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The text provides an introduction to an Old Norse poem called Hrafnagaldur Óðins and discusses its date, historical context, manuscript transmission and treatment in editions.

The poem Hrafnagaldur Óðins tells the story of Odin as he prepares for the final battle at Ragnarok.

The poem was transmitted through several manuscript groups, with the main groups being A, B, C, D and E. It was also found in manuscripts derived from printed books and a few other manuscripts.


Alison Finlay and Carl Phelpstead
Annette lAssen 2011
Reprinted 2012
IsBn: 978-0-903521-81-9
the illustration on the cover is from f. 80r of Melstes edda, sM 66,
stofnun rna Magnssonar slenskum frum, Reykjavk, a paper
manuscript written in 17651766. Photograph by Jhanna lafsdttir.
the inscriptions (normalised) read:
Heimdallur me gjallarhorni.
hann bls horni, heyrist um allan heim.
Heimdallur er sama og Mercurius eirri latnsku eddu, hann er
sendiboi guanna og v hefur hann vngi hfi og ftum.
Um hann m lesa XXV. eddudmisgu.
(Heimdallr with the Gjallarhorn. When he blows on the horn, it can be
heard all over the world. Heimdallr is the same as Mercury in the latin
edda, he is a messenger of the gods and so he has wings on his head
and his feet. You can read about him in Dmisaga 25 of the edda.)
this refers to Laufs Edda or to the edition of P. J. Resen, Copenhagen 1665.
Printed by short Run Press limited, exeter
PREFACE ............................................................................................. 6
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 7
Previous Editions ........................................................................... 8
DATE AND HISTORICAL CONTEXT ............................................. 9
Date ................................................................................................ 9
Ntt skal nema nra til ............................................................ 18
The Title Hrafnagaldur ins/Forspjallslj ............................. 21
Content and Style ......................................................................... 23
MANUSCRIPT TRANSMISSION ................................................... 26
Description of the Manuscripts in Group A ................................. 28
Description of the Manuscripts in Group B ................................. 35
Description of C ........................................................................... 64
Description of D ........................................................................... 65
Description of E ........................................................................... 67
Relationship of the Principal Manuscripts .................................... 70
Manuscripts Derived from Printed Books ................................... 71
Other Manuscripts ........................................................................ 76
Lost Manuscripts .......................................................................... 76
Signifcance of the Manuscript Transmission for the
Reception of Eddic Poems ..................................................... 78
TREATMENT OF THE TEXT .......................................................... 81
TEXT AND TRANSLATION .......................................................... 82
COMMENTARY ........................................................................ 95
BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ........................................ 107
INDEX OF MANUSCRIPTS ........................................................ 113
INDEX OF NAMES ........................................................................ 115
In the frst volume of the Arnamagnan edition of the Edda (1787), where Hrafna
galdur ins was frst printed, Gumundur Magnsson tells an anecdote about what
was probably the very frst study of this poem. The learned Icelandic poet Eirkur
Hallson at Hfi had spent a whole decade of the latter half of the seventeenth
century on a careful examination of Hrafnagaldur. After ten years of desperately
trying to make sense of it, he is said to have thrown his work away, saying that he
still understood little or nothing of it (abjecisse eam perhibetur, addens, nihildum
se aut parum ex ista intelligere). Since 2003, when I began researching this poem,
I have often been tempted to do the same, and never during my work have I felt as
nonchalant towards the not inconsiderable diffculties it presents as Finnur Magns-
son, who in 1821 bragged that he had spent much less time on it than Eirkur (det
samme . . . neppe har kostet mig et Par Dages Tid i det hele) and yet had easily made
sense of the poem, using his great insight into the system of Nordic mythology. But
then Finnur, as one may surmise from his involvement in the notorious Runamo
scandal, also had an uncanny ability to read much out of little.
If I have not despaired, this is not least thanks to the interest and help of friends
and colleagues (though it goes without saying that any remaining errors are entirely
my own fault). It was during a three months stay in Reykjavk in 2003 as a fellow at
Stofnun rna Magnssonar that I began this study. Much work was also carried out
in the manuscript collection of the National and University Library of Iceland and at
the Centre for Manuscripts and Books at the Royal Library in Copenhagen, in which
two libraries most of the manuscripts containing Hrafnagaldur are today to be found.
I am grateful for the help I have received from the staff of these instititions, especially
to Sjfn Kristjnsdttir and lf Benedikts dttir, who made much Icelandic material
available to me while I was far away from Iceland. In the early phases of my work
on this edition, the late Stefn Karlsson, with his usual generosity and helpfulness,
read and commented on some of my drafts, for which I owe him much gratitude.
Guvarur Mr Gunnlaugsson, Eysteinn Bjrnsson, Alex Speed Kjeldsen, Maria
Arvidsson and Katrn Axelsdttir also deserve my thanks for their assistance, while
Einar Gunnar Ptursson discovered several additional manuscripts that until then had
not been known to contain the poem. Einar Gunnar also generously shared with me
his vast knowledge of the seventeenth century, for which I am grateful. While I was
carrying out my work on Hrafnagaldur, Giovanni Verri was for a time working on his
own study of six of the manuscripts of Hrafnagaldur found in Iceland in connection
with his 2007 Bachelors thesis at the University of Iceland, which offered the two
of us a welcome oportunity to share information. I am also grateful to Christopher
Sanders for his interest, practical suggestions and great stemmatological stamina.
Peter Springborg, who to begin with was editor of the Opuscula volume in which my
edition, before it grew beyond a mere article, was originally intended to be published,
deserves my appreciation for much help and useful criticism. It almost goes without
saying that I owe very special thanks to Anthony Faulkes, who not only generously
offered to translate the whole edition from my Danish into his English, but during that
work has provided detailed and useful comments, to the point of even suggesting new
solutions to unsolved problems. Finally, I am sincerely grateful to Gottsklk Jensson
for not losing faith in the importance of this work when I could sense a creeping doubt
in myself. Thanks for your time, critical inspiration and encouragement.
Copenhagen, October 2010 Annette Lassen
Hrafnagaldur ins (Forspjallslj) is quite a short poem (208 lines)
in the eddic style, in fornyrislag, which is not transmitted in medieval
manuscripts. This poem, which describes an unsuccessful journey to seek
wisdom, is in style and content different from the medieval eddic poems.
After the description of an apparently ominous dream, inn sends
Heimdallur, Loki and Bragi off to fnd Iunn to enquire of her about the
future, but she can give no reply and weeps, apparently losing all bodily
strength. Loki and Heimdallur return to the gods, who are sitting at a
merry drinking feast with inn and the other gods, with neither answer
nor solution, and the poem concludes with the gods retiring for the night.
It ends with the day breaking and Heimdallur blowing his horn.
Hrafnagaldur is frst and foremost transmitted in manuscripts that
contain collections of eddic poems and poems in eddic metres and go
under the name of Smundar Edda, but also in a very few manuscripts
of more varied content. The present investigation demonstrates that
Hrafnagaldur is a postmedieval poem that was probably composed in
connection with the enormous interest in collections of eddic poems that
arose immediately after the rediscovery of the Codex Regius of the Elder
Edda in 1643 and continued for some two centuries. That Hrafnagaldur
cannot be much earlier than this is shown by among other things its use
of the originally Greek proverb ntt skal nema nra til, the spread
of which in Western Europe is closely bound up with the Renaissance.
Hrafnagaldur is transmitted in at least 37 manuscripts, of which the earliest
are from the second half of the seventeenth century, the latest from 1870.
The present edition gives an account of the poems transmission in the
known manuscripts. The majority of these manuscripts have no text-critical
value, but they nevertheless provide an insight into an obscure part of the
postmedieval history of eddic poetry and bear witness to a considerable
antiquarian interest in and production of manuscripts in the seventeenth,
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, primarily in Iceland, but also in
Denmark and Sweden. The collection and production of manuscripts in
Iceland was principally carried out by priests and other learned men.
Hrafnagaldur is transmitted in a single version, and there are only
minor differences between the texts of the various manuscripts. Here it is
edited from Stockholm papp. 8vo nr 15 (A), which contains fewer errors
than the other manuscripts, and variant readings are given from the best
manuscript in the B group, B, and from C, D and E, that is Lbs 1562 4to,
Stockholm papp. fol. nr 57, Thott 1491 4to and Lbs 1441 4to respectively.
8 Hrafnagaldur ins
Previous editions
Edda Smundar hinns frda. Edda Rhytmica seu antiqvior, vulgo
Smundina dicta I, Kbenhavn 1787, 199232, is the frst printed edition of
Hrafnagaldur. There it is edited by Gumundur Magnsson (17411798)
from MS Icel. 47 (47), a manuscript edition made by Jn Eirksson
(17281787). 47 includes variant readings in the margin, and these were
used in the printed editions critical apparatus, which also made use of a
manuscript that was in the possession of Geir Vdaln (17611823) and
a commentary by Gunnar Plsson (17141791) in AM 424 fol. It has not
been possible to identify Geir Vdalns manuscript among those that
now survive. An account of the manuscript relationships is to be found in
Gumundur Magnssons introduction (pp. xliixlvii).
In Edda Smundar hinns frda. Collectio carminum veterum scaldorum
Smundiana dicta, edited by Rasmus Kr. Rask and Arvid August Afzelius,
Stockholm 1818, 8892, Stockholm papp. 8vo nr 15 (A), Stockholm papp.
fol. nr 34 (34) and Stockholm papp. fol. nr 46 (46) are used. Gumundur
Magnssons edition of 1787 is used as well. There is an account of the
manuscript relationships in Afzeliuss introduction to the work (no page
In Forspiallsli, in the series Bodsrit Bessastadaskla, Videyjar
klaustri 1837, 2429, edited by Hallgrmur Scheving, the text is based on
Gumundur Magnssons edition of 1787 and Rasks of 1818.
In Den ldre Edda. Samling af norrne Oldkvad, indeholdende
Nordens ldste Gude og HelteSagn. Ved det akademiske Collegiums
Foran staltning udgivet efter de ldste og bedste Haandskrifter, og
forsynet med fuldstndigt VariantApparat, edited by P. A. Munch,
Christiania 1847, 175177, Forspjallslj is put in an appendix without
variants. Munch gives an account of the medieval manuscripts he has
used in his work, but not of the later paper manuscripts, and so not of the
manuscripts on which he based his edition of Forspjallslj. His edition
includes distinctive readings from both the A and B groups, and there
are also emendations, so that it is diffcult to see on which manuscript
or manuscripts it is based.
In Die Edda: Eine Sammlung altnordischer Gtter und Heldenlieder.
Urschrift mit erklrenden Anmerkungen, Glossar und Einleitung,
altnordischer Mythologie und Grammatik, edited by Hermann Lning,
Zrich 1859, 516524, the text is printed from P. A. Munchs edition of
1847, with occasional changes.
In Edda Smundar hins fra. Mit einem Anhang zum Theil bisher
ungedruckter Gedichte, edited by Theodor Mbius, Leipzig 1860, 216
Introduction 9
219, Hrafna galdur is printed from P. A. Munchs edition of 1847, with a
few changes.
In 1875 in Strassburg, Friedrich Wilh. Bergmann edited Hrafnagaldur
with a German tanslation in Weggewohnts Lied (Vegtams kvida), Der Odins
Raben Orakelsang (Hrafna galdr Odins) und Der Seherin Voraussicht
(Vlu sp). Drei Eschatologische Gedichte der SmundsEdda. There is
no mention of which manuscript(s) or edition was used.
In Norrn fornkvi. Islands samling af folkelige Oldtidsdigte om
Nordens Guder og Heroer almindelig kaldet Smundar Edda hins fra,
edited by Sophus Bugge, Christiania 1867, 371376, no information is given
about which manuscript formed the basis of his edition of Hrafnagaldur.
It seems to be an improved version of Gumundur Magnssons and
Rasks editions, collated with various additional manuscripts. An account
is given of the manuscript relationships on pp. xlvixlix, liii and lvi
lvii. In connection with Hrafnagaldur, Bugge mentions readings from
Jn Eirkssons manuscript, 47, Geir Vdalns manuscript and Gunnar
Plssons commentary, which all seem to be derived from Gumundur
Magnssons edition of 1787. In his text of Hrafnagaldur Bugge made
use of A, C, NKS 1866 4to (1866), NKS 1108 fol. (1108), NKS 1109 fol.
(1109) and NKS 1111 fol. (1111).
In Eysteinn Bjrnsson and William P. Reavess edition of Hrafnagaldur,
which was posted on the internet (
hrg.html) in 1998 and for the most part removed again in 2002, the text
was to a large extent based on Bugges edition of 1867, but 1109 was also
In Lesbk in the Icelandic newspaper Morgunblai, 27/4 2002,
Hrafnagaldur was edited by Jnas Kristjnsson from A.
Already Gumundur Magnsson regarded the poem as later than the other
eddic poems. Since it is not transmitted in other than paper manuscripts,
it could not, according to Gumundur, have been composed by Smundr
fri or the author of the earliest collection of Eddic poems. Discussion

Eysteinn Bjrnsson and Reavess work on the poem led to the performance
of the choral and orchestral work Hrafnagaldur ins with music by Sigur Rs,
Hilmar rn Hilmarsson and Steindr Andersen at Listaht Reykjavk 2002.
10 Hrafnagaldur ins
of the poems age continued during the years after the frst edition.

In his Danish translation of the eddic poems of 1821, the Icelandic
professor in Copenhagen, Finnur Magnsson (17811847), argued in
favour of Hrafnagaldurs early date. Evidence for this is the poems
extremely ancient vocabulary, as well as its fragmentary nature,
and in particular its genuine mythical spirit plus the fact that it only
has very few allusions to stories known otherwise from eddas or sagas
(Den ldre Edda 18211823, II 210). Hallgrmur Scheving (17811861),
on the other hand, considered the poem to be much later than the other
eddic poems. He thought the poem had been written in Christian times
by someone who knew Latin.
But since Munchs and Bugges editions
of the Edda of 1847 and 1867 respectively the general opinion has been
that Hrafnagaldur must be regarded as postmedieval both on the grounds
of its style and transmission. Nevertheless, Jnas Kristjnsson has recently
put forward the thesis that the poem is from the Middle Ages and therefore
should be reaccepted into the corpus of eddic poems, though it appears
that he is not including it in his own forthcoming edition.
In his edition of the eddic poems of 1867, Bugge considered Hrafnagaldur
to be a postmedieval antiquarian construction (Norrn fornkvi 1867,
This poem ought in future to be excluded from collections of Old Norse
mythical and heroic poems . . . Forspjallslj . . . is a learned poem, composed
in later times by someone who was very familiar with, indeed well read in the
ancient poems, and who had a bent for imitating the poetry of a long past age;
it was probably from the very beginning recorded in writing.
Bugge states that while the eddic poems in general are diffcult to
understand because of their great age and the for us moderns alien
material, Hrafnagaldur is hardly comprehensible because of its artifcial
See Fidjestl 1999, 58. Grundtvig was an advocate for the poems great age
in his Nordens Mytologi of 1808 (p. 8): [The poem] is in general believed to
be very late, both by reason of its style and because it is lacking in the earliest
copies. This, however, proves nothing, since its style is even less like the modern
than the ancient, and its close association with the sir points quite defnitely to
a genuine heathen as author.
Rask did not express an opinion about the age of the poem, but in his
edition placed it in front of Baldrs draumar, whereby he seems to support
Gunnar Plssons hypothesis that Hrafnagaldur formed an introduction to that
poem. Afzelius discusses Hrafnagaldur together with, among others, Vlusp,
Grmnisml, Vafrnisml and Baldrs draumar, which suggests that he took the
poem to be of a similar age.
Introduction 11
expressions and far-fetched images (xlvii).
After this, Bugge on linguistic
grounds concludes about the poems lateness (xlvixlvii):

A poem, whose authors relationship to the ancient language is such, cannot
in my view be from the Middle Ages at all, but must be from a later time.
I believe that it is no older than the seventeenth century.
Bugges rejection of Hrafnagaldurs authenticity as a medieval poem
is con sistent with and an emphatic endorsement of an attitude that P. A.
Munch ex pressed in his edition of the eddic poems, where he wrote (Den
ldre Edda 1847, xxi):
It cannot, however, be denied that the major part of the rest, and other things, too,
that are found in paper manuscripts of the Edda, have a rather suspicious look. This
applies especially to Grgaldr and Hrafnagaldr ins . . . These . . . are therefore
omitted from the series of eddic poems proper, and only added in an appendix.
What could count against Munchs and Bugges interpretation of the
poems date is rni Magnssons mention of the poem in a letter to Jn
Halldrsson (16651736), rural dean in Htardalur, dated 18/6 1729, in
which he asks to be sent copies that had been made earlier of documents
that he had lost in the fre of 1728. rni says that he had owned copies of
eddic poems (Sm(undar) Eddur) that had been destroyed in the fre.
He lacks Hrafnagaldur, Grugaldur and Heireks gtur, which were sup-
posed to have been included in manuscripts of eddic poems that Brynjlfur
Sveinsson (16051675) had been responsible for. According to rni, these
poems had existed in copies of a copy made by orsteinn Eyjlfsson at
Heyri (c. 16451714), of which rni himself had owned two that were
burnt in 1728. orsteinn studied at the school of Sklholt where he fnished
his education no later than 1668. In the years 16821684, he was baliff
there. In his letter, rni further writes (Brf rna Magnssonar 1975, 147):
Already in the seventeenth century the poem was renowned for being largely
impenetrable. See Gumundur Magnsson in Edda 17871828, I 204.
Bugge mentions as an example that hveim is used as a relative pronoun in
st. 13. But hveim is also found in Baldrs draumar 6/5, which is preserved in a
manuscript from about 1300. Bugge thinks there is a string of words that were
inspired by Snorris Edda and Vlusp, among others hrgr (st. 20) and hrbamr
(st. 7). Hrbamr, according to Bugge, seems to be used because the author of
Hrafnagaldur read hrbamr in Vlusp in the Codex Regius as one word and
misunderstood it to mean hair tree. The best manuscripts of Hrafnagaldur,
however, have harbamr, not hrbamr. Bugge points out that mttkat (st. 2)
is a grammatical error on the part of the author, who had misunderstood ancient
word forms. In addition, he claims that the genitive ollar (st. 25) must be a case
of misunderstanding of an earlier form, since the genitive of ollr is olls (xlvii).
12 Hrafnagaldur ins
Eg hafde (sem brann) bref Sal. Sra Olafs (Skolameistara ockar) ahrrande
eina af essum odis (mig minnir Hrafnag. Odins) ad Mag. Brniolfur hafe
qvidu uppskrifa lted epter gmlu saurugu einstaka blade, og minnir mig ar
stde, ad ar aptan vid hefde vantad, og eins kynne um feira geingid vera.
etta verdur so sem allt i oku, vi documentenn eru burtu.
Gsli Brynjlfsson had drawn Bugges attention to this letter, which had
been printed in Kjbenhavns UniversitetsJournal 4, 1796, 8 in a Danish
translation by Skli Thorlacius, but Bugge did not think that one could
trust it (see Norrn fornkvi 1867, xlviii). In his letter, rni mentions the
reference by Sra lafur Jnsson (16371688) to Brynjlfur Sveinssons
having had Hrafnagaldur copied from a single old and dirty leaf, and this
presents the possibility that the poem could date from the Middle Ages,

and that the leaf could have held the authors autograph.
rni Magnsson
was, however, not certain that the poem referred to was Hrafnagaldur,
and he had not himself seen the supposedly old and dirty leaf. After the
fre of 1728 all this has become as it were in a fog, for the documents
have gone, he writes. Even if rni remembered the contents of the letter
correctly, this does not necessarily carry much weight as evidence, because
as rni himself demonstrates clearly in his study of Smundr fri from
1690 (Vita Smundi multiscii), Brynjlfur and his contemporaries were
poor judges of the origins and antiquity of eddic poetry, mainly because
of their groundless assumptions that the poems of the Codex Regius were
only a small part of a vast collection originally compiled by Smundr
Sigfsson (died 1133). This may also have made Brynjlfur and those
working for him more prone to accept new discoveries of ancient poetry
uncritically, since they were expecting further poems to turn up from
This is also, moreover, Bugges attitude to the poem elsewhere in his edition of
the Edda, where he writes that Hrafnagaldur may be a late medieval poem (Norrn
fornkvi 1867, 140). Cf. Jnas Kristjnsson in Hrafnagaldur ins 2002, 6.
rni presumably wrote the letter to Jn Halldrsson because lafur Jnsson
was Jns paternal uncle, hoping that Jn possessed a copy of the old and dirty
leaf. lafur, moreover, was principal at the school at Sklholt when Gumundur
lafsson, who brought A to Stockholm, and sgeir Jnsson, who wrote B, were
studying there. They would probably have heard lafur tell the story of the leaf
on which Hrafnagaldur was written that Brynjlfur had had copied, and it was
probably the main reason for their making or acquiring copies of the poem. lafur
frst started teaching in Sklholt in 1659 and was principal from 1667 to 1683. He
was still principal when rni himself studied there (from 1680 to 1683), but one
may surmise, given the content of the letter, that rni only received information
about Hrafnagaldur from lafur via his letter to him. This letter must have been
written before lafurs death on the 24th of September 1688, and probably after
rni started working as Bartholins assistant in 1684.
Introduction 13
this vast hypothetical collection. We cannot therefore know whether this
information can be trusted or not. rni seemed to remember that it said in
the letter that the end of the poem was missing.
The poem, however, as
we have it, begins and ends with complete stanzas, which speaks against
its having been fragmentarily preserved. There are also good arguments
based on the content that both the beginning and end of the poem are
preserved. This question is discussed below (p. 23).
The poem consists of 26 eight-line stanzas. For comparison there
are 165 stanzas of Vlusp on the recto of the frst leaf of the Codex
Regius of the eddic poems (GKS 2365 4to). It is thus not impossible
for the 26 stanzas of Hrafnagaldur to have been written on one leaf of a
manuscript or on one sheet of about the same size as the leaves in GKS
2365 4to. The poems in the Codex Regius are not divided into stanzas,
whereas most manuscripts containing Hrafnagaldur are. But in a note
in D it is mentioned that the text it was copied from was written out
continuously (as prose). In two of the earliest manuscripts, A and B, each
stanza is written as a single paragraph of prose, but both scribes make
the same mistake in the stanza division in stt. 2021, attaching the frst
half of st. 21 to st. 20, leaving the second half of st. 22 as a short stanza.
This mistake is likely to have been in a manuscript from which both A
and B were derived, which could have been the one used by Brynjlfur
Sveinsson for his copy. Even if the supposedly old and dirty leaf with
Hrafnagaldur on it really existed, there is no knowing how old it
actually was. rni Magnssons description of the leaf as old stems
via Sra lafur Jnsson from a phrase apparently used by Brynjlfur,
so his statement cannot be used to support a medieval dating of
the poem. It is my conclusion that the letter cannot be used as evidence
for the poems early origin or date in the face of weighty arguments for
its lateness. But the letter gives valuable information in that it connects
the poem with the scholarly activity in Sklholt in the days of Brynjlfur.
If the copies of Hrafnagaldur stem from a single leaf not containing
any other poems, one might suppose that in copies of this leaf the poem
would end up in various textual contexts. In some manuscripts we fnd the
poem placed after Slarlj and before Vlusp, after which there follow
The frst editor of the poem, Gumundur Magnsson, thought in fact that the
poem lacked both beginning and end, while Finnur Magnsson in his translation of
the eddic poems (Den ldre Edda, 18211823, II 209 and 213) thought that a part of
the poem had been lost. In the missing stanzas it was imagined that an explanation of
the poems otherwise hardly intelligible main title might be found. Apparently neither
Gumundur Magnsson nor Finnur Magnsson knew of rni Magnssons letter.
14 Hrafnagaldur ins
the rest of the eddic poems in the Codex Regius.
This is the case in A and
(probably originally) in B, which are two of the earliest manuscripts. The
archetype of these manuscripts would presumably have had the poems in
this order. C has the poem between Hallmundar lj and Hkonar saga
Hkonarsonar. In D, Hrafnagaldur comes after the Codex Regius poems
and Grottasngr, Grugaldur, Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj (see Bugges
discussion of the placing of Hrafnagaldur, Norrn fornkvi 1867, xlix).
In E Hrafnagaldur comes between Fjlsvinnsml and Grottasngr. Both
D and E are copies made in the eighteenth century, and they seem clearly
more remote from the original than the other three manuscripts that have
text-critical value.
Common readings in A, B, C, D and E (among others Frygg 23/7
though here E has Frigg and dys 6/2) show that they, and presumably
their archetype, must stem from the seventeenth century,
and as regards
the various placings of the poem, it could be a case of different antiquarians
choices of a poetical context.
It may be added that manuscripts deriving from Brynjlfur Sveinssons
principal copyist Jn Erlendsson of Villingaholt (died 1672) are not exact
copies, as can be seen from his copies of slendingabk and Arons saga
(see Jn Jhannesson 1956, viii). In his edition of Gumundar sgur
biskups I (1983), Stefn Karlsson compared the end of Arons saga in
AM 551 d 4to with Jn Erlendssons copy of this manuscript (AM 212
fol.). Stefn concluded that Jns manuscript . . . shows signs that the
original had already been damaged and was in some passages diffcult to
read, and Jns text is often corrupt and in some places incomprehensible
(Stefn Karlsson 1983, clx). It is impossible to know whether it was Jn
Erlendsson that made the copy of Hrafnagaldur for Brynjlfur Sveinsson
that rni Magnsson referred to in his letter. It is known that Jn lafsson
of Grunnavk (17051779) had possessed two manuscripts of eddic
poems, of which one, which he had got from Pll Sveinsson, had been
When Slarlj stands at the head of many of the earliest collections of eddic
poems, it is probably because it was believed that Smundr fri had composed
it. In Jn rnasons slenzkar jsgur (19541961, I 475) we fnd an abbrevi-
ated statement from a manuscript, AM 254 8vo (p. 346), that is dated to the end
of the seven teenth century: Smundur andaist 1133, en me hverjum atburum
hfum vr eigi heyrt, segja menn, a hann ridagaur haf r lkrekkjunni
risi og kvei drpu, er hans lja-Eddu er vn a fylgja og kallast Slar-
lj. See also Bjarni Einarsson 1955, cvcvi.
The earliest examples of i, and ei being written for y, and ey or vice versa
are from the end of the period 14001550 (Stefn Karlsson 2000, 55; 2004, 50),
but it becomes common only in the seventeenth century.
Introduction 15
written by Jn Erlendsson. Jn lafsson had this manuscript sent to him
in Copenhagen in 1727, but the ship sank (see Jn Helgason 1926, 287).
In his article in Lesbk Morgunblasins 27/4 2002, Jnas Kristjnsson
dates Hrafnagaldur to the fourteenth century. He uses rni Magnssons
letter as support for his assumption that the poem is ancient. According to
Jnas, a lot of words and sentences in Hrafnagaldur derive from Vlusp in
the Codex Regius.
The many errors in copies of the poem are supposed to
have arisen at two stages, 1) in the course of the poems oral transmission,
and 2) in the copying of an old, dirty leaf.
On the grounds of the infuence of Vlusp, the origin of which he
dates to around ad 1000, Jnas Kristjnsson sets a terminus post quem
for Hrafnagaldur of that year. But it may be pointed out that the infuence
of Vlusp does not of course preclude a late date. If the author of
Hrafnagaldur found himself in the milieu of Brynjlfur Sveinsson in
Sklholt, it is by no means improbable that he knew the Codex Regius of
the eddic poems, which came into Brynjlfurs possession in 1643. Already
in 1665 the frst eddic poems appeared in print in Resens editions, namely
Vlusp and Hvaml. The author need not have used these editions, but
they were both an example of and a contribution to the sudden celebrity
and dissemination of the eddic poems in learned circles in the seventeenth
Hrafnagaldur cannot, according to Jnas Kristjnsson, have been
composed before about 1300. He puts forward as evidence that the metre
of the poem would be destroyed if the svarabhakti vowel in nominative
singular masculine endings were left out. The svarabhakti vowel is not
found in manuscripts from before the thirteenth century.
Kristjn rnason contradicted Jnas Kristjnssons dating of Hrafnagaldur
in an article in Lesbk Morgunblasins 25/5 2002, on the basis of an
examination of syllable length in Hrafnagaldur. Kristjn found seven
lines in the poem that break the metrical rules in relation to the old vowel
Jnas considers the following to have been taken from Vlusp in the Codex
Regius: st. 1: elur vijur < Vsp. 2: nu vijur; st. 5: Viti enn, ea hvat? < Vsp.s
repeated: Vitu r enn, ea hvat?; st. 7: hrbams (or hrbams) < Vsp. 19: hr
bamr (but cf. footnote 5 above); st. 12: N mun mlti, n ml kntti < Vsp. 5:
Sl at n vissi . . . stjrnur at n vissi . . . mni at n vissi; st. 13: Einn kemur
austan < Vsp. 50: Hrymr ekr austan; st. 13: mran of Migar < Vsp. 4: eir er
Migar mran skpu; st. 19: sjt Shrmni saddist rakna < Vsp. 41: rr ragna
sjt rauum dreyra; st. 23: gengu fr gildi, | goin kvddu < Vsp. 23: gengu
regin ll | rkstla . . . ea skyldu goin ll | gildi eiga; st. 25: Jrmungrundar |
jdr nyrra < Vsp. 5: Sl varp sunnan | sinni Mna | hendi inni hgri | of himin
jdr. To which I would add st. 5: Lopti med lvi < Vsp. 25: lopt allt lvi blandit.
16 Hrafnagaldur ins
quantity system, and his conclusion runs that it is improbable, if not
downright impossible, for the poem in its transmitted form to be from the
fourteenth century, before the changes in Icelandic syllable quantity which
did not begin until the sixteenth century (Kristjn rnason 2002, 11). There
are, however, many stanzas that do not offend the metrical rules, so Kristjn
suggests that the stanzas of the poem might be from different periods, and
that they could have been put together in the seventeenth century at the
The poem, however, seems to have a coherent content, so that
it seems improbable that its stanzas could be from different periods.
An examination of the surviving manuscripts of Hrafnagaldur shows that
there are only minor disagreements between the word forms and spellings in
them. The poem includes archaising spellings, among other things often, but
not consistently, omitting the svarabhakti vowel. That people were capable of
archaising the language in the eighteenth century is apparent from the late
poem Gunnarsslagur. It is transmitted in among other places NKS 1877
4to, where it is introduced with the words: Ein af eim tpuu kvium |
Smundar-Eddu. Gumundur Magnsson discovered the poem while on
a journey in Iceland in 1780 and published it in the Arnamagnan edition
of the eddic poems (Edda 17871828, II xxiv and 1001 1010). In the
introduction to the second volume of Edda 17871828, Brge Thorlacius
mentions a rumour that Gunnar Plsson was the author of Gunnarsslagur.
But according to a letter from rni orsteinsson in Norurmlassla
to Guttormur Plsson, Gumundur Magnsson had found the poem in
a manuscript which was a copy of an old manuscript. rni owned this
manuscript and had received it from Skafti Skaftason, who had said that
the thirteen eddic poems in it were copied from an old original previously
in the possession of Sigurur Eirksson, priest at Skeggjastair on
Langanesstrnd (died 1768). If, Thorlacius writes, Gunnarsslagur was
in this manuscript, Gunnar could not be its author. rni, however, also
states that his son had seen the poem in a collection of Gunnar Plssons
poetry (Edda 17871828 II, xxvxxvi). Thorlacius notes that late paper
manuscripts, badly treated, can absorb smoke and humidity and thus
delude inexperienced eyes about their antiquity (xxvii). The language
This hypothesis agrees on some points with the Danish writer and translator
Bertel Christian Sandvigs supposition that the poem consists of nothing but
incoherent passages that a lover of the art of poetry has excerpted from a larger
poem (17831785, I 4r4v). Aalheiur Gumundsdttir (2001, cxxiv, cciv) has
looked at the werewulf motif in st. 8. She has not proposed a date for Hrafnagaldur,
but has pointed out that this motif in the poem is reminiscent of passages in other
Old Norse texts.
Introduction 17
and vocabulary of Gunnarsslagur are archaised (which is also the case in
Gunnar Plssons autograph in JS 273 4to), and it is presented as a medieval
but it was nevertheless composed by Gunnar Plsson in 1745.

Another example is Hafgeirs saga Flateyings from the eighteenth century.

Confrmation that this saga is a product of the eighteenth century, according
to Peter Jorgensen, is the use of the adjective ankafullur (probably from
Danish tankefuld or German gedankenvoll), which is not common in
Icelandic. The word appears in the dictionary compiled by Jn lafsson
of Grunnavk during the years 1734 to 1779 that is preserved in AM 433
Even though an old historiographer could be deceived by this saga,
it is obviously an example of a late imitation of the ancient sagas.
Examples of archaisation are the omission of the svarabhakti vowel, v
instead of vo and e instead of i in infexions.
See Edda 17871828, II xxivxxvii and Bugges remarks in Norrn
fornkvi 1867, xlix: Any doubts [about the authorship] are dispelled by the
information imparted to me by Gubrandr Vigfsson: Gunnarsslagr is found in
Kvasafn sra Gunnars Plssonar in British Museum 11,192 (not an autograph),
and there the author himself (after 1777) has written about this poem: Eg sendi
etta nsma eim nafnkenda manni sra Eyjlf Vllum, er lt vel yfr og
lagi etta til sast: jubeo te macte esse tanto in antiquitatibus nostris profectu;
og tla eg etta haf veri 17451746. Sveini lgmanni sendi eg og exemplar
. . . er mitt litla verk vel approberai. Framar man eg eigi af a segja, enda
msk tortndr s s verki, ar mag. Hlfdan Einarsson hans eigi getr sinni
sciagraphia hist. lit., en nefner ara mna smkvelinga. G.P.S. Gunnar
Plssons autograph is probably to be found in JS 273 4to a II 7. In connection
with his BA assignment at Hskli slands 2008, Haukur orgeirsson discovered
Eyjlfur Jnssons letter in reply to Gunnar Plsson about Gunnarsslagur, dated
23. September 1745 (BR 120 8vo, pp. 204205; see Haukur orgeirsson 2008,
24; on the autograph, p. 29). Even though the poet did not pretend that the poem
was ancient, it was still soon apprehended as such. In the same letter Eyjlfur
Jnsson actually wrote that if he had not known better, he would have believed
that the poem was one of the medieval eddic poems.
Peter Jorgensen (1977) says that an Icelandic student in Copenhagen,
orlkur Magnsson sford (c. 17481781), wrote this saga during the years 1774
to 1776, claimed it was copied fom a thirteenth-century manuscript and probably
sold it to the elderly and by that time half blind Bernhard Mllmann (1702
1778), professor at Copenhagen University, royal historiographer and librarian
at the Royal Library in Copenhagen, who was also, incidentally, in 1755 trying
to obtain a good copy of the eddic poems in connection with the Arnamagnan
Commissions plans to publish Snorris Edda (see Jn Helgason 1926, 286).
See the list of words in his dictionary on the website of Orabk Hsklans: _skra.htm. ankafullur is found later on in rmur too
(see Orabk Hsklans:
18 Hrafnagaldur ins
Hrafnagaldur also contains a loanword which can give a clue to the poems
age, or at least to a terminus post quem. In st. 20 the Middle Low German
loanword mlt is found, which according to Veturlii skarsson is not
used regularly in Icelandic before 1500 (see Lassen 2006, 557). It appears in
an Icelandic document from 1380 and occasionally in manuscripts between
c. 1350 and c. 1530, among other places in a manuscript containing Brar
saga Snfellsss and in Flateyjarbk (Veturlii skarsson 2003, 281). The
use of the word in Hrafnagaldur suggests that the poem was not written
before the middle of the fourteenth century. But it can hardly be as old as that.
This is indicated by, among other things, the use of the words virt, which
is not recorded in Orabk Hsklans from before the sixteenth century,
and larur or laraur, which are not found earlier than the seventeenth
century (see the commentary to stt. 18 and 23).
ntt skal nema nra til
In st. 22 of Hrafnagaldur what looks like a proverb, Ntt skal nema
nra til, appears. The proverb sheds light on the date of the poem, so
we shall now discuss where it comes from.
In 1843 Hallgrmur Scheving, one of the early editors of Hrafnagaldur,
published a collection of Icelandic proverbs in Bodsrit Bessastadaskla
(Islendskir mlshttir safnadir, tvaldir og stafrfsrd frdir af
Sklakennara Dr. H. Scheving), in which he includes (p. 38) Ntt skal
nema nra til, but the only occurrence he quotes is that in Hrafnagaldur.
Bjarni Vilhjlmsson and skar Halldrssons slenskir mlshttir (1979)
include Ntt skal nema til nra, but their only reference is to Scheving.
The earliest medieval example of a proverb that means that night should be
used for taking counsel is in Michaelis Apostolius (c. 14221480), who in his
Greek proverb collection (Paroemi) mentions

Michaelis Apostolius was a collector of manuscripts and was located in Italy.
This work of his was translated into Latin by Petrus Pantinus and published in
Leiden in 1619 in an edition by the famous Dutch humanist Daniel Heinsius
(15801655), and here the proverb is rendered in nocte consilium. The most
infuential collection of proverbs in Europe in the Renaissance period was,
however, Erasmus of Rotterdams Adagia. Gumundur Magnsson, in his
commentary on Hrafnagaldur (Edda 17871828, I 227, note) identifed Ntt
skal nema nra til with the Greco-Roman proverb in nocte consilium,
referring to the relevant place in Erasmuss work, and concluded that the
proverb was also known in the North.
Erasmuss work is a key to the understanding of European culture
in the sixteenth century. It was based on among other things Michaelis
Introduction 19
Apostoliuss collection of proverbs, the primary dissemination of which
was via Erasmus. The latters collection frst appeared in Paris in 1500
under the title Veterum maximeque insignium paroemiarum id est
adagiorum collectanea, and was reissued in revised forms in 1508 (Venice),
1515 (Basel) and thereafter several more times. It also soon came out in
translations into among other languages German (Georgius Spalatinus:
Man mu entweder ein konig oder aber ein narr geborn werden, 1520)
and English (Richard Taverner: Proverbes or adagies, 1539). The earliest
editions were just a small selection of proverbs compared with the later
ones, which were expanded, corrected and revised.
The proverb in Hrafnagaldur is found already in some of the earliest
editions of Erasmuss Adagia, which was disseminated enormously widely
in its various editions, and after Erasmuss death the work continued
to be expanded. There was a copy of the 1599 edition in the library of
Brynjlfur Sveinsson, and this is now in Landsbkasafn slands (see Jn
Helgason 1948, 140; Ritaukaskr Landsbkasafnsins 1926, 60). This
printed edition is considerably earlier than the earliest manuscripts that
contain Hrafnagaldur. In Brynjlfurs copy, Noctu urgenda consilia and
Nox dabit consilium are given on pp. 328329, and In nocte consilium
on p. 508. The Adagia was also known in Iceland earlier in the sixteenth
century. Magns pri Jnsson (15251591) compiled a rhymed collection
of proverbs that was partly based on the Adagia, though the collection as
a whole is not a translation from Latin (see Grmur M. Helgason 1961). It
is preserved in JS 391 8vo, which has a reference to Erasmus on p. 107, and
Lbs 1199 4to, though the proverb in Hrafnagaldur is not found here.
According to the Adagia, the proverb noctu urgenda consilium is of
Greek origin, and no earlier Latin example is quoted. Erasmus (1599, 328)
says his principal source was a school book from the second century ad,
Theons Progymnasmata ( ). He also mentions
examples from Sophocles, Plutarch and an anonymous Greek writer.
Finally, he gives a French example (Gallicum proverbium), la nuict a
conseil. Under In nocte consilium he mentions a commonplace among
the uneducated (ab idiotis nostratibus) super hac re indormiam (I shall
sleep on it), and here he refers to Plutarch.
In Proverbes Franais antrieurs au XVe sicle (Morawski 1925, ix)
we fnd la nuit a conseil, for which a ffteenth-century manuscript in the
Vatican (Reg. 1429) is given as a source. This manuscript contains proverbs
and legal commentaries, and the collection may have been compiled
before 1444. In the ffteenth century, Greek antiquity was rediscovered,
and learned Greeks came to Italy, France and Spain (Michaelis Apostolius
20 Hrafnagaldur ins
was one of these learned Greeks in Italy). The proverb does not seem to
belong to any earlier French tradition, and moreover there does not seem
to have been any connection between France and Iceland in the ffteenth
century either.
In Lateinische Sprichwrter und Sentenzen des Mittelalters (Walther
19631969) we fnd: Visum campus habet, nemus aurem, consilium
nox (33811a).
This is taken from the ffteenth-century British Museum
manuscript Harl. 3362.
It is unlikely that the proverb was known in Iceland direct from Michaelis
Apostoliuss collection or from the Greek examples that are mentioned in the
Adagia, or that it reached Iceland via France or England in the ffteenth century.
I have found references to the proverb in only one manuscript in each of these
two countries, so it cannot have been widespread there. It is reasonable to
assume that both these examples go back to Michaelis Apostolius.

The proverb must, however, have reached Iceland via Erasmuss Adagia.
It is after all not recorded in medieval Icelandic texts; the earliest example
is in Hrafnagaldur. It is also found in Latin in the seventeenth century in
Brynjlfur Sveinssons library, which was unique in Iceland. Brynjlfur
had probably brought the book with him from Copenhagen when he
returned to Iceland in 1638. The proverb became so widespread in the
Renaissance that scholars talk of the in nocte consilium topos (Parkin
2006). Erasmuss proverb collection can thus provide a terminus post quem
for Hrafnagaldur. The proverb ntt skal nema nra til constitutes a
high point in the poem towards its conclusion, and it is hard to imagine
its having been added by a scribe who could not read what stood in an
obscure and diffcult original.
Hrafnagaldur apparently existed some time before the earliest preserved
manuscripts that contain it. Gumundur Magnsson tells us (Edda
17871828, I 204) that the Icelandic poet Eirkur Hallsson at Hfi
(16141698) spent ten years trying to understand the poem, after which he
moreover threw it from him saying that he still only understood a little of it.
In spite of the title, examples in this work are taken from both medieval and
postmedieval texts. It also includes Semper consilium portat nox humida secum
(27920a) and In nocte consilium atra invenies candidum (11898a). The sources
of these are Philosophia Patrum 2887, 2888.
The Danish proverbs that have a similar meaning are all later than Erasmuss
Adagia. Compare Herr Iver i Boeslundes ordsprog (Srensen 1980, 105), written
between 1652 and 1684 (Srensen 1980, 58). Erasmuss and Michaeliss proverb
collections are mentioned in Peder Syvs proverb bibliography in Rostgaard 48
8vo (Srensen 1988, 431433).
Introduction 21
This means that Eirkur started studying the poem in 1688 at the latest,
and probably earlier, since Gumundur does not say that Eirkur died
immediately after abandoning it, and he can hardly have begun work on
it as soon as it was written. So Hrafnagaldur may have been composed
around the middle of the seventeenth century, and would then have been
connected with the Renaissance in Iceland, the rediscovery of the Codex
Regius in 1643 and the learned circle around Brynjlfur Sveinsson, who
was bishop at Sklholt. Some of the earliest known people to have made
or acquired copies of the poem are, as mentioned above, Gumundur
lafsson and sgeir Jnsson, who studied in Sklholt from 1673 to 1677
and from 1674 to 1678 respectively. It may be considered likely that the
poem was actually composed at Sklholt. It may therefore appear surprising
that it so quickly gained the reputation of being ancient, but that such a
thing is possible is shown by the case of Gunnarsslagur (see p. 16 above);
and this reputation may have given rise to the earliest copying activity
involving Hrafnagaldur, which was perhaps initiated by Brynjlfur.
To explain why reports of Hrafnagaldur frst surface in the northern diocese
of Hlar (Eirkur Hallsson at Hfi) and from students in the southern diocese
of Sklholt (Gumundur lafsson and sgeir Jnsson) one might suspect the
involvement of rur orlksson, who was the son of orlkur Sklason,
bishop of Hlar (died 1656) and brother of Gsli orlksson, orlkurs
successor as bishop of Hlar (16561684). rur studied in Denmark and
Germany, and travelled to France, Belgium and the Netherlands. After he
succeeded Brynjlfur Sveinsson as bishop of Sklholt in 1674, he brought
the Hlar press to Sklholt where he initiated the printing of medieval sagas.
rur orlksson was very active in collecting manuscripts and renewed
the antiquarian activities in Sklholt (cf. Mr Jnsson 1998, 189190).
lafur Jnsson was principal at the school at Sklholt during the last years of
Brynjlfur Sveinssons and the frst years of rur orlkssons bishopric.
rur may have heard about the single leaf containing Hrafnagaldur and
the rumour of it may have reached the north of Iceland via him.
the title hrafnagaldur ins/forsPjallslj
The main title, Hrafnagaldur ins, seems to be a misunderstanding, for
inns ravens play no part in the poem.
It is possible that the poem
was originally nameless, and at a very early stage was given the title
Hrafnagaldur ins due to a misunderstanding of hugur in the third
In his commentary in AM 424 fol., Gunnar Plsson argued that Hrafnagaldur
could be a misunderstanding of hrfvagaldur, which he then links to valgaldr in
Baldrs draumar (Edda 17871828, I, 199).
22 Hrafnagaldur ins
stanza as an alternative form of the name Huginn for one of inns
ravens, parallel to the alternative forms Ullr/Ullinn and perhaps r/inn.
The title should probably be interpreted to mean Song of inns ravens
and understood in connection with Gylfaginning ch. 38, SnE I 32/3236.
Cf. also the poems entitled Hrafnsml attributed to orbjrn hornklof,
ormr Treflsson and Sturla rarson.
All manuscripts that contain Hrafnagaldur include the subtitle
Forspjallslj, sometimes preceded by al. or eur. The use of the
noun forspjall shows that the subtitle cannot stem from the Middle
Ages. Fritzners Ordbog does not include the word forspjall, but gives the
meaning Tale, Fortlling for the noun spjall. Forspjall is not included in
ONPs word list either ( The earliest
example that is given in Orabk Hsklans is from 1649, in a verse in the
vidrpa of Jn lri Gumundsson (15741658): Forspjall lti | framan
til lja | fyrir lesandann | eg lt hr vera. The frst twenty stanzas in his
vidrpa comprise an introductory poem of a more general character than
the decidedly autobiographical stanzas that follow. Forspjall (preface)
is used by Jn lri in a sense that seems identical to that of the Latin
prologus, of which it is probably a translation. Jn belonged to the learned
circle around Brynjlfur Sveinsson and was one of the Icelanders who copied
medieval manuscripts and compiled commentaries on the ancient literature
of Iceland, among other things making a copy of the Codex Upsaliensis
of Snorris Edda and writing notes on Vlusp and Hvaml (see Faulkes
1977, 77, 89; Einar G. Ptursson 1998, 133134). The context in which Jn
Gumundsson used the word forspjall is similar to that in Hrafnagaldur,
but perhaps in the latter it applies particularly to the frst stanza, in which
the poet gives an overview of the status of various beings. Thus Hallgrmur
Scheving (1837, 7) in fact suggested that the title Forspjallslj, which
can mean a preface in verse, applied exclusively to st. 1 of Hrafnagaldur.
The subtitle Forspjallslj could have been inspired by Jn Gumunds-
sons vidrpa (even if we cannot exclude the possibility of the relation-
ship having been the reverse), but there is no reason why an existing,
possibly untitled poem at some stage in its transmission should not have
been given a later title, or possibly had the subtitle Forspjallslj added.
In an Edda manuscript that Gunnar Plsson possessed, Pll Vdaln (1667
1727) is said to have written by Hrafnagaldur: ad er Forspjallsljd
(Scheving 1837, 5; cf. also Edda 17871828, I 200). Scheving wrote in
the commentary to his edition that Gunnar Plsson did not know whether
Vdaln was the frst to call Hrafnagaldur by this name. Gunnar wrote a
commentary to Hrafnagaldur which is preserved in AM 424 fol., and sent
Introduction 23
it to the poems frst editor Gumundur Magnsson in Copenhagen. Even
though Vdaln could not (on account of his age) have been the originator
of the subtitle, it could be that it was not originally thought of as a title,
but as a description, this is an introductory poem. This description could
afterwards have become attached to the title.
It is tempting to wonder whether the poem could have been written as
a preface to one of the many collections of eddic poems that were made
after 1643. In A and B the poem stands after Slarlj and before Vlusp.
Slarlj could have gained its prominent position frst in the collection
because it was thought in the seventeenth century to have been composed
by Smundr fri (see note 9 above). Hrafnagaldur could have been placed
next because it was thought of as a preface in verse to Smundrs Edda.
Content and style
The Hrafnagaldur poet seems to have had a penchant for repetition of
words within the same half-stanza, a kind of symmetrical ornamentation
that gives his poem a baroque favour (see for example stt. 3.58 and
4. 58). The content of the poem points to a date of composition later than
that of genuinely medieval eddic poems. The action takes place among
the gods just before Ragnark, and describes inns vain attempt to gain
knowledge of the future or to fnd a way out for the gods. The introductory
stanza gives an overview of various beings in the world of the gods (Alfr,
Vanir, nornir, sir, etc) and shows the attitudes of various groups in the
Norse mythological world towards the larger scheme of the gods future.
It serves to introduce the atmosphere for the poems narrative, like the
frst stanza of Hamisml, which indicates that the opening is preserved.
It would appear that the conclusion of the narrative is also preserved,

for it ends with the day breaking and Heimdallur beginning to blow his
horn, which according to Snorris Edda sounds precisely when Ragnark
is imminent. The poem thus ends on a tragic climax. Even though it is not
stated, it is clear that the gods are now going to meet their fate.
In this poem the future is not introduced, as is the case in Vlusp and
Baldrs draumar. The journey to seek a prophecy or wise saying and the
ominous dream have similarities to those in other eddic poems, but in contrast
Gumundur Magnsson thought (Edda 17871828, I 203), as mentioned above
(note 8), that both beginning and end were lacking. His arguments for the end being
missing were 1) that nothing is said about Bragis departure from the prophetess, 2)
that there is no information about the sirs further attempts to get something out of
the prophetess, and 3) that it would have been natural, if Bragi had had no luck in
getting the prophetess to speak, for inn to have taken matters into his own hands.
24 Hrafnagaldur ins
to those poems the gods gain no information here from their journey. In
the prophetic eddic poems there is a tragic element to the knowledge that
inn gains. In Vlusp Ragnark is conjured up, in Baldrs draumar Baldrs
death. But we do not see how the gods react to these events in those poems.
We do see that, however, in Hrafnagaldur: Iunn begins to weep, and the
impotent gods know no way out of the problems that have apparently caused
the weeping and which they themselves do not know about. In spite of the
terrible portents of the future, they still sit in merry carousal towards the close
of the poem. The parallels with Vlusp indicate that Hrafnagaldur must be
inspired by that poem, which of course also emphasises the destruction of
the earliest heathen gods. But in Hrafnagaldur the gods powerlessness is
accentuated by the fact that they can neither obtain knowledge for themselves
about the future nor manage to fnd any counsel.
Besides having taken an interest in the art of ancient eddic poetry, which
he learned about from Snorris Edda, the poet also evidently knew the
tradition of Latin epic. Hallgrmur Scheving argued convincingly (1837,
21) that Iunns shadowy life in the realm of death was inspired by Greco-
Roman mythology (see, for example, Vergils Aeneid VI, 390):
v lsingar essar su prddar med ordatiltkjum r nordurlandanna
gudafrdi, er undirstadan og adferdin audsjanliga lgud eptir
esskonar lsingum rmverskra sklda, eda eirra sem eptir eim hafa stlt;
v gudakvdonum Smundar eddu fnnst ekkrt esshttar, en hinum
drum kvdafokki Smundar eddu, minnist eg einasta ess fyrsta eyrindis
Hamismlum, er litist gti sem eptirstlng rmversks skldskapar.
One might also add that the long epic simile in stt. 1314, too, must have
been inspired by Greco-Roman poets. Schevings conclusion was that
the poem must be later than the other eddic poems, and that it must have
been composed in the Christian period, which today seems a cautious one.
Moreover, a further element in the poem that brings it still closer to Greco-
Roman mythological narratives (e.g. the fnal scene of the Iliad Book I) than
it is to Norse eddic poetry is the merry carousal that the gods indulge in, in
spite of the awful events that are threatening. In the other eddic poems we
nowhere see the gods seated together drinking merrily. In Lokasenna, where
they are assembled for a drinking feast, the scene is not merry. The chariot
of the sun in Hrafnagaldur is adorned with jewels, which leads one to think
of Phoebuss chariot in Ovids Metamorphoses (Book II 103). Finally, the
description of Iunn in Hrafnagaldur is also reminiscent of another passage
in Aeneid VI (469473), the account of the sorrow-stricken Dido in the world
of the dead, where Aeneas speaks to her, but she does not answer, just looks
down and turns away. Late in the seventeenth century, when Pll Vdaln was
Introduction 25
principal at the school of Sklholt, he was renowned for knowing the frst
six books of The Aeneid by heart (Jn lafsson r Grunnavk 1950, 102).
The poem distinguishes itself from the other eddic poems in that they
give information about and names of things, places or fgures in the Norse
mythological world, which Hrafnagaldur does not do. The eddic poems
are often allusive, but Hrafnagaldur contains obscure expressions to an
exceptional degree. It uses names, words and kennings that otherwise
seldom appear, either in eddic poetry or elsewhere. It is also the case that
the syntax is reminiscent much more of skaldic poems or rmur than eddic
This style, peculiar for an eddic poem, is certainly the reason that
the poem has among scholars the reputation of being particularly obscure
and extraordinary. The artifcial syntax and the many kennings make it
probable that the poet was more conversant with skaldic poetry and maybe
especially rmur than with eddic poetry. Most of the fgures or places from
the Norse mythological world that are used in kennings in Hrafnagaldur
are mentioned in Snorris Edda, as is shown in the notes to the text below.
Moreover, there is a number of names in Hrafnagaldur that are otherwise
only known from Snorris Edda or later texts. These are: 1) Nifheimr, 2)
Dkklfar, 3) Bifrst (only in the form Bilrst in eddic poems), 4) Jln/
Jlnar (apparently only recorded in Snorris Edda and a stanza (16 or 13)
of Hleygjatal that is only transmitted in manuscripts of Snorris Edda), 5)
Nl, 6) Vinglf, 7) Hangatr. In addition, there is the noun dar, which is
Some of the syntax of Hrafnagaldur, such as the frequent asyndeton, the
several examples of omission of a subject pronoun, and the rather frequent use of
the dative case in place of a prepositional phrase (e.g. st. 19 minnishornum, st.
23 Hrmfaxa, st. 26 Gjll), is reminiscent of Latin.
The metre generally seems to be a mistaken attempt to follow Old Norse
patterns, analogously to the mistaken attempts at archaic word forms. The
examples of prepositions in stressed position at the end of a line immediately
followed by the word they govern at the beginning of the next line (stt. 5/5,
6/3, 7/3, 5) show a poor grasp of the rules of Old Norse prosody. Postpositions,
on the other hand, are found in stressed position (Hrafnagaldur st. 10/6) quite
commonly, cf. Vlusp 38/3, Hvaml 38/2, Grmnisml 21/3, 22/2, Lokasenna
24/2. Prepositions separated from the word they govern by other words are,
however, occasionally found in stressed position in eddic poems, cf. Vlusp 26/5.
The lines consist preponderantly of Sieverss type A, and regularly with four
syllables only, which gives them more the favour of rmur patterns than those of
eddic poetry; light lines such as st. 1/3 are not found in medieval fornyrislag.
St. 15/5 ( x x ) is anomalous. Type E should have a half stress between the
two stresses. (On Sieverss fve metrical types see his Altgermanische Metrik,
1893.) On the pattern of st. 1, cf. Httatal 9; on that of st. 11/58, cf. the Third
Grammatical Treatise, SnE 18481887, II 222226 (Antiteton, species 3 and 4).
26 Hrafnagaldur ins
found in both Snorris Edda and Heimskringla, and fnally man(n)heim(a)r,
which is only recorded in Ynglinga saga in Heimskringla. The number of
names and forms of names that are only known from Snorris Edda shows
that the poet must have known this work extremely well, and also the poem
is really downright incomprehensible without the use of Snorris Edda as
a reference book while it is read. The poet may have used it as a handbook
while he was writing. If it was composed under such circumstances, this
would explain the poems antiquarian and learned character and the high
incidence of kennings. Snorris Edda quotes only fragments of eddic
poems in Gylfaginning in connection with narratives about gods and the
mythological world. Just a couple of eddic poems are transmitted in a more
or less complete form in manuscripts of Snorris Edda (Grottasngr in the
Codex Regius and Rgsula in Codex Wormianus). Of most of the eddic
poems he quotes such as Vlusp and Grmnisml, Snorri quotes single
stanzas or a few consecutive stanzas.
Several eddic poems are a form of wisdom poetry. In the poems where
the gods lack knowledge, Baldrs draumar and Vlusp, inn sets out to
procure it, in Hyndlulj it is Freyja that sets out. Hrafnagaldur is also a
wisdom poem, but it turns upside down some of the conventions that wisdom
poems otherwise conform to. inn does not himself set out, but sends
other gods, and they do not get answers to their questions. But a search for
an original myth is unlikely ever to be fruitful, for the poet had scarcely
any greater knowledge of Norse mythology than he was able to get out of
reading Snorris Edda. If the poem is an antiquarian product, composed
with the help of Snorris Edda by a learned person who was proud of and
interested in the Icelanders ancient poetic art, this would also explain why
the content of the poem is not in keeping with the mythological stories that
we now have from the Middle Ages. The poet may have got information
from Snorris Edda about kennings and mythological fgures, and from
this constructed his own narrative about Iunn and the gods. The poem
should not, however, be seen as a falsifcation, rather it should be seen as
an expression of an antiquarian interest in the ancient eddic art. In the frst
printed writings about Iceland, learned Icelanders express pride in this art.
Hrafnagaldur is transmitted in at least thirty-seven copies. One manu script
(KB Add 14 4to) contains just a Latin translation, AM 424 fol. contains
a commentary by Gunnar Plsson. The manuscripts are found in Iceland,
(Landsbkasafni), Denmark (Det kongelige Bibliotek), Sweden (Kungliga
biblioteket in Stockholm and Universitetsbiblioteket in Uppsala), Great
Introduction 27
Britain (British Library in London, English Faculty Library in Oxford and
National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh), Germany (Staatsbibliothek
zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz) and the USA (Harvard University
Library). In addition, in Den Arnamagnanske Samling in Copenhagen
there is Gunnar Plssons commentary on the poem (in AM 424 fol.),
which was used by Gumundur Magnsson in Edda 17871828, I. The
manuscripts in question are these:
Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm:
Stockholm papp. fol. nr 34 (34)
Stockholm papp. fol. nr 57 (C)
Stockholm papp. 4to nr 11 (11)
Stockholm papp. 4to nr 46 (46)
Stockholm papp. 8vo nr 15 (A)
Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek:
UUB R 682 (682)
UUB R 682 a (682 a)
UUB R 691 (691)
Det kongelige Bibliotek, Kbenhavn:
NKS 1108 fol. (1108)
NKS 1109 fol. (1109)
NKS 1111 fol. (1111)
NKS 1866 4to (1866)
NKS 1870 4to (1870)
Thott 773 a fol. (773 a)
Thott 1491 4to (D)
Thott 1492 4to (1492)
KB Add 14 4to (14)
Den Arnamagnanske Samling, Kbenhavn:
AM 424 fol.
Landsbkasafn slands, Hsklabkasafn, Reykjavk:
Lbs 818 4to (818)
Lbs 966 4to (966)
Lbs 1441 4to (E)
Lbs 1562 4to (B)
Lbs 1588 a 4to (1588 a I and II)
Lbs 1689 4to (1689)
Lbs 2859 4to (2859)
BR 36 4to (36)
BR 24 8vo (24)
28 Hrafnagaldur ins
JS 648 4to (648)
JS 494 8vo (494)
British Library, London:
Add. 4877 (4877)
Add. 11165 (11165)
Egerton 643 (643)
National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh:
Adv. 21.4.7 (21.4.7)
Adv. 21.5.2 (21.5.2)
Adv. 21.6.7 (21.6.7)
English Faculty Library, Oxford:
ZCJ22 (22)
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz:
Ms. germ. qu. 329 (329)
Harvard University Library, Harvard:
Ms. Icel. 47 (47)
The earliest manuscripts that contain the poem are A and B. Both were
written in the second half of the seventeenth century. A was taken to Sweden
by Gumundur lafsson (c. 16521695) in 1681. B includes Hrafnagaldur
and a few other eddic poems in the hand of sgeir Jnsson (c. 16571707).
It will be shown below that we can reckon with fve manuscripts that have
independent textual value, A, B, C, D and E. There are other manuscripts
derived from A and B, but none, as far as is known, from C, D or E.
As already stated, the poem is only transmitted in a single version. The
number and ordering of stanzas is the same in all manuscripts (though
stt. 21 and 25 have been merged together in E), no manuscripts have any
stanzas added or omitted, and there are only minor differences in the texts
they contain. Variant readings are often just a case of words being joined
together or not, or confusion of combinations of i, u, n, and m. The poem
is composed in fornyrislag in eight-line stanzas, and is written out in
stanzas of 8 lines in most manuscripts (including D and E), though in A
and B each stanza is written out as a single paragraph of prose covering
about three lines and in C each pair of lines is written side by side, giving
stanzas of four long lines.
desCriPtion of the manusCriPts in grouP a
The A group consists of Stockholm papp. 8vo nr 15 and manuscripts
derived from it. These copies reproduce the distinctive readings of A.
Introduction 29
Stockholm papp. 8vo nr 15 (A)
The manuscript, which consists of 124 leaves, was written in the second
half of the seventeenth century using both Gothic and cursive script. It is
bound in a leaf from an antiphonary from c. 1300. It contains eddic poems
in the following order: Slarlj, Hrafnagaldur (ff. 8r10r; pp. 1519),
Vlusp, Hvaml, Vafrnisml, Grmnisml, Alvssml, Lokasenna,
rymskvia, Hrbarslj, Skrnisml, Hymiskvia and Baldrs draumar.
Then follow Vlundarkvia and the rest of the poems in the Codex Regius in
the same order as in that manuscript, and after that Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj,
Grugaldur and Grottasngr. Stanza numbers are added in the margin.
A is, as stated above, one of the earliest manuscripts that contain
Hrafna galdur. It is not known precisely when, where or by whom it was
written but it was brought to Sweden in 1681 by Gumundur lafsson
(16521695) who, as mentioned in note 7 above, probably acquired it in
Sklholt while he was studying there. It appears in Gumundurs own
register of the Icelandic manuscripts and books that he sold to Antikvitets-
kollegiet in 1684. There it is described as Smundar Edda, in 8:vo (Gdel
1897, 179; cf. also Schck 1933, 98). Gumundur, according to Gdel,
made notes in various places in the margins of the manuscript. But notes
are made in the margin in two different kinds of writing, Gothic style and
cursive, which may be by two different hands. One of them (with Gothic
style script) which among other things added variant readings or correc-
tions in the margin by Hrafnagaldur, is, as far as one can judge, identical
with the hand that wrote the text. On the fyleaf stands the name Johannes
{Diethericus / Theodericus} Grner, according to Gdel written, it
appears, by the same ornate hand that executed the whole manuscript,
and from whom also papp 8:vo nr 3 and 18 derive (Gdel 18971900,
376), but there seems to be no foundation for this identifcation. Johannes
{Diethericus / Theodericus} Grner is presumably the Danish diplomat
Johan Diderik Grner (16611712). For a time he resided with the poly-
math Ole Borch (16261690), who belonged to the circle of Ole Worm
and Thomas Bartholin the Elder. In 1683 Grner accom panied a relative
of Borch to Stockholm, where from 1688 to 1698 he was secretary to the
Danish embassy under Bolle Christensen Luxdorph (16431698). Borch
may have aroused an interest in antiquities in Grner, who could have
borrowed the manuscript from him and written his name in it.
There are the following distinctive readings in A:
st. 15: ad eckia fyrir A] at syn var fyrir B, at syn var fyrer C, at syn
var fyrir D, ad syn var fyrir E
st. 16: Grymis A] Grimnis B, grunnis C, Grimnis D, Grimnis E
30 Hrafnagaldur ins
st. 24: rokna A] jarkna B, C, jarkna D, iarkna E
st. 25: jadyr A] jodyr B, C, jo dyr D, iodyr E
These four distinctive readings in A are secondary, since they are probably cases
of defnite errors that came about in the copying. In st. 15, eckia is added in
the margin in A by the same hand that wrote the poem, possibly because the
scribe had accidentally omitted the word, and it is probably an error or a bad
guess. This couplet had no alliteration in A: sokte vi meir | ad eckia fyrer,
whereas it does in B, C, D and E (soktu/sokto vi meir | ad syn var fyrir). In
st. 24, the scribe of A has written jokna in the margin by rokna, indicating
that he knew there was something wrong in what he had written in the text.
Two readings on the other hand are in all likelihood primary:
st. 7: hardbams A] hardbains B, hardbanis C, harbanis D,
harbadms E
st. 22: Omi A] Onn B, Onn C, Oinn D, Ome E
The two readings hardbams and Omi must be regarded as superior
to the readings of the other manuscripts in these places. Oinn (in D) is
certainly better, but As Omi may be preferred on the principle of lectio
diffcilior potior. This reading is also supported by E. Onn in B and C
must be due to a misreading of the four minims in Omi, like the readings
of A and C for Grmnis in st. 16, and Oinn could be due to a scribes
assumption that Onn was an abbreviation for that name lacking the usual
superior stroke. It is more diffcult to explain how Omi and Onn could
be derived from an original Oinn.
Rask compares A with his text in his edition of the Edda (Stockholm
1818), though he mistakenly refers to it as nr 5, and variants from A are
given to the text of Hrafnagaldur, where it is given the siglum F. Bugge,
in his edition of the Edda compared the text in A, which he refers to as
St., with the Codex Regius, but his edition of Hrafnagaldur is not based
on A, and he does not give variants from it (Norrn fornkvi 1867,
xlviii; xlix; liiilv). Finally, Barend Sijmons used A in Die Lieder der
Edda (Halle 18881906), but did not, however, include Hrafnagaldur.
A was most recently used by Jnas Kristjnsson when he published its
text of Hrafnagaldur in Morgunblai (2002).
The text of Hrafnagaldur is here based on that of A, which has fewer
errors than the other manuscripts.
The following manuscripts are direct or indirect copies of A:
Stockholm papp. fol. nr 34 (34)
This manuscript, which consists of 506 leaves, was written in 1684. It
is half-bound in leather, and contains both Snorris Edda (ff. 1284) and
Introduction 31
eddic poems (ff. 285506) in the same order as in A. The eddic poems,
including Hrafnagaldur, are arranged in two columns with the Icelandic
text parallel to a Latin translation.
According to Gdel (18971900, 144), the Icelandic text of the eddic
poems in this manuscript was copied from A in Stockholm in 1684 by
Helgi lafsson (c. 16461707), Gumundur lafssons brother. In the text
of Hrafnagaldur all the innovations of A are reproduced. The translation
of the frst thirteen stanzas of Hrafnagaldur was also carried out by Helgi,
but then another translator took over. Helgi worked as amanuensis at
Antikvitets kollegiet from 1682 to 1686 with a break in 1683, when he
went to visit his family in Iceland (Gdel 1897, 188). On the last leaf is
written: Finitum Holmi in posterioris idibus Maij Anno 1684. Helgus
Olaus islandus.
The part of the manuscript containing eddic poems was used in Gumundur
Magnssons edition (Edda 17871828, I xliv), by Rask (Edda Smundar
hinns frda 1818) and by Bugge in establishing a terminus ante quem for
A (Norrn fornkvi 1867, liii).
NKS 1870 4to (1870)
This manuscript, which consists of 162 leaves, was written towards the
end of the seventeenth century and bound in leather. Ff. 18v and 24v are
blank, f. 104 is an inserted slip. It is mainly written in cursive on folded
sheets and in a single hand, in a part of the manuscript in two columns,
Icelandic text with parallel Latin translation. In a few cases notes are
added at the side of stanzas in a different ink, but in the same hand. The
manuscript bears the title Smundar Edda. On f. 1v a list of contents is
added and some remarks. Besides the eddic poems the manuscript contains
three passages with the headings Hvad Grkerne och annat Folk tagit ur
wra Norska fders aldra ldsta Skriffter. Om Gyllende Tahlet. Himmelens
Tecken, which are written in a different hand and inserted between Brot
af Sigurarkviu and Gurnarkvia I on ff. 91v100, and also some
extracts from Resens Latin preface to Gumundur Andrssons Lexicon
Islandicum (Havni 1683) on ff. 161162.
The eddic poems appear in the same order as in A. Hrafnagaldur comes
on ff. 9r11v. After Hrafnagaldur the title of Vlusp is written, but the
poem itself is missing. At the end of Grottasngr (f. 160v) is written, as
in 34: Finitum Holmi in posteriorib. Idib. Maj a. 1684 Helgus Olai isl.
The eddic poems, including Hrafnagaldur, are copied from 34 (there
are a few errors in the text of Hrafnagaldur, for example st. 8: syria,
where 34 has syrgia), as is the Latin translation, in which only just a few
alterations have been made in Hrafnagaldur (especially in stt. 24 and 25).
32 Hrafnagaldur ins
The manuscript seems to have been written in Stockholm. It could have
been acquired and brought to Denmark by Johan Diderik Grner in 1698.
Variants from 1870 are quoted (with the siglum Svec.) to the text
of Hrafnagaldur in the Arnamagnan edition of the eddic poems (Edda
17871828, I) via Jn Eirkssons manuscript, denoted E, which had
been in Suhms collection as no. 393 4to (see under 47 below), in which
Jn had included variants from 1870.
UUB R 691 (691)
This manuscript, which consists of 49 leaves, was written in the eighteenth
century in a single hand. It contains no information about when or by whom
it was written, but on the inside of the front cover it states that it had
belonged in Nordins collection (Uppsala Universitets Bibliothek. Nordins
Saml. 220). According to Gdels catalogue it came into the Uppsala library
in 1814 with that collection. It is half-bound in leather and reads on the spine:
CARMINA ISLANDICA. Several poems are written in two columns,
Icelandic text with Latin translation parallel. According to Gdels catalogue,
the manuscript is a copy of 34, which must be right, for corrections are
included in brackets within the lines of the stanzas in the same way as
they are in 34. 691, however, has some of the poems in a different order
(rymskvia, Skrnisml, Baldrs draumar, Vlundarkvia, Rnatal in
Hvaml (i.e. stt. 138 onwards), Vafrnisml, Grmnisml, Alvssml,
Lokasenna, Hrafnagaldur (ff. 39r41v), Slarlj). It can also be said to
be the same translation as in 34, though not all the possible alternative
translations given in 34 are included, and moreover a few changes
have been made. 691 also has certain innovations: in st. 15 it has the
reading jolmin for 34s Jlnum. This turns up again in 1870, also a
copy of 34.
UUB R 682 (682)
This manuscript, which consists of 83 leaves, was written in the
eighteenth century in a single hand. F. 12v is blank. It is half-bound in
leather and reads on the spine: EDDA SMUNDI PARTES XI.
The text in many places is written in two columns, Icelandic text with
Latin translation parallel. The manuscript includes Latin translations of
Slarlj, Hrafnagaldur, Rnatal in Hvaml, Vafrnisml, Grmnisml,
Alvssml, Lokasenna, rymskvia, Hrbarslj and Skrnisml. Its
history is unknown, and there is no information about when it came into
Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek, nor any in the manuscript about when or
by whom it was written. It is marked N:o 619 (f. 1v) and once belonged
to the same collection as UUB R 684 (cf. Gdel 1892, 27, 30), a copy of
Introduction 33
Snorris Edda made by Eric of Sotberg (17241781), who was secretary
to Vitterhets-Akademien.
According to Gdels catalogue, 682 is a copy of 34, which must be
right. It has the poems in the same order as 34 (Slarlj, Hrafnagaldur
(f. 9r12r), Vlusp, Hvaml, Vafrnisml, Grmnisml, Alvssml,
Lokasenna, rymskvia, Hrbarslj, Skrnisml, but it includes only
the frst eleven of the poems in 34 and A, cf. the title on the spine. It has
the same corrections as 34, written out in the same way, either in brackets
within the stanza or in brackets immediately at the end of the line.
Latin text in 682 is also a copy of that in 34. Just a very few of the possible
alternative translations given in 34 are omitted.
Stockholm papp. 4to nr 46 (46)
This manuscript, which consists of 138 leaves, was written in the latter
part of the seventeenth century, but before 1690, and its text is arranged in
two columns. It was half-bound in leather, according to information on the
fyleaf in the year 1842, and the title on the spine is SMUNDAR-EDDA.
46 is a copy of A in Gumundur lafssons hand. It has the poems in
the same order as in A. Hrafnagaldur is written on pp. 1317. Corrections
that are added in the margin in A are in a few places inserted within the
stanza in 46. In st. 24 it has jokna within the stanza and rokna in the
margin. The innovations of A appear in 46, but 46 has secondary readings
and corrections compared with A, e.g. st. 13, hvrri, and an instance of
misreadings of minims, st. 15, jlmun. The secondary readings in 46 also
appear in the manuscript written by Gabriel Duhre (11), which therefore
must have been copied from 46 and not from A; they also appear in 682 a.
Besides, Duhre himself says in his copy that it was taken from Gumundur
lafssons manuscript. 682 a is also a copy of 46.
46 was used in Rasks Edda (1818).
Stockholm papp. 4to nr 11 (11)
This manuscript, which consists of 208 leaves, was written in 1690 by Gabriel
Duhre. It is half-bound in leather and reads on the spine: SMUNDAR-
EDDA. Hrafnagaldur is written in two columns, but the Latin translation
that follows is written in a single column.
The manuscript contains the same poems as A and in the same order.
Gdel says in his catalogue (18971900, 274) that it is a copy of A, but
this is wrong. It is, as stated above, a copy of 46. Moreover at the end of
the manuscript Duhre has written: Endir Smundar eddu. D. 19 Aprilis
In st. 24 the scribe of 682 wrote (:Jokna:) within the stanza, whereas this
reading is given beside the line in 34.
34 Hrafnagaldur ins
A:o 1690 Lycktade iag dnna Smunders Edda, som effter Jslndarens
Gudmunn Olssons git manuscript, som war reent wackert och lsligt,
hafwer iag nu till mitt git behof afskrifwit. Gabriel Duhre.
11, unlike A, gives no variant readings or corrections in the margins,
but some of the corrections that are placed in the margin in A are here
incorporated into the text (st. 15, eckia, st. 23, Jarar, st. 24, Jokna
and st. 26, Nifheim), but one correction or variant is omitted (st. 25,
nera). 11 also contains the same Latin translation as 34, apart from
sometimes, where 34 gives possible alternative translations, giving only
one of the alternatives.
Bugge mentions this manuscript in Norrn fornkvi (1867, liii), but
says he has not seen it himself .
UUB R 682 a (682 a)
This manuscript, which consists of 479 leaves, was written in the eighteenth
century. It is bound in paper and reads on the spine: R. 682: a / Edda
Smundar ins fra. On f. 1r the title of the manuscript is given as
EDDA | Smundar | ins | fra. F. 1v is blank, but on f. 2r begins a list
of contents,Innehalld bkarennar. The book contains the eddic poems
in the same order as in A. There is no information in the manuscript about
when or by whom it was written. Additions to Hrafnagaldur are written
in the margins in the same ink and in the same cursive hand as the poem
682 a seems to be a copy of 46, since it has innovations compared with A
in common with 46. 682 a has probably, however, had further corrections
added in the margins beyond those in its original (e.g. st. 1, ursar, st. 2,
viltu, st. 4, ofan). Only 46 and 682 a write in st. 5 the line viti enn?
ea hva? with two question marks. They also both give the reading
Loftur in the margin by st. 9. These two manuscripts are besides the
only manuscripts in the A group that have jokna in the text of st. 24 and
rokna as a variant. In the other manuscripts it is the other way round.
In 1904 this manuscript, together with other books and manuscripts,
was handed over for safe keeping at Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek by
Kungliga Vetenskapssocieteten.
The following stemma of the manuscripts in the A group can be drawn up:
46 34
________________ __________________________
11 682 a 1870 691 682
Introduction 35
desCriPtion of the manusCriPts in grouP B
The B group consists of Lbs 1562 4to (B) and manuscripts derived from
it. These copies reproduce the distinctive readings of B.
Lbs 1562 4to (B)
This manuscript, which has 148 leaves, was, according to Pll Eggert
lasons catalogue, written c. 1660 and in the eighteenth century. (The date
of 1660 must relate to the parts written by sgeir Jnsson, who was born c.
1657, and is too early. His part in the writing of the manuscript must have
been done while he was studying in Sklholt, from 1673 to 1677.) It is in
poor condition and has in several places crumbled away so that all that is left
is the middle part of some of the original pages. It comprises a collection of
gatherings and loose leaves that originally belonged to different manuscripts.
In its present state it seems to be written in eight or nine hands.
The manuscript contains mainly eddic poems. It opens on f. 2r with
Registur ifer essa Smundar | Eddu, which must be a list of contents to
a manuscript of which only fragments now survive in B. It is this part of
the existing manuscript that is of interest in connection with Hrafnagaldur.
According to the list of contents it had the poems in the following order:
Slarlj, Hrafnagaldur, Vlusp, Hvaml, Vafrnisml, Grmnisml,
Skrnisml, Hrbrslj, Lokasenna, rymskvia, Baldrs draumar,
Vlundarkvia, after which the heroic poems follow in their usual order
up to and including Hamisml. Then come these poems: Fjlsvinnsml,
Hyndlulj, Grugaldur, Grottasngr and Heireks gtur. At the end of the
list it says: Getspeki Heireks kongs vantar mig aldeilis i bda codices.
Heireks gtur now follows the list of contents and is in the same eighteenth-
century hand, but these items must have been added at a later stage, long
after the original manuscript that the list relates to had been written; bda
codices presumably relates to sgeir Jnsson's manuscript and one of the
others from which B is now compiled.
The list of contents probably relates to a collection of eddic poems written
by sgeir Jnsson of which only the following items now survive in B:
Slarlj, which is fragmentary (ff. 7r11v) and Hrafnagaldur (ff. 12r13v
and 16r; these two poems follow immediately after Heireks gtur); and
Atlaml (stt. 41/865/5 on ff. 14 and 15, which are attached to each other,
and are in the wrong place, in the middle of Hrafnagaldur, and the rest on ff.
131r136v) and Baldrs draumar (ff. 141r142r).
The rest of the existing manuscript did not belong to this collection of
eddic poems, and is in various seventeenth or eighteenth-century hands.
The manuscript as we have it has altogether the following items: Contents,
36 Hrafnagaldur ins
Heireks gtur (both written in the same hand), Slarlj, Hrafnagaldur
(both written in sgeirs hand), brief notes and summary extracts from
Laufs Edda (written in a third hand), Vlusp and Hvaml to st. 63 (in
a fourth hand), more from Laufs Edda (these leaves seem to have been
inserted later, and are perhaps in a ffth hand, though it is very similar to
the third; there are here also some Variantes lectiones in a different ink
and almost certainly a different hand), continuation of Hvaml (to st. 110)
(again in the fourth hand), extracts from Laufs Edda continued (one leaf in
the ffth hand), continuation of Hvaml (to st. 127), extracts from Laufs
Edda continued (two leaves in the ffth hand), the rest of Hvaml and
Vafrnisml to Brot af Sigurarkviu in the order of the Codex Regius,
again in the fourth hand; then in a new, sixth hand, beginning on a new leaf,
the fnal stanzas of Gurnarkvia I, Sigurarkvia in skamma, Helrei
Brynhildar (in this poem, the fourth hand resumes), Gurnarkvia II,
Gurnarkvia III, Oddrnargrtr, Atlakvia, Gurnarhvt, Hamisml.
Then in a new (seventh) hand, passages from Vlsunga saga to cover the
lacuna of the Codex Regius; Atlaml in sgeirs hand; Fjlsvinnsml,
Hyndlulj, Grottasngr in a new hand (probably identical with the sixth
hand); Baldrs draumar in sgeirs hand; and fnally, in a further new hand,
Evrpa, a piece of writing about Europe and Asia.
In the list of contents for the original manuscript that contained
Hrafnagaldur, on f. 2r by the name Hvaml, has been added:
I midium Havamalum 2 erendum fyr enn biriar / Rd eg er / lodfafnir /
hefur Sra Helge sem var stad skrifad a hann var i stock holm. Annar partur
Lod fafnis liod. qvod noto si forte sveci ita vocent aut citent caput aliqvod
Smundar eddu. Vix aliud Mysterium suberit.
This is the frst of a number of references to Helgi in the list of contents,
which may be why it is the most detailed of them. They imply that Helgi
lafsson, Gumundur lafssons brother, had made notes against the texts
of some of the poems in the original manuscript while he was in Stockholm
in the years 1682 to 1686 (cf. the account of 34). B has thus, like A, been
in Sweden in the hands of the brothers Gumundur and Helgi lafsson at
some time. There is nothing, however, to indicate that the manuscript itself
was written in Sweden; it rather originates in Sklholt (see footnote 7 above).
It is known that Pll Vdaln owned some eddic poems that had been
written by sgeir Jnsson and Helgi lafsson (Jn Helgason 1926, 287,
note), and these were probably identical with the surviving eddic poems
in B in sgeirs hand (cf. the account of 1588 a below). sgeir was tutor
in Vdalns home in 1716 to 1717, and it is conceivable that he brought
his manuscript there with him. In a list of manuscripts and books in Plls
Introduction 37
possession made by Jn lafsson of Grunnavk (Add. 11245, preserved
in the British Library), a manuscript is mentioned that could be identical
with this part of B: onnur [i.e. Smundar Edda] med hende Sr Helga og
ymsra. fyrst henne Slarlid Sm(undar) frda og Hrafnag(aldur) Odins
med hendi gm(undar) Ogm(unds)s(onar). Hrafnagaldur in B was not
written by gmundur gmundarson (died 1707), but Jns attribution to
him could be a mistake, for he wrote his catalogue of Vdalns library
from memory in about 1730, some years after he had gone to Copenhagen
(Jn Helgason 1985, 16, 20, 29).
Giovanni Verri has identifed the hand that wrote Hrafnagaldur in B
as sgeir Jnssons, since it uses his characteristic vellum-like cursive
(2007, 23). According to Agnete Loth (1960, 212) it is possible that sgeir
Jnsson used this script in his earliest period of copying in the 1680s
when copying parchment manuscripts, though this theory has since been
contested by Hubert Seelow (1977).
Each stanza of Hrafnagaldur in B is written as a paragraph of prose in the
same way as in A, but in contrast to that manuscript, here the stanzas are not
numbered. The following distinctive readings are found in B:
st. 1: normr B] nornir A, C, D, E
st. 3: ur B] vi A, C, D, E
st. 3: rains B] ranis A, D rnis C, raens E
st. 7: hardbains B] hardbams A, hardbanis C, harbanis D,
harbadms E
st. 7: miir B] undir A, C, D, under E
st. 9: sumni B] sunnu A, E, sunno C, sunno D
st. 13: ofngar B] of migard A, C, of migar D, of midgard E
st. 19: Mimis B] minnis A, C, minnis D, minnes E
st. 23: mosar B] moir A, C, mor D, moder E
st. 26: Ulfrimar B] Ulfrunar A, C, D, E
Most of the distinctive readings in B are obviously corrupt and must be
scribal errors that arose in copying. Mimis, however, is not necessarily
an error. But all the other manuscripts have minnis/minnes here, which
is surely correct, since in the context it is more meaningful to speak of
minnishorn (toast-horns) than Mmis horn (Mmirs horns). This
and the variants in stt. 1, 7, 9, 26 are moreover nearly all the result of
misreading of minims, and have little if any signifcance. On the other
hand rains in st. 3 is obviously the correct reading (it is confrmed by
E); in this case it is the scribes of the other manuscripts that have misread
the minims, unless ranis was in the archetype and it was corrected by
the scribes of B and E from their knowledge of mythology.
38 Hrafnagaldur ins
The majority of the preserved texts of Hrafnagaldur are derived directly
or indirectly from B. These manuscripts are as follows.
Lbs 966 4to (966)
This manuscript consists of 154 leaves and according to Pll Eggert
lasons Skr um Handritasfn Landsbkasafnsins, was written by three
hands in the second half of the eighteenth century. Ff. 9294, 117r, 141v,
148v149 and 152v are blank. The existing manuscript, which is unbound,
contains eddic poems, other pre-Reformation poems and legal texts.
On a loose leaf several names are written, of which some are illegible. The
following can be made out: Welruverugum heiursmanni | Siera Einari
lafsine | Jn Gslason Steinhlm | Gisle Jonsson Steinholm | Jon Gislason
Steinholm | a essa bok | Olafur Jonsson | Gsli Jnsson | Narf Einarsson. On
the back of this leaf is written the end of a letter with the signature of lafur
Einarsson and the date di 22 Februarii 1798. On a piece of paper stored
with 966 that has probably been used for binding is written Steinhlmsbk,
a name for the book which must have originated with its owners.
According to Pll Eggert lason the manuscript was bought by Bjrn
M. lsen in 1904. On a leaf stored with the manuscript lsen has written
the following notes:
Bkina hefr tt Gurn Jnsdttir. Jn fair hennar var Gslason og kallai
sig Steinhlm, af v a hann hafi alizt upp Steinanesi Arnarfri. essi
Jn tti 3 brn, Gurnu, Gsla fur urar Npi og Gurnu, sem bkina
tti. Jn var ttaur a noran. Gurn essi var gipt Brynjlf Brynjlfssyni,
sem bj a Npi Drafri.
Handriti af Slarljum snist vera skyldast hddr. Cx og Lx hj Bugge.
1853 bkina Brynjlfur Brynjlfsson Npi vi Drafjr (eftir skrift
Bkinni sjlfri). (bl. 112).
Bugges manuscripts Cx and Lx that are mentioned by lsen are 1866 and
1109. As far as Hrafnagaldur is concerned, 1109 is more closely related to
966 than either 1108, which was also used by Bugge in his edition, or 1866 is.
The frst two gatherings of 966 contain pre-Reformation religious poems.
The third contains Slarlj, Hrafnagaldur (ff. 21v23v), Baldrs draumar
and Grottasngr. This last poem, we are told, was Ritar eptir Bk Pls
Sveinssonar Torfasonar, en su bk med hendi Sira Jns sem var i Villingaholti
(f. 25v). Then follow Grugaldur, Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj, Hvaml, royal
decrees, Snorri Sturlusons genealogy, a chronological table from the birth
of inn down to the year 1000, lafur Jnsson of Purkeys genealogy, a
collection of legal texts and decrees, Jn Bjarnason of Rafnseyris gene alogy
(after which is added epter hanns eiginhandar Riti), small sections of the
genealogies of the Lund and Gilsbakki families and fnally more decrees.
Introduction 39
After the last of the eddic poems, Hvaml, there is a Forordning umm
afgift af erfda gtze ann 12 sept. 1792. This heading is written in the same
hand as the preceding poems, including Hrafnagaldur, so this part of the
manuscript must have been written after that date. Its text of Hrafnagaldur
reproduces the distinctive readings of B and could be a copy of B (cf. Verri
2007, 4041). But in contrast to B, Hrafnagaldur is here arranged with each
pair of verse lines written side by side so that eight verse lines cover four lines
of writing, though the stanzas are unnumbered as in B. The error in stanza
division in stt. 2021 (see p. 13 above) is corrected. A number of innovations
in comparison with B have been introduced: st. 1, okkar, st. 13, ofndarg,
st. 15, korarnn, st. 18, vist, st. 20, himin, st. 26, himin. In particular,
the error korarnn in st. 15 for kominn suggests that 966 may be a direct
copy of B, since the m in B could at frst glance be mistaken as ra.
The manuscript is discussed by Jnas Kristjnsson (1967) in connection
with Grugaldur and Fjlsvinnsml.
A certain number of manuscripts within the B group (1109, 1492, 773 a,
1866, 47, 21.4.7, 4877, 22, 1108, 11165) were derived from a manuscript
(Jn Egilssons manuscript) that had been collated with a now lost manuscript
owned by Eyjlfur Jnsson (16701745), priest at Vellir in Svarfaardalur
and Gunnar Plssons tutor. In this sub-group variant readings have been
entered in the margins. Since there are no variants to the text of Hrafnagaldur
from Eyjlfurs manuscript in any manuscript of this subgroup, it may be that
the poem was not included in Eyjlfurs manuscript. The manuscripts in this
sub-group reproduce the distinctive readings of B, but also share innovations
compared with B, for instance in st. 15, mar (line 5) and Jorna (line 1).
NKS 1109 fol. (1109)
This manuscript consists of 251 leaves plus a letter that is bound in with
it at the beginning. It was written in the eighteenth century, has a leather
binding with gold tooling embossed with Luxdorphs library mark (a gold
elephant, though in the course of time it has turned black). On the spine
the title Edda Smundi is stamped and on the title page it reads
Smundar Eddu [sic] | ens Froa.| : | Edda Smundi. The manuscript,
which has irregular pagination, is written in a single hand. On the verso
of the end fyleaf Luxdorph has written his name at the top left.
The letter at the beginning of the manuscript is dated November 1769
by vice lawman Jn lafsson of Eyri in Seyisfjrur (17291778). He
also informs us on a slip placed in the manuscript that it had belonged to
Luxdorph and was derived from a manuscript belonging to Jn Egils son
(17141784), once vice-principal at Hlar and later priest at Laufs, that
had been collated with a manuscript in Eyjlfur Jnssons own hand:
40 Hrafnagaldur ins
Dette Hr. Conference-Raad B. W. Luxdorphi Exemplar af Edda Smundi in
folio bestaaende af 34 kvidur eller odis . . . de saa kaldte Smundar Lid er
en fast accurat og paalidelig Afskrift af den Edda, som forrige Con-Rector
paa Holum John Egilsen, nu Pastor Laufasensis, har vret Eyere af, hvilket
Exemplar ikke alleene er bleven confereret med nogle Codicibus chartaceis
og en gl. Membr. men og med en meget ypperlig Codice chart. egenhndig
skreven af Sal. Hr. Ejulf Jonssen, fordum Prst til Walle udi Svarfaderdahl,
en mand der i sin tiid var en af de lrdeste Islndere og bermt Antiqvarius.
. . . November 1769. J. Olavssn Vice-Laugmand i Island.
It is stated as well in the letter that variants marked c.E. came from
Eyjlfur Jnssons manuscript.
We are also told that the manuscript has variants from manuscripts on
paper and vellum owned by Bjarni Halldrsson (17031773), sheriff at
ingeyrar. From a list of printed books and manuscripts left by Bjarni
Halldrsson in NKS 1852 4to (printed in Jn Helgason 1985, 3438), it can
be seen that he had owned three so-called Smundar eddur. One of them
may have been the manuscript that had previously been in the possession of
Pll Vdaln and Jn lafsson of Grunnavk.
Bjarni Halldrsson, who had
married into Pll Vdalns family, was Jn lafssons father-in-law. Bjarni
Halldrssons wife, Hlmfriur, was daughter of Pll Vdaln and orbjrg,
daughter of Magns Jnsson of Vigur (see Jn Helgason 1926, 287, note;
1985, 67, 3437). In the surviving manuscript 1588 a there is preserved
the list of contents of a Smundar Edda that has the initials B.H.S,
which could be Bjarni Halldrsson (Verri 2007, 28), but the manuscript
the list relates to has not been preserved (cf. the description of 1588 a).
The order of the poems is as in the Codex Regius, but Baldrs draumar,
Grottasngr, Grugaldur, Fjlsvinnsml and Hyndlulj have been inserted
between rymskvia and Vlundarkvia. After Hamisml follow Hrafna
galdur (pp. 452460; ff. 226v230v), Heireks gtur and Slarlj. 1109
thus has the poems in the same order as 1492 and 773 a. Its text ends at the
same place in Slarlj as that in 773 a. The lacuna in the Codex Regius
is flled from Eyjlfur Jnssons manuscript (Hc ex cod. Dni. Ey.), the
variants marked c.E. and al are also found in 1492 and 773 a. The same
possible corrections to the text of Hrafnagaldur are given in all three manu-
This was probably B, and the same manuscript that Jn lafsson of Grunna-
vk tried to get hold of for Mllmann, royal historiographer and librarian at Det
kongelige Bibliotek, when he wanted in 1755 to obtain a good copy of the eddic
poems in connection with the Arnamagnan Commissions plans to publish
Snorris Edda, but Bjarni Halldrsson would neither lend it nor allow it to be
copied. Bjarnis possessiveness with this manuscript may be one of the reasons
why the text of Hrafnagaldur is so poorly preserved in Icelandic manuscripts.
Introduction 41
scripts, and st. 19, Ragna and st. 24, mannheim are stated to be forte. 1109
reproduces some of the distinctive readings of B (for example st. 3, ur,
rains, st. 9, sumni, st. 13, ond-gar, st. 19, mimis, st. 23, mosar, st.
26, ulfrimar). But it does not have all of them: it has nornir in st. 1, where
B has normr, and in st. 7, har-bams undir, where B has hardbains
miir. These two, however, only relate to errors in reading minims, which
any scribe can make or correct independently. 1109 has a few innovations:
st. 9, virir, st. 15, jotnum, mar, st. 21, syanna. These appear in 1492
and 773 a too. All three have the error in stanza division in stt. 20 and 21. In
1109 Hrafnagaldur is arranged in unnumbered eight-line stanzas.
The manuscript was once in Suhms collection, no. 877 fol. (e bibl.
Luxd.). It was used by Bugge (Norrn fornkvi 1867, xlvi; xlix; lii; lx),
where it has the siglum C. It is also mentioned in Jnas Kristjnsson 1987.
Thott 1492 4to (1492)
This manuscript, which has 162 leaves, was written in the eighteenth
century and has never been bound. It contains a Smundar Edda. A slip
inserted at the beginning gives the following information:
Edda Smundar frda : Edda Smundi Polihistoris cum contextis quarundam
odarum et variantibus lectionibus collata cum codice Domini Eyulf Pastoris
prdii Vallensis in Islandia boreali /: Antiquitatum patri viri peritissimi :/ ex
tribus aliis manuscriptis cartaceis et memb. Exemplar rarum, ubi in margine
litter c.E. indicant codicem Eyulf et littere al. denotant cartas. 2 Edda
Snorronis impressa accuratior.
That is, the contents of this manuscript are very similar to those in 1109,
including the variant readings from the same sources. The fnal phrase,
that says it is more accurate than the printed edition of the second Edda,
Snorris, fts with the prevailing view of the time, that the collection of
eddic poems was much more ancient than Snorris work.
The order of the poems is the same as in 1109 and 773 a. Hrafnagaldur
is written on ff. 146v149r.
Variants marked c.E. or al are found throughout, but not to the text
of Hrafnagaldur, though two alternative readings are given to the poem,
Ragna, st. 19, and Mannheim, st. 24, both marked forte. Like 1109, 1492
reproduces some of Bs distinc tive readings (e.g. st. 3, ur, rains, st. 9,
sumni, st. 13, nd-gar, st. 19, mimis, st. 23, mosar, st. 26, ulfrimar),
but with the same exceptions as 1109. It also has the same innovations.
Thott 773 a fol. (773 a)
This manuscript, which consists of 230 leaves, was written in the eighteenth
century. It is half-bound in leather, and has gold tooling on the spine, though
most of it has now gone. It was restored by Birgitte Dall in 1976.
42 Hrafnagaldur ins
The content is eddic poems. It bears the title Smundar Edda ens fra.
On the recto of the fyleaf Thott has written: Vdskrefven effter Hr. Iohn
Ejelfsen Prst paa Laafaas, hands Membrana, som holdes for at vre
megedt god. At the bottom is added Kost. 10 rd. On the inside of the
front cover we read: Sa John Ejilfssen / Prst paa Laafaas. This must
be a mistake for the Jn Egilsson that was the owner of the manuscript
from which 1109 and probably 1492 were derived.
773 a gives the same variants as 1492 and 1109, has the poems in
the same order, and gives the same possible amendments to the text of
Hrafnagaldur, which is written on pp. 424430 (ff. 212r215r), as 1492.
It also reproduces the innovations common to 1109 and 1492. It is diffcult
to determine the relationships of 1492, 1109 and 773 a, since there are
very few variant readings that they do not all three share. 1492 shares one
error with 773 a that is not in 1109, st. 26, mola for niola. In 1109, ni
in niola is clearly written, so it seems unlikely that the error can have
arisen in a copy of it. 773 a has the same error as 1109 in st. 13, kinr,
which is not in 1492. If 1109 was a copy of 773 a, and both were derived
from 1492, the error kinr could have arisen in 773 a, and that in mola in
1492 as confusion in the reading of the minims in ni; this obvious error
might have been corrected by the scribe of 1109 from his knowledge of
Alvssml or Skldskaparml.
NKS 1866 4to (1866)
This manuscript consists of 182 leaves irregularly paginated 1357 (+ 3
preliminary leaves and 2 blank leaves just before the back cover). It is
leather bound with Luxdorphs library mark, the gold elephant, and gold
tooling on the spine, which bears the title: EDDA SMUNDI. On f. 3r
there is the heading: Edda | Smundar Pre|stz ins frda Sigfuz|sonar at
Odda | Skrifud a re epter | Guds Burd | 1750. On f. 2v Luxdorph has
written his name. The title page is very elaborately executed, and at the
bottom is added Pinxit HKS. It has not been possible to identify whose
initials these are. Ff. 1 and 2 contain some notes that according to a heading
were written by Bishop Peder Hersleb (16891757), about the Edda in
general and about this manuscript in particular:
Om dette Exemplars store Raritet er dette at sige, at neppe i heele Island skal
fndes 2 a 3 gode Exemplarer af denne Edda, men denne er confereret med et
Exemplar den lrde Sa. Eyulfur Jonssen eiede, og et andet Lavmand Widalin
har hafft og altsaa er meget accurat . . .
1866 thus belongs to the group of manuscripts derived from one that had
been collated with Eyjlfur Jnssons manuscript, i.e. from Jn Egilssons
Introduction 43
manuscript. We are informed that it had been copied from the membr. (i.e.
the Codex Regius), but there are also included variants from Hauksbk and
AM 748 I a 4to. First there are the poems from the Codex Regius in their
original order. After Hamisml is written Finis with a tracery ornament
after it. Then follow Hrafnagaldur (pp. 321324, ff. 161r162v), Baldrs
draumar, Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj, Grugaldur, Grottasngr, Heireks
gtur, Slarlj and Sonatorrek. This part of the manuscript is written in a
different hand from that of the preceding poems. Hrafnagaldur is arranged
in unnumbered eight-line stanzas.
1866 has the poems in a different order from that of the other manuscripts
that are derived from Jn Egilssons manuscript. In Hrafnagaldur it
reproduces the error in stanza division in stt. 2021, and also the corrections
Ragna (st. 19) and Mannheim (st. 24), marked forte, and it has the
same variant readings from paper manuscripts as 1492, 773 a and 1109
(al), but no variants marked c.E. (Eyjlfur Jnssons manuscript).
1866 reproduces the same distinctive readings of B as 1109, 1492 and 773
a, and has the following innovations in common with them: st. 15, mar
and st. 21, syanna. But the innovation in st. 9, virir (found in all three),
is not found in 1866, which here reads vidrir (this could of course be an
independent correction made by a scribe who was familiar with the names
of Norse mythology). The error in st. 26, mola, which is found in 1492 and
773 a, does not appear in 1866 either (though this only involves a misreading
of minims). So it seems likely that this manuscript is not derived from any of
these three. 1866 has a few distinctive readings of its own: st. 14, svrmi and
orunn (instead of svimi and rvit), st. 15, Jiorna and jiotnum, st. 20,
ragu (instead of fragu), that are not found elsewhere in this sub-group. It
was perhaps derived from Jn Egilssons manuscript independently of 1109,
773a and 1492 via a sister manuscript of the source of those three.
1866 has been in the collections of Luxdorph and Suhm (Suhm no. 28
4to). It was used and called Codex Luxdorphianus in Edda 17871828, II
xxviii, and Norrn fornkvi 1867, xlvi; xlix; lii; lvivii), where it has the
siglum L (lvi).
The manuscript is mentioned in Jnas Kristjnsson 1987.
Ms Icel. 47, Harvard University Library (47)
This manuscript has 189 leaves, plus two extra ones at the beginning and
one at the end, bound in calf with gold tooling and a stamp in gold and
See Bugges note on the use of this manuscript in the Arnamagnan edition:
Betegnelsen af dette og andre Hskrr. i Edda Sm. ed. AM. er meget forvildende:
i Tom. II anfres Lsemaader af Codex Luxdorphianus (No. 1866) under mrket
L., medens L. i Tom. I betegner Codex Langebekianus; og Tom II, p. xxviii
fndes om Cod. Suhmianus anfrt det som gjlder Cod. Luxd. (1867, lvi, note 1).
44 Hrafnagaldur ins
red. Ff. 34rv, 39v40v, 46rv, 51v, 59v, 69v, 95rv, 105v, 114rv, 117v,
121rv, 186v are all blank. The manuscript is described in Shaun Hughess
unpublished catalogue (1977) of Icelandic manuscripts in the Houghton
Library, Harvard University.
This manuscript is the so-called Codex Ericianus. It was written by
Jn Eirksson between 1765 and 1775 and bears the title Edda Smundi
Froda vulgo sic dicta on f. 2r, followed by a note on the transcription. Jn
Eirksson with this manuscript prepared the foundation for Gumundur
Magnssons edition of Hrafnagaldur in Edda 17871828, I.
According to information at the beginning of the manuscript, George
Stephens (18131895), the British scholar and collector, bought it from
Bernhard Rosenblads collection in January 1845. On the inside of the
cover Rosenblad wrote his name and the date 22/8 1831. On the recto of
the front fyleaf is written: Smunds Edda. A valuable Text drawn up by
some Danish Northern Scholar about 1770. Of great importance for any
future Edition of the Edda. Bought from the Collection of the Chamberlain
Bernhard Rosenblad, Stockholm, January 5, 1845. On f. 1r is written in
Swedish and with a pencil, probably in Rosenblads hand: Skrifven af Jon
Erikson Over-Bibliothekarie Kjbenhavn. 176070-talet. On the same
page is written in Danish by a different hand: Dette Haandskrift omtales
i Arnamagnanske Udgave af Smundar Edda I Side xliii & Bugges
Udg S. lxi. The manuscript was procured for the Houghton Library by
The Longfellow Fund in November 1937. It had originally been in Jn
Eirkssons possession, and in the auction catalogue of his books after his
death, Bibliotheca Ericiana, appears according to Hughes under no. 632.
On f. 1r Jn Eirksson wrote a note, explaining which manuscripts he
had collated and based his edition on. The variants marked P.S. come
from a paper manuscript written by Pll Sveinsson. This manuscript had
the same readings as D, and is probably identical with it. D was owned by
Thott, and Jn may have gained access to it in Copenhagen. Jn Eirksson
states that he has in addition given variants, marked Sv, C.S. and S,
from a copy with the inscription Finitum Holmi in posterioribus Idibus
Maj a
1684. This must be identical with 1870, which is a copy of 34,
Helgi lafssons copy of A. Jn Eirksson would have had access to this
manuscript in Copenhagen.
In Edda 17871828, II xviixx there is a register of the order of the poems
in Codex Svecus (1870), Codex Langebekianus and Codex Luxdorphianus
(1866) taken from Codex Ericianus (47), f. 1v2v (cf. Hughes 1977, 91). 47 has
the poems in the following order: Baldrs draumar, Grottasngr, Grugaldur,
Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj, Vlundarkvia, Alvssml. Then follow the heroic
Introduction 45
poems in the Codex Regius order, and after Hamisml come Hrafnagaldur
and Slarlj. In 1866 Hrafnagaldur comes after Hamisml and before
Baldrs draumar, and in Codex Langebekianus it is missing.
Hrafnagaldur in 47 is probably a copy of 1866, even though the two
manuscripts do not have the poems in the same order. Of the extant
manuscripts containing Hrafnagaldur, only these two have the following
innovations compared with B: st. 14, orunn instead of rvit, st. 15,
Jiorna and jiotnum, st. 20, ragu (for fragu), though 47 has corrected
the error in stanza division in stt. 2021.
47 was used to establish the text in the Arnamagnan edition (see
Edda 17871828, I xliixliii). Bugge mentions 47 in Norrn fornkvi,
1867, lxi), but he did not have direct access to it. At that time it was in the
possession of George Stephens (Hughes 1977, 91). But Bugge states that
he has included a few readings from Erichsens hndskrift taken from
the Arnamagnan edition.
Adv. 21.4.7, National Library of Scotland (21.4.7)
This manuscript has 285 leaves, is half-bound in leather and contains
eddic poems. On f. 1r it bears the title Edda Smundar Prests ins Froa
Sigfussonar at Odda. Apart from the poems Rgsula and Hfulausn,
the manuscript is in a single hand which has also added variant readings in
the margin in various places. From Rgsula onwards the text is written in
two columns. Ff. 5284 were numbered early on as nos. 1280, and f. 3v
is blank. On the last page the initials M: E S are written twice.
The manuscript came into the collection in Edinburgh from Finnur
Magnsson, who wrote on the front fyleaf: Edda Smundina | sive potica |
(proprie sic dicta. | additis pluribus borealis vetust-|tis carminibus).
is no information in the manuscript about when or by whom it was written,
but according to lafur Halldrsson, who has drawn up an unpublished
catalogue (1967) of Icelandic manuscripts in Edinburgh, it was written
c. 1750 by a scribe who was probably from Saulauksdalur, and it may
have been Eggert lafsson (17261768).
On ff. 2r3r there is a list of contents, but it does not correspond to the
order of the poems in the manuscript. In the actual manuscript, there are frst
the poems of the Codex Regius in their original order, and after Hamisml
In an article on Finnur Magnssons sale of Icelandic manuscripts to the
British Library, Pamela Porter cites a document that Finnur Magnsson sent in
1830 to the author and diplomat John Bowring (17921872), now preserved in
the British Library (Add. 29537), where he speaks of a sale of 56 manuscripts to
the Advocates Library in 1826 for 120 (Porter 2006, 181). But it is not certain
that 21.4.7 was one of these.
46 Hrafnagaldur ins
come Rgsula, Hrafnagaldur, Baldrs draumar, Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj,
Grugaldur, Grottasngr, Heireks gtur, Slarlj, Sonatorrek and
Hfulausn. The order of the poems not in the Codex Regius is the same
as in 1866, except for Rgsula and Hfulausn, which are not in 1866,
but these poems, as stated above, are in a different hand. The order of the
poems also corresponds to that in 4877, though that manuscript does not
have the two poems of Egill Skallagrmsson.
Hrafnagaldur is on ff. 253r257r. It is, apart from stt. 20 and 21, where the
mistake in stanza division is reproduced, arranged in unnumbered eight-line
stanzas. Shared readings show that 21.4.7 must be closely related to the sub-
group of manuscripts derived from the one collated with Eyjlfur Jnssons
manuscript (1109, 1492, 773 a and 1866). It shares mar in st. 15 with 1109,
1492, 773 a and 1866, and gives the correction Ragna for rakna in the margin
by st. 19. Like 1866, it does not share virir in st. 9 and mola in st. 26 with
1492 and 773 a, having virir and nila instead, and it has svrmi in
st. 14 like 1866 and 47. But the readings of 1866 and 47 in st. 15, Jiorna
and jiotnum, are not found in 21.4.7. It has a few readings superior to
1866 and 47, e.g. rvit in st. 14 (against their orunn) and fragu in
st. 20 (where 1866 and 47 have ragu). In st. 11 it has the innovation
burdar (for burda). The differences between 21.4.7 and 1866 indicate
that neither can be copied from the other, but the readings they have in
common show that there is a close relationship. The letter forms and
arrangement of Hrafnagaldur in 21.4.7 are also very similar to those in
1866. It is likely that 21.4.7 is a sister manuscript to 1866, and perhaps
they both derive from Jn Egilssons manuscript via a lost intermediary.
Add. MS. 4877, British Library (4877)
This manuscript has 228 leaves and was written in the eighteenth century. It
contains a Smundar Edda, Edda Smundar prestz ins froda Sigfussonar,
and has variant readings from other paper manuscripts in the margins. It
is in the Banks Collection in the British Library. When Sir Joseph Banks
returned home from his journey to Iceland in 1772, he had with him a
number of manuscripts and printed books that he had acquired, among
them 4877, and he presented them to the British Museum in December the
same year (The British Library: Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts
17561782, 234235).
After the poems that are in the Codex Regius, there follow Hrafnagaldur
(188v192v), Baldrs draumar, Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj, Grugaldur,
Grottasngr, Heireks gtur and Slarlj. This order is the same as in 1866,
but 4877 does not have Sonatorrek after Slarlj like 1866 and 21.4.7, nor
does it have Rgsula or Hfulausn which are both in 21.4.7.
Introduction 47
4877 has the same divergences from B as 1109, 1492, 733 a, 1866,
47 and 21.4.7. Like those it does not have the two distinctive readings
of B, normr in st. 1 (where it reads norner) and hardbains miir
(for hardbadms under) in st. 7. It shows greater affnity with 1866 and
21.4.7 than with 1109, 1492 and 773 a. In contrast to these three it has
(like 1866, 47 and 21.4.7) vidrer in st. 9 (not virir). It also shares the
reading svrme in st. 14 with 1866, 47 and 21.4.7. It is closer to 21.4.7
than to 1866 and 47: 1866 and 47 have Jiorna and jiotnum in st. 15,
where 21.4.7 and 4877 have Jorna and jotnum. In st. 20, 1866 and 47
have ragu, where 21.4.7 and 4877 have fragu. In st. 14, 1866 and 47
have orunn, but here 4877, like 21.4.7, has rvit. 4877 and 21.4.7 share
the innovation burdar in st. 11. 4877 seems to be a copy of 21.4.7. That
the reverse is less likely is shown by the fact that 4877 does not have the
error in stanza division in stt. 20 and 21 that 21.4.7 has.
ZCJ22, English Faculty Library, Oxford (22)
This manuscript, which was written in the eighteenth century, consists of 328
leaves. It contains mainly eddic poems. It has most recently been described
by Einar G. Ptursson, who has put his fndings at the disposal of the present
investigator. According to a typewritten slip in the front, the manuscript
comes From the library of Robert Steele Wandsworth Common. At the
side of this slip stands the name Sigurur Vigfsson, who was Gubrandur
Vigfssons brother. Gubrandur Vigfsson held a post at Oxford University,
and must have brought the manuscript to Britain with him. It is now held at
the English Faculty Library on permanent loan from Christ Church.
At the beginning of the manuscript a list is given of the contents as far
as Ffnisml. In the same hand as this list, under the name of Sigurur
Vigfsson, is written in pencil: See Corpus Poeticum Boreale cap. 12,
i.e. Gubrandur Vigfsson and Frederick York Powell 1883, though cap.
12 appears to be a mistake. On the next leaf in a different hand there
is a list of contents covering the whole manuscript under the heading
Contents | The Smundar Edda + other poems. A third hand has
written the poems themselves in Gothic script.
The frst poem in the manuscript is Vlusp, and on the frst page of its
text is written possidet, and later in the same line Magnussen. According
to Einar G. Ptursson this presumably means either Skli or Kristjn
Magnussen, who were successors of Magns Ketilsson (17321803),
sheriff in Bardalur on Skarsstrnd. Underneath is written: Kom mier
ad gif mags mns <. . .> C. Magnssonar. affrmat JEggertsson. Here the
reference is to Jn Eggertsson (18001880), domestically educated farmer
in Ytri-Fagridalur on Skarsstrnd. He was married to Kristn Skladttir,
48 Hrafnagaldur ins
who was sister of Kristjn Magnussen Sklason (18011871; see Jn
Gunason 1961, II 350). The manuscript must have been on Skarsstrnd
in the nineteenth century. According to Einar G. Ptursson, it is probable
that Gubrandur Vigfsson got it from there, and that it may have been
written in connection with Magns Ketilssons interest in the Edda.

The manuscript contains the usual eddic poems in the order of the
Codex Regius. After Hamisml follow Hrafnagaldur, Baldrs draumar,
Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj, Grottasngr, Heireks gtur, Slarlj,
after which there are some blank pages, then Snorri Sturlusons
Httatal, Httalykill orlks Gubrandssonar Vdalns, Aldarhttur and
Hrafnagaldur is written on ff. 218v223v and arranged in unnumbered
eight-line stanzas. It does not have the error in stanza division in stt. 20 and 21.
The manuscript has the eddic poems down to and including Slarlj
in the same order as 1866 and 4877, but does not have either of Egill
Skallagrmssons poems. The text of Hrafnagaldur is virtually identical
with that of 4877, apart from minimal orthographical differences (in st.
11, 22 has aldurtila where 4877 has aldrtila, in st. 13, 22 has med, but
4877 me, in st. 20, 22 has maltid, but 4877 mltd, and in st 26, 22
has nila, but 4877 niola). In addition there are minor palographical
differences: 22 uses r rotunda more frequently than 4877. 22 might be
a copy of 4877, or maybe vice versa. It seems more likely that one is a
copy of the other than that they were both copied from 21.4.7, since the
two have greater similarity with each other than either does with 21.4.7.
Whereas 21.4.7 generally uses i in infectional endings, the other two
use e, e.g. in st. 19, 21.4.7 has rai, but the two others have rade,
and st. 23, 21.4.7 has gilldi, but the two others have gillde. Whereas
21.4.7 generally uses medially and fnally, 22 and 4877 have a greater
tendency to use d or . Further, 21.4.7 has the error in stanza division
in stt. 20 and 21 which neither 22 nor 4877 has.
NKS 1108 fol. (1108)
This manuscript, which consists of 201 leaves, bears the title Edda |
Smundar Prestz | Ens | Froa with the letters in black, green, red and
yellow. Titles of poems are written in red. F. 138 is blank. On the fyleaf is
written: Af Bibliotheca Hytardalensi 1769 exscripta af Arna Bodvari Pot.
Magns Ketilsson studied at Copenhagen University and was one of the
educated Icelanders of his time. Among other things he compiled several gene-
alogies. See orsteinn orsteinsson 1935 and Eyvind Finsen 1944. Manuscripts
that bear witness to his interest in the Edda are AM 916 4to and NKS 1878 a 4to.
Introduction 49
Island. In other words, the manuscript was written in Htardalur in 1769 by
the rma poet rni Bvarsson (17131776), who lived at Akrar on Mrar.
1108 contains the poems of the Codex Regius in the same order as in that
manuscript, and after that Baldrs draumar, Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj,
Grugaldur, Slarlj and Hrafnagaldur on pp. 269274 (ff. 134r137v).
Then there is a blank leaf, followed by Grottasngr and Heireks gtur.
Hrafnagaldur is arranged in unnumbered eight-line stanzas. According to
Einar G. Ptursson, 1108 is a copy of Lbs 214 4to, which was written in
Htardalur in the frst half of the eighteenth century by Jn Halldrsson and
his son Vigfs (17061776). That manuscript, however, contains neither
Hrafnagaldur nor Grottasngr (Einar G. Ptursson 2007, 149), so these
two poems must have been copied from a different source.
Hrafnagaldur in 1108 shares some innovations with the group of
manuscripts derived from one collated with Eyjlfur Jnssons manuscript
and so must be related to them. It does not, however, give any variant
readings or corrections to the text of Hrafnagaldur, which they do. Like
that group, it reproduces the following distinctive readings of B: st. 3,
rains, st. 9, sumni, st. 13, ndgar, st. 19, Mimis, st. 23, mosar,
st. 26, ulfrimar. But like them it does not share all Bs readings, and has
nornir in st. 1, where B has normr, and in st. 7, harbams undir,
where B has hardbains miir. Unlike 1109, 1492 and 773 a, it does
not have the innovation virir in st. 9, and in st. 15 it has both jotnom
and mar and in st. 21 syanna. So it seems to be more closely related to
1866 and 21.4.7 than to 1109, 1492, and 773 a. In st. 14, 1108 has svrmi
like 1866, but not orunn like that manuscript in the same stanza. In that
place 21.4.7 has rvit, but also has svrmi. Svrmi is the only one of
the distinctive readings of 1866 and 21.4.7 that is found in 1108, so it
cannot be a copy of either of them. I have suggested above that 21.4.7 is
a sister manuscript to 1866. Besides, both these give variant readings or
corrections in the margins, which 1108 does not. This also implies that
1108 is not derived from either of them. But it does have some distinctive
readings of its own, in st. 3, ar (for ur) and gruma (for guma),
st. 8, ei (for ), st. 11, En fra vitri (for Fr en vitri), st. 15, munde
(for mun ). In st. 12, it has mli, where the other manuscripts have
the abbreviation (mlti). It looks as though 1108 is a sister manuscript or
a copy of a sister manuscript to the common original of 1866 and 21.4.7
that was derived from a lost copy of Jn Egilssons manuscript.
1108 was once in the possession of Frederik Christian Sevel (17231778),
whence it was sold by auction in 1781 (Jn Helgason 1970, 118). Later it
was in Suhms collection (no. 394 fol.) and was used by Bugge in Norrn
50 Hrafnagaldur ins
fornkvi 1867 (see pp. xlvi; xlix; lxxi), where it was assigned the
siglum B.
Add. 11165, British Library (11165)
This manuscript, which has 157 leaves in quarto format, was written in
the eighteenth century. On f. 2r it has the title: Edda Smundar Prestz
ens fra Sigfss Sonar. On the fyleaf is written Purch.
of Prof. Finn
Magnussen July 1837. It was one of the many manuscripts purchased
by Frederic Madden, who was deceived about their value, for the British
Library from Finnur Magnsson in 1837 for the collective price of 180
(cf. Porter 2006, 177).
It contains a collection of eddic poems. On f. 1v there is a table of contents
for this manuscript. First are the Codex Regius poems, then Baldrs
draumar, Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj, Grugaldur, Slarlj, Grottasngr,
Heireks gtur and fnally Hrafnagaldur. The manuscript is written in two
hands, the frst wrote all the poems except Hrafnagaldur; this was written
by the second hand.
Variants are given to Hvaml from Membr. These are the only variants
given in brackets in the margin. Some variants are given for poems not
in the Codex Regius, beginning with Baldrs draumar, marked al., but
there are none for Hrafnagaldur.
Hrafnagaldur is arranged in unnumbered eight-line stanzas on ff.
155r157r. Its text is virtually identical to that in 21.4.7, except that it does
not have the innovation burdar in st. 11 and has ei in st. 8, like 1108, so
neither of these two manuscripts can be derived from the other. It is shown
above that 21.4.7, 1866 and 1108 are closely related. Compared with 1109,
1492 and 773 a, 1866 has the distinctive readings svrmi and orunn in st.
14, Jiorna and jiotnum in st. 15 and ragu in st. 20. 11165 has svrmi
and jtnum, but not the others. 1108 also has jotnum and svrmi, but
like 21.4.7 has rvit and not orunn. 1108 has some distinctive readings:
st. 3, ar, gruma, st. 8, ei, st. 11, En fra vitri and st. 15, munde. Of
these, 11165 reproduces ei, but not the others. It thus shares some readings
with 1866, 21.4.7 and 1108, but also has one reading in common with 1108
not shared by 1866 and 21.4.7, so it is likely that it is a sister manuscript of
1108, derived from a sister manuscript of the common original of 1866 and
21.4.7 (or is perhaps a sister manuscript of the common original of 1866
and 21.4.7, and 1108 is derived from it).
Another sub-group within the B group consists of the manuscripts 648,
1588 a I and II, 1689, 643, 21.5.2, 329 and 1111. These manuscripts share
a number of innovations compared with B, for example gornar (st. 3),
Introduction 51
linnit (st. 5), biua (st. 11) and yggioagi (st. 18), and all have the
same error in line division in st. 18 (vallda bo sta | at sumbli sitia).
JS 648 4to (648)
This manuscript consists of three pages containing a table of contents
+ 122 pages, bound in paper and cloth. The existing manuscript comprises
parts of several originally different manuscripts and seems to be written by
seven different hands. On f. 1r stands the title Ljda-Safn and underneath
XVI. bindi. A number of leaves that were damaged at the edges have been
repaired. In Hrafnagaldur the edges of the leaves have crumbled away,
but the text that had gone has been inserted by a later hand on different
paper that has been pasted in.
The existing manuscript contains various poems. The frst part contains a
list of Danish kings, the second part rmur composed by rni Bvarsson
(who also wrote 1108), rni orkelsson (Rmur af hvarf og drukknan ri
1768 Eggerts sklds lafssonar), Gsli Konrsson, Hallgrmur Ptursson,
Hildibrandur Arason, Jn Jnsson skon, Jn Sigursson Dalaskld
Gslasonar (or his father), Sigurur Breifjr, Sigurur skldi Jnsson
and rarinn Jnsson. The third part contains Krosskvi and Maruvsur.
The last part contains eddic poems: Hrbarslj, Slarlj, Hrafnagaldur
(in the manuscripts present state on ff. 60v 61r) and fnally the beginning of
Vafrnisml. This part was probably written in the early eighteenth century.
Hrafnagaldur is arranged in unnumbered stanzas with the lines separated
by commas but written continuously like prose, though it still has the
error in stanza division in stt. 20 and 21. Its text is closely related to that
in B, and may be derived from B via a lost intermediate manuscript. It
does not reproduce the distinctive readings of B in st. 1, normr, where it
has nornir, and st. 7, hardbains, where it has harbains, but it does
reproduce all the others.
648 has the following innovations: st. 3, gornar (for grunar), st. 5,
linnit (for linnir), st. 11, biua (for bura), st. 14, girvallt i (for
giorvallri), st. 18, yggioagi (for yggiongi) and st. 22, ockar (for
orkar). It seems to be related to 1588 a I and II and 1689, and Verri, who
examined these manuscripts in 2007 (4041), believed that 1588 a I and
II and 1689 went back to a sister manuscript to 648.
Lbs 1588 a 4to (1588 a)
This manuscript has 151 leaves plus three slips inserted at the beginning,
and contains among other things two collections of eddic poems. Ff. 41, 42
and 43 are blank. According to the catalogue, it was written c. 1770, mostly
by vice-principal Halldr Hjlmarsson (17451805). A passage about the
52 Hrafnagaldur ins
sheriffs in Dalassla at the end of the existing manuscript was written by
Bogi Benediktsson of Staarfell (17711849), who now owned the
manuscript. Some letters to Halldr Hjlmarsson from Engilbert Jnsson
(17471820) and Halldrs brothers Erlendur (17501835) and Pll (1752
1830) accompanied it at that time, and these are now preserved separately
as Lbs 1588 b 4to. Among these is one to orgrmur T<hor>lksson from Pll
Andrsson. The earliest of the letters is from 1769, the latest 1774. 1588 a is in
a poor state and has been put together from four different original manuscripts.
It is now wrapped in a piece of leather that was once used for binding.
Inserted in the front of the manuscript is a list of contents and a table
of hve Fingal var gamall egar hinir og essir atburir gerust. They
are written by different hands. In the list of contents Hrafnagaldur
is the second poem in the collection, standing between Slarlj and
Hvaml. After Loddffnisml in this list is added in parantheses:
qvod noto (inqvid Vidalinus) si forte Sveci ita vocent aut citent caput
aliqvod Smundar eddu, vix aliud Mysterium suberit. This note,
which is here attributed to Pll Vdaln, must refer to Helgi lafssons
annotations in B, which was probably in Pll Vdalns possession. But
the list of contents cannot apply to 1588 a 4to, for the poems in the
manuscript are not written in the same order as they are listed here. On the
verso of the leaf containing the list of contents it reads: Kvidur | Smundar
| Eddu | B.H.S. This may refer to Bjarni Halldrsson (17031773), sheriff
at ingeyrar,
who in all likelihood owned a Smundar Edda that had
belonged to Vdaln. 1109 is derived from a manuscript that had been
collated with a paper manuscript in Bjarni Halldrssons possession, but
no readings are given for Hrafnagaldur that correspond to 1109, so it may
be another manuscript that is referred to.
The frst section of the existing 1588 a contains two prefaces to Snorris
Edda (Edda slendinga), of which one is a new prologue to Snorris Edda
with a discussion of the manuscripts of the Edda by Eggert lafsson (cf.
Faulkes 1979, 143). Then follows Nomenclatur vocum Grammaticarum
Eddu authoris.
The second section, written in a different hand, contains the end of
Hfulausn, Hrafnagaldur (ff. 9r10v), Vijsur Einars Skla sonar um
hinar nafnkunnugre Eijar vid Noreg r Notis Olavi Verelii yfer Hervarar
Sogu (an extract from the Laufs Edda; written in the same hand as
The third section, written in a third hand, has on f. 13r Vigfs Schevings
name. This is probably Vigfs Scheving Hansson (17351817), who left
This is Verris suggestion.
Introduction 53
Hlaskli in 1754 and studied in Copenhagen.
On f. 13v is an account
of the source of the fourth section:
esse Sm. Edda er skrifud epter Eddu Prf. Sira Po. H.S. er hann med
eigenn hende hefur skrifad eptir Exempl. Vice L.m. sal. E.O.S. (er meinaz
med honum forgenged hafe) hn er af mier saman borenn vid eitt annad
Exemplar, gott ad snnu, enn hyrdulsl. skrifad, hvar fyrer ar sem etta
mismunadi fra v, og mier virdtiz ad o vera rettara, enn esse, sette eg
variantem, og annadhvert f. hi, edur forte. Sidan bar eg hana saman vid
eitt gott Exemplar i 4to, er eg meina hafe verid lgm. P. Widalins, og sie
af honom completerad, hefur ad dur att Sira Helge, er hingad og angad
hefur inn ad teiknad eitt og annad, og mun hann hafa frt ad hingad r
Svarke; Exemplarid er bdi gott og gamallt, enn upp orthographiam er
ad grej-korn. ar fyrer, ar sem her stendur etta Teikn 4) merker ad, ad
so standi tiedu Exempl.
The manuscript that had belonged to Pll Vdaln and Helgi lafsson
must, as pointed out above, be B, where it is stated in the list of contents
that Helgi lafsson had made annotations in the manuscript. It is assumed
that Helgi must have brought the manuscript with him from Sweden
to Iceland. On f. 14v there is another list of contents of a Smundar
Edda, in which Hrafnagaldur comes between Hyndlulj and Vlundar
kvia. On f. 15r there is again a note on the source and the copy-
ing method that had been used. The explanations in the two places
(f. 13v and f. 15r) are written in the same hand, perhaps that of Halldr
ar sem annadhvert sjalfre essare Eddubk, edur fylgiande bklngur fyrer
kemur etta teikn 4) merker ad eitt agtt exempl. 4to,

er sianlega var
skrifad epter smu bk og Jns l. Edda, en lklega miklu fyrre, ad hef eg
med nockurn vegenn gtni samanlesed vid etta mitt, og merkt etta 4) vi
ad so stande eirri bk, sem ad tilvisar . . . ykiz eg hafa vered nrgngull
essu, og skrifad lka, ad sem 4) hefur t spatiunne, egar eitt ord kann
ad hafa radiz tvo vegu.
On f. 16r there is another list of contents for a Smundar Edda, written in
another hand, but here Hrafnagaldur is not mentioned. Then follows a
preface to Snorris Edda, other writings about the Edda in Icelandic and
Latin, a genealogy from inn to the kings of Norway and an epilogue to
the Edda. These mythological items are in the hand of Einar Hlfdanarson
(16951753), as is stated on f. 40v.
The fourth section of the existing manuscript contains a Smundar Edda,
written in a new hand. Here there are loose leaves with notes inserted
This might alternatively be the farmer Vigfs Scheving Jnsson (1749
1834), who was also educated at Hlaskli.
54 Hrafnagaldur ins
among the poems. The poems as far as and including rymskvia are in
the order of Codex Regius. Then follow Baldrs draumar, Grottasngr,
Grugaldur, Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj and Hrafnagaldur (ff. 77r78v),

after which from Vlundarkvia to Hamisml inclusive are written in the
order of the Codex Regius. Then come Rgsula and Slarlj (followed
by a Latin translation). Last in this section is the above-mentioned passage
about the sheriffs in Dalassla.
The list of contents on f. 14v has the poems in an order that corresponds
with the order in which the poems are written in this fourth section of the
manuscript. Hrafnagaldur here also has variants marked 4) or |: . . . :|
or (: . . . :). Those with the last are identical with the variants that we
fnd in 1689. The accounts of the source on ff. 13v and 15r and the list of
contents on f. 14v must all apply to this part of the manuscript.
It will have been noticed that the manuscript has Hrafnagaldur in two
different places (in the second and fourth sections) and in two different
hands. I label these two versions 1588 a I and 1588 a II.
1588 a I has Hrafnagaldur arranged in unnumbered stanzas mostly of 8 lines
with some confusion in line breaks, suggesting that its original had the poem
written out as prose. It also has the mistake in stanza division in stt. 20 and
21. It refects the innovations in 648. Like 648, 1588 a I does not reproduce
Bs reading normr for nornir in st. 1, and in st. 7 it has harbains, like
648, instead of Bs hardbains. It shares the following innovations with
648: st. 3, gornar (for grunar), st. 5, linnit (for linnir), st. 7, miir
(for undir), st. 11, biua (for bura), st. 14, girvallt i (for giorvallri),
and st. 18, yggioagi (for Yggiongi).
1588 a I has the following innovations compared with 648, which shows
that 648 cannot be derived from it, for example: st. 8, vargsbelgs ellu (for
vargsbelg seldu, though this is written as one word in 648), st. 14, svimt
(for svimi), st. 15, kotarann (for kominn), and st. 23, hrat (for hropt).
So 1588 a I could be a copy of 648, or be derived from a sister manuscript.
The text of 1588 a I has some readings that are given as variants
(written within brackets and enclosed in colons thus (: . . . :)) in 21.5.2,
1111, 1689 and 1588 a II (cf. st. 5, linnit). Some variants given in these
manuscripts are also found in other manuscripts besides 1588 a I (thus st.
1, i, which is also found in 21.6.7 and 966 and the A group and in B,
and st. 17, lteiti). 1588 a I cannot have been the text from which these
variants were taken, since it has the obviously corrupt forms bains in
In this part of the existing 1588 a the leaves are numbered at the top right of
each leaf. According to this numbering Hrafnagaldur is on ff. 34r35v.
Introduction 55
st. 7 and yggioagi in st. 18, while those manuscripts have the correct
forms (bams and Yggiongi) as variant readings. It may be that the
variants written within brackets and enclosed in colons were from various
unspecifed manuscripts or were suggested emendations.
1588 a I may therefore be a copy of a sister manuscript of 648 (so Verri
2007, 40), and 21.5.2, 1111, 1689 and 1588 a II may be derived from a
manuscript closely related to 1588 a I.
1588 a II has Hrafnagaldur arranged in unnumbered eight-line stanzas. It
does not have the errror in stanza division in stt. 20 and 21. It reproduces
the innovations of both 648 and 1588 a I, with the exception of linnit in
st. 5, where it has linnir; linnit is, however, given in the margin as a
variant reading, as also in 1689, 21.5.2, 329, 1111, and 643.
1588 a II has a number of innovations that are perhaps due to errors in
the manuscript it was copied from (cf. the scribes comments quoted above,
which suggest that he did his work conscientiously). Innovations compared
with B are found in st. 5, eya (for va), st. 6, fa asci hnigin (for fr
aski hniginn), st. 7, cunnr (for kunni), st. 9, galt (for gtt), st. 10,
vera (for vegu), st. 12, katti (for knatti), st. 13, Ein (for Eins), st.
16, gymnis (for grimnis), st. 17, alteiti (for lteiti), st. 18, seta (for
sla), st. 20, spalml (for spakml), and st. 25, ur rot (for und rot).
Since 1588 a II does not reproduce all the innovations of 1588 a I in
its text, it is probably not copied from it, even though the one that is not
in its text is in the margin (it is is likely to be from elsewhere). It may be
that it is a sister manuscript to 1588 a I, though the possibility cannot be
excluded that it derives from 1588 a I and a scribe has corrected the error
linnit in st. 5.
The innovations of 1588 a II are not found in 21.5.2, 329 or 1111, though
they are in 1689 and 643. Hrafnagaldur in 1588 a II is closely related
to the text of the poem in 1689; according to Verri they could be sister
manuscripts (2007, 4142). They are likely to have been derived from a
sister manuscript to 1588 a I.
Lbs 1588 4to was discussed in Faulkes (1979, 143144).
Lbs 1689 4to (1689)
This manuscript, which consists of vi + 246 pages, has been trimmed and
half-bound in leather. According to Pll Eggert lafssons catalogue it
was written by Smundur Hlm (17491821). The title on the spine is
Smundar EDDA. The frst leaves of the original manuscript have rotted
away (as far as f. 5r), and been replaced by the beginning of Vlusp written
in a later hand and on different paper from the rest of the manuscript. These
56 Hrafnagaldur ins
leaves were written by orleifur Jnsson of Skinnastaur (18451911). On
the fyleaf he has written his name and the date: orleifr Jnsson. 1878,
and on the fyleaf under his name: Til Bkasafns Latnusklans 1883.
Afhent Landsbkasafninu til eignar ri 1914.
On f. 1r stands the title Smundar-edda, after which follows a list of
contents, which are frst the poems of the Codex Regius largely in the same
order, but after rymskvia come Baldrs draumar, Grottasngr, Grugaldur,
Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj, Hrafnagaldur, and then the rest of the Codex
Regius poems (Vlundarkvia to Hamisml) followed by Sonatorrek,
Merlnussp, Krkuml, Vsa Trmanns Smseyju from Ragnars saga,
Gullkrslj, Hyndlulj (again), Valagaldur Krku. Hrafnagaldur has the
same placing between Hyndlulj and Vlundarkvia in 1588 a II.
Hrafnagaldur is on ff. 50r52r, and is the sixteenth poem in the manu-
script (Hvaml and Loddffnisml being taken as separate poems), as
noted at the beginning of the poem in Smundur Hlms hand. It is
arranged in unnumbered eight-line stanzas. It does not have the errror
in stanza division in stt. 20 and 21. In 1689 it includes all the same
innovations and marginal notes as 1588 a II and 648 (cf. the descrip-
tions of these manuscripts), but not the variants from B that are given
in 1588 a II, marked 4). Perhaps this is because 1689 and 1588 a II are
sister manuscripts, both copied from a sister manuscript to 1588 a I, but
it could also be because 1689 was copied from 1588 a II before these
variants were added in the margin.
1689 introduces only a few innovations compared with 1588 II a: st.
3, ec (for er), st. 14, glyo (for glygio). In st. 14, it has ofsvimt
written as one word.
The layout of both Hrafnagaldur and the other poems in 1689 is largely
the same as that in 643, which must have been written by the same scribe
(Smundur Hlm). Hrafnagaldur is, for example, numbered XVI in both.
There are as far as can be seen neither errors nor anything else in these two
copies that can help to judge which of the two is derived from the other.
Egerton 643, British Library (643)
This manuscript is a Smundar Edda in quarto format, consisting of
122 leaves witten in two columns in the eighteenth century. It was sold
for 50 in October 1812 by Finnur Magnsson to Archibald Constable
(17741827), the publisher of most of Walter Scotts works (Porter 2006,
181). It was sold on from him to Adam Clarke (died 1832). In his collection
of manuscripts it bore according to Ward 1893 the number LXVII. After
Clarkes death it was offered for sale by auction at Sothebys in 1838 by
Baynes & Son. The auction was cancelled because of a lack of bids, but
Introduction 57
subsequently bought, together with a manuscript of Snorris Edda which
became Egerton 642, by Frederic Madden for the British Museum (see
Porter 2006, 184185, 187). Before the failed auction it was advertised
as: This beautiful perfect, and remarkably correct and distinctly written
MS., may be considered as a great acquisition to this country. It contains
a good and well-adjusted text of all the pieces published in the printed
copies, with a great many others still more curious and interesting, which
have been hitherto known only by report . . . (quoted from Porter 2006,
183). This is identical, apart from a few details, to the beginning of the
description on f. 1r of the manuscript.
On the front fyleaf Finnur Magnsson has written Codex Thorlacianus.
It had been owned by Brge Thorlacius, and it is from him that Finnur
Magnsson got it (see Jn Helgason not yet published). F. 1r1v contains a
description of the manuscript in English. On f. 2r is a list of contents written
in pencil, probably by Finnur Magnsson. According to the introduction
to Edda 17871828, I, Finnur Magnsson used a manuscript he referred
to as T. to collate with the poems about Helgi Hundingsbani, and it is
stated in Edda 17871828, II xxix that T. was Codex Thorlacianus.
According to Wards catalogue, however, the readings quoted from T are
not always identical with those of 643. Edda 17871828 gives no variants
to Hrafnagaldur from 643.
643 has frst the Codex Regius poems in the same order as far as and
including rymskvia, then Baldrs draumar, Grottasngr, Grugaldur,
Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj and Hrafnagaldur (ff. 50r52r, pp. 99103).
Then follow Vlundarkvia and the other Codex Regius poems in the usual
order. After Hamisml comes Rgsula. Hrafnagaldur is in 643 placed
between Hyndlulj and Vlundarkvia, as in 1588 a II and 1689. It has
largely the same layout as 1689, see the description of the latter above, and
has the same distinctive readings. As stated above, it cannot be determined
which of the two is copied from the other. 643 is written in the same hand
as 1689, which according to the catalogue was written by Smundur Hlm.
Adv. 21.5.2, National Library of Scotland (21.5.2)
This manuscript, which consists of 361 leaves, is bound in leather and has
gilding on the spine, which bears the title Edda Smundi. The manuscript
is described in lafur Halldrssons unpublished catalogue of Icelandic
manuscripts in Edinburgh (1967). It is paginated by the original scribe as
pp. 1715 = ff. 1r358r. On the front fyleaf is written quondam e libris
Skulonis Theodori Thorlacii, | Islando Dani. That is, the manuscript
was once in Skli Thorlaciuss library; it may have got there via Grmur
Thorkeln (see lafur Halldrsson 1967).
58 Hrafnagaldur ins
According to lafur Halldrsson, 21.5.2 was written by a single hand
in Iceland in 17551756 and in Copenhagen in 1758. Nowhere in the
manu script is it stated who wrote it, but it was probably Eggert lafsson
(17261768), who matriculated from the school at Sklholt, studied at
the university in Copenhagen and was employed by the Arnamagnan
Commission. As part of his duties he travelled in Iceland during the years
17521757. 21.5.2 is written in the same hand as 329, which according
to a letter with it was probably written by Eggert (see the description of
329 below).
21.5.2 contains the eddic poems from the Codex Regius in the same
order, but after rymskvia are inserted Baldrs draumar, Grottasngr,
Grugaldur, Fjlsvinnsml and Hyndlulj. After Hamisml follow
Hrafnagaldur (pp. 455462, ff. 228r231v) and Slarlj. The manuscript
also contains poems by Egill Skallagrmsson, as well as poems from
Heimskringla and various fornaldarsgur. On ff. 227v, 334v and 340v
there is information about the manuscripts from which it was copied. That
on f. 334v concerns the original for Merlnussp, on 340v the original for
Ynglingatal, Hornklofavsur and Hkonarml. What is written on f. 227v
is of interest for Hrafnagaldur:
NB. essar efter skrifadar (it. adur nefndar Vegtams qv. etc) kvidur, lid og
kvdi eru r bk Sr. Vigf. J. S. Prof. i Hitardal. saumu bk var Sm. Edda
skrifud af Sr. Jone Haldorssyne epter Eddu Arna M. S. hvria hann silfur
hafde skrifad epter membrana. ar var bkinni Sn. Edda og sdan kvdin
af hvrium eckert var annecterad Smundar Eddu heldur indisposit ritud,
efter misjfnum (sem mier synist) exemplaribus.
According to this, the poems from Hrafnagaldur onwards (presumably
including the poems by Egill and those from Heimskringla and fornaldar-
sgur), as well as Baldrs draumar to Hyndlulj, were copied from a
manuscript owned by Vigfs Jnsson of Htardalur, which had been copied
by Jn Halldrsson from rni Magnssons autograph copy of the Codex
Vigfss manuscript also contained Snorris Edda, and after that
a series of poems from disparate sources (i.e. Hrafnagaldur and the rest).
The last part of 21.5.2 (f. 228r onwards) is according to lafur
Halldrs son (1967, III 88) largely a copy of Lbs 214 4to, written by
Jn Halldrsson and his son Vigfs Jnsson. This manuscript must be
the source of the material after Hamisml, but as stated above (p. 49)
lafur Halldrsson (1967, 64) writes in his catalogue that the frst part of
21.5.2, as far as 227v, was a copy of a manuscript belonging to rur Jnsson
of Staarstaur, which was copied from the Codex Regius. This cannot of course
apply to the material after f. 227v.
Introduction 59
it does not include Hrafnagaldur. 1108 is also a copy of a manuscript
in Bibliotheca Hytardalensi, and according to Einar G. Ptursson, its
source was also Lbs 214 4to. 1108 does not include the same poems from
outside the Codex Regius as 21.5.2.
Hrafnagaldur in 21.5.2 is arranged in eight-line stanzas, and does not
have the error in stanza division. The text reproduces the innovations
compared with B that are found in the sub-group of manuscripts that
seem to go back to a sister manuscript to 648. It includes precisely the
same variants to the text as 1588 a II, 1689 and 643. It does not have the
variant readings of 1588 a II from B, but these were probably added later,
as suggested above, for they are written in a lighter ink though by the same
hand. Hrafnagaldur does not, however, have the same placing in 21.5.2,
as it has in 1588 a II, 643 and 1689, but the source of the text in 21.5.2
must have been closely related to those manuscripts.
21.5.2 does not reproduce the distinctive readings of 1689 and 643,
whereas it does reproduce most, but not all of the distinctive readings
of 1588 a II (st. 1, r, st. 5, eya, st. 7, cunnr, st. 10, vera, st. 16,
gimnis, st. 17, alteiti, st. 18, sta, and st. 25, ur rot). The readings
of 1588 a II in st. 6, fa asci hnigin, st. 9, galt, st. 12, katti, st. 13, Ein
(a reading, however, written in the margin) and st. 20, spalml are not
reproduced in 21.5.2, so it cannot be a copy of 1588 a II. It is possible that
it is a sister to that manuscript, or derived from a sister to it.
Ms. germ. qu. 329, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz (643)
This manuscript, which mainly contains eddic poems, consists of 250
pages. At the front of the manuscript is inserted a letter from Rasmus
Nyerup to Dr N. H. Julius, dated 22/3 1820. In this letter it says that the
manuscript was probably written in Eggert lafssons hand. It reads:
. . . ber das islndische Manuscript, was ich hierdurch zurck zu senden die
Ehre habe, vollstndige Auskunft geben zu knnen, habe ich mir zwar Mhe
gegeben, bin aber noch nicht vllig damit ins Reine gekommen. So viel ist
gewiss, dass es um die Mitte ongefhr des vorigen Jahrhunderts von einem
gelehrten Islnder |: wahrscheinlich dem berhmten Eggert Olafssen, der 1768
starb:| geschrieben.
329 has frst the poems of the Codex Regius in the same order, with
the same additional poems after rymskvia. After Hamisml comes
Hrafnagaldur, followed by Slarlj, Gullkrslj, Hyndlulj, Krkuml
and fnally Jmsvkinga drpa. Hrafnagaldur is written in two columns
Einar G. Pturssons transcription. I have had access to photographs of the
text of Hrafnagaldur, but not of the whole manuscript.
60 Hrafnagaldur ins
on pp. 207a210a in unnumbered eight-line stanzas. The order of the
poems as far as and including Slarlj is the same as in 21.5.2. Both
manuscripts are written in the same hand, believed, as stated above, to be
that of Eggert lafsson.
21.5.2 and 329 have virtually identical texts of Hrafnagaldur, both as
regards readings, spellings and letter forms. The only differences between
them are in st. 18, where 21.5.2 has the copying error Heila for Heilan
and in st. 21, where in 329 an i is written to mark the palatisation of g in
giti. Also the variant readings in the margins are marked al. whereas
in 21.5.2 they are marked +. It is likely that they are copies of the same
original, which would have been a sister manuscript (or derived from a
sister manuscript) to 1588 a II.
NKS 1111 fol. (1111)
This manuscript, which consists of 258 leaves, is from the eighteenth
century. It is unbound and bears the title Smvndar-Edda on the same page
as Vlusp begins. It is written in a single hand apart from Hrafnagaldur
and the list of contents, which are written in a second and third hand
It is clear that Hrafnagaldur in 1111 is copied from a different original
from the other poems that are in it. They are probably partly derived from
NKS 1869 4to, a Smundar Edda (which does not include Hrafnagaldur)
written in the eighteenth century by Marks Jnsson, according to Klunds
catalogue. Before the table of contents (f. 257r) it says, in an account of the
oder som Membrana ikke har: Den 6te Ode som kaldes Othins Ravne-
galder fattedes. The manuscript contains the eddic poems from the Codex
Regius and then: Baldrs draumar, Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj, Grugaldur,
Slarlj, Grottasngr and Heireks gtur. After that in a different hand
comes Hrafnagaldur. This poem must have been added to the manuscript
after the other poems had been written, possibly at the same time as the
list of contents. The placing is perhaps therefore accidental. The poem is
written in unnumbered eight-line stanzas on pp. 500510 (ff. 250v255v).
Variant readings are given to the text of Hrafnagaldur, marked al or f
in the same way as in 329, which is not how they are in other manuscripts
in this sub-group of the B group. 1111 has the same distinctive readings as
21.5.2 and 329, but it does not reproduce the error of 21.5.2 in st. 18 (Heila),
and in st. 21 it has giti, like 329. On this (admittedly fimsy) foundation
rests the assumption that 1111 is a copy of 329. The two manuscripts do
not, however, contain the same poems in addition to those of the Codex
Regius (which is not surprising, considering that Hrafnagaldur in 1111
was copied from a different source from the other poems).
Introduction 61
The manuscript was once in Suhms collection (156 fol.). It was used
by Bugge (see Norrn fornkvi 1867, lxi), where it is designated by the
siglum M.
Two manuscripts of the B group both seem to be derived from an apparently
lost manuscript written by Magns Jnsson of Vigur. These are 21.6.7 and 818.
Adv. 21.6.7, National Library of Scotland (21.6.7)
This manuscript, which consists of 341 leaves, was, according to lafur
Halldrssons catalogue of Icelandic manuscripts in Edinburgh, written
during the years 17501753 by Jn Egilsson (17241807), farmer at Stra-
Vatnshorn in Haukadalur. The existing manuscript, which was originally
in three separate volumes, now bound together, has wooden covers and
in many places coloured initials. On the inside of the front cover is pasted
a leaf from a Smundar Edda in Jn Egilssons hand, and on the inside
of the back cover a letter to Jn Egilsson dated 29/10 1750 and signed
Olafur Jonsson.
21.6.7 begins with a preface by Jn Egilsson, in which he gives an
account of his work on the manuscript and what manuscripts it was based
on. The second volume, a Smundar Edda, which begins on f. 132r and
ends on f. 257r, was, according to Jn Egilsson, a copy of a manuscript
written by Magns Jnsson (16371702) of Vigur on safjrur. It has not
been possible to identify this manuscript. It is perhaps lost. The title page
of this second volume reads: Bookenn. | SMUNDAR | EDDA. | Edur. |
Lioodabook Smundar Sigfws sonar, Prf: ad Odda Stad. | Inne halldande
forn-skaalldanna Listqvednar Lioda Dr|aapur; Dulordar og dimmkvednar
forn qvidur, kiennande aa gita Ordsnilld, Margbreittar kienningar og |
Meistaralegar Skllda Reglur. Enn aa N uppritad, Epter Eiginn hende
Magnusar | Sal: Jonssonar Er Sat I Wigur vid Isafrd, aukenn | Nockrum
gitum qvidumm. | Skrifud I Wogie aa Skardz strnd Anno 1751. | af
Ione Eigils syne.
On the title page of the third volume, f. 258r, is written: Jnas Jnsson
| Bkena | ad Riettumm Erfdumm Epter Fdur Sinn | No. 28. At the
top is written Ebenezer Henderson, and on the same page: Her hefast
| Dulkvednar Forn | Drapur | Med Imsra | Frodra Manna | Raadning |
Skrifadar Anno | 1753. | af | J: E: S:.
The second volume of the manuscript contains Slarlj, Hrafnagaldur
(136r137r), Vlusp, Hvaml, Vafrnisml, Grmnisml, Alvssml,
Lokasenna, rymskvia, Hrbarslj, Skrnisml, Hymiskvia and
Baldrs draumar. Then come the heroic poems in the same order as the
Codex Regius, then after Hamisml follow Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj,
62 Hrafnagaldur ins
Grugaldur, Grottasngr, Heireks gtur, Egill Skallagrms sons
Hfulausn, Hallmundar vsur, Hkonarml, Bjarkaml, then Appendix,
containing rvarOdds drpa, sbjarnarkvia, Gllognskvia, extracts
from Vellekla and rlfs drpa, Eirksml, a poem by orbjrn hornklof,
stanzas by Guttormr sindri, an extract from Grfeldardrpa, stanzas by
Eyvindr Skldaspillir, Gizurr gullbrrskld, orfnnr munnr and ormr
Kolbrnarskld, Noregs konungatal, Vsa trmanns Smseyju from
Ragnars saga and Lti grip um afguina og gyjurnar. The poems in
the frst part of this second volume are in the same order as the poems in
the frst parts of A and B. Hrafnagaldur is written continuously as prose,
but there is a kind of break or else a new line at the beginnings of stanzas.
The stanzas are unnumbered (as in B), but the error in stt. 20 and 21 is
present. The arrangement is rather reminiscent of that of A and B. The
distinctive readings of B are reproduced (except for normr in st. 1), so
it must be derived from B. It has none of the distinctive readings of any
of the sub-groups described above, so it cannot belong to any of them.
It has the following innovations: st. 2, oka, st. 3, garnar, st. 7, i vistom,
st. 12, tindwtt, st. 13, afatre, st. 14, dauer, st. 15, fer. In st. 18,
yggunge is written, but immediately afterwards in the text it is corrected
to /:yggionge:/.
21.6.7 is described by Faulkes (1979, 129131).
Lbs 818 4to (818)
This manuscript, which consists of 3 + 166 leaves, was, according to
Pll Eggert lafssons catalogue, written between 1750 and 1800, by
four different hands. Its contents are miscellaneous. According to the
catalogue, it was originally two separate manuscripts: at the bottom of the
title page it says Samanntnt oc eitt binde innfest og skrifad Hrappsey
180 [sic] af Olafe Sveinssyne, and underneath I og II p.. The existing
volume, however, seems to consist of more than just two manuscripts, of
which at least two contained eddic poems. The two parts of the existing
volume are prefaced by a list of contents in Pll Plssons hand. Part of the
volume was written by lafur Sveinsson (17621845), but the major part,
according to Einar G. Ptursson (1998, 231), was written by Jn lafsson
of Grmsstair in Breiavk on Snfellsnes (c. 16911765).
At the bottom of f. 46r is written Kolbeirn Biarnarson. This is possibly,
according to Einar G. Ptursson (1998, 232), the Kolbeinn Bjarnason who
was a smallholder at Fr on Snfelssnes around 1800. Landsbkasafn
slands acquired the volume from Jn Ptursson, who according to Pll
Eggert lason could have got it from Staarfell, since his wife, Jhanna
Soffa Bogadttir, came from there (Einar G. Ptursson 1998, 232).
Introduction 63
The frst part of the volume contains Hvaml, Kenningar og heiti, Sin
Sira Jonz Eilfssonar, Hvrnenn lita skal hier-lendst, Hvad Galldur kallast,
Um oracula, Upprune Galldra, Um Galldra Bkur, Afguder heid-
ingjanna, Egill Skallagrms sons Hfulausn, Nockrar Mlsgreiner um ad
hvadan Bken Edda hefr sitt nafn, Tillegg Nockurt heirande til Snorra Eddu,
sem ecke er ad fnna i eim ricktu, tdreiged af Skrife Birns Skards .
The second part contains mainly eddic poems: Heireks gtur, Hfu
lausn, Sonatorrek, Fuglagta, Grugaldur, Alvssml, Hvaml, Vlusp,
Fjlsvinnsml, Hymiskvia, rymskvia, Vafrnisml, Slarlj,
Grmnis ml, Skrnisml, Lokasenna, Hyndlulj, Hrbarslj, Baldrs
draumar, Sigrdrfuml, Fr daua Sinfjtla, Grpissp, Ffnisml,
Gurnar kvia I, Oddrnar grtr, Vlundarkvia, Helgakvia Hundings
bana I, Helgakvia Hjrvarssonar, Hamisml, Sigurarkvia in skamma,
Helrei Brynhildar, Gurnarkvia II, Atlakvia, Atla ml in grnlenzku,
some stanzas of Grmnisml, Grugaldur (again), Grottasngr and
Gurnarhvt. After this is a blank page (f. 77v), after which is a leaf
with the fnal stanzas of Atlaml in grnlenzka and then Hrafnagaldur (ff.
79v82r) and Gurnarhvt (again). These four leaves seem to be written
in a different hand from the other poems. The last item in the volume is
Gamla jlaskr, written in yet another hand.
Hrafnagaldur is arranged in eight-line stanzas. In stt. 20 and 21
there is the error in stanza division. 818 reproduces the distinctive
readings of B (except for normr in st. 1) and also has readings that
refect the innovations of 21.6.7: st. 3, garnar, st. 7, i vistom, st.
12, tind vott, st. 13, afatre, st. 14, dauir, and st. 15, fer. 818
also includes both the error (yggungi) and its immediately follow-
ing correction (yggionge) in st. 18. There is just one that it does
not reproduce, st. 2, oka, which means that it is not derived from
21.6.7. In other places 818 has innovations that are not found in 21.6.7,
in st. 8, varge belg and lit om scipti, so 21.6.7 can scarcely be a
copy of 818, which is also made unlikely by the arrangement of the
stanzas. It is likely that the two manuscripts derive independently from
the same source, which would presumably be Magns Jnssons manu-
script. Since they do not have any of the innovations of 966, and 966
does not contain any of their innovations, Magns Jnssons manu script
must have been directly or indirectly derived from B.
The manuscript is described in Faulkes 1979, 115116 and Einar G.
Ptursson 1998, 231234.
The following stemma for manuscripts in the B group seems to be possible.
It is in part guesswork, since in some cases it is based on minimal differences
64 Hrafnagaldur ins
between texts. For instance, it has not been possible to determine whether
22 is a copy of 4877 or the reverse. The same applies to 1689 and 643.
M.J.s MS
966 J.E.s MS

| | |

__________ _________ ____________________
21.6.7 818 648

| | |

___________ _____ _________
1588 a I
773 a
* *

| | | |
_____________ ____ __________ _________

1588 a II 1109 1866 21.4.7 1108 11165

| | | | _________ _____ __ _____

21.5.2 329 1689 47 4877

| | | ___ ____ ___
1111 643 22
desCriPtion of C
Stockholm papp. fol. nr 57 (C), which consists of 165 leaves, was written
in the second half of the seventeenth century. It is half-bound in leather and
the script is cursive. According to information on the front fyleaf it was
bound in 1843. On the spine it bears the title I: Adskilianlegr Qved. 2. Saga
Hakonar Hakonarsonar. Gdel states in his catalogue that it was written by
ormur Torfasons (Torfuss) secretary sgeir Jnsson, but according
to Jn Helgason (1962, xixiv) the scribe is unknown. It is not known how
or when it got to Sweden, but it must have been already there in 1684, for
in that year Helgi lafsson copied Hkonar saga from it. According to Jn
Helgason (19621981, III xiii), it can hardly be earlier than about 1680.
The frst part of the manuscript (ff. 110) contains eighteen narrative
poems: Cecilu kvi, Stjpmur minning, Gauta kvi, Vallara kvi,
Bjarnasona kvi, Tafkvi, Bthildar kvi, lufar kvi, su dans,
Ebba kvi, Elenar lj, Marteins kvia, Kristnar kvi, Sonar harmur,
orkels kvia, Systra kvi, Hallmundar lj (with a prose introduction)
and Hrafnagaldur. The second part (ff. 11165) contains Hkonar saga
Hrafnagaldur appears in C in a different context from that in which it is
normally found. It is written on f. 10r10v and arranged in numbered stanzas
with each pair of lines written side by side, making stanzas of four long
lines each. It is probably a sister-manuscript to A and B, see the accounts
of A, B, C, D and E on pp. 2930 and 3537 above and pp. 6571 below.
There are the following distinctive readings in C:
st. 7: vistar C] vistum A, E, vistum B, vistom D
st. 8: syrga C] syrgia A, B, D, E
Introduction 65
st. 10: hemis C] heimis A, B, D, E
st. 16: grunnis C] Grymis A, Grimnis B, Grimnis D, E
st. 19: bekkar C] beckjar A, beckiar B, E, becciar D
st. 22: legga C] leggia A, D, E, leggia B
Four of these distinctive readings, syrga, hemis, bekkar and legga,
are secondary, and look like careless copying errors (though with the frst,
third and fourth cf. st. 14/6 rygar and commentary). The others could
be attempts to improve the text where a scribe did not fully understand
words or names in his original, though grunnis could easily be due to a
misreading of the frst four minims in Grimnis. C is not a copy of either A
or B. C has vi in st. 3, where the whole B group has the error ur, and
in st. 13, of migard, where the B group has ofngar. In st. 15, at
syn var fyrir, and st. 24, jarkna, C has similar readings to B and D and
E. In st. 1, C shares the reading occar/okkar with D against A, B and E.
In 1841 the manuscript was examined by Jn Sigursson, whose descrip-
tion of it is in AM 927 4to (see Jn Helgason 19621981, III xiii). It was
used by Bugge (Norrn fornkvi 1867, xlviii) in his edition of the eddic
poems. Jn Helgason edited the frst sixteen of the narrative poems in
slenzk forn kvi 19621981, III. The manuscript is described there on
pp. xixv.
desCriPtion of d
Thott 1491 4to (D), which consists of 237 leaves, was written in the eighteenth
century. It is bound in leather, and the spine originally had gold tooling. The
title there, which has partly disappeared at the edges, reads <S>MUNDA<R>
| EDDA. At the back of the manuscript a slip has been inserted on which
Hvaml 90/34 is quoted, and inside has been placed a letter from Skli
Magnsson to Thott, dated Copenhagen, 2. February 1770. According to this
letter, it is accompanied by the Edda (Her med flger Edda). Otherwise
it is mainly concerned with Icelandic matters, but towards the end it reads:
Nu vil man vende sig fra det her [the Icelandic content]: Vi vil gaae op i de
utnkelige Tiider. Midt i Arbeydet om Menniskenne maatte Edda her for en
Dag. Den flger da her med. Hos slet ingen kand jeg deponere bedre end i
Deres hjgrevelig Excellences Bogsamling.
Klund says (1900, 333) that D appears to be put together from various
originally unrelated parts, but it is rather written by a single hand using
alternately cursive and Gothic script.
The manuscript has as its title on f. 1r: Edda | Islendinga | Skrifud af
Diakna Paule | efter bestu Membrana sem | Island aa. In 966 it said that
Grottasngr there was copied from a manuscript owned by Pll Sveinsson
66 Hrafnagaldur ins
Torfasonar (17041784), though he had not written it himself. Pll was
a parish clerk and wrote several manuscripts, so it is probably he that is
meant here. But the colophon in D on f. 203v says that the manuscript as
far as Hamisml was copied from one written by Sra rur Jnsson
(16721720) of Staarstaur, which was itself a copy of the Codex Regius.
The manuscript opens with the Codex Regius poems in the same order,
then some supplements to Hvaml, then Grottasngr, Grugaldur,
Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj and Hrafnagaldur (introduced with the words
Hc Seqventia ex Libro qvodam Chartaceo exscripta, pertinent ad Paginam
287). Finally there is Bjrn of Skarss treatise on runes, which among
other things contains Sigrdrfuml.
On f. 208v, after the supplements to Hvaml, there is some information
about the part of the manuscript that contains the Codex Regius poems:
Hactenus Exemplar Sal. S. ordar Jonssonar ad Stadarstad, Profasts i Snfells
Ness Syslu, sem er med hanns eckianlegu hendi af honum samanbored vid
bestu Codices bdi Membranas og a Papyri og til settar Variantes Lectiones.
Hvort Exemplar nu S. Jon Jonsson Prestur til Flugumyrar og Hialta Stada
i Skaga frde.
After Grottasngr, Grugaldur, Fjlsvinnsml, Hyndlulj and Hrafna
galdur there is a note on f. 229r about the manuscript that these poems
were copied from:
essar fmm seinustu Qvidur, sydan Exemplar S. ordar ad Stadar Stad htte, eru
skrifadar epter oepterrettanlegu Exscripto, sem einn Vidvaningur hafde skrifad, so
eg er vijda ecki viss um, hvornig eg tte ad skipta Strophir, vi allt ad Exscriptum
sem eg hafde, imo, ad epter hveriu Vidvaningurinn skrifad hafde, var i Sijfellu.
Somuleidis var eg opt oviss i vi hvrnig eg stafa skillde so ad rett vre. Eru so
essar Qvidur einasta til ess, ad syna ad r vantade i hid goda Exemplar Sal.
Sr. ordar Jonssonar sem fyrr er nefnt, en munu o eiga ad koma aptan vid ad.
o mun ecke godum Codicibus llum saman koma umm Rd qvidanna.
Pll Sveinsson, who, as stated above, wrote the manuscript, says here that
the fve listed poems were copied from a poor original written out by a
beginner. No variant readings are quoted for Hrafnagaldur. The poem is
written in unnumbered eight-line stanzas on pp. 452457 (ff. 226r228v).
From st. 9 inclusive it is to save space written in two columns on each page.
There are the following distinctive readings in D:
st. 2: ttom D] tlun A, B, C, E
st. 2: voria D] veria A, C, E, veria B
st. 3: griviar D] grunar A, C, E, grunar B
st. 6: Ivars D] Ivaldz A, Ivalds B, C, E
st. 8: vargsbelgs D] vargsbelg A, vargsbelg B, vargs belg C, vargsvelg E
Introduction 67
st. 9: heim D] heims A, B, C, E
st. 11: bondo D] banda A, B, C, E
st. 14: r vi D] rvit A, B, C, oruit E
st. 15: jol mun D] jolnum A, B, jlnum C, iotnum E
st. 16: hyrar D] hirdir A, B, hirdir C, E
st. 17: yr D] jar A, i ar B, iar C, idar E
st. 18: baiss D] bau A, B, bao C, badu E
st. 18: sumbla D] sumbli A, B, C, E
st. 18: yggiom D] Yggiongi A, B, E, Yggiongi C
st. 20: unorm D] undorn A, B, C, E
st. 22: Oinn D] Omi A, Onn B, Onn C, Ome E
st. 23: varla D] valla A, B, C, E
The majority of the distinctive readings in D are secondary; they are obvious
scribal errors that arose in copying. For varla (st. 23), A, B, C and E have
valla (A also adds vallda in parentheses within the stanza), which could
be an orthographical variant of varla at this date, but might also be gen. pl.
of vllur in a kenning. Only varla seems to be meaningful in the context,
though even so a great deal of alteration of the word order is required (see
the commentary on this stanza). St. 23 must be corrupt, so it is diffcult to
judge what might have stood in the archetype. Scribes might easily substitute
varla for its homophone valla or vice versa. The distinctive reading
Oinn could be primary, and like Omi/Ome in A and E would ft in with
the tendency in the poem for there to be four syllables in each line, unlike
Onn in B and C, but, as stated above, Omi is to be preferred. D does not
reproduce the distinctive readings of A, B or C.
Hrafnagaldur in D must be derived from the lost common original of
A, B and C. It was copied from a manuscript that was written out as prose
(i Sijfellu), but this does not necessarily mean that it was not copied from
the same original as they were (see pp. 7071 below), but the number of
errors in the text makes it seem at a greater remove from the archetype,
and it may have come through several intermediate links. Its immediate
source is unknown.
D was used by Jn Eirksson in his preliminary work for the Arnamagnan
edition of the eddic poems in 47. He took variant readings from it, marked
P.S. [Pll Sveinsson].
desCriPtion of e
Lbs 1441 4to (E), which consists of 326 leaves + 2 fyleaves bound in
leather, was written c. 1760. It is in poor condition; the binding has come
E adds in parentheses above the line borda.
68 Hrafnagaldur ins
apart and the leaves have crumbled away at the edges and been repaired.
It is a collection of eddic poems and other poems in eddic metres. On the
title page (f. 1r) is written: essa bk er skryfud EDDA Smundar
Sigfussonar hinns froda, Sknar prests ad Odda i Rangrvalla sijslu i
Austfyrding<a>fordunge a Islandi, ad Stru Reikium i Midfjrde 176<0>.
The manuscript is written in two hands. Most of the poems are according
to the catalogue written in a hand similar to that of Gumundur sfold, which
has also numbered the pages. At the beginning there is a preface written
by Sra orsteinn Ptursson of Staarbakki, and at the end some texts
are inserted written in the same hand: Rgsula, Bergba ttr, a series
of arguments, Slarlj, Hkonarml, Vsa trmanns Smseyju from
Ragnars saga, stanzas by among others Egill Skallagrmsson, a series
of heiti, Sonatorrek and Hfulausn. Finally there is a commentary on
some of the poems.
On ff. 13r20v there is a list of contents with notes on some of the
poems. The order of the poems is the same as in the Codex Regius, but
after Hamisml there follow Baldrs draumar, Heireks gtur, Hyndlu
lj, Grugaldur, Fjlsvinnsml, Hrafnagaldur (no. xxxv), Grottasngr,
Rgsula, Slarlj, Hkonarml, Hfulausn, Sonatorrek, Krkuml
and Bergba ttr.
After Grottasngr orsteinn Ptursson has added: N.B. Fleire fokka
f. Smundar Eddu hef eg hvorki heirt nie sied, Resenid [sic] telur alls
19, og eins vor margfrdi Bp. D Finnur ecke feire, og vi m essi Bk
vera hin fullkomnasta sem fst kann vorum daugum. .P.S. There is no
information about the source of the manuscript or of individual poems in it.
Hrafnagaldur is written on pp. 538546 (ff. 289v293v), and placed
between Fjlsvinnsml and Grottasngr. It is arranged in unnumbered
eight-line stanzas. This manuscript is unique, in that it blends stt. 21 and
25 together, so that st. 25/12 + 56 follow immediately after the frst half
of st. 21. Then follows the second half of st. 21 and then st. 25/34 + 78.
This error could have arisen during copying.
There are the following distinctive readings in E:
st. 1: skiria E] skilia A, B, C, scilia D
st. 2: veita E] viltu A, C, D, villtu B
st. 3: dulur E] dulu A, B, C, dulo D.
st. 4: faulnum E] follnum A, follnum B, follnom C, folgnom D
st. 8: vargsvelg E
] vargsbelg A, vargsbelg B, vargs belg C, vargsbelgs D
Here in the margin at the bottom of the page is written in a different hand
n efa vargsbelg.
Introduction 69
st. 10: ranni E] rann A, B, C, rann D
st. 11: borda bruda E
] banda bura A, B, C, bondo bura D
st. 12: knattu E] knatti A, B, C, D
st. 13: mid natt E
] me natt A, B, C, D
st. 14: gylu E] glygiu A, glygio B, C, D
st. 15: Iorun E] Jormi A, B, C, D
st. 15: iotnum E] jolnum A, B, jolnum C, jol mun D
st. 19: skolug E] Skgul A, B, Skgull C, Scaugul D
st. 24: men E] mn A, B, C, maun D
st. 26: upprann E] upp nam A, B, C, D
Many of the distinctive readings are secondary and appear to be careless
mistakes that arose in copying. This applies to skiria, dulur, vargsvelg,
knattu, borda bruda, gylu, skolug and upprann. Others could be
an attempt to improve the text where a scribe did not fully under stand
words or names in his original. This applies to veita, ranni, mid
natt, Iorun, iotnum and men. Of these veita and iotnum give
unsatis factory sense in the context. faulnum in st. 4 is only a spelling
variant of fllnum; the verb fella is used in the preceding line, and
the poet appears to have had a predilection for using homonymous and
sometimes cognate words of differing meanings close to each other. In
st. 10, ranni could be a case of an alteration or correction, since at most
often governs the dative (cf. commentary). By line 8 in st. 13, med natt
hvor, mid is written in the margin. This could be a case of alteration,
and mid was perhaps not in the scribes original. Most lines in the poem
moreover have four syllables, but here (in the manuscripts) there are only
three. In st. 15 the other manuscripts have the unknown word (or name)
Jormi. Es Iorun may be a case of cor rec tion, but it is also possible
that it was the original reading (confusion of minims). In st. 24 the jewel-
adorned chariot might have inspired the scribe to make the change to
men, since one can imagine that the horse might have had an ornamented
Since E does not reproduce any of the distinctive readings of A,
B, C or D, it cannot be derived from any of them, and seems to have
independent textual value. The large number of distinctive readings it
contains suggests that it was derived from the archetype via several
intervening copies.
Added above the line in E in parentheses above banda burda.
mid is added in lighter ink in the same hand in the margin where the text
has med natt.
70 Hrafnagaldur ins
relationshiP of the PrinCiPal manusCriPts
A has preserved a text with fewer errors than B, C, D and E, though in a
few cases these have superior readings. There are some erroneous spellings
that appear in all fve, which might suggest that the archetype was at least
at one remove from the original, though they do not amount to much:
st. 13: atri
st. 14: glygiu
st. 16: nepa
The original reading in st. 13 may have been acri or hatri, since c and t can be
almost identical in gothic script. glygiu obviously should be glygvi, and the
error must be due to confusion of minims. St. 16, nepa for nefa is no doubt
due to the misunderstanding of an insular f (cf. commentary). These errors
could all three be due to scribes independently misreading an unclear original.
B, C, D and E have no errors in common against A (except perhaps for
st. 13, hvr/hvorr/hver/hvor for hvria, see textual notes), but each of
the fve has its own innovations that are not shared by any of the others,
and there is nothing to indicate that any of them is derived from any of the
others. In st. 7, B, C and D have hardbains/hardbanis, while A has
hardbadms and E has harbadms. In addition, C and D share the reading
okkar/occar in st. 1 against A, B and E, which have orrkar/orkar.
In both of these cases, the errors could easily have been made by different
scribes independently of each other.
There appears to be only one shared reading between A and B against the
other manuscripts: in st. 1, A has i, B has ia, C has r, D and E have
ra. The verbs j and r are virtual synonyms in this context, though
the frst is usually transitive, the second intransitive. This is hardly enough
to suggest a common original for A and B different from that of C, D and E,
though the way the poem is arranged in stanzas in the different manuscripts
might support the idea. In A and B the stanzas are written out continuously
as prose, with divisions between stanzas marked by paragraph breaks, and
these two manuscripts both have the same mistake in stanza division in stt.
2021, attaching the frst half of st. 21 to st. 22, leaving the second half of
st. 22 as a short stanza. But the information is given in D, which is written
out in eight-line stanzas, that its original was not arranged in stanzas, and
this may also have been the case in the archetype of all fve manuscripts and
perhaps also in the original poem (as was also the case in the Codex Regius).
There is an example of a manuscript derived from B (21.6.7) in which the
poem is not divided into stanzas, and there are others where it is written
in eight-line stanzas, so it is clear that some scribes could arrange a poem
written out as prose in the manuscript they were copying into stanzas, while
Introduction 71
others could change a version divided into stanzas back to one with no stanza
divisions. In E, too, the poem is arranged in eight-line stanzas, and no error
in the stanza divisions corresponding to that in A and B is found in either
D or E, but on the other hand stt. 21 and 25 are merged together in E (see
the account of this manuscript on pp. 6769 above). This error could have
arisen when the copy in E was being made, though the possibility cannot
be excluded that the error was in its original, for it is hardly likely that the
scribe of E corrected the error in stt. 20 and 21 and immediately afterwards
introduced an error that must be due to carelessness in stt. 20 and 25. In A
the scribe discovered the mistake in stt. 20 and 21and wrote a long stroke
to indicate that the second half of st. 21 belonged with the previous stanza.
This error in the stanza division must have existed in the common original
of A and B; obviously it would have been easy enough for most scribes to
have spotted it. Thus there is no error in the division of Cs stanzas written
in paragraphs of four lines each. The error could therefore have been in the
archetype of all fve manuscripts. There is no good reason to think that there
is any special relationship between A and B. The similarities between them
are presumably due to the fact that they both originated in Sklholt.
Establishing the fve manuscript groups therefore causes no problems.
A number of innovations or secondary readings are found in the individual
groups that are not found in any of the other ones. None of the principal
manuscripts reproduces the distinctive readings in any of the principal
manuscripts of the other groups. The following stemma may therefore
refect the relationships of the manuscripts. X, the archetype, may have
been identical with the old and dirty leaf (pp. 1213 above), on which
the writing may have been unclear; this may even have been the authors
autograph. It was perhaps written in imitation of the orthography of the
Codex Regius (cf. st. 16 nepa for nefa). This might also explain atri
for acri, the muddle over minims and other misreadings:
_______________________ __
There may have been further lost links, for instance between X and D
and between X and E, which both seem more remote from what must
have stood in X.
manusCriPts derived from Printed Books
A few manuscripts are derived from printed editions. This applies to BR 36
4to, which is a copy of Edda 17871828, I; JS 494 8vo, a copy of Rasmus
Rasks edition (1818); BR 24 8vo, a copy of Hallgrmur Schevings edition
(1837); and fnally Lbs 2859 4to, a copy of Bugges edition (1867).
72 Hrafnagaldur ins
BR 36 4to (36)
This manuscript, which was written in 1829, consists of 208 leaves. It is
bound in leather, on which a design is embossed. On the fyleaf is written
the title QVIDUR | fornar r svokalladri | SMUNDAR | EDDU | Safn
Smundar ad enda | Solar-Lidum | Koma feiri fornqvidur inn
sem eg veit ei hvrt hans | Safni tilheira, enn set Sptziunni r eg veit.
| Ritadar anno MDCCCXXIX.

After this there is a line written in runes,
stating that the scribe was Einar fr Starrastum. This is Einar Bjarna son
(17821856), who wrote a number of manuscripts. As the title implies,
the manuscript contains eddic poems and later poems in eddic style.
On f. 2r2v There is a list of contents. They are: Vlusp, Hvaml,
Vafrnisml, Baldrs draumar, rymskvia, Hrbarslj, Skrnisml,
Hrafnagaldur, Hymiskvia, Lokasenna, Rgsula, Grottasngr, Gru galdur,
Grmnisml, Alvssml, Fjlsvinnsml, Heireks gtur, Helgakvia
Hjrvarssonar, Helgakvia Hundingsbana I, Helgakvia Hundingsbana
II, Fr daua Sinfjtla, Grpissp, Reginsml, Ffnisml, Sigrdrfuml,
Gurnarkvia I, Sigurarkvia in skamma, Helrei Brynhildar, Drp
Nifunga, Gurnarkvia II, Oddrnargrtr, Gunnars slagur, Atlakvia,
Atlaml in grnlenzku, Hamisml, stanzas from Gurnarhvt, Vlundar
kvia, Bjarkaml, Hyndlulj, Krkuml, Ynglingatal, Hfulausn,
Hkonarml, Slarlj. After these is added an introduction to Smundar
Edda by Finnur Magnsson, then Hugsvinnsml, Merlnussp, Httalykill
Lopts ins rka, Nora er Njrva jtuns kvia, Inntak vsnanna r Grettis
sgu and Hellisvsur from Bergba ttr with comments and nokkur or
Huldar sgu.
The manuscript is written in four hands. The Httalykill was written by
Einar Bjarnarson. Then follows, in the same hand as wrote all the preceding
poems, Nora er Njrva jtuns kvia, and fnally, in the same gathering
as Nora er Njrva jtuns kvia, a selection of verses from Grettis saga
made by Jn lafsson, to which are added notes to some of the poems in
the hand of Gumundur Einarsson, sheriffs secretary, and some comments
to stanzas of Hellisvsur in a further unknown hand.
Hrafnagaldur is written on pp. 6772 (ff. 35r37v). It is arranged in
unnumbered eight-line stanzas. The text is set out as in a scholarly edition:
variant apparatus is added at the foot of the page, where both variant
readings and possible emendations are given. The text has some readings
that appear in printed editions, for example illa in st. 2, and among the
possible emendations are some that are mentioned in Edda 17871828, I.
In st. 2 there is the reading Ohrris scyldi | urdr geima, where the
manuscripts have hrrir in the nominative and Urar in the genitive.
Introduction 73
Other examples confrm that 36 is a copy of the Arnamagnan edition, since
it includes emendations and readings that are only found there, for example
vrri in st. 7, at ranni in st. 10 (though see E), Eins oc kmr and af ato
in st. 13. On a later occasion the scribe has, however, added emendations
from Schevings edition (1837): to hinnaleitar in st. 3, is added hennar
leita, and in st. 13, to ato is added akri; both these are taken from there.
This manuscript previously bore the numbers BR A. 57, BR A. 68,
BR A. 58.
JS 494 8vo (494)
This manuscript consists of 189 leaves, with which four additional leaves
have been bound in at the front containing a title page and a list of contents.
It was written at the beginning of the nineteenth century. It is the twenty-ffth
volume of a collection of poems comprising ffty volumes in all (JS 470519
8vo). It is bound in paper and cloth. On the frst leaf is written: essa bk
gaf mr Pll stdent Plsson Reykjavk September mnui 1862. Jn
rnason. On the second: Kvda-safn. | XXV. | innihald. | Fyrst: nokkrar
ppiskar bnir. | sdan: Mariu- og nnur andlig | forn-kvdi, eddu-kvdi.
| o.f. | og aptast: Lesrm . Hjaltalins | grp af Postula-fum | Teikn til
vedrttufars | etc. | Fr Registru: | Allt med hendi Jns Jnssonar, um tma
fyrir svars bnda ndverdarnesi i Snfellsnes s., sidan Arnarstapa,
hvar hann d i Stapabol, rid 1828. The reference is presumably to the
rma-poet Jn Jnsson langur (17791828), who lived in various places
in Iceland (see slenzkar viskrr 19481976, III 196; Rmnatal 1966,
II 89). On f. 3 there is an alphabetical list of the frst words of the poems
(eptir byriun kvdanna), and on f. 4 an alphabetical list of their titles. The
frst part of the manuscript contains pre-Reformation prayers and religious
poems. The second part has various eddic poems: Hugsvinnsml, Hvaml,
Vlusp, Vafrnisml, Grugaldur, Slarlj, Gunnarsslagur, Lokasenna,
Hrafnagaldur, Fr daua Sinfjtla (in prose), rymskvia, Baldrs draumar,
Vlundarkvia. The third part contains calendar calculations, and has on f.
132v the title Ntt | Les-rm | sem kienner ad treikna | Arsins adskilianlegar-
Tdir | samt. | Tngl komur | og annad hier ad ltandi, | samann skrifad af
O. Hialtalin, | Distrikts krurgus og konstit: | Landphysikus. | Beitistdum
1817. | Prentad kostnad Rithfunds | ens | af G. Scagfrd. That is, the
third part was copied from a printed book that was published at Beitistair
in 1817. At the end of the manuscript two leaves from another manuscript
with magical runes have been inserted.
Hrafnagaldur is in the second part of the manuscript on ff. 116v118v
(pp. 232236) after Lokasenna and before Fr daua Sinfjtla and
74 Hrafnagaldur ins
Hymiskvia. The stanzas are numbered, but the line breaks within the
stanzas are random. The title is written in red.
The text in 494 follows emendations in Rasks edition (st. 3, hugenn,
st. 20, huma), that are otherwise not found in manuscripts. This applies
also to illa in st. 2, which also appears in the Arnamagnan edition. It
is probably a direct or indirect copy of Rasks edition. That it cannot be
a copy of Schevings edition is shown by the reading huma in st. 20,
where Scheving has hymia or himia.
BR 24 8vo (24)
This manuscript, which consists of 78 leaves + 1 fyleaf, was written c. 1840.
It is bound in leather, on which a design is embossed. It contains poems in
eddic metres and bears the title Lioa Ea | er | EDDA RHYTMICA |
Smundar Sigfussonar | hinns froda | j Odda. ritud ar 1122.
According to information written in a different hand on the fyleaf, it
was written by the farmer Jn Nelsson of Grnanes (died 1842). It was
given, together with BR 25 and 26 8vo, to Landsbkasafn slands by Sra
Gumundur Gsli Sigursson, who had got it from the scribes son, Jhann.
On f. 78v after the fnal poem is written: Endir Drpunar hvria iodolfr
orti umm Rgnvald heidum hrra. ok prentut er i Heimskringla. Stadfestir
ritarinn. Underneath is added the name G. G. Sigurdsson Nelsson, and
under that Edda, Jhann Jnsson bokna og fck hana i snn fdur Arf
1848. On the title page is written G. G. Sigursson and in the top right
hand corner the initials G. G. S.
On the verso of the fyleaf there is a list of contents: Innihald Eddu
essarar. The poems are Hrafnagaldur, Vlusp, Vafrnisml, Grmnis
ml, Skrnisml, Hvaml, Hrbarslj, Hymiskvia, Lokasenna,
rymskvia, Alvssml, Vlundarkvia, Helgakvia Hundingsbana I,
Helgakvia Hjrvarssonar, Helgakvia Hundingsbana II, Slarlj,
Gurnarkvia I, Sigrdrfuml, Rnadeilur, Gunnarsslagur, Brsingamen,
Hugsvinnsml and parts of Sigrdrfuml. At the end are written Vibtir
Eddu, among other things genealogies, Fundinn Noregr and Ynglinga drpa.
Hrafnagaldur is arranged in numbered eight-line stanzas on ff. 2r3v.
After it is written in a different hand: Nyjari fornfringar (P. A. Munck)
telja kvi etta miklu yngra enn Vlusp, og ykir a ri torskili.
Dr. Schving hefur gef a t Viey 1832 [sic].
Hrafnagaldur in 24 has readings and emendations that were introduced
into the printed editions of the poem. Some of these are only found in
Schevings edition (1837), so Hrafnagaldur in this manuscript must be a
copy of that. There are examples in st. 3, hennar leita, er dvelr, tta
Introduction 75
rins, draumr tta, st. 11, vrr, st. 21, oc ltil frga and st. 24,
jrna steinum.
This manuscript previously bore the number BR B. 1.
Lbs 2859 4to (2859)
This manuscript, which was written by Jn A. Hjaltaln in 1870, has 201
leaves. It is a large volume in quarto format, fnely bound in red leather with
gilt tooling on both binding and paper. On f. 1r stands the title Smundar
Edda | Part second | with | an English Translation and Notes | by | Jn A.
Hjaltaln. | London 1870. The spine bears the similar title Saemundar
Edda | Part II. | With Translation | Jn A. Hjaltaln.
According to the catalogue the manuscript came to Landsbkasafn
slands in 1944 from Dr Grace Thornton, who had studied Icelandic and
in the 1940s was head of the Scandinavian department at the Ministry of
Information in London and for a time was employed as press attach and
information offcer with the British Embassy in Denmark.
2859 is the second part of a collection of eddic poems and poems in eddic
style. It contains frst the heroic poems in the usual order. After Hamisml
follow Grottasngr, Grugaldur, Fjlsvinnsml, Slarlj and last of all
Hrafnagaldur (as poem no. 25, on ff. 197r201v).
Each poem is accompanied by extensive notes at the bottom of each page.
Hrafnagaldur is introduced by the following words, which are reminiscent
of Bugges verdict on the poem in 1867, just a few years before Hjaltaln
wrote this manuscript:
There is no doubt that this song is nothing but an imitation of the genuine
Edda-songs, composed by a poet living probably in the sixteenth or the
seventeenth, century. Unlike the genuine Edda-songs it was not handed down
through oral tradition from one generation to another, but was committed to
writing as soon as it issued from the brain of the author . . . Therefore I endorse
without the least hesitation the suggestion of Bugge that this poem ought to
be excluded from the Edda.
2859 is the latest known manuscript to contain Hrafnagaldur. After
originally having taken a distinguished place among the earliest and
therefore the most important poems, Hrafnagaldur has now, thanks to
Hjaltalns introduction and its physical placing at the end of the manuscript,
been degraded. As a literary and learned product, it is now regarded as a
spurious eddic poem.
Hrafnagaldur in 2859 has several readings derived from the printed
editions, for example, st. 2, mttk at, st. 7, hrbams, st. 20, hma,
and st. 23, frlarr, so it must be taken from one of these. Some of its
readings are only found in Bugges edition, so that must be its source. As
76 Hrafnagaldur ins
examples can be mentioned st. 21, oftilfrga and st. 26, upp nam r
Gjll. In 2859 Hjaltaln also uses the titles Svipdagsml I and Svipdagsml
II, which were introduced by Bugge, for the poems that in most manuscripts
are called Grugaldur and Fjlsvinnsml.
other manusCriPts
KB Add 14 4to (14)
This manuscript contains Latin translations of Hrafnagaldur and Hvaml
with a commentary in Latin to Hvaml. In addition it has word lists to
various eddic poems. It consists of twelve leaves written in the second
half of the eighteenth century by Jn Eirksson, chief librarian in Det
konge lige Bibliotek, Copenhagen, who also wrote 47. It is bound, and
f. 12 is blank.
The translation of Hrafnagaldur is on ff. 1r2r. It is derived from the
translation begun by Helgi lafsson, but some changes have been made
compared with the translations in both 34 and 1870 (in st. 1), while it shares
some of the changes in 1870 compared with 34 (in stt. 24 and 25). It is therefore
likely that the translation in 14 is a copy of that in 1870 with some
changes. It is not the same as Gumundur Magnssons translation in
Edda 17871828, I.
AM 424 fol. (424)
This contains Gunnar Plssons autograph commentary to Hrbarslj,
Hymiskvia, Lokasenna, Baldrs draumar and Hrafnagaldur and to verses
in Gunnlaugs saga. It is a paper manuscript with 100 leaves from the
eighteenth century which earlier bore the catalogue number Addit. 25, fol.
in the University Library, Copenhagen. The commentaries, which Gunnar
sent to Copenhagen in 1779, had been requested by the Arnamagnan
Commission, which considered help from Iceland for the interpretation
of the eddic poems a necessity. Gunnar enjoyed high regard as one of the
best interpreters of the Edda (see Finnur Jnsson 1930, 229231).
Gunnars commentary on Hrafnagaldur, which is on ff. 48r53v, was
used by Gumundur Magnsson in Edda 17871828, I. The manuscript
was also used and described in slendinga sgur 18431847, II xxx.
lost manusCriPts
Already by 1650 there existed several copies of the eddic poems, and
in the course of the second half of the seventeenth century and the
eighteenth century numerous collections of eddic poetry were turned
out. Demand for these manuscripts was very high, as the above account
of the manuscripts shows. rni Magnsson possessed a number of
Introduction 77
manuscripts of eddic poems; no fewer than ffteen collections he owned
were destroyed in the fre in 1728 (see Norrn fornkvi 1867, lxii). In
his letter to Jn Halldrsson (discussed on pp. 1112 above), rni says
that he had owned two manuscripts written by orsteinn Eyjlfsson that
had both contained eddic poems, and among these Hrafnagaldur. These
were both destroyed in 1728.
It is known that rni Magnsson had possessed at least one other text of
Hrafnagaldur. The poem was in AM 582 4to when he acquired it in Iceland
in 1710. That manuscript now contains riddarasgur and fornaldarsgur,
but according to a note on the fyleaf, rni removed two texts from it:
Hier var og i Hrafnagalldur Qdins og Dissertatiuncula de origine vocis
vringiar, sem eg tok hier fr. The note is not in rnis hand, it was written
by an amanuensis at his dictation. This text of Hrafnagaldur is apparently
lost (see Jensen 1983, lxxxviii).
A number of texts of Hrafnagaldur that are mentioned in the existing
manuscripts seem to have perished. Magns Jnsson of Vigur in
safjarardjp wrote one that cannot be identifed among the surviving
manuscripts, though a copy survives of it in 21.6.7 made by Jn Egilsson,
farmer at Stra-Vatnshorn. In the surviving manuscripts containing
Hrafnagaldur we also read that Bjarni Halldrsson and Eyjlfur Jnsson
possessed manuscripts containing collections of eddic poems, but Eyjlfur
Jnssons at any rate did not include Hrafnagaldur. In 1109, Jn lafsson,
vice lawman at Eyri in Seyisfjrur, states that this manuscript had been
copied from a manuscript collated with several paper manuscripts and an
ypperlig codex that Eyjlfur Jnsson, priest at Vellir in Svarfaardalur,
had written. 1109 is derived from a manuscript belonging to Jn Egilsson,
once vice-principal at Hlar and later priest at Laufs. Neither Eyjlfurs
nor Jns manuscript seems to have survived.
Halldr Hjlmarsson states in a note about the source of 1588 a I that
it was a copy of a manuscript written by Po. H. S. This may refer to Pll
Hjlmarsson, who was Halldrs brother (see Verri 2007, 28).
Pll Sveinsson states in D that he has copied Hrafnagaldur (and four
other poems) from a manuscript, written by a beginner. According to Pll,
that text was written out continuously as prose. None of the surviving
manuscripts answers to this description, so we may assume that the
manuscript is lost.
Gunnar Plsson, who wrote a commentary to Hrafnagaldur, also owned
a manuscript of the poem, in which Pll Vdaln had written by the title:
ad er Forspiallslid. None of the known manuscripts of Hrafnagaldur
contains such a remark, so this manuscript too is probably lost.
78 Hrafnagaldur ins
Finally, in the Arnamagnan edition a manuscript belonging to Geir
Vdaln was used that cannot be identifed with any surviving manuscript,
since in Gumundur Magnssons variant apparatus readings are quoted
from it (marked G.) that cannot be found in any existing manuscript. So
they cannot even be used to determine the position of Geirs manuscript in
the stemma. It has as far as possible been attempted to ft the lost manuscripts
into the stemma of the B group, but it has not always been feasible.
signifiCanCe of the manusCriPt transmission for the reCePtion of eddiC Poems
The many manuscripts containing collections of eddic poems are testimony
to the antiquarian interest in the eddic poems in Iceland, Denmark and
Sweden. This antiquarian activity, which took place primarily in the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, is to a large extent not appreciated
today. From the time that eddic poems frst came to be known about, in
1643, learned Icelanders began to produce manuscripts that either remain
in Iceland today or were presented or sold to philologists and historians
in Denmark and Sweden. Rather later in the seventeenth century, interest
in the eddic poems began to spread outside Scandinavia. In 1772 the
British botanist Sir Joseph Banks (17431820) travelled to Iceland to
collect plants, but he also bought manuscripts, among others one of these
manuscripts of eddic poems, which ended up in the British Library. In
the nineteenth century Finnur Magnsson sold a number of manuscripts
(amongst others, some of the Edda) to libraries in Great Britain, and at
least one reached Germany in this period.
The physical appearance of the manuscripts bears witness to the variety
of social contexts in which they were found and the prestige that in some
cases was accorded to them. While in Denmark some sumptuous folios,
bound and ornamented with gold, are preserved, that have belonged to
some of the countrys most notable men, among others B. W. Luxdorph
(17161788), P. F. Suhm (17281798) and Count Otto Thott (17031785).
On the other hand, most of the manuscripts that are preserved in Iceland are
in quarto, and as a result of heavy use, wear and tear and poor preservation,
are in a sorry state, unbound and fragmentary. The sumptuous folios show
how highly regarded the eddic poems were among those with antiquarian
interests in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Every antiquarian in
the eighteenth century would probably have wished to have a volume of
this kind standing among his books. In the production of manuscripts for
Danish antiquarians collections, paper was not spared. It is signifcant
that today not a single one of these prestigious folios from the eighteenth
century is preserved in Iceland. This indicates that the interest in Smunds
Introduction 79
Edda in Iceland was among less wealthy circles than in Denmark and
Sweden, among priests, poets and scholars, while in other countries
scholars and antiquarians were more often infuential and wealthy men.
Count Otto Thott, P. F. Suhm and B. W. Luxdorph all owned collections
of eddic poems in copies that had been made in Iceland. Icelandic scholars
like Pll Vdaln and Gunnar Plsson were also interested in the eddic
poems and possessed copies of the so-called Smundar eddur. From
notes in some manuscripts of Hrafnagaldur we also see that Eyjlfur
Jnsson, priest at Vellir, and Jn Egilsson, vice-principal of the school at
Hlar, possessed manuscripts containing eddic poems. rni Magnssons
mention in his letter (see p. 12) of the copying activity in Sklholt in the
time of Brynjlfur Sveinsson and lafur Jnsson is a testimony to the
interest in the Edda early on. Notes in manuscripts reveal how people were
apparently continually hunting for the best collections of eddic poems in
Iceland. Thus Bishop Hersleb (16891757) in a longish note in NKS 1866
4to, stresses that no more than two or three copies of the same collection
of eddic poems could be found in the whole of Iceland. rni Magnsson,
too, was interested in the eddic poems. It was thought in the seventeenth
century that the collection of these poems had been made by Smundr
fri Sigfsson,
and according to a folktale he was supposed to have
composed Slarlj himself (see note 9 above), though rni Magnsson
argued convincingly against the idea that he could have been the author.
rnis interest in the eddic poems must have been motivated by among
other things his research into Smundr fri, which frst appeared in print
after his death in Edda 17871828, I. At the time of the fre in Copenhagen
in 1728 he possessed and lost ffteen manuscripts that contained
eddic poems (see Norrn fornkvi 1867, lxii), among them at least one
that contained Hrafnagaldur.
It was for political reasons more diffcult for Swedish scholars to get
hold of collections of eddic poems, which is probably why there was
more copying activity taking place in Sweden than in Denmark. In 1685
it was at the suggestion of Thomas Bartholin the Younger forbidden to
sell manuscripts from Iceland to Swedes. The frst manuscript containing
Hrafnagaldur to reach Sweden (A) was brought there by Gumundur
lafsson in 1681 and sold to Antikvitetskollegiet, and this was copied
several times. Copies were also made of these copies, but no copies
derived from any other manuscript containing Hrafnagaldur than A have
ever been found in Sweden. One of the manuscripts derived from A, NKS
The earliest mention of Smundr fri as a collector of eddic poems is in Jn
lri Gumundssons Grnlandsannll from 1623 (Einar G. Ptursson 1998, 415).
80 Hrafnagaldur ins
1870 4to (1870), reached Copenhagen, and is, as far as is known, the only
one outside Sweden. All the manuscripts in the A group, therefore, were
linked to the circle of antiquarians in Sweden, where, with just the one
exception, they have always remained.
The manuscripts that were written in Iceland and sent from there to
Denmark and other places are a much more varied lot than the manuscripts
in Sweden. The relationship of the manuscripts in the B group to B is
much more complicated than the relationship of the A group manuscripts
to A. Some B group manuscripts contain readings from more than one
manuscript in the same group, sometimes corrections have been made,
and there is a number of manuscripts that have perished. The Icelandic
transmission of Hrafnagaldur is both more prolifc and more chaotic.
The manuscripts show how the reception of Hrafnagaldur changed
with time. Scribes and those who commissioned their work obviously
strove to create ever more complete collections of eddic poems, which
would not only include the poems in the Codex Regius, but also poems
like for example Slarlj, Hyndlulj, Baldrs draumar, Heireks
gtur and Hrafnagaldur. The attitude in the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries seems to have been that a good collection should include
all known poems in eddic metres whether or not they had been preserved
in the Codex Regius. In the earliest copies made in this period Hrafna
galdur has a prominent position near the beginning of the collection,
between Slarlj and Vlusp. Slarlj normally came frst, as said
above, probably because it was believed at the time that Smundr fri
had composed it. Hrafnagaldur was probably placed next because
originally it was thought to provide a kind of introductory poem to
the eddic poems as a whole, and a prelude to Ragnark, which was
described in the next poem, Vlusp. In the course of time Hrafnagaldur was
moved towards the end of manuscripts, as in the manuscripts in Copenhagen,
where it stands alongside other poems that were not in the Codex Regius.

After the appearance of the Arnamagnan edition in 1787, copying
of compilations of eddic poems continued, but now to a lesser extent. In
Iceland in the nineteenth century, we see a new kind of scribal activity or
Bugge, in his edition of the eddic poems, supported Gunnar Plssons theory
that Hrafnagaldur had been composed as an introduction to Baldrs draumar,
into which several stanzas had been interpolated (Norrn fornkvi 1867, 140).
Einar G. Ptursson in a recent article has pointed out (2007, 150) If Bugges
guess were correct, we would expect the two poems to appear side by side in
manuscripts. Hrafnagaldur is not written in front of Baldrs draumar in the
earliest manuscripts.
Introduction 81
a different attitude to compilation, in that there come to be examples of
anthologies of a more varied content than had appeared before. We also
fnd copies of the Arnamagnan edition, and also of Rasks and Schevings
editions, and the latest manuscript is a copy of Bugges edition with an
English translation. Here Hrafnagaldur is regarded as an inauthentic eddic
poem, with a reference to Bugges arguments that it ought in future to be
omitted from collections of eddic poems.
treatment of the teXt
The transcription of the text retains the spelling of the manuscript, but
capitals are used only (and always) in proper names and at the beginning
of sentences. The punctuation is editorial, designed to facilitate the
understanding of the poem. Abbreviations are expanded and indicated by
the use of italics. The expansions are spelt in accordance with the majority
spellings of the same sounds when written out in full. Thus the sign

transcribed as -ur, since the svarabhakti vowel is written in 90% of the
cases where the ending is written out in full, and the sign

is transcribed
ir, since that is the spelling in 92% of the cases where this ending is written
out in full. Superscript letters are treated as abbreviations.
Emendations are marked by an asterisk. Illegible letters or words are
supplied in pointed brackets < >.
Variant readings are quoted from B, C, D and E. On one occasion a
reading is quoted from 11, although it is derived from A, because it has a
reading that seems to be an intentional correction by the scribe. Variants
are transcribed according to the same principles as the text.
Each stanza is followed by textual notes (if any), the text printed in
normalised (modern) spelling and prose word order, and a translation.
8r Hrafna Gal|dur Oins For|spialls Liod
1. Alfor orrkar,
alfar skilia,
Vanir vitu,
visa nornir,
elur Iviia,
aldir bera,
reya ussar,
ia valkyriur.
Title: Hrafna] Rafna, C 1: orrkar] okkar, C; occar, D 2: skilia] skiria, E 3: vitu]
vita, D 4: nornir] normr, B 5: Iviia] i viia, B 7: ussar] ursar C, D; ursar,
B 8: ia] r, C. ra, D, E
Alfur orkar, lfar skilja, Vanir vitu, vsa nornir, elur vija, aldir bera,
reyja ursar, j valkyrjur.
All-father exerts power, elves understand, Vanir know, norns show, vija
(a trollwife) strives, humans bear, giants endure, valkyries are distressed.
2. tlun sir
alla gtu,
verpir viltu
vttar rnum.
Ohrrer skylde
Urdar gejma,
mattkat veria
mest-um orra.
1: tlun] ttom, D sir] Esir, C 2: alla] emended to illa in Edda 17871828
4: vttar] veita, E 7: mattkat] mattikat, E veria] voria, D 8: mest-um]
mestum, C; mest umm, B; mest um E
sir gtu alla tlun, verpir villtu vttar rnum. hrrir skyldi Urar
geyma, mttkat verja mestum orra.
[But] the sir divined the whole plan, the unpredictable ones caused
muddle with the gods runes (or secrets). hrrir had to look after Urur
(fate), he could not protect [her] from the greater part [of the plan].
Hrafnagaldur ins 83
8v 3. Hverfur vi hugur,
hinna leytar,
grunar guma
grand, ef dvelur;
otti er *rains
unga drmur,
Daens dulu
drmur otti.
1: vi] ur, B 3: grunar] griviar, D 5: *rains] So B; ranis A, D; rnis C;
raens E 7: dulu] dulur, E
Hverfur v hugur, leitar hinna, guma grunar grand, ef [hann] dvelur;
rins tti er ungadraumur, tti Dins duludraumur.
Therefore his courage fails, he looks for the others, the people (dwarves?)
suspect harm if he delays; rinns thought is [flled with] a weighty dream,
Dinns thought [with] a deceitful dream.
4. Dugir me dvergum.
Dvina heimar,
niur at Ginnungs
nii skva;
opt Alsviur
ofann fellir,
opt of follnum
aptur safnar.
4: nii] niir, B, D; nidir, E 7: follnum] folgnom, D; faulnum, E
Dugir me dvergum. Heimar dvna, skkva niur a Ginnungs nii; oft
Alsviur fellir ofan, [og hann] oft aftur fllnum of safnar.
Thats enough of the dwarves. Worlds dwindle away, they sink down to
the darkness of Ginnungur. Alsviur (inn?) often fells from above and
often gathers up the fallen again.
84 Hrafnagaldur ins
5. Stendur va
strind ne rull,
lopte me lvi
linnir ei strmi;
mrum dylst i
Mimis brunne
vissa vera;
viti enn ea hva?
Strind n rull va stendur, lofti me lvi linnir ei straumi; vissa vera
dylst mrum brunni Mmis; viti enn ea hva?
Neither earth nor sun stand for ever, air with its poison does not cease [to
fow] in a stream; the wise being hides itself in Mmirs renowned spring;
do you understand yet, or what?
6. Dvelur i dolum
dys forvitinn,
Yggdrasils fra
aski hniginn,
alfa ttar.
Iune hetu
Ivaldz ellri
yngsta barna.
6: Iune] i dune, B; Idune, C; Iduni, E 7: Ivaldz] Ivars, D
Forvitin ds, lfa ttar, hnigin fr aski Yggdrasils, dvelur dlum; eldri
barna Ivalds htu yngsta Iunni.
The enquiring goddess, descended from dwarves, sunk down from the ash
Yggdrasill, stays in the valleys. The elder ones of the children of valdur
called the youngest Iunn.
Hrafnagaldur ins 85
7. Eyrde illa
ofann komu,
hardbams undir
haldin meii;
kunne sist at
kundar Nrva,
vn at vri
vistum heima.
3: hardbams] hardbains, B; hardbanis, C; harbanis, D; harbadms, E undir]
miir, B 4: haldin] halldinn, E 5: kunne] kunnu, E 8: vistum] vistar, C
Haldin undir meii harbams, eiri [hn] illa ofankomu; vn a vrri
vistum heima, kunni [hn] sst a kundar Nrva (= Ntt).
Held beneath the hard trees branch, she was unhappy with her coming
down; accustomed to pleasanter lodging at home, she was least of all
pleased at Nrvis sons (nights) dwelling.
8. Sia sigtivar
syrgia nnnu
viggiar at veom;
vargsbelg seldu,
let ifraz,
lyndi breytti,
lek at lvisi,
litum skipte.
2: syrgia] syrga, C; nnnu] naumu, B; naumo, D; naunno, C 4: vargsbelg]
vargsbelgs, D; vargsvelg, E
Sigtvar sj nnnu syrgja a vum viggjar (= Yggdrasill); [eir] seldu
[henni] vargsbelg, [hn] lt frast, breytti lyndi, lk a lvsi, skipti litum.
The victory-gods (or battle-gods) see the lady grieve by the horses
dwelling/sanctuary (= Yggdrasill); they gave her a wolfs hide, she let
herself be clothed in it, changed her nature, played with mischief, changed
her shape.
86 Hrafnagaldur ins
9. Valde Virir
vrd Bifrastar
Giallar sunnu
gtt at fretta,
heims hvivetna
9r hvrt er vissi;
Bragi ok Loptur
bru kviu.
3: sunnu] sumni, B 5: heims] heim, D 6: hvrt] hvert, C, D; hvort, E
Virir valdi vr Bifrastar a frtta gtt sunnu Gjallar hvort er vissi
hvvetna heims; Bragi og Loftur bru kvu.
Virir (inn) chose Bifrsts guardian (Heimdallur) to ask the doorpost
of the sun of Gjll (= woman) whether she knew anything at all about the
world; Bragi and Loftur (Loki) were flled with apprehension.
10. Galdur golu,
gndum riu
Rognir ok reiginn
at rann heimis;
hlustar Oinn
Hlidskialf i,
let brt vera
langa vegu.
3: reiginn] reginn, B; regin, C, E 4: rann] ranni, E heimis] hemis, C 5: Oinn]
Oin, C; Oden, E 6: Hlidskialf] hliscilf, D, hlidskialfo, E
Rgnir og regin glu galdur, riu gndum a rann heimis; inn hlustar
Hliskjlf, lt braut vera langa vegu.
Rgnir (inn) and the gods chanted spells, rode on magic poles to the
dwelling place (or roof) of the world; inn listens in Hliskjlf, he said
the route was a long journey.
Hrafnagaldur ins 87
11. Fr enn vitri
veiga selio
banda bura
ok brta sinna,
Hlyrnis, Heliar,
heimz, ef vissi
artid, f,
3: banda] bondo, D, borda, E (added above the line in brackets) bura] bruda,
E (in brackets above the line)
Hinn vitri fr selju veiga bura banda og brauta sinna, ef [hn] vissi rt,
vi, aldurtila Hlrnis, Heljar, heims.
The wise one asked the server of drinks (woman) about the gods ancestry/
offspring and their own paths, if she knew heavens, Hels, the worlds
date of death, life, end.
12. Ne mun mlti,
ne ml knatti
givom greia,
ne glm hialde;
tar af tindust
trgum hiarnar,
eliun feldin
endur rioa.
1: Ne mun] Nemun, C 2: knatti] knattu, E 6: trgum] torgum, E 7: feldin]
feldm, B, C; falden, E
Ne mlti [hn] mun, ne kntti greia gfum ml, ne hjaldi glaum; tr
tndust af trgum hjarnar, endurrja eljunfeldinn.
She spoke not her mind, she did not grant the greedy(?) ones words, she
did not chat about merrymaking; tears dripped from her skull-shields
(eyes), they make the energy-cloaks (eyelids) red again.
88 Hrafnagaldur ins
13. Eins kiemur stann
ur Elivagum
orn af *acri
urs hrimkalda
hveim drepur drtt-e<r>
Daen allar
mran of Migard
me natt hvria.
3: orn] arn, D *acri] atri, A, B, C, D; atre, E 5: drepur] drpr, C drtt-er]
The fnal r appears to have been written as an alteration over another letter in A;
drott er, C; drottir, D; drotter, B, E 7: mran] mran, D of Migard] ofngar,
B 8: me] mid, E (in the margin) hvria] hvr, B; hvorr, C; hver, D; hvor, E. In
A there seems to be an anomalous abbreviation mark to indicate the ending, which was
perhaps in the archetype but omitted by the scribes of the other manuscripts because
they could not interpret it
Eins kemur austan r livogum orn af akri urs hrmkalda, me hveim
Dinn drepur drttir allar ntt hverja of mran Migar.
In the same way there comes from the east out of livogar a thorn from
the rime-cold giants cornfeld with which Dinn pricks all people every
night over all Migarur.
14. Dofna a dir,
detta hendur,
svifur of svimi
sver Ass hvita,
rennir rvit
rygar *glygvi,
sefa sveifum
sokn girvallri.
5: rvit] r vi, D 6: rygar] So A, B, C, E; rigar, D; rygiar, 11. As 11 is derived
from A, this is presumably a correction made by the scribe of 11 *glygvi] glygiu,
A; glygio, B, C, D; gylu, E. The error in ABCD is presumably due to the misreading
of the three minims in -vi as iu (= ju) 7: sefa] sef, D
dofna dir, hendur detta, svimi svfur of sver ss hvta; rvit rennir
glyggvi rgjar, [au] sefa sveifum skn gjrvallri.
Then deeds become sluggish, hands fall idle, stupor hovers over the white
gods sword (over the head); insensibility fows into the trollwifes wind
(into the mind), these things calm in waves the whole parish.
Hrafnagaldur ins 89
15. Jamt otti *Iorun
jolnum kominn
9v sollinn sutum,
svars er ei gtu;
*soktu vi meir
ad *syn *var fyrir,
mun o miur
mlgi dygi.
1: *Iorun] so E; Jormi, A, B, C, D 2: jolnum] jol mun, D; iotnum, E 5: *soktu]
So B, E; sokte, A; sokto, C, D meir] mir, C 6: *syn *var] eckia A (added
in the margin) ad *syn *var fyrir] at syn var fyrir, B; at syn var fyrer, C; at syn
var fyrir, D; ad syn var fyrir, E
Jafnt tti jlnum Jrunn komin, stum sollin, er ei gtu svars; sttu v
meir a syn var fyrir; mlgi dyggi mun miur.
Just so seemed Jrunn to the gods to be affected, swollen with sorrows,
when they could not get a reply; they sought the more in that they were
faced with refusal; a lot of talking, however, helped much less.
16. For frumqvdull
fregnar brta,
hirdir at Herians
horni Giallar,
Nalar *nefa
nam til fylgiss;
greppur *Grimnis
grund vardveitti.
3: hirdir] hyrar, D at] t altered from another letter, A; at, B, C, D, E 5: *nefa]
nepa, A, B, C, D, E 7: *Grimnis] So D, E; Grimnis, B; grunnis, C; Grymis, A
Frumkvull fregnar, hirir a Gjallarhorni Herjans, fr brauta; nam Nlar
nefa til fylgis; greppur Grmnis varveitti grund.
The originator of the questioning, the keeper of Herjans (inns) Gjallar-
horn (Heimdallur), went on his way; he took as his companion Nls kinsman
(Loki); Grmnirs (inns) poet (the god Bragi) looked after the woman.
90 Hrafnagaldur ins
17. Vingolf toko
Viars egnar,
Forniotz sefum
futtir bir;
jar ganga
si kveia
Yggiar egar
vi aulteite.
5: jar] i ar, B; yr, D; idar, E ganga] gango, D
egnar Viars, futtir bir sefum Fornjts, tku Vinglf; ganga ar ,
kveja si egar vi lteiti Yggjar.
Viars (inns?) men, both conveyed by Fornjturs kinsmen (winds),
reached Vinglf; they go in there, greet the sir straight away at Yggurs
(inns) merry drinking feast.
18. Heilan Hangaty
hepnastann sa
virt ndveigis,
vallda bau,
sla at sumbli
sitia dia,
me Yggiongi
yndi halda.
3: virt] vird, E ndveigis] aunvegis, D 4: bau] baiss, D 5: sumbli] sumbla,
D 7: Yggiongi] yggiom, D
[eir] bu heilan Hangat, heppnastan sa, valda virt ndvegis, da sitja
sla a sumbli, yndi halda me Yggjungi.
They wished Hangatr (inn), the most fortunate of gods, happiness as
he ruled over the high seat ale, [they wished] the gods good luck as they
sat at the feast, forever to enjoy pleasure with Yggjungur (inn).
Hrafnagaldur ins 91
19. Beckjar sett
*at Blverks rai,
siot Shrimni
saddist rakna;
Skgul at skutlum
skapt ker Hnikars
mat af mii
minnis hornum.
1: Beckjar] Bekkar, C 2: *at] So B, C, D, E; er, A Blverks] Bolverks, C, E
5: Skgul] Skgull, C; skolug, E 6: skapt ker] skaptker, B; skaptker, C, E 8:
minnis] Mimis, B
Sjt ragna, bekkjarsett a Blverks ri, saddist Shrmni; Skgul mat
skaftker Hnikars af mii a skutlum minnishornum.
The gods host, seated in accordance with Blverkurs orders, were
replete with Shrmnir (meat from the boar Shrmnir); Skgul meted
out Hnikars vat with mead onto trays in toast horns.
20. Margs of fragu
maltid yfir
Heimdall ha go,
hrgar Loka,
spar ea spakmal
sprund ef kiende,
undorn oframm
unz nam *huma.
3: ha go] hgo, C 4: hrgar] hrgar, C; horgar, E 5: spakmal] spakml, C;
spacmal, D 7: undorn] unorm, D 8: unz] uns, E *huma] himia, A, B; hinna,
C; hinna, D, E
Hgo of frgu Heimdall, hrgar [of frgu] Loka margs yfr mlt undorn
ofram [= umfram] uns nam hma, ef sprund kendi spr ea spakml.
The high gods asked Heimdallur, the holy ones asked Loki many things
over the meal on after mid-afternoon until it grew dark, about whether the
woman had imparted any prophecy or wise sayings.
92 Hrafnagaldur ins
21. Illa letu
ordid hafa
erindis leysu
ofitil frga;
vant at vla
vera mynde,
svo af svanna
svars ofgti.
14: Stanza 21 follows st. 20 in A without a break as far as frga, where a long
stroke indicates that an error has been made; Margs of fragu frga is also
written as a single stanza in B 3: erindis leysu] eyrindis leyso, C; erinis leysa,
D; eirendisleisu, E 4: ofitil frga] of litilfrga, B 5: vant at] vantat, D 7:
svanna] vana, E
[eir] ltu erindisleysu ori hafa illa, oftilfrga; vant myndi vera a
vla svo svars of gti af svanna.
They said their fruitless errand had turned out badly, too little glorious; it
would be hard to engineer it so that an answer would be got from the lady.
10r 22. Ansar Omi,
allir hlyddu:
Nott skal nema
nyra til,
hugsi til myrgins
hver sem orkar
ra til leggia
rsnar Asum.
1: Omi] Onn, B; Onn, C; Oinn, D; Ome, E 5: myrgins] myrgis, E 6: hver]
hvor, E 7: leggia] legga, C
mi ansar, allir hlddu: Ntt skal nema til nra, hugsi til morguns
hver sem orkar leggja r sum til rausnar.
mi (inn) replies, they all listened: Night shall be used for new
counsels, let him ponder until morning whoever labours to propose plans
to the glory of the gods.
Hrafnagaldur ins 93
23. Rann me rstum
Rindar moir,
fur lardur
Fenris valla
gengo fra gilde;
goinn kvoddu
Hropt ok Frygg,
sem Hrimfaxa for.
2: moir] mosar, B; mor, D; moder, E 3: fur lardur] frular dr, E added
in margin lardur] jarar added in the margin A; larr, B; lardr C; larr, D 4:
valla] varla, D; in A, vallda is added in the text in brackets
Mir Rindar rann me rstum, fur Fenris varla larur, [au] gengu fr
gildi; goin kvddu Hropt og Frigg, sem fr Hrmfaxa.
The mother of Rind ran with long strides, [she and] the scarcely tired father
of Fenrir (Loki) left the feast; the deities said farewell to Hroptur (inn)
and Frigg, who went with Hrmfaxi (night).
24. Dyrum settann
Dellings mgur
jo frammkeyri
*jarkna steinum;
mars of manheim
mn af gloar
dro leik Dvalins
drsull i rei.
4: *jarkna] so B, C, D; iarkna, E; rokna, A, but jokna is written in the margin 5:
manheim] man heim, B 6: mn] men, E af] of, E 7: dro leik] droleik, E
Mgur Dellings framkeyri j, settan drum jarknasteinum; mn mars
glar af of mannheim, drsull dr leik Dvalins rei.
Dellingurs son (Dagur, day) drove forward his steed, adorned with
precious jewels; the horses mane shines from it across the world of men,
his charger drew Dvalinns plaything (the sun) in a chariot.
94 Hrafnagaldur ins
25. Jormungrundar
i *jodyr nyrdra
und rt ytstu
gengo til reckio
gygiur ok ursar,
nair, dvergar
ok dockalfar.
1: Jormungrundar] Jormun grundar, B, C 2: *jodyr] so B, C; jo dyr, D; iodyr, E;
jadyr, A nyrdra] nera, A (in the margin); nyrra, B 4: adalollar] adal ollar,
B; aal ollar, C, D 6: gygiur] gygor, C; gygur, E
Ggjur og ursar, nir, dvergar og dkklfar gengu til rekkju nyrra jur
jrmungrundar und yztu rt aalollar.
Trollwives and giants, corpses, dwarves and dark-elves went to bed further
north on the edge of the mighty earth under the outermost root of the
foremost tree (Yggdrasill).
26. Risu racknar,
rann Alfrull,
nordur ad *Nifheim
Niola sokte;
upp nam ar Gill
Ulfrunar niur
hornyt valldur
Himin biarga.
3: Nifheim] so B, E; Nifheim, A, but adds Nifheim in the margin; Niblheim, C
ad *Nifheim] Nifheim i, D 5: upp nam] upprann, E ar Gill] argill, A, B, C,
D; argioll, E 6: Ulfrunar] ulfrimar, B 8: Himin] Himni, B, C
Raknar risu, Alfrull rann, Njla stti norur a Nifheim; r nam upp
niur lfrnar, valdur Himinbjarga, hornyt Gjll.
The gods rose up, lfrull (the sun) rose, Njla (darkness, i.e. night) went
north to Nifheimur; early lfrns son (Heimdallur), ruler of Himinbjrg,
began the sound of the horn with Gjll (Gjallarhorn).
1. The stanza gives a picture of various beings in the world, and by way of introduction
to the story we get to know that All-father (Alfr is one of inns names in
Grmnisml 48 and SnE I 8, but here is perhaps to be understood as the Christian
God) is the one behind the plan we hear more about in st. 2. This frst stanza tells us
what the attitude of various beings to the plan is. That the stanza has previously been
taken as an overview of the state of mind in various places in the world is implied by a
paragraph that was printed under the heading Frjettir (News) in the weekly jlfur,
16. November 1849, 108. The report, obviously modelled on st. 1 of Hrafnagaldur, is
supposed to characterise some of the most important cities in the northern hemisphere.
Kaupmannahfn sptir mrauu. Kristjania pir in. Stokkhlmur dregur
seyminn. Pjetursborg ltur hornauga. London milar mlum. Edinborg dreymir.
Dublin betlar. Paris er skollaleik. Amsterdam reiknar. Bryssel glottir. Madrid
reykir. Lissabon akar sjer. Berlin bruggar. Vinarborg gnstir tnnum. Varschau
stynur. Rmaborg bnir sig. Konstantinopel glpir mnann. Athenuborg ttar
sig. En hva gjrir Reykjavk? hn sjlfsagt enkir og lyktar.
Copenhagen spits tobacco juice. Christiania yells at inn. Stockholm drags
it out. Petersburg looks askance. London mediates. Edinburgh dreams. Dublin
begs. Paris is playing blind mans buff. Amsterdam is doing its sums. Brussels
is smiling. Madrid is smoking. Lisbon shakes itself. Berlin is brewing. Vienna
gnashes it teeth. Warsaw groans. Rome says its prayers. Constantinople gazes
at the moon. Athens takes its bearings. And what is Reykjavik doing? Of course
she ponders and concludes.
jlfur was founded by Sveinbjrn Hallgrmsson, who was also its editor
from 1848 to 1852. He was Sveinbjrn Egilssons nephew; he matriculated from
Bessastair in 1834, and then lived for fve years with Sveinbjrn Egilsson at
Eyvindarstair, where he taught during the winters. Sveinbjrn Hallgrmsson had
a son who was known as Hallgrmur Scheving (born 1846), though this was not
the Hallgrmur Scheving (17811861) that edited Hrafnagaldur. But the boys
mother, Sveinbjrn Hallgrmssons second wife, was daughter of runn, daughter
of Stefn Scheving. Possibly it was Hallgrmur Scheving, editor of Hrafnagaldur,
that sent the anonymous news item to jlfur.
1.5: vija is a name for a trollwife. It appears in a ula (Trllkvenna heiti) in
Skldskaparml (SnE II 112, v. 425) and in Hyndlylj 48. It may mean she who
lives in the wood. In Vlusp 2 we fnd viir (with the variant vijur in the
Hauksbk version), which perhaps means inner timbers, referring to the roots
of Yggdrasill, the World Ash.
2. The stanza should be read in conjunction with st. 1. It is All-fathers plan that
the sir discover and want to bring to nothing.
2.3: Verpir/verper is the only form the manuscripts offer. It is presumably an
adjective meaning that opposes, reluctant or perhaps changeable, cf. verpa
to throw, litverpur changeable in colour. It must refer to the gods.
96 Hrafnagaldur ins
2.5: hrrir (mind-mover) appears in Hvaml 107 and 140 in the form rerir,
where it means frst an intoxicating drink (the mead of poetry) which inn drinks
after his ritual hanging, and then the drinks container. According to Skldskaparml
(SnE II 3/21 and 14/11), Oreyrir was one of the vessels in which the dwarves
saved Kvasirs blood, while in SnE II 4/3 it is again one of the vessels containing
the mead of poetry. In Hrafnagaldur 2, hrrir is apparently taken to be a
person, probably a dwarf in the world of the gods, since we are told that he has to
look after Urur, unless it is a case of a double scribal error for Ohrres skylde
Urdur gejma which would require two emendations. It is more likely that the poet
misunderstood, or deliberately changed, the role of hrrir. He may be supposed
to be be a fgure of deception, somebody who can change the appearance of things.
2.6: Urr is known as one of the three maidens, Urr, Verandi, Skuld (Vlusp
20), often identifed as the Norns in charge of fate, Past (cf. uru, past plural
of vera), Present and Future. See also Gylfaginning ch. 15, SnE I 18/13. In
Vlusp 19 Urar brunnr (Urrs spring or well) lies under the ash Yggdrasill
(cf. Gylfaginning chs 15 and 16, SnE I 17/30, 19/27 and 29). In Loddffnisml,
Hvaml 111, the speaker has to chant while sitting on the ulrs (wise mans)
seat at Urar brunnr.
2.7: mttkat is the 1st pers. sg. of the past tense of the verb mega be able, with
the suffxed pronoun k (for ek) and suffxed negative -at = mttaekat I could
not (the form is slightly anomalous; it would normally have been mttigat). The
suffxed negative a, -at or t, like the suffxed 1st pers. sg. pron. k, was obsolete
by the seventeenth century, and here must be a deliberate archaism by the poet,
who has through his ignorance used the 1st pers. form instead of the 3rd pers.,
which would have been mttit.
3. As a continuation from the preceding stanza, we are told how hrrirs
courage fails as a result of his inability to control fate, and that he therefore looks
for the other dwarves. The second half of the stanza is apparently about two of
these dwarves and their feelings, which are probably portents of what is going
to happen. This reading is supported by the fact that st. 4 actually opens with the
end of the dwarves.
3.5: All manuscripts except B have ranis, but this is an unknown name. rinn
is a dwarf name, known from Vlusp 12 (in Gylfaginning ch. 14, SnE I 16/23 we
fnd the name orinn instead, but rinn appears a little later in the same ula,
16/26). Besides, rinn rhymes with the next name, Dinn, which supports the
assumption that this form is correct. rnis probably arose from the misreading of
the minims. In Helgi lafssons Latin translation in 34 rinn is rendered Odinus.
3.7: Dinn is a dwarf name that is found in the Hauksbk and Gylfaginning (ch. 14, SnE
I 16/17) versions of the same ula in Vlusp as rinn is found in. It is also found in
Hyndlulj 7. A Dinn carves runes for the elves in Hvaml 143. In Grmnisml 33
it is the name of a stag, and fnally it is found as a fox name in a ula. It means dead.
4. The dwarves disappear from the story, and attention is turned to the worlds (nine
according to Gylfaginning chs 3, 34, SnE I 9/5, 27/15; Vlusp 2; Vafrnisml
43), which are swallowed up into the abyss.
Commentary 97
4.1: The statement that there is no more to be said of the dwarves reminds one of
the conclusion of one of the ulur in Vlusp 12: N hef ek dverga . . . rtt um
tala (Now I have correctly enumerated the dwarves), and again in Vlusp
30: N eru talar nnnur Herjans (Now have been listed Herjans (inns)
maidens (the valkyries)).
4.3: Ginnungr or ginnungi in Ginnungagap (Vlusp 3; Gylfaginning chs 5, 8,
15, SnE I 10/12, 11/36, 17/13) and Ginnungahiminn (Gylfaginning ch. 8, SnE I
12/8), probably meant originally of the mighty space(s) or flled with illusion
or magical power (cf. ginning; see SnE I 100; LP 182), which is probably how
the poet intended it to be taken here. Later the word was sometimes understood to
be the name of a person. In rmur, Ginnungur was used as a name for inn (see
Finnur Jnsson 192628, 132). In ulur it turns up as a hawk name.
4.5: Alsvir is the name of one of the horses of the sun (Grmnisml 37;
Gylfaginning ch. 11, SnE I 14/1). This does not ft the context here, but alsvir
could mean all-wise, which would be a plausible name for inn, though it is not
recorded as such elsewhere, and the activity in this stanza would ft well with one
of his characteristic roles in mythology: he decides who shall die, and he gathers
the fallen to himself in Valhll. If it is inn that is meant here, it would appear
that the poet imagined the gods to dwell in the sky (ofan in line 6).
5. St. 5 gives a vision of the end of the world, which seems now imminent. Several
elements in the stanza, among others the idea that knowledge is hidden in Mmirs
spring, are reminiscent of Vlusp. The syntax is involved, so that the style is like
that of a skaldic poem.
5.2. Strind is a poetic word for land, rull is one for the sun (SnE II 37/25,
85/19, 133/30).
5.3. Cf. Vlusp 25: lopt allt lvi blandit.
5.56. Cf. Vlusp 28 (Codex Regius), quoted in Gylfaginning, SnE I 17. Mrr
brunnr Mmis is where inn has hidden his eye, and that stanza actually ends
with the prophetesss words Vitu r enn ea hvat?, which come almost word for
word in line 8 here. We are told in the same stanza of Vlusp that Mmir drinks
mead every morning from Valfrs (inns) pledge, but it is not there, but in
Snorris accompanying prose (SnE I 17/1618), that we are told that wisdom and
human intelligence are hidden in Mmirs spring, and that Mmir drinks from
it using the horn Gjallarhorn. In another account of Mmir, in Ynglinga saga
(Heimskringla I 1213, 18), Snorri says he was decapitated by the Vanir, after
which inn embalmed his head, and then used it afterwards as a sort of adviser
(cf. also Mmrs head in Vlusp 46 and Sigrdrfuml 14).
5.7. The wise being is perhaps Iunn, introduced more specifcally in the next stanza.
But Helgi lafsson in 34 gives as an alternative translation of vissa vera, certa
essentia (certain existence). According to Orabk Hsklans, the adjectives
vs and viss in various of their meanings in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
were interchangeable (for instance dauinn er vs, in Marteinn Einarssons Ein
Kristilig handbog, Kbenhavn 1555; Gvd hann er einungis | eilijf Guddomleg vera |
almaattug | vijs | sannarleg, in Enchiridion, translated by Gubrandur orlksson
98 Hrafnagaldur ins
and printed in 1600 at Hlar). So the meaning of vissa vera here could possibly be
the wise being, certain existence or perhaps secure existence. The idea is maybe
that secure existence is hidden in Mmirs spring, or in other words humanitys
knowledge of the future life is concealed.
6. Stt. 24 described the ominous events taking place in the world as a prelude to
the action of the poem. With st. 6, Iunn, one of the chief fgures in the story, is
introduced. We are told that she has come down from the ash Yggdrasill.
6.3: Yggdrasill is the well known ash-tree of Norse mythology, which according
to Vlusp 19 stands always green above Urrs spring. According to Grmnisml
31 it has three roots, under one of which is Hel, under the second the frost giants,
under the third human beings. Snorri says it is the biggest of trees (cf. Grmnisml
44), and he adds that its branches spread out over all the world and across the sky.
According to him, of its three roots one is among the sir, the second among the
frost giants and the third extends across Nifheimr; Mmirs spring is under the
second (Gylfaginning ch. 15, SnE I 17).
6.6: Iunn appears in only one of the eddic poems besides Hrafnagaldur, and that
one is Lokasenna, according to the prose introduction to which she is the wife of the
god Bragi (so also Gylfaginning ch. 26, SnE I 25). In Lokasenna 17 Loki accuses
her of having made love to her brothers slayer. She is best known from the story in
Skldskaparml, SnE II 12 (alluded to in Haustlng, SnE II 3233), of how Loki
lured her out of sgarr into a forest from where the giant jazi was able to carry off
both her and her magical apples that had the power to keep the gods forever young.
6.7: The name valdr is known from Grmnisml 43 and Snorris Edda in the
form valdi. Though his nature is never explicitly stated (cf. Finnur Jnsson in
LP: ukendt mytisk person), Snorri says (SnE I 36/1617, II 41/3334; both
passages based on Grmnisml 43, which he quotes in SnE II 1819) that his sons
are dwarves; they were the makers of the ship Skblanir.
7. The stanza tells us that Iunn did not care for her sojourn under Yggdrasill,
where she is imprisoned at Nights home (i.e. held in darkness).
7.6: Kundr, according to Snorri (SnE II 107/18) is a word for relative. Cf. LP.
Nrvi (or Nrf/Narf) is known from Gylfaginning ch. 10 (SnE I 13/2223) as a
giant who lived in Jtunheimar and was father of Ntt (Night); the corresponding
fgure in Vafrnisml 25 and Alvssml 29 is Nrvi in the dative, which would
be Nrr in the nominative. Ntt, who is black and dark, was frst of all married
to Naglfari, then to Annarr/narr/narr (their son was Jr, Earth), and fnally to
Dellingr (their son was Dagr, Day). Nrvis son is a kenning for night.
8.1: Sigtvar is the plural of sigtr, battle- or victory-god (Vlusp 44; the singular
is also a name for inn). In Grmnisml 45 and Lokasenna 1 the gods are referred
to as sigtva synir.
8.2: The singular Nanna is the name of Baldrs wife, and she is listed among goddesses
in Skldskaparml (SnE II 114, v. 434). Snorri says that she and Baldr were parents
of Forseti (Gylfaginning ch. 32, SnE I 26/24); Nanna died of grief at Baldrs funeral
(Gylfaginning ch. 49, SnE I 46/33). She is nevertheless present (though Baldr and Hr
Commentary 99
are not) at the feast for gir at the beginning of Skldskaparml. Nanna also appears
in Saxos version of the story of Balderus and Htherus in Gesta Danorum III 14; she
was beloved by Balderus but married to Htherus. A Nanna (MS manna) Nkkvadttir
is mentioned in Hyndlulj 20. In Vlusp 30 nanna is used in the plural (nnnur
Herjans inns ladies) of valkyries. Finally, in rmur and skaldic kennings nanna
means woman, and that is probably what it means here. It presumably refers to Iunn.
8.3: Viggjar (genitive of vigg horse) must refer to Yggdrasill, from which
Iunn came down. Yggdrasill is thought to mean Yggrs (inns) horse, the
steed inn was riding when he was hanging on the tree. We were told in st. 7
that Iunn was under the tree.
8.4: According to Hallgrmur Scheving (1837, 13), the poet is trying to depict
the gods in a ridiculous light by their treating Iunn as a witch (galdranorn) in
among other things sending her a wolf skin, but also by showing them chanting
spells and riding on wolves (st. 10).
9. The stanza says that inn chose Heimdallur to ask the woman what she knew
about the world, while Bragi and Loki are flled with apprehension.
9.1: Virir is a name for inn (Lokasenna 26; Gylfaginning ch. 3, SnE I 8/32;
grip 3/14; Flateyjarbk I 564/15).
9.2: Bifrst is the name of the gods bridge from the earth to heaven, which
Snorri equates with a rainbow (Gylfaginning ch. 13, SnE I 15/415), adding
(Gylfaginning ch. 27, SnE I 25/3637) that Heimdallr is the gods guardian at
the bridge against the giants. In eddic poems (Grmnisml 44, Ffnisml 15) the
bridge is called Bilrst, and it is not specially associated with Heimdallr. The
name of the bridge does not appear in any skaldic kennings for Heimdallr either
(Meissner 1921, 255).
9.34: Gjll (genitive gjallar) is found as the frst element in the name of Heimdallrs
horn, Gjallarhorn, and also as the name of a river that must be crossed on the road to
Hel (Grmnisml 28; Gylfaginning ch. 49, SnE I 47/810). It is the latter meaning that
is relevant here. The sun of a river is a kenning for gold (Skldskaparml ch. 33 and
verse 391/2, SnE II 41 and 101), and golds support (or doorpost; a variation of the
commoner tree of gold, which refers to the fashion of women wearing gold ornaments)
is a kenning for a woman. Gtt is often used in rmur in kennings for women (see Finnur
Jnsson 19261928, 125).
9.7: The poet Bragi is according to Grmnisml 44 the most outstanding of poets,
but the god Bragi only appears in the eddic poems in Lokasenna. In Snorris Edda
he is the god most knowledgeable about poetry, and Iunn is his wife. Loptr is
another name for Loki.
10. We are told that the gods set out, though inn evidently stays behind. We are
also told that the gods chanted spells (regin glu galdur). It is perhaps conceivable
that the title of the poem was originally Ragnagaldur rather than Hrafnagaldur.
10.2: gandr has sometimes been taken to mean wolf, but here is more likely to
mean something analogous to a witchs broomstick. Cf. gandrei in Njls saga
ch. 125 and the poem Gandrei by Jn Daason (16061676).
100 Hrafnagaldur ins
10.3: Rgnir is a name for inn, found in skaldic verse and ulur (SnE 18481887,
II 472, 556). Regin (n. pl.) means gods (see Gylfaginning ch. 8, SnE I 12, where
Snorri quotes Grmnisml 4041 on the creation of the world). Reginn (m. sg.) is
the name of a dwarf (Vlusp 12), Ffnirs brother (SnE II 4547; Reginsml prose
introduction; cf. SnE 18481887, II 470, 553). In Hrafnagaldur 10.3, regin must
be the correct form. In late manuscripts n is commonly written with a nasal stroke.
10.4: The preposition at in the meaning towards or up to takes the dative, but
here rann is anomalously accusative (cf. the variant in E), though it might be
dative of the Modern Icelandic rannur (strong masc. nouns often lack the ending i).
Finnur Jnsson 19261928 quotes rann himins as meaning himmerige (heaven).
Rann(ur) heimis (literally the mansion of the world; heimi is a variant form of heimr;
see sgeir Blndal Magnsson 1989) in this stanza can be understood as dwelling
place of the world, i.e. the earth, if the gods are here descending to the earth from
heaven (cf. SnE I 15/5). Alternatively, it may be just a variant of rann himins, referring
to the sky as the roof over the world; the gods would then be fying across the sky
on their magic poles. Cf. glyggrann (the house of the wind, the sky), SnE II 77/8.
10.6: Hliskjlf is inns lookout place in Vlaskjlf, whence he can see over
all the world(s) (cf. the prose introductions to Grmnisml and Skrnisml; SnE I
13, 20, 31, 48). The name is also found in skaldic kennings for inn (SnE II 11),
but not in medieval eddic verse.
11.1: The objects of fr are banda bura and brauta sinna.
11.2: selja is a common base word in kennings for woman, but it is uncertain
whether originally it meant the tree (willow) or the verbal noun giver, server.
Serving of drink was one of the conventional roles of women in the Viking Age
and later. See Skldskaparml ch. 31, especially SnE II 40/1621.
11.3: Bnd (n. pl.) gods. Burir (m. pl.; related to the verb bera bear) can mean
either birth, extraction or offspring.
11.5: Hlrnir was the sixth of the nine mythological heavens (see SnE II 133).
Hel was the abode of the dead, and also the name of the daughter of Loki who
presided over the world of the dead.
11.7: rt death day was the word in Christian times for the anniversary of
a persons death, which in the case of saints was often made a feast day (ONP
I 584585); together with st. 14.8 skn, it is evidence that the poem does
not belong to the thought world of heathendom.
12. The stanza tells us that Iunn does not speak a word, so that the gods get no
answer to their questions. Instead she begins to weep.
12.14: The unstressed proclitic negative adverb ne would have had a short vowel
in Old Icelandic (see sgeir Blndal Magnsson 1989).
12.3: Rask suggested that givom should be emended to tvom (dat. pl.of tr
god). The adjective gfr greedy is only deduced from a doubtful reading in
Fjlsvinnsml 13, and occurs nowhere else. It is supported by the adjective gifre
greedyin Old English, and would ft the context here well (= greedy for answers,
referring to the gods), but the -r is radical, and the dat. would be gfrum. Perhaps
the author mistook the infection class in his reading of Fjlsvinnsml.
Commentary 101
12.6: Targa (f.) targe, a kind of round shield; shields of the forehead is a kenning
for eyes (see SnE II 108/1112). Hjarn or hjarni (m.) brain, skull, dome of
the head SnE II 108/1012. Orabk Hsklans has examples from folk poetry
of the seventeenth century and later of hjarnar stjrnur as a kenning for eyes.
12.7: Rask suggested taking eliun faldin as one word (with her energy hidden?),
but reading endurrja eljunfeldinn ([they, i.e. the tears] make the energy-cloak
red again is also perhaps possible, taking eljunfeldur cloak of energy as a kenning
for eyelid or cheek (cf. eljunstrnd beach (i.e. seat) of energy, = breast LP and
Finnur Jnsson 192628, 76). Eljun appears in SnE II 108/31 as a heiti for hugr,
so perhaps eljunfeldur means cloak of the mind = eye or eyelid.
13. In stt. 13 and 14 Iunns silence and weeping are compared with the magical
thorn that every night causes all the world to sleep, here brought by the dwarf
Dinn. This myth is not found elsewhere, but cf. the folk-tale svefnorn (sleep
thorn) that causes deep sleep, like the spindle in Sleeping Beauty.
13.1: The stanza opens an epic simile that continues into the next stanza (Eins
. . ., Likewise . . .). Scheving suggested adding ok after Eins (Just as . . .)
13.2: livgar are primeval waters (rivers, according to Snorri) associated with
creation myths (Gylfaginning ch. 5, SnE I 910; Vafrnisml 31; SnE II 22/25;
cf. Hymiskvia 5).
13.3: orn is the name of a giant in rsdrpa (SnE II 2728) and elsewhere. A
svefnorn is found in several Old Norse sources, for example Gngu-Hrlfr is
pricked to sleep with one (GnguHrlfs saga ch. 24), and in Vlsunga saga ch. 21,
Brynhildr says that inn had pricked her with such a thorn. Scheving suggested
(1837, 43) interpreting orn in this stanza as a svefnorn, and that the hrime-cold
giant might be Njrvi, Nights father. In view of the medieval Icelandic concept of
the svefnorn and this stanzas mention of every night when the thorn is used, it
seems likely that orn is to be regarded as a metaphor for sleep. The emendation
of atri to acri was suggested by Scheving too (c and t are almost identical
in gothic script). It might also be possible to emend to hatri.
13.6: Dinn: see commentary on st. 3/7.
13.7: Migarr is the rampart made by the gods out of the primeval giants eyelashes
surrounding the world of men and protecting it from giants (Gylfaginning ch. 8,
SnE I 12; Grmnisml 41). It may originally have meant Middle-earth (Old
English middangeard), the world of men between the worlds of gods and giants
(sgarr in the centre and tgarr round the outside). Garr means an enclosure,
an enclosed space.
13/8: It might be possible to emend this line to mintti hvert, every midnight.
14. The stanza continues the simile of st. 13. It is a description of the effects of
sleep. When the people of the world are overcome by sleep, they are deprived of
the power to act and insensibility foods their minds, and the whole parish is as
it were rocked to sleep.
14.4: Hvti ss, the white god, is Heimdallr (SnE I 25/32; rymskvia 15/2).
Heimdallrs sword is a kenning for head (SnE I 26/1, II 19/11, 108/89). At SnE
II 19/11 Snorri adds Sv er sagt at hann var lostinn manns hfi gegnum It is
102 Hrafnagaldur ins
said that he was struck through with a human head, but no further explanation
of this curious idea is given, any more than there is of the next kenning (line 6).
14.5: The noun rvit is recorded in Orabk Hsklans from the seventeenth
century onwards, but ONP has a citation of rvit from c. 1350.
14.6: Rgjar glyggvi (dative) wind of the trollwife is a kenning for thought (SnE II
108/2830), though its origin is unknown. Both this kenning and Heimdallrs sword
as a kenning for head appear in the same passage in Skldskaparml (chs 6970, SnE
II 108) as the comparatively rare uses of hjarn(i) and eljun (st. 12). This suggests that
the poet was using Snorris Edda as a textbook for poetic language while he wrote.
The lack of j after a palatalised g as in rgar is found elsewhere, though rarely; but
the number of occurrences makes it unlikely that they are all scribal errors; cf. p. 65
above. See Noreen 1923, 263, Anm. 2; Bandle 1956, 128 (82.3) and 140 (89.3).
14.8: skn f. parish (in the Christian Church). Cf. the comments on st. 11.7 above.
15. Jrunns state is compared with the state of sleep just described: She seems to
be prostrated by grief, as if she were unconscious. When the gods could not get
an answer to their questions to Iunn, they begged harder, but this did no good.
15.1: With the introductory Jamt (= jafnt, just so) this stanza is linked to the
epic simile (introduced by Eins Likewise) in the two preceding ones.
Jormi is a name not recorded elsewhere at all, and its function here would be
a complete mystery. Scheving suggested that it might be an error for Jrun, cf.
the reading of E (there has been a mistake in reading the four minims which any
of the scribes could have made). Rask wondered whether it could be an error for
Jrunn or Iunn (a single n for nn is not uncommon in manuscripts of this date).
Since the name Jrunn does not appear elsewhere in the poem, and the context here
requires a reference to Iunn, it may be that the poet meant Jrunn to be another
name (or a heiti) for Iunn (cf. the alternatives Nl and Laufey); otherwise the
only possible explanation is that it is a scribal error.
15.2: Jlnar (m. pl.) is a name for the gods (SnE II 85/34).
15.4: geta in this sense normally takes an acc. object; cf. st. 21.8.
16. The stanza tells us that Heimdallur now leaves, taking Loki with him. Bragi
on the other hand stays behind to observe the woman.
16.3, 7: Herjan and Grmnir (and Grmr) are well known names for inn (SnE
I 2122, Grmnisml 4647 and elsewhere). Grmir is not recorded as one of his
names, and must be a scribal error.
16.4: Gjallarhorn is the horn that Heimdallr blows when Ragnark is imminent
(SnE I 50/2224; Vlusp 46, quoted in SnE I 51). According to Snorri, Mmir
drinks mead from his spring out of it (SnE I 17/1718), but it is not said elsewhere
that it belongs to inn. When Heimdallrs nature and functions, along with those
of the other gods, are described, it is said that when he blows the horn it can be
heard throughout all the worlds (SnE I 2526).
16.5: Nl is an alternative name for Lokis mother Laufey (SnE I 26/3637, II
19/3536; see also Srla ttr, Flateyjarbk I 275/27). It is pointed out by Bugge
(Norrn fornkvi 1867, 374, note), that the author could have taken the form
Commentary 103
nepa from the Codex Regius of Snorris Edda, where nepi is found as a spelling
of nef (see SnE 1931, 188/17 and textual note). In both places the p may have
arisen from the misunderstanding of an insular f.
16.8: Grund (f.) ground is a half-kenning for woman, i.e. it is frequently found
as the base word in kennings for woman such as grund bauga, grund gulls, and
here the base word is used without a determinant. Half-kennings are not all that
uncommon; see SnE II 51, v. 155/6 runna and note.
17. We are told that Heimdallur and Loki now enter Vinglf, having been conveyed
there by the winds, i.e. they have fown (cf. st. 10 above).
17.1: The name Vinglf is not found in medieval poetry, either eddic or skaldic.
Snorri gives conficting information: in Gylfaginning ch. 3 (SnE I 9/3) it is an
alternative name for Giml, a place in heaven; in Gylfaginning ch. 14 (SnE
I 15/2526) it is a sanctuary owned by gyjur (goddesses or priestesses); in
Gylfaginning ch. 20 (SnE I 21/29), it is to Valhll and Vinglf that inn sends
his einherjar (champions, dead heroes that will fght for the gods at Ragnark).
17.2: Viarr (or Varr) is a son of inn (Vlusp 55; prose introduction to
Lokasenna; SnE II 19/2325). He is known as the silent god (SnE I 26/15); he will
kill the wolf Fenrir after the latter has killed inn (SnE I 5052; Vlusp 55).
Rask was in favour of emending Viars to Viris; Scheving proposed Viurs
(Virir and Viurr are both names of inn). Bugge thought the poet might have
arbitrarily used the name Viarr for inn.
17.3: Fornjtr was a giant (SnE II 111, v. 419/5), father of wind and fre and
sea (SnE II 39/1315). See Orkneyinga saga chs 13. Fornjotrs kinsmen is a
kenning for winds.
17.7: Yggr is a name of inn (see for example Grmnisml 53, SnE I 22/12).
17.8: Scheving (1837, 17) thought it was remarkable that the gods sat merrily
drinking in this grave situation, while in st. 21 they are so troubled about the
expeditions failure. He claimed their unconcerned drinking feast was reminiscent
of the behaviour of the GrecoRoman gods who, in contrast to their Nordic
counterparts, did not need to worry about the future.
18. Almost the whole of the stanza is indirect speech, the greeting of the newcomers
to inn and the rest of the gods.
18.1: Hangatr is a name of inn (SnE II 5/1923; in skaldic verse but not in
medieval eddic poems).
18.3: The word for wort or mash, the mixture of powdered malt and water before
fermentation into beer, in Old Icelandic is virtr (n., dat. sg. virtri, Sigrdrfuml 17).
Virt (f., dat. virt, same meaning), used here, is recorded in Orabk Hsklans in
texts, mostly rmur, from the sixteenth century onwards. In this poem the word is
used to mean the beer itself (metonymy).
18.6: Dar (m. pl), gods, appears in a list of names for gods in SnE II 85/8, quoting
a verse of Kormakr (v. 308). Also used in Heimskringla, Ynglinga saga ch. 2).
18.7: Yggjungr is a name of inn (Vlusp 28, but not mentioned in Snorris Edda).
19.2: Blverkr is a name of inn (Hvaml 109; Grmnisml 47; SnE I 22/2, II 4).
104 Hrafnagaldur ins
19.34: Grmnisml 18 mentions that the einherjar feed on meat from Shrmnir.
In Gylfaginning ch.38 (SnE I 32) this stanza is quoted, and Snorri explains that
Shrmnir is a boar that is cooked every day and whole again every evening, so
that there is always enough for the einherjar to eat.
19.4: Rakni is the name of a sea-king, but his crew have no place here. It must be a
spelling for ragna, gen. of regin gods. Cf. st. 26/1 and commentary. Sjt ragna
may mean the einherjar, to whom inn assigns seats in Valhll (SnE I 21/19).
19.5: Skgul is a valkyrie (Vlusp 30; used in skaldic poetry in kennings for
battle, weapons and armour). In Grmnisml 36 (quoted in SnE I 30) Skgul is
mentioned among the valkyries that serve ale to the einherjar, and in that poem
the suffering inn wishes they could bring him a drink.
19.6: Hnikarr is a name of inn (Grmnisml 47, quoted in SnE I 21; SnE I 8/30).
The name is used in skaldic verse in kennings for, among other things, battle.
20.4: Hrgar (m. pl.) means sanctuaries, holy places, but the context requires a
word meaning gods (it is diffcult to see that hrgar were particularly associated
with goddesses, cf. LP). Either the word means holy ones by metonymy (deities
were worshipped in holy places), or the poet was mistaken about its usage.
20.8: huma is an emendation suggested by Rask.
22.1: mi is a name of inn in various lists in verse and prose (SnE I 8/31;
Grmnisml 49, quoted in SnE I 22; SnE 184887, II 472, 556).
22.34. See the discussion of this proverb on pp. 1821.
23. The frst half of the stanza at least is probably corrupt; Bugges attempt at
interpretation (Norrn fornkvi 1867, 375) involves unprecedented reordering
of the words and can hardly be right: Fenris fr (i.e. sl) rann me rstum Rindar
(i.e. westwards, cf. Baldrs draumar 11); valla (i.e. varla) kvddu goin Hropt ok
Frigg, gngu (i.e. ok gngu) fr gildi, sem (i.e. er) mir Jarar (i.e. ntt) fr
Hrmfaxa The sun went to the west, and the gods hardly said goodbye to inn and
Frigg, before they were gone from the feast, when night departed with Hrmfaxi.
23.1: rst is a measure of distance, comparable with a league; renna me rstum
would appear to mean run with league-long strides.
23.2: Rindr is mother of inns son Vli who avenges Baldr (SnE I 26/18,
II 19/26, 114; Baldrs draumar 11). She appears also in Saxos account (Gesta
Danorum III, 14) of Balderus and Htherus. Nothing is known of her mother,
but like Rindr, she was probably a giantess (cf. SnE II 30/10 and note). Scheving
suggested reading mr for moir.
23.3: fur is a rare form for the nominative fair. larur is only known in the
phrase em sgur larur one becomes weary. The word here is perhaps an
error for or an alternative form of the past participle laraur wearied. Orabk
Hsklans has examples of both words from the seventeenth to twentieth centuries).
23.4: Fenrir, son of Loki and the giantess Angrboa (SnE I 27/45), is the wolf that
kills inn and destroys the sun at Ragnark (Vlusp 53; SnE I 50; Vafrnisml
47, quoted in SnE I 54), and it is he that bites off Trs hand (Lokasenna 38; SnE
I 25/1419).
Commentary 105
23.7: Hroptr is a name of inn (in a verse from Kormakrs Sigurar drpa
quoted in SnE II 10; Vlusp 62; Grmnisml 8; SnE 184887, II 472, 555).
Frigg is inns wife (SnE I 5/1718, 13/14, 21/18 and elsewhere).
23.8: Hrmfaxi is the name of a horse that carries Night across the sky
(Vafrnisml 14; SnE I 13/30, II 90/12). Fr Hrmfaxa (dat.) presumably
means went at the same time as the night, i.e. at dawn. Since the verb 'fr' is
singular, it must refer only to Frigg, oddly enough; unless Loki is meant.
24.2: Dellingr is father of Dagr (day) (Vafrnisml 25; SnE I 13/2526).
24.5: mannheimr is only otherwise recorded as pl. Mannheimar, Ynglinga saga ch.
8, Heimskringla I 21/12 (here Manheimar, perhaps world of love, Hleygjatal
3), 22/6; probably taken to mean the world of men, as opposed to Goheim(a)r
(recorded both as sg. and pl.), the world of gods.
24.56: clearly based on Vafrnisml 12/6 ey lsir mn af mari, which shows
that af means from the horse (cf. Norrn fornkvi 1867, 375).
24.7: Dvalinn is the name of a dwarf (Vlusp 11, 14, the frst quoted in SnE I 16;
Hvaml 143), and also of a hart (SnE I 18/3435). In Ffnisml 13 (quoted in
SnE I 18), some of the norns were daughters of Dvalinn. In Alvssml 16 and SnE
II 133, v. 517/8, Dvalinns leika is a kenning for the sun. Leika in these sources
may be the n. noun leika plaything, toy, or, in SnE, f. leika female playmate;
in Alvssml the word is accusative and could be from a m. noun leiki deluder
(the sun turns dwarves to stone at sunrise; see Glossary to the Poetic Edda 1992,
158). The endingless form leik in Hrafnagaldur may be an error, or it could be
acc. of leikr game, play meaning by metonymy the one/thing played with (cf.
Norrn fornkvi 1867, 375).
24.8: drsull or drasill m. horse is used as the name of a horse ridden by Dagi
(presumably a variant of Dagr) in a ula ascribed to a poem called Alsvinnsml
in SnE II 89 (although Snorri also refers to Alvssml as Alsvinnsml, the two
poems are quite distinct).
25. The mentioning of the different beings is reminiscent of st. 1, indicating that
a closure of the poem is approaching.
25.1: Jrmungrund the mighty earth. The word is used in among other places
Grmnisml 20, quoted in SnE I 32.
25.2: jodyr must be derived from Vlusp 5/4 iodr, where it is probably
intended as jur (acc.) edge (the y could have been copied from a variant
form of u; cf. Norrn fornkvi 1867, 375). This was read as idr in Edda
17871828. In neither place can the word have anything to do with horses or doors.
25.4: Aalollr: cf. Grmnisml 44: Askr Yggdrasils, hann er ztr via The ash
Yggdrasill, it is the highest (i.e. noblest) of trees.
25.6: Ggjur is anomalous; the pl. of ggur is ggjar or ggir.
25.8: cf. SnE I 19/38: dkklfar eru svartari en bik, dark-elves are blacker
than pitch. They are only known from Snorris Edda and Hrafnagaldur; cf.
Svartlfaheimr world of the black-elves, SnE I 28/34. Both these kinds of
106 Hrafnagaldur ins
elves (if they were different) were probably invented as counterparts to the
ljslfar light-elves (like svartlfar, only known from Snorris Edda), and were
perhaps understood to be the same as dwarves (some of whom, at least, lived in
Svartlfaheimr (see SnE I 28/34).
26. The fnal stanza tells how the day dawns and the gods get up. In the second
half of the stanza, Heimdallur blows his horn early; this signals the approach of
Ragnark, and awakes the gods and summons them together to a council (SnE
I 50/2224; cf. Scheving 1837, 18). Evidently the gods have not succeeded in
formulating a plan during the night.
26.1: racknar must be for ragnar, cf. st. 19/4 rakna for ragna. It may be
that the poet took rgn (n. pl.) as f. nom. sg. (or regin as reginn, m. nom. sg.) of
the word for god; both would have nom. pl. ragnar, rather than the usual n. pl.
regin or rgn.
26.2: lfrul(l) is a name (f.) or a word (m.) for the sun, perhaps meaning elf-
wheel (Vafrnisml 47, quoted in SnE I 54; Skrnisml 4; SnE II 85/20, 133, v.
517/7). lfrull rann presumably means that the sun rose.
26.3: Nifheimr (world of mist or darkness) appears in SnE I 9/21, 10/1011, 17/14,
27/14, but nowhere in poetry besides Hrafnagaldur. It is evidently a cold place
(SnE I 10) and lies under one of the roots of Yggdrasill; Hel (cf. st. 11) was exiled
there (SnE I 27). It was perhaps originally the same as Nifhel, a place evil ones
were sent to, analogous to the Christian Hell (SnE I 9/4, 35/32; Vafrnisml
43; Baldrs draumar 2).
26.4: In Alvssml 30, njl is said to be a name for night among the gods; the
stanza is quoted in SnE II 99, but there the name is given as njla. Both words
apparently mean literally darkness.
26.5: A has argill as one word (and similarly the other manuscripts), but this
is unknown either as a common noun or name. As two words (as suggested by
Bugge) it could be r Gjll, river Gjll (cf. note to 9/34 above), but it must
surely be something to do with Heimdallrs horn Gjallarhorn here. It is probably
dat. sg. of gjll f. a kind of trumpet (Blndal, Orabk Hsklans); perhaps a
name for Heimdallrs horn (Gjallarhorn = the horn Gjll, cf. Askr Yggdrasils =
the ash Yggdrasill). On Gjallarhorn, see note to st. 16/4 above.
26.6: lfrn is one of Heimdallrs mothers (Hyndlulj 37; cf. SnE I 26/910).
26.8: Himinbjrg (defence of or that which saves heaven) is a place at the edge
of heaven next to one end of Bifrst (the bridge from heaven to earth). There
Heimdallr is in charge and guards heaven from the approach of giants (SnE I
20/23, 25/3237, 26/27 = Grmnisml 13).
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Add. 4877 (4877): 28, 39, 4648, 64
Add. 11165 (11165): 28, 39, 50, 64
Add. 11245: 37
Add. 29537: 45
Adv. 21.4.7 (21.4.7): 28, 39, 4550, 64
Adv. 21.5.2 (21.5.2): 28, 50, 5455, 5760, 64
Adv. 21.6.7 (21.6.7): 28, 54, 6164, 70, 77
AM 212 fol.: 14
AM 242 fol. (Codex Wormianus): 26
AM 424 fol.: 8: 21n, 22, 2627, 76
AM 433 fol.: 17
AM 544 4to (Hauksbk): 43, 9596
AM 551 d 4to: 14
AM 582 4to: 77
AM 748 I a 4to: 43
AM 916 4to: 48n
AM 927 4to: 65
AM 254 8vo: 14
Bjarni Halldrssons manuscript (B): 40, 52, 77
Codex Langebekianus: 43n, 4445
Egerton 642: 57
Egerton 643 (643; Codex Thorlacianus): 28, 50, 5557, 59, 64
Eyjlfur Jnssons manuscript: 3940, 4243, 46, 49, 77
GKS 2365 4to (Codex Regius of the eddic poems): 7, 1115, 21, 26, 2930, 36,
40, 43, 4546, 4850, 54, 5661, 66, 68, 7071, 80, 97, 102
Geir Vdalns manuscript: 89, 78
Gunnar Plssons manuscript: 22, 77, 79
Harl. 3362: 20
BR 36 4to (36): 27, 7173
BR 24 8vo (24): 27, 71, 7475
BR 25 8vo: 74
BR 26 8vo: 74
BR 120 8vo: 17n
Jn Egilssons manuscript: 39, 4243, 46, 49, 77, 79
JS 273 4to a II 7: 17
JS 648 4to (648): 28, 5051, 5456, 59, 64
JS 391 8vo (391): 19
JS 470519 8vo: 73
JS 494 8vo (494): 28, 7174
KB Add 14 4to (14): 2627, 76
Lbs 214 4to: 49, 5859
Lbs 818 4to (818): 27, 6164
114 Hrafnagaldur ins
Lbs 966 4to (966): 27, 3839, 54, 6365
Lbs 1199 4to (1199): 19
Lbs 1441 4to (E): 7, 14, 27, 2930, 37, 6471, 73, 8194, 102
Lbs 1562 4to (B): 7, 12n, 1314, 23, 2728, 30, 3539, 41, 43, 47, 4951, 5556,
59, 6271, 8094, 96
Lbs 1588 a 4to (1588 a): 27, 36, 40, 5057, 5960, 64, 77
Lbs 1588 a I 4to (1588 a I): 27, 5056, 64, 77
Lbs 1588 a II 4to (1588 a II): 27, 5057, 5960, 64
Lbs 1689 4to (1689): 27, 5051, 5457, 59, 64
Lbs 2859 4to (2859): 27, 71, 7576
Magns Jnssons manuscript: 61, 63, 77
Ms. germ. qu. 329 (329): 28, 50, 55, 5860, 64
Ms. Icel. 47 (47; Codex Ericianus): 89, 28, 32, 39, 4347, 64, 67, 76
NKS 1108 fol. (1108): 9, 27, 3839, 4851, 59, 64
NKS 1109 fol. (1109): 9, 27, 3843, 4647, 4950, 52, 64, 77
NKS 1111 fol. (1111): 9, 27, 50, 5455, 60, 64
NKS 1852 4to: 40
NKS 1866 4to (1866; Codex Luxdorphianus): 9, 27, 3839, 4250, 64, 79
NKS 1869 4to: 60
NKS 1870 4to (1870): 27, 3132, 34, 44, 76, 7980
NKS 1878 a 4to: 48n
Pll Hjlmarssons manuscript: 77
Rostgaard 48 8to: 20n
Stockholm papp. fol. nr 34 (34): 8, 27, 3034, 36, 76, 9697
Stockholm papp. fol. nr 57 (C): 7, 9, 14, 2730, 37, 6471, 8194
Stockholm papp. 4to nr 11 (11): 27, 3334, 81, 88
Stockholm papp. 4to nr 46 (46): 8, 27, 3334
Stockholm papp. 8vo nr 3: 29
Stockholm papp. 8vo nr 15 (A): 79, 12n, 1314, 23, 2731, 3334, 3637, 44,
62, 6471, 7994, 106
Stockholm papp. 8vo nr 18: 29
Thott 773 a fol. (773 a): 27, 3943, 4647, 4950, 64
Thott 1491 4to (D): 7, 1314, 27, 2930, 37, 44, 6471, 77, 8194
Thott 1492 4to (1492): 27, 3943, 4647, 4950, 64
UUB R 682 (682): 27, 3234
UUB R 682 a (682 a): 27, 3334
UUB R 684: 32
UUB R 691 (691): 27, 32, 34
ZCJ22 (22): 28, 39, 4748, 64
rur Jnssons manuscript: 58n, 66
Adagia: 1820
Aeneid: 2425
Afguder heidingjanna: 63
Afzelius, Arvid August (17851871):
8, 10n
grip af Postulafum: 73
Aldarhttur: 48
lfrull (alternative name for the sun):
94, 106
Alfr (alternative name for inn):
23, 82, 95
Alsvir (alternative name for inn?):
83, 97
Alsvinnsml: 105
Alvssml: 29, 3233, 42, 44, 61, 63, 72,
74, 98, 105106
Antikvitetskollegiet: 29, 31, 79
Arnamagnan Commission, The: 17n,
40n, 58, 76
rni Bvarsson (17131776): 49, 51
rni Magnsson, Professor (1663
1730): 1115, 58, 7677, 79
rni orkelsson (17301801): 51
rni orsteinsson (17541829): 16
Arons saga: 14
sbjarnarkvia: 62
sgeir Jnsson (c. 16571707): 12n, 21,
28, 3537, 64
Atlakvia: 36, 63, 72
Atlaml in grnlenzku: 3536, 63, 72
Baldr (a god): 98, 104
Baldrs draumar: 10n, 11n, 21n, 2324,
26, 29, 32, 3536, 38, 40, 4346,
4850, 54, 5658, 6061, 63, 68,
7273, 76, 80, 104, 106
Banks, Joseph (17431820): 46, 78
Brar saga Snfellsss: 18
Bartholin (the Elder), Thomas (1616
1680): 29
Bartholin, (the Younger), Thomas
(16591690): 12n, 79
Bergba ttr: 68, 72
Bifrst (the gods bridge to heaven): 25,
86, 99, 106
Bjarkaml: 62, 72
Bjarnasona kvi: 64
Bjarni Halldrsson (17031773): 40,
52, 77
Bjrn Jnsson of Skars (15741655): 66
Bjrn M. lsen, Professor (18501919):
Bogi Benediktsson of Staarfell (1771
1849): 52
Borch, Ole, Professor (16261690):
Bthildar kvi: 64
Bowring, John (17921872): 45n
Bragi (a god): 7, 23n, 86, 89, 9899, 102
Breifjr, Sigurur (17981846): 51
Brsingamen: 74
Brot af Sigurarkviu: 31, 36
Brynjlfur Brynjlfsson: 38
Brynjlfur Sveinsson, Bishop (1605
1675): 1115, 1922, 79
Bugge, Sophus, Professor (18331907):
912, 14, 17n, 3031, 34, 38, 41, 43n,
4445, 49, 61, 65, 71, 7576, 80n, 81,
102104, 106
Blverkr (alternative name for inn):
91, 103
Cecilu kvi: 64
Clarke, Adam (d. 1832): 56
Constable, Archibald (17741827): 56
Copenhagen: 10, 15, 17n, 20, 23, 27,
37, 44, 48n, 53, 58, 65, 76, 7980, 95
Dinn (a dwarf): 83, 88, 96, 101
Dellingr (father of Day): 93, 98, 105
Drp Nifunga: 72
Duhre, Gabriel: 3334
Dvalinn (a dwarf): 93, 105
Ebba kvi: 64
Edda, see Snorris Edda
Eggert lafsson (17261768): 45, 52,
Egill Skallagrmsson (10th century): 46,
48, 58, 6263, 68
Einar Bjarnason from Starrastair (1782
1856): 72
116 Hrafnagaldur ins
Einar Hlfdanarson, Sra (16951753): 53
Eirksml: 62
Eirkur Hallsson at Hfi, Sra (1614
1698): 2021
Elenar lj: 64
livgar (primeval waters or rivers):
88, 101
Engilbert Jnsson, Sra (17471820): 52
Erasmus of Rotterdam (14661536):
Erlendur Hjlmarsson (17501835): 52
Eyjlfur Jnsson at Vellir, Sra (1670
1745): 17n, 3943, 46, 49, 77, 79
Eyvindr Finsson skldaspillir (d. c.
990): 62
Ffnisml: 47, 63, 72, 99, 105
Fenrir (a wolf): 93, 103104
Finnur Jnsson, Bishop (17041789): 68
Finnur Magnsson, Professor (1781
1847): 10, 13n, 45, 50, 5657, 72, 78
Fjlsvinnsml: 14, 29, 3536, 3840,
4344, 46, 4850, 54, 5658, 6061,
63, 66, 68, 72, 7576, 100
Fornjtr (a giant): 90, 103
Fr daua Sinfjtla: 63, 7273
Frigg (a goddess): 14, 93, 104105
Fuglagta: 63
Fundinn Noregr: 74
Gamla jlaskr: 63
Gauta kvi: 64
Geir Vdaln, see Vdaln, Geir
Ginnungi/Ginnungr (a mythological
fgure or place): 83, 97
Gsli Brynjlfsson (18271888): 12
Gsli Jnsson Steinhlm (18041860): 38
Gsli Konrsson (17871877): 51
Gsli orlksson, Bishop (16311684): 21
Gizurr gullbrrskld (d. c. 1030): 62
Gjallarhorn (Heimdallrs horn): 86, 89,
94, 97, 99, 102, 106
Gjll (name of a river): 86, 99, 106
Gllognskvia: 62
Grfeldar drpa: 62
Grettis saga: 72
Grmnir (alternative name for inn):
30, 89, 102
Grmnisml: 10n, 25n, 26, 29, 32, 35,
61, 63, 72, 74, 95106
Grmur Thorkeln, see Thorkeln,
Grpissp: 63, 72
Grottasngr: 14, 26, 29, 31, 3536, 38,
40, 4344, 46, 4850, 54, 5658, 60,
6263, 6566, 68, 72, 75
Grugaldur: 11, 14, 29, 35, 3840,
4344, 46, 4950, 54, 5658, 60,
6263, 66, 68, 7273, 7576
Grundtvig, N. F. S. (17831872): 10n
Grner, Johan Diderik (16611712):
29, 32
Grnlandsannll: 79n
Gubrandur Vigfsson (18271889):
17n, 4748
Gubrandur orlksson, Bishop (c.
15411627): 97
Gumundar sgur biskups: 14
Gumundur Andrsson (d. 1654): 31
Gumundur Einarsson (18231865): 72
Gumundur Gsli Sigursson, Sra
(18341892): 74
Gumundur sfold, see sfold, Gu-
Gumundur Magnsson (17411798):
89, 11n, 13n, 16, 18, 2021, 23, 27,
31, 44, 76, 78
Gumundur lafsson (c. 16521695):
12n, 21, 2829, 31, 33, 36, 79
Gurn Jnsdttir: 38
Gurnarkvia I: 31, 36, 63, 72, 74
Gurnarkvia II: 36, 63, 72
Gurnarhvt: 36, 63, 72
Gullkrslj: 56, 59
Gunnar Plsson (17141791): 89, 10n,
1617, 21n, 22, 2627, 39, 7677,
79, 80n
Gunnarsslagur: 1617, 21, 7274
Gunnlaugs saga: 76
Guttormr sindri (10th century): 62
Guttormur Plsson, Sra (17751860): 16
Hafgeirs saga Flateyings: 17
Hkonar saga Hkonarsonar: 14, 64
Hkonarml: 58, 62, 68, 72
Index of Names 117
Hleygjatal: 25, 105
Hlfdan Einarsson, Principal (1732
1785): 17n
Halldr Hjlmarsson, VicePrincipal
(17451805): 5153, 77
Hallgrmur Ptursson, Sra (16141674):
Hallgrmur Scheving, see Scheving,
Hallmundar vsur/Hallmundar lj:
14, 62, 64
Hamisml: 23, 3536, 40, 43, 45, 48,
54, 5659, 61, 63, 66, 68, 72, 75
Hangatr (alternative name for inn):
25, 90, 103
Hrbarslj: 29, 3233, 51, 61, 63,
72, 74, 76
Httalykill Lopts ins rka: 72
Httalykill orlks Gubrandssonar
Vdalns: 48
Hvaml: 15, 22, 25n, 29, 3233, 3536,
38, 50, 52, 56, 61, 63, 6566, 7274,
76, 96, 103, 105
Loddffnisml: 52, 56, 96
Rnatal: 32
Heireks gtur: 11, 3536, 40, 43, 46,
4850, 60, 6263, 68, 72, 80
Heimdallr (a god): 7, 23, 86, 89, 91, 94,
99, 101103, 106
Heimskringla: 26, 58, 74, 97, 103, 105
Ynglinga saga: 26, 97, 103, 105
Heinsius, Daniel (15801655): 18
Hel (world of the dead): 87, 98100;
daughter of Loki 100, 106
Helgakvia Hjrvarssonar: 63, 72, 74
Helgakvia Hundingsbana I: 63, 72, 74
Helgakvia Hundingsbana II: 72, 74
Helgi Hundingsbani (legendary hero): 57
Helgi lafsson (c. 16461707): 31, 36,
44, 5253, 64, 76, 9697
Hellisvsur: 72
Helrei Brynhildar: 36, 63, 71
Henderson, Ebenezer (17841858): 61
Herjan (alternative name for inn):
89, 97, 99
Hersleb, Peder, Bishop (16891757): 42, 79
Himinbjrg (place at the edge of heaven):
94, 106
Hjaltaln, Jn A., Sra (18401908):
Hliskjlf (inns lookout place):
86, 100
Hlrnir (the sixth of the mythological
heavens): 87, 100
Hnikarr (alternative name for inn):
91, 104
Hlar, Hjaltadalur: 21, 39, 53, 77, 79, 98
Hlmfrur Vdaln, see Vdalin, Hlm-
Hornklofavsur: 58
Hrmfaxi (Nights horse): 93, 104105
Hroptr (alternative name for inn):
54, 93, 104
Hugsvinnsml: 7274
Hvad Galldur kallast: 63
Hvrnenn lita skal hierlendst: 63
Hymiskvia: 29, 61, 63, 72, 74, 76, 101
Hyndlulj: 14, 26, 29, 3536, 38, 40,
4344, 46, 4850, 5354, 5661, 63,
66, 68, 72, 80, 96, 99, 106
Hfulausn: 4546, 52, 6263, 68, 72
Iunn (a goddess): 7, 24, 26, 84, 97102
Iliad: 24
sford, orlkur Magnsson (c. 1748
1781): 17n
sfold, Gumundur (17321782): 68
slendingabk: 14
valdr (a dwarf): 82, 98
vija (a trollwife): 81, 95
Jhann Jnsson: 74
Jhanna Soffa Bogadttir (18231855): 62
Jmsvkingadrpa: 48, 59
Jn A. Hjaltaln, see Hjaltaln, Jn A.
Jn Bjarnason of Rafnseyri, Sra (1721
1785): 38
Jn Eggertsson (18001880): 47
Jn Egilsson, Sra, Vice-principal (1714
1784): 39, 4243, 46, 49, 77, 79
Jn Egilsson at Stra-Vatnshorn (1724
1807): 61, 77
Jn Eirksson (17281787): 89, 32,
44, 67, 76
118 Hrafnagaldur ins
Jn Erlendsson of Villingaholt, Sra (d.
1672): 1415
Jn Gslason Steinhlm (17561828): 38
Jn (lri) Gumundsson (15741658):
22, 79n
Jn Halldrsson, Sra (16651736): 11,
12n, 49, 58, 77
Jn Jnsson at Flugumri and Hjalta-
stair, Sra (17251799): 66
Jn Jnsson langur (17791828): 73
Jn Jnsson skon (d. 1695): 51
Jn Nelsson of Grnanesi (18001842):
Jn lafsson at Eyri (17291778): 39, 77
Jn lafsson of Grmsstair (c. 1691 to
c. 1765): 62
Jn lafsson of Grunnavk (1705
1779): 1415, 17, 37, 40, 72
Jn Sigursson (18111879): 65
Jn Sigursson Dalaskld (c. 1685
1720): 51
Jnas Jnsson: 61
Jrunn (alternative name for Iunn?):
89, 102
Julius, Nikolaus Heinrich (17831862): 59
Kolbeinn Bjarnason (17521833): 62
Krkuml: 56, 59, 68, 72
Kristn Skladttir (18091880): 47
Kristnar kvi: 64
Kristjn Magnussen (18011871): 4748
Krosskvi: 51
Laufs Edda: 36, 52
Lesrm . Hjaltalns: 73
Lexicon Islandicum: 31
Lti grip um afguina og gyjurnar: 62
Lokasenna: 24, 25n, 29, 3233, 35, 61,
63, 7274, 76, 9899, 103104
Loki (a god): 7, 86, 89, 91, 93, 98100,
Loptr (alternative name for Loki): 34, 86,
Luxdorph, Bolle Christensen (1643
1698): 29
Luxdorph, Bolle Willum (17161788):
3940, 4243, 7879
Madden, Frederic (18011873): 50, 57
Magns (digri) Jnsson of Vigur (1637
1702): 40, 61, 63, 77
Magns (pri) Jnsson (15251591):
Magns Ketilsson (17321803): 4748
Mannheimr (the world of men): 41, 43,
93, 105
Maruvsur: 51
Marks Jnsson, Sra: 60
Marteins kvia: 64
Merlnussp: 56, 58, 72
Metamorphoses: 24
Michaelis Apostolius: 1820
Migarr (rampart made by the gods):
15n, 88, 101
Mmir (mythological fgure): 37, 41, 49,
84, 91, 9798, 102
Munch, P. A., Professor (18101863):
811, 74
Mllmann, Bernhard, Professor (1702
1778): 17n, 40n
Nl (mother of Loki): 25, 89, 102
Nifheimr, Nifhel (world of mist or dark-
ness): 25, 34, 94, 98, 106
Njla (alternative name for night): 42,
48, 94, 106
Nockrar Mlsgreiner um ad hvadan
Bken Edda hefr sitt nafn: 63
Nomenclatur vocum Grammaticarum
Eddu authoris: 52
Nora ea Njrva jtuns kvia: 72
Noregs konungatal: 62
Nyerup, Rasmus, Professor (1759
1829): 59
Nrvi (father of Ntt): 85, 98
Oddi, Rangrvellir: 42, 45, 61, 68, 74
Oddrnar grtr: 36, 63, 72
hrrir (a mythological fgure): 72,
82, 96
inn (a god): 7, 2124, 26, 38, 53, 86,
8990, 9293, 95104
lafur Jnsson, Sra (16371688):
1213, 21, 79
lafur Jnsson of Purkey: 38
lafur Sveinsson (17621845): 62
lufar kvi: 64
Index of Names 119
mi (alternative name for inn): 30,
92, 104
Pll Andrsson: 52
Pll Hjlmarsson, Sra (17521830):
52, 77
Pll (stdent) Plsson (18061877):
62, 73
Pll Sveinsson (17041784): 14, 44,
6567, 77
Pll Vdaln, see Vdaln, Pll
Powell, Frederick York (18501904): 47
Ragnark: 2324, 80, 102104, 106
Rakni (a sea-king): 104
Rask, Rasmus Kr., Professor (1787
1832): 89, 10n, 3031, 33, 71, 74,
81, 100104
Reginsml: 72, 100
Resen, Peder Hansen, Professor (1625
1688): 15, 31, 68
Rgsula: 26, 4546, 54, 57, 68, 72
Rmur af hvarf og drukknan ri 1768
Eggerts sklds lafssonar: 51
Rindr (a giantess): 93, 104
Rosenblad, Bernhard (17961855): 44
Rnadeilur: 74
Rgnir (alternative name for inn):
86, 100
Sandvig, Bertel Christian (17521786):
Scheving, Hallgrmur (17811861): 8,
10, 18, 22, 24, 71, 7374, 81, 95, 99,
101104, 106
Scheving, Hallgrmur (b. 1846): 95
Scheving, Stefn (17661844): 95
Scheving, Vigfs Hansson (17351817):
Scheving, Vigfs Jnsson (17491834):
Scheving, runn Stefnsdttir (1793
1881): 95
Scott, Walter (17711832): 56
Sevel, Frederik Christian (17231778): 49
Sigrdrfuml: 63, 66, 72, 74, 97, 103
Sigurarkvia in skamma: 36, 63, 72
Sigurur Breifjr, see Breifjr,
Sigurur Eirksson, Sra (17061768):
Sigurur (skldi) Jnsson (18th century):
Sigurur Vigfsson (18281892): 47
Sin Sira Jons Eylfssonar: 63
Skafti Skaftason, Sra (17611804): 16
Skrnisml: 29, 3233, 35, 61, 63, 72,
74, 100, 106
Skli Magnussen: 47
Skli Magnsson (17111794): 65
Skli Thorlacius, see Thorlacius, Skli
Skgul (valkyrie): 69, 91, 104
Snorris Edda: 11n, 17n, 2226, 30, 33,
40n, 41, 5253, 5758, 63, 95106
Gylfaginning: 22, 26, 96106
Skldskaparml: 42, 95106
Httatal: 25n, 48
See also Laufs Edda
Slarlj: 1314, 23, 29, 3233, 3536,
38, 40, 43, 4546, 4852, 54, 5861,
63, 68, 7275, 7980
Sonar harmur: 64
Sonatorrek: 43, 46, 56, 63, 68
Sotberg, Eric of (17241781): 33
Steele, Robert (18601944): 47
Stefn Scheving, see Scheving, Stefn
Stephens, George (18131895): 4445
Stjpmur minning: 64
Stockholm: 12n, 2627, 29, 3132, 36,
44, 95
Suhm, Peter Friedrich (17281798): 32,
41, 43, 49, 61, 7879
Sveinbjrn Egilsson, Principal (1791
1852): 95
Sveinbjrn Hallgrmsson, Sra (1815
1863): 95
Svipdagsml III: 76
Systra kvi: 64
Shrmnir (a boar): 15n, 91, 103104
Smundr (fri) Sigfsson (1056
1133): 9, 12, 14n, 23, 7980
Smundur Hlm, Sra (17491821):
Tafkvi: 64
Teikn til vedrttufars: 73
120 Hrafnagaldur ins
Third Grammatical Treatise: 25n
Thorkeln, Grmur, Professor (1752
1829): 57
Thorlacius, Brge, Professor and Rector
(17751829): 16, 57
Thorlacius, Skli (17411815): 12, 57
Thornton, Grace: 75
Thott, Otto, Count (17031785): 42, 44,
65, 7879
Tillegg Nockurt heirande til Snorra Eddu,
sem ecke er ad fnna i eim ricktu, t
dreiged af Skrife Birns Skards : 66
Torfus, Thormod (16361719): 63
lfrn (one of Heimdallrs mothers):
94, 106
Um Galldra Bkur: 63
Um oracula: 63
Upprune Galldra: 63
Urr (mythological fgure): 72, 82, 96, 98
Vafrnisml: 10n, 29, 3233, 3536,
51, 61, 63, 7274, 96, 98, 101, 104106
Valagaldur Krku: 56
Vallara kvi: 64
Vellekla: 62
Vdaln, Geir, Bishop (17611823):
89, 78
Vdaln, Hlmfrur (16971736): 40
Vdaln, Pll, Principal (16671727):
2223, 25, 3637, 40, 5253, 77, 79
Viarr/Varr (alternative name for
inn): 90, 103
Virir (alternative name for inn): 86,
99, 103
Vigfs Hansson Scheving, see Scheving,
Vigfs Hansson
Vigfs Jnsson of Htardalur, Sra
(17061776): 49, 58
Vigfs Jnsson Scheving, see Scheving,
Vigfs Jnsson
Vijsur Einars Skla sonar um hinar
nafnkunnugre Eijar vid Noreg: 52
Vinglf (alternative name for Giml):
25, 90, 103
Vsa trmanns Smseyju: 56, 62, 68
Vlundarkvia: 29, 32, 35, 40, 44,
5354, 5657, 63, 7274
Vlusp: 10n, 11n, 13, 15, 2226, 29, 31,
33, 3536, 47, 55, 6061, 63, 7274,
80, 95105
Worm, Ole, Professor (15881654): 29
Yggdrasill (the mythological world-
tree): 8485, 9496, 9899, 105106
Yggjungr (alternative name for inn):
5455, 6263, 67, 90, 103
Yggr (alternative name for inn): 90,
99, 103
Ynglinga drpa: 74
Ynglingatal: 58, 72
rlfs drpa: 62
rarinn Jnsson, Sra (17551816): 51
orbjrg Magnsdttir (16671737): 40
orbjrn hornklof: 22, 62
rur Jnsson of Staarstaur, Sra
(16721720): 58n, 66
rur orlksson, Bishop (16371697):
orfnnr munnr (d. c. 1030): 62
orgrmur orlksson: 52
orkels kvia: 64
orlkur Magnsson sford, see sford,
orlkur Magnsson
orlkur Sklason (15971656): 21
orleifur Jnsson of Skinnastaur, Sra
(18451911): 56
ormr Bersason Kolbrnarskld (d.
c. 1030): 62
ormr Treflsson (11th century): 22
ormur Torfason, see Torfus, Thormod
orn (a giant or a svefnorn): 88, 101
orsteinn Eyjlfsson at Heyri (c.
16451714): 11, 77
orsteinn Ptursson of Staarbakki, Sra
(17101785): 68
runn Stefnsdttir Scheving, see
Scheving, runn Stefnsdttir
rinn (dwarf): 37, 41, 49, 75, 83,
rymskvia: 29, 3233, 35, 40, 54,
5659, 61, 63, 7274, 101
gmundur gmundarson (c. 1681
1707): 37
rvarOdds drpa: 62

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