Abuse and Neglect

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2013 Her J ustice 1

Abuse and Neglect Cases
in New York State

2013 Her J ustice 2
This booklet explains:

What child abuse and child neglect are.
What happens in a Family Court case where a parent is accused
of neglect or abuse.
What you can do if your child is removed from your home
and placed in foster care.

Parents are not the only people who can be accused of child abuse or neglect
in Family Court. Other people who are responsible for the care of a child,
such as care-givers or guardians, also can be accused of abuse or neglect. In
this booklet, however, we usually will refer to the person accused of abuse or
neglect as a parent.

Court cases involving child abuse or neglect are both serious and
difficult. You should never attempt to represent yourself.

A parent who has been accused of abuse or neglect of a child can,
and should, have a lawyer at each and every stage of the Family Court
proceeding. If a parent cannot afford a lawyer, the Judge will appoint
one for free.

In all cases, the J udge also will appoint a lawyer for the child.

Family Court proceedings are civil cases, not criminal cases. Sometimes
a parent who is accused of abuse or neglect in Family Court will have a
criminal court case, too. This booklet will talk only about Family
Court cases.


Abuse happens when a child is seriously injured or harmed and it was not
an accident. Also, abuse happens if a parent puts a child in a situation where
The lawyer who represents a child is called a Lawyer
for the Child.

2013 Her J ustice 3
the child can be seriously harmed.

If your child is injured or hurt, you may have to explain how the injury or
harm happened. Your child also may have to explain how the injury or
harm happened. The explanation has to satisfy any social worker, doctor
or other person investigating the injury to your child. Even if an injury or
accident happens when you are not there, you are still responsible for your
childs safety.

There are too many examples of child abuse to list them all here. Some are:

Striking or shaking a child so hard that it causes serious harm (for
example, bruises, cuts, or broken bones).
Letting a child play with a gun, knife or other dangerous item.
Sexually abusing a child or allowing a child to be sexually abused by
another person.


Neglect happens when a parent fails to care for a child and the child is
harmed physically, mentally or emotionally. Neglect also happens when a
child is in danger of being harmed because a parent fails to care for the child.

If you do not provide basic necessities for your child, you may be found to
have neglected your child.

Neglect means doing something to harm a child, or not
doing something for a child which harms the child, or
letting someone else do something which harms or could
harm the child.
Abuse means doing something that causes, or is likely to
cause, death or serious physical injury or serious emotional
damage to a child.

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There are too many examples of neglect to list them all here. Some are:

Not taking a child to a doctor when needed.
Not feeding a child properly.
Living in a very dirty or unsafe home, or not keeping the child
and his or her clothes clean.
Not enrolling and sending a child to school.
Not changing an infants diapers so the infant gets very serious rashes.
Leaving a child home alone or with someone too young to
supervise a child.
Leaving a very young child alone in the bathtub.
Using excessive physical punishment, such as hitting a child with
a belt or other object.

Even if you do not harm your child yourself, you can be held responsible
if you do not protect your child from being abused or neglected by someone
else. In a case like this, you would be charged with neglect for failing to protect
your child.


In New York City, the New York City Administration for Childrens
Services is the agency responsible for protecting children from harm and
mistreatment. New York City Administration for Childrens Services was
formerly known as BCS and CWA. New York City Administration for
Childrens Services will be referred to throughout this booklet as ACS.

ACS investigates reports of suspected child abuse or neglect. Outside New
York City, the social service agencies that investigate reports of suspected
child abuse or neglect are called by other names, such as Child Protective
Services (CPS). These agencies are part of the New York State Office of
Children and Family Services. In this booklet, we will use ACS to refer to
whichever agency is investigating an abuse or neglect case.

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ACS can remove children from their homes if ACS believes that the children
are in immediate and serious danger to their life or their health.

ACS can go to Court to have a J udge decide whether children should stay
at home or be placed in foster care.


People call in reports of suspected child abuse or neglect to a hotline of
the New York State Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment
(SCR) in Albany. SCR then forwards the reports to ACS for investigation.

Doctors, teachers, social workers and police are mandated reporters.

Any concerned person can report what they believe is abuse or neglect. For
example, a parent may report another parent. Another family member or
neighbor may also make a report. Reports can be made by people who do not
allow their names to be used (anonymously).

Sometimes reports of abuse or neglect are not true. Sometimes untrue reports
are made by people who are angry with a parent or want to do something to
hurt that parent. Calling in a report a person knows is false is a crime. False
reports can be investigated by the District Attorney.
Mandated reporters are people who must report situations
where they think a child may be abused or neglected.
If a childs life is in immediate and serious danger, a Judge
or NYC Childrens Services would say the child is at
imminent risk.

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When ACS receives a report from the State Central Register, it must start an
investigation within 24 hours. Then, they have 7 days to submit a preliminary
report, and up to 60 days to complete the investigation and decide if the
report is true or false. ACS may choose to involve law enforcement or other
agencies in its investigations. If the report alleges certain types of abuse, such
as sexual abuse or abuse that results in injury or death, ACS is required to
include law enforcement officials in the investigation.

An ACS caseworker investigating a report of abuse and neglect will visit the
childs home and speak to the parents, the child, and anyone else who might
have important information. The ACS caseworker will use this information
to decide whether the report is true or not.

If ACS believes the report of abuse or neglect is not true, ACS will issue
a report to the State Central Register that the report of abuse or neglect
was unfounded.

If ACS finds what they believe is abuse or neglect, even if it is different from
the types of abuse or neglect claimed in the report, ACS can:

Help the parent with social work services and supervision without
going to court. But the parent must agree to cooperate.
Get the parent to agree to put the child with a relative temporarily or
into voluntary foster care.
Help a battered parent to leave home with the child. This can include
moving to a domestic violence shelter. ACS or the battered parent can
get an order of protection in court against the batterer that covers the
battered parent and the child.
Take the child immediately away from the parent and go to court to
accuse the parent of abuse and/or neglect.
An indicated report
is a report that ACS
believes is true.
An unfounded report
is a report that ACS
believes is not true.

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Start a case in Family Court and ask the J udge to decide if the child
should stay at home or be taken away.
Refer the case to the District Attorney for criminal prosecution.
When ACS takes children away from their parents, it sends the children to
foster care. Foster care agencies provide services for children, their families
and the foster families. Foster care agencies work for ACS and ACS
supervises and monitors the foster care agencies. ACS also investigates
relatives of children to see if they can care for the children.

A parent needs to stay as informed as possible when dealing with ACS
and the foster care system. The operations of the various foster care
agencies and ACS can be very different. It is not always clear who makes
decisions or why decisions are made about children, their families and foster
care placements. The information that these various people have is not always
accurate or complete. Sometimes the agencies do not share information. For all
these reasons, a parent needs to pay very close attention to the situation.


If someone files a report accusing you of abusing or neglecting your child,
and that report is investigated and found to be true, then that report and your
name will stay on record at the SCR until your youngest child is 28 years old.

If a J udge makes a decision after a trial that you abused or neglected your
child, the J udges decision will stay on the record until your youngest child is
28 years old.

When applying for certain types of employment, employers who perform
background searches are entitled to see your record at SCR. When applying
to become a foster parent, agencies who perform background searches to see
if you can become a foster parent or adopt a child, are entitled to see your
record at SCR.

Placing children with relatives is called kinship foster care.

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If SCR shows a report against you, it can seriously affect your chance
of getting work around children (for example, as a school crossing guard,
teacher or teachers assistant). You could not work with senior citizens
(for example, as a home care attendant). You could not become a foster
parent or adopt a child.

Once a case is started against you in Family Court, even if that case is
dismissed by the J udge (or withdrawn by ACS), the indicated report to the
SCR is still on file. You will have to ask for the indicated report to be
changed to an unfounded report or amended to say that there was no
evidence of abuse or neglect.

To do this, you or your lawyer must request a fair hearing. To make this
request, you will need to write or call:

New York State Office of Children and Family Services
State Central Register
P.O. Box 4480
Albany, NY 12204-0480
Phone: (518) 474-5297

You must make your request for a fair hearing within 90 days of receiving
notice of the report.


In order to request your ACS records, you must write a letter
to the following:

Statewide Central Register
P.O. Box 4480
Albany NY 12204-0480

The letter must include the following information:

Your name and date of birth and Case ID
The letter must be SIGNED by you (as the requester)

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If you don not know your Case ID, you must include:
The name(s) and date(s) of birth of your child(ren)
and family members
The address where you were living at the time of the report


If the report is indicated, your record will automatically be expunged
ten years after the 18
birthday of your youngest child. If the report is
unfounded, your record will be expunged 10 years after the receipt of
the report.

If you would like to attempt to expunge your record before that time, you
may write to the Director of the State Central Register of Child Abuse:

State Central Register of Child Abuse,
N.Y.S. Office of Children and Family Services
P.O. Box 4480
Albany, NY 12204-0480

This letter must include the following information:

Case ID number (s);
The Intake Stage ID number(s);
The name of the child(ren) discussed in the report;
An address and telephone number where you can be reached.

Please be sure to write the following language at the end of your letter and
sign your name afterwards:

Expungement is a legal procedure designed to destroy or
remove from view all or part of the records of a case.

2013 Her J ustice 10
I request, pursuant to Social Services Law 422 (8), that you
expunge or seal all records of this report. I further request that,
if you decide not to expunge or seal the report, you provide me
with a fair hearing at which I may contest your decision not to
expunge or seal the report. Pursuant to Social Services Law 422
(7), I request a copy of all records associated with my case.

You may write to them at anytime, but your right to a fair hearing ends 90
days after you were notified of the initial report, not 90 days after you make
the request to have your record expunged. If you request expungement more
than 90 days after the notice of the indicated report, you will not be entitled
to a hearing if the request is denied. It is important to act quickly if you
receive notice of an indicated report.


ACS must try everything within reason to keep a child in his/her home
while still keeping the child safe. For example, ACS might say a parent
must get an Order of Protection that keeps her batterer out of the home, so
the child can stay safely in the parents care.

However, if ACS or the J udge believes that a child is at imminent risk of
harm if s/he stays in the parents care, the child will be removed (taken away)
from the parent.

ACS and the J udge look at many different things when deciding whether a
child can stay in his/her home. They look at the history of the family and
whether the child has been abused or neglected in the past.

Sometimes it may seem that a child is removed from her/his home for no
good reason. A parent may think that ACS has overreacted to a report of
child abuse or neglect. A parent may think that ACS does not understand
what happened to a child and believes that the child was abused or neglected
even when the child was not. A parent has the right to challenge ACSs
decision to remove the child from the parents care.

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Yes. ACS can take your child from your home (or from your childs school,
a police station, a shelter, or a hospital) before going to court, but it can only
do this if the child is in imminent danger. ACS must notify you of your rights
and tell you where they took your child.

If ACS removes your child before going to court, you can immediately go to
Family Court in the county where you live or where your child was taken.
Without waiting for any other action by ACS, you can ask for a preliminary
hearing. You have a right to a preliminary hearing in front of a Judge
within three (3) business days of your request for the hearing.

If ACS removes your child without going to court first, ACS must go to
court on the next court day to start an abuse or neglect case against you.
ACS must give written notice when they are starting a court case against you
which tells you that you should come to court on that day (intake day). On
the intake day, ACS will ask the J udge to continue to keep your child in ACS
custody (or foster care) temporarily until there is a trial on the charge of
abuse or neglect. At this time, if you have not done so already, you can ask
for a preliminary hearing to request that your child be returned to your care.

If ACS does not start a case against you within 24 hours, you can go to court
immediately and file for a writ of habeas corpus (asking for the immediate
return of your child).

You may sign a consent to remove which allows ACS to remove the child
from your home with your permission. If you sign a consent to remove,
ACS has three (3) business days to file a case against you in Family Court.


To remove your child from your care, or to keep your child in foster
care, ACS must convince the Judge that your child is unsafe in your
care. ACS will say that your child would be in immediate danger of serious
The preliminary hearing is usually called a 1028 hearing.

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harm (also called imminent risk) in your care. You will have the chance to
say that this is not true.

After hearing both sides, the J udge will decide whether to temporarily keep
your child with ACS, to temporarily place your child with relatives, or to
return your child to you. A trial will be held later to determine whether you
abused or neglected your child.


Yes. Sometimes ACS goes to court to start a child abuse or neglect case
against a parent without removing the child first. ACS then can ask the
J udges permission to remove the child and to place him/her in foster care,
or to allow the child to stay with a parent under ACS supervision, or to
allow the child to be placed with another relative. This first hearing can
happen without the parent present, but if the parent is not present or is not
represented by an attorney, the parent can request a 1028 hearing within 3
days of the child being removed.

In court, you have a right to:

Ask the J udge to return your child.
Have a lawyer represent you.
Have the J udge appoint a lawyer to represent you for free,
if you cannot afford a lawyer.
Ask for a 1028 hearing and to have that hearing started within
3 business days.
Tell your side of the story and have witnesses testify on your behalf.

Sometimes the J udge will decide by himself/herself that a child should be
removed from the home, even if ACS has not asked for it. A parent also has a
right to a 1028 hearing if the J udge decides the child should be removed.

If the J udge decides that a child would be at imminent risk if the child stays
with or is returned to the parent, the J udge will order the child to stay with

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ACS until a preliminary hearing or an abuse or neglect trial is held.

If the J udge decides that the child is not in imminent danger, the J udge will
send the child home (a parole). The J udge may send the child home but
require ACS to supervise and monitor the home. The J udge also can order the
parent to do certain things as a condition of keeping the child at home, such
as getting counseling.


Judge: This person sits at the front of the room and is the one who decides if
abuse or neglect really happened. The J udge decides whether a child will stay
at home, whether any conditions have to be met for a child to stay at home or
whether a child should be put into foster care.

Clerk: This person takes care of administrative duties for the J udge, like
writing up orders for the J udge to sign later.

Court Attorney or Law Secretary: This person is a lawyer who works for
the J udge. This person may meet with the lawyers for the parents, the lawyer
for ACS and the childs attorney before everyone sees the J udge.

Court Officers: These people wear uniforms similar to police uniforms and
help keep order in the courtroom and the courthouse. They have a copy of the
J udges calendar for the day and keep track of who is present in court for
each case.

Witnesses: Witnesses can be people who saw abuse or neglect happen or not
happen. They can have other information about the case. They might be
doctors who treated the child or police who came to help the child. Teachers
or social workers at the childs school also can be witnesses.

ACS Caseworker: This is the person ACS assigns to investigate reports of
child abuse or neglect. The ACS caseworker is very involved in the case and
tells the J udge all the details ACS has found out about the case. The ACS
caseworker may also testify against a parent in court as a witness.

Private Agency Caseworkers: There may be people who work at private

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agencies present in court to testify about the family or the child. This could
be someone in charge of supervised visitation or foster care placement.

Special Assistant Corporation Counsel: This person is ACSs lawyer in
charge of the case. This lawyer works for the City of New York. Outside of
New York City, this lawyer may be called by a different name. This lawyers
job is to try to prove that the parent abused or neglected the child. S/he might
ask the J udge to order things which may help ACS win the case (for
example, a parent to submit to drug testing). These lawyers are not supposed
to speak to parents, if the parents have lawyers.

Lawyer for the Child: This person is the lawyer the J udge has assigned to
represent the child. Formerly known as law guardian, the Lawyer for the
Child only represents the child. The lawyer for the child may or may not
want the child to remain in, or return to, the home. Lawyers for children are
not supposed to speak to parents if the parents have lawyers. They should get
permission from the parents lawyers first.

Respondent: This is the parent accused of abuse or neglect.

18-b Attorney or Court-Appointed Lawyer: This is a free lawyer the
J udge assigns to represent a parent who cannot afford to hire a lawyer.


Admission (guilty plea): After speaking with your lawyer, you may decide to
admit to the J udge that you abused or neglected your child. The J udge then
will make an order that there was abuse or neglect without having a trial, and
the case will go directly to the dispositional hearing (this hearing is described
later in this booklet).

Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal (ACD): Either instead of a
trial, or after a trial is over, the parties might agree to an ACD. This means
Be very careful before making an admission, because if you
admit to abuse or neglect, you will not be able to appeal this
part of your case.

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that you, ACS, the attorney for your child, and the J udge all agree that if you
do what the J udge orders you to do (for example, attend counseling or drug
rehabilitation) your case will be dismissed after a certain time period is up.
That time period can be no more than one year, but the ACD can be extended
if all the parties agree. If there is an ACD, your child will be returned to you.

An ACD places a parent on a sort of probation. ACS often supervises you
and your child during this time. If you dont do everything ordered in the
ACD, you will be in violation of the ACD. ACS will file a petition in court
alleging that you are in violation of the ACD. You will have a hearing to
decide if you violated the ACD. If the J udge decides you violated the ACD,
then your case will go to trial on the original charge of abuse and/or neglect.
Your child can be placed in foster care if you violate the ACD.

Trial (or fact-finding hearing): If you do not make an admission and instead
you say that the charges are not true, there will be a trial. The J udge will hear
the evidence and decide whether abuse or neglect happened. ACS must prove
to the J udge that you abused or neglected your child.

ACS presents its evidence first. You can then present evidence to defend
yourself. The Lawyer for the Child can present evidence. At trial, you can
testify under oath and tell your side of the story. You can give documents and
other evidence to the J udge and have your witnesses tell the J udge what they
know. At the end of the trial, the J udge will either dismiss the case or decide
that you did abuse or neglect your child.

Because these cases are civil, not criminal, cases, you cannot refuse to testify
by pleading the Fifth Amendment. In fact, if you do not testify at trial, a
J udge can hold this against you.

Dispositional Hearing (or planning hearing): After an admission or a trial, if
the J udge decides there is abuse or neglect, there will be a dispositional
hearing. At this hearing, the J udge will decide what plan is best for your child
and you. The J udge can choose to do a number of things, such as:

Return your child to you under ACS supervision and order you to do
things the J udge believes will protect your child. Some examples are:
Attend counseling or a drug or alcohol treatment program.

2013 Her J ustice 16
Attend parenting skills classes or school.
Allow a homemaker to come into your home.
Enroll your child in day care or send your child to school.
Find housing or income.

Place your child with relatives (kinship foster care). If your child is
placed in foster care, there must be a permanency hearing within 8
months of the date your child was removed from your care.
Place your child in foster care (non-kinship foster care). If your child
is placed in foster care, there must be a permanency hearing within 8
months of the date your child was removed from your care.
Require that your visits with your child be supervised.
Order things for your child, such as counseling or medical treatment.
Order ACS to start a case in court immediately to terminate (end) your
rights as a parent. If your parental rights are terminated, your child can
be put up for adoption by someone else.

If you do not agree with the judges decision in your case, you can make an
appeal within 30 days of the order. If you want to make an appeal, you
should get help from a lawyer.


Before the J udge decides what is best, the J udge may order you and your
child to be evaluated by a psychologist, psychiatrist or counselor. The J udge
may want you to see a court-appointed evaluator, but you have the right to
ask for an independent evaluator if you do not want to see the evaluator the
J udge appoints or if you do not agree with that persons report.
When you ask a higher court to make a different decision, this is
called making an appeal.

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No. You should not bring your child to court unless the J udge tells you
(or the Lawyer for the Child asks you) to bring him/her. It is always better
to leave your child at home or with a trusted and responsible family member,
friend or babysitter.

If you must bring your child to court, there is a playroom in each Family
Court building where the child can stay. However, most of these playrooms
have limited hours and are closed during lunch. Many of these playrooms are
also not equipped to take care of infants.


Be on time. When you enter the courthouse, you will have to go through
security and metal detectors. This will take extra time. If you are late, the
J udge may begin the case before you get there and make decisions before
you have a chance to say anything.

Dress neatly. Your clothes should be clean, but not fancy. Your hair
should be neat.

Be prepared to wait. The J udge usually has many cases in a day in
addition to yours. Be patient. Bring something to read while waiting,
like a book or magazine.

Let the court officer outside the courtroom know you are there.
The court officer will check your name off the list of cases for that day,
indicating that you are present for the court appearance.

Psychologists, psychiatrists and counselors do mental
health evaluations by meeting with parents and children
and then reporting to the Judge about the meetings. This is
sometimes called a forensic evaluation or forensics.

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Do not leave the waiting room area. If you need to leave for any reason
(for example, to use the phone or bathroom), make sure you tell the court
officer you will be right back.

Do not talk about your case with the lawyer for ACS, the ACS
caseworker or the lawyer for the child without asking your own lawyer
first. You might say the wrong thing and your lawyer should be present
during the conversations.

Be polite to everyone, especially court officers, judges, lawyers and
social workers.

Know your rights. Be clear about what you want. Be firm.

Ask for written copies of all court papers, petitions and orders. Get copies
before you leave the courthouse.


At the end of your case, the J udge will make a decision and issue an order. If
the J udge decides to put your child into foster care, the first thing you should
do is get a copy of the J udges order.

The J udges order will tell you how long your child will be placed in foster
care and what you have to do to get your child back.

You can ask for your child to stay with a relative. This is called kinship foster
care. A J udge will try to place the child with relatives, if possible.

If you have more than one child and there are no relatives that can care for
the children, you can ask the J udge to place all the children together in the
same foster home if possible.

As mentioned before, you have a right to have a higher court review
The written summary of what you have to do to get your child
back is sometimes called the plan.

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the order of the Family Court (an appeal). But you have to appeal the
order within 30 days, so you must act quickly and you should get help
from a lawyer.


After you get the J udges order, you will need to make sure you do
everything that the J udge orders you to do. For example, the J udge might
order you to attend a drug treatment program.

The foster care agency should give you a written copy of the plan. The
plan should list services that the foster care agency will give to you and
your child. The plan should list the steps you must take so that you
can get your child back. For example, the plan may state that you must attend
parenting skills classes.

It is important to cooperate with the foster care agency since it writes reports
about your progress to the J udge. The reports will tell the J udge how you and
your child are doing and will recommend whether or not your child should
be returned to you.

The foster care agency will ask you to attend case planning conferences.
At case planning conferences, you will hear and talk about how your child
is doing. Make sure you attend all case planning conferences at the
foster care agency.

You have the right to have a family member, friend, counselor, social
worker, lawyer or someone else come with you to all meetings and
conferences. During case planning conferences, make sure you understand
what you have to do. If anything is not clear to you, ask questions to clarify
so that you do understand.

You can ask the J udge to look at the plan the foster careagency makes for
you and your child. If you do not agree with what the plan says you must do,
you do not have to wait until the foster care agency brings you back to court.
You can go to court on your own and ask for the J udges help.

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If the J udges order allows you to have visitation, the foster care agency will
set a visitation schedule for when you will see your child.

Usually, visits are scheduled for twice a month. The J udge may order the
visitation to be supervised.

So long as you are cooperating with the plan and the visits go well, you can
ask the J udge for more visitation with your child. You can also ask for
unsupervised visitation with your child.

Make sure to see your child during all scheduled visits.


You will have to work hard to follow the J udges order and the plan to get
your child back. Here are some of the things you will need to do:

Ask for the help you need. The foster care agency caseworker and the
ACS caseworker are supposed to work with you. It is their job to get
you the services you need so that you can get your child back. All
caseworkers (for ACS and private agencies) have supervisors. If you
have a problem with your caseworker, ask to speak with the
supervisor. You can ask for any of these services, if you need them:

Alcohol or drug treatment.
Help with housing.
Homemaker assistance.
Supervised visitation means someone else will be with you and
your child during your visits.

2013 Her J ustice 21
Work or job placement programs.
Medical care.
The opportunity to visit your child regularly and increased
visitation, if possible.
Information from the foster care agency about how your child is
doing. You have the right to know that your child is in good
health and well taken care of.

It is also important to show the agency that you care how your child is
doing. Some of the things you can do are:

Ask to have a say about your childs medical care.
Ask for information about your childs education.
Ask to be present at case meetings about your child.
Keep in constant contact with the foster care agency.
Keep all appointments and show up at every court date.
Keep a personal notebook with the names and phone numbers of your
social worker, case worker, counselor and lawyer, and the dates of all
your meetings and appointments with anyone involved in your case.
Tell the foster care agency and your lawyer if you change your address
or phone number. Tell them as soon as it happens.
Ask for referrals, if you need help. Follow up on these referrals and
keep a record of them in your personal notebook.
Get a friend, counselor, parole officer, minister or other religious
leader, or social worker (not one who works for ACS or the foster care
agency) to help and support you. They can go to agency meetings and
to court with you.
Get a copy of the Parents Handbook, A Guide for Parents with
Children in Foster Care, from the Parents and Childrens Rights
Unit, ACS, 150 Williams Street, 1st Floor, New York, NY

2013 Her J ustice 22

When your child is placed in foster care, there must be a permanency hearing
within 8 months of when the child was removed from his or her home. At the
permanency hearing, the judge can extend foster care by up to six months.

Foster care can last until your child is 18 years old. If your child is over 18,
your child could agree to stay in foster care until s/he is 21 years old.


The Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) became law in 1997.
This law requires foster care agencies to return children to their parents
or relatives quickly and safely, if possible. If this is not possible, ASFA
requires foster care agencies to terminate parental rights so that children
can be adopted.

If your child is in foster care, ASFA puts serious pressure on you. You must
start right away to get your child back home. If your child is placed in foster
care, you cannot just sit back and wait.

If you do not do the things included in the plan to have your child returned,
your parental rights can be taken away and your child can be placed up
for adoption.

If your child is in non-kinship foster care for 15 of the last 22 months and
you have not followed through with the plan, ACS is required to start a court
case to terminate your parental rights.

If your child is in kinship foster care for 15 out of the last 22 months, the
J udge will review your case during a permanency plan hearing.

If your parental rights are terminated, you cannot see or
contact your child ever again.

2013 Her J ustice 23
To avoid termination of parental rights, you must:

Complete all actions the J udge ordered and attend whatever programs
and/or classes that are part of the plan to get your child back home
(for example, drug/alcohol treatment, parenting skills classes or
counseling programs).
Attend all planning meetings (conferences) at the foster care agency.
There should be a conference or meeting at the foster care agency 3
months after your child has been placed in foster care and every 6
months after that. You should take a friend or someone else you
trust with you.
Keep in contact with foster care agency.
Make sure you visit your child regularly.
Go to all court dates and dont be late to court.


Within 8 months of when your child was removed from you, there will be a
Family Court review of the permanency plan that ACS and/or foster care agency
thinks is right for your child. This is called the permanency plan hearing. You
have a right to a lawyer for the permanency plan hearing. At this hearing, you
can tell the J udge what you believe is the right plan for your child.

At the end of the hearing, the J udge will decide what the right permanency
plan is for the child.
The permanency plan hearing is a hearing to decide what
the best permanency plan is for the child and what services
should be offered to the child and the parent while the child
is in foster care.
The permanency plan is the plan for the future care of, and
living arrangements for, the child who is in foster care.

2013 Her J ustice 24
The permanency plan might be:

To keep your child in foster care for a limited period of time.
To return your child to you or another relative.
To terminate your parental rights and place your child
up for adoption.
To give custody or guardianship to a relative.
To have your child be prepared for independent living. This usually is
an option for older children or children who do not want to be adopted
by their foster parents.
If the permanency plan is continued foster care or eventual adoption, ACS is
required to go back to court approximately every 6 months to ask the J udge
to allow your child to remain in foster care. You have a right to be present
each time this happens, to be represented by a lawyer and to ask for your
child to be returned to you.

2013 Her J ustice 25

2013 Her J ustice 26

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