The Letter To The Sheriff's Final

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Citizens Action Network

[email protected]

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From: The 4
Branch of Government; WE THE PEOPLE
To: All Sheriff's in 3,142 Counties of these united states
June/ 2014
With all due and proper respect, the time is now to choose whose side your state will be on; the
illegal, illegitimate federal governments or the citizens of these united states. At Citizens Action
Network, one of our primary goals is to reinstate a legitimate government for the people, by
holding all public officials, law enforcement officers, politicians, judges and Sheriffs
accountable to their Oaths of Office to the Constitution and to reestablish Common Law in
these united states. We work closely with multiple national organizations in addition to the 4
Continental Congress and the United American Militia Advisory Council who are effortlessly
committed to the same goals and are working with various Sheriffs departments around the
country currently, including Sheriff Denney eyman in Kentucky who as you know has been
stripped of all federal funding due to his public statement of refusing to carry out illegal orders
from an illegitimate and treasonous administration.
After countless calls, emails and letters for the past year to Senators and Representatives it is
glaringly apparent that they are complicit in the non- removal (not impeachment, you first
must be eligible to be impeached) of the current illegally obtained and usurped Resident in
the White House. It is CLEAR that we have a rogue, illegal in EVERY way, current administra-
tion that has literally hijacked OUR country. We will also be sending this same letter and doc
uments to all of the Mayors in the country. All 50 Governors and the entire Congress have al-
ready been served.
We are well aware of the War Powers Act in 1933 signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt and the
results of that signing from then to now. We have been under a soft (hidden) martial law
declaration since that time and it also explains the inaction of the entire Congressional body to
act on Obamas HUNDREDS of illegal and treasonous acts against the American people.
However, when something is done behind closed doors and in secret while maintaining an air
of normalcy constitutes a breach of contract based on unfaithful manipulation by one of the
parties which makes it null and void as far as the opposite party is concerned; We the people.
Citizens Action Network
[email protected]

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We are fast approaching the point of no return and are counting on your allegiance to the
citizens of these united states and to God whom this country was founded upon.
Please return fax, the signed Reaffirmation of Oath of Office to the Constitution, the completed
Public Servant Questionnaire and a copy of your original Oath of Office to: Citizens Action
Network @ fax # 713.266.2135.
We look forward to your support and working WITH you!
Thank you and in God We Trust,
Citizens Action Network
Please sign the Reaffirmation of Oath of Office and return it by fax along with a copy of your
original Oath of Office and the Public Servant Questionnaire, and all documents will be placed
on our Wall of Fame on and it will be distributed among our various
groups in order to establish your state as one who will be on the side of the citizens of these
united states. If the documents are not signed and returned within one week we will assume
that you have decided to side with the treasonous federal government that is slowly revoking
every Amendment of the Constitution and your name will go on the Wall of Shame at and will be distributed among our various groups regarding your
The gun grab attempts going on in California and Connecticut will be the first shot as far
as the majority of this country is concerned; will not be infringed, is not an option. This
country will not be another Germany under Hitler and we now know that we are once again
fighting the Crown for independence from tyranny.

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