Question and Answer of Eman and Kufr Ash-Shaikh Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdillah Ar-Rajihee

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Question and Answer of Eman and Kufr ash-Shaikh Abdul-Aziz

bin Abdillah ar-Rajihee
Question: By what can a person fall into Kufr al-Akbar (major
disbelief) and Riddah (apostasy)? Can this only occur by beliefs,
Juhood (rejection) and Takdheeb (denial) or it is more common
than that?
Answer, Kufr and Riddah, may Allah protect us from them, can
occur through a number of matters: It can occur though Juhood
(rejection) of an issue that is known from the Deen by
necessity. It can occur by an act of Kufr, by a statement of Kufr, by
abandoning or turning away from the Deen of Allah.
Kufr by belief can occur for example, if one believes that Allah has
a wife or a child or that he has an associate in His dominion or that
there is another administrator of this universe or that he believes
that Allah shares His Names, Attributes or His actions or he
believes that someone other than Allah deserves to be worshiped,
and if he believes that Allah has a partner in Rububiyah - then he
has committed Kufr by this belief; Kufr al-Akbar that takes one out
of the pale of Islam.
Kufr by actions can occur for example, if one prostrates to the
idols or practices magic or acts out any form of Shirk action like
invoking other than Allah, or offering sacrifice or vow to other than
Allah, or circumambulating something other than the House of
Allah, seeking with it closeness to someone else (other than Allah),
thus Kufr can occur by actions just like it can occur by statement.
Kufr by statement can occur for example, if one abuses Allah or
His Messenger or abuses the Deen of Islam or mocks Allah, His
Books, His Messenger r or His Deen. Allah says about a group of
people who mocked the Messenger r and his Sahabah y in the battle
of Tabouk, Was it at Allah and His Ayaat and His Messenger that
you were mocking? Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after you
had believed.' [Soorah at-Tawbah (9): 65]
So, he confirmed Kufr for them after their Eeman, this signifies that
Kufr can occur by action just like it can occur by belief, and it can
occur by statement as well, as has preceded in the verse - these
people committed Kufr by statement. Kufr can also occur by
Juhood (rejection) and belief and they are both one, and there can
be a difference between them for, Juhood is like he rejects a
necessarily known issue from the Deen, for example he rejects the
Rububiyah of Allah or rejects His Uluhiyyah or His Right to be
worshiped, or rejects an Angel from the Angels or rejects a
Messenger from His Messenger or a Book from he revealed Books or
rejects resurrection, Paradise or Hell or rewards or reckoning, or
denies the obligation of the Salaat or the obligation of Zakaat or the
obligation of Hajj or the obligation of the fast or rejects the
obligation of kindness to the parents, or the obligation of
maintaining the relationships of kith and kin, or anything else from
the necessarily known obligations of the Deen, (denying) or
rejecting the prohibition of adultery or the prohibition of Riba or the
prohibition of consuming alcohol or rejecting the prohibition of
disobedience to the parents or the prohibition of cutting the
relationship of the womb, or the prohibition of bribery or any other
issue from the necessarily known prohibition of the Deen.
Kufr can also occur by Aradh (turning away) from the Deen of
Allah or abandoning or refusing the Deen of Allah, like turning
away from the Deen of Allah by refusing to learn it, not worshiping
Allah, so he commits Kufr by this Aradh (turning away) and
abandoning, and Allah says, But those who disbelieve turn away
from that whereof they are warned. [Soorah al-Ahqaf (46): 3] And
who does more wrong than he who is reminded of the Ayaat of his
Lord, then he turns aside therefrom? Verily, We shall exact
retribution from the Mujrimoon. [Soorah as-Sajdah (32): 22]
So, Kufr occur by beliefs, it can occur by Juhood (rejection) and it
can occur by action and statements, it can occur by Arad (turning
away), abandoning and rejection. He who is forced to say the
statement of Kufr or commit an act of Kufr then he is excused if his
compliance was in order to escape; like if a man is threatened to be
killed by the one capable of murder or a sword is put on his neck,
then he (the threatened) is excused in this case if he commits Kufr
or utters a statement of Kufr, provided that his heart is certain on
Eeman. However, if his heart agrees with the Kufr, then he has
committed Kufr even if he were to be forced. We ask Allah for peace
and security.
He, who commits Kufr, can have five states;
1. If he genuinely commits Kufr, then he has committed Kufr.
2. If he commits Kufr out of jest, then he has committed Kufr.
3. If he commits Kufr out of fear, then he has committed Kufr.
4. If he is forced into committing Kufr, while his heart agrees with
the Kufr, then he has committed Kufr.
5. If he is forced into committing Kufr, and his heart is certain of
the Eeman, then he has not committed Kufr because of the
Saying of Allah, Whoever disbelieved in Allah after his belief,
except him who is forced thereto, and whose heart is at rest with
Faith, but such as open their breasts to disbelief, on them is wrath
from Allah, and theirs will be a great torment. [Soorah an-Nahl
(16): 106] [Asilah wa-Ajwibah fil-Eeman wal-Kufr by Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah
ar-Rajhi (no: 1)]
Question: If one says, Eeman is statement, and action and belief
but action is the condition for its perfection (Shart Kamaal), and
he says also, No Kufr except by belief. Is this statement from the
statements of the Ahlus-Sunnah?
Answer, These statements are not the statements of Ahlus-
Sunnah wal-Jamaah. Ahlus-Sunnah say, Eeman is statement by
the tongue, statement by the heart, action by the limbs and actions
of the heart. And from their sayings is, Eeman is statement and
action. And from their statement is, Eeman is statement and
action and niyyah, So, Eeman without doubt, consists of the
following four:
1. statement by the tongue and it is the speech
2. statement of the heart and it is affirmation and Tasdeeq
3. actions of the heart are its niyyah and Ikhlas
4. Actions of the limbs
So, actions are a part of the four parts of Eeman, so it cannot be
said, Action is a condition of the perfection (of Eeman) or it is
lazim (necessary consequence) for, these are the sayings of the
Murjiyah, we do not know of the Ahlus-Sunnah saying that action
is a condition of the perfection (of Eeman).
Similarly, the saying of the one who says, No Kufr except by belief.
This is a statement of the Murjiyah, and from their sayings is,
Actions and statements are a proof of the belief in the heart. This
is falsehood, rather a statement of Kufr is Kufr itself and an act of
Kufr is Kufr itself as has been mentioned in the Saying of Allah,
Was it at Allah, and His Ayat and His Messenger that you were
mocking? Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after you had
believed. [Soorah at-Tawbah (9): 65-66] [Asilah wa-Ajwibah fil-Eeman
wal-Kufr by Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah ar-Rajhi (question no: 2)]

Question: Is this saying correct, He, who says, Eeman is
statement, action and belief, it increases and decreases is free from
Irja completely; even if he were to say, No Kufr except by belief and
Juhood (rejection).
Answer, The latter statement contradicts the former, so his
saying,Eeman is statement, and action and belief; it increases and
decreases this is true and it is the saying of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-
Jamaaah, but his saying after that, No Kufr except by belief and
Juhood, this cancels out the former. For, just like Eeman occurs
through statement, action and belief; similarly, Kufr can occur by
statement, action and belief. It is required to correct the second
statement and change it to, and Kufr can occur by statement,
action and belief, but if the (latter) statement is left as it is; it
negates the former. [As'ilah wa-Ajwibah fil-Eeman wal-Kufr by Abdul-Aziz
ibn Abdullah ar- Rajhi (question no: 7)]

Question: Is this statement correct, Abusing Allah and Abusing
the Messenger is not Kufr by itself, but it is a sign of belittlement
and derision (contempt) in the heart?
Answer, This statement is not correct. It is the saying of the
Murjiyah and it is a false statement, rather abuse itself is Kufr, and
mockery itself is Kufr as Allah says, Say, Was it at Allah, and His
Ayat and His Messenger that you were mocking? Make no excuse;
you have disbelieved after you had believed. [Soorah Tawbah (9):
So, Allah declared Kufr on them after Eeman by this phrase (of
mockery), and did not say if you believed anything of it (i.e.
belittlement) in your hearts. So, Allah ruled Kufr on them by this
phrase (of mockery) and established that a statement can be a
statement of Kufr.
(The statement that an act of) Kufr is not Kufr; rather a sign of
what is in the heart, is false (because) none can know what is in
the heart except Allah; and Kufr can occur by heart, and occur by
statement, and occur by action; and this statement (mentioned in
the question) goes along with the madhhab of the Murjiyah. [Asilah
wa-Ajwibah fil-Eeman wal-Kufr by Abdul- Aziz ibn Abdullah ar-Rajhi (question
no: 8)]

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