Basics of Church and Community Development

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The Christian Community

Worker & Community

Development Projects

The Christian Community Worker & Community Development


FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................. 3
The Purpose of this Study ....................................................................................................... 4
Introduction to Christian Community Worker & Community Development
Projects.......................................................................................................................................... 5
The Acceptable Mission Evangelism Approach .............................................................................. 5

The Jesus Approach ............................................................................................................... 7


Acceptable donations ....................................................................................................... 12


Unacceptable donations ................................................................................................... 12

STUDY ONE ............................................................................................................................... 24

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 24

THE PEOPLE ......................................................................................................................... 25


WHAT IS IMPORTANT? ......................................................................................................... 27


UNDERSTAND THE PEOPLE................................................................................................... 28


THE DESIRE TO CHANGE ....................................................................................................... 32


OTHER THINGS TO CONSIDER .............................................................................................. 32


ASSIGNMENT ....................................................................................................................... 34

STUDY TWO............................................................................................................................... 36

Living with the people; ......................................................................................................... 36


Should the Church run money making projects? .................................................................. 39


ASSIGNMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 45

STUDY THREE .......................................................................................................................... 46


OUR GOD GIVEN RESOURCES ............................................................................................... 46


GODS RESOURCES ARE FOR US TO SHARE ........................................................................... 46




ASSIGNMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 53

STUDY FOUR ............................................................................................................................. 54


THE STRATEGY ..................................................................................................................... 54


Where do we start? ............................................................................................................. 57


Areas where Needs are to be Identified ............................................................................... 60


ASSIGNMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 63

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This material has been put together to help Kingdom Workers in our local
churches who did not have the privilege to attend a Bible College. We have
sincerely tried to simplify many of the topics by summarizing their content in
points form. We hope that they will do some good in your local church
leadership and ministry.

To all those who have supported us along the way by prayers and finance, we
are greatly indebted to you. It is our prayer that you will gain much Kingdom
Returns through these materials. May the Good Lord bless all of you.

Team Leader
ACTS Ministry Fiji

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The Purpose of this Study

The purpose of this study is to help candidate missionaries who have not had
any formal training, and church workers in their evangelism work. What I have
written here are the results of field experience (as a Church Worker, Church
Planter, and Missionary, using Community Development Approach) and
personal research in the field of community development.
Evangelism approach can take many forms. We believe that there are certain
communities that this approach can be used effectively to support the work of
reaching the community for Christ.
Some have called it the Meeting the Needs Approach; others have given it the
more scholarly name of Sociological Approach and some Wholistic
Approach. But whatever name it is given, the aim is to be able to gain a hearing
in the community by helping the community meet some of its basic daily needs.
The Bible says that we should let our light shine before men that they may see
our good deeds and praise our Father in heaven. This includes your Daily Life
with the Lord and with the People.
I hope that what we are going to study together here will help you as you look
forward to reaching out and serving people for the Kingdom. And may the Lord
add more to your knowledge where it is needed.

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Introduction to Christian
Community Worker & Community
Development Projects
A Christian Workers Consideration
The Acceptable Mission Evangelism

The Sociological Approach has been a widely acceptable

Evangelism Approach in many communities. This is
probably because many are financially impoverished and
cannot afford the basic needs of life such as medical, food,
housing, education, and power supply.
1. The Sociological Approach It has been generally
acknowledged by many church leaders that this is the
suitable Evangelism Mission Approach for the Africans.
1.1. This approach needs to be applied with wisdom
because we do not want to shift into a state of
Mission Evangelism where we passively buy church
membership or seemingly buy salvation with
1.2. We see many joining our local churches not because
of their recognition of sin and their need for a
Saviour, but because their needs are met and they felt
indebted to the Mission or the church. For those of
us who are employing this approach, we need to
constantly remind ourselves that;

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1.2.1. The important thing (in the Kingdom) is the

eternal destiny of man and not so much about in
the upgrading of the physical state of man;
1.2.2. We are not building our own kingdoms and
gaining our own followers, in the process of
ushering in development;
1.2.3. We can be busy with development with little
or no Kingdom fruit and value;
1.2.4. The Gospel of the Lord Jesus, not development,
is the news that saves now and in eternity;
1.2.5. The approach must not always be by Meeting
Sociological Needs;
1.3. The approach will depend on the community strata
you are working in.
1.3.1.The Shift in this Approach I am beginning to
wonder as to whether Christians approach to
community development has slightly shifted to,
or being influenced by secular system.
1.3.2. The normal development approach by secular
institutions and governments for projects that are
not on their list is to demand a percentage of
contribution from the recipients (although not
1.3.3. When they are able to come up with their
contribution, then the project is given the go
1.3.4. I am not sure as to whether this approach is
suitable for Christian Mission, or organization, to
1.3.5. It seems from research that it has been working
out fine in places where it has already been
employed. But it does not seem Biblical in my
view because the ultimate purpose of all
Christian Development work is to help in the
evangelization of the people of a community.
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1.3.6. To demand a contribution from the people we

serve will change the purpose to be entirely
development without any spiritual content eventhough intended. There are some important
points that we need to consider in this regard; Whether there should be a percentage of
contribution allocated to the recipients; Whether we will be looking at loses and
gain only in monetary terms and social
benefits, instead of spiritual returns;
1.3.7. When The Lord Jesus came to die, He did not
ask for any contribution from our part. He did
everything and left everything He had
accomplished for us. We did not make any
contribution; but only to believe that He has done
everything on our behalf.
1.3.8. The development approach of the Lord Jesus is
the greatest developmental work which
incorporates a wholistic transformation of the
heart and mind to effect and influence sustainable
societal development.

2. The Jesus Approach

2.1. Jesus approach to development is somehow
different, but not diametrically opposite to, from the
approaches employed largely by churches today.
2.1.1. The Bible says, for example, in Matt 4, that
Jesus started first with the recruitment of a Team;
and then this Team accompanied him around the
area of Judea and Palestine at larger, and I, Q:
Jesus went all over Galilee. He taught in the
synagogues and spread the Good News of the
Kingdom. He also cured every disease and
sickness among the people. Matt 4:23 (GW). So
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his strategy if we were to take this at face value

would be;
Firstly; the enormity and continuity of
the task requires that he develops first a
Team who will work with him and continue
the work to the ends of the earth. Secondly; to teach people in the
synagogues (meaning he expounded the Law
and its applications to those who knew the
Law), and he told the people about the Good
News of His Kingdom. He approached his
field strategically working with the group
who already have an idea or knowledge of
what He was trying to communicate. This
was his priority first and foremost. This was accompanied by healing or
curing of every disease and sickness. I would
therefore assume that He went out with the
Kingdom First Message Approach; He was
focused on sharing this message; and the
message was accompanied by development.
2.2. The Difficulty
2.2.1. The difficulty is in the acceptance of the risks
2.2.2. Some countries are very hostile to Christianity
and many believers have died or persecuted, many
are still going through persecutions, especially
the countries in the 10/40 window.
2.2.3. But then again, his approach was one that was a
Risk Taker. He knew the risk; He knew and
accepted death, as a risk, beforehand. That was
what he said to those who wanted to follow Him
or follow in his step, for e.g Matt 16: 24 Then Jesus
said to his disciples, Those who want to come with me
must say no to the things they want, pick up their crosses,
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and follow me. 25 Those who want to save their lives will
lose them. But those who lose their lives for me will find
them. 26 What good will it do for people to win the whole
world and lose their lives? Or what will a person give in
exchange for life?
2.2.4. There are some questions that we need to ask
here; Can we continue to use the Kingdom First
Message Approach in all community
development regardless of the suffering and
problems the people are experiencing? Can we come up with all the expenses
and resources and then hand over the
finished project to the people, or is this
approach no longer applicable now; that His
approach only applied on a one time basis to
the Lords Salvation Work (Wholistic
Development) and not to the present
community development of the 21st century? Are our stake holders determining the
strategy and tactics, and we have forgotten
that God is our main stake-holder, our main
resource person, and our main project
2.2.5. These are some important factors that we as
Christian Mission & Community Workers will
need to reflect on.
2.2.6. On the other hand, no community development
can really be successful unless there is a
willingness by the community members to
participate in its execution. Researchers have found that many
community development projects were not
being sustained by the community they were
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meant for because the community members

have not felt the desire to take ownership of
it. A community can only take ownership of
a proposed development project when;
They see that there they have a real
need in that area;
When theyve felt the contribution
and sacrifices theyve made into the
They see that the development will
produce productive returns to the
They see that the project is an
investment to tomorrows generation;
They are convinced that the
project will greatly assist them in their
daily activities;
They are convinced that the
development will lead on to more
beneficial developments or projects.
2.2.7. But then we need also to ask as to whether we
are able to merge community needs with catering
for the full cost of the project? Can their contribution be in terms of
man power and locally available natural
resources and not necessarily being
restricted to financial contribution alone? Are we as providers and instigators of the
project contribute fully to its financing,
finding resourceful stakeholders and
resources not readily available in the target

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2.2.8. This may receive a positive response from

many. In fact, this has been a constant practice
and approach of many Christian Institutions who
are involved in Community Development.
2.3. The whole idea behind this approach is to resolve
whether a community is really feeling a specific need
in a certain area.
2.3.1. Whether the community is ready to carry out
such a project; and are the community members
united in a concerted effort to execute such a
2.3.2. Are the community members willing to
sacrifice their resources?
2.3.3. Once the community members understand the
significance of their contribution, it will create in
them a philosophy of Interdependence and Selfworth, which will be essential for achievements
of future objectives and goals in the area of
community development.

3. Projects Gifts & Donations

3.1. Offerings and Gifts for Projects undertakings;
3.1.1.Every church development needs to be made
known to the church members.
3.1.2. It must not be a one person, group of persons,
or the Pastors decision alone. It must be a
corporate decision by the members.
3.1.3. If a proposal has been discussed and approved
by the church Leadership Team; that should not
be final. The final approval will be known when
the congregations thoughts and voice are heard.
Why? Because they are the ones who will
continue to carry the responsibility of sustaining,
and maintaining the project long after its initial
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3.2. Acceptable donations

3.2.1. Donations and gifts (vs. 2) to any certain church
project must be given only when a person is
willing from the heart.
3.2.2. Donations are to be received only when it is
given with a willing heart.
3.2.3. The material need for the contribution must be
made known and shared with the congregation.
3.3. Unacceptable donations
3.3.1. If there is any material contribution made
which is not in the list of the needed materials,
that donation must not be accepted.
3.3.2. There is no point in receiving any material
donation that will not be used in the project. In
the end it will just sit there and rot and will be a
loss to both the giver and the receiver.
3.3.3. Each material or financial contribution is to be
prayed for and blessed before being recorded and
kept for the approved project.
3.4. Be careful of greediness
3.4.1. As church workers, weve got to be careful
about the gifts that are given, but are not
necessarily needed for the project.
3.4.2. When greed come in, and we are not aware of
it, we will begin to look for opportunities where
we can have some gain, and divert our focus away
from what the Bible says. In the end we please
ourselves and our desire and not the Lord.
3.5. Honour God; dont just please people
3.5.1. When we want to please people, we will
receive anything that is donated or given to help
in the project, even-though it wont be needed.
3.5.2. The common phrase is, Thank you, may be it will
be needed somewhere as the project develops; OR
...anything for the Lord... That is not good.
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3.5.3. All needed types of materials must be

determined beforehand, and it must be made
clear to the people that only the gifts that are
according to what is needed will be accepted, and
others rejected.
3.5.4. A major point here is the quality of the gift.
3.6. Quality of the gifts
3.6.1. Apart from being given with a willing heart; the
quality of the gift is also something that we need
to be clear about and share with the
3.6.2. The Lord told the Israelites to ...chose something
special as a donation... (vs 2). Gifts given for church
projects and church ministries development must
be of good to excellent quality.
3.6.3. We do not need second hand or cheap-line
3.6.4. The quality of the gift defines how a person
values the vision of the project and the project
3.6.5. If a person is unable to give a quality material
gift, than he/she must stick to financial gift;
because as more gifts from people of the same
income level are received; a quality material or
materials, plus quantity, can be purchased.
3.6.6. We must remember that all gifts are prayed for
and given to the Lord.
3.6.7. All gifts are material investments in this work
of Kingdom Expansion, and a quality investment
will harvest a quality return.
3.7. Management of Gifts for Church Projects
3.7.1. When the gifts are coming in, it is better that
the deaconate department is organized to receive,
receipt, record, all incoming gifts.

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3.7.2. Management of gifts and all other necessary

processes take up a big amount of time. All of
which are included in the deaconates area of
3.7.3. Acts chapter 6 laid out the foundation where
the Apostles believed that it is better to choose
seven men from among the congregation who will
be responsible for, as the Bible says, over the
business of serving the table.
4. Why shouldnt the Pastor be responsible for these

4.1. Acts chapter 6 records a situation where the Apostles
found that there are certain activities that have
augmented their responsibilities, and which can be
done by capable men in the church.
4.2. They reasoned that, as the Bible states, It is not reason
that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables Acts
6:2 (KJV); but we will give ourselves continually to prayer,
and to the ministry of the word Acts 6:4 (KJV).
Project planning and execution should not be
allowed to divert the Pastor and Elders away from
their initial Kingdom Expansion responsibilities.
These are the activities that can be done by those
called to the office of the deacons.
4.4. Responsibilities according to Acts 6
4.4.1. At the commencement of the church, this was
probably restricted to the distribution of food
alone and probably looking into the welfare of the
church members.
4.4.2. In the 21st century, the church has grown with
exponential development on all advancing fronts,
and this distribution of food or serving the table

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(KJV) has outgrown its initial concept and now

involved projects and developments.
4.4.3. This is a grand managerial task, and could, if
not planned prayerfully, take up valuable time
meant for prayer, and to the ministry of the word.At
the end of the day, the project may be completed
satisfactorily but the congregation live with
4.4.4. The Pastor and his team of Elders should not
engage themselves directly in project
management and development at the expense of
the Ministry of Prayer and the Ministry of The
Word; although all these are under their
4.5. Temptation of making their own gain of those gifts;
4.5.1. The account of Ananias and Saphira is recorded
in Acts 5:1-11 of how they were tempted to keep
part of the money that they have initially
intended to give to the church. They status in the
church is not mentioned but I assumed that they
are an influence in the church. It brings in the
idea of the power of money to exert a pull on the
old man and ruin the reputation of the new man.
4.5.2. Pastors are not free from this kind of
temptation. My Pastor once told me that it is
always best for those in Pastoral and Eldership
position in the church to leave projects and
financial matters in the hands of capable church
members, who are qualified educationally and
spiritually to handle such responsibilities.

5. Getting Support for the Vision

5.1. A Lesson from Nehemiah 2:11-20
5.1.1. 16 The officials didn't know where I had gone or what I
had done. I hadn't yet told the Jews, the priests, the leaders,
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the other officials, or any of the rest who would be doing

the work. 17 Then I told them, You see the trouble we're in.
Jerusalem is in ruins, and its gates are burned down. Let's
rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be
insulted. 18 Then I told them that my God had been
guiding me and what the king had told me. They replied,
Let's begin to rebuild. So they encouraged one another to
begin this God-pleasing work. Neh 2:16-18 (GW)
5.2. Nehemiah was tasked with a huge project by the
Lord which was the rebuilding of the ruined walls of
the City of David, Jerusalem.
5.2.1. The city of Jerusalem at the time of Nehemiah
was hundreds of Sq Km with walls all around.
5.2.2. The size of the city will tells us the magnitude
of this project.
5.2.3. So how did Nehemiah go about this project to
get it on the roll and to convince the people of
Jerusalem of its benefits? Lets look at what
Nehemiah did : He shared his burden with the King;
This was back in vss. 1-3 of
Nehemiah 2. When a vision is from God,
it will captivate you to the point that it
becomes a burden that manifests itself in
the physical. This happened to
Nehemiah that even the King saw the
burden he had and questioned him.
The vision of a project that is given
by God is a positive load that someone
carries and only those whom God has
raised up to support will see, recognise,
convince, and be willing to be part of it.
When God has given you a project
vision, and it has captivated your
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thoughts, anticipate those that God will

send your way to ask you because they
will see that burden youre carrying
even-though you have not shared about
it. Therefore be prepared.
When a person raised by God
questions you of your Project Burden,
feel free to share it with them, because
they are the ones God has raised up to
support it. He may not be a Christian as
in the case of King Artaxerxes. He could
be anybody; If God can use anything, than he
will do just that to fulfil his purpose. He looked to God for guidance;
Urgent response demands Divine
There will be times when we are
not sure as to how to respond to certain
questions directed to us because people
have seen our project burden. We are
not sure as to whether they will support,
critique, or criticise it. In times like that,
we need to throw up a quick prayer to
Our God who gave us the vision. He will
intervene by giving us the wisdom and
words to respond.
Nehemiah did just that, and at that
critical moment where the Kings
question demands a response, he offered
up a prayer to God and, (reading
between the lines), wisdom was given
from above, and then he responded to
the Kings question. He was specific in his response

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Nehemiah was specific in his
response. He neither covered up the
reason, nor allowed his fear of the King
or of the consequences to do so. He said,
If it pleases Your Majesty, and you are willing
to grant my request, let me go to Judah, to the
city where my ancestors are buried, so that I can
rebuild it. Neh 2:5 (GW)
When the heart is convicted, and
the mind is convinced, nothing will stop
a man from doing what God wants him
to do.
Israel was a nation in exile, and the
strategy used by the Babylonians was
one that was designed to cause the total
annihilation of a people group by way of
intermarriage with other races.
Jerusalem was ruined and it was the
intension of the Babylonians to leave it
like that. But his clear and explicit
response convinced the King of its
credibility, even when it is in diametrical
opposition to the sovereign decree of the
Kingdoms Foreign Policy.
To rebuild the City of his ancestors
signifies the restoration of the City and
of Judah, and Israel as a whole, to her
former glory and power in the region.
Yet, because the vision of the project
was God Given, the King agreed.
When we are specific and clear in
our response to project queries, and
looking unto Jesus, it is bound to gain
massive support. He had determined a timeframe
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Time frames are very important for
project management. It provides
integrity for the project, and for the one
who has the project vision.
Time frame allows us and those
who support the project to gauge its
progress. Even if there is no feedback
from the project site or project team;
sponsor and stakeholders will still be
able to project the progress.
Any lapse in the project will mean
problem or laxity from the project team.
In Nehemiahs case, he had a clear
and definite time frame. This further
convinced the King of the integrity of
Nehemiah and of his project. When
Nehemiah was asked of the period
which he will be gone; he gave a direct
and specific timeframe.
When the Vision holder does not
have a time frame, it goes to show that
he has not given his full attention to the
project. His used authority and experience
He uses the authority and
experience of the King to facilitate the
start and completion of the project. This
is known as networking.
Nehemiah knew his limits, and the
power and authority of the King. He
knew that this huge project will need
the sponsorship of someone who has
overall power over the Kingdom, which
is the King of Babylon himself.

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When we look to God first for
guidance in all our God Given
undertakings, He will give us the
wisdom in strategizing the objective
leading on to the completion of the God
Given Goal, and the realization of our
God Given Vision.
Then and now, networking is an
important part of project undertaking.
But networking dont just happen overnight. It takes years to build a good and
viable project oriented network.
Over the years I have found that a
good project oriented network is
6. A Good Project Oriented Network
6.1. Genuine Friendship Friendship is good for
fellowship but genuine friendship in necessary for
building a project oriented network.
6.2. Respect and Honour for those you know
6.2.1. People are touched by how much you respect
and honour them, not so much for what they are
in terms of education or position, but as
6.2.2. Addressing them may depend on the cultural
setting you are in; but be sure to address them in
a way they are comfortable with, and be very
formal in Public.
6.3. Valuing peoples worth on and ability
6.3.1. It is important to recognize that God knows
the value of people, which was why he saved us.
6.3.2. We also need to value people as unique
individuals with unique abilities.

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6.4. Assisting (both personal & ministry) for the

purpose of building up a project oriented network, I
am always willing to assist people (both on personal and
ministry levels) whom I believe will contribute a lot to
the network in future.
6.5. Acknowledging Achievements and Contribution
Every now and then I hear of an achievement or
contribution by someone I know to a certain cause, I
make a phone call or dropped a note to acknowledge
and congratulate him/her.
6.6. Invest in their Coaching, Mentoring, and
6.6.1. In grooming people for the future networking
candidacy, it will be worthwhile to take the time
to help coach, mentor, and guide them on the
road to success.
6.6.2. You mentoring, coaching, and guidance
investment are the things he will cherish, and
these help build excellent foundation for future
6.7. Be willing to give and spend informal time
6.7.1. I have found myself in situations where I just
dont have time for people; because of my own
emotional make up (people are different), and
because of my busy schedules. And yet the
gentleman of God who mentored me has always
emphasised the importance of giving time to
6.7.2. It does not hurt much to stop and greet for 30
seconds (1 Minute). My mentor lived with his
words; he practiced that, and I have learnt to do
the same. Over the years I have seen its benefits.
There are others whom I may meet on the streets
during tea or lunch break and I took time to

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invite them for tea or lunch with a secondary

purpose of building a networking relationship.
6.8. Be willing to offer information when needed
6.8.1. Whenever I am needed to offer or look for
information, I always try to do the best I can.
Through this, people were convinced that I could
be a reliable information resource person.
6.8.2. And in providing information, I try to be as
exact as possible, keeping to the point, not being
biased, and not trying to pass bad remarks that
will be detrimental to, or ruin, the reputation of
another person, or ministry.
6.9. Being trust worthy
6.9.1. This is an important factor in building good
networking relationship.
6.9.2. Trustworthiness is build up over time. It is
evident in your actions. Our words must match
our walk.
6.9.3. People will trust us when they see that we keep
our words, always trying to tell the truth and not
6.9.4. Trust worthy comes with a disciplined life; one
that also manages his time well. He is diligent
and efficient.
6.9.5. A trustworthy person is a person who says
what he means and means what he says. The
consistency of these will cause those around you
to trust you more. Over time you become a Trust
Worthy person; a person worthy to be trusted,
and to be entrust with others trust.
Live above reproach
6.10.1. To live above reproach is to live a life that
cannot be accused of unethical living or lifestyle.

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6.10.2. This life is lived out even when you are just by
yourself or just with your wife, children, or
6.10.3. We always have the tendency to show a
different person when we are with others and a
different one when we are alone or with our
6.10.4. A life that is above reproach is constantly lived
out according to his calling all the time.
Pray for your probable networking group
6.11.1. We need to be constantly lifting our probable
and possible networking members to the Lord in
6.11.2. To pray that God will touch their lives so they
could be used for His purpose.

7. Conclusion
7.1. I would assume, judging from the response of the
King and Queen, that Nehemiah may have mastered
all these factors.
7.2. In the course of time he had built up an excellent
network even within the royal household. They heard
his reason and were willing to facilitate his
movements and sponsor the whole project.

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Before I go on into this topic of discussion, it is better to

shed some light on this important question, What is
Development? Development means changes involving some
plan and purpose. So my definition of Community
development is planned and purposeful changes that take place in a
community to bring about an acceptable standard of living for the
community members thereby alleviating a sub-standard or poverty
standard of living which has been the result of untapped potentials,
resources, and narrow thinking.
But I am not just talking about development here; I am
talking about development as a tool for Evangelism. We
employ development as a vehicle for evangelism. Robert C
MOVEMENT stated four strategies of alleviating the
sufferings of a needy world. They are;
1. Economic Growth where a communitys microeconomic factors such as adequate food, fuel, and health
for each family is provided locally on a sustainable basis.
2. Political Liberation this strategy seeks to liberate
people from oppressive regime and international trade
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agreements, which intensify the gap between the rich

and the poor.
3. Relief aims at survival for victims of war, disaster, and
prolonged injustice (band-aid on the wounds of
4. Community Development addressing the whole need
complex of a community beginning with the basic daily
These four major areas have been used by all Christian
Development Workers as tools for evangelism.

1.1. The people must come first before production;

1.1.1. The main issue in any Christian community
development is not how much we can get in
return, but what is the purpose? and how are
we going to do it? [How it is done / we think of the
people who will benefit or be affected];
1.1.2. The church can play an important role in
balancing production and people;
Because the world system, no matter
what they do, will always put production
before people; The church on the other hand is
commanded to put people before production,
or the production of people (Matt 28:19-20).
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1.1.3.Our priority as Christian Community developers

must always be on the total welfare of the
community and its members [spiritual, mental,
social, economic]

1.2. Helping those with real needs;

1.2.1. Christians are commanded to care for those
who are in real need in the community for there is
heavenly blessings hovering over their care.
12 Then he told the man who had invited him,
When you invite people for lunch or dinner, don't
invite only your friends, family, other relatives, or
rich neighbors. Otherwise, they will return the favor.
13 Instead, when you give a banquet, invite the poor,
the handicapped, the lame, and the blind. 14 Then you
will be blessed because they don't have any way to pay
you back. You will be paid back when those who have
God's approval come back to life. Luke 14:12-14
(GW) 26 Because the believers in Macedonia and
Greece owe a debt to the Christians in Jerusalem, they
have decided to take up a collection for the poor
among the Christians in Jerusalem. 27 These
Macedonians and Greeks have shared the spiritual
wealth of the Christians in Jerusalem. So they are
obligated to use their earthly wealth to help them.
Romans 15:26-27 (GW)
1.2.2. God is concerned with the state of poverty and
with the poor. The church, as Christ Body, is to
be concerned with Gods concern; 7 He lifts the poor from the dust. He lifts the
needy from a garbage heap. 8 He seats them with
influential people, with the influential leaders of his
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people. 9 He makes a woman who is in a childless

home a joyful mother. Psalms 113:7-9 (GW) 21 Jesus said to him, If you want to be perfect,
sell what you own. Give the money to the poor, and
you will have treasure in heaven. Then follow me!
Matt 19:21 (GW)
1.2.3. A Christian Community developer must aim at
encouraging the kind of community development
that the community members can pay for and
finance [cost effective projects];
1.2.4. Do not do projects that are exclusive [for only a
group within a community];
1.2.5. Carry out projects that are inclusive [will benefit
the community as a whole];
1.2.6. Include the input of community Elders, leaders,
important people;
1.2.7. Do awareness on bad community development
practices [exploitation and abuse of natural resource,
development that will not benefit future generation];
1.2.8. Encourage development that will benefit future
generation [planting of profitable trees, handicraft
making and selling, corporate project of farming and
fishing depending on the area you are working in];
1.2.9. Consider what the people think is important
for their development;

2.1. Priority;
2.1.1. Look at what the people think is important;
they have some idea of what is needed in the
community; they need to be heard first.

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2.1.2. What kind of development will keep the

community together; looking at the nine facets of
development, the development needs in the
community according to their need, as well as the
current or existing problem, and how the
proposed development will assist in curbing the
problem and keep the community together.
2.1.3. Improve the current or existing ventures and
developments before diversifying or putting in
your new projects;

2.2. Where do we start?

2.2.1. Consider what really matters to the people;
doing a need analysis in an important exercise at
this point.
2.2.2. Do not think that you know what is good for
the people. This is one of the major problems of
the community developers. They can sometimes
think that they are the only ones who know what
is best for the community.
2.2.3. Start by helping to meet their existing needs
according to the people, not according to you;
2.2.4. Improve tools to fit into the existing practice
and development [start from where the people are];


3.1. To understand the people;
3.1.1.We have to concentrate on what matters to them
[not on what matters to you];
3.1.2. Understand why they do what they do; they
have reasons why projects or activities are done
in a certain way.

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3.1.3. Do not assume to know better [they have been

living in the community for generations in good and bad
times and have survived];
3.1.4. Count them to know better than yourself; Phil 2:3 3 Don't act out of selfish ambition or
be conceited. Instead, humbly think of others as being
better than yourselves. 4 Don't be concerned only
about your own interests, but also be concerned about
the interests of others. 5 Have the same attitude that
Christ Jesus had. (GW)

3.2. To understand their values;

3.2.1. Find out why they believe what they believe;
3.2.2. Understand their customs [so we can teach relevant
subjects in relevant ways];
3.2.3. Take time to live with them [you will learn and
understand a lot];
3.2.4. Do not promise anything that will raise false
3.2.5. Do not ask questions that will raise false
expectations [watch and learn is the best approach];

3.3. Knowing what they need and what they want;

3.3.1. Do not ask What do you need? [this will raise
false hope];
3.3.2. Do not assume to know what they need from
the information that you have;
3.3.3. Do not assume to know what they need from
the first visit that you take;
3.3.4. What we think a community needs may be
totally different from what the community
members think they need, and from the
communitys real need;

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3.3.5. Do not assume what a community needs by

comparing it with another community OR with
your community;
3.3.6. A Christian Community Developer must take
time to stay with the people and in the
community to understand what the real need is
and why;
3.3.7. God desire that the needs of the people are met,
especially their need for a savior; 19 My God will richly fill your every need in a
glorious way through Christ Jesus. 20 Glory belongs
to our God and Father forever! Amen. Phil 4:19-20
(GW) 15 I will give you shepherds after my own heart.
They will be shepherds who feed you with knowledge
and insight. Jer 3:15 (GW) 17 So Pharaoh said to Joseph, Say to your
brothers, Load up your animals, and go back to
Canaan. 18 Take your father and your families, and
come to me. I will give you the best land in Egypt.
Then you can enjoy the best food in the land.' 19 Give
them this order: Take wagons with you from Egypt
for your children and your wives. Bring your father,
and come back. 20 Don't worry about your
belongings because the best of everything in Egypt is
yours.' Gen 45:17-20 (GW)

3.4. Receiving and giving

3.4.1. To work with a community you will have to be
accepted into it; To be accepted you will have to be

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Projects To be identified you will need to stay

days and nights with them, share their food
and lifestyle;
3.4.2. For the community to receive you, you will
need to receive them; for a community to receive what you
give, youve got to receive what they give; Be dependant on the community you are
working with [in terms of information, culture,
values, practices, beliefs etc]; The community will be more receptive to
your development ideas when they see that
they can have an influence on the person who
is bringing those new ideas to them;
3.4.3. Share your life with them [thats why it is good to
live within the community you want to develop];

3.5. Starting the development work

3.5.1. Ask important people in the community of
their ideas; During the month of Chislev, in Artaxerxes'
twentieth year as king, while I was in the fortress at
Susa, 2 one of my brothers, Hanani, arrived with
some men from Judah. I asked them about the Jews
who had survived captivity and about Jerusalem.
Neh 1:1-3 (GW)
3.5.2. Draw out suggestion from community
3.5.3. Seek for the right time to do the development; Why is that time the right time? Can other times be considered?
3.5.4. Do it the right way and consider the culture
and community role play; The culture; The role of men;
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The role of women;

The role of young people.


4.1. The people must want the change.
4.1.1. Help the people of the community come to a
point where they are willing to make the
important change for the sake of development, be
willing to contribute financially, be willing to
give their time and work; [be open with the good and
the bad, but convince them with the good, and the reason];
4.1.2. Help the people in the community to see that
they can make the change if they are willing to
4.1.3. Help the people in the community to see and be
convinced that a project that benefits them can
be done if it is realist and they have the means;
4.1.4. If the idea is yours, then the desire for change
must come from the community members; If the community is able to see these
things, they will want to change; When they want to change, they will
than adopt the project; When they adopt the project they will
contribute and sacrifice; When they contribute & sacrifice they
will take care of the finished result;


5.1. Influencing the Community;
5.1.1. Be guided by the Word of God [do not be tricky in
your explanation to get their support];
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5.1.2. Talked with community leaders, prominent

members of the community, and influential
5.1.3. You need the agreement of the local leaders.
Build up relationships with them. Make sure you are aware of all the
important people not just political
leadership, but also traditional leaders,
leaders of other community groups and
religious leaders of all faiths. When you are ready, meet together to
discuss your suggestions.
5.1.4. When a project has the support of community
leaders, it is bound to get all the support it needs
from the community.

5.2. Motivation
5.2.1. Spiritual Challenge from the Word of God for
Christians and other;
5.2.2. Show the effects of not changing [social
5.2.3. Show where the world is moving that warrants
the change;

5.3. Agents of Change

5.3.1. Government and NGOs What are the roles of
Government and NGOs in the area of community
5.3.2. Natural Disasters that will affect the project or
the development phases; What role can the church play? Offer guidance if there are unclear
explanation on certain development that will
affect the community.

5.4. Time
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5.4.1. Do not take short cuts [unless really necessary with

good long term result] ;
5.4.2. Do not rush people to decide without giving
enough time to think the idea through clearly;
5.4.3. Do not be impatient it can have bad result
that takes long time to correct;
5.4.4. Ideas take long time to mature;
5.4.5. The longer the wait for the YES from the
community, the more the planning time;
5.4.6. Do not rush the planning [survey carefully, do a
need analysis of the community];

5.5. Traditions
5.5.1. Is the development going to usher in new
tradition that is foreign to the community
[individualism]; will it benefit the community in
this regard?
5.5.2. How can the development benefit the
community in terms of return and also support
the community tradition of share and care [if the
community is based on communal living]?;

6.1. PERSONAL WORK You are working in a village
where people earn their living through subsistence
farming. The harvest has not been good for the past 2
years. How can you help the people increase their
produce and earn more? How will your project
benefit the community? What are the dangers and
obstacles you anticipate to encounter?
6.2. GROUP WORK discuss in your group the dangers
of trying to persuade a traditional community to
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adopt a new development and change their method of

doing things.

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CHANGE IN A COMMUNITY (John 10:10) the Head

of the Church is the Lord of Positive Change.

1. Living with the people;

1.1. Developing a community;
1.1.1. In order to positively and effectively help a
community, you will definitely need to live
among the people;
1.1.2. 2 Corinthians 8:9 You know about the kindness of
our Lord Jesus Christ. He was rich, yet for your sake he
became poor in order to make you rich through his
poverty. 2 Cor 8:9 (GW)
1.1.3.The church must be able to live among the
people, rich or poor, in order to effectively
minister to them. The church must not live
among the people in order to gain from them
1.1.4. When you have lived with the people, seen and
share in their struggles for daily needs, then you
will know how to use the Kingdom resources
that are at your disposal for their development;
1.1.5. The church will become a mission institution
again when she has learnt this lesson [2 Cor 8:9;
Philp 2:5-10];
1.1.6. The Christian developer must be identified
with those he is seeking to serve. He is not seeing
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their needs from a far off; but he lives amongst

them and knows their needs;
1.1.7. The lack of money should not be an excuse to
doing development project [in fact the lack of money
is the initial cause of doing development projects] ;
1.1.8. Lack of Godly Vision and Faith are the barriers
to doing needed developments.

1.2. Using Volunteer Worker in Community

Development Project;
1.2.1. Include successful community church members
who willing to assist in the project at their own
1.2.2. Arrange for specialist from government or
Christian NGOs, or successful church members
from other church of your own denomination to
1.2.3. Labour can be supplied by the community
without pay but with provision of meals and
refreshments [but they must first see the benefit of the
project so they will be willing to sacrifice their time and
energy for the work];

1.3. What about the lack money?

1.3.1.Shortage of money can be an indirect
encouragement; it can lead us to using methods
that are appropriate to the culture and affordable
by the people [when you do not have the money, change
your method to suit what you have];
1.3.2. If you dont have the money to pay a mechanic
to train the young people in the community, you
can start with a successful mechanic who is a
church member, who is willing to help at his own

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1.3.3. Research traditional ways of doing things and

merge with modern technological innovation at
affordable cost [e.g. building houses];
1.3.4. Seek God for your financial resources [when God
gives a vision for community development to a Christian
Community Developer, he will provide all the necessary
1.3.5. Give all your resources to God [let God be your
development Resource person; let him be the CEO of your
community development project];

1.4. The availability of financial assistance

1.4.1. Be careful, it can destroy the spirit of self help;
1.4.2. It can create an attitude of dependency;
1.4.3. The more the volume and availability of
financial assistance, the less responsible the
people will become [care and being responsible for the
outcome of the project can only come when the people know
that they have sacrificed a lot for the project to be
completed and be in operation];

1.5. Funding Agencies

1.5.1. Be careful, not of them, but of you; that you will
not plan project just to get the money from
Funding Agencies; [and also for strings attached in
receiving funds].
1.5.2. Plan the projects to help the community, not to
get money;
1.5.3. More assistance from funding agencies will
reduce the amount of local initiatives;
1.5.4. More money or lack of money does not
guarantee the success or failure of a project. To a
Christian Community developer success comes
because he has been given a Godly vision of the
project and heaven will certainly supply the
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resources [but the resources will depend on the Christian

developers Christian Walk];
1.5.5. Proverbs 30:8-9 8 Keep vanity and lies far away
from me. Don't give me either poverty or riches. Feed me
{only} the food I need, 9 or I may feel satisfied and deny
you and say, Who is the Lord?' or I may become poor and
steal and give the name of my God a bad reputation. Prov
30:8-9 (GW)
1.5.6. When the project vision is from God, He will
supply enough for its completion;
1.5.7. When God supplies resources, you will need to
train people to manage it so Kingdom Resources
are not abused [the devil is always around to sow tares
on any Kingdom Expansion Work];

2. Should the Church run money making


Why some people say, yes!

2.1.1. The church must be rich in order to do the
Kingdom work;
2.1.2. We needs to pay our workers;
2.1.3. We need to take the burden of looking after our
workers away from the members; they are already
struggling with finance;
2.1.4. We need to present a good picture to the
2.1.5. Its a disgrace when non Christians standard of
living are more favourable than that of the church
2.1.6. For development and expansion of church

2.2. Caution
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2.2.1. There is always the tendency for income

earning church projects to focus more on making
money than on serving the people;
2.2.2. Church priority and business is Soul Saving
not financial saving;
2.2.3. The church can lose sight of Christian values;
2.2.4. Jealousy can creep into the church;
2.2.5. The church may become like a company and
not a family [a community is a big family];
2.2.6. Big income generating church projects take a
lot of energy and people to run [it can channel
Kingdom Resources away from Kingdom Expansion
which is the Church Priority];
2.2.7. Lack of trained people in the church to run
income generating projects can result in
mismanagement and abuse;
2.2.8. The Vision and Purpose of the Church must be
brought to the focus, and any income generating
projects must be viewed according to these; if
they are not inline, leaders must agree to abort its
planning and operation;
2.2.9. When an income generating project that
financial supports church ministries collapse,
they all suffer; and people suffer;
2.2.10. The church continues on the downward trend
of more business meetings and reduced
Evangelism, Crusade, Church Planting Meetings;
2.2.11. Revenue and Savings become more important
than Souls to Save, Souls to Nurture, Souls to
Train, Souls to Mentor, and Souls to Send ;

2.3. PLAN before ACT;

2.3.1. There needs to be a clear plan form the begin of
the purpose of an income generating project; Determine the Vision;
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NOTES Determine the Mission; Determine the purpose; Determine the strategy; Determine the Time Frame; Determine the cost.
2.3.2. Determine how the revenue is going to be used;
2.3.3. Plan in the light of the Great Commission;
2.3.4. Consider the effect of the income generating
project on the members; Is it going to train them up spiritually in
terms of giving and caring for one another
and for the workers who are ministering to
them? Is it going to become a substitute for
members giving?
2.3.5. Do not imitate another denomination or local
church of your own denomination BUT pray
about the venture;
2.3.6. Leaders must take time and make time to pray
[this is very important Church leaders need to run
according to Gods Blue Print];
2.3.7. To keep the testimony of Church Leaders, it is
better that no pastors be directly involved in
money making projects [make use of the gifts of the
members. The pastor can be indirectly involved as an
advisor or spiritual guide to focus the team on integrity
and Christian values];

2.4.Where do we put our trust?

2.4.1. 7 Some put their faith in carriages and some in horses;
but we will be strong in the name of the Lord our God.
Psalms 20:7 (BBE)
2.4.2. 1 Cursed are those who go down to Egypt for help, and
who put their faith in horses; looking to war-carriages for
salvation, because of their numbers; and to horsemen,
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because they are very strong; but they are not looking to
the Holy One of Israel, or turning their hearts to the Lord;
Isaiah 31:1 (BBE)
2.4.3. Will income generating ventures take care of all
church financial commitments or do we also
encourage tithe and freewill offerings? Is it
Income from Income Generating Projects (+)
Tithe & Offerings? OR Tithes & Offerings (+)
Income from Income Generating Projects?
2.4.4. Where is the church determined to put his
trust first to supply her needs? To Man or To
2.4.5. Commercial activities can give false hope to
members that result in depression of tithes and
2.4.6. Will the church be able to train people and
make money at the same time [investing in people is a
costly business];

2.5. What can be done?

2.5.1. Income generating projects can be carried out
provide that the Clear vision and purpose of the church is
taken into account; A clear vision and purpose of the Project; Clear church policies of the running of
such project; A group of successful church members
who are well versed in Business willing to
take on the project at their own cost; That service to the people is the major
focus of the venture.

2.6. Some of the Important Points to Remember;

2.6.1. The Resources of any local church are in the
hands of her members;
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2.6.2. The resources of any local church is transferred

from the members to the church through; Tithes
A tenth of the produce of the earth
consecrated and set apart for special
purposes. The dedication of a tenth to God was
recognized as a duty before the time of
Moses. Abraham paid tithes to
Melchizedek (Gen 14:20; Heb 7:6); and
Jacob vowed unto the Lord and said, "Of
all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the
tenth unto thee."
The neglect of this duty was
sternly rebuked by the prophets (Amos
4:4; Mal 3:8-10).
It cannot be affirmed that the Old
Testament law of tithes is binding on
the Christian Church, nevertheless the
principle of this law remains, and is
incorporated in the gospel (1Co 9:13, 14);
and if, as is the case, the motive that
ought to prompt to liberality in the
cause of religion and of the service of
God be greater now than in Old
Testament times, then Christians ought
to go beyond the ancient Hebrew in
consecrating both themselves and their
substance to God. Offering on First Fruit The law
that no fruit was to be gathered
from newly-planted fruit-trees for the
first three years,
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And that the first-fruits of the
fourth year were to be consecrated to
the Lord (Lev 19:23-25).
The first-fruits of the ground were
offered unto God just as the first-born of
man and animals. Freewill Offerings A spontaneous gift
(Ex 35:29), a voluntary sacrifice (Lev 22:23;
Ezra 3:5), as opposed to one in consequence
of a vow, or in expiation of some offence.
2.6.3. The first and foremost business of the church is
the Expansion of the Kingdom and Making
Disciples; Matt 28:19-20 19 So wherever you go, make
disciples of all nations: Baptize them in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
20 Teach them to do everything I have commanded
you. And remember that I am always with you until
the end of time. Matt 28:19-20 (GW) Acts 1:8 6 So when the apostles came together,
they asked him, Lord, is this the time when you're
going to restore the kingdom to Israel? 7 Jesus told
them, You don't need to know about times or periods
that the Father has determined by his own authority.
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit
comes to you. Then you will be my witnesses to testify
about me in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:6-8

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3.1. Personal Assignment Discuss whether the church
should or should not do income generating projects?
Why? (500 words)
3.2. Group Assignment How can you run a successful
income generating project without depressing the
spirit of Tithing, First-fruit, and Freewill offering in
your local church?

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1.1. Kingdom resources has been given at our disposal;
we can care for or destroy it;
1.1.1. When we understand that God owns everything
and that he has given them to us to look after, it
will have a big influence on how we use them [ElElyon Possessor of The Universe]; Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord and everything
in it.
1.1.2. The Christian Community Developer and the
local church must know and understand the
principles of stewardship;
1.1.3.God is always taking account of his possession
Luke 12:6 Aren't five sparrows sold for two cents? God
doesn't forget any of them. 7 Even every hair on your head
has been counted. Don't be afraid! You are worth more
than many sparrows. (GW)
1.1.4. Greed, exploitation, abuse, and carelessness,
destroy our God Given Resources.


2.1. God allowed us the freedom to share His resources

with others;
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2.1.1. 2 Corinthians 8:3-5 3 I assure you that by their own

free will they have given all they could, even more than they
could afford. 4 They made an appeal to us, begging us to let
them participate in the ministry of God's kindness to his
holy people {in Jerusalem}. 5 They did more than we had
expected. First, they gave themselves to the Lord and to us,
since this was God's will. 2 Cor 8:3-5 (GW)
2.1.2. When we share Gods resources, we become his
instruments in channelling His Blessings;
2.1.3. When you channel His blessings by way of
resources, more will be channelled to you, so you
can channel more to those in need;

2.2. We share our resources through Tithing, First

Fruit, and Freewill Offerings;
2.2.1. Tithing Num 18:25-29 25 The Lord said to
Moses, 26 Speak to the Levites and say to them: You
will take one-tenth of the Israelites' income which I'm
giving you as your property. When you do, you must
contribute one-tenth of that income as your contribution
to the Lord. 27 Your contribution will be considered to be
grain from the threshing floor or juice from the winepress.
28 So you, too, will contribute one-tenth of your income to
the Lord out of all that you receive from the Israelites'
income. You will give the Lord's contribution to the priest
Aaron. 29 Out of all the gifts you receive, you must
contribute the best and holiest parts to the Lord.
2.2.2. First Fruit Num 18:12-15 12 I am also giving you
the first of the produce they give the Lord: the best of all the
olive oil and the best of the new wine and fresh grain.
13 The first of all produce harvested in their land that they
bring to the Lord is yours. Anyone in your household who
is clean may eat it. 14 Anything in Israel that is claimed
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by the Lord is yours. 15 Every firstborn male, human or

animal, that is brought to the Lord is yours. (GW) ref Deut 26:1-12
2.2.3. Freewill Offering 1 Corinthians 9:13-14
13 Don't you realize that those who work at the temple get
their food from the temple? Don't those who help at the
altar get a share of what is on the altar? 14 In the same
way, the Lord has commanded that those who spread the
Good News should earn their living from the Good News.

2.3. We share our resources through Christian

Community Living
2.3.1. Acts 2:44-45 44 All the believers kept meeting
together, and they shared everything with each other.
45 From time to time, they sold their property and other
possessions and distributed the money to anyone who
needed it. (GW)
2.3.2. Acts 4:32 The whole group of believers lived in
harmony. No one called any of his possessions his own.
Instead, they shared everything. (GW)
2.3.3. 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 1 Now, concerning the money to
be collected for God's people {in Jerusalem}: I want you to
do as I directed the churches in Galatia. 2 Every Sunday
each of you should set aside some of your money and save
it. Then money won't have to be collected when I come.
3 When I come, I will give letters of introduction to the
people whom you choose. You can send your gift to
Jerusalem with them. 4 If I think it's worthwhile for me to
go, they can go with me. (GW)

2.4.We share our resources as the Love of Christ is

lived through us;

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2.4.1. 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 1 Brothers and sisters, we want

you to know how God showed his kindness to the churches
in the province of Macedonia. 2 While they were being
severely tested by suffering, their overflowing joy, along
with their extreme poverty, has made them even more
generous. 3 I assure you that by their own free will they
have given all they could, even more than they could afford.
4 They made an appeal to us, begging us to let them
participate in the ministry of God's kindness to his holy
people {in Jerusalem}. 5 They did more than we had
expected. First, they gave themselves to the Lord and to us,
since this was God's will. 6 This led us to urge Titus to
finish his work of God's kindness among you in the same
way as he had already started it. 7 Indeed, the more your
faith, your ability to speak, your knowledge, your
dedication, and your love for us increase, the more we want
you to participate in this work of God's kindness. (GW)
2.4.2. 2 Corinthians 8:24 So give these men a
demonstration of your love. Show their congregations that
we were right to be proud of you. (GW)
2.4.3. 2 Corinthians 9:6-9 Remember this: The farmer who
plants a few seeds will have a very small harvest. But the
farmer who plants because he has received God's blessings
will receive a harvest of God's blessings in return. 7 Each of
you should give whatever you have decided. You shouldn't
be sorry that you gave or feel forced to give, since God loves
a cheerful giver. 8 Besides, God will give you his constantly
overflowing kindness. Then, when you always have
everything you need, you can do more and more good
things. 9 Scripture says, The righteous person gives freely
to the poor. His righteousness continues forever. (GW)
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2.5. When we freely share our resources, more

resources will be channelled to us;
2.5.1. 2 Corinthians 9:10-15 God gives seed to the farmer
and food to those who need to eat. God will also give you
seed and multiply it. In your lives he will increase the things
you do that have his approval. 11 God will make you rich
enough so that you can always be generous. Your
generosity will produce thanksgiving to God because of us.
12 What you do to serve others not only provides for the
needs of God's people, but also produces more and more
prayers of thanksgiving to God. 13 You will honor God
through this genuine act of service because of your
commitment to spread the Good News of Christ and
because of your generosity in sharing with them and
everyone else. 14 With deep affection they will pray for you
because of the extreme kindness that God has shown you.
15 I thank God for his gift that words cannot describe.
2.5.2. Luke 6:38 38 Give, and you will receive. A large
quantity, pressed together, shaken down, and running over
will be put into your pocket. The standards you use for
others will be applied to you. (GW)

2.6. Result of Sharing of Resources in a Christian

2.6.1. When we help a church and its members to
achieve more; Their giving to the Lord will increase; They will experience in a practical way
the importance of giving and sharing; More Kingdom resources will be
channelled your way to be at your disposal.

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3.1. Supplying spiritual and ethical content for secular
3.1.1. In the area of stewardship of resources;
A steward is a manager Luke 12:42 And
the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise
STEWARD, whom his lord shall make ruler over his
household, to give them their portion of meat in due
season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when
he cometh shall find so doing. NOTE - The basis of Christ's teaching about
money is the fundamental conception of stewardship.
(Luke 12:42; 16:1-8). Not only money, but every gift of
God, is received in trust for His use. Man is not an
owner, but a trustee, managing another's goods and
estates, God being the one original and inalienable
Owner of all. The two things required of stewards are
that they be "faithful and wise," that they study toemploy God's gifts with fidelity and sagacity
fidelity so that God's entrustments be not perverted
to self indulgence; sagacity, so that they be converted
into as large gains as possible.
3.1.2. In the area of sharing of resources; ...You gave me what I needed, and you received
what I gave you. 16 Even while I was in Thessalonica,
you provided for my needs twice. 17 It's not that I'm
looking for a gift. The opposite is true. I'm looking for
your resources to increase. Phil 4:15-17 (GW) 9 When I was with you and needed something, I
didn't bother any of you for help. My friends from the
province of Macedonia supplied everything I needed. I
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kept myself from being a financial burden to you in

any way, and I will continue to do that. 2 Cor 11:9
3.1.3. In the area of linking Stewardship with
Sustainable development; 15 Then the Lord God took
the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to farm the
land and to take care of it. Gen 2:15 (GW)
3.1.4. In the area of balancing profit with people; 9 Masters, treat your slaves with respect. Don't
threaten a slave. You know that there is one master in
heaven who has authority over both of you, and he
doesn't play favorites. Eph 6:9 (GW) 14 Don't withhold pay from hired workers who
are poor and needy, whether they are Israelites or
foreigners living in one of your cities. 15 Pay them
each day before sunset because they are poor and need
their pay. Otherwise, they will complain to the Lord
about you, and you will be condemned for your sin.
Deut 24:14-15 (GW)
3.1.5. In the area of providing excellent service
because our service is first to God, not money.
28 Wherefore, receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken,
let us have grace, whereby we may offer service wellpleasing to God with reverence and awe: 29 for our God is
a consuming fire. Heb 12:28-29 (ASV)
3.1.6. 13 You will honor God through this genuine act of
service because of your commitment to spread the Good
News of Christ and because of your generosity in sharing
with them and everyone else. (2 Cor. 9:13)

3.2. Utilizing the church assets;

3.2.1. What are the assets that the church has that
can be put into good use for community benefit? For service to the community;
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Projects For kingdom expansion;

3.2.2. What assets the church has that is becoming a
burden to carry, that others can make good use of
it than us? Some can hold on to some assets (e.g.
land) to provide some kind of personal or
corporate insurance; Holding on to unnecessary assets can
result in the church doing irrelevant project;

4.1. Individual Assignment Discuss what true
Christian Stewardship involves. (500 words)
4.2. Group Assignment Discuss some good ways in
which land belonging to a church could be used?

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1.1. How are we going to structure this kind of approach?
Do we need a TEAM or is it going to be all on you?
What kind of people do we need on the TEAM? How
are we going to decide on the recipients? What needs
should we be looking at? These are the basic
questions that we as an assembly will need to answer
before we venture into this field of ministry.
1.2. Assemblys Community Outreach using CDM
Community Development Method.
1.2.1. Direct evangelism can be a very awkward task
for some. For others it can just be as natural as
having a glass of water. It just shows that people
are different.
1.2.2. There is not just one method of sharing the
Good News. Sharing the Gospel also depends on
the kind of person you are. But in a direct
dialogue, you will need to be a good listener to
catch the opening where the Word of God can be
shared as a solution to a need or an
encouragement to a downcast soul. For many
Christians this may not be that easy. Therefore
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the approach that we are sharing here can be a

good option for some who are not so comfortable
with the direct approach.
1.3. Communities are different and people of the same
economic level flock together in the same community.
To some people, God becomes real when their needs
are met. To some God becomes real when their
niggling questions are answered; still others, God
becomes real when there is an extra-ordinary
experience. This lesson is meant to assist you in
making God real to a physically impoverished person,
family, or society when their needs are met.
1.3.1.Meeting the Needs Bread Approach This
approach is applicable only in a society where
there are numerous physical unmet needs. I could
also term this as The Bread Approach. This will be
a low class society; because in an educated high
class society, the perception of the inhabitants is
Ive got all I need and I dont need your help. To this
society the approach will be different and you
may need to employ what I called
1.3.2. The Philosophical Nicodemus Approach
(you must be born again). This is the preferable
approach to many. It challenges the issue of the
heart first; because the issue of the heart is the
heart of the issue. Unless a person is Born Again,
he will not live his life in eternity. He is restricted
to this life only.
1.3.3. The Economical Rich Mans Approach to
the Rich High Class level people (Go sell all you

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have and give the money to the poor; and you come and
follow me); to stimulate their thinking.
1.3.4. Apostolic Evangelism Approach This
approach follows the approach used by the
Apostles. The focus is the gathering of the few
and train them to form their crowd, but the
strategy is to Sow to the Crowd. This is bountiful
sowing and was effectively used by the Apostles
in the Book of Acts. If the country is an open
nation and there is no restriction by the authority
to the work of evangelism at this point, than we
need to take advantage of this and will use this
approach to reach the desired target group.
1.3.5. The Samaritan Woman Emotionally Abused
and Marginalized Approach (SWEAM
Approach). This approach was used by the
Lord Jesus to set a life straight by pointing out
the problem that has been causing all these heartaches. It has a nauthetic intent where through
revelation of ignorant actions and emotional
healing of one person resulted in the
evangelization of a community.
1.3.6. The Gospel First Jesus Approach Seek
first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness
and what you need will be added to it.
(Matthew 6:33).
1.4. There are three areas of focus that are needed in
employing Community Development as a tool for
evangelism (Evangelism, Technical, and

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Administration). Therefore the TEAM needs people

who are;
1.4.1. Gifted in Evangelism to bringing others to
Christ and building a local assembly within the
community we are working in;
1.4.2. Gifted in Technical areas These people are to
work in technical fields to meet the needs;
1.4.3. Gifted in Administration These people are
to design, implement, co-ordinate, and evaluate
the programme.

2. Where do we start?
2.1. 1st key Strategy Formation of a Community
Development TEAM;
2.1.1. You start with the formation of a TEAM. Give
the Team a name if possible. Include people who
are gifted in the three areas of focus above;
2.1.2. The Team will need to start praying together as
2.1.3. This will be followed by prayer and preparing
of a Strategy Paper; [The vision has already been given
by the Pastor].
2.1.4. Each individual TEAM member must learn,
know, and be confident of how to share the
Gospel. The spreading of the Good News of the
Lord Jesus is THE Priority of the TEAM.
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2.1.5. Each TEAM member must be able to work in

the other two areas of focus apart from where
his/her gifts lie;
2.1.6. TEAM members must attend internal training
to broaden their knowledge and be able to help in
the other two areas of focus apart from his/her
2.1.7. As a TEAM, we will allocate a time for Bible
Study and Prayer every week.
2.2. 2nd Key Strategy Surveying & Analyzing the
Community (At Local Assembly Level)
2.2.1. Profiling the Land Description of the land;
Land Use; and Transportation;
2.2.2. Profiling the Population Past Population;
Present Population; Future Population
2.2.3. Profiling the Economy Occupation profile,
and Income profile;
2.2.4. Profiling the Sociological Components
Ethnic Groupings, Class, Castes, Clans;
2.2.5. Profiling the Religious Components
Christians & Other Religions;
2.2.6. Analyze the data.
2.3. 3rd Key Strategy Selection
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2.3.1. Prioritize the Needs; - We will look at these

data and decide which one is most important to
do first;
2.3.2. Community Selection - Select the section of
the community with the most needy of top
priority (e.g. a community section that needs a
Kindergarten / or piped fresh);
2.3.3. Team Decision - Priority is determined by the

2.3.4. Service Delivery If the need is to be delivered to individual
family by the TEAM then the TEAM will
need to select a family (e.g. Selection for
Housing assistance / or Toilet project); If the need is to be delivered to individual
persons then the TEAM will need to select a
family and then select a person from that
family (e.g. Selection for Back to School); But remember that it is more preferable
to deliver community projects to a
community rather than to an individual
family or person.

2.3.5. Service Options or Conditions; There are no strings attached; only a
verbal agreement of doing a Bible Study with
a member of the TEAM on a selected topic
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relevant to leading him /her to Christ and for

his/her spiritual growth. There is a written agreement on
conditions applied.
2.4. 4th Key Strategy Implementation & Evaluation
2.4.1. There needs to be an implementation plan
already drawn up by the TEAM; This will allow
the flow of work;
2.4.2. Determine the Follow-Up and Evaluation Time.

3. Areas where Needs are to be Identified

3.1. Water (available of pure drinking water).
3.1.1.Piping of fresh water?
3.1.2. Water storage tanks?
3.1.3. Reservoir?
3.1.4. Water Borehole?
3.1.5. Water Well?
3.1.6. Water catchments?
3.1.7. Rain catchments?
3.2. Sanitation (the preventing of contamination of pure
water and food by diseases and parasites this is a
matter of community education).
3.2.1. Lavatories (Flush or Pit)?
3.2.2. Rubbish Bins?
3.2.3. Rubbish disposal area?
3.2.4. Compost area?
3.2.5. Clean compound / surrounding?
3.2.6. Drainage?
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3.3. Food (having enough food with balance nutritional

3.3.1. Fresh from the farm vegetables and root crops?
3.3.2. Subsistence farming?
3.3.3. Backyard vegetable garden?
3.3.4. Backyard poultry farm;
3.4. Fuel & Power (available of enough wood for fuel)
available source of household power.
3.4.1. Source of firewood?
3.4.2. Planting more trees for firewood purpose?
3.4.3. Smokeless stove to conserve firewood?
3.4.4. Use of coconut oil as fuel?
3.4.5. Access to electricity?
3.4.6. Possibility for solar power?
3.5. Health (stressing the importance of preventative
action) the main components are community
teaching on cleanliness,
3.5.1. Immunization / vaccination?
3.5.2. Parasites and disease control?
3.5.3. Personal hygiene?
3.5.4. Home hygiene?
3.5.5. Nutrition awareness & workshop?
3.5.6. Community health centre?
3.6. Shelter & Clothing (designed and provided by
making use of local trees, plants and crops, for
building and cloths.
3.6.1. Need a house?
3.6.2. Need house maintenance?
3.6.3. Need house extension?
3.6.4. Use of natural resource to build a house?
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3.6.5. Design local house to suit modern time?

3.6.6. Need clothes? Beddings? Kitchen ware?
3.6.7. Consider second hand clothes of good quality?
3.7. Income and production (encouraging the planting
of cash crops around the home) cash crops are good
cash earners for sub-urban and rural communities.
3.7.1. Setting up small business for persons or
families selling home produce & home-made
3.7.2. Creative thinking in small business like canteen
or backyard poultry farm for chicken & eggs?
3.7.3. Starting a long term Savings Plan?
3.7.4. Setting-up a Community Loan Skim?
3.7.5. Government Welfare assistance for citizens
over 60 years old.
3.8. Education (Kindergarten, Primary, High, and
Vocational schools)
3.8.1. The need for un-schooled children in
community to go back to school?
3.8.2. Starting a Kindergarten?
3.8.3. Giving the under-privilege children from poor
families in the community a chance to build their
future and move the family out of poverty trend?
3.8.4. School Fees Assistance?
3.8.5. Books & Uniform Assistance?
3.8.6. Vocational Studies & Trade Training for school
3.8.7. Counselling for students?
3.8.8. Goal setting sessions for High School &
Tertiary Students?
3.8.9. Providing extra Tutorial for students?
3.8.10. Why? And How? To study sessions?
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3.8.11. Weekly or fortnightly follow up on study

programme & progress?
3.9. Communication & Transportation (Roads, Bridges,
crossings, river ferries, Phones / telecom, etc).
3.9.1. Access to roads?
3.9.2. Access to transport?
3.9.3. The need for a Bridge / pontoon
3.9.4. Upgrade condition of transportation?
3.9.5. Access to Postal Service, telephone service, &
internet Service?
3.9.6. Upgrade condition of communication?

4.1. Individual Discuss whether or not you agree that
we need to deliver community projects to the
community as a whole rather than an individual
family or person (500 words).
4.2. Group Survey a community and plan a community
project for that community based on your group

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With our prayers

I hope that you have been blessed by the information outlined here and pray
that they will benefit your practical ministry.

Team Leader
ACTS Ministry Fiji.

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