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Epreuve D'anglais Série A

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TEL : 20 45 20 71 BP : 12 ARLIT
COEF. : 3
A) Put the verbs in parentheses into the best tense (2.5pts):
1) It is high time you stop (smoke).
2) When I (ring) him up yesterday, he (work) in his garden.
3) My best friend (be) 18 years od ne!t month.
") #ow ong you (wait) when the bus finay $ame%
&) 'ou (not, remember) your esson now.
B) Turn these sentences into passive voice (2.5pts):
1) (hey are repairing the bridge now.
2) I woud ha)e asked them a ot of *uestions if I had been there.
3) +omeone has gi)en him that interesting book.
") We did a diffi$ut test ast week.
C) Choose the correct word that best completes the followin sentences (2.5pts):
1) I ha)en,t eaten (something-anything-nothing) sin$e morning.
2) We met (in-on-at) the dan$ing party.
3) #e is (the hepfuest-the more hepfu-the most hepfu) boy I,)e e)er known.
") I wish I (remember-$an remember-$oud remember) his address.
&) (hey went to hide in a barn after the (robbery-robbers- rob).
.) (he gir was punished for ($heat-$heating-$heated) during the test.
/) Were he weathy, she (wi marry-married-woud marry) him.
8) 0othing grows in the desert, (has it%-does it%-doesn,t it%).
1) (2ro)ided-(hough-3espite) their differen$e in age, they had be$ome )ery $ose friends.
14)My mother (must-woud-wi) te me a story before I went to seep.
Text: (he $on$ept of the (hird Word
+ometimes anguage ags history. (ake the (hird Word. 3id we e)er ha)e another name for
the poor, unstabe nations of the south% In fa$t, (hird Word is a 11&4s $oinage, in)ented in 2aris by
5ren$h intee$tuas ooking for a way to ump together the newy independent former 6uropean
$oonies in 7sia and 7fri$a. (hey defined the tiers monde by what it wasn,t8 neither the 5irst Word
(the West) nor the +e$ond (the +o)iet bo$k). 9ut now the $od war is o)er, and we are earning a
new poiti$a e!i$on, free of od standbys ike :,+o)iet ;nion,, that no onger refer to anything. It,s
good time to get ride of (hird Word, too.
(he (hird Word shoud ha)e been aboished ago. 5rom the )ery beginning, the $on$ept swept
)ast differen$es of $uture, reigion and ethni$ity under the rug. #ow mu$h did 6 +a)ador and
+enega ha)e in $ommon% 7nd what did either share with 9angadesh%
0e)ertheess the (hird Word grew. Intee$tuas and poiti$ians added so$ioe$onomi$
$onnotation to its origina geopoiti$a meaning. It $ame to in$ude a those e!poited $ountries that
$oud meet the unhappy standard set by 2rime Minister <ee =uan 'ew of +ingapore in 118&8 ::poor,
strife-ridden, $haoti$.,, ((hat was how <atin 7meri$a got in the $ub). (here is a tenden$y now to
repa$kage the (hird Word as :,+outh,, in a goba 0orth-+outh, ri$h-poor di)ision. (o be sure, in this
sense the (hird Word does refer to something rea8 )ast so$ia probems-disease, hunger, bad
housing-mat$hed by a $hroni$ inabiity to so)e them. 7nd reati)e depri)ation does gi)e poor nations
some $ommon interests8 free a$$ess to Western markets, for e!ampe.
By Charle La!e" #! Ne$$ee% &' A(r#l )*" +,,)- Pa.e)+-
A) !a" whether the statements below are true or false (#.5pts):
1) (he (hird Word stands for :,e tiers monde,,
2) (he (hird Word is a theoreti$a $on$ept with no rea basis.
3) 5rom the )ery start, the $on$ept took into a$$ount the different $utures, reigions and
ethni$ities of the former 6uropean $oonies, in 7sia and 7fri$a.
") 7s mentioned in the te!t, in parentheses, the word :,$ub,, means the same as :,(hird Word,,.
&) (he addition of the so$ioe$onomi$ $onnotation to the geopoiti$a meaning did not $hange
status of <atin 7meri$a at a.
.) (he :,+outh,, refers to something rea whi$h means8 )ast so$ia probems, diseases, hunger
and bad housing-mat$hed by a $hroni$ inabiity to so)e them.
B) Answer these $uestions in complete sentences (%pts):
1) Whi$h $ountries were first $ategori>ed as the (hird Word%
2) What are the main permanent so$ia probems that the (hird Word $ountries fa$e%
3) What is another name for (hird Word%
Translate this pararaph into &rench (%pts):
5ighting 7I3+
In re$ent years initiati)es to fight 7I3+ ha)e mutipied. 0ew strategies ha)e been set up
though nationa pans to fight the disease and some $ountries obtained good resuts. #owe)er, the
$urrent response is not $ommensurate with the gra)ity of the situation. 5or instan$e, ess than a third
of young peope in the worst-affe$ted $ountries use $ondoms with non-reguar partners. 7$$ess to ife
sa)ing drugs for #I?@7I3+ is now $onsidered as a $ru$ia eement of $omprehensi)e response to
$ontro this epidemi$. 9ut ess than fi)e per$ent of the peope who need these medi$ines ha)e
a$$ess to them-and fewer than one per$ent in the worst affe$ted areas in sub-+aharan 7fri$a. (his
per$entage is e)en ower when it $omes to the simpe one-dose treatment during abor, whi$h $oud
ha)e pre)ented haf the 844,444 infants infe$tions ast year.
'uided composition: write a composition of about 25( words (5pts):
T&(#1: Au)enie dein*uen$y.
a) What is Bu)enie dein*uen$y%
b) #ow $oud we say that so$iety is affe$ted by Bu)enie dein*uen$y%
$) Is it not a $ounter-produ$tion to the de)eopment of your $ountry% Why or Why not%
d) What $oud be done to remedy the probem of Bu)enie dein*uen$y%

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