News & Views: Make and Take Name Change Now Mom's Time Out!

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Issue 201 June 2014


Elizabeth Quong

Emma Chalifour
Johanna Payjack

Daniel Scott

Avril Nagel

UVIC Family Centre
39208- 2375 Lam Circle
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2

PHONE: 250-472-4062
E-MAIL: [email protected]

Family Centre Weekly Programs
Monday Family Learn and Share 10:00am-12noon
Monday Make and Take 7:00-9:00pm
Wednesday Under 5 Playgroup 10:00am-12noon
Friday Under 5 Playgroup 10:00am-12noon

In addition to weekly programs, the Family Centre is open Monday (9:30-
12), Tuesday (11-3), Wednesday (9:30-3:00) and Friday (9:30-12). For more
information contact the Family Centre through Facebook or by email at
[email protected].
Make and Take Name Change
Now Moms Time Out!

A number of years ago a group of moms expressed a desire to get together in
the evening without children. The group was drawn together by a desire to
make something to take home and so became known as Make and Take. In
those early days we shared recipes, made gift cards and tried our hand at a
variety of crafts. Next Sarah Nantal came along, a practicum student from the
School of Social Work with a passion for knitting and Make and Take rapidly
grew into a thriving knitting group. Recently we have felt that it is time for the
group to evolve once again. The Family Centre has decided to rename the
Make and Take program to Moms Time Out in order to re-emphasize the
purpose of the program: to provide an opportunity for women to get together.
Would you like an uninterrupted cup of tea and some good company? Monday
nights are for you. All women are welcome (moms or not); Monday nights are
for women to get together. This is a great opportunity to meet people if you
are new to the community. We would like to make this a place for adults to
come together and so ask that you leave your children at home (with the
exception of nursing infants).
If youve had a tough day - come! If you had a great day - come! If you can
only come for an half an hour come! If you are a mom come! If you are
not a mom come! We would love to see you. If you have questions about
this program or suggestions of programs you would like to see offered at the
Family Centre please email [email protected].

Issue 201 June 2014
Clay Connections
By Johanna and Vanessa
Happy Retirement to Barb Whittington!

The UVic Family Centre took time on May 27th to say "Thank You" to Barb Whittington and to celebrate the
passion, enthusiasm and wisdom that Barb has shared as a member of the Advisory Group for many years.
To quote a previous Family Centre Coordinator, Barb" set
the bar high for integrity, social justice, authenticity, audacity
and compassion".

Whether Barb was handing out hot dogs or donating dollars
her love for student families and her belief in the
importance of the UVic Family Centre has always been
evident. Barb brought joy and fun to Family Centre events.

We all wish Barb the very best in her upcoming adventures
as she begins her active retirement at the end of June.

Issue 201 June 2014

Financial Tips from

June is the perfect time to check in with your short and long-term financial goals: the kids are out of school, the sun is
shining and chances are youre planning to get away with your family at least once before everything starts up again in
September. A few tips to make this easy:
Start with a cash flow analysis that looks at your debt and savings strategy. Your advisor can help you summarize
these in just a few minutes and this exercise will help you pinpoint exactly where you are right now, where you need to
be and what your assets and liabilities are. It will also take into account any immediate plans you have for the
summer: camps, vacations, recreational programsyou name it.
Using this information, your advisor can then help you create a budget if you dont already have one in place. A
budget will help you stay objective about your fixed and variable expenses. In other words, determine whats essential
and what can be shaved down if need be. Once your budget is in place, monthly comparisons of your actual expenses
against what you planned for will help you stay on track.
With a budget in hand, you can then set up dedicated savings accounts for your big-ticket goals. For example, you
might have one for your childs education, one for a future down payment and one for that trip to Disneyland. Products
like Island Savings Save The Change accountwhere every purchase you make with your debit card is automatically
rounded up to the next dollar and the change goes directly into savingsmakes this part easy, but you could also set
up automated deposits on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis depending on what works best for your lifestyle.
Ultimately, shifting just one or two habits will likely save you money. Are you paying a high interest rate on your credit
card instead of a relatively low annual fee? Where are you currently putting your child tax benefit? A portion of this
income can likely be redirected into savings without undermining your ability to pay the bills.
It all starts with a quick conversation with an advisor who can help you think about your money in a creative way.
Thirty minutes is all you need to get this check-in started (bring your kids along!); we can take care of the rest by email
or phone.
Whatever your current savings may be, a check-in now with your financial advisor is guaranteed to give you a few tips
to get you to your goals fasterand a few minutes of planning today will help keep your finances stress-free well past
the summer.

This expert advice was provided by Bobbi
Scinocca and Chad Ramsey. They are both
Senior Advisors with Island Savings at the
Tuscany Branch.

Issue 201 June 2014

Family Learn and Share
On Monday mornings from 10am-12noon the Family
Centre hosts a drop-in program for families to interact
and learn from one another. Each week there is a
designated focus topic and facilitator. Please contact us
by email, phone or Facebook if you have any questions
or suggestions.

Wednesday and Friday Playgroups:
Families are welcome from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm to
enjoy an engaging morning full of activities. Our goal is
to provide children with a rich environment in which
they can learn through play. Expect engaging activities
in the main room, along with free play in the toy room.
A healthy snack for all to share is provided with coffee
and tea for the adults. Engage in some adult
conversation and be a part of the warm, friendly
atmosphere. Story time with songs and stories, as well
as outdoor play as the weather allows. We try to
squeeze in many important favorite elements in a short
time, while still being flexible to follow the lead of the

Moms Time Out!
Do you need a time-out? The Family Centre is open on
Monday nights from 7-9pm for women to get together,
have a cup of tea and chat. Feel free to come for half an
hour or stay for the whole time. If you dont have
children dont let the name deceive you! You are more
than welcome. Monday nights is simply an opportunity
for women to get out and get to know some of the
other people from the community. (Note: Nursing
infants are welcome.)

Book Club:
The Family Centre has a book club that meets on the
third Thursday of each month to discuss a novel chosen
by the group. If you enjoy reading and would like to get
together with others please come along. To find out
more go to our Facebook page.

At Family Learn and Share this Month
Mondays 10-Noon

Monday June 2nd: Childcare Resource and
Referral (C.C.R.R) will be joining us to
discuss all things childcare related (types of
childcare available, how to find childcare,
subsidies, preschool subsidies etc.).

Monday June 16th: Fiona, Personal Safety
Officer from Campus Security, will be
available to answer any safety related
questions (child first aid, emergency
preparedness etc.).

Monday June 23rd: Jane Wismer, Public
Health Nurse, will be with available to answer
health related questions.
And that means lots of great community
events and programs. Keep an eye on the
Family Centre Facebook page. Well be
posting community events and programs.

Tide Pools and Sea Birds
Cattle Point
June 15th 11am-1:30pm, Free
Low tide at Cattle Point offers an opportunity to
view a diverse ecology in tidal pools and sub tidal
crevices. Join Melissa Frey and Gavin Hanke,
curators at the RBCM and expert birder Geoffry
Newell, and the Friends of Uplands Park to learn
how to find fish, anemones, crabs and to watch the
birds interact. Bring binoculars and wear water
shoes/boots to investigate the tide pools using
nets and containers.
Pancake Breakfast
Family Centre, June 21st
Mark your calendars because the Family
Centre wants to make your day and fill your
bellies again on June 21st. Join us for pancakes
and feel free to wear your pjs and bring a
friend. Watch the Facebook page for details.

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