Alkali-Free Liquid Accelerator

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Conmix AFL


DESCRIPTION It is preferable to use concrete with cement contents of
Conmix AFL is an alkali-free liquid admixture formulated no less than 400 kg/m3 for high early strength.
to provide set acceleration in shotcrete, while reducing Conmix AFL can be sensitive to different types of cement.
the safety hazards associated with traditional alkaline It is suggested to use 100% clinker Portland cement for
shotcrete accelerators. It may be used for shotcrete earlier setting time.
applied by dry or wet spraying. During wet-mix spraying, the w/c ratio should be below
0.5 (preferably below 0.45) to achieve better results. The
USES & ADVANTAGES water content in aggregate must be taken into account in
Conmix AFL can be used with shotcrete in tunneling, the calculation fo water-cement ratio.
mining, and slope stabilisation. It is ideally suited for wet Conmix AFL is added at the nozzle through a separate
mix sprayed concrete for rock support due to: accelerator hose.
• The quick setting properties which allow for rapid work To facilitate dosage it is recommended to agitate Conmix
progress and the ability to construct thick sprayed AFL before hand, as the material is self-thickening, or rather
concrete linings via layered application during construction has a tendency to sedimentation after long term storage.
sequence. Before Conmix AFL is used, the entire dosing equipment
• The product formulation which provides continual early- must be thoroughly cleaned with a lot of water. During
age strength development whilst also achieving excellent concreting and work breaks the system must remain
long-term strength and durability. closed to avoid blockage.
• Conmix AFL being a liquid product provides easy handling, Conmix AFL must not be stored in steel containers. The
as well as facilitating accurate addition to the concrete. storage containers must be closed tightly to avoid the
• Very low dust production and therefore a good working evaporation of the water and resulting film formation on
environment.. Product is also non aggressive, it provides the surface.
improved working safety and environmental impact.
Prior to and after using Conmix AFL
AFL, clean the hoses,
Advantages include:
pumps, and other instruments thoroughly with plenty of
• Quick setting.
• Early-age strength development, excellent long-term
strength and durability. Do not mix Conmix AFL with any type of accelerator
• High resistance to carbonation. produced by another manufacturer, as this could
• Reducing water permeability. cause immediate clogging of pumps and hoses.
• Very low dust production. All necessary suitability tests must be performed before use.
• Improves safety and non-toxic.
• Reduced rebound.
Typical Shotcrete Mix Design
• Alkali free.
Ordinary Portland Cement Type I 420 kg/m3
River Sand 700 kg/m3
Crushed Rock Fines 500 kg/m3
Appearance: White milky liquid
Aggregates <10 mm 450 kg/m3
pH Value (5% solution):: Approx. 3.2 ± 0.1
Water 189 litre/m3
Density: Approx. 1.42 ± 0.02
Na O: <0.1% The above is a typical shotcrete mix design excluding
2 -
Chloride Content (Cl ): <0.01% superplasticisers, silica fume, steel fibres, accelerators
and other additives.
APPLICATION Gradation Limits for Shotcrete Aggregate
According to the required setting time and early strengths,
Sieve Sizes % by Weight Passing Individual Sieves
Conmix AFL can be added at a dosage of 3-10% by weight
(mm) Gradation No.1 No.2 No.3
of binder. Overdosing may result in decreased strength.
The dosage depends on temperatures, reactivity of cement 19 - - 100
used, required thickness of layers, setting time and early 12.5 - 100 80-95
strength development required. We recommend the use 9.5 100 90-100 70-90
4.75 95-100 70-85 50-70
of fresh cement.
2.36 80-100 50-70 35-55
Dosage equipment and pumps must be made of acid-
1.18 50-85 35-55 20-40
resistant materials. 0.60 25-60 20-35 10-30
Mono pumps (screw pumps) and squeeze pumps (rotary 0.30 10-30 8-20 5-17
pumps) can work well, but piston pumps, pressure tanks 0.15 2-10 2-10 2-10
and gear pumps should not be used.
Rev. 001 : Feb 2008
Conmix AFL


Dry mix shotcrete must allow for increased rebound composed Conmix AFL is supplied in 200 litre drums or 1,000 litre
mainly of larger aggregate, unlike wet mixes increase IBC tanks.
aggregate contents to allow for loss in application is not a
problem. Below is a typical dry mix shotcrete mix design. STORAGE & SHELF LIFE
In dry mix shotcrete usually the only type of admixtures used Conmix AFL must be stored at a minimum of +5°C and
are accelerators combined with silica fume and steel fibres. maximum of +35°C. Conmix AFL has to be kept in closed
Sample Dry Mix (Design 1 m 3 ): containers made of plastic, glass fibre plastic or stainless
Aggregate (Gradation No.2) 1,670 kg steel. Conmix AFL must not be stored in normal steel
Cement 350-400 kg containers as the pH can cause corrosion that may affect
Conmix SF1
Silica Fume (Conmix SF1) 50 kg the performance of the product.
Steel Fibres (if required) 40-60 kg
After prolonged storage we recommend that Conmix
Wet Mix AFL always be fully agitated prior to use by mechanical
Wet mix design is similiar to pumpable concrete mixes. stirring or re-circulation pumping. Agitation by
The material must be flowable enough at low water compressed air is strictly not advised.
cement ratios to flow through the hose stay in place once
If stored in tightly closed original containers under the
blown onto the surface and rapidly gain strength.
above given conditions, Conmix AFL have a shelf life of
Wet mix shotcrete typically contains Superplasticisers
3-6 months.
Conmix SP1
(Conmix Conmix R1
SP1), Retarders (Conmix R1), Air Entrainers
Open containers will allow prolonged contact with air
(Conair Conmix SF1
Conair), Silica Fume (Conmix SF1) and Steel Fibres.
leading to skin film and lumps being produced that may
Below is a typical wet mix shotcrete design: cause blocking of accelerator system.
Sample Wet Mix (Design 1 m3) It is recommended that your local Cormix International
Aggregate (Gradation No.2) 1,600 kg representative be consulted prior to the use of any product
Cement 420 kg that has been frozen.
Conmix SF1
Silica Fume (Conmix SF1) 40 kg Performance testing should always be carried out before use.
Superplasticiser, Water Reducer
Conmix SP1
(Conmix SP1, Conmix R1 R1) HEALTH & SAFETY
& Air Entrainer (Conair) 5-10 kg Wear rubber gloves and goggles to avoid eye and skin
Water (approx.) 210 kg contact. If contact occurs, clean with plenty of water. In
Steel Fibres (if required) 40-60 kg case of eye contact, seek medical advice.
Cormix International technical service department is
available to advise on shotcrete mix design and the TECHNICAL SERVICE
appropriate additives to use. The Cormix International Technical Service Department is
available to assist you in the correct use of our products and
Dry & Wet Shotcrete Additives Available from
its resources are at your disposal entirely without obligation.
Conmix AFP Alkali Free Powder Accelerator Certified by
Conmix GA2 Standard Powder Accelerator
Conmix SF1 Silica Fume
Conmix Steel Fibres ISO 9001 : 2000
Cert . No. 04100 2001 0136
Wet Mix Additives Quality Management System Certified
Conmix GA1 Standard Liquid Accelerator
Conmix AFL Alkali Free Liquid Accelerator CONTACT DETAILS
Conmix SP1 Superplasticiser Admixture Cormix International Limited
Conmix R1/P4 Retarding & Plasticising Admixture Regional Office
Conmix SF1 Silica Fume 15/1, Romklao Rd., Sansab, Minburi, Bangkok 10510
Conair Air entraining Additive Tel. (66 2) 917 3955-8, 543 8890
Conmix Steel Fibres Fax. (66 2) 917 3959, 543 8891 E-mail : [email protected]
NOTE : Every reasonable precaution is taken in the manufacture of all CORMIX-products to ensure that they comply with CORMIX‘s high standard of quality.
The recommendations and properties of the product are based upon what is believed to be the most reliable information available, and are not intended as
recommendations which infringe on other patents. Although all CORMIX-products are subject to rigid quality tests, no specific guarantee can be given, because
results depend, not only on quality, but also on other factors beyond our control. We welcome therefore consultation in the event of doubt concerning application,
or performance, and point out that oral recommendations, which vary from the instructions contained herein, are not binding without written confirmation by
CORMIX. All transactions shall be subject to our terms and conditions of sale-delivery-and-service. This data sheet supersedes the previous one and a reprint may
be issued without notice to supersede this edition, as and when deemed necessary. The information given in this leaflet is to the best of our knowledge true and
reliable. Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility.Our guarantee is therefore limited to the quality of materials delivered.

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