Everyone's Going Dairy-Free

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guide for
recipes and
Compiled by: Jane Easton
Editor: Juliet Gellatley
Photos: Viva!
Viva! 2014
Cover photo of Luxury Chocolate
Mousse p.33 by Chava Eichner/Viva!
ISBN: 978-0-9571874-1-2
Produced by: Viva!, 8 York Court,
Wilder St, Bristol BS2 8QH
0117 944 1000
(Mon-Fri 9am-6pm)
[email protected]

About Viva! and Viva!Health.4
Welcome ..........................4
Why dairy-free?................5
Calcium rich food chart ....6
Useful resources ...............7
Supermarket lists ..............8
Dairy-free or allergen-free?..8
Where to shop .................9
Cream of the crop Viva!s
top dairy-free secrets ........10
Nutritional yeast
flakes ........................10
Silken tofu ................10
Avocado ...................10
Pured white beans ..11
Nut & seed butters....11
Cheezy sauce mix .....12
Other dairy-free delights...15
Butter and spread ....
alternatives ...............15
Cheese alternatives ...15
Chocolate .................15
Milk alternatives........16
Soya milk in coffee
and tea.....................16
Yogurt ......................18
Tofu types and how to
use them..........................18
Dairy-free recipes..............19
Sides, sauces & milks ........19
A trio of cheezy
Tahini or cashew
Tofu based................20
Raita: cucumber
yoghurt dip.......................20
Cashew cream: savoury
or sweet ...........................21
Sour Cream......................22
Guacamole: avocado dip ..22
Easy cashew milk ......23
Easy almond milk......23
Light or main meals..........24
Creamy Scrambled
Tofu ..........................24
Baby Broad Bean,
Tomato & Fresh Herb
Salad with Creamy
Speedy Pizza.............26
Artichoke, Butterbean
& Filo Pie with Olives &
Sundried Tomatoes ...28
Creamy Vegetable
Mushroom Stroganoff..30
Quick Mexican Black
Bean & Courgette
Mellow Chilli with all
the trimmings ...........31
Creamy Leek &
Mushroom Pasta.......32
Luxury Chocolate
Fruity Cheesecake.....35
Coffee & Walnut Cake
with Mocha Icing......36
Eat out dairy-free..............37
Most people in the world avoid milk and dairy
products altogether because they are lactose
intolerant are unable to digest the sugar in milk
(lactose). This is the percentage of peoples who
are lactose intolerant:
(Source: NHS Direct)
All babies produce an enzyme called lactase,
which is needed to digest lactose (milk sugar) but
most lose it after weaning, at around the age of
two. Without lactase, lactose ferments in the large
intestine and produces gas. The result can be
nausea, cramps, bloating, wind
and diarrhoea, which
usually appear a couple
of hours after eating.
The treatment is avoid
lactose by cutting out all
dairy foods. Youll need
to check labels on bread,
chocolate and other
processed foods where
dairy products may
be used.
There are around
5,000 species of mammal
and none consumes dairy
after weaning apart
from humans. We are
also the only mammal to
consume the milk of a
different species. Imagine
a squirrel raiding a sheep or goats udder, or a
bear cub feeding from an elephant that gives
you some idea of just how unnatural it is!
Despite industry hype that we need dairy for
its calcium to build strong bones, the evidence
points in the other direction. Westerners consume
the most dairy yet have the highest levels of
osteoporosis (brittle bones) in the world! (See our
guide, Building Bones for Life at
Ironically, in other parts of the world where
people eat little or no dairy and obtain their calcium
from plant sources, levels of osteoporosis are low.
And there are plenty of healthier plant sources of
calcium (see page 6): green leafy vegetables,
sesame and other seeds, the whole range of pulses
such as soya, peas, beans and lentils and the
products made from them (tahini, hummus, tofu
and the like), nuts and many fruits. There is a long,
long list and the calcium obtained from them is
easy for our bodies to absorb and store.
Dairy is also strongly associated with diseases
such as breast and prostate cancers, diabetes,
eczema and heart disease amongst others. For
more information, see our Why You Dont Need
Dairy guide and referenced White Lies report at
There are now five
million dairy-free
consumers in the UK
(Alpro, 2012) as well as
millions of vegetarians,
vegans and meat and
dairy reducers. It is
the perfect time to
join them.
The free-from
market includes dairy-
free products and is
one of the largest
growth-sectors in the
food industry. Every
supermarket has free-from shelves.
Soya milk is now widely available from chain
coffee stores.
There is a wide variety of dairy-free alternatives
to cheese, milk, yoghurt and other dairy products.
Most chain restaurants and other eateries carry
a free-from/allergen, vegetarian and vegan list of
So youre thinking about going dairy-free. Well
done! Not only will the decision make you feel
better, look better and reduce your chances of
several major diseases, it will also help to save
animals from suffering and dramatically reduce
your impact on the environment.
This booklet will guide you along the path to a
dairy-free diet. Weve mostly listed dairy
replacements here but there is a vast range of other
products suitable for vegans which are listed in the
L-Plate Vegan guide. See page 7: Useful Resources.
Viva! is Europes largest vegan campaigning
charity. We help people to reduce meat, fish
and dairy in their diet and to go vegetarian and
vegan. We are here to support them all the
way! We campaign to end animal suffering and
cruelty by showing the reality of modern
farming and slaughter. Our undercover teams
expose the conditions in factory farms and
regularly grab the headlines.
Our major work on dairy is White Lies, which
relies on years of research into the impact of
dairy farming on animal welfare and our
health. The campaign includes a film and
report The Dark Side of Dairy which expose
the conditions modern dairy cows have to
endure and reveals the shocking fate of their
calves. Our fully-referenced, scientific report,
White Lies, looks at the impact of dairy
consumption on our health and shows how
dairy is linked to many degenerative diseases
from eczema and osteoporosis to breast cancer.
Viva! also produces books and guides on all
the main veggie issues and publishes the
highly-acclaimed magazine, Viva!Life. Our
Incredible Vegan Roadshows have been to
more than 30 cities around the UK.
Viva!Health is part of Viva!. We educate the
public on the value of vegan diets that promote
good health and reduce the risk of disease.
We have a wide range of easy-to-read
guides, including Healthy Veggie (vegan) Kids,
Vegetarian & Vegan Mother & Baby Guide, the
D- Diet (Defeating Diabetes), the Soya Story
(the truth about healthy soya) and the 5:2 Diet
Vegan Style. Our simple fact sheets focus on
individual nutrients such as protein, calcium
and iron.
Viva! Shop offers a superb range of high-
quality merchandise and books by mail order.
Goodies on offer include dairy-free chocolates,
vegan wines, cruelty free gifts and clothing and
vegan recipe books www.vivashop.org.uk
about viva! and viva!health
why dairy-free
75% 50% 10%
dishes and must state which of their other dishes
is suitable for such groups.
The modern dairy industry is far from the
buttercup-strewn meadow of advertising myth and
is actually very brutal.
To produce milk, cows must repeatedly be made
pregnant. Their babies are always taken away
from them and if male, are killed shortly after birth
or reared for veal or beef. Females are usually kept
in solitary confinement for eight weeks before
being used to replenish the herd.
Dairy cows are killed between five to six years
old, the human equivalent of a twenty year old,
because they are exhausted, infertile, diseased or
their milk production has reduced.
Unbelievably, every year some 150,000 UK dairy
cows are pregnant when theyre killed, many in
the final trimester of their nine-month pregnancy.
Goats also have to be made pregnant if theyre
to be milked. All kids are taken from their mothers
immediately the males killed for meat, often by
religious slaughter methods.
A sheeps male babies are killed whilst still
lambs and the females are mostly kept for
breeding slaughtered when they are too weak to
bear more lambs or milk.
The United Nations estimates that livestock for
meat and dairy create 18 per cent of all
greenhouse gases thats more than all
transportation put together, including air transport.
Worldwide, over 57 billion farmed animals are
killed every year for meat.
Their digestion process produces huge amounts
of methane while their manure produces nitrous
oxide both powerful greenhouse gases.
Livestock are the main cause of deforestation
(United Nations) as trees are felled to provide
grazing or to grow fodder crops. They are also the
main cause of species (biodiversity) loss. Almost
every environmental problem has livestock farming
at its heart.
Farmed animals are extraordinarily wasteful as
most of what they eat does not produce meat but
simply keeps them alive and functioning. It can
take as much as 17kg of vegetable protein to
produce just 1kg of meat protein. Starvation across
the world is intimately linked to farming livestock.
7 6
Artichokes Baked beans (haricot) Blackberries Blackstrap molasses
Blackcurrants Bok choy Brazil nuts Bread (wholemeal)
Broccoli Chickpeas Cinnamon Edamame (soya beans)
Fennel Kale Kidney beans Olives
Sesame seeds
(and other seeds ) Soya milk (fortified) Spring greens
Tofu Swede Walnuts Watercress
Almonds Amaranth grain Asparagus Apricots (dried)
calcium-rich foods
guide Contains not just
dairy-free options but also
meal ideas such as
supermarket readies
egg-free alternatives and much more.
Available free as a download or in a
handy pocket size for only 1.90 from
Viva!. Order online or see page 3 to order
by phone.
www.veganrecipeclub.org.uk Viva!s
dedicated food website contains hundreds
of recipes that are all dairy-free and vegan
delicious as well as informative articles
and much more.
www.whitelies.org.uk Viva!s new
health guide draws on reputable science
to overturn the myths about dairy
I WHITE LIES www.whitelies.org.uk
Deals with all things dairy-free, from
animal welfare concerns to health and
recipes and much more. It also features
downloadable versions or links to all our
dairy-free related guides, recipes,
information and campaigns.
www.viva.org.uk/30dayvegan A Viva!
initiative that sends you daily email
bulletins containing recipes all deliciously
dairy-free and vegan health tips, celebrity
quotes, shopping ideas and lots more!
I VEGANOOwww.veganoo.net A UK
website with a huge list of tried and
tested vegan, dairy and gluten-free
products that is updated regularly. Really
useful and very honest!
useful resources
a laminated,
A4 poster of this
chart for your kitchen,
visit www.vivashop.
I CO-OP Vegan (and therefore dairy-free)
items are clearly marked on their own-
brand products where appropriate.
health.marksandspencer.com Click on
Help. This takes you to an ask a
question box enter vegetarian and
vegan to take you to vegan lists.
I SAINSBURYS www.sainsburys-live-
well-for-less.co.uk Enter vegan in the
search box. Many of their own-brand
products are also labelled vegan.
I TESCOwww.realfood.tesco.com Scroll to
bottom of page, find the Healthy Eating
column then click on vegetarian and vegan.
I WAITROSE www.waitrose.com Enter
dietary and lifestyle in search box then
click on that link.
If an item supposedly contains no dairy
ingredients but the packaging states may
contain traces of milk, it means the item is
most likely dairy-free and vegan. However, it
wont necessarily be suitable for those with
an allergy to dairy.
Companies who make a variety of foods
have to clean production line machinery
between different batches that may contain
nuts, soya, dairy, eggs and so on. A chocolate
manufacturer may make a batch of milk
chocolate, clean the line and then make a batch
of dark chocolate that is dairy-free/vegan!
Although production lines are scrupulously
cleaned, there is always the risk of microscopic
food traces being left behind and companies
have a legal obligation to warn allergy
sufferers about possible cross contamination.
From an ethical or health point of view, most
vegan groups agree that this is an acceptable
compromise and it widens the range of dairy-
free/vegan products available unless, of
course, you are highly allergic to dairy. When
in doubt, check with the manufacturer.
FFI see the Vegan Societys useful article
dairy-free or
supermarket lists
Unless an item is marked clearly as dairy-free or
vegan, always read the label. When in doubt, ask
an assistant or ask to see the shops vegan list.
All major supermarkets sell an ever-increasing
range of dairy-free and vegan products and many
have their own free-from and vegan lists for own-
brand products see page 8. Aldi and Lidl
sometimes label vegan products.
They sell a large range of
dairy-free/vegan products
how much depends on the
SHOPS They usually carry
a good range of products
and staff are more likely to
be well informed.
STORES Chinese, Thai,
Korean, Japanese etc
usually carry a wonderful
stock of dairy-free
products tofu, mock
meats, spices and
cooking sauces in particular
are often excellent quality and value.
Online stores
Those listed below sell a wealth of vegan/dairy-
free products and of course, they deliver! They
often carry a bigger and better range than can be
found in high street outlets. A web search will
help you find more stores.
VIVA! SHOP www.vivashop.org.uk your first
stop for vegan confectionery and gifts.
www.alternativestores.com all vegan/dairy-free.
AMAZON UK www.amazon.co.uk click on
grocery then enter vegan in search box.
ANANDA www.anandafoods.co.uk sells dairy-
free Parmesan and hard to find vegan foods.
GOODNESS www.goodnessdirect.co.uk
search vegan for pages of food products. They
also have a handy dietary key dairy-free, vegan,
gluten-free, organic etc.
goodness.org.uk all
an online supermarket. Type
vegan in find a product.
www.vbites.eu/food mock
meats, fish, cheese etc all
www.vegan.co.uk food, pet
food, clothing, household and
more all vegan and dairy-free.
clothing, footwear, food,
cosmetics and toiletries all vegan/dairy-free.
VEGAN X www.vegancross.com apparel,
footwear, grocery (food, cosmetics, toiletries and
more), books, accessories all vegan/dairy-free.
VEGGIE STUFF www.veggiestuff.com food
(including chocolate and sweets); pet food; body
care and nutritional products all vegan/dairy-free.
VEGUSTOwww.vegusto.co.uk mock meats
and cheeses, all vegan/dairy-free.
For more information see the L-Plate Vegan
9 8
where to shop
The impact of milk on our
health, its connections to
Western diseases from
cancer and heart disease to
osteoporosis and acne. The
disturbing truth about the
life of dairy cows and
calves. And where to get
calcium and all the
nutrients you need on a
dairy-free diet
2 from www.vivashop.org.uk/viva/
By Juliet Gellatley The impact of dairy on our
health and animal welfare;
and safe sources of calcium
avocado into cooked garlic and mushrooms
then mix into spaghetti or linguini. Add lots of
black pepper and a little salt
I Search for avocado on
www.veganrecipeclub.org.uk for the pasta
recipe and a host of others
What brands should I look for? There are
different types of avocado, eg Hass small with
lumpy dark green skins. Other types are larger and
have smoother, paler green skins.
Where can I buy it? Ready-to-eat packs in
supermarkets tend to be the most reliable but
good greengrocers/vegetable shops may have
ripened avocados going cheap. Make sure they are
pretty soft and squidgy to the touch. If hard and
unripe, you can keep them until they ripen.
Can I make my own? Sadly, avocados dont grow
in the UK.
What is it? A creamy mixture made from white
beans whizzed up cannellini beans are best but
haricot and butter beans will also work.
What does it taste like? Its all in the flavouring
adding fresh herbs, roast or fresh garlic, olive oil,
black pepper and salt will transform these beans
into a creamy delight.
What is it used for? Use to make recipes from
www.veganrecipeclub.org.uk such as:
I Cannellini Bean, Black Olive, Sun-dried Tomato
& Basil Pt
I Artichoke, Butterbean & Filo Pie with Olives and
Sundried Tomatoes (see page 28)
I Add a creamy but low-fat texture to soups,
stews, sauces etc just whizz up - tin of
white beans with a bit of the stock or juice from
the dish youre making until smooth, then stir in
What brands should I look for? All white beans
are sold in tins. Sainsburys Organic in cartons are
a good deal.
Where can I buy it? Large supermarkets and
health food shops tins/cartons of cooked beans
and packets of dried beans.
Can I make my own? Yes. Soak dried beans
overnight. If you are sensitive to beans, soak them
for several days until they are almost sprouting.
Keep in a cool place and change the water twice
daily. Rinse, drain and cook in fresh water 40-60
minutes in an ordinary pan or pressure cook at
high for 15 minutes. Blend beans wholly or
partially to make the dish of your choice. Beans
also freeze well, in bags or plastic containers.
What is it? A rich
butter/spread made
from one or more
nuts or seed
cashew, almond,
Brazil, tahini
(sesame seeds),
sunflower, hemp,
pumpkin and the
ubiquitous peanut.
ingredients are combined, such as almond, hazel
& Brazil.
What does it taste like? Like the nut or seed its
made from and on whether they are raw or roasted.
What is it used for?
I Sauces such as tahini and miso, peanut satay,
cheezy sauce (see page 19). Search sauces on
I Dips and spreads such as hummus (tahini
sesame paste)
I Adding to soups and stews for a rich, creamy
texture and flavour a tablespoon of peanut
butter works wonders in Martin Shaws Chilli
What is it? Sprinkles of
naturally brewed yeast
flakes in a tub (not to be
confused with brewers
yeast!). Its full of protein,
B vitamins and other
useful nutrients the blue
tub in particular.
What does it taste like? Slightly cheezy, nutty,
savoury. It dissolves into hot dishes really well or
can be sprinkled on pasta, asparagus or soups for
added taste.
What is it used for?
I pasta dishes and pasta sauces
I sprinkle on soups of most types
I bread can be mixed with vegan spread to
make garlic bread
I tofu scramble
I as a condiment or to make dairy-free cheezy
sauces see page 19-20
What brands should I look for? Engevita
Where can I buy it? Health food shops or online
(see page 9). Not yet in supermarkets, other than
online at Ocado, but we live in hope.
Can I make my own? No: its a natural product
but uses lots of beets and a fermentation process
that would be difficult/impossible to recreate in a
home kitchen.
What is it? A type of
tofu (beancurd). All
tofu is made from soya
beans into a kind of
cheese and is widely
used throughout the
Far East. There are lots of different types. Silken
tofu is a softer, creamier variety too squidgy for
stir-fries but a very useful and versatile ingredient!
What does it taste like? Its bland but absorbs
flavours very well. Creamy when whizzed up but
low fat and high in protein and calcium.
What is it used for?
I Sour cream alternative see page 22
I Dairy/egg-free quiches
I Desserts such as cheesecake; chocolate mousse;
raspberry mousse. See pages 33-36
I Search silken tofu in www.veganrecipeclub.
org.uk for a host of recipes
What brands should I look for?
I Longlife silken varieties (mostly 350g):
Morinaga; Morinu; Blue Dragon; Clearspring
I Fresh silken: Taifun; Unicurd and generic silken
tofu is sold in most Oriental stores
Where can I buy it? Large supermarkets, health
food shops, Oriental food stores.
Can I make my own? Yes its not difficult! See
www.veganrecipeclub.org.uk Home Made Tofu.
For further info on all types of tofu, see page 18.
What is it? Its a
fruit (not a
high in
protein and
healthy fats,
other things.
What does it taste like? Subtle not sweet
but creamy.
What is it used for?
I Desserts. Yes, really. Avocado lends itself to
many dairy-free and vegan desserts and is
especially good with chocolate, figs and
pistachio nuts. Search the web for avocado
vegan desserts and youll be amazed!
I Guacamole dip. See page 22
I Creamy pasta sauce. Mash or roughly chop
viva!s top dairy-free secrets
non Carne www.veganrecipeclub.org.uk.
A tablespoon of cashew or almond butter is
delicious in tomato soup or sauce, to name just
a few
I As a spread on toast etc particularly nice with
yeast extract (eg Marmite) or jam!
What brands should I look for? Biona, Carleys,
Essential, Meridian, Monkey, Suma and Whole Earth
are all good quality but there are lots out there.
Where can I buy it? Supermarket brands are
cheaper but tend to be peanut based, padded out
with other oils and contain too much sugar or salt.
Wholefood and health shops tend to sell a larger
variety of quality nut/seed butters but are usually
more expensive.
Can I make my own? Yes its easy and tastes
wonderful but you need a food processor with a
good motor Magimix or Vitamix. See
www.veganrecipeclub.org.uk Home-made Nut
& Seed Butter.
What is it? Dairy-
free cheese sauce
mix in a tub
almost instant!
Add it to plant
milks such as soya,
heat up and
its done.
What does it
taste like? Pretty good! Its even better with a
handful or two of nutritional yeast flakes and a
teaspoon or two of Dijon mustard thrown in.
What is it used for? Any dish that needs a
cheese sauce.
I Macaroni cheese
I Savoury pancakes
I Aurora sauce mix half cheezy sauce with half
tomato pasta sauce and add to tubular cooked
pasta such as penne, rigatoni or macaroni
What brands should I look for? Free & Easy
Dairy-Free Cheese Flavour Sauce Mix (black and
yellow tub).
Where can I buy it? Health food shops, Holland
& Barrett, Sainsburys and online stores.
Can I make my own? Yes! See page 19-20
for recipes.
What is it? Dairy-free cream.
What does it taste like? It depends on what its
made from. Commercial dairy-free creams are
made from soya, oat, rice, coconut or nuts.
What is it used
I Add to a
savoury creamy
dish such as
stroganoff or
I Desserts single
or whipping,
depending on
the pudding
What brands
should I look for? Alpro/Provamel; Sojatoo;
Oatly; Whiptop.
Where can I buy it? It depends on the brand and
type of cream. All large supermarkets sell at least
one type, eg soya (Alpro/Provamel) or oat (Oatly).
For a wider range, try health food shops and
online stores such as www.vivashop.org.uk.
Can I make my own? Cashew cream is very easy
to make and is healthy, natural and delicious use
in savoury as well as sweet dishes. See page 21 for
our recipe.
Most margarines/spreads are plant-based but
manufacturers often add dairy, such as whey or
butterfat. There are plenty that are vegan:
I Biona: all
I Co-op: Soft Spread
I M&S: Sunflower Spread; Sunflower Spread
Light Dairy-Free
I Pure: Soya or Sunflower widely available
I Sainsbury: Free From Spread
I Suma: Soya or Sunflower
I Tesco: Free From Soya Spread
I Vitalite
We sometimes call it cheeze to distinguish it from
animal-based cheeses! Dairy-free cheese has
improved over the years, as has the range of
products and flavours available. There is no vegan
Brie yet but who knows?
Does it melt?
Some dairy-
free cheezes
melt better
than others,
but so far
none in the
UK melt quite
the same as
dairy cheese.
What types
are there? Hard
or creamy with assorted flavours. See below.
I Cheezly (V-Bites brand). Hard cheese in around
nine flavours including mozzarella, blue,
cheddar and a rather good parmesan-style
called Hard Italian-style. Some flavours melt,
others dont. Melting Cheezly, available in
Mozzarella-style (good for pizzas). There is also
a soya-free variety and a Christmas selection
pack. www.vbites.eu/food
I Mozzarisella. Melting mozzarella-style, made
from rice milk good on pizza or with tomato
salad and the like. www.mozzarisella.co.uk
I Sheese Hard. 11 flavours such as Mild Cheddar
Red Cheddar and including two melty flavours.
creamy: five flavours ranging from Original
(good for cheesecake) to Garlic & Herb.
I Tesco. Alternatives to hard and cream cheese
sold in chilled, free-from sections in larger
branches. Several flavours of each
I Tofutti. Creamy cheese: six flavours including
Original (good for cheesecake); Garlic & Herb;
Olive. All types are good on pizza
Hard cheese: creamy smooth slices (Mozzarella
and Cheddar); and grated Mozzarella good
for pizzas
I Veganic. So far mostly health food shops or
online. Grated in a bag or sandwich slices
I Vegusto No-Moo. So far this Swiss company
sells seven delicious flavours including Piquant (a
bit like Parmesan); Walnut; Melty and more
also cheese sauce. They also sell deli slices,
roasts and lots more. See page 9
I Bellissimo Parmesan. Vegan version from
Dairy-free chocolate of all types is easy to find.
Hooray! In supermarkets, most dairy-free milk
chocolate is on the free-from shelves but often
ordinary shelves contain products that are OK
(for example mint thins). Waitrose Dark Belgian
Chocolate is another good example. Get reading
those labels, now!
Dairy-free milk chocolate is made from plant
milks soya, rice or coconut.
Supermarkets: mainly on free-from shelves. Buttons
and bars also white buttons; Moo-free Organic
Couverture, Organica White, Plamil, Sainsburys
Crispy Rice Choc Bar, Tesco Free-from Chocolate Bar.
Other brands: For some of the best vegan milk
chocolate, check out health food shops and online
stores see page 9.
Our current favourites include Moo-free and
Organica but also Zotters Hazelnuss Nougat
(divine, like proper praline!) and Ombar Coco Mylk,
other dairy-free delights
delicious and from organic raw cacao, coconut
cream and vanilla www.vivashop.org.uk.
There is plenty of high quality dark chocolate out
there. Most is dairy-free but some have butterfat
and other dairy bits so check the labels. Again,
supermarkets carry a pretty good range but theres
more choice in independent shops and online.
Good brands include:
I Booja Booja the best truffles ever!
I Kinnerton
I Lidl Fair Trade plain chocolate
I Montezuma
I Seed & Bean
I Waitrose Belgian dark on its own or with
fruit and nuts
CREAM see page 7
Cartons, ready-made:
I Alpro
I Provamel
I Birds and most supermarket own-brands are
suitable. Follow instructions on the tub but
replace cows milk with a plant milk. As fat
levels of dairy milk are higher, you might want
to reduce plant milk from 570ml to 450ml.
Milk alternatives
There are far too many dairy-free milks to list soya,
rice, hemp, coconut, almond, oat, quinoa with
plain, strawberry or chocolate flavours. Youll find
them in long-life cartons or fresh in chill cabinets of
supermarkets and health food shops etc.
The taste varies long-life is different from
fresh; sweetened from unsweetened. Its worth
experimenting. Many are fortified with vitamin
B12 and calcium. Give it a couple of weeks and
your tastes will change, to a point where dairy
milks can quickly smell and taste very strange! See
opposite for tips on using soya milk in coffee.
The most common brands are Alpro, Provamel
(both non-GM) and So-Good with every
supermarket selling at least an own-brand long-
life. Many also offer fresh soya milk. Most sell a
value soya milk too. Plamil is
also widely available this all-
vegan company made the first
soya milk in the UK and is the
most ethically produced (Ethical
Consumer magazine).
Also easily found Rice Dream
is the most common brand.
In a carton and made for
pouring unlike the stuff in tins!
There are many brands,
including Kara and Tesco. They
dont taste overly coconutty and are very nice.
Hazelnut and almond are widely available eg
Ecomil and Tesco. Almond is gaining in popularity,
with many prefering it in hot drinks.
Nut milks are simple to make. See our recipes for
cashew milk and almond milk on page 23. Soya
milk can be made at home with basic equipment
or with a special soya milk maker. However, home-
made milks are not fortified with calcium, B12 and
other vitamins if thats what you want.
TEA: soya milk works well unless its
beginning to go off when it will curdle like
dairy milk.
COFFEE: fresh soya milk doesnt usually
curdle but long-life may. If using long-life in
fresh coffee, heat the milk (dont boil) then
add to the cup before the coffee. For instant
coffee, add soya milk and hot water first,
allowing the water to cool a little first. Add
the granules last and stir vigorously.
NB Coffee houses such as Costa and
Starbucks often use Alpro Pro soya milk,
which never curdles and is delicious.
soya milk in
hot drinks
Its never been easier to cook delicious vegan food. Below
is a handful of useful recipes but do check out the
amazing array of recipe books and websites on offer,
including Viva!s www.veganrecipeclub.org.uk. Also:
I The Viva! Cookbook lots of quick and delicious meals
I The L-Plate Vegan supermarket ready meal ideas
I 30 Day Vegan home-cooked and ready meal ideas
(See page 7 and 39 for details). Youll be spoiled for choice!
A Trio of Cheezy
1 Cheatin
I 3-4 tbsp Free & Easy Cheese Flavoured
Sauce Mix (see page 12)
I 300ml unsweetened plant milk (soya,
coconut, hemp, rice etc)
I - cup nutritional yeast flakes (see
page 10)
Optional: 1-2 tsp Dijon mustard
1 Whisk everything together in a small saucepan.
2 Bring to the boil gently, stirring continuously to
avoid lumps (use a small balloon whisk and beat
vigorously if lumps do form).
3 The sauce will thicken.
4 Serve while hot.
2 Tahini or cashew
Version 1
I 200ml/7fl oz water
I 6 tbsp tahini OR 4 tbsp cashew butter
I 4 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes (see page 10)
I 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
I 2 tbsp finely chopped shallot or red onion
I 2 tbsp light miso
1 Red onion and shallots are quite mild but if you
find raw onion overpowering, cook it in a little oil
or oil spray for a couple of minutes to soften first.
Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth
if you have a hand/stick blender, this can all be
done in the saucepan.
2 Heat gently without boiling before pouring over
your meal nut and seed butters become very
thick if boiled.
Version 2 Reduced Fat
As Version 1, but reduce tahini/cashew butter to 2
tbsp and add 60g/2oz plain tofu.
Version 3
As Version 1 or 2 but add a good pinch or more
of smoked paprika, to taste.
19 18
Sauces, sides & milks
Tofu types and how
to use them
What is it? Tofu or
beancurd, is a kind of cheese
made from soya beans. Its
very high in protein and low
in fat, making it a bit of a
Different types:
Cauldron; Dragonfly; Unicurd
and lots of other brands are
widely available, with Cauldron
most readily available. Mainly
used for stir-fries because it holds
its shape but can also be deep-
fried or oven-roasted.
Drain the plain tofu and dry with
kitchen paper. Chop into cubes or steaks. In a
frying pan or wok, heat 2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
until very hot, add the tofu and fry for several
minutes until golden brown. Turn gently while
cooking to avoid mashing. Remove from pan and
drizzle a little soya sauce over.
Options Crushed garlic, garlic paste, Chinese five
spice powder or grated ginger (use your
imagination) can be added a couple of minutes
before the end of cooking. Can be pre-cooked
and chilled until needed 2-3 days in an airtight
container lined with kitchen paper.
Taifun and other brands vary in
texture and smokiness. Available
in Waitrose, Ocado and health
food shops. It can be cooked in
the same way as plain, sliced
thinly for sandwiches or fried up
as rashers again drizzled with
soya sauce.
Cauldron marinated, ready-cooked pieces are
available in health food shops and large
supermarkets. Simple to use, they can be stirred
into hot dishes at the end of cooking, particularly
pastas, sauces, stews and stir fries. Also nice cold
in salads.
Silken tofu has many uses see pages 10, 20, 22,
29, 33-35.
For more information and recipes, see Viva!s
The Soya Story guide free to download or cheap
to buy: www.vivahealth.org.uk/guides
Plain and flavoured fruity brands are available.
Alpro also does a creamier, pouring yoghurt
thats very good. Most yoghurts are soya based
but there are others, including CoYos coconut
yoghurt. Some live yoghurts are available.
Plain: use for savoury dips such as raita (see
page 20) or use straight from the tub with curries,
on cereal or where you would use dairy yoghurt.
Flavoured/fruity: eat as you would any other
flavoured yoghurts.
Brands Alpro, CoYo, Provamel, Sojade and
Tesco are the most common brands but the
field is growing. All largish supermarkets will
sell at least one type. A wider range can be
found in health food shops or online.
Home-made is pretty easy to make but youll
need a food vacuum flask and a small pot of
live, plain, vegan yoghurt as a starter culture.
See www.veganrecipeclub.org.uk Home
Made Yoghurt recipe.
Cashew Cream
Basic Cream
I 2 cups whole raw (ie not roasted cashews).
Dont use cashew pieces. They are cheaper
but often rather dry and dont make such a
rich cream
I Lots of cold water
I Flavourings see ideas in the box or invent
your own, according to the type of dish you
want to make
1 Soak the nuts in cold water overnight first.
Cover and refrigerate.
2 Drain the nuts and rinse in cold water. Place in
food processor and do the following:
Thick cream: reduce the water just cover the
cashews with water in the food processor.
Thin cream: cover in water by over an inch/scant
3 Blend at high speed for several minutes, until
as smooth and creamy as possible. Sieve if still a
bit grainy.
3 Tofu based
I 1 shallot OR small red onion, finely
I 1 medium clove garlic, crushed
I 2 squirts oil spray or a little plain oil
I 225/8oz plain tofu, any type (silken or firm)
I 500-600ml/18-21fl oz soya milk start with
less, add more if too thick
I Generous cup/30g/1oz nutritional yeast
flakes (see page 10)
I 2 tbsp cornflour OR 1 tbsp arrowroot
I 1 tbsp lemon juice
I 1 tbsp cider vinegar
I 2 tsp Dijon mustard
I -1 tsp salt, according to taste
I tsp paprika
I tsp turmeric
I Generous pinch of mild chilli powder
I Black pepper
Optional: 1 tbsp pale miso
1 Measure all the dry ingredients and place in a
container. Measure liquids and set aside. In a pan,
saut the onion and garlic in the oil spray until the
onion is softened. If using onion and garlic
powder, skip this step and go to Stage 2.
2 Meanwhile, blend the tofu until it is completely
smooth use a spatula to scrape down the sides
of the bowl or food processor and integrate any
lumpy bits.
3 Add the cooked onion/garlic plus the rest of the
ingredients and blend again until it is smooth. Heat
gently before using bring to boil just enough to
let the cornflour/arrowroot thicken the sauce.
Raita: Cucumber
Yoghurt Dip
I cucumber
I 250ml (half a large tub) of plain soya
yoghurt see page 18
I tsp ground cumin
I Salt
1 Grate the cucumber then mix it in a bowl with
the cumin and yoghurt. Mix the first three
ingredients together in a bowl.
2 Taste, then add salt as desired. Will keep 2-3
days in a sealed container in the fridge.
I The thick cream is vastly more
adaptable so if youre going to freeze
some, make it all thick you can
always thin down part of a batch
I The better your food processor, the
better the creaminess. If you dont
have a high-powered machine like a
Vitamix or Magimix, there are several
Grind the drained, soaked nuts first
in an electric grinder (only takes a
few seconds) then whizz them in
the processor
If the cream is still a bit coarse, put
through a fine mesh sieve. Ignore
the grinder bit and just whizz up
for as long as you can, scraping
down the sides occasionally then
sieve if still coarse
I Serving suggestions just a few but
get creative!
savoury ravioli; lasagne; soups;
dips and sauces. Adding lemon or
chillies or smoked paprika or fresh
herbs or garlic makes the cream
even more adaptable in different
dishes. Were sure you can come up
with more ideas!
sweet use as you would dairy
cream. Adding sugar or agave syrup
or vanilla or cinnamon or other
lovely ingredients will allow you to
get creative with desserts too
I Freezing: 3-6 months. It will need a
whizz in the food processor to get rid
of lumps before using



Easy Cashew Milk
This is particularly good if you want to make small
quantities nut milks are usually sold in 1L packs,
which can be too large, especially if you live on
your own. If you can buy loose nuts from a
wholefood shop it will work out cheaper too. Just
remember to buy raw nuts not roasted or salted.
Finally, dont throw the nut pulp away add it
to soups, stews or smoothies!
I cup raw cashews (ie not roasted/salted)
I Square of clean muslin or cheesecloth
approximately 40cm square
I Water to soak cashews
I 1 cups cups water (350ml)
I Pinch of sea salt
I Agave syrup or concentrated apple juice to
sweeten whisk in 1 tsp, taste and add
more if necessary
1 Cover the cashews in cold water, cover and
allow them to soak for at least one hour. Drain
and rinse.
2 Place the soaked cashews and the 1 cups
water into the blender or food processor. Whizz
until smooth, at least one full minute. Add the sea
salt and agave. Whizz again, taste and add a little
more agave if necessary. If you prefer a less
creamy milk, add a little more water up to about
cup/4 tbsp and whizz again.
3 Place the square of muslin over a sieve or
colander which is placed over a bowl. Pour the nut
mixture into the muslin then bring
the ends
twist and
squeeze the
bag so that
the milk drips
into the bowl.
Twist more so
you get as
much of the
liquid out of
the bag.
4 Store the milk in an air-tight container. Store the
nut pulp in another air-tight container and use
within 3 days add it to smoothies, soups or
stews anything you wish to thicken.
Easy Almond Milk
The technique, time, quantities and equipment are
similar to the cashew milk recipe above. However,
almonds come in different forms so there are
different options.
I Use unskinned whole almonds and peel off
the skins after soaking
I Use unskinned whole almonds but leave on
the skins they stay in the muslin bag
I Use ready-skinned whole almonds.
However, they are more expensive and
commercial heat treatments to remove the
skins mean a reduction in nutrients. You
choose! Whatever you do, find a source of
fresh, good quality raw (unroasted and
unsalted) nuts
I 1 cup raw almonds
I Water for soaking nuts
I 2-3 cups water
I 2 dates OR 1 tbsp agave syrup (optional)
I -1tsp vanilla essence (optional)
I Pinch salt
1 Soak the almonds in water overnight or for at
least 6 hours.
Drain the
water from
the nuts and
discard it. If
skins from
do so now.
2 Blend
the nuts
with 2
cups water and
other ingredients if using. Whizz until well-
blended and almost smooth. Place a sieve or
colander over a bowl and line it with a square of
muslin or cheesecloth. Pour the mixture into the
muslin, twist the material up and squeeze the
milk through.
3 Taste the milk and add more water etc if
desired. Place the milk in an airtight container
and store in the fridge. It will keep up to 4 days.
The pulp will also keep for up to 4 days if
refrigerated and can be added to soups, smoothies
or sauces.
Sour Cream
Tofutti make a great sour cream called Sour
Supreme but we have only found it online to date.
But its cheap, easy and very quick to make yourself!
This works very well with fajitas, chilli or
mushroom stroganoff or indeed, anything that
requires sour cream in its recipe or as an
It will keep in an air-tight container for several
days or if you wont get through it, halve the
recipe or else divide it into two containers and freeze
one of them. When defrosted, give it a quick whizz
with a hand blender or food processor before using.
I 1 pack firm silken tofu (approximately 350g)
Mori-nu or Blue Dragon brands available
in large supermarkets such as Sainsbury
and Waitrose
I 2 tbsp lemon juice
I 1 tbsp plain vegetable oil (not olive)
rapeseed oil (canola) is best because it is
bland tasting. Use 2-3 tbsp more oil for a
thicker cream with peaks
I 1 tsp cider vinegar
I 1 tsp sugar or agave syrup
I tsp salt or a little more, according to taste
1 Blend the tofu until it is completely smooth and
creamy and has lost its grainy texture.
2 Add the remaining ingredients and blend again
until everything is well mixed in if using extra oil,
drizzle in slowly and blend in gradually. Taste and
adjust seasoning/flavouring if necessary.
Avocado Dip
I 1 large or 2 small ripe avocados
I Juice of a lime or more to taste
I -1 large clove garlic, crushed
I Salt to taste
I 1-2 finely chopped tomatoes
I Handful of finely chopped coriander
I red chilli, de-seeded and finely chopped
or a dash of hot pepper sauce eg Tabasco
1 Chop the avocado in half, remove the stone and
remove the skin. Reserve the stone.
2 In a bowl, mash the flesh with a fork or potato
masher then add everything else and mix in well.
If making in advance, place in an airtight container
with the stone remove it before serving. (This
helps to prevent the guacamole changing colour!)
3 Add a little garlic and lime juice and salt too
much garlic can kill the taste of the avocado, so
adjust carefully.
Baby Broad Bean,
Tomato & Fresh Herb
Salad with Creamy
This is a very fresh, quick, simple salad. It is quite
cheap, as well as being a good source of protein.
It can be made into a more substantial meal with
crusty bread or a simple wholegrain dish. Roasted
vegetables would also go nicely.
Frozen broad beans arent expensive.
Alternatively, try delicious fresh soya beans
(edamame), also frozen.
I 450g/1lb broad beans (frozen or fresh)
or edamame
I 225g/8oz tomatoes any sort
I Small bunch of rocket, washed and spun dry
I 1-2 tbsp chopped fresh herbs eg fresh
tarragon, flat-leafed parsley or coriander
Creamy Dressing
I 3 tbsp plain vegan yoghurt, such as Alpro,
Tesco or Sojade
I 2 tbsp unsweetened dairy-free milk,
eg soya, rice, coconut, oat
I 1-2 tsp Dijon or wholegrain mustard,
to taste
1 Lightly steam the broad beans or edamame for a
few minutes until tender or if very fresh, use
raw. If using tinned flageolet beans, just drain
and rinse.
2 Chop the tomatoes into small pieces.
3 Chop the rocket with scissors.
4 Mix all ingredients together in a serving dish.
5 Make dressing by thoroughly mixing all three
ingredients in a small bowl.
6 Pour dressing over salad, coating everything well
and serve immediately.
I 1 tbsp olive oil
I onion
I 1 garlic clove, crushed
I 1 tbsp white flour
I cup soya milk (120ml)
I 1 block plain firm tofu (200-250g) crumbled
not silken
I tsp dried mixed herbs
I -2 tsp turmeric
I 1-2 medium vine tomatoes, finely chopped
I 2 tsp Dijon mustard
I Salt and lots of freshly ground black pepper
I 6 basil leaves chopped with scissors
I Bread for toasting
Optional: 2 handfuls of spinach leaves (add at
stage 3 below); toasted seeds; brown sauce;
soya sauce
1 Fry the onion and garlic on a low heat until soft.
2 Stir in the flour, followed by the soya milk. Stir
in well to get rid of lumps and cook in for a
minute or two.
3 Add the tofu, tomatoes, herbs, turmeric and
mustard and stir for 5 minutes.
4 Make the toast and spread with margarine if
desired. Spoon the scramble on the top, topped
with the fresh chopped basil leaves. Some people
like it as it is with lots of pepper, others like to add
some/all the options!
light or main meals
Creamy Scrambled Tofu
One of our favourite light meals/snacks.
Speedy Pizza
Delicious vegan pizza. Use a vegan base (milk-free)
such as
I JusRol Thin & Crispy Pizza Bases
I Napolina
I M&S pizza base
I Sainsburys Thin & Crispy Twin Pizza Base OR
Italian Pizza Base
I Waitrose Stoneground
Most packet mixes are vegan too. Spread with
pizza topping plus thinly sliced veggies and vegan
cheese of your choice (see page 15).
I 1 pizza base ready-made or made from a mix
I Pizza topping from a jar. Alternatively, use a
tomato-based pasta sauce or just some
tomato pure
I 3 medium mushrooms, sliced thinly
I small red pepper, cut into thin rings or slices
I Other veg of your choice: sweetcorn, olives,
tinned artichoke hearts cut in half, thinly-
sliced onions etc are all very good
I Olive oil
I A few handfuls of grated melting vegan
cheese see page 15
I Freshly ground black pepper
1 Preheat oven to temperature according to
instructions on pizza base packet.
2 Spread pizza base with topping, then arrange
vegetables and cheese artistically on top.
3 Bake for 10-15 minutes or until vegetables are
just tender and the cheese has melted a bit.
Creamy Vegetable
This is a great recipe and easily adapted try other
vegetables such as peppers or mushrooms.
I 1 block or sheet of ready-made pastry, eg
Jus-Rol; Sainsburys; Tesco
I 2 tsp olive oil
I 1 onion, roughly chopped
I 1 pack firm silken tofu, approximately 350g
I 1 tub (approximately 225g/8oz) savoury
vegan cream cheese, eg Sheese Chives;
Tesco Garlic & Herb Spread; Tofutti Garlic
& Herbs
I 110ml/4fl oz soya or other unsweetened
plant milk
I 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
I Salt and black pepper
I 1 head of broccoli, broken into florets
I 1 large red onion, chopped
I 6 medium tomatoes, sliced
I 100g (approximately block) vegan
cheese, grated, preferably a melting type.
See page 15
1 Preheat oven to 190C/375F/Gas Mark 5. Blind
bake the pastry:
Lightly oil a quiche tin or dish (25-28 cm/10-11 inch).
Roll out the pastry if in a block. Make the circle
round enough so it fits the dish and overlaps 1-
2cm above the edges (it shrinks when baked).
Prick a few holes in the base with a fork and cover
all the pastry with a sheet of greaseproof paper
weighed down with a handful of dried beans.
Cook for about 10 minutes then take it out of
the oven.
Remove the paper and beans and let it cool
while you prepare the filling.
2 Meanwhile, make the filling:
Saut the onion 2 tsp oil until softened about
3-5 minutes.
Steam the broccoli florets for around 5 minutes
and drain. Set aside.
Blend the cream cheese, tofu, soya milk, Dijon
mustard, salt and pepper until fairly smooth.
3 Arrange the onion, broccoli and tomato slices
around the pastry case, evenly.
4 Pour the filling mixture on top, distributing it
evenly with a spatula. Sprinkle the vegan cheese
on the top.
5 Bake in the oven for 30-45 minutes or until firm
in the middle. Check after 35 minutes, as the time
will vary depending on your oven.
6 Allow to cool a little before cutting and serving.
Butterbean & Filo Pie
with Olives and
Sundried Tomatoes
A deliciously creamy yet textured and tangy pie.
Any type of artichoke hearts/bottoms can be
used: oil-based ones are nicest but more
expensive and higher in fat. And try
experimenting with other ingredients eg roasted
red pepper in strips; grated vegan cheese grated
on the top; leftover roast vegetables you can
even switch from white beans to others but the
flavour will change too!
I 1 medium red onion, chopped plus a little
olive oil or oil spray to cook
I 2 tins of butterbeans, rinsed and drained
OR 480g home-cooked beans
I 2 tbsp finely chopped
parsley plus more to
taste if needed
I 2 tbsp olive oil (or soya
milk if making
reduced-fat version)
I 4 tsp lemon juice
I -1 tsp salt, according
to taste
I Black pepper freshly
ground, to taste
8- tsp cayenne pepper
start with minimum,
taste and add more if desired
I 400g artichoke hearts or bottoms, drained
the chargrilled variety will add a different
taste so you decide!
I 4 tbsp chopped pitted kalamata or
black olives
I 3 large sundried tomatoes, chopped very
small with scissors. Any type: in oil; dried
that are rehydrated in hot water or
slow roasted
I Filo pastry sheets (about
3 of a pack)
I Oil or oil spray to coat the filo layers use
olive oil or the flavoured oil from either a
jar of artichoke hearts or sundried
tomatoes. Use oil spray if you are watching
your fat intake
1 Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6.
2 In a frying pan, wok or heavy-bottomed pan,
heat a little olive oil/oil spray and saut the onion
until tender add a little water if it starts to
dry out.
3 Part-blend some of the butterbeans until
smooth and creamy. Mash the rest gently with a
potato masher aim for some texture amongst
the creamed beans. Add the olive oil, lemon juice,
parsley, salt and cayenne. Mix in well.
4 Add the chopped artichoke hearts, olives and
sundried tomatoes. Mix in gently. Taste the mixture
and add more lemon juice/salt/pepper if necessary.
5 Oil a 20cm/8 inch square baking dish or tin
metal or ceramic. Remove the filo pastry from its
packaging, open it out gently to lie flat and cover
with a well-wrung out damp tea towel. This stops
the pastry drying out and crumbling too much
while you make the pie. Take one sheet off at a
time and replace the tea towel.
6 Line the dish with several overlapping layers of
filo sheets, oiling each layer well.
You can use oil spray to reduce the
fat content! Make sure the sheets
overhang the tray so they can be
folded back on top of the bake.
7 Spoon half the filling smoothly
and evenly on top of the filo base.
Fold over some of the filo layers,
add more oiled filo and repeat
with the second part of the
filling. Finish the process with
more layers of oiled filo.
8 Bake for 20-30 minutes or
until golden brown. Remove from the oven. Allow
to cool a little before slicing into portions.
The pie can be made using only oil spray so
it is reduced fat but not super-low! However,
a small portion would be fine. In addition
I use low-fat sundried tomatoes (eg the
slow roasted variety or ordinary dried ones
that need to be pre-soaked in hot water)
I use tinned artichokes
I use soya milk instead of olive oil to mash
and cream-up the beans
I dont add too many olives.
low-fat and
diabetic notes
Quick Mexican
Mellow Black Bean &
Courgette Chilli with
all the trimmings
This is kind of a cheatin chilli! The main dish is
easy to make plus the quick and simple sides
make it a real feast see the end of the recipe. If
youre in a particular hurry or are slow at
vegetable prep, buy ready-chopped, eg a mix of
onions, courgette, peppers
I 1 tsp olive oil or use a couple of squirts of
oil spray
I red onion or 1 large shallot, chopped
quite small
I 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
I 2 courgettes, diced quite small use
peppers if not available or too expensive
I green chilli, seeds removed and chopped
very small (omit if using Discovery sauce,
as below)
I tsp salt
3 cup black olives, chopped (a medium
handful). You can buy ready chopped
olives too!
I -1 tsp cumin powder (omit if using
Discovery sauce as below)
I tsp coriander powder (omit if using
Discovery sauce as below)
I 1 jar of Discovery Fajita Season & Sauce (or
other Mexican tomato-based sauce).
Discovery brand is dairy-free, vegan, widely
available and very good. It also comes with
a spice pack on the top so you can omit the
fresh chilli and spices listed above!
I 1 tin of black beans, rinsed and drained.
Use kidney or pinto beans if you cant
find black
I Corn tortillas or wheat-based wraps of your
choice. Discovery, Old El Paso and many
other brands are d-f/vegan, including Lidl
I Rice or quinoa from scratch OR from a
pouch. Heat up according to the packet
instructions. Brands include Uncle Ben,
Tilda, Sainsburys and Merchant Gourmet
and include nutty, healthy brown rice
I Tomato salsa bought or home-made
I Guacamole see page 22
I Sour cream see page 22 for our
simple recipe
I Fresh coriander, finely chopped
1 Make the sour cream and guacamole now if
using. Set aside.
2 Heat the oil/oil spray in a medium-large
saucepan then add the red onion. Gently fry until
softened then add the courgette and salt. Cook
for several minutes, until the courgette starts
to brown.
3 Add the garlic, olives and spices and cook for a
couple of minutes more.
4 Add the fajita sauce and black beans. Cook
for about 5 minutes until the sauce has
absorbed all the flavours.
5 Meanwhile, warm the
tortillas or wraps
microwave for 15
seconds then test and
warm through more
if necessary just
make sure they
dont go hard.
Alternatively, wrap in foil and
warm in a medium oven for about 10
minutes. Heat the rice/quinoa now if using.
6 Serve the chilli with the wraps and the
accompaniments on the side.
I 1 heaped tbsp vegan margarine
I 2 tbsp olive oil
I 1 medium red onion, chopped quite thinly
I 2 cloves garlic, crushed
I 1.6K/3lbs mushrooms, quartered use a
variety if you can get them. Chestnut or
chestnut mixed with white are good
I tsp paprika
I 150ml/5fl oz white wine
I 1 level tbsp cornflour
I 1 tub dairy-free cream, eg Alpro or Oatly
I 1 tbsp lemon juice
I Salt and lots of freshly ground
black pepper
I Boiled rice or egg-free noodles to
1 In a large saucepan or wok, heat the oil then
melt the margarine in with it.
2 Lightly fry the onions and garlic until softened.
3 Add the mushrooms and simmer for 20-30
minutes or until the liquid has evaporated. Stir in
the paprika and cook in for about a minute.
4 Put rice or noodles on now.
5 Meanwhile, add the wine to the stroganoff and
cook in for about 5 minutes.
6 Mix the cornflour/arrowroot with a little water
to make a paste. Add that to the stroganoff,
stirring continuously until it thickens.
7 Add the dairy-free cream just before the end but
dont boil.
8 Add the lemon juice and seasoning taste and
add more pepper etc if necessary.
9 Serve hot on a bed of rice or noodles.
Value mushrooms a
more economical way to
make this dish!
I 1 pack firm silken tofu
(approximately 350g)
available in good
supermarkets or health
stores. See page 10
I 150g dairy-free/vegan
chocolate: use all dark OR
75g each of vegan milk *
and dark chocolate
I 3-4 tbsp maple or agave
syrup (agave is available in
large supermarkets. Its a bit
like vegan honey) OR just
use a bit of fine brown
I tsp vanilla extract
I Pinch salt
* Vegan milk chocolate: Moo-
free; Organica; Plamil;
supermarket free-from dairy-free
milk versions. See pages 15-16
Serving suggestions
I Dairy-free vegan cream
(see page 12)
I Fruit coulis/sauce, eg blended blueberries or raspberries lightly sweetened
I Dairy-free vanilla ice cream eg Bessant & Drury; Booja Booja; Food Heaven; Razzle Dazzle;
Swedish Glace; Toffuti available from large supermarkets, Ocado or health food shops
1 Blend tofu and salt until completely smooth and
creamy, scraping the sides of the bowl to ensure
everything is blended properly.
2 Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. That
means that you heat a couple of inches of water
to boiling point in a saucepan. Turn the heat down
and place a heat-proof bowl over the pan of
water, making sure that the bottom of the bowl
doesnt touch the base of the pan. Now break the
chocolate into chunks and place it in the bowl
with the syrup and vanilla extract.
3 Stir gently with a rubber or plastic spatula until
the chocolate has completely melted.
4 Add the chocolate mixture plus syrup/sugar to
the tofu and blend again, using the spatula to
scrape down the sides of the bowl, as before.
Taste and add more sweetener if necessary and
blend again.
5 Refrigerate in individual serving dishes of your
choice for an hour or so little expresso cups look
lovely, or nice glasses.
Creamy Leek &
Mushroom Pasta
A fast and easy but delicious supper. Its very nice
with one of our options below plus steamed
greens or a big salad.
I 60ml/4tbsp olive oil
I 3 leeks, sliced into rounds
I 2 garlic cloves, chopped
I 225g/8oz/3 cups chestnut mushrooms, sliced
quite thickly
I 5ml/1tsp dried oregano
I 2.5ml/tsp chilli flakes
I 375g/13oz/3 cups pasta of choice noodles
or spirali are good. Use rice or other g/f
pasta/noodles for a gluten-free option
I 75ml/5tbsp vegan cream cheese, eg Sheese,
Tesco or Tofutti use plain or flavoured,
according to personal taste. Eg chive and
herb or garlic would work well
I 30ml/2tbsp chopped fresh parsley, to
I Salt and freshly ground black pepper
I Add creamed white beans page 11
I Fry meat-free chicken pieces such as Frys,
V-Bites or Asdas in a separate pan and add
to the pasta sauce just before serving
I Add marinated tofu pieces just before
serving see page 18
1 Heat water for pasta in a large pan.
2 Add pasta and cook 8-12 minutes, according to
packet instructions and how soft you like to eat it.
3 Meanwhile, heat oil in a large heavy-based
frying pan and saut leeks and garlic for 3 minutes
until soft.
4 Add mushrooms, oregano and chilli flakes and
cook gently for 5 minutes more until mushrooms
5 Drain pasta, reserving 60ml/4tbsp cooking water
for mushroom mixture.
6 Stir this water into mixture, then add cream
cheese and seasoning.
7 Heat gently for 1-2 minutes, stirring occasionally.
8 To serve, spoon sauce over the pasta and
sprinkle with parsley.


35 34
Mango cheesecake: use 1-2 ripe mangos,
sliced, top with pecans and drizzle maple or
agave syrup drizzled over everything
Chocolate cheesecake: stir in about 100-150g
melted dairy-free chocolate to the tofu mixture
I 200g/7oz vegan biscuits, such as Dove's
Farm Digestives; plain Hobnobs or McVitie's
LIGHT Digestives (not the regular type)
I 75g/3oz vegan margarine, eg Pure
I 50ml/2fl oz soya or other plant milk
I 350g silken tofu, firm or soft see page 10
I 200g/7oz plain (original) vegan cream
cheese eg Sheese, Tesco or Tofutti
I 1 tbsp vegetable oil
I 1-2 tbsp golden syrup
I 1 tsp vanilla essence
I tsp lemon or orange essence (optional)
I 4 tsp cornflour OR 2 tsp arrowroot
I 150g/5oz fruit topping (eg fresh or
defrosted frozen raspberries or
strawberries) sweeten with a little caster
sugar or agave syrup if too tart
1 Preheat the oven to 350F/180C/Gas Mark 4.
2 Grind the biscuits (which will be used as the
base for the cheesecake) until there are no large
lumps left.
3 Melt the margarine and mix in the biscuit crumbs.
4 Spread in a greased flat tin about
18cm/7inches diameter if round or a 20cm/8
inch square will do also. A loose-bottomed
springform is the easiest to use! Bake the base in
the oven for 5 minutes.
5 Blend all the other ingredients thoroughly until
smooth (except the fruit).
6 Remove the crumb mixture from the oven and
pour the filling over the base.
7 Bake in the oven at the same temperature for 20
minutes, or until firm. Remove and leave to cool.
8 Top with fruit topping and chill before serving.
Fruity Cheesecake
This is delicious and easy to make. It is a great recipe that is easily adapted.
I 4 thick slices of bread taken from a good
quality large unsliced white loaf, preferably
1-2 days old. The bread needs to be fairly
solid, not too fluffy. Slices need to be just
under 2cm/1 inch
I 85ml/3fl oz soya milk
I tsp vanilla extract
I 60g/2oz caster sugar
I 2 tbsp brandy or Amaretto liqueur (optional
but very nice!)
I 2 tsp cocoa powder not drinking chocolate
Mocha Crme Topping
I 110g/4oz unsalted cashew pieces (blanched
almonds also work) ground to a fine
powder OR 5 tbsp cashew butter from a jar
I 1 pack firm silken tofu (approximately
350g), drained and pressed down to get rid
of excess water
I 110g/4oz caster sugar
I 3 tsp instant coffee dissolved in a little just-
boiled hot water to make a smooth syrup
I 1 tsp vanilla essence
I 1 tbsp cocoa powder see above
I 50g (half a large bar) dark vegan chocolate
grated. See pages 15-16
1 Heat the soya milk and the caster sugar in a
small saucepan until the sugar has dissolved. Add
half teaspoon of vanilla essence plus the
brandy/Amaretto if using, mix in well then turn off
the heat.
2 Remove the crusts from the bread and discard.
Cut each slice into four triangles. Arrange these
on the bottom of a square lasagne type dish with
as few gaps as possible. Pour the milk mixture
over the bread evenly, sprinkle with the cocoa
powder and set aside.
3 Grind the cashews to a fine powder if you
havent already done so. Set aside. Make the coffee
mixture by pouring the hot water and coffee
granules in the same saucepan and set aside.
4 Blend the drained silken tofu until very smooth
and creamy then add the ground cashews. Use
the spatula to mix in from the sides of the bowl
every few seconds so there are no lumps. Add the
sugar, vanilla extract and coffee mixture and blend
again thoroughly.
5 Spoon the mixture evenly over the bread base
then sprinkle the rest of the cocoa powder over
evenly. Chill for at least an hour then top with
grated chocolate if using before serving.
Whether youre going for a sandwich or for a sit-
down meal, there are plenty of places to find
dairy-free options.
Most chains and increasingly, more
independents carry an allergy list which will
contain dairy-free and vegan options. If an
independent doesnt offer much, keep asking
politely. They want to keep your custom and its
worth reminding them that parties of mixed
customers eat where the dairy-free and vegans
can eat. Also, everyone eats dairy-free and vegan
food if its tasty. Keep lobbying the chains too
they tend to be more conservative but they have
made changes over the years and will continue to
do so if there is customer demand.
Viva!s catering
We have a fantastic guide
for professional caterers
and veggie/vegan
customers who want
more inclusive menus
from restaurants. This
stylish, contemporary
guide ticks all the boxes.
Includes simple
definitions of what
vegans and veggies eat,
ways to veganise classic
dishes plus a product
and stockists section. All the recipes are suitable
for vegans, vegetarians, the lactose and egg
intolerant. Buy for your local restaurant to help
them get with it!
Coffee shops
Caf Nero, Starbucks and all the major chains now
offer soya milk in hot drinks free or for a small
charge. So do many independents, particularly in
cities and towns. Soya lattes and soyacinos (the
dairy-free alternative to cappuccinos!) are delicious
or ask them to heat some soya milk separately
for your Americano/plain coffee! Some chains, eg
Little Chef and train caterers are, as yet, sadly
lacking buy your food and hot drinks from
station forecourts, eg M&S.
eat out dairy-free
restaurant chains
Listed below are chains that have at least
one dairy-free option, others will have more.
If the staff are a bit vague ask to see their
free-from/allergens list.
ByJaneEaston, Food&Cookery
Coordinator, Viva!
Coffee &
Walnut Cake
with Mocha
This lovely cake isnt difficult to
make at all. Just follow the
directions and go for it!
(To make a double layer cake,
double the cake quantities and
use a little of the icing for the
centre and the rest on top).
I 1 tbsp flax meal (ground
flax seeds) mixed with 3
tbsp hot water and set aside
I 300g/11oz self-raising flour
I 200g/7oz brown sugar
I 60g/2oz walnuts, plus more for decoration
I 1 tsp cinnamon
I 1 tsp baking powder
I 4 tsp instant coffee dissolved in a little
boiling water in a jug. Top up with soya or
other plant milk to make a total of
300ml/11fl oz
I 170ml/6fl oz oil (use a mild plain
vegetable oil)
Mocha icing
I 2 cups/300g icing sugar, sieved
I cup/50g cocoa powder, sieved (not hot
I cup/60g vegan margarine, eg Pure,
Vitalite, Suma
I cup/60g Trex or similar white vegetable
fat (not Flora)
I 3 tsp instant coffee (regular or decaf),
dissolved in 2 tbsp hot water
I tsp vanilla essence
I 2-3 tbsp soya, rice or other plant milk
NB All Tate & Lyle sugar is vegan except for
Royal Icing.
1 Preheat oven to 180/350/Gas Mark 4.
2 Oil a 21cm/8 inch non-stick cake tin (round or
square) and line the base with greaseproof paper.
3 Sift the dry ingredients and mix in well, then
add nuts and stir well.
4 Pour in wet ingredients and mix well by hand. If
the mixture seems very stiff, add 1 tbsp water and
mix again.
5 Pour batter into tin and bake for 25-35 minutes.
If using a fan-assisted oven, check cake after 25
minutes. Either way, test centre of cake with a
cocktail stick or sharp knife if it comes out clean,
the cake is cooked.
6 Allow to cool then carefully remove cake from
the tin. Place base side upwards on a wire rack to
finish cooling process. Finally, peel off the paper.
Turn cake over on to a large plate or the lid of a
cake tin before icing it.
7 While the cake is baking, make the icing.
Electric mixer: place everything in the bowl and
whip on high for several minutes until the lumps
go and everything is creamy. Chill until needed.
By hand: cream the fats together with a fork
then mix in the icing sugar and cocoa powder
until completely smooth and creamy. Add
everything else and mix in well. Chill until needed.
If the icing is too stiff, add a little cold water. If too
thin, add more icing sugar.
8 Use a table or palette knife to put a thin layer of
icing on the cake dont worry if you get a few
crumbs in with the icing. Dont mash up the top.
9 Refrigerate for a while then use rest of icing to
cover cake. Use a fork or piping bag to make
swirls if desired. Decorate with walnut halves and
serve. Lovely on its own, or with dairy-free cream
or ice-cream.
The Viva! Shop stocks all the kit you need to ditch the dairy and
cut-out the cruelty. We stock over 20 brands of vegan chocolate
including the dreamiest and
creamiest white chocolate on
the planet and must-have
kitchen cupboard essentials
from plant-based coffee creamer
to soya whipping cream. Did we
mention our popular range of
easy-to-read guides on all the
vegan issues and tons of tasty
cookbooks? Its easy to be dairy-
free with Viva!.
39 38
Try ethnic food such as Thai (usually a great choice
and they use coconut milk instead of dairy milk in
cooking); Japanese (again, dont cook with dairy),
Chinese (many stir-fried vegetable and bean curd
(tofu) dishes will be suitable), Indian (usually a good
selection; try a mix of vegetable side dishes with
rice; chapattis should be fine. Pakoras, samosas,
dhal and poppadoms are usually vegan). Also try
veg mezze at Greek and Turkish restaurants.
Pizza is still good without cheese. Pizza Express
now offers Pianta Pizza loaded with spinach,
chestnut mushrooms, pine kernels and artichokes
on a spicy Arrabbiata base. Domino offers a dairy-
free base so get them to pile on extra tomato
sauce, garlic and lots of luvverly veg. Or take in
your own, unopened packet of vegan cheeze and
ask them to use it (and knock a bit off the bill!)
Better still, find a pizzeria that offers vegan cheeze
they are springing up around the UK.
More Eating Out
www.cookingforvegans.co.uk click on
Eating Out
HAPPY COWwww.happycow.net UK and
international vegan/veggie site which includes
local health food shops
www.vegetarianvisitor.co.uk UK and international
There are also several excellent regional websites, eg
And travel guides see
Chill and salad counters are often a good
source of ready to go food, eg multi salads,
antipasto etc. Eg M&S, Waitrose, Asda etc.
M&S and Waitrose branches in motorway
services are also really handy!
ready-to-go meals
Going Dairy-free?
Recipes to help celebrate life and
save the planet!
Boasting over 130 recipes with
accompanying full colour photos
from satisfying starters and
sauces to magnificent mains and
decadent desserts the
Viva! Cookbook will become
your go to source for all things
vegan and delicious.
Order online at www.vivashop.org.uk
or call 0117 944 1000 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)
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ISBN 978-0-9571874-1-2
9 780957 187412
The handy guide for dairy-
free living
I divine dairy-free recipes that will please everyone
I calcium rich foods a reassuringly simple and sound
picture chart
I shopping tips supermarkets and beyond
I supermarket dairy-free lists and how to access them
I dairy-free products to make or buy
I tofu tips different types and flavours and what to do
with them
I eating out made easy

Viva!s top

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