Present Perfect Continuous Gerald

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We use the present perfect continuous/progressiveto talk about an action or situations which began in the past and are still happening
or have just stopped. It is often used with how long, for and since.
E.g.: The journalist has been working very hard this week.

I. Put the verbs in brackets in either the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Continuous.
1. I (take) a French course for 5 months and the teacher says I am a fast learner.
2. A) Someone (leave) the ladder outside, look.I expect thats Brain. He (clean) windows.
And I dont think he (finish) yet.
3. Jessy (take) driving lessons and next week she is going to take a driving test.
4. I (live) in Sues flat and when I find a new house, I will move.
5. Please dont go in. I just (sweep) the flour.
6. I (eat) 8 chocolates up to now.
7. A- Are you hungry? B- No, Im not. I (eat) chocolates all day.
8. The young children (make) a snowman all morning.
9. I (break) my arms twice within 2 years.
10. Im tired. I (play) tennis all afternoon.

II. Choose the correct form of the verb:
1) I (have had/ have been)having some family problems lately.
2) She (has loved / has been)loving chocolate since she was a child.
3) It (has snowed / has been)snowing a lot this week.
4) (Have you studied / have you been studying)hard this semester?
5) How long (have you been/ have you been being)in town.
6) I (have read/ have been reading)this book all afternoon.
IV. Complete the sentences by means of the present perfect continuous:
A)He (try) to find a better job.
B) Where has Susan been? I (look) for her for the last two hours.
C) They (live) here since they got married.
Affirmative Subject have/has been verb + ing complement
She has been sleeping for ten hours.
Negative Subject have/has not been verb + ing complement
I have not been reading that book
Question Have/has subject been verb + ing complement?
Have you been working on the project?
Present Perfect Progressive
for since
how long lately
recently this morning
all day all/next week
these days for a long time
Still Yet
Some Time Markers
D) We (work) together for many years.
E) She (learn) French for three years now.
F) How long you (wait) for us?
G) I (take) a showersince three days ago.
H) you (eat) properly these days?

III. Complete with the correct form of the verbs using either Present Perfect tenseor Present Perfect Continuous.
1. Linda (travel) around Europe for three months.
2. She (visit) six countries so far.
3. Jimmy (play) since he was five years old.
4. He (win) the national championship four times.
5. Bill and Andy (make) ten films since they left college.
6. They (make) films for many years now.
7. Look! Somebody (break) the window.
8. I (read) the book you gave all morning.
9. But I (not finish) it yet.
10. Sorry Im late. Thats all right. I (not wait) for a long time.
11. Peter (clean) the windows for some time.
12. So far he (clean) five of them and there are two more to go.
13. My brother is an actor. He (appear) in several films.
14. I (learn) Chinese for two years now.

V. Write the interrogative form for each of the following sentences.
Ruby hasbeen eating too much fried food for the last two weeks?
I have been watching TV since 5pm because I have nothing to do.
Tamara has been studying seriously for 5 hours.
Pele has been playing football for a long time.
We have been waiting for him for over an hour!

VI. A Busy Year.What have you been doing since the beginning of the year or marking period? List between five and ten activities. Then, share
your answers with the rest of the group.
VII. Secret Charades. Students are given some index cards. Then, every student has to come to the front of the class and acts out a daily
activity while the rest of the class tries to figure out what it is. The goal is to try to guess what the student have been doing using the present
perfect progressive.

VIII. Song Activity. The famous song by Depeche Mode is used to illustrate the usage of Present Continuous, Present and Present Perfect
Continuous. After listening, fill in the gaps paying close attention to these tenses.
If youve from love
If youve from love
I can understand where you're coming from
I can understand where you're (coming/running) from

If you've enough
If you've enough
I can understand what you're (thinking/bringing)of
I can see the pain that you're frightened of

And I'm only here to (bring/give) you free love
Let's make it clear. That this is free love
No hidden catch. No strings attached
Just free .
No hidden catch. No strings attached
Just free love.

Ive like you
Ive like you
Now you understand why I'm running scared
Now you understand why I'm running scared

And Im only here

Hey girl
You've got to take this moment
Then let it slip away
Let go of complicated feelings
Then there's no price to (pay/pray)

Weve from love
Weve from love

And we don't know what we're doing here
No we don't (know/love) what we're doing here

We're only here
Sharing our free love
Let's (make/take) it clear
That this is free love
No hidden .
No strings attached
Just free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love

(love, been running, suffered, been hiding)

IX. Reading Comprehension. Read and then answer the questions using the present continuous when possible.
Ive been sitting on the beach and eating an ice-cream. Alice and Paul have been swimming in the sea and
Tom has been in the park.Hes been playing with a friend. Peter has been listening to the radio and
reading. Weve been having a fantastic holiday. Abercwm is a little fishing village in north Wales with a
park, a castle, some Roman remains and some lovely gardens, and theres a little fishing port with a
lighthouse. Everybody here has been really friendly since we came here. I think weve been very lucky.
This is our second holiday this year and weve been doing just what we have wanted to do. Weve been
sleeping, eating and playing games during all this time. The food has been lovely too.
1) Whats the author of the text been
2) What have Alice and Paul been doing?
3) What has Peter been doing?
4) Where has Tom been?
5) Wheres Abercwm?

Vocabulary: Remains= Ruinas; Fishing Village= Pueblitopesquero; Lighthouse= Faro; Lucky= Con suerte; Friendly= Amigable;
Castle= Castillo; Garden = Jardn; holiday=Vacaciones; lovely= encantador.

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