Instrument Calibration Procedure

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The key takeaways are that this procedure describes how to calibrate various measurement instruments like calipers and micrometers to ensure their accuracy.

The purpose of this calibration procedure is to describe the testing and performance parameters to calibrate internal and external dial, vernier and digital calipers as well as outside micrometers to ensure they are providing accurate measurements.

This calibration procedure covers internal and external dial, vernier and digital calipers as well as outside micrometers, referring to them collectively as the test instrument (TI).

Instrument Calibration Procedure

Internal and External Dial, Vernier and Digital

Calipers and Outside Micrometers
DA!E 0"0#
$EV% 0

&ualit' Assurance Manager
Appro(ed Date)
% !-is procedure describes t-e calibration o. Internal and External Dial, Vernier and
Digital Calipers and Outside Micrometers% !-e instrument being calibrated is
re.erred to -erein as t-e !I /!est Instrument0
%1 !-is procedure includes test and essential per.ormance parameters onl'% An'
mal.unction noticed during calibration, 2-et-er speci.icall' tested .or or not,
s-ould be corrected%
!able Calibration Description
!est Met-od
Dial, Vernier
and Digital
3ero indication test !est point 0 in%
!olerance 4"5 %0006 in%
Determined b' sliding
t-e 7a2s toget-er and
reading t-e !I
Outside accurac' $ange 0 to 18
!olerance) see !able II
Comparison to gage
bloc9s bet2een t-e !I
Inside accurac' $ange 0 to 18
!olerance) see !able II
Comparison to gage
bloc9s dimensions
placing t-e bloc9s
2it- attac-ed caliper
7a2s outside t-e !I
Dept- gage accurac' $ange 0 to 18 Comparison to gage
bloc9 dimensions,
placing t-e !I dept-
gage bloc9 and
reading t-e !I outside
dimension scale%
Lengt- and Linearit' $ange) 0 to 18 Measured b'
comparing !I
indications to gage
bloc9 dimensions
setup to test t-e basic
lengt- and
micrometer -ead
*EC!IO+ 1
E&,IPME+! $E&,I$EME+!*
!able 1 E:uipment $e:uirements

Item Minimum ,se
1% Gage ;loc9 *et $ange %0605 <8
!olerance %00006
E**M =*E00>0
1%1 Lo2 po2er magni.ier !o aid in reading t-e !L
(ernier or barrel scale
1%? Micrometer 2renc- Ad7ustment o. micrometer
1%< *mall 7e2elers scre2dri(er Ad7ustment o. caliper
1%6 *mall clamp @old gage bloc9s .or inside
measurement comparison
1%> Lig-t mac-ine oil or spra' Lubrication o. slides or
1%# Clean .lat sur.ace *ur.ace Plate or *teel ;loc9
*EC!IO+ ?
?% !I I+*PEC!IO+
?%1 Ensure t-at t-e 2or9 area is clean, 2ell illuminated, .ree .rom excessi(e dra.ts,
.ree .rom excessi(e -umidit', and t-at t-e rate o. temperature c-ange does not
exceed <
B per -our%
?%? Ensure t-at t-e gage bloc9 set /item 1%0 is clean and t-at t-e !I and t-e gage
bloc9s -a(e been allo2ed to stabiliCe at t-e ambient temperature .or a minimum
o. 1 -ours%
?%< Ensure t-at t-e !I 7a2s slide smoot-l' and .reel' along t-e .ull lengt- o. t-e !I
beam, i. not ta9e correcti(e action%
?%6 Inspect to ensure t-e 7a2s are .ree o. nic9s and burrs and t-at it is clean and .ree
.rom damage t-at 2ould impair its operation%
!I test point are basicall' determined b' selecting < test point 2it-in t-e .irst inc-
o. range and < to D point additional test points extending o(er t-e remainder o. t-e
!I range at approximatel' e:ual spacing%
?%> In order top minimiCe t-e number o. gage bloc9s needed to test calipers 2it-
-ig-er ranges, select test point at 16, 60, #6, and 00E o. t-e !I range be'ond t-e

inc- and round to t-e nearest F inc-% ,se ma7or (ernier graduations or normal
electronic digital (alues as test points as necessar'%
?%# *lo2l' rotate t-e !I micrometer t-imble, and ensure t-at it operates smoot-l' its
entire range%
?%D !-e !I lengt- measurement test s-ould be pre.ormed at approximatel' > points
across t-e range o. t-e !I% Bor example, 0 to 8 micrometer ma' -a(e calculated
test points at %000, %100, %<00, %>00, %D00 and %000 inc-%
*EC!IO+ <
,nless ot-er2ise speci.ied, (eri.' t-e results o. eac- test and ta9e correcti(e action
2-ene(er t-e test re:uirement is not being met be.ore proceeding%
Cotton glo(es s-ould be 2orn 2-en -andling gage bloc9s to pre(ent t-e o. bod'
-eat, protect t-e gage sur.aces%
<% 3E$O !E*!
<%% *lide t-e !I 7a2s toget-er, ensuring t-at no lig-t is (isible bet2een t-e 7a2s
measuring sur.aces% I. t-e !I -as inside measurement capabilit', (eri.' t-at t-e
dial indicator or (ernier indicates Cero, as necessar'% Ad7ust t-e dial beCel, i.
<%%1 !ig-ten t-e !I sliding 7a2 set scre2, i. applicable
<%%? I. t-e !I -as a digital readout, depress t-e Cero set and (eri.' t-at t-e digital
indication reads 0%000%
<%%< I. t-e !I is a (ernier t'pe, (eri.' t-at t-e !I Cero mar9s are aligned, as applicable%
<%1 O,!*IDE ACC,$ACA !E*!
<%1% Determine t-e gage bloc9s re:uired to obtain test points at a minimum o. < point
t-roug-out t-e .irst inc- o. t-e !I as .ollo2s %16, %?00, %>60, and %000 inc-%
<%1%1% Open t-e !I to be'ond t-e .irst test point% Insert t-e gage bloc9s and close t-e
7a2s until t-e' are .irml' in contact 2it- t-e gage bloc9% $epeat eac- reading ?56
times and (eri.' t-at eac- indication does not exceed 4"5 G o. t-e least dial
<%1%? Veri.' t-at t-e .irst inc- test points are 2it-in 4"5 %00 inc- .or 05>8 range and 4"5
%001 .or 0518calipers%
<%1%< $epeat steps <%1%1 and <%1%? .or t-e remaining test points o. 16E, 60E, #6E and
.ull range /00E0%
<%? I+*IDE ACC,$ACA !E*!
<%?% Determine t-e gage bloc9s re:uired to obtain test points at a minimum o. < point
t-roug-out t-e .irst inc- o. t-e !I as .ollo2s %16, %?00, %>60, and %000 inc-%
<%?%1% ,sing a t-ree gage bloc9 set5up% Place t-e test gage bloc9 bet2een t2o ot-er
bloc9s and secure 2it- a t-umb scre2 t'pe clamp /Bigure 0% Open t-e !I to
t-e approximatel' t-e .irst test point% Insert t-e !I and open t-e 7a2s until t-e' are
.irml' in contact 2it- t-e inside o. t-e gage bloc9s% $epeat eac- reading ?56 times
and (eri.' t-at eac- indication does not exceed 4"5G o. t-e least dial graduation%
<%?%? Veri.' t-at t-e .irst inc- test points are 2it-in 4"5 %00 inc- .or 05>8 range and 4"5
%001 .or 0518calipers%
<%?%< $epeat steps <%1%1 and <%1%? .or t-e remaining test points o. 16E, 60E, #6E and
.ull range /00E0%
Gage Block Gage Block
Test Point Gage Block
Inside Measurement *et5up
<%< DEP!@ ACC,$ACA
<%<% Position t-e end o. t-e !I beam against a %0 inc- gage bloc9 sur.ace 2it- t-e end
o. t-e rod against t-e sur.ace plate or steel gage bloc9%
<%<%1 Ensure t-at t-e !I gage measuring sur.aces are s:uarel' placed against t-e sur.ace
o. t-e gage bloc9 and t-e sur.ace plate%
<%<%? Ma9e an' necessar' .inal ad7ustments and note t-e scale indication%
<%<%< Veri.' t-at t-e (alue/s0 noted in t-e preceding step is 2it-in 4"5 %00 .or 05>8
range and 4"5 %001 .or 0518calipers%
<%<%6 Per.orm steps <%<% t-roug- <%<%< .or eac- additional inc- o. dept- gage range,
c-anging gage bloc9s, as necessar'%
*EC!IO+ 6
6% Determine t-e gage bloc9s re:uired to obtain test points at a minimum o. 6 point%
/Lo2est !I indication, 10E, <0E, >0E, D0E and .ull range%0
6%% Ad7ust t-e spindle se(eral tent-s o. an inc- .rom Cero, based on t-e !I basic
lengt-% *tarting 2it- t-e gage bloc9 e:ual to t-e lo2est !I range, slide t-e gage
bloc9/s0 bet2een t-e an(il and spindle%
6%%1 Ad7ust t-e !I as applicable to contact t-e gage bloc9/s0% $epeat eac- reading 15?
times and (eri.' eac- indication% $ to !able ? Micrometer Calibration
6%%? $epeat step 6%% H 6%%1 t-roug- t-e complete range o. t-e !I%
6%1 I. t-e !I is t-e interc-angeable an(il t'pe, attac- t-e eac- an(il in range and
(eri.' as outlined in paragrap- 6%56%%?%
!able ? Micrometer Calibration !olerance
Micrometer *iCe $ange Calibration !olerance
Calibration !olerance
Iit-out (ernier
058 4"5 %000 4"5 %00
8518 t-roug- J8508 4"5 %0001 4"5 %00
0858 and greater 4"5 %000? 4"5 %001
*EC!IO+ >
>% Complete a Measuring and !est Calibration $ecord /&A5<0 .or eac- item
calibrated% ,tiliCe additional &A5< .orm as continuation s-eet as needed%
>%1 A..ix a calibration label to t-e !I 2it- t-e date calibrated, date o. next calibration
and 2-o per.ormed t-e calibration%
>%1% *pecial calibration label s-all be applied to an' item t-at -as not been
calibrated to itKs .ull' range o. capabilit'%
>%? All completed calibration records s-all be .ile and maintained%

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