This document provides information on a product called SPOTLEAK 1007. It is a mixture of tert-Butyl mercaptan (80%) and Methyl ethyl sulfide (20%). The product has a mercaptan odor and is extremely flammable and volatile. It can cause eye and skin irritation and may cause allergic reactions. Proper personal protective equipment should be worn when handling, including chemical goggles, gloves, and respirators if ventilation is inadequate. The product should be stored away from heat and ignition sources in a well-ventilated area. In the event of a spill, extinguish ignition sources and contain the spill, then clean it up following appropriate regulations.
This document provides information on a product called SPOTLEAK 1007. It is a mixture of tert-Butyl mercaptan (80%) and Methyl ethyl sulfide (20%). The product has a mercaptan odor and is extremely flammable and volatile. It can cause eye and skin irritation and may cause allergic reactions. Proper personal protective equipment should be worn when handling, including chemical goggles, gloves, and respirators if ventilation is inadequate. The product should be stored away from heat and ignition sources in a well-ventilated area. In the event of a spill, extinguish ignition sources and contain the spill, then clean it up following appropriate regulations.
This document provides information on a product called SPOTLEAK 1007. It is a mixture of tert-Butyl mercaptan (80%) and Methyl ethyl sulfide (20%). The product has a mercaptan odor and is extremely flammable and volatile. It can cause eye and skin irritation and may cause allergic reactions. Proper personal protective equipment should be worn when handling, including chemical goggles, gloves, and respirators if ventilation is inadequate. The product should be stored away from heat and ignition sources in a well-ventilated area. In the event of a spill, extinguish ignition sources and contain the spill, then clean it up following appropriate regulations.
This document provides information on a product called SPOTLEAK 1007. It is a mixture of tert-Butyl mercaptan (80%) and Methyl ethyl sulfide (20%). The product has a mercaptan odor and is extremely flammable and volatile. It can cause eye and skin irritation and may cause allergic reactions. Proper personal protective equipment should be worn when handling, including chemical goggles, gloves, and respirators if ventilation is inadequate. The product should be stored away from heat and ignition sources in a well-ventilated area. In the event of a spill, extinguish ignition sources and contain the spill, then clean it up following appropriate regulations.
Product Code: 001007 Revision: 10 11 OCT 2004 Issued: 7
Material Safety Data Sheet PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION 1 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: Chemtrec: (800) 424-9300 (24hrs) or (703) 527-3887 Medical: Rocky Mountain Poison Control Center (866) 767-5089 (24Hrs) Customer Service Information Telephone Numbers 1-800-628-4453 Phone Number 8:30 to 5:30 EST Available Hrs Ingredient Name CAS RegistryNumber Typical Wt. % OSHA 2 COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS The substance(s) marked with a "Y" in the OSHA column, are identified as hazardous chemicals according to the criteria of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) The components of this product are all on the TSCA Inventory list. 3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Arkema Inc. SPOTLEAK 1007 Emergency Overview Potential Health Effects Colorless liquid; mercaptan odor
DANGER! EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. VAPOR MAY CAUSE FLASH FIRE. MAY CAUSE EYE IRRITATION. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. MAY CAUSE NAUSEA, HEADACHE OR DIZZINESS. Inhalation and skin contact are expected to be the primary routes of occupational exposure to this material. Based on single exposure animal tests, it is considered to be practically non-toxic if swallowed or inhaled, no more than slightly toxic if absorbed through skin and slightly irritating to eyes. Repeated or prolonged contact may cause an allergic skin reaction. This material has a strong objectionable odor that may cause nausea, headache, or dizziness. Thio and Fine Chemicals Arkema Inc. 2000 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 SPOTLEAK 1007 Product Name Product Synonym(s) Mixture Chemical Family Mixture Chemical Formula Blend: tert-Butyl mercaptan, Methyl ethyl sulfide EPA Reg Num Odorant for Natural Gas Product Use Chemical Name 80% 20% Y Y tert-Butylmercaptan Methyl ethyl sulfide 75-66-1 624-89-5 This material is classified as hazardous under Federal OSHA regulation. 2 Page of Product Code: 001007 Revision: 10 11 OCT 2004 Issued: 7 Material Safety Data Sheet 4 FIRST AID MEASURES IF IN EYES, immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. IF ON SKIN, immediately flush with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention. Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. IF SWALLOWED, do NOT induce vomiting. Give water to drink. Get medical attention immediately. NEVER GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. IF INHALED, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention.
5 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES 238 C Auto-Ignition Temperature <0 F Flash Point TCC Flash Point Method NE Flammable Limits- Upper NE Lower Extinguishing Media Fire Fighting Instructions Fire and Explosion Hazards Use water spray, carbon dioxide, foam or dry chemical. Water may be ineffective. Use water spray or water fog to cool surrounding surfaces and prevent fire damage or rupture of containers. Fire fighters and others who may be exposed to products of combustion should wear full fire fighting gear (full Bunker Gear) and self-contained breathing apparatus (pressure demand NIOSH approved or equivalent). Fire fighting equipment should be thoroughly decontaminated after use. When burned, the following hazardous products of combustion can occur: Oxides of carbon Sulfur oxides Hydrogen sulfide Vapors can travel to a source of ignition and flash back. Arkema Inc. SPOTLEAK 1007 Fire and Explosive Properties 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES In Case of Spill or Leak Extinguish or turn off ignition or combustion sources. Contain spill. Stop leak at source if this can be done safely. Ventilate area only if odor control is not an issue. Nonessential personnel should leave the area until cleanup is completed. Cover spill area with closed-cell foam to reduce odors (use of Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) with polymeric layer is acceptable). If foam is unavailable, absorb spill with liquid-binding material (e.g. diatomaceous earth, saw dust universal binder) and deodorize residue on ground with 3-10% hydrogen peroxide. If spill is contained within a large containment area, add 5% bleach solution (sodium hypochlorite) in a 50 parts bleach solution to one part product dilution ratio. Swimming pool chemicals (hypochlorite compounds) work effectively in deodorizing product. If these are applied to product, the crystals must be accompanied by sufficient water of dilution so that the considerable heat of reaction will be absorbed. Enzyme or bacteria based deodorizers are also acceptable for use. Place waste materials into Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved drums for disposal. Where practicable wash area down with water. Keep concentrate and wash water from entering sewers or waterways. Consult a regulatory specialist 3 Page of Product Code: 001007 Revision: 10 11 OCT 2004 Issued: 7 Material Safety Data Sheet Arkema Inc. SPOTLEAK 1007 6 7 8 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES HANDLING AND STORAGE EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION Handling Storage Engineering Controls Eye / Face Protection Skin Protection Respiratory Protection to determine appropriate state or local reporting requirements, for assistance in waste characterization and/or hazardous waste disposal and other requirements listed in pertinent environmental permits. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Keep container closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling.
CONTAINER HAZARDOUS WHEN EMPTY. Emptied container retains vapor and product residue. Follow labeled warnings even after container is emptied. RESIDUAL VAPORS MAY EXPLODE ON IGNITION. DO NOT CUT, DRILL GRIND OR WELD ON OR NEAR THIS CONTAINER. Improper disposal or reuse of this container may be dangerous and/or illegal. Store in well ventilated area away from heat and sources of ignition such as flame, sparks and static electricity. Ensure that all storage and handling equipment is properly rated, grounded and installed to satisfy electrical classification requirements. Static electricity may accumulate and create a fire hazard. All storage containers, including containers such as drums, cylinders and IBCs, must be bonded and grounded during filling and emptying operations. Store away from oxidizers and reactive materials. Keep container tightly closed. Observe all federal, state and local regulations and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes which pertain to the specific local conditions of storage and use, including OSHA 29 CFR 1910.106 and NFPA 30, 70, 77, and 497. Investigate engineering techniques to reduce exposures. Provide ventilation if necessary to minimize exposure. Dilution ventilation is acceptable, but local mechanical exhaust ventilation preferred, if practical, at sources of air contamination such as open process equipment. Where there is potential for eye contact, wear chemical goggles and have eye flushing equipment available. Wear appropriate chemical resistant protective clothing and chemical resistant gloves to prevent skin contact. Consult glove manufacturer to determine appropriate type glove material for given application. Wear chemical goggles, a face shield, and chemical resistant clothing such as a rubber apron when splashing may occur. Rinse immediately if skin is contaminated. Remove contaminated clothing promptly and wash before reuse. Clean protective equipment before reuse. Provide a safety shower at any location where skin contact can occur. Wash skin thoroughly after handling. Avoid breathing vapor or mist. Where airborne exposure is likely, use NIOSH approved respiratory protection equipment appropriate to the material and/or its components. Full facepiece equipment is recommended and, if used, replaces need for face shield and/or chemical goggles. If exposures cannot be
4 Page of Product Code: 001007 Revision: 10 11 OCT 2004 Issued: 7 Material Safety Data Sheet 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance/Odor NE pH 0.815 @ 20 C Specific Gravity 5.7 psia @ 38 C Vapor Pressure 3 Vapor Density NA Melting Point <-50 F Freezing Point 63-70 C (145-148 F) Boiling Point Insoluble @ 20 C Solubility In Water Alcohols, ethyl ether Solubility in Other Materials NE Evaporation Rate 100 Particle Size 0.55 cP @ 20 C Viscosity Odor threshold: 0.1 ppb Refractive index: 1.427 @ 20 C Other Physical Data 10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability This material is chemically stable under normal and anticipated storage and handling conditions. 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Toxicological Information Data on this material and/or its components are summarized below. Arkema Inc. SPOTLEAK 1007 Avoid contact with strong oxidizers, acids, bases, reducing agents. Incompatibility None known. Hazardous Decomposition Products Airborne Exposure Guidelines for Ingredients -Only those components with exposure limits are printed in this section. -Skin contact limits designated with a "Y" above have skin contact effect. Air sampling alone is insufficient to accurately quantitate exposure. Measures to prevent significant cutaneous absorption may be required. -ACGIH Sensitizer designator with a value of "Y" above means that exposure to this material may cause allergic reactions. -WEEL-AIHA Sensitizer designator with a value of "Y" above means that exposure to this material may cause allergic skin reactions. Colorless liquid; mercaptan odor The components of this product have no established Airborne Exposure Guidelines 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION kept at a minimum with engineering controls, consult respirator manufacturer to determine appropriate type equipment for given application. Observe respirator use limitations specified by NIOSH or the manufacturer. For emergency and other conditions where there may be a potential for significant exposure, use an approved full face positive-pressure, self-contained breathing apparatus or positive-pressure airline with auxiliary self-contained air supply. Respiratory protection programs must comply with 29 CFR 1910.134.
5 Page of Product Code: 001007 Revision: 10 11 OCT 2004 Issued: 7 Material Safety Data Sheet 11 12 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicological Information Chemical Fate Information
Spotleak 1007 Single exposure (acute) studies indicate that this material is practically non-toxic if swallowed (rat LD50 5,000 mg/kg) or inhaled (rat 1-hr LC50 >20 mg/l; vapor), no more than slightly toxic if absorbed through skin (rat LD50 >2,000 mg/kg) and slightly irritating to rabbit eyes.
tert-Butylmercaptan Single exposure (acute) studies indicate that this material is slightly toxic if swallowed (rat LD50 4,729 mg/kg), no more than slightly toxic if absorbed through skin (rabbit LD50 >2,000 mg/kg), practically non-toxic if inhaled (rat 4-hr LC50 >81.9 - 98.2 mg/l), slightly irritating to rabbit eyes and non-irritating to rabbit skin (4-hr exposure). In rodents, acute poisoning by this material produced a pattern of central nervous system depression, muscular paralysis, and tremors. Skin allergy was observed in guinea pigs following repeated exposure. Following repeated inhalation exposures, mild to moderate liver effect (hypertrophy) and mild kidney effects (proximal tubular nephrosis in males only) were observed in rats. No birth defects were noted in the offspring of rats and mice exposed by inhalation during pregnancy. No genetic changes were observed in tests using bacteria or animals. Both positive and negative responses have been reported in tests using animal cells.
Methyl Ethyl Sulfide Single exposure (acute) studies indicate that this material is practically non-toxic to slightly toxic if swallowed (rat LD50 4,300 - >5,000 mg/kg), practically non-toxic if inhaled (rat 4-hr LC50 >21.7 mg/l), no more than slightly toxic if absorbed through skin (rat LD50 >2,000 mg/kg) and moderately irritating to rabbit eyes and skin. No genetic changes were observed in tests using bacteria. Data on this material and/or its components are summarized below. tert-Butylmercaptan This material is moderately toxic to Daphnia magna (48-hr EC50 6.7 mg/l), and is slightly toxic to rainbow trout (96-hr LC50 34 mg/l) and alga (72-hr EC50 13 mg/l).
Methyl Ethyl Sulfide This material is slightly toxic to Daphnia magna (48-hr EC50 16 mg/l) and practically non-toxic to algae (72-hr IC50 310 mg/l; NOEC <76 mg/l). Data on this material and/or its components are summarized below. tert-Butylmercaptan The solubility of this material is 1,470 mg/l after 24-hrs. and the stability is 10 mg/l and 81.8% after 96-hrs.
Methyl Ethyl Sulfide This material is not readily biodegradable (34% after 28-days) and has a half-life in air of 1.9 days (calculated). The log Pow is 1.41.
13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal Incineration is the recommended method for disposal observing all local, state and federal regulations. Note: Chemical additions to, processing of, or otherwise altering this material may make this waste management information incomplete, inaccurate, or otherwise inappropriate. Furthermore, state and local waste disposal requirements may be more restrictive or otherwise different from federal laws and regulations. Arkema Inc. SPOTLEAK 1007 6 Page of Product Code: 001007 Revision: 10 11 OCT 2004 Issued: 7 Material Safety Data Sheet 14 TRANSPORT INFORMATION Mercaptans, mixture, liquid, flammable, n.o.s. DOT Name (t-Butyl mercaptan, Methyl ethyl sulfide) DOT Technical Name 3 DOT Hazard Class UN3336 UN Number ll DOT Packing Group RQ 11 OCT 2004 Revision Date 19-AUG-2004 Supercedes Revision Dated ATOFINA Chemicals, Inc. has changed its name to Arkema Inc.. Key Arkema Inc. SPOTLEAK 1007 10 Revision Number PG 16 OTHER INFORMATION Revision Summary Massachusetts Right to Know New Jersey Right to Know Pennsylvania Right to Know This product does contain the following chemicals(s), as indicated below, currently on the Massachusetts Right to Know Substance List. This product does contain the following chemical(s), as indicated below, currently on the New Jersey Right-to-Know Substances List. This product does contain the following chemical(s), as indicated below, currently on the Pennsylvania Hazardous Substance List. tert-Butylmercaptan tert-Butylmercaptan tert-Butylmercaptan 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION Y Immediate (Acute) Health N Delayed (Chronic) Health Y Fire N Reactive N Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard Categories Under Criteria of SARA Title III Rules (40 CFR Part 370) Revision Information The components of this product are all on the TSCA Inventory list. NE= Not Established NA= Not Applicable (R) = Registered Trademark Ingredient Related Regulatory Information: Methyl ethyl sulfide tert-Butylmercaptan SARA Reportable Quantities NE NE CERCLA RQ SARA TPQ 7 Page of Product Code: 001007 Revision: 10 11 OCT 2004 Issued: 7 Material Safety Data Sheet Arkema Inc. believes that the information and recommendations contained herein (including data and statements) are accurate as of the date hereof. NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE CONCERNING THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN. The information provided herein relates only to the specific product designated and may not be valid where such product is used in combination with any other materials or in any process. Further, since the conditions and methods of use are beyond the control of Arkema Inc., Arkema Inc. expressly disclaims any and all liability as to any results obtained or arising from any use of the product or reliance on such information. Arkema Inc. SPOTLEAK 1007