(G.R. No. 145911. July 7, 2004.) Andy Quelnan, Petitioner, vs. VHF Philippines, Inc. and Vicente T. Tan, Respondents. Decision

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[G.R. No. 145911. July 7, 2004.

The present Petition for Review on Certiorari seeks the reversal of the Decision 1 of the Court of
Appeals denying the petition for mandamus of Andy Quelnan (petitioner) to compel the trial
court to reinstate and implement its Order of April 10, 1997 2 giving due course to his Notice of
Appeal. IcCEDA
Gathered from the records of the case are the following antecedents:
Petitioner claimed to have purchased in 1989 from respondents VHF Philippines, Inc. (VHF) and
Vicente Tan, principal stockholder and President of VHF, Unit 15-0 at the Legaspi Tower
Condominium, Roxas Boulevard, Manila, for which he made an overpayment of two-hundred
seventy thousand (P270,000.00) pesos. He also claimed that instead of returning the
overpayment to him, he and respondents verbally agreed that he purchase another unit, Unit 20-
G, at the condominium for P3,250,000.00 from which the overpaid amount of P270,000.00
would be debited, thereby leaving a balance of P2,980,000.00 which he would pay "before the
end of June, 1991 without any interest thereon"; that he immediately took possession of Unit 20-
G, making several payments therefor; and that in May 1991 when he offered to settle his
remaining balance, he was informed that Unit 20-G was mortgaged in favor of Philippine Trust
Company and that he was being charged by respondents the interest and penalties due on the
mortgage obligation. 3
VHF on the other hand claimed that it merely leased Unit 20-G to petitioner at a monthly rental
of P25,500.00 plus P1,500.00 for a parking space; and that since petitioner failed to pay rentals,
they filed an ejectment complaint against him at the Metropolitan Trial Court of Manila (MeTC).
Petitioner failed to file his answer to said ejectment complaint following which, after respondents
presented documentary evidence as required by the MeTC, a November 23, 1992 decision was
rendered ordering his ejectment. 4 Petitioner did not appeal this decision and he was in fact
ejected from Unit 20-G.
Close to two years later or on October 7, 1994, petitioner filed before the Makati Regional Trial
Court (RTC) a complaint for rescission (of the alleged verbal contract of sale) and damages
against respondents. 5
After respondents filed their Answer 6 on December 20, 1994, the pre-trial of the case was set on
March 10, 1995 by Branch 142 of the Makati RTC to which the case was raffled.
The pre-trial scheduled on March 10, 1995 was cancelled and was repeatedly reset to allow a
possible amicable settlement of the case.
On December 5, 1996, on agreement of the parties' counsel, the pre-trial was reset to January 17,
1997. 7 Copy of the order resetting the pre-trial to January 17, 1997 was received by petitioner,
and by his counsel on December 27, 1996. 8
During the scheduled pre-trial on January 17, 1997, petitioner did not show up. Neither did
petitioner's counsel in whose favor he executed a Special Power of Attorney to represent him in
the pre-trial and trial of the case including entering into an amicable settlement, prompting the
presiding judge to dictate in open court, on respondents' motion, an order noting the absence of
petitioner and his counsel, declaring petitioner non-suited, and accordingly dismissing the
Petitioner's counsel having in the meantime learned of the trial court's open court dismissal of the
complaint, he, without awaiting the written January 17, 1997 Order, filed on January 24, 1997 a
Manifestation and Ex Parte Motion 9 to set aside the said order, invoking honest mistake or
oversight amounting to excusable negligence that he overlooked to transfer from his 1996
diary the entry regarding the scheduled pre-trial conference on January 17, 1997 to his 1997
diary. The motion was, however, denied by Order of January 29, 1997. 10
On February 12, 1997, petitioner received a copy of the trial court's Order of January 17, 1997.
On February 24, 1997, petitioner filed an Omnibus Motion 12 reiterating the grounds he set forth
in his Manifestation and Ex Parte Motion filed on January 24, 1997, which Omnibus Motion was
denied by Order of March 12, 1997, 13 copy of which order was received by petitioner's counsel
on March 19, 1997.
On March 20, 1997, petitioner filed a Notice of Appeal 14 of the March 12, 1997 Order denying
his Omnibus Motion.
By Order of April 10, 1997, 15 the trial court directed the elevation of the records of the case to
the Court of Appeals for disposition. Respondents opposed this order through a manifestation
and motion. 16
Holding that the Notice of Appeal was filed out of time, the trial court, by Order of April 22,
1997, 17 set aside its Order of April 10, 1997. Petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration 18 of the
said Order of April 22, 1997 having been denied by Order of August 15, 1997, 19 copy of which
latter order petitioner claims to have received on September 3, 1997, petitioner filed on October
31, 1997 a petition for mandamus 20 at the Court of Appeals praying that the trial court be
enjoined from implementing its Orders of August 15, 1997 and April 22, 1997, and that it be
commanded to reinstate its Order of April 10, 1997 directing the elevation of the records of the
case to the proper court.
While the petition before the Court of Appeals was captioned as one for mandamus, the said
court, in line with the ruling of this Court that the allegations of the complaint or petition and the
nature of the relief sought determine the nature of the action, treated it as one for certiorari as, in
essence, the petition alleged grave abuse of discretion on the part of the trial court in denying due
course to petitioner's Notice of Appeal.
By the assailed Decision, 21 the Court of Appeals denied the petition on the ground that the
March 12, 1997 Order of the trial court denying petitioner's Omnibus Motion is not appealable,
and the January 17, 1997 Order, which should have been, but was not appealed, had thus become
final and executory.
Hence, the present petition. HIAEaC
Petitioner maintains that mandamus was the proper remedy in the instant case, and that his
Notice of Appeal was seasonably filed.
Mandamus will lie to compel the performance of a ministerial duty, not a discretionary duty, 22
and petitioner must show that he has a well defined, clear and certain right to warrant the grant
thereof. 23
The timeliness of the filing of a notice of appeal determines whether the trial court's giving due
course to it is ministerial.
If the notice of appeal is filed within the reglementary period, it becomes the ministerial duty of
the trial court to give it due course. 24 If not, the trial court cannot be compelled by mandamus to
do so. 25
Petitioner's counsel received the January 17, 1997 Order declaring petitioner non-suited and
accordingly dismissing the complaint on February 12, 1997. When petitioner's counsel filed a
Manifestation and Ex Parte Motion on January 24, 1997, prior to his receipt on February 12,
1997 of the January 17, 1997 Order, the 15-day period to appeal did not begin to run, for such
period is reckoned from notice of such judgment or final order or any subsequent amendment
thereof, and it is interrupted by the timely filing of a motion for new trial or reconsideration. 26
When petitioner's counsel received then on February 12, 1997 a copy of the January 17, 1997
Order declaring petitioner non-suited, and filed on February 24, 1997 an Omnibus Motion to set
aside said order, 12 days of the 15-day period had elapsed. The filing of the Omnibus Motion
interrupted the period of appeal, and it began to run again when, on March 19, 1997, petitioner's
counsel received a copy of the Order of March 12, 1997 denying petitioner's Omnibus Motion.
Since petitioner filed the Notice of Appeal on March 20, 1997 or on the 13th day of the 15-day
reglementary period, it was timely filed.
The appellate court noted, however, that since it was the Order of March 12, 1997 denying
petitioner's Omnibus Motion-Motion for Reconsideration of the January 17, 1997 Order of
dismissal, and not the latter order, which was appealed, said Order of January 17, 1999 had "long
attained finality."
In Republic v. Court of Appeals, 27 this Court, in dismissing a petition for review of a resolution
of the Court of Appeals dismissing therein petitioner's appeal from an order of a Regional Trial
Court dismissing his complaint, gave three reasons therefor, the third of which reads:
There is another reason why review of the trial court's order cannot be made. Petitioner does not
dispute the fact that, as observed by the Court of Appeals, its notice of appeal referred only to the
order of the trial court denying its Motion for Reconsideration and not the order of dismissal of
its complaint as well. Such failure is fatal. Rule 37, 9 of the Rules of Civil Procedure provides
that an order denying a motion for reconsideration is not appealable, the remedy being an appeal
from the judgment or final order. On the other hand, Rule 41, 1(a) of the same rules also
provides that no appeal may be taken from an order denying a motion for reconsideration. It is
true the present Rules of Civil Procedure took effect only on July 1, 1997 whereas this case
involves an appeal taken in February 1995. But Rule 37, 9 and Rule 41, 1(a) simply codified
the rulings in several cases to the effect that an order denying a motion for reconsideration is
interlocutory in nature and, therefore is not appealable. These rules, therefore, are not really new.
The outcome of this petition may be a bitter lesson for petitioner, but one mainly of its own
doing. Not only did it file its notice of appeal well beyond the reglementary period, it actually
failed to appeal from the order dismissing its case against private respondent. The inevitable
consequence of such grave inadvertence is to render the trial court's decision dismissing its case
final and executory. The Court of Appeals thus acted properly in dismissing petitioner's appeal.
28 (Italics and emphasis supplied)
As stated in above-quoted portion of the decision in Republic, Rule 37, Section 9 of the Rules of
Civil Procedure which reads:
SEC. 9. Remedy against order denying a motion for new trial or reconsideration. An
order denying a motion for new trial or reconsideration is not appealable, the remedy being an
appeal from the judgment or final order. (Emphasis supplied)
and Rule 41, Section 1(a) of the same Rules which reads:
SEC 1. Subject of appeal. An appeal may be taken from a judgment or final order that
completely disposes of the case, or of a particular matter therein when declared by these Rules to
be appealable.
No order may be taken from:
(a) an order denying a motion for new trial or reconsideration;
xxx xxx xxx
In all the above instances where the judgment or final order is not appealable, the aggrieved
party may file an appropriate special civil action under Rule 65; (Emphasis supplied)
were invoked to bar the appeal in above-said case, the therein notice of appeal having "referred
only to the order of the trial court denying its Motion for Reconsideration and not the order of
dismissal of the complaint as well."
From a considered re-examination of the immediately-quoted rules, this Court finds that the
proscription against appealing from an order denying a motion for reconsideration refers to an
interlocutory order, and not to a final order or judgment. That that was the intention of the above-
quoted rules is gathered from Pagtakhan v. CIR, 39 SCRA 455 (1971), cited in above-quoted
portion of the decision in Republic, in which this Court held that an order denying a motion to
dismiss an action is interlocutory, hence, not appealable.
The rationale behind the rule proscribing the remedy of appeal from an interlocutory order is to
prevent undue delay, useless appeals and undue inconvenience to the appealing party by having
to assail orders as they are promulgated by the court, when they can be contested in a single
appeal. 29 The appropriate remedy is thus for the party to wait for the final judgment or order
and assign such interlocutory order as an error of the court on appeal.
The denial of the motion for reconsideration of an order of dismissal of a complaint is not an
interlocutory order, however, but a final order as it puts an end to the particular matter resolved,
or settles definitely the matter therein disposed of, and nothing is left for the trial court to do
other than to execute the order.
Not being an interlocutory order, an order denying a motion for reconsideration of an order of
dismissal of a complaint is effectively an appeal of the order of dismissal itself.
The reference by petitioner, in his notice of appeal, to the March 12, 1999 Order denying his
Omnibus Motion Motion for Reconsideration should thus be deemed to refer to the January
17, 1999 Order which declared him non-suited and accordingly dismissed his complaint.
If the proscription against appealing an order denying a motion for reconsideration is applied to
any order, then there would have been no need to specifically mention in both above-quoted
sections of the Rules "final orders or judgments" as subject of appeal. In other words, from the
entire provisions of Rules 39 and 41, there can be no mistaking that what is proscribed is to
appeal from a denial of a motion for reconsideration of an interlocutory order.
Technicality aside, on the merits, petitioner's case just the same fails.
The alleged failure of petitioner's counsel to record the scheduled pre-trial in his 1997 diary to
justify his absence at the pre-trial cannot amount to excusable negligence. To constitute
excusable negligence, the absence must be due to petitioner's counsel's failure to take the proper
steps at the proper time, not in consequence of his carelessness, inattention or willful disregard of
the process of the court, but in consequence of some unexpected or unavoidable hindrance or
accident. 30
Petitioner's counsel's failure to record the date of pre-trial in his 1997 diary reflects his
carelessness, his failure to heed his responsibility of not neglecting a legal matter entrusted to
him, 31 especially given the fact that he was given a Special Power of Attorney to represent
petitioner in the pre-trial and trial of the case and that the repeated resettings of the pre-trial for a
period of 1 year and more than 10 months had unduly prolonged the disposition of petitioner's
complaint which was filed in 1994 yet.
Petitioner's counsel must know that pre-trial is mandatory. 32 Being mandatory, the trial court
has discretion to declare a party non-suited. 33 Absent a showing of grave abuse in the trial
court's exercise thereof, as in the case at bar, appellate courts will not interfere.
WHEREFORE, the petition is, in light of the foregoing discussions, hereby DENIED for lack of
Davide, Jr., C .J ., Puno, Vitug, Quisumbing, Ynares-Santiago, Sandoval-Gutierrez, Carpio,
Austria-Martinez, Corona, Callejo, Sr., Azcuna and Tinga, JJ ., concur.
Panganiban, J ., took no part. Former counsel of a party.

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