Akradinbosom Afi

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The Obosom of Afi and Fida

Afi (Het Heru, Oshun)



AFI (ah-fee) is the Obosom of the okyin (planet) Afi (venus). Her da (day) is Fida
(friday). She is referred to as a Wanderer, Traveler; Adventurous, Innovative, Creative. Afi is the
Obosom Who governs the sensual attraction which is the precursor to sexual activity (pro-
creative activity) and that which replenishes its harmony (pleasure). Afi governs the Divine
Reproductive System, the procreative/creative structure in Abode (ah-baw-deh/Creation) the
Divine Body of Nyamewaa-Nyame (The Supreme Being) and thus the reproductive system
within the Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) body. Afi governs the fallopian tubes
in the Afuraitkaitnit female and the epididymis in the Afurakani male. She also governs the
gestation process.

Okyin Afi

The Obosom Afi is called Oshun in the Yoruba tradition and Het Heru in ancient Kamit
and Keneset. The name Het Heru or Het Hert becomes Kyekye (Cheh-cheh) in Akan.
Kyekye is a name of the okyin (planet) Afi (venus) in Akan as well. An Adinkra symbol
called Kyekye pe awaree defines the nature of the energy of Kyekye (Afi), for it is a symbol
representing that Kyekye (Het Her/Afi) pe (desires/loves) awaree (marriage--harmonious

Kyekye pe awaree
Kyekye desires marriage. She is always waiting for the return of Her Husband the Moon

Osrane (Moon) and Nsoromma (Star) Crescent Moon and Afi/Kyekye Metut (hieroglyph) from Kamit

[This imagery of the star and crescent was corrupted by the whites and used in association with the fictional
characters allah and muhammed when creating their false religion of islam.]

We also find in ancient Kamit that a title of Het Heru is Apapit:

In the Coptic dialect (Late Kamau dialect) the term apapi is written epifi (epiphi). Apapit can
thus be pronounced Apiphi or Afifi. In fact, an mmrane (praise name) of one born on Fida
(friday) in Akan culture is: Fiifi.

This is the ancient origin of the name Afi. We thus have the Obosom of the okyin being
referred to by the same names in Kamit and Akan: Afi and Kyekye, Apiphit and Het Her.


(A) Obosom Afi/Kyekye from Kamit - 6000+ years old
(B) Female reproductive structure
(C) Het Heru (Kyekye/Afi) wearing Her crown with the Solar (sometimes Lunar) disk inside Cow's Horns

The above images show Afi's/Het-Heru's imagery and function. The raised arms of the
Obosom represent the arms of the fallopian tubes (also the epididymis in the male). The
cow's horns holding the disk of the Aten (Sun) or Aah (Moon) also represent this function.

The name Het Heru literally means House (het) of Heru (the Obosom Heru/Yaw). Het
Heru is also written in this manner:

Here the Hawk (Heru) is inside of the House (Het). The Hawk or Heru is in a certain aspect
the child that will eventually be born. The arms of the fallopian tubes are the house (het)
within which the union of sperm and ovum takes place. On a larger scale the union of the
male and female sex organs are governed by Het Heru in connection with Amen-Men. Het
Heru is called the Lady of the Vulva and also the Lady of Amenti (the west). She is also called
Menmenit (Amenmenewa in Akan). The union of Menmenit and Amen-Men is
represented in the Yoruba tradition as Oshun in Her form of Oshun Ibu Doko the Wife of
Orisha Oko (Amen-Men). In this form She is symbolized as a vulva, while Orisha Okos
symbol is a phallus.

It is important to note that the term Ofi or Ofie in Akan means home or house. This is related
to the name Afi as well as the function of Afi (Het Heru) being the house within which
conception is facilitated.

The magnetic attraction leading to fusion of the Afurakani male and Afuraitkaitnit female
which is followed by the attraction leading to fusion of the sperm and ovum demonstrates
the ability of Afi to fuse together complementary opposites, generating beauty---the
manifestation of harmony.

Afi (Het Heru) thus governs beauty, art, music, dance, etc. She is able to attract and fuse
together different natural forms, colors, sounds, movements, genders, etc. for the generation
of beauty, the birthing of harmony into the world for the furtherance of Nyamewaa-Nyame
Nhyehyee (Divine Order). Children of Afi are naturally expressions of the attributes of Afi.

Afi does not fuse together that which is unnatural, disharmonious. This means that Afi
will never work to fuse Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit people with non-Afurakani/non-
Afuraitkaitnit individuals. Natural is repelled by, not attracted to nor fused with,
unnatural. Moreover, Afi hates dissexuality/homosexuality and plays no part in that
perversity of forced pseudo-fusion.

Fe or fefew means beauty in Akan. Again, fe, is related to fi (Afi). [In the Yoruba language
the planet venus as the morning star is referred to as Ofere or Ofe. This is directly related
to the Akan Afi as well as Efe meaning beauty.] True beauty, the manifestation of
harmony, is magnetic. The harmonious organization of natural elements is a magnet for the
spirits of Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut. It is also motivational, for beauty arouses. The generation
of pleasure (harmony) from arousal and fusion with beauty motivates one to create, recreate
and manifest beauty (harmony) in their own lives.

Those children of Afi (Kofi, Afua) who operate out of harmony with the tumi (energy)
of Afi generate perversity/disharmony. This may manifest itself in their creative
expressions, relationship choices and behaviors, sexual activity, relationships with certain
negative classes of discarnate spirits, etc. They will therefore manifest perverse/disordered
artistic expressions, musical compositions, literature, scientific innovations, sexual
deviance/perversity such as dissexuality (homosexuality), incest, child molestation,
promiscuity, prostitution, misguided pleasure-seeking, alcohol and other drug use, etc.

This is a common dilemma which all who carry the akradin (soul names) Kofi and Afua
face and must be made aware of. Traditionally, the entire community understands this
when the child of Nana Afi is born. The community bears this in mind as the child is
developing so that he/she may be properly guided to not succumb to this infection. The
community aids the child in ritually realigning him/herself with his/her Kradinbosom on a
regular basis. Individuals who are children of Nana Afi ritually cleanse their soul, dwaree no
kra and invoke their okra and Nana Afi on their krada (krah-dah) their soul day which is
Fida (friday). This is conducted at their Kradinbosom Nkommere (shrine).


[This document is a modified version of a post made on our forum at: www.afuraka-afuraitkait.ning.com]

Copyright by Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan, 13011 (2011), 13012.


Nyamewaa-Nyame Akan names of the Great God and the Great Goddess Whom function Together as One Divine
Unit-The Supreme Being. Nyame is Amen (Ny-Amen) and Nyamewaa is Amenet (Ny-
Amen-et) in the language of our Ancestresses and Ancestors of ancient Keneset and Kamit.


Abosom Goddesses and Gods. Divine Spirit-Forces in Creation. Singular: Obosom
(Orisha in Yoruba; Vodou in Ewe-Fon; Ntoru/Ntorotu (Neteru/Netertu) in Kamit)

Nananom Nsamanfo Spiritually Cultivated Ancestresses and Ancestors (Egungun in Yoruba; Kuvito in Ewe-Fon)

Nhyehyee Order; Arrangement. Nyamewaa-Nyame Nhyehyee is Divine Order

The Akradinbosom are a grouping amongst the vast number of Abosom. Abosom (Orisha, Vodou, Arusi,
Ntoru/Ntorotu, etc.) are the Divine Spirit-Forces operating through the many planets, Suns, Moons, Stars,
Galaxies, Oceans, Rivers, Mountains, Sky, Fire, Water, Land and the Black Substance of Space of Creation.
In the human sphere They only operate through, incarnate as, communicate with, possess, work with,
empower, heal and replenish the asunsum (spirits) of, Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People).
This Divine exclusivity is true as well of the Nananom Nsamanfo, the Spiritually Cultivated Ancestresses and
Ancestors. The Nananom Nsamanfo can only be Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (African~Black) and They only
work with their childrenAfurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) who exist all over the world.

The Abosom are Spirits of Order. They accept (love/law) Order and They hate disorder and its purveyors.
They hate all of the whites and their offspring (non-Afurakanu/non-Afuraitkaitnut) who exist, who have ever
existed and who will ever exist. This has always been true and will always be true until the whites and their
offspring---all non-Afurakanu/non-Afuraitkaitnut (non-Africans~non-Blacks) become extinct. This is because
all non-Afurakanu/non-Afuraitkaitnut, past, present and future, incarnated and will incarnate as spirits of
disorder. The tumi (energy) of the Abosom repels disorder and disordered spirits, perpetually. [See MMARA
NE KYI, Divine Law and Divine Hate for details: www.odwirafo.com/nhwehwemupage.html]
Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) incarnate as spirits of Order. We are the only human
beings created by Nyamewaa-Nyame. Our nature is in harmony with that of the Abosom and all of the Created
Order. We therefore quite naturally have access to and resonance with Divinity on all levels. This access and
resonance is not possessed by any non-Afurakanu/non-Afuraitkaitnut. They are spiritually incapable of
aligning themselves with Divinity for they lack the spiritual organ necessary to do so---the okra (aw-krah) the
The reality that the whites and their offspring lack an okra is what defines them as non-Afurakanu/non-
Afuraitkaitnut and thus spirits of disorder. It is also what makes them repulsive to and repelled by
Nyamewaa-Nyame, the Abosom, the Nananom Nsamanfo and all created entities in Creation.
The akradin (soul-names) can only be applied to Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut for only Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit
(African) individuals have an okra (aw-krah) a soul. The Abosom literally speak to the okra of
Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit individuals directly through our akradin. The whites and their offspring: white
europeans, americans, asians, white hispanics, latinos/latinas, indians, arabs, so-called nativeamericans, etc. are not
Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People). They are therefore incapable of carrying akradin.

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