The Holmes Life Stress Scale

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The Holmes Life Stress Scale


Check off the life events that happened to you in the last year.
1. A lot more or a lot less trouble with the boss.
2. A major change in sleeping habits (more sleep, less sleep, different bedtime)
3. A major change in eating habits (more food, less food, different food)
4. A revision of personal habits (dress, manners, associations, etc.)
5. A major change in your usual type and/or amount of recreation
6. A major change in your social activities (clubs, dancing, movies, visiting, etc.)
7. A major change in religious or spiritual activities
8. A Major change in number of family get-togethers
9. A major change in financial state (much better or much worse than usual)
10. In-law troubles
11. A major change in the number of arguments with spouse (a lot more or a lot less than usual regarding
child-rearing, personal habits, etc.)
12. Sexual difficulties

____ 23
____ 16
____ 15
____ 24
____ 19
____ 18
____ 19
____ 15
____ 38
____ 29

____ 35
____ 39

Multipl y the number of times an event happened to you by the mean value of that event to get your score for each.

Positive life events
can be just as
stressful as negative
ones. And though
you would want to
believe that you deal
with a new situation
or problem and move
on, the truth is that
your current stress
level is the sum of all
your recent stressors.
Imagine placing
straws (in this case,
bales of straw) on the
proverbial camels
back until, well, you


Now add the scores
for each of the events
that happened to you
in Part A to your
scores in Part B. For
people with a score of
300 or more, almost
80 percent will get
sick in the near
future. For those who
scored between 200
and 299, about 50
percent will get sick in
the near future. With
a score of 150 to 199,
fewer than 30 percent
will get sick. The
higher your score, the
more you should work
to stay well and
reduce stress.



Copyright 1976 by Thomas
H. Holmes, M.D. Stress scale
reprinted with the permission of
New Harbinger Publications,

13. Major personal injury or illness
14. Death of a close family member (other than spouse)
15. Death of a spouse
16. Death of a close friend
17. Gaining a new family member (birth, adoption, elder moving in)
18. Major change in the health or behavior of a family member
19. Change in residence
20. Detention in jail or other institution
21. Minor violations of the law (traffic tickets, jaywalking)
22. Major business readjustment (merger, bankruptcy)
23. Marriage
24. Divorce
25. Separation from spouse or significant other
26. Outstanding personal achievement
27. Son or daughter leaving home (college, marriage)
28. Retirement
29. Major change in working hours or conditions
30. Major change in responsibilities at work (promotion, demotion)
31. Being fired from work
32. Major change in living conditions (new home, remodeling, deterioration of old home)
33. Spouse beginning or ceasing work
34. Taking on a home mortgage
35. Taking on a loan of less than $25,000
36. Foreclosure on a mortgage or loan
37. Vacation
38. Changing to a new school
39. Changing to a different line of work
40. Beginning or ceasing formal schooling
41. Reconciliation with a mate
42. Pregnancy


No. of X Mean Score
Times Value
_____ 53 ______
_____ 63 ______
_____ 100 ______
_____ 37 ______
_____ 39 ______
_____ 44 ______
_____ 20 ______
_____ 63 ______
_____ 11 ______
_____ 39 ______
_____ 50 ______
_____ 73 ______
_____ 65 ______
_____ 28 ______
_____ 29 ______
_____ 45 ______
_____ 20 ______
_____ 29 ______
_____ 47 ______
_____ 25 ______
_____ 26 ______
_____ 31 ______
_____ 17 ______
_____ 30 ______
_____ 13 ______
_____ 20 ______
_____ 36 ______
_____ 26 ______
_____ 45 ______
_____ 40 ______


EAP Office Locations: Riverside -- 3600 Lime St., Bldg.1, Ste. 111, Riverside, CA 92501, Ph. (951) 778-3970
Desert -- 68-625 Perez Rd., Ste. 10-A, Cathedral City, CA 92234, Ph. (760) 328-6863

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