Sankar Resume TC

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Sankar Ganesh
Contact no. 94434 32307/98429 12327
E-mail id: [email protected]
Objective: !o render m" #est ser$ices to t%e or&ani'ation (%ere ) (ill #e deplo"ed and see m"
career &ro(t% sim*ltaneo*sl" (it% t%e or&ani'ation.
Area of interest: +arketin& +ana&ement, -d$ertisin& and .ales /romotion, Entreprene*rs%ip
Academic Credentials:
-(aitin& for 0i$a 0oce e1amination-Ph.D in Management-/eri"ar 2ni$ersit", .alem. !"ll
+asters in 3*siness -dministration M.%.A$, (it% &'( from .4+ -rts and .cience
Colle&e, C%ennai, +adras 2ni$ersit", )ndia. 5-pril 20067 Reg"lar$
/8 9iploma in :*man 4eso*rce +ana&ement PGD)RM$, from 9irectorate of 9istance
Ed*cation, /ondic%err" 2ni$ersit"
3ac%elor of 3*siness -dministration%.%.A$* (it% &+( from ;.4 Colle&e of -rts and
.cience, !ir*c%en&ode, /eri"ar 2ni$ersit", .alem, )ndia. 5-pril 20047 Reg"lar$
,ork -./erience:
'$ Com/an0 : AM%A1 A2#O Mar"thi A"thori3ed Dealer$
Designation : #eam leader
D"ration : 4++5 APR617 4+'+ MARC) ' 8ear$
4$ Com/an0 : RA69 COMMOD6#6-S 1#D Pri0a Cements$
Designation : Sales Officer
D"ration : 4++: ;297 4++5 MARC) ' 8ear 5 months$
9irectl" %andled 3< dealers in salem and namakkal districts.
4eportin& to t%e #ranc% mana&er.
-c%ie$ed sales of more t%an 600 tonnes per mont%.
Esta#lis%ed a %i&%l" moti$ated dealer net(ork.
<$ Com/an0 : G-#6# 69!O S-R=6C-S 1#D
Designation : Marketing"tive
D"ration : 4++& APR 7 4++: MA8 ' 0ear$
-ttended -ppointments (it% +9=s and senior a*t%orities.
+eetin& t%em and deli$er presentations re&ardin& t%eir compan"=s representation in >ello(
pa&es for all o$er )ndia.
:andlin& concerns of re&*lar -d$ertisers (it% t%e compan".
4esearc% paper titled > #he Role Of 6ndian %anking Sector 6n #he Promotion Of Self
)el/ Gro"/s. > %as #een p*#lis%ed at international seminar t%emed ?,omen
-m/o@erment in 6ndia Challenges AheadA (it% 6S%9 5:B B' B<:' <:< '
- paper on >C . 4 /ractices amon& t%e . + Es> %as #een p*#lis%ed at international seminar-
>?A Research %ook on Global %"siness -nvironment And its 6m/act on Management
-d"cationA > (it% 6S%9 5:B B' B<:' <:< '
- paper on > Concept*al C%an&es in E1port +arketin& > %as #een p*#lis%ed at national
seminar- ?6nnovative Strategies for Cor/orate Management in the Globali3ed ScenarioA
(it% 6S%9 5:B B' 5+:54 CB&
- paper on > ?pport*nities and C%allen&es of a @e( Entrant in international +arketin&
-rena > %as #een p*#lis%ed at national seminar- ?!acets of %"siness -.cellence and
Com/"tational 6ntelligenceA (it% 6S%9 5:B B' 544BC5 D B
- paper on > )ndian !e1tile E1port : +*lti-Ai#er -rran&ement .cenario > %as #een p*#lis%ed
at international seminar- ?%"siness Practices !or S"stainable 6ntegrationA (it% 6S%9 5:B
B' 5+54:D ' 4
- paper on > C*rrent .cenario of )ndian !e1tile )nd*str" E1port /erformance > %as #een
p*#lis%ed at national seminar- ?-merging #rends in Global %"siness A (it%
6S%9 5:BE5<EB'D<:E++EB
- paper on > !%e &ro(t% of )ndian !e1tile )nd*str" f*elled #" t%e )ndian !rade
/olic"> %as #een p*#lis%ed at international seminar- ??#he 4+'< 6%-A 6nternational
Conference on %"siness -conomics and Acco"ntingA (it% 6S%9 5:BE5<EB'D<:E++EB
- researc% paper on >Global Pers/ective on the Critical !actors Affecting the #e.tile
-./ort Develo/mentF %as #een p*#lis%ed in an )nternational Bo*rnal C .%anla1 )nternational
Do*rnal of +ana&ement. 6SS9 4<4'EC&C<
Partici/ation in SeminarsG!DPG,orksho/s :
6nternational Conference on financial 9eri$ati$es #" Pondicherr0 2niversit0 %eld d*rin&
17, 18, 19-9ecem#er 2010.Pa/er title: Corporate finance in )ndian Capital +arket.
6nternational Conference on 8lo#al En$ironment and its )mpact on +ana&ement
Ed*cation or&anised #" /4)+., Peri0ar 2niversit0 %eld d*rin& 10 and 11-Ae# 2011
Pa/er title: C . 4 /ractices amon& t%e . + Es
9ational 1evel ,orksho/ on Case !eac%in& !ec%niE*es or&anised #" +ana&ement Fin&
?f 9irectorate of 9istance Ed*cation, Annamalai 2niversit0 C%idam#aram %eld on 23
9ational 1evel Seminar on Corporate .ocial 4esponsi#ilit" and .*staina#le
9e$elopment or&anised #" #he Gandhigram R"ral 6nstit"te 7 Deemed 2niversit0 %eld
d*rin& 24- Ae# 2011.Pa/er title: Social -spects of C.4 t%ro*&% 4*ral )nd*stries.
9ational 1evel ,orksho/ on !rends in -d$ertisement or&anised #" 9epartment of
Do*rnalism G +ass Comm*nication, Peri0ar 2niversit0 %eld on 28
G 29
+arc% 2011.
!ac"lt0 Develo/ment Programme on Entreprene*rs%ip 9e$elopment or&anised #"
Ministr0 of Micro* Small and Medi"m enter/rises* Govt. Of 6ndia %eld on 09-03-2011!o
,orksho/ on 4esearc% +et%odolo&" G statistical -nal"sis in .ocial .cience,
?r&anised #" /4)+., Peri0ar 2niversit0 %eld on 29
G 30
+arc% 2011.
@ational Conference on 8lo#alisation and Cons*mers- )ss*es and C%allen&es
%harathi0ar 2niversit0 %eld d*rin& 22
-D*l" 2011.
Pa/er title: 8reen Cons*merism in )ndia.
!ac"lt0 Develo/ment Programme on +ana&ement and .ocial .ciences 4esearc%
?r&anised #" Sona School of Management %eld on 0<-08-2011
9ational 1evel Conference on )nno$ati$e +ana&ement .trate&ies Aor 8lo#al
Competiti$eness or&anised #" R H H R School of Management %eld d*rin&
20- ?ct 2011. Pa/er title: .ocial C*rrent !rends in !e1tile )nd*str".
9ational 1evel Conference on 4*ral +arketin& -nd 4*ral Cons*merism 4oad +ap !o
3*ild 0i#rant 4*ral )ndia or&anised #" #he Gandhi gram R"ral 6nstit"te 7 Deemed
2niversit0 %eld d*rin& 17,18 9ecem#er 2011.Pa/er title: -&ric*lt*re /rod*ct
+arketin& in )ndia C -n ?$er$ie(
,orksho/ on /arametric and @on- /arametric !ests G -pplication of ./.. /acka&e for
9ata -nal"sis, or&anised #" /4)+., Peri0ar 2niversit0 %eld d*rin& 18,19G20
9ational 1evel Seminar on )nno$ati$e .trate&ies for Corporate +ana&ement in t%e
8lo#ali'ed .cenario, or&anised #" 6nternal I"alit0 Ass"rance Cell* G"r" 9anak
College* C%ennai %eld on 2<t% - Dan*ar" 2012. Pa/er title: Concept*al C%an&es in E1port
9ational 1evel ,orksho/ on 4esearc% +et%ods in .ocial .cience, ?r&anised #"
Researchers !or"m* De/artment of Commerce and 6nstit"te of Management in
Herala* 2niversit0 of Herala* %eld on 3
G 4
Ae# C 2012.
9ational 1evel !ac"lt0 Develo/ment Programme on E1cellenc" in !eac%in& and
Emer&in& !rends, or&anised #" Sri =id0a Mandir Arts J Science College* 2thangarai
%eld on 11
G 12 Ae# C 2012
9ational 1evel Seminar on )ndia )nc. -s - 8lo#al .*per /o(er, or&anised #" /4)+.,
Peri0ar 2niversit0 %eld on 23
Ae# - 2012 Pa/er title: )ndia E1port C C%allen&es -nd
9ational 1evel Seminar on Aacets of 3*siness E1cellence and Comp*tational
)ntelli&ence, or&anised b0 =0s0a 6nstit"te of Management St"dies* %eld on 9
+ar- 2012
Pa/er title: ?pport*nities and C%allen&es of a @e( Entrant in international +arketin& -rena
9ational 1evel Seminar on Emer&in& !rends in 8lo#al 3*siness, or&anised #" R=S
6nstit"te of Management St"dies Coim#atore %eld on 1<
C .eptem#er 2012.
Pa/er title: C*rrent .cenario of )ndian !e1tile )nd*str" E1port /erformance.
9ational 1evel Seminar on Emer&in& !rends in -d$ertisin&, or&anised #" Padmavani
Arts J Science College for ,omen .alem %eld on 12t% ?cto#er 2012. Pa/er title: !%e
)mportance of -d$ertisements in promotin& !e1tile E1ports.
9ational 1evel Seminar on )nno$ati$e A*nctional +ana&ement .trate&ies in C*rrent
3*siness .cenario, or&anised #" Peri0ar 6nstit"te of Management St"dies* Peri0ar
2niversit0 .alem %eld on 21
G 22
Ae#r*ar" 2013. Pa/er title: !%e role of )ndian
Entreprene*rs in #oostin& t%e !e1tile E1ports: -n ?$er$ie(
6nternational 1evel Seminar on 3*siness, Economics G -cco*ntin&, or&anised #" CAA1 7
6nternational -d"cational Organi3er #raining J Cons"lting 3an&kok, !%ailand %eld on
20-23 rd +arc% 2013. Pa/er title: !%e &ro(t% of )ndian !e1tile )nd*str" f*elled #" t%e
)ndian !rade /olic"
Personal Skills
8ood in team #*ildin&. 8ood comm*nication G interpersonal skills, /osses %i&% de&ree of
commitment G competence to(ards ac%ie$in& &oals. 3elie$es in learnin& as an on&oin& contin*o*s process
Personal Details
9ate of 3irt% : 20.06.1982
+arital .tat*s : +arried
@ationalit" : )ndian
Han&*a&es kno(n : En&lis%, !amil
6 hereb0 declare that all the above mentioned information is tr"e to best of m0 kno@ledge
I4..ankar 8anes%J

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