This document is an exam for an English class in Niger. It contains sections on linguistic competence, reading comprehension, translation, and composition. The reading comprehension passage discusses the concept of the "Third World" and how it originated as a term coined in Paris to group newly independent former European colonies in Asia and Africa that were neither First World (the West) nor Second World (the Soviet bloc). It argues that the term should now be abandoned as the Cold War is over and the concept swept differences in culture, religion and ethnicity under the rug. The main permanent social problems facing the Third World countries are described as vast social problems like disease, hunger and bad housing matched by a chronic inability to solve them.
This document is an exam for an English class in Niger. It contains sections on linguistic competence, reading comprehension, translation, and composition. The reading comprehension passage discusses the concept of the "Third World" and how it originated as a term coined in Paris to group newly independent former European colonies in Asia and Africa that were neither First World (the West) nor Second World (the Soviet bloc). It argues that the term should now be abandoned as the Cold War is over and the concept swept differences in culture, religion and ethnicity under the rug. The main permanent social problems facing the Third World countries are described as vast social problems like disease, hunger and bad housing matched by a chronic inability to solve them.
This document is an exam for an English class in Niger. It contains sections on linguistic competence, reading comprehension, translation, and composition. The reading comprehension passage discusses the concept of the "Third World" and how it originated as a term coined in Paris to group newly independent former European colonies in Asia and Africa that were neither First World (the West) nor Second World (the Soviet bloc). It argues that the term should now be abandoned as the Cold War is over and the concept swept differences in culture, religion and ethnicity under the rug. The main permanent social problems facing the Third World countries are described as vast social problems like disease, hunger and bad housing matched by a chronic inability to solve them.
This document is an exam for an English class in Niger. It contains sections on linguistic competence, reading comprehension, translation, and composition. The reading comprehension passage discusses the concept of the "Third World" and how it originated as a term coined in Paris to group newly independent former European colonies in Asia and Africa that were neither First World (the West) nor Second World (the Soviet bloc). It argues that the term should now be abandoned as the Cold War is over and the concept swept differences in culture, religion and ethnicity under the rug. The main permanent social problems facing the Third World countries are described as vast social problems like disease, hunger and bad housing matched by a chronic inability to solve them.
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TEL : 20 45 20 71 BP : 12 ARLIT EXAMEN BLANC BAC 2014 EPREUVE DANGLAIS SERIE A 4 DUREE : 3 HEURES COEF. : 3 MOCK EXAM / ENGLISH PAPER I) LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE A) Put the verbs in parentheses into the best tense (2.5pts): 1) It is high time you stop (smoke). 2) When I (ring) him up yesterday, he (work) in his garden. 3) My best friend (be) 18 years od ne!t month. ") #ow ong you (wait) when the bus finay $ame% &) 'ou (not, remember) your esson now. B) Turn these sentences into passive voice (2.5pts): 1) (hey are repairing the bridge now. 2) I woud ha)e asked them a ot of *uestions if I had been there. 3) +omeone has gi)en him that interesting book. ") We did a diffi$ut test ast week. C) Choose the correct word that best completes the followin sentences (2.5pts): 1) I ha)en,t eaten (something-anything-nothing) sin$e morning. 2) We met (in-on-at) the dan$ing party. 3) #e is (the hepfuest-the more hepfu-the most hepfu) boy I,)e e)er known. ") I wish I (remember-$an remember-$oud remember) his address. &) (hey went to hide in a barn after the (robbery-robbers- rob). .) (he gir was punished for ($heat-$heating-$heated) during the test. /) Were he weathy, she (wi marry-married-woud marry) him. 8) 0othing grows in the desert, (has it%-does it%-doesn,t it%). 1) (2ro)ided-(hough-3espite) their differen$e in age, they had be$ome )ery $ose friends. 14)My mother (must-woud-wi) te me a story before I went to seep. II) READING COMPREHENSION Text: (he $on$ept of the (hird Word +ometimes anguage ags history. (ake the (hird Word. 3id we e)er ha)e another name for the poor, unstabe nations of the south% In fa$t, (hird Word is a 11&4s $oinage, in)ented in 2aris by 5ren$h intee$tuas ooking for a way to ump together the newy independent former 6uropean $oonies in 7sia and 7fri$a. (hey defined the tiers monde by what it wasn,t8 neither the 5irst Word (the West) nor the +e$ond (the +o)iet bo$k). 9ut now the $od war is o)er, and we are earning a new poiti$a e!i$on, free of od standbys ike :,+o)iet ;nion,, that no onger refer to anything. It,s good time to get ride of (hird Word, too. (he (hird Word shoud ha)e been aboished ago. 5rom the )ery beginning, the $on$ept swept )ast differen$es of $uture, reigion and ethni$ity under the rug. #ow mu$h did 6 +a)ador and +enega ha)e in $ommon% 7nd what did either share with 9angadesh% 0e)ertheess the (hird Word grew. Intee$tuas and poiti$ians added so$ioe$onomi$ $onnotation to its origina geopoiti$a meaning. It $ame to in$ude a those e!poited $ountries that $oud meet the unhappy standard set by 2rime Minister <ee =uan 'ew of +ingapore in 118&8 ::poor, strife-ridden, $haoti$.,, ((hat was how <atin 7meri$a got in the $ub). (here is a tenden$y now to repa$kage the (hird Word as :,+outh,, in a goba 0orth-+outh, ri$h-poor di)ision. (o be sure, in this sense the (hird Word does refer to something rea8 )ast so$ia probems-disease, hunger, bad housing-mat$hed by a $hroni$ inabiity to so)e them. 7nd reati)e depri)ation does gi)e poor nations some $ommon interests8 free a$$ess to Western markets, for e!ampe. By Charle La!e" #! Ne$$ee% &' A(r#l )*" +,,)- Pa.e)+- A) !a" whether the statements below are true or false (#.5pts): 1) (he (hird Word stands for :,e tiers monde,, 2) (he (hird Word is a theoreti$a $on$ept with no rea basis. 3) 5rom the )ery start, the $on$ept took into a$$ount the different $utures, reigions and ethni$ities of the former 6uropean $oonies, in 7sia and 7fri$a. ") 7s mentioned in the te!t, in parentheses, the word :,$ub,, means the same as :,(hird Word,,. &) (he addition of the so$ioe$onomi$ $onnotation to the geopoiti$a meaning did not $hange status of <atin 7meri$a at a. .) (he :,+outh,, refers to something rea whi$h means8 )ast so$ia probems, diseases, hunger and bad housing-mat$hed by a $hroni$ inabiity to so)e them. B) Answer these $uestions in complete sentences (%pts): 1) Whi$h $ountries were first $ategori>ed as the (hird Word% 2) What are the main permanent so$ia probems that the (hird Word $ountries fa$e% 3) What is another name for (hird Word% III) TRANSLATION Translate this pararaph into &rench (%pts): 5ighting 7I3+ In re$ent years initiati)es to fight 7I3+ ha)e mutipied. 0ew strategies ha)e been set up though nationa pans to fight the disease and some $ountries obtained good resuts. #owe)er, the $urrent response is not $ommensurate with the gra)ity of the situation. 5or instan$e, ess than a third of young peope in the worst-affe$ted $ountries use $ondoms with non-reguar partners. 7$$ess to ife sa)ing drugs for #I?@7I3+ is now $onsidered as a $ru$ia eement of $omprehensi)e response to $ontro this epidemi$. 9ut ess than fi)e per$ent of the peope who need these medi$ines ha)e a$$ess to them-and fewer than one per$ent in the worst affe$ted areas in sub-+aharan 7fri$a. (his per$entage is e)en ower when it $omes to the simpe one-dose treatment during abor, whi$h $oud ha)e pre)ented haf the 844,444 infants infe$tions ast year. I/) 0RITING 'uided composition: write a composition of about 25( words (5pts): T&(#1: Au)enie dein*uen$y. a) What is Bu)enie dein*uen$y% b) #ow $oud we say that so$iety is affe$ted by Bu)enie dein*uen$y% $) Is it not a $ounter-produ$tion to the de)eopment of your $ountry% Why or Why not% d) What $oud be done to remedy the probem of Bu)enie dein*uen$y%