on sales has
been met by using the balance in the said account.
29. If, on the other hand, the amount utilised pertains to dis-
allowance/ withdrawal of VAT credit taken on purchase
of inputs made during the year, the same should be added
to the cost of inputs. Appropriate adjustment in that case
would have to be made while valuing inventory of
inputs. If the amount adjusted pertains to disal-
lowance/withdrawal of credit in respect of purchases
effected in earlier years, the accounting treatment would
depend on whether the said inputs/supplies are available
in stock or not. If they are not available, i.e., these have
already been sold, the disallowance/withdrawal should
be debited to profit and loss account and treated as
expense of the current year. If these are still lying in
stock, the amount should be added to the cost of inputs.
30. If the amount utilised out of VAT credit receivable bal-
ance pertains to any disallowance/withdrawal of VAT
credit on capital goods, the same should be added to the
cost of the relevant fixed asset. For accounting pur-
poses, depreciation on the revised unamortised depre-
ciable amount should be provided prospectively over
the residual useful life of the asset. In case the fixed asset
no longer exists, the relevant amount should be written-
off in the profit and loss account with an appropriate dis-
closure. If the amount of VAT credit disallowed on cap-
ital goods is standing to the debit of VAT Credit
Deferred (Capital Goods) Account and has not been
transferred to VAT Credit Receivable (Capital Goods)
Account, the account to be credited would be the VAT
Credit Deferred (Capital Goods) Account.
31. Input tax which cannot be adjusted against the VAT
payable over the specified period of time and input tax
paid on purchases made for exports out of the country
are eligible for refund. Any refund of input tax received
in this manner should be credited to the VAT Credit
Receivable (Inputs) Account or VAT Credit Receivable
(Capital Goods) Account, as appropriate.
32. The inventory of inputs should be valued net of input tax.
In other words, the tax on inputs will not form part of the
cost of inventories. Balance in VAT Credit Receivable
(Inputs) Account should be shown in the Balance Sheet
under the head Loans and Advances on the Assets side.
33. Where inputs/supplies have been obtained from small
dealers or other dealers who are exempt from VAT, the
actual cost of purchase should be considered as a part of
cost of inventory.
34. Where purchases are made from the dealers who are not
eligible under the relevant State VAT Laws, e.g., unreg-
istered dealers, to pass VAT credit and, therefore, can-
not issue tax invoice in accordance with the applicable
law, the inventories of such inputs should be valued at
the actual cost inclusive of the input tax.
35. While valuing inventories of final products, the value of
inputs should be net of the input tax where VAT credit
is available.
36. Inventories of capital goods, such as, components, spare
parts, accessories, tools, etc., should be valued net of
VAT credit. In other words, input tax paid on such cap-
ital goods should not form part of their cost.
37. As mentioned in paragraph 13 above, VAT credit is also
available in respect of tax-paid goods lying in stock at the
inception of the VAT scheme. The amount of VAT credit
available in respect of opening stock should be credited to
VAT Credit Available on Opening Stock Account at the
inception of the VAT scheme, if required documents for
availing this credit are available with the dealer. The corre-
sponding debit for this amount should be given to VAT
Credit Receivable (Inputs) Account if the VAT credit is
available immediately. If the VAT credit is not available
immediately but is available in future, the corresponding
debit for this amount should be given to VAT Credit
Deferred (Opening Stock) Account. Subsequently, when
this credit becomes actually available, the appropriate
adjustment for the same should be made, i.e., the amount of
credit becoming available should be credited to VAT
Credit Deferred (Opening Stock) Account with a corre-
sponding debit to VAT Credit Receivable (Inputs)
Account. In the profit and loss account, the amount of
VAT Credit Available on Opening Stock Account should
be shown as a deduction from the value of opening stock.
38. Output tax or VAT payable on sales is an indirect tax
which is ultimately borne by the final consumer but is
collected at each stage of distribution chain. A question
may arise as to whether VAT recovered from the cus-
tomers should be recognised as income in the profit and
loss account and, correspondingly, whether VAT
payable on sales should be treated as an expense.
39. The Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of
Financial Statements, issued by the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India, has defined the term
income as below:
Income is increase in economic benefits during
the accounting period in the form of inflows or
enhancements of assets or decreases of liabilities
that result in increases in equity, other than those
relating to contributions from equity participants.
The Value Added Tax (VAT) is collected from the cus-
tomers on behalf of the VAT authorities and, therefore,
its collection from the customers is not an economic
benefit for the enterprise and it does not result in any
increase in the equity of the enterprise. Accordingly, it
should not be recognised as an income of the enterprise.
Similarly, the payment of VAT should not be treated as
an expense in the financial statements of the enterprise.
40. In view of the above, it is recommended that the amount
of tax collected from customers on sale of goods should
be credited to an appropriate account, say, VAT Payable
Account. Where the enterprise has not charged VAT
separately but has made a composite charge, it should
segregate the portion of sales which is attributable to tax
and should credit the same to VAT Payable Account at
periodic intervals. The amounts of VAT payable adjusted
against the VAT Credit Receivable (Inputs) Account or
VAT Credit Receivable (Capital Goods) Account and
amounts paid in cash will be debited to this account. The
credit balance in VAT Payable Account, at the year-end,
should be shown on the Liabilities side of the balance
sheet under the head Current Liabilities.
41. Where a dealer is enjoying tax holiday and, therefore, his
liability to pay output tax is deferred for a period more
than one year under the State laws on VAT, the amount
in the VAT Payable Account should not be reflected
as a current liability. The same should be reflected as a
long-term liability.
42. Examples illustrating the accounting treatment of
important aspects of VAT are given in the Appendix to
this Guidance Note.
(This appendix, which is illustrative only and does not form
part of the Guidance Note, provides examples to illustrate
application of the principles explained in this Guidance
Illustration 1
1. A dealer purchases the following goods in a State dur-
ing the month of March 20x6:
Particulars Total Input Tax Net
Amount Paid Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
4% VAT Goods 10,40,000 40,000 10,00,000
12.5% VAT Goods 9,00,000 1,00,000 8,00,000
VAT Exempt Goods 2,00,000 - 2,00,000
Total 21,40,000 1,40,000 20,00,000
2. The input tax paid on purchase of goods is eligible for
VAT credit.
3. Sales made by the dealer during the month are as below:
Particulars Gross Output Tax Net Sales
Amount Collected Conside-
(Rs.) (Rs.) ration (Rs.)
4% VAT Goods 11,44,000 44,000 11,00,000
12.5% VAT Goods 10,12,500 1,12,500 9,00,000
VAT Exempt Goods 2,50,000 - 2,50,000
Total 24,06,500 1,56,500 22,50,000
Suggested Accounting Treatment
1. The dealer passes the following entry to record the
goods purchased and input tax paid thereon:
4% VAT Goods Purchase A/c Dr. Rs. 10,00,000
12.5 % VAT Goods Purchase A/c Dr. Rs. 8,00,000
VAT Exempt Goods Purchase A/c Dr. Rs. 2,00,000
VAT Credit Receivable (Inputs) A/c Dr. Rs. 1,40,000
To Bank A/c Rs. 21,40,000
(Being goods purchased and input tax paid)
2. The dealer passes the following entry to record the
goods sold and VAT collected thereon:
Bank A/c Dr. Rs. 24,06,500
To 4% VAT Goods Sales A/c Rs. 11,00,000
To 12.5 % VAT Goods Sales A/c Rs. 9,00,000
To VAT Exempt Goods Sales A/c Rs. 2,50,000
To VAT Payable A/c Rs. 1,56,500
(Being goods sold and VAT collected)
3. The dealer passes the following entry to record the lia-
bility for VAT payable met by using the balance in the
VAT Credit Receivable (Inputs) Account:
VAT Payable A/c Dr. Rs. 1,40,000
To VAT Credit Receivable (Inputs) A/c Rs. 1,40,000
(Being liability for VAT payable met
by using the balance in the VAT
Credit Receivable (Inputs) Account)
4. Net credit balance of Rs. 16,500 (i.e., Rs. 1,56,500
Rs. 1,40,000) in VAT Payable A/c is disclosed in the
balance sheet as below:
Extracts from the Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities: Rs.
VAT Payable Account 16,500
5. Accounting Standard (AS) 2, Valuation of
Inventories, does not require disclosure of components
of the cost of inventories as a part of significant account-
ing policies. However, the dealer may, if he so desires,
include the following sentence in the accounting policy
regarding valuation of inventories to specify the treat-
ment regarding VAT credit available on purchases:
The cost of inventories is net of VAT credit.
6. The dealer may include the following sentence in the
accounting policy regarding revenue recognition to
specify the treatment of output tax:
Sales are exclusive of VAT.
7. Suppose the dealer makes payment of outstanding VAT
liability at the beginning of the next month. To record
the payment, the dealer passes the following entry:
VAT Payable A/c Dr. Rs. 16,500
To Bank A/c Rs. 16,500
(Being payment made for VAT liability)
Illustration 2
1. A dealer purchases the following goods in a State dur-
ing the month of March 20x6:
Particulars Total Input Tax Net
Amount Paid Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
4% VAT Goods 10,40,000 40,000 10,00,000
12.5% VAT Goods 9,00,000 1,00,000 8,00,000
VAT Exempt Goods 2,00,000 - 2,00,000
Total 21,40,000 1,40,000 20,00,000
2. The other facts of the illustration are as below:
(a) On March 1, 20x6, there was an opening balance of
Rs. 1,00,000 in the VAT Credit Receivable
(Inputs) Account.
(b) During the month, the dealer made a stock transfer
of 12.5% VAT goods costing Rs. 2,50,000 out of
the State. The stock transfer was an exceptional
case for the dealer and, therefore, he had not made
an estimate in this regard at the time of purchase.
VAT credit to the extent of 4% is not allowed on
stock transfer as per the State VAT laws.
(c) The dealer utilised 4% VAT goods costing Rs.
2,00,000 as input for manufacture of exempted
goods. The decision to manufacture the exempted
goods was made by the dealer after the purchase of
goods and, therefore, he had not made an estimate in
this regard at the time of purchase. No VAT credit is
available on the inputs used for the manufacture of
exempted goods as per the State VAT laws.
(d) The dealer has received a refund of Rs. 20,000 out
of VAT Credit Receivable (Inputs) Account out-
standing at the beginning of the month.
(e) VAT payable on sales made during the month is
Rs. 1,15,500.
Suggested Accounting Treatment
1. The entry to record the goods purchased and input tax
paid thereon will be the same as in Illustration 1.
2. Since the dealer has recognised full VAT credit at the time
of purchase, he is required to reverse the VAT credit to the
extent of 4% at the time when the stock transfer takes
place. The dealer passes the following entry to record the
reversal amounting to Rs. 10,000 (Rs. 2,50,000 x 4%):
12.5 % VAT Goods Purchase A/c Dr. Rs. 10,000
To VAT Credit Receivable (Inputs) A/c Rs. 10,000
(Being VAT Credit reversed to the extent of 4% on
stock transfer)
3. The dealer passes entry to record the VAT reversal
amounting to Rs.8,000 (Rs. 2,00,000 x 4%) arising
because of goods used as input for manufacture of
exempted goods:
4% VAT Goods Purchase A/c Dr. Rs. 8,000
To VAT Credit Receivable (Inputs) A/c Rs. 8,000
(Being VAT credit reversed on the goods used as input
for manufacture of exempted goods)
4. The dealer passes the following entry to record the
refund of VAT credit received:
Bank A/c Dr. Rs. 20,000
To VAT Credit Receivable (Inputs) A/c Rs. 20,000
(Being refund of VAT Credit Receivable)
5. VAT Credit Receivable (Inputs) A/c will appear in the
books of the dealer as below:
VAT Credit Receivable (Inputs) A/c
Date Particulars Debit Credit Dr./Cr. Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
To Balance b/d 1,00,000 Dr. 1,00,000
To Bank 1,40,000 Dr. 2,40,000
By 12.5 % VAT Goods
Purchase A/c 10,000 Dr. 2,30,000
By 4% VAT Goods
Purchase A/c 8,000 Dr. 2,22,000
By Bank 20,000 Dr. 2,02,000
By VAT Payable A/c 1,15,500 Dr. 86,500
By Balance c/d 86,500
Total 2,40,000 2,40,000
6. Net debit balance of Rs. 86,500 in the VAT Credit Receivable
(Inputs) A/c is disclosed in the balance sheet as below:
Extracts from the Balance Sheet
Assets Amount (Rs.)
Loans and Advances
VAT Credit Receivable (Inputs) A/c 86,500
Illustration 1
On June 1, 20x6, a dealer purchases one machine in a State
for the total cost of Rs. 93,60,000 which includes input tax
of Rs. 3,60,000. As per the State VAT laws, input tax paid
on purchase of machinery is adjustable as VAT credit over
36 equal monthly instalments beginning July 1, 20x6. Till
the end of the year, the dealer has not utilised the VAT credit
available on the machine.
Suggested Accounting Treatment
1. The dealer passes the following entry to record the
machinery purchased and input tax paid thereon:
Machinery A/c Dr. Rs. 90,00,000
VAT Credit Deferred (Capital
Goods) A/c Dr. Rs. 3,60,000
To Bank A/c Rs. 93,60,000
(Being machinery purchased and input tax paid)
2. When the VAT credit becomes actually available, the
dealer passes the following entry to recognise the same
every month:
VAT Credit Receivable
(Capital Goods) A/c Dr. Rs. 10,000
To VAT Credit Deferred
(Capital Goods) A/c Rs. 10,000
(Being a portion of VAT credit on purchase of machin-
ery becoming available)
3. The dealer charges depreciation on the cost of machin-
ery excluding VAT credit (i.e., Rs. 93,60,000 Rs.
3,60,000 = Rs. 90,00,000).
4. Balances in VAT Credit Deferred (Capital Goods) A/c
and VAT Credit Receivable (Capital Goods) A/c are dis-
closed in the balance sheet as on March 31, 20x7 as below:
Extracts from the Balance Sheet
Assets Amount (Rs.)
Loans and Advances
VAT Credit Deferred (Capital Goods) A/c 2,70,000
VAT Credit Receivable (Capital Goods) A/c 90,000
Illustration 2
VAT laws of a State come into effect from April 1, 20x5.
The laws provide VAT credit for tax paid on capital assets
which have been purchased between April 1, 20x3 and
March 31, 20x5 and sold on after April 1, 20x5 but before
December 31, 20x5.
On April 1, 20x5, a dealer has a machinery which was pur-
chased on December 31, 20x3 for Rs. 12,00,000. The dealer
has created provision for depreciation of Rs. 1,50,000 on the
machinery till March 31, 20x5. On July 1, 20x5, the dealer
sells the said machinery for Rs. 15,00,000. Depreciation on
the machinery for the period of April 1, 20x5 to June 30, 20x5
is Rs. 30,000. As per the State VAT laws, the dealer is enti-
tled to VAT credit of Rs. 1,35,000 on sale of the machinery.
Suggested Accounting Treatment
1. As per the Guidance Note, a dealer should recognise
VAT credit as soon as he becomes entitled to it. In the
present case, as per the State VAT laws, the dealer
becomes entitled to VAT credit only when the machin-
ery is sold. Accordingly, he should recognise the VAT
credit only on sale of the machinery. To recognise the
credit, the dealer passes the following entry:
July 1, 20x5 VAT Credit Receivable
(Capital Goods) A/c Dr. Rs. 1,35,000
To Machinery A/c Rs. 1,35,000
(Being VAT credit becoming available on sale of
2. Machinery A/c will appear in the books of the dealer as
Machinery A/c
Date Particulars Debit Credit Dr./ Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)
April 1 To Balance b/d
(Original Cost) 12,00,000 Dr. 12,00,000
July 1 By Bank
(Sale Consideration) 15,00,000 Cr. 3,00,000
July 1 By Provision for
(Upto March 31, 20x5) 1,50,000 Cr. 4,50,000
July 1 By Depreciation for
current year 30,000 Cr. 4,80,000
July 1 By VAT Credit
Receivable (Capital
Goods) A/c 1,35,000 Cr. 6,15,000
July 1 To Profit on sale 6,15,000 Nil
Total 18,15,000 18,15,000
Illustration 1
On April 1, 20x5 (the date on which VAT scheme comes
into effect), a dealer has an opening stock of Rs. 9,36,000
and the dealer has paid sales tax of Rs. 36,000 on purchase.
As per the State VAT laws, these goods are eligible for
availing VAT credit in respect of the tax paid. This VAT
credit will be available over a period of 6 months after an
interval of 3 months needed for verification.
Suggested Accounting Treatment
1. On April 1, 20x5, the dealer passes the following entry
to record the VAT credit that will be available in respect
of the opening stock:
VAT Credit Deferred (Opening
Stock) A/c Dr. Rs. 36,000
To VAT Credit Available on
Opening Stock A/c Rs. 36,000
(Being VAT credit in respect of opening stock at the
inception of the VAT scheme)
2. On July 1, 20x5, when first instalment of VAT credit
becomes actually available, the dealer passes the follow-
ing entry to recognise the amount becoming available:
VAT Credit Receivable
(Inputs) A/c Dr. Rs. 6,000
To VAT Credit Deferred
(Opening Stock) A/c Rs. 6,000
(Being a portion of VAT credit on opening stock
becoming available)
3. The dealer will repeat the entry mentioned at 2 above for
the next 5 months to record the amount of VAT credit
becoming available.
4. The dealer discloses opening stock and VAT credit
availed in respect thereof in the profit and loss account
in the following manner:
Extracts from the Profit and Loss Account
Particulars Amount (Rs.)
Opening Stock Rs. 9,36,000
Less: VAT Credit Available
on Opening Stock Rs. 36,000 Rs. 9,00,000
Illustration 2
Continuing Illustration 1, suppose as per the State VAT laws,
immediate VAT credit in respect of the tax paid on opening
stock is available. In case any part of the opening stock remains
unsold upto December 31, 20x5, the dealer is required to
reverse VAT credit in respect of unsold stock. The dealer has
unsold goods worth Rs. 2,50,000 (net of VAT credit) from the
opening stock on December 31, 20x5 and, therefore, he is
required to reverse VAT credit to the extent of Rs. 10,000.
Suggested Accounting Treatment
1. On April 1, 20x5, the dealer passes the following entry to
record the VAT credit available in respect of the opening
VAT Credit Receivable
(Inputs) A/c Dr. Rs. 36,000
To VAT Credit Available on
Opening Stock A/c Rs. 36,000
(Being VAT credit in respect of opening stock at the
inception of the VAT scheme)
2. On December 31, 20x5, the dealer passes the following
entry to reverse the VAT credit in respect of unsold goods:
VAT Credit Available on
Opening Stock A/c Dr. Rs. 10,000
To VAT Credit Receivable
(Inputs) A/c Rs. 10,000
(Being VAT credit reversed in respect of unsold open-
ing stock)
On January 15, 20x6, A Ltd. sells on credit 1,000 units of prod-
uct X to B for Rs. 100 per unit plus 12.5% VAT. On June
30, 20x6, B becomes insolvent. As per the relevant State
VAT laws, in this situation, A Ltd. is not liable to pay VAT.
Suggested Accounting Treatment
1. On January 15, 20x6, A Ltd. passes the following
B A/c Dr. Rs. 1,12,500
To Sales Rs. 1,00,000
To VAT Payable Account Rs. 12,500
(Being sale of goods on credit to B)
2. On June 30, 20x6, A Ltd. passes the following entry:
VAT Payable A/c Dr. Rs. 12,500
Bad Debts A/c Dr Rs. 1,00,000
To B Rs. 1,12,500
(Being bad debts written off on B becoming insolvent)

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