Math 20C Notes

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- n denotes a normal vector and p is a point.
- Eq. of planes - n <x,y,z> = n p
- nx(x px) + ny(y py) + nz(z pz) = 0
- nxx + nyy + nzz = px + py + pz ; px + py + pz = ax + by + cz = d
- r(t) = (a, b, c) + t<u, v, w> x = a + ut, y = b + vt, z= c + wt ; parametric eqs in r(t) = r0 + vt
- Given 3 points, P, Q, R, with PQ x PR = n = <nx, ny, nz>, equation of plane is second one above, using coords from either P, Q, R
- If a1, b1, c1 = a2, b2, c2 given a1x + b1x + c1z = d1 and a2x + b2y + c2z = d2, they are parallel no matter the values of d1, d2.
- xy-plane : z = 0, norm = <0, 0, 1> ; xz-plane : y = 0, norm = <0, 1, 0> ; yz-plane : x = 0, norm = <1, 0, 0>
- nn = ||n|| ||n|| cos (if dot product is < 0, obtuse, > 0, acute, = 0, orthogonal)
-Intersection of 2 planes in a line= r(t) = <px, py, pz> + t[norm(a1x + b1x + c1z = d1) x norm(a2x + b2y + c2z = d2)] (cross product)
- determinant for 3x3: minus first, then plus ; I J K, so that I x J = k; k x j = -i
- when solving the system of equations (original two equations) for the points of P, let x, y, or z = 0, given that they work beforehand
-Intersection of a plane and a line: solve for t for parametric equations, plug back into equation for plane

- Para. Equations for (x a) + (y b) = n, where radius R is n, and (a, b) is the center, is c(t) = (a + R sin t, b + R cos t)
- For an ellipse given (xa
+ (yb
= 1, c(t) = (a sin t, b cos t)
- Cycloid generated by a circle of radius R: c(t) = (R(t sin t), R(1 cos t)).
- y = x c(t) = (t, t)

- Ex: (4 t)i + (2 + 5t)j + (t)k = (4, 2, 0) + t<-1, 5, ->
- Ex: r(t) = <6 + 3 sin(t), 9, 4 + 3 cos(t)>, for any t, y = 9, so circle is contained within y = 9 plane, so radius = 3, center = (6, 9, 4), and in y = 9 plane
- The projection of r(t) onto the xy-plane is <x(t ), y(t ), 0>. The projection onto the xz-plane is <x(t), 0, z(t)>, and the projection onto the yz-plane is <0, y(t ), z(t)>.

- Integrals and derivatives for vectors are simple, just perform the operations for every single component
- [r1(t) r2(t)+ = [r1(t) r2(t)+ + *r1(t) r2(t)] ; similarly, [r1(t) x r2(t)+ = *r1(t) x r2(t)+ + *r1(t) x r2(t)]
- *r(g(t))+ = g(t)*r(g(t)) ; chain rule
- L(t) = r(t0) + tr(t0) ; parametrization

- For finding min or max speed, take the square of the speed and use that function instead



- If v*a*cos() = 0, then velocity is constant.
- F = ma

14.1 Functions of Two or More Variables
Contour maps: Set function equal to c and put into form y = mx + b, use m to draw out map
Matching graphs: Set x or y = 0 and describe graph along yz or xz-plane, respectively

14.2 Limits and Continuity
Nonexistent limits: If limit along x-axis, lim x 0 f(x, 0), does not equal limit along y-axis, lim y 0 f(0, y), limit does not exist
Polar coordinates: You could set x = r cos and y = r sin , and hence, x + y = r. Note that (x, y) 0 = r 0.

14.3 Partial Derivatives
Rules: Compute fx with y constant, fy with x constant
fxy = partial deriv. of fx w/ respect to y; fyx = partial deriv. of fy w/ respect to x
fxy = fyx, if f(x, y) is continuous; if fxx + fyy = 0, f(x, y) is harmonic

14.4 Differentiability & Tangent Planes
Linearization: L(x, y, z) = f(a, b, c) + fx(a, b, c)(x a) + fy(a, b, c)(y b) + fz(a, b, c)(z c) - three variables
f(a + h, b + k) = f(a, b) + fx(a, b)h + fy(a, b)k - h, k are differences from estimated value
f(x, y) = f(a, b)(x a) + fx(a, b)(x a) + fy(a, b)(y b) - this is equivalent to the 2
Eq. of tangent plane: z = f(a, b) + fx(a, b)(x a) + fy(a, b)(y b)
v = < fx(a, b), fy(a, b), -1> - normal vector to tangent plane
for v parallel to n:
fx(a, b)/nx = fy(a, b)/ny = -1/nz - nx, ny, nz are coordinates to given normal vector n

14.5 Gradient & Directional Derivatives
Gradient (3 vars): f(a,b,c) = <fx(a, b, c), fy(a, b, c), fz(a, b, c)>
Chain rule (paths):
/dt f(c(t)) = fc(t) c(t) - note that f(x, y) = f(c(t)) - in other words, plug in for x and y
Direct. derivatives: Du f(a,b) = f(a,b) u - u =
(unit vector of v), dot product
Du f(a,b) = f(a,b) cos - given an angle
Eq. of tangent plane: f(a,b,c) <x a, y b, z c> = 0 - given point P = (a, b, c), dot product

14.6 Chain Rule
Chain rule:
/s =
/s +
/s +
/s - given f(x, y, z) = f(x(s, t), y(s, t), z(s, t))
/t =
/t +
/t +
/t - f on top means primary derivative with respect to variable in
denominator, s or t on bottom means partial derivative with
respect to variable in numerator
- remember to plug in for x, y, and z at the VERY end, using the given
Implicit diff:
/x = -
/Fz ;
/y = -
/Fz - given f(x,y,z) = 0; capital F denotes partial derivative.

14.7 Optimization
Critical points: Set fx and fy = 0, critical point is P = (a, b), or if fx or fy does not exist within the domain of f(a, b)
All critical points are all combinations of all x and y coordinates
All exponential (e
) functions can be ignored completely, as they are always nonzero
Discriminant: D(a, b) = fxx(x,y)fyy(x,y) f
If: D > 0 and fxx > 0, f(a, b) is a local minimum
D > 0 and fxx < 0, f(a, b) is a local maximum
D < 0, f(a, b) is a saddle point
D = 0, test inconclusive
Boundaries: If boundary is a disk in the form x + y = r, test endpoints for r

14.8 Lagrange Multipliers
Lagrange multiplier: fx = gx and fy = gy - g(x, y) is constraint
Nonzero condition: One may imply x,y 0, if Lagrange equations are undefined there - or if g(0, 0) does not satisfy constraint
If a value can be found for constraint such that f(x, y) is unbounded, then
f(x, y) has no minimum or maximum

Steps: Write out Lagrange equations, solve for in terms of x and y, solve for x and
y using the constraint (plug them into constraint), and calculate critical values

Multiple Integration Methods
Double integration (cylindrical): x = r cos , y = r sin , z = z, r = x + y - refers to circle on xy-plane, 0 2, r = radius
f(r cos , r sin )r dr d
Triple integration (cylindrical): r f(x,y,z) dz dr d
Triple integration (spherical): x = p sin cos , y = p sin sin , z = p cos - refers to angle made with xy-plane to z-axis
p sin f(x,y,z) dp d d
Reversing order of integration: GRAPH ALL BOUNDS FIRST, reverse dx and dy
To find bounds for x and y, smallest and biggest possible values of x and y within domain

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