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Election Law Reviewer and Memory Aid
ELECTION LAWS Election Embodiment of the popular will, the expression of the sovereign power of the people. Components Choice or selection of candidates to public office by popular vote Conduct of the polls Listing of votes Holding of Electoral campaign Act of casting and receiving the ballots from the voters Counting the ballots Maing the election returns !roclaiming the winning candidates Re!lar election " refers to an election participated in by those who possess the right of suffrage and not dis#ualified by law and who are registered voters. Special election " is when there is failure of election on the scheduled date of regular election in a particular place or which is conducted to fill up certain vacancies, as provided by law. !olitical !arties "e#inition $Omni%!s Election Code& An organi$ed group of persons pursuing the same ideology, political ideas or platforms of government including its branches and divisions. Types o# Political Parties %& Registered Parties: %. 'ominant Ma(ority !arty " usually the administration party) entitled to a copy of election return *. 'ominant Minority !arty " entitled to a copy of election return +. Ma(ority !olitical !arty ,. -op + !olitical !arties " entitled to appoint principal watcher and a copy of the certificate of canvass .. /ottom + political parties " entitled to appoint principal watcher *& Non-registered parties Criteria to "etermine t'e Type o# Political Party %. Established 0ecord of the said parties, showing in past elections *. 1umber of 2ncumbent Elective 3fficials +. 2dentifiable political organi$ations and strengths ,. Ability to fill a complete slate of candidates .. 3ther analogous circumstances (ro!nds #or C'allenin t'e Voter %. 2llegal voters 4 1ot 0egistered 5 6sing the name of another 5 dis#ualified & *. /ased on certain illegal acts 47ote buying& Ac)!isition o# *!ridical Personality 2t is ac#uired upon registration with the C3MELEC. +or#eit!re o# Stat!s as a Reistered Political Party -he status shall be deemed forfeited if the political party, singly or in coalition with others, fails to obtain at least 10% of the votes cast in the constituency in which it nominated and supported a candidate5s in the election next following its registration. -here shall be notice and hearing. Candidates R!les on +ilin o# Certi#icates o# Candidacy %. 1o person shall be elected into public office unless he files his certificate of candidacy within the prescribed period *. 1o person shall be eligible for more than one office. 2f he5she files for more than one position, he shall not be eligible for all unless he cancels all and retains one +. -he certificate of candidacy shall be filed by the candidate personally or by his duly authori$ed representative. ,. 6pon filing, an individual becomes a candidate, he is already covered by rules, restrictions and processes involving candidates. (ro!nds #or "is)!ali#ication %. Election offenses under 8ec 9: of the 3mnibus Election Code 43EC& *. 1ot possessing #ualifications and possessing dis#ualifications under the Local ;overnment Code *.% 8entenced by final (udgment for an offense involving moral turpitude or for an offense punishable by one year or more of imprisonment within two years after serving sentence *.* 0emoved from office as a result of an administrative case *.+ Convicted by final (udgment for violating the oath of allegiance to the 0epublic *., 'ual citi$enship 4 more specifically, dual allegiance& *.. <ugitives from (ustice in criminal or non=political cases here or abroad *.9 !ermanent residents in a foreign country or those who have ac#uired the right to reside abroad and continue to avail of the same right *.> 2nsane or feeble=minded %. 1uisance candidate *. 7iolation of sec >+ of 3EC with regard to certificate of candidacy +. 7iolation of sec >: which is material misrepresentation of re#ts under sec. >,. ? Disqualifications (from continuing as a candidate or from holding the office if alread elected!: Any candidate, who in an action or protest in which he is a party is declared by final decision of a competent court guilty of, or is found by the Commission of having@ %. ;iven money or other material consideration to influence, induce or corrupt the voters or public officials performing electoral functions. *. Committed acts of terrorism to enhance his candidacy +. 8pent in his election campaign an amount in excess of that allowed by the 3mnibus Election Code & ,. 8olicited, received or made any contribution prohibited under this Code .. 7iolated any of the following sections@ 8ection :A, :+, :.,:9,*9% 9. !ermanent resident of or an immigrant to a foreign country shall not be #ualified to run for any elective office 61LE88 he5she has waived his5her status as a permanent resident5immigrant of a foreign country in accordance with the residence re#uirement provided for under election laws. E##ect o# a "is)!ali#ication case $!nder RA ,,-,& %. Any candidate who has been declared by final (udgment to be dis#ualified shall 13- be voted for. -he votes cast in his favor shall not be counted. *. 2f the candidate is not dis#ualified by final (udgment before the election and receives the highest number of votes in the election, the court or C3MELEC will continue with the trial and hearing of the action, in#uiry or protest. 6pon motion of the complainant or intervenor, the court or C3MELEC may order the suspension of the proclamation of the candidate whenever the evidence of his guilt is strong. N!isance Candidates A. -he term refers to candidates who have no bona fide intention to run for the office for which the certificate of candidacy has been filed and would thus prevent a faithful determination of the true will of the people. /. !ower of C3MELEC %. May refuse to give due course to or cancel a certificate of candidacy of a nuisance candidate. -his can be done motu proprio or upon verified petition of an interested party. *.-here should be a showing that@ %. Certificate of candidacy has been filed to put the election process in mocery5disrepute or *. -o cause confusion among the voters by the similarity of the names of the registered candidates +. 3ther circumstances which clearly demonstrate that the candidate has no bona fide intention to run for the officeB Petition to deny d!e co!rse to or to cancel a Certi#icate o# Candidacy A. Exclusive ground@ A material representation in the certificate of candidacy is false. /. -he petition should be filed not later than *. days from the filing of the certificate of candidacy. C. 2t should be decided not later than %. days before the election, after due notice and hearing. Election Campain.Partisan Political Activity / "e#inition %& 2t refers to an act designed to promote the election or defeat of a particular candidate5s to a public office *& 2t includes@ A. <orming organi$ations, associations, clubs, committees or other groups of persons for the purpose of soliciting votes and5or undertaing any campaign for or against a candidate. /. Holding political caucuses, conferences, meetings, rallies, parades or other similar assemblies for the purpose of soliciting votes and5or undertaing any campaign or propaganda for or against a candidate. C. Maing speeches, announcements or commentaries or holding interviews for or against the election of any candidate for public office. '. !ublishing or distributing campaign literature or materials designed to support or oppose the election of any candidate. E. 'irectly or indirectly soliciting votes, pledges or support for or against a candidate. +& Chen the acts enumerated above are 13- considered an election campaign5partisan political activity. 2f the acts are performed for the purpose of enhancing the chances of aspirants for nomination for candidacy to a public office by a political party, aggroupment, or coalition of parties. RA 011, 2 +AIR ELECTION ACT Important +eat!res3 %& 0epeal of 8ec. 9> of the 3EC " 1ow, any ELEC-27E official, whether national or local, running for any office other than the one which he is holding in a permanent capacity shall not be considered ipso facto resigned from his office upon the filing of his certificate of candidacy. *& Lifting of the !olitical Ad /an " Critten and !rinted Materials 4:..D C x %,LD& Letters !osters 4*E x +E& in common=private poster areas 4 not more than %A public places per political party or independent candidate, %*E %9E&, private places and public places 0ally streamers 4+E x :E& 13- M30E -HA1 * !aid Advertisements at 'iscounted 0ates !rint @ %5, th page in broadsheet and F page in tabloid +x a wee -elevision@ %*A minutes for candidate for nationally elective office and 9A for local 0adio@ %:A minutes for candidate for nationally elective office and GA for local C3MELEC free space 4+ national newspaper for nationally elective officials and % national newspaper for local& and airtime 4+ national television networs for nationally elective officials and % station for local & @ e#ual allocation for all candidates for + calendar days A!t'ori4ed E5penses 4 multiplied with the total number of registered voters & ! %A for president 5 vice president ! + for other candidates for every voter currently registered in the constituency ! . for independent candidates and political parties "oters 6!ali#ications Age@ %: years old and over. 0esidence %. He 5she should have resided in the !hilippines for one year and *. 0esided in the city5municipality wherein he proposes to vote for at least 9 months immediately preceding the election. Residence Re)!irement 2f the transfer of residence is due to any of the following reasons, the person concerned will be deemed 13- to have lost his original residence@ A. -ransfer solely because of occupation, profession, employment in private or public service /. Educational activities C. Cor in military or naval reservations '. 8ervice in the army, navy or air force, national police force E. Confinement5detention in government institutions in accordance with law. 7 RA 8980 2 VOTER:S RE(ISTRATION ACT O+ 900, Q: Can there still be general registration of voters? A@ 1o more, because :%:G 4>& provides for such only for the May EG: elections Q: What kind of registration system do we have? A@ Continuing, Computeri$ed and !ermanent "is)!ali#ications A. 2f sentenced by final (udgment to suffer imprisonment for not less than 1 ear and such disability was not removed by plenary pardon or has not been granted amnesty. However, any person dis#ualified to vote shall automatically reac#uire the right to vote upon expiration of . years after service of sentence. /. Any person who has been ad(udged by final (udgment by competent court or tribunal of having committed any crime involving disloalt to the duly constituted government such as rebellion or any crime against national security@ %. 61LE88 restored to his full civil and political rights in accordance with law. *. However, he shall regain his right to vote automatically upon expiration of . years after service of sentence. C# $nsane or incompetent persons as declared by competent authority. *!risdiction in Incl!sion.E5cl!sion cases A. -he municipal and metropolitan trial courts shall have original and exclusive (urisdiction over all matters of inclusion and exclusion of voters from the list in their respective municipalities or cities. !etition filed at any time except %A. days before regular election or >. days before special election /. 'ecisions may be appealed to the 0-C within . days from receipt of notice of decision. C. 0-C will decide the appeal within %A days. 'ecision is final and executory. '. 1ote@ 0elate this to Article 2H of the Constitution which provides that the C3MELEC has no (urisdiction over #uestions involving the right to vote. E. Exclusion is through sworn petition and not later than %AA days before regular election) 9. days before special election (ro!nds w'en t'e List o# Voters will %e altered3 'eactivation5 0eactivation Exclusion5 2nclusion Cancellation of 0egistration in case of 'eath 1ew voters Annulment of /oo of 7oters -ransfer of 0esidence How is challenge to right to register effected? Cho " any voter, candidate, political party representative How " in writing, stating grnds, under oath, proof of notice of hearing "eactivation means removing the registration records of persons from the precinct boo of voters and place the same, properly mared and dated in indelible in, in the inactive file after entering the cause of deactivation. How is reactivation of registration effected ? 8worn application for reactivation Affidavit 1ot later than %*A days before regular election and GA days before special election Ann!lment o# ;oo< o# Voters is through verified petition) notice and hearing) not prepared in accordance with law or prepared through fraud, bribery, forgery, impersonation, intimidation, force, any similar irregularity or which contains data that are statistically improbable Cannot be done within GA days before election Postponement of %lection Ca!ses 7iolence -errorism Loss or destruction of election paraphernalia5records <orce ma(eure 3ther analogous causes E##ect 2t is impossible to hold a free, orderly and honest election in any political subdivision COMELEC can postpone t'e election 4when decided by a ma(ority vote of the C3MELEC sitting en banc, 0A >%99&@ A. &otu proprio /. 6pon a verified petition by any interested party, after due notice and hearing "ate o# new election -he date of the postponed election should be reasonably close to the date of the election not held, suspended, or which resulted in a failure to elect. 2t should not be later than +A days after the cessation of the cause for such postponement or suspension of the election or failure to elect. 'ailure of %lection Ca!ses <orce ma(eure 7iolence -errorism <raud 3ther analogous causes 6nder 0A >%99, the causes for the declaration of the failure of election may occur before or after the casting of votes or on the day of the election. E##ects o# a%ove ca!ses A. Election in any polling place was not held on the date fixed) /. Election was suspended before the hour fixed by law for the closing of the voting C. Elections results in a failure to elect 4after the voting and during the preparation and transmission of the election returns or in the custody or canvass thereof& (ND the failure or suspension of the election would affect the result of the election Remedy C3MELEC can call for the holding or continuation of the election not held, suspended, or which resulted in a failure to elect. -he election should be held not later than +A days after the cessation of the cause of the postponement or suspension of the election or failure to elect. -his is decided by the C3MELEC, by a ma(ority vote of its members, sitting en banc. RA =0-9 2 Party>List System Act 8ees to promote proportional representation Any party already registered need not register anew. <ile manifestation not later than GA days before election. (ro!nds #or re#!sin or cancelin reistration o# Party>Lists ro!ps %. 0eligious sect or denomination, organi$ation *. Advocates violence +. <oreign party or organi$ation ,. 0eceives foreign support .. 7iolates election law 9. 6ntruthful statements in its petition >. Ceased to exist for at least one year :. <ailed to participate in the last two preceding elections or fails to obtain at least *I of the votes cast under the party=list system in the * preceding elections for the constituency in which it has registered 1omination of party=list reps should not include any candidate for any elective office or a person who has lost his bid for an elective office in the immediately preceding election 2ncumbent sectoral representatives in the House of 0epresentatives who are nominated in the party=list system shall not be considered resigned !arty List 0eps constitute *AI of the total number of the members of the House of 0eps including those under the party=list How do we determine the number of party list seats in the House of Reps) 4J of 'istrict 0eps 5 A.:A& x A.*A K J of party list reps -here are presently *A: legislative districts, according to the 7eterans <ederation Case -he . ma(or political parties are now entitled to participate in the party list system !arties receiving at least *I of the total votes cast for the party=list system shall be entitled to one seat each 1o party shall be entitled to more than + seats Currently, there are *9A seats. 8o *A I of *9A is .* seats. /ut this is only a ceiling. A list with . names should be submitted to C3MELEC as to who will represent the party in the Congress. 0aning in the list submitted determines who shall represent party or organi$ation. R!les #or Appreciation o# ;allots Liberal Construction in favor of the validity of the ballot Loo at the ticet slate, consider locality or literacy rate 0ule *%% of the 3EC 2ncumbency 5 8urname Cannot ascertain " 8-0AL 73-E Pre-Proclamation Controversies "e#inition %. A pre=proclamation controversy refers to any #uestion pertaining to or affecting the proceedings of the board of canvassers which may be raised by any candidate or by any registered political party or coalition of political parties before the board or directly with the C3MELEC. %. 2t would also refer to any matter raised under 8ections *++, *+,, *+., and *+9 of the 3mnibus Election Code in relation to the preparation, transmission, receipt, custody, and appreciation of the election returns. 4/oard of canvassers have original (urisdiction while C3MELEC have appellate (urisdiction& 1. Chen election returns are delayed, lost or destroyed 48ec.*++& *. Material defects in the election returns 48ec. *+,& +. Chen election returns appear to be tampered with or falsified. 48ec. *+.& ,. 'iscrepancies in election returns 48ec. *+9& C. -hose that can be filed with C3MELEC directly are the ff@ 2ssue involves the illegal composition or proceedings of the board of canvassers, as when a ma(ority or all of the members do not hold legal appointments or are in fact usurpers 2ssue involves the correction of manifest errors in the tabulation or tallying of the results during the canvassing Reco!nt -here can be a recount under the grounds of *+,=*+9. -he returns involved will affect the results and the integrity of the ballot box has been preserved Iss!es t'at may %e raised in a pre>proclamation controversy %. 2llegal composition or proceedings of the board of canvassers *. -he canvassed election returns are incomplete, contain material defects, appear to be tampered with or falsified, or contain discrepancies in the same returns or in authentic copies thereof. +. -he election returns were prepared under duress, threats, coercion, or intimidation, or they are obviously manufactured, or not authentic. ,. Chen substitute or fraudulent returns in controverted polling places were canvassed, the results of which materially affected the standing of the aggrieved candidate5s. Proced!re A. Contested composition or proceedings of the board 4under 0A >%99& 2t may be initiated in the board or directly with C3MELEC. /. Contested election returns 4under 0A >%99& Matters relating to the preparation, transmission, receipt, custody and appreciation of the election returns, and certificate of canvass, should be brought in the first instance before the board of canvassers only. S!mmary nat!re o# pre>proclamation controversy %. !re=proclamation controversies shall be heard summarily by the C3MELEC. *. 2ts decision shall be executory after the lapse of . days from receipt by the losing party of the decision, unless restrained by the 8C. E##ect o# #ilin petition to ann!l or s!spend proclamation 2t suspends the running of the period within which to file an election protest or #uo warranto proceedings. W'en not allowed !re=proclamation cases on matters relating to the preparation, transmission, receipt, custody and appreciation of the election returns or the certificates of canvass 13- allowed in elections for@ 4under 0A >%99& !resident 7ice=!resident 8enator Member of the House of 0epresentatives ;?T3 -he appropriate canvassing body motu propio or upon written complaint of an interested person can correct manifest errors in the certificate of canvass or election returns before it. ;?T3 Muestions affecting the composition or proceedings of the board of canvassers may be initiated in the board or directly with C3MELEC. W'en pre>proclamation cases are deemed TERMINATE" $RA =9,,& %. All pre=proclamation cases pending before the C3MELEC shall be deemed terminated at the beginning of the term of the office involved and the rulings of the boards of canvassers concerned deemed affirmed. /. -his is without pre(udice to the filing of a regular election protest by the aggrieved party. C. H3CE7E0@ !roceedings MAL C31-216E if@ %. -he C3MELEC determines that the petition is meritorious and issues an order for the proceedings to continue or *. -he 8upreme Court issues an order for the proceedings to continue in a petition for certiorari. %lection Contest Oriinal *!risdiction C3MELEC has 302;21AL (urisdiction over contests relating to the elections, returns, #ualifications of all elective@ 0egional !rovincial City officials Appellate *!risdiction C3MELEC has A!!ELLA-E (urisdiction over all contests involving@ A. Elective M612C2!AL officials decided by trial courts of ;E1E0AL (urisdiction /. Elective /A0A1;AL officials decided by trial courts of L2M2-E' (urisdiction W'o can #ile a petition contestin t'e election Any candidate who has duly filed a certificate of candidacy and has been voted for the same office P!rpose o# an election contest -he defeated candidate sees to outs the proclaimed winner and claims the seat. +inal COMELEC "ecisions !rovision that decisions, final orders, rulings of the Commission on election contests involving municipal and barangay offices are final, executory and not appealable@ A. -his only applies to #uestions of <AC-. 4 <lores v. C3MELEC, %:, 8C0A ,:,& /. 2t does 13- preclude a special civil action of certiorari. 4;alido v. C3MELEC, Nan. %:,%GG%& "istinctions %etween Pre>Proclamation Controversy and Election Contest %& 'ividing line@ !roclamation of a candidate *& Nurisdiction A. !re=proclamation controversy %.-he (urisdiction of C3MELEC is administrative5#uasi=(udicial *.2t is governed by the re#uirements of administrative due process /. Election contest %.-he (urisdiction of C3MELEC is (udicial *.2t is governed by the re#uirements of (udicial process +& 2n some cases, even if the case 4involving municipal officials& began with the C3MELEC before proclamation but a proclamation is made before the controversy is resolved, it ceases to be a pre= proclamation controversy and becomes an election contest cogni$able by the 0-C. ,& However, in some cases, the 8C has recogni$ed the (urisdiction of C3MELEC over municipal cases even after proclamation. 0elate to the provision in 0A >%99 allowing pre=proclamation controversy proceedings to continue even after a proclamation has been made. Election O##enses $ Selected O##enses& Vote %!yin and vote>sellin A@ Covered acts %.;ive, offer or promise money or anything of value *. Maing or offer to mae any expenditure, directly or indirectly, or cause an expenditure to be made to any person, association, corporation, entity or community +.8oliciting or receiving, directly or indirectly, any expenditure or promise of any office or employment, public or private ;@ P!rpose o# acts %. -o induce anyone or the public in general to vote for or against any candidate or withhold his vote in the election or *. -o vote for or against any aspirant for the nomination or choice of a candidate in a convention or similar selection C@ ?nder RA ,,-, $Prosec!tion o# vote>%!yin.sellin& %. !resentation of a complaint supported by affidavits of complaining witnesses attesting to the offer or promise by or the voters acceptance of money or other consideration from the relatives, leaders or sympathi$ers of a candidate is sufficient basis for an investigation by the C3MELEC,directly or through its duly authori$ed legal officers. *. 'isputable presumption of conspiracy@ !roof that at least one voter in different precincts representing at least *AI of the total precincts in any municipality, city or province has been offered, promised or given money, valuable consideration or other expenditure by a candidate relatives, leaders and5or sympathi$srs for the purpose of promoting the election of such candidate. +. 'isputable presumption of involvement !roof affects at least *AI of the precincts of the municipality, city or province to which the public office aspired for by the favored candidate relates. -his will constitute a disputable presumption of the involvement of such candidate and of his principal campaign managers in each of the municipalities concerned in the conspiracy Coercion o# a s!%ordinate A@ W'o can %e 'eld lia%le %. public officer *. officer of a public5private corporation5association +. heads5superior5administrator of any religious org. ,. employer5landowner ;@ Pro'i%ited acts %. Coercing, intimidating or compelling or influencing, in any manner, any subordinates, members, parishioners or employees or house helpers, tenants, overseers, farm helpers, tillers or lease holders to aid, campaign or vote for or against a candidate or aspirant for the nomination or selection of candidates. *. 'ismissing or threatening to dismiss, punishing or threatening to punish by reducing salary, wage or compensation or by demotion, transfer, suspension etc. Appointment o# new employeesA creation o# new positionA promotion or ivin salary increases3 A@ W'o can %e 'eld lia%le3 Any head5official5appointing officer of a government office, agency or instrumentality, whether national or local, including ;3CCs. ;@ Pro'i%ited acts %.Appointing or hiring a new employee 4provisional, temporary or casual& *.Creating or filling any new position +.!romoting5giving an increase in salary, remuneration or privilege to any government official or employee. C@ Period w'en acts are pro'i%ited %. ,. days before a regular election *. +A days before a special election "@ E5ceptions %. 6pon prior authority of C3MELEC if it is satisfied that the position to be filled is essential to the proper functioning of the office5agency concerned A1' that the position is not filled in a manner that may influence the election *. 2n case of urgent need, a new employee may be appointed. 1otice of appointment should be given to C3MELEC within + days from appointment. Pro'i%ition aainst releaseA dis%!rsement or e5pendit!re o# p!%lic #!nds A. W'o can %e 'eld lia%le3 Any public official or employee including barangay officials and those of ;3CCs5subsidiaries /. Pro'i%ited acts3 -he release, disbursement or expenditure of public funds for any and other inds of public wors C. Period w'en acts are pro'i%ited3 %. ,. days before a regular election *. +A days before a special election '. E5ception %. maintenance of existing5completed public wors pro(ect. *. wor undertaen by contract through public bidding, or by negotiated contract awarded before the ,. day period before election +. payment for the usual cooperation for woring drawings, specfications and other procedures preparatory to actual construction including the purchase of material and e#uipment and incidental expenses for wages. ,. Emergency wor necessitated by the occurrence of a public calamity but such wor shall be limited to the restoration of the damaged facility. .. 3ngoing public wor pro(ects commenced before the campaign period or similar pro(ects under foreign agreements. S!spension o# electiveA provincialA cityA m!nicipal or %aranay o##icer A. (eneral r!le3 public official CA113- suspend any of the officers enumerated above during the election period. /. E5ceptions %. Cith prior approval of C3MELEC *. 8uspension is for the purpose of applying the Anti=;raft and Corrupt !ractices Act $n relation to registration of voters*voting 6n(ustifiable refusal to register and vote 7oting more than once in the same election5voting when not a registered voter 7oting in substitution for another with or without the lattersE nowledge and5or consent etc. Ot'er election o##enses !nder RA ,,-, %. Causing the printing of official ballots and election returns by printing establishments not on contract with C3MELEC and printing establishments which undertaes unauthori$ed printing *. -ampering, increasing or decreasing the votes received by a candidate or refusing after proper verification and hearing to credit the correct votes or deduct the tampered votes 4committed by a member of the board of election inspectors& +. 0efusing to issue the certificate of voters to the duly accredited watchers 4committed by a member of the /E2& ,. !erson who violated provisions against prohibited forms of election propaganda .. <ailure to give notice of meetings to other members of the board, candidate or political party 4committed by the Chairman of the board of canvassers& 9. A person who has been declared a nuisance candidate or is otherwise dis#ualified who continues to misrepresent himself as a candidate 4Ex. by continuing to campaign& and any public officer or private individual who nowingly induces or abets such misrepresentation by commission or omission. >. 2f the chairman of the /E2 fails to affix his signature at the bac of the official ballot, in the presence of the voter, before delivering the ballot to the voter. 4under 0A >%99& Prescription o# Election O##enses %. Election offenses shall prescribe after . years from the date of their commission *. 2f the discovery of the offense is made in an election contest proceeding, the period of prescription shall commence on the date on which the (udgment in such proceedings becomes final and executory *!risdiction o# co!rts %. 0-C has exclusive original (urisdiction to try and decide any criminal action or proceedings for violation of the Code. *. M-C5MC-C have (urisdiction over offenses relating to failure to register or vote.