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wiss Post olutions wiss Post olutions wiss Post olutions wiss Post olutions
Passionate about transforming the way
you do business tomorrow
Page ! wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
wiss Post wiss Post wiss Post wiss Post
# successful group
$ey %acts !&'! (usiness )nits
PostMail PostMail PostMail PostMail
Post Office Post Office Post Office Post Office
and and and and ales ales ales ales
Post(us Post(us Post(us Post(us
Post*ogistics Post*ogistics Post*ogistics Post*ogistics
Post%inance Post%inance Post%inance Post%inance
wiss Post wiss Post wiss Post wiss Post
olutions olutions olutions olutions
+ational mail
!.- billion items
deli,ered in
logistics ser,ices
''' million
parcels deli,ered
in !&'!
/etail counter
-,0&0 contact
a,ings, in,est1
ment and
payment ser,ices
"2% '&3 billion
customer assets
transport ser,ices
'!4 million
passengers in
(usiness Process
/e,enue "2% 5.6 billion
#broad ''.47
Profit "2% 504 million
89uity "2% 0.6 billion
8mployees: 33,6&0
#broad '3.57
tate1owned business
One of the largest employers in
(usiness abroad for '& years
Operating in o,er !& countries
#nnual reduction of "O
emissions by ''',&&& t
<oint =enture with
*a Poste %rance
"ross1border mail
#sendia #sendia #sendia #sendia
:> %ull1time e9ui,alent
wiss Post olutions wiss Post olutions wiss Post olutions wiss Post olutions
at a glance
Page - wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
Outsourcing solutions of strategic business processes strategic business processes strategic business processes strategic business processes
Inno,ati,e ser,ices in document management document management document management document management
? +ational and international business customers +ational and international business customers +ational and international business customers +ational and international business customers in ban@ing, insurance, retail,
telecommunication A media, energy A utility, tra,el A transportation
2ead9uarters in Burich Burich Burich Burich, wit;erland
#cti,e presence in all important economic regions
"ore Mar@etsC wit;erland, Dermany, )$, )#
/e,enue !&'!C "2% 03E million 03E million 03E million 03E million F6!7 outside of wit;erland>
PC an PC an PC an PC an internationally internationally internationally internationally successful successful successful successful company company company company
Page 3 wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
P is the largest largest largest largest specialist organi;ation in the mar@etplace for document management document management document management document management
ser,ices in the )$ )$ )$ )$ and the /epublic of Ireland /epublic of Ireland /epublic of Ireland /epublic of Ireland
P operates o,er -&& mailrooms worldwide -&& mailrooms worldwide -&& mailrooms worldwide -&& mailrooms worldwide, ma@ing it the third largest largest largest largest mailroom
pro,ider worldwide pro,ider worldwide pro,ider worldwide pro,ider worldwide
Ghe total 9uantity of documents printed by P Dermany and wit;erland fills more more more more
than 4&& truc@s e,ery year than 4&& truc@s e,ery year than 4&& truc@s e,ery year than 4&& truc@s e,ery year F-!& million documents>, which ma@es P one of the top - top - top - top -
players players players players in the document output field in 8urope
O,er !0& million documents !0& million documents !0& million documents !0& million documents are sorted, scanned, ,alidated and deli,ered into client
systems a year a year a year a year by P globally
P =ietnam P =ietnam P =ietnam P =ietnam processes documents documents documents documents in !5 languages in !5 languages in !5 languages in !5 languages ser,ing international clients
)p to '.6 million '.6 million '.6 million '.6 million plastic and cardboard cards cards cards cards and !0&,&&& chip cards !0&,&&& chip cards !0&,&&& chip cards !0&,&&& chip cards are produced per
day by P Dermany
Page 0 wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
PC successful Outsourcing Pro,ider of .ocument Management PC successful Outsourcing Pro,ider of .ocument Management PC successful Outsourcing Pro,ider of .ocument Management PC successful Outsourcing Pro,ider of .ocument Management
olutions olutions olutions olutions
wiss Post olutions is a subsidiary of the postal ser,ices
pro,ider wiss Post with a strong .O presence in 8urope strong .O presence in 8urope strong .O presence in 8urope strong .O presence in 8urope
and a growing client base in other geographies.
wiss Post olutions has mo,ed far beyond traditional mail far beyond traditional mail far beyond traditional mail far beyond traditional mail
Hwiss Post olutions is one of the few pro,iders with a cross cross cross cross
regionalI global solution strategy. regionalI global solution strategy. regionalI global solution strategy. regionalI global solution strategy.
P ran@ed E3 E3 E3 E3 in the !&'- Dlobal Outsourcing '&& Dlobal Outsourcing '&& Dlobal Outsourcing '&& Dlobal Outsourcing '&&
FInternational #ssociation of Outsourcing Professionals, I#OP>
P P P P is is is is present present present present on on on on three three three three continents continents continents continents
Page 6 wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
+orth #merica +orth #merica +orth #merica +orth #merica
',-45 employees
#sia #sia #sia #sia1 11 1Pacific Pacific Pacific Pacific
45! employees
8urope 8urope 8urope 8urope
4!! employees F'3.!7>
/est of 8uropeC
-,'44 employees
%G8 for !&'!
International International International International
6,0&! employees
Page E wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
=ision =ision =ision =ision
P is the recogni;ed leader in transforming and
managing information processes with our global
capabilities and presence in all business centers
of the world.
Powered by our passionate people, based on our
core ,alues and together with our business
partners we create inno,ati,e solutions,
deli,ering better results and tangible benefits for
our clients.
Mission Mission Mission Mission
P helps its clients to impro,e efficiency by
transforming business processes and accelerates
top1line growth through inno,ati,e business
process solutions and document management
P contributes to accelerate inno,ation within
the o,erall e1transformation of its parent
company wiss Post.
Jhere we want to go and how we get there Jhere we want to go and how we get there Jhere we want to go and how we get there Jhere we want to go and how we get there
Page 5 wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
hared ,alues determine the way we do business hared ,alues determine the way we do business hared ,alues determine the way we do business hared ,alues determine the way we do business
Inno,ati,e Ghin@ing .eli,ering 8xcellence "lients %irst
Putting our clients first means
offering bespo@e solutions.
Our clientsK needs are at the center
of e,ery decision.
Je de,elop our solutions around our
clientsK needs to increase their
Je offer first1class solutions based
on @nowing what our clients
Je compete with industry leaders
offering bespo@e client solutions.
Je continuously stri,e to impro,e
our deli,ery capabilities in order to
gain competiti,eness.
Je 9uestion con,entional
approaches and dare to differ
from the competition.
Je thin@ out of the box not only to
satisfy our clientsL wishes but also to
con9uer new mar@ets.
Inno,ati,e solutions de,elopment
@eeps us ahead
of our competitors.
Page 4 wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
P Droup Management P Droup Management P Droup Management P Droup Management
"8O, "8O, "8O, "8O,
wiss Post olutions wiss Post olutions wiss Post olutions wiss Post olutions
%ran@ Marthaler
trategic trategic trategic trategic Mar@eting Mar@eting Mar@eting Mar@eting
A ales A ales A ales A ales
andro Principe
ePost ePost ePost ePost Product 2ouse Product 2ouse Product 2ouse Product 2ouse
)rs %ischer Fa.i.>
Dlobal Dlobal Dlobal Dlobal er,ices er,ices er,ices er,ices
Derhard chwab
Management er,ices Management er,ices Management er,ices Management er,ices
Ghomas Pieper
Production er,ices Production er,ices Production er,ices Production er,ices
#lexander =al@enberg
Page '& wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
.e,elopment of P since !&&E .e,elopment of P since !&&E .e,elopment of P since !&&E .e,elopment of P since !&&E
!&&5 !&'& !&'' !&'! !&&4 !&&E
.P" M .ocument Processing "enter
FD(N> with
units in
Dermany and
Draphic .ata
*td in )$
Microgen *td
to strengthen
#c9uisition of
(* Dmb2,
.i,estment of
Mail .i,ision
Mar@et 8ntry
Mar@et 8ntry
with D#" for
/e1naming to
wiss Post
#c9uisition of
%M" Insights
*td., Ireland
of P
Opening of
new .P" in
*ong Island
"ity, )#
+umber +umber +umber +umber o oo of f f f
full full full full1 11 1time time time time
employees employees employees employees









Opening of
Goronto Office
with .P"
Opening of
.P" in Milan,
of P 2ong
Partnership in
#ustralia and
+ew Bealand
Mar@et 8ntry
0.-&6 0.-&6 0.-&6 0.-&6
6.'&4 6.'&4 6.'&4 6.'&4
6.5E5 6.5E5 6.5E5 6.5E5
6.44! 6.44! 6.44! 6.44!
6.3&E 6.3&E 6.3&E 6.3&E
6.0&! 6.0&! 6.0&! 6.0&!
#c9uisition of
calaris #D
<oint =enture
Gransguard in
the )#8
of P Ireland
#c9uisition of
Pitney (oweLs
Mailroom and
Mgmt. ser,ices
in )$ and
Page '' wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
International P International P International P International P Offering Offering Offering Offering Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio
(usiness Process olutions (usiness Process olutions (usiness Process olutions (usiness Process olutions
=alue A *oyalty "ards =alue A *oyalty "ards =alue A *oyalty "ards =alue A *oyalty "ards
=alue "ards F"redit1I.ebit #ccess "ards>
*oyalty "ards
Dift "ards
Prepaid "ards
ecurity A Identity Products ecurity A Identity Products ecurity A Identity Products ecurity A Identity Products
ecure 81Mail FIncaMail>
.igital "ertificates
%inance %inance %inance %inance A A A A #ccounting #ccounting #ccounting #ccounting Mar@eting A ales Mar@eting A ales Mar@eting A ales Mar@eting A ales
"ustomer A *oyalty Management
.ocument Management er,ices .ocument Management er,ices .ocument Management er,ices .ocument Management er,ices
olutions olutions olutions olutions
Products Products Products Products
er,ices er,ices er,ices er,ices
Mailroom Management Mailroom Management Mailroom Management Mailroom Management
Input Management Input Management Input Management Input Management
.ocument Processing
#rchi,e Management #rchi,e Management #rchi,e Management #rchi,e Management
Physical A 8lectronic #rchi,e
.igital "on,ersion
Output Management Output Management Output Management Output Management
tatement .istribution Management
(ill .istribution Management
ecure 8lectronic Payroll
Mar@eting Mail
.igital Gransformation .igital Gransformation .igital Gransformation .igital Gransformation
/eprographics, Managed Print er,ices
witchboard, 2elp .es@
%ront of 2ouse, /eception, "oncierge
-rd Party Management
Physical A .igital Mailroom
Industry Industry Industry Industry1 11 1specific specific specific specific
Office er,ices Office er,ices Office er,ices Office er,ices
Page '! wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
(usiness Process Outsourcing (usiness Process Outsourcing (usiness Process Outsourcing (usiness Process Outsourcing
8xcellence in the execution of all our solutions
P "ustomer P "ustomer P "ustomer P "ustomer
8nd "ustomers 8nd "ustomers 8nd "ustomers 8nd "ustomers
"ore IG ystems
Mar@eting A ales
%inance A #ccounting
Mailroom Management
A Office er,ices
#rchi,e Management
physical I electronic physical I electronic
ecurity A
Identity Products
ecurity A
Identity Products
.igital Gransformation
Page '- wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
PC # strong international client base PC # strong international client base PC # strong international client base PC # strong international client base
Page '3 wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
IO 4&&' IO 4&&' IO 4&&' IO 4&&'
IO '3&&' IO '3&&' IO '3&&' IO '3&&'
Information ecurity
IO !E&&' IO !E&&' IO !E&&' IO !E&&'
P is certified to all rele,ant international standards P is certified to all rele,ant international standards P is certified to all rele,ant international standards P is certified to all rele,ant international standards
Page '0 wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
ustainability ustainability ustainability ustainability
Je assume responsibility
8conomy 8conomy 8conomy 8conomy +ature +ature +ature +ature ociety ociety ociety ociety
IO '3&&'
digital transformation ?
towards paperless processes
social employer
engagement in communities resource1efficient
support of social institutions
ris@ management
thin@ing in lifecycles
Page '6 wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
Inno,ati,e wiss Post Inno,ati,e wiss Post Inno,ati,e wiss Post Inno,ati,e wiss Post
+o. ' position in e1postal ser,ices
)ni,ersal Postal )nion, .e;. !&''
PIt is impressi,e how the
inno,ation capability has
increased within postal
+o. ' wiss Post
PPosts are wising up to the importance
of including postal e1ser,ices in their business
strategy. Q
# "apgemini study found that wiss Post has put
!! new products and ser,ices on the mar@et
within the last four years and hence occupies the
first position of '4 postal companies globally.
F"apgemini !&'!>
Inno,ati,e products for the secure digital communication Inno,ati,e products for the secure digital communication Inno,ati,e products for the secure digital communication Inno,ati,e products for the secure digital communication
Page 'E wiss Post olutions, "ompany Presentation
ecure and
dispatch of
confidential 81
Gransformation solution for
business customers who can
offer their end1customers an
easy choice between digital
and physical reception of mail
IncaMail IncaMail IncaMail IncaMail Post Post Post Post uisseI. uisseI. uisseI. uisseI.: :: :
wisstic@ wisstic@ wisstic@ wisstic@: :: :
8lectronic processes made
secure and simpleC
digital authori;ation
digital signature
ecure electronic mailbox
that allows the access of
physical mail at all times and
from e,erywhere
Plug A Play solution for the
Post uisseI.
2igh comfort, security and
:> wit;erland only
ePostelect ePostelect ePostelect ePostelect
wiss Post (ox wiss Post (ox wiss Post (ox wiss Post (ox
Ghan@ you for your attention Ghan@ you for your attention Ghan@ you for your attention Ghan@ you for your attention

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