Amadeo Bordiga - Murdering The Dead

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Murdering the Dead: The Thread of Time



Community and Communism in Russia
This text was originally intended to be the introduction to a french language edition of two of
Amadeo Bordiga's texts on Russia : Russia and Revolution in Marxist Theory and Economic and
Social Structure of Russia Today. However this proposed edition was the subject of legal action
by the International Communist Party who claimed they held the copyright and was never
published. Camatte's introduction was finally published in Invariance Series II, n. 4, 1974. This

Subsequently part of Bordiga's Economic and Social Structure of Russia Today was published
(first by Editions de l'oubli in 1975, later by Spartacus) with a different introduction by Camatte.
Publishing Bordiga's texts on Russia and writing an introduction to them was rather repugnant to
us. The Russian revolution and its involution are indeed some of the greatest events of our
century. Thanks to them, a horde of thinkers, writers, and politicians are not unemployed. Among
them is the first gang of speculators which asserts that the USSR is communist, the social
relations there having been transformed. However, over there men live like us, alienation
persists. Transforming the social relations is therefore insufficient. One must change man.
Starting from this discovery, each has 'functioned' enclosed in his specialism and set to work to
produce his sociological, ecological, biological, psychological etc. solution. Another gang turns
the revolution to its account by proving that capitalism can be humanised and adapted to men by
reducing growth and proposing an ethic of abstinence to them, contenting them with intellectual
and aesthetic productions, restraining their material and affective needs. It sets computers to
work to announce the apocalypse if we do not follow the advice of the enlightened capitalist.
Finally there is a superseding gang which declares that there is neither capitalism nor socialism
in the USSR, but a kind of mixture of the two, a Russian cocktail ! Here again the different
That is why throwing Bordiga into this activist whirlpool (and we also put ourselves there)
provoked fear and repulsion. Nevertheless, running the risk of being carried along by this
infamous mercantilism seems necessary because, on one hand, in every case, as Marx
remarked "Can one escape dirt in ordinary bourgeois intercourse or trade ? Precisely there is its
natural abode." (Marx to Freiligrath, 29.2.1860.), and, on the other hand, the myth of Russian
communism began to be washed fundamentally from the minds of those who searched and
struggled and corrupted them less and less after the movement of May 1968. Bordiga's texts
could be useful because of this, for passing from myth to reality and helping in the understanding
The Russian revolution has long been a thing of the past. It is interesting to study it nonetheless
in the historical vibrations and in the questions it could not resolve. Bordiga, who closely followed
all the vicissitudes of this revolution and its many faceted prolongation over the world, died in
1970. But his confrontation with the Russian phenomenon maintains an instructive and
One has, then, to envisage the human being who produced the work presented here, because
one must state from which historical global point of view it is that the Russian revolution is
envisaged. Bordiga is especially known through Lenin's judgements he was reproached for his
abstentionism and taxed with anarchism. Also, for many people, Bordiga would only be the leftist
who disappeared from the revolutionary scene around 1928. Superficially this is true, Convinced
that it was the counterrevolution which generated great men, i.e. the clowns that he called
battilocchi [1] , he withdrew and disappeared into an anonymity [2] that was justified, but which
is not to say that he abandoned the communist movement. From 1944 to 1970 he participated in
the Internationalist Communist Party, which became the International Communist Party in 1964.
His works appeared in the papers Battaglia comunista and il programma comunista and the
Bordiga summed up his position on the Russian revolution at the end of the first part of Russia
and Revolution in Marxist Theory [3] , which simultaneously unveiled his fundamental theoretical
[4] attitude, his absolute resistance to doubt, not to heuristic doubt, which is by definition only a
kind of cunning of reason according to Hegel, placing certainty in brackets, but the doubt which is
the penetration of the adversaries' power, invasion by the surrounding ideology, impregnation
with death because of the abandonment of all enthusiasm, and all revolutionary perspective,
which is concretised in the alliance with the existing currents and the acceptance of dominant
Bordiga wrote a lot on the Russian revolution. His activity was greatly conditioned by the need to
"The analysis of the counterrevolution in Russia and its reduction to formulae is not a central
problem for the strategy of the proletarian movement during the recovery that we await, because
All his activity tended to go beyond the Russian revolution to pose the future revolution, while one
can definitely state that he did not succeed in cutting his umbilical cord, the link with this
He immediately supported the Bolsheviks in 1917, without at times knowing the totality of the
events and, in certain cases, he foresaw the measures they would take. The revolution was no
surprise for him, it did not make him question marxism, but was an enlightening confirmation.
What fundamentally preoccupied him was the preparation of the party in Italy as well as in the
rest of the West for the accomplishment of the same task as the Bolsheviks' : the seizure of
power. It was from this viewpoint that he carried on the polemic on the creation of soviets. For
him, they were born at the very moment of the revolution. But in Italy, especially in 1917, one had
to aid it, to lead it, and one needed the class organ, the party, for that. Moreover, he stated that
the soviets were most often conceived of through an anarchosyndicalist vision : the proletariat
creates the organs which are substituted (the capitalist mode of production (CMP) still being in
force) for the capitalist organs : cf. his articles in il Soviet in 191920. From 1919 on Bordiga
thought that a great revolutionary opportunity had been lost and that the revolutionary phase had
passed. Therefore one had to strengthen the party and to resist the foreseen offensive from the
right which wanted to destroy the socialist forces. His interventions in the Communist
International were in favour of strengthening the parties, claiming that the adoption of measures
was so that all the parties of the International would have purely marxist positions, hence his role
in the adoption of the 21 conditions, two of which were written under his inspiration. To confront
the struggle on a world scale, one would have to have the correct class positions, flawlessly,
Later, when the phase of recession was really underway, the Communist International tried to
restart revolutionary activity by going to the masses (united front), then by bolshevizing the
national communist parties. Bordiga stood up against all these formulations, considering them to
be camouflage measures of withdrawal, while being patent manifestations of a new wave of
opportunism. However, he never questioned the proletarian, socialist, character of the Russian
revolution. He thought that it had some peculiarities, but he neither spoke like the KAPD
(Communist Workers' Party of Germany), which called it a "bourgeois revolution made by
communists" (The Principle of the Antagonism between the Soviet Government and the
"The Third International is a Russian creation, a creation of the Russian Communist Party. It was
created to support the Russian revolution, that is, a partly proletarian, partly bourgeois,
"One cannot say that the 'Russian revolution was a bourgeois revolution'. The 1917 revolution
was a proletarian revolution, while it would be wrong to generalise its 'tactical' lessons. Today the
question posed is knowing what happens to a proletarian dictatorship in a country when a
revolution does not follow in the others.... It seems that you exclude the possibility of a
Communist Party policy which would not end in the restoration of capitalism. That would be to
revert to justifying Stalin or to supporting the inadmissible policy of 'his dismissal from power'."
Put another way, throughout this period he did not take a position on the social nature of the
USSR. What was essential for him (and what few of his critics understood) was the nature of
the Russian state and which class was in power. This was shown by the programme, by the
actions of the party running the state. For Bordiga, the Russian party alone should not have run
the state. That should have been done by the Communist International. That is why the 1926
debate, ending in the victory of the theory of socialism in one country, was crucial for him
because it indicated a capital change of the state which no longer could be defined as proletarian
That is why it was only after the transfer of the USSR to the side of the western democracies
that Bordiga stated that, henceforth, the counterrevolution had really triumphed and that
If capitalism tended to triumph, how would one characterise the USSR and, on the other hand,
what was the origin of capitalism's development ? Was there a retreat, that is, would there have
been socialism and, from that, the CMP would have been reinstalled in Russia ? Bordiga
maintained his political thesis in this debate which developed very vigorously after 1945. He still
talked of the socialist characteristics of the economy in Soviet Russia from the Revolution to
"In fact the class exploiting the Russian proletariat (and which will appear, perhaps, in broad day
light in not too long) is today constituted by two evident historical forms : international capitalism
and the same oligarchy which dominates in the interior and on which the peasants, traders,
The whole of the article shows Bordiga's international perspective and the importance he gave to
the political factor, i.e. to the capacity that a proletarian state could have to apply measures in the
direction of the development of the bases of socialism. To return to the ruling class, he
characterised it in other articles as a host of hidden entrepreneurs. This did not stop him from
speaking of bureaucracy too, but he did not make it a determining strata or, as did Chaulieu, a
ruling class. Yet, the difficulties with which he tried to unmask the existence of this class were
always stated. He had to intervene in the debate on the social nature of the USSR in which some
envisaged state capitalism where the state would be all powerful and could run capital, and
others saw bureaucratic capitalism (Chaulieu in Socialisme ou barbarie no. 2), and on the role of
the USSR in the play of international forces. Most 'left' revolutionaries tended to see the USSR as
the centre of the counterrevolution because state capitalism or bureaucratic capitalism was,
according to them, a much more powerful form of domination, a higher stage of capitalism than
Bordiga began to draft Property and Capital [11] in reply, with really fundamental elements of
explanation, producing a contribution to the clarification of the future of Russian society and that
in the West, bordering on simple leninist repetitions. In the chapter Modern Tendency of the
Enterprise without property, allocations and concessions, he confronted a question that he took
"The modern state has never really had a direct economic activity, but it has always been
Here we see the assertion of the positive critique of state capitalism and the bureaucracyclass.
This is explained in the chapter Economic Interventionism and Direction as capital handling the
"It is not a case of the partial subordination of capital to the state, but an ulterior subordination of
Finally he analysed The Phases of the Transformation of Russia after 1917 where he dealt with
"The difficulty in finding a physical group of men who constitute this bourgeoisie which was not
formed spontaneously and which, to the extent that it was formed under Tsarism, was destroyed
after 1917, presents a great difficulty due only to the fact of the democratic and petitbourgeois
mode of thought which the pretended masters of the working class have infected it with for
Thus it was a matter of knowing who represented the capitalist economic interests. It is clear
that Bordiga would have to contradict such a bourgeois mode of thought in its archaic (i.e.
democratic) form : everything that exists, which manifests itself, must be represented, there
must be an intermediary between the thing and those who see it, the intermediary is a delegation
of the existence regarding those who must state and study this existence. For Bordiga, a
fundamentally antidemocratic man, the intermediary had no importance. On the other hand, the
bureaucracy was chosen to fill the hiatus by all those who preoccupied themselves with Russia,
"...the bourgeoisie, which has never been a caste, but which emerges by defending the right of
'virtual' and total equality, becomes a 'network of spheres of interest which constitute themselves
in the cell of each enterprise', at the rate and to the extent that the bourgeois enterprises become
personnel collectives, anonymity's, and finally 'public'. The personnel of such a cell is extremely
varied. They are no longer owners, bankers or shareholders, but more and more speculators,
economic experts and businessmen. One of the characteristics of the development of the
economy is that the privileged class has an increasingly changing and fluctuating human
material (the oil sheikhs who were bailiffs and will be so again). As in all epochs, such a network
of interests and persons, who are more or less visible, has relations with the state bureaucracy,
but it itself is not the bureaucracy, it has relations with 'circles of politicians', but it is not a political
category. During capitalism above all such a network is 'international' and today there are no
Today the Russian state is one of them, but with a certain historically unique origin. In fact it is
the only one originating in the unity of two revolutions by the political and insurrectionary victory. It
was the only one that was turned back from the second revolutionary task, but it has still not
exhausted the first : making Russia a region of mercantile economy (with profound
Concerning the role of Russia on a world scale, Bordiga stated that the centre of the
counterrevolution was the USA and not the USSR. The USA could intervene alone or through
the UN, and in his polemic with Damen [17] , he offered this witticism to make himself better
"..let us remove Baffone (i.e. Stalin) from Moscow and, so as not to ridicule anyone, let us
replace him with Alpha (i.e., Bordiga). Truman, who has already thought over these questions,
Bordiga saw the basic victory of the counterrevolution in the fact that the stalinists had sided
with the USA during the 193945 war. The USSR had been bought with the US Dollar, He stated
All this was given in thesis form at the Internationalist Communist Party Naples meeting,
Lessons of counterrevolutions, double revolutions, capitalist revolutionary nature of the Russian
economy (1951). These were partly scandalous for some people how could one continue to use
the adjective revolutionary for the USSR in 1951 ? Now Bordiga restated it in Russia and
Revolution in Marxist Theory for him there had been other revolutions and there are others
(when Bordiga wrote) than the one we have to realise : the communist revolution. Given its
nonappearance and especially the lack of any important precursory sign of its approach, it was
evident (for Bordiga) that the generalisation of the CMP in Russia and Asia was a revolutionary
However, if one considers now that the Russian revolution has, by definition, only been able to
give rise to the CMP, the characteristics of present Russian society must be described again as
well as those of the ruling class. If the questions unfailingly reemerge, it is because the analysis
had not basically regained the essential point of capital's development and it had not described
the most recent tendencies. That is why Bordiga had to return to Marx so as to describe the
"True to a vision which has forgotten materialism is the one al lowing itself to go astray when it
does not see the 'person' of the individual capitalist in the front rank. Capital was an impersonal
force from the youngest Marx, Determinism without men is meaningless, that is true, but men
The debate, in fact, centred again on a definition of capital. In Murder of the Dead he recalled that
Marx characterised the CMP by the production of surplusvalue and the greed for surpluslabour
("The voracious appetite for surplus labour" in Capital Vol., I [20] ). He confronted the "novelty of
"Once constant capital is posed as zero, gigantic development of profit occurs. That is the same
as saying that the enterprise profit remains if the disadvantage of maintaining constant capital is
This hypothesis is only state capitalism's present reality. Transferring capital to the state means
that constant capital equals zero. Nothing of the relationship between entrepreneurs and workers
Are analyses of state capitalism something new ? Without any haughtiness we use what we
"Capital is dead labour which, vampire like, lives by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the
Bordiga developed this theme which he often readopted on the relationship between state
capitalism, business activity and speculative exploitation of natural disasters (defining the Italian
economy as a specialist in the economy of disaster). Here he showed that capitalism is, at its
"To exploit living labour, capital must give birth to dead labour. Liking to suck warm young blood,
For it is only through the destruction of constant capital, above all the fixed part, that it can free
On the other hand, he replied in Doctrine of possessed by the Devil [23] to the question, what is
"The person of the capitalist no longer matters here, capital exists without him a hundred fold the
same process. The human subject has become useless. A class not comprising of individuals ?
The state not at the service of a social group, but an impalpable power, a work of the Holy Ghost
"By turning his money into commodities which serve as the building materials for a new product,
and as factors in the labour process, by incorporating living labour into their lifeless objectivity,
the capitalist simultaneously transforms value, i.e. past labour in its objectified and lifeless form,
into capital, value which can perform its own valorisation process, an animated monster which
In 1952 Bordiga replied to Stalin's Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR with Dialogue
with Stalin [25]where he restated what he had said in previous articles (cf. In the Whirlpool of
mercantile anarchy) the Russian revolution was over. He also refuted the stalinist thesis of the
law of value persisting under socialism, a refutation repeated several times after. Each time
Bordiga was obliged to return to Marx's work to resume the integral study of the critique of
The statement that the Russian revolution was over left a question undecided. How was it that
the proletariat could perform a bourgeois revolution ? (Bordiga accused Lenin of being the great
bourgeois, Stalin, the romantic revolutionary). October 1917, was it not at all proletarian ? It was
then that Bordiga drafted a series of articles studying the earliest origins of the Russian
revolution. He insisted on the conclusion already drawn by the KAPD in 1922 : the revolution was
a double, proletarian and bourgeois, revolution. Since the former had been reabsorbed (that had
already been partly affirmed in 1946) and the second had largely flourished. The proletariat has
"With this state of suspense passed by with the very wars lost on the frontiers and the national
humiliation of seeing the Muslim and yellow peoples more advanced in the capitalist methods of
warfare, they had found all the tendencies for the 'romantic' task of the proletariat i.e. how to
resolve the historical puzzle of not taking power itself, but of giving it to its social exploiters. A
whole literature worked for this and by a series of giants from, perhaps, Gogol on, while the
greats, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Gorky, had in various ways and to different extents, absorbed
"As there was no bourgeoisie conscious of its own class power, the marxists thus set to work as
Finally there are eight theses on Russia in The Bear and its Great Novel. [28] They define the
"The statement of the present lack of a statistically definable bourgeois class does not contradict
the previous thesis, since this fact was stated and foreseen by marxism well before the
revolution, given that the power of modern capitalism is defined by the forms of production and
Then Bordiga thought that he had sufficiently clarified the 'Russian question' and that one could
"The comrade (Bordiga) foresaw that this meeting would include a section dedicated to the
problem of America and western capitalist countries in particular, given that a considerable
previous work had sufficiently crystallised in outlines a general definition of our mode of
considering Russia and its social economy. It showed the marxist concept of the double
revolution, one grafted on the other, or impure revolution (giving the term an historical and not a
moral meaning). The Dialogue (with Stalin) and other texts had sufficiently systematised this
But the umbilical cord linking the PCI militants to the Russian revolution was difficult for them to
break and, for them, all these explanations had not clarified enough the 'enigma'. They called for
the subject to be exhausted somehow. After dealing with Factors of Race and Nation in Marxist
Theory and The Agrarian Question [30], which was in fact an introduction to a study of Russia
(Bordiga insisted on the thesis capitalism = agrarian revolution, and on the fact that the agrarian
problem was the central problem which the Russian revolution had to resolve and the
communist revolution also will have to resolve), he had to return to Russia to begin Russia and
Thus the reader can gain an idea of the way in which the work presented was born. One should
note that the majority of the themes were treated in a fragmentary fashion in articles and,
besides, there was a continual exchange between the explanations of Russian society and the
clarification of the critique of political economy. There is the constant theme of the dictatorship of
the proletariat which could have directed the development of the productive forces in immense
Russia. That is why what interested Bordiga was the nature of the state, not only because he did
not delude himself on the fact that the state could avoid being determined by the economic and
social structure. He knew very well that, in Russia, from a certain moment, the social forces
would inevitably have to eliminate the proletarian state unsupported by a revolution in the West.
But he did not go into the economic domain, but into the political field in order to find the
involution of the revolution. It was only when the state had become definitely capitalist that he
really preoccupied himself with the economic and social structure, for now one had to
understand how the forces which will have to struggle for the future communist revolution will be
born and orientate themselves. It is revealing that it was at the time of the Twentieth Congress,
the time that he stated that Russia had confessed to its integration into the capitalist camp, that
he gave his prediction of the communist revolution for 1975. Bordiga's writings on the USSR
after 1957 are not very interesting. They are only an illustration of what he had stated and
explained in earlier texts. Besides, what was virulently repeated was the axiom : one did not
construct communism, one only destroyed the obstacles to its development. He would have had
to have made an exhaustive analysis of the development of the CMP to make a fundamental
contribution. Now this was (in spite of several essential remarks, possibly points of departure for
fruitful research) too 'physiocratic' because it considered the mass of production and its growth
rhythms. In 1964, after the failure of Khruschev's economic measures, his sacking and the
"Nevertheless, obviously the road to the full forms of capitalism in Russia will be hard and difficult
and will have again to bring large capital into conflict with small property, which large capital has
not been able to avoid supporting and reinforcing. Thus is buried the heroic and huge effort of the
Bolshevik avantgarde which foresaw the sole possibility for resistance in the wake of the
proletarian world revolution, like a besieged fortress, as refuge in state capitalism controlled by
the proletarian dictatorship, committing the leap to economic socialism to the arms of the future
Unfortunately this diagnosis was used in an immediate and polemical fashion to show that,
unlike what Khruschev had trumpeted, the USSR could not catch up with the USA. One should
have asked the question : are there not geosocial areas where the CMP cannot develop and, if it
did, would that not be at the cost of immense difficulties so that even the positive side that there
had been in the West would be obliterated in these areas ? But this implied the adoption of a
critical attitude to the Bolsheviks' actions. Now Bordiga was not up to asking such a question. He
always maintained the leninist presuppositions and followed them through to their conclusions.
One can say that, somehow, the Russian revolution ended as a political phenomenon with him,
It is useful to know Bordiga's other works so as really to understand his position on Russia. We
shall summarise them briefly. Bordiga was fundamentally antidemocratic and antiinnovating,
i.e. he fought those who thought that it was necessary and possible to create a new theory or
"One uses the expression 'marxism' not to mean a doctrine discovered and introduced by the
individual Karl Marx, but to refer to the doctrine arising with the modern industrial proletariat and
'accompanying' it during the whole course of a social revolution and we conserve the name
'marxism' despite all the speculation and exploitation of it by a series of counterrevolutionary
What is essential is the reference to a class defining itself by the mode of production it aims to
create. The method by which it has to realise this creation is its programme. The fundamental
lines of the programme for the proletarian class were established from 1848. They are : the
proletariat must constitute itself as a class, thus as a party. Then it must make itself the state to
destroy all classes, thus itself, and allow the development of communism (cf. The Fundamentals
of Revolutionary Communism, 1957). The party is thus seen on the one hand as part of the
class, as the prefiguration of communist society, "the projection into the present of the social
man of tomorrow" (cf., The Theory of the Primary Function of the Party, 1959), on the other as
an organ of resistance at the moment when the proletarian class has been beaten and finds
itself under the influence of the ruling ideology, and so the party has to maintain the 'class line'.
Marxism, seen not only as the theory of the revolution, but as the theory of the counterrevolution,
can resist, and this consists in maintaining the entire programme of the class. Thus the formal
party to which Bordiga belonged could see itself as the intermediary between the preceding
phase, when the proletariat was constituted as a class, and the coming phase, when the
revolution would rise anonymously, setting the whole class in motion. Bordiga admitted that the
formal party could disappear, that is, that it could come about that there would no longer be any
revolutionaries defending the class programme after a certain time, but the party must be reborn
after a "distant but enlightening future" by following the dynamic present in capitalist society and
What therefore is basic in the phase of recession (i.e. of strong counterrevolution which forces
the class to retreat to earlier positions), is the description of communism, the very behaviour of
Marx and Engels, which Bordiga said they took all their lives to describe. So one can maintain
the line of the future in the despicable present, so resisting the counterrevolution by the rejection
of all democratic formulae and all stray impulses to innovate. This implies a structural
antiactivism because one can only intervene in 'periods ripe with history' of humanity. Then one
must throw oneself headlong into the battle and not to give in at the first shock, not abandon the
party as soon as the enemy has gained a certain advantage. This was the meaning of the
reflections on the debate of 1926. One should have resisted, the world proletariat organised by
the Communist International should have faced capitalism while awaiting the opening of the fresh
revolutionary cycle. But once this was abandoned, one had to some extent to pass through
purgatory and then await the counterrevolution to complete its tasks. Bordiga thought that this
One had to restore marxism, negated by the stalinists, one more time during the period of
waiting, without ever losing sight of the immediate movements of the class, in order to see how
far they shake the implacable dictatorship of capital. But this has to be done without illusions.
Thus he stated that there would not be a revolution after the Second World War (the fascist
nations had lost the war, but fascism had won), that the Third World War was not imminent, the
cold war only being a form of peace. Therefore there could not be a revolution after a short
maturation as those who believed in an imminent third conflict inevitably giving rise to a revolution
afterwards held. The Berlin movement (1953) was not the start of a new revolutionary cycle. Nor
too was the 1956 Hungarian uprising, because both were the work of multiclass movements
Nevertheless, it is evident that all this belongs to the past and many ask what importance does it
have ? What importance in not flattering Yugoslavia as a new socialist country ? Of not having
repeated the same operation for Cuba, China, or having not stated that the centre of the
revolution was, nonetheless, in the countries of the socalled third world ? In fact, what use is it
It is because, in fact, he had a foresight of a certain future of society that Bordiga was able to
have a well determined behaviour allowing him to escape the revolutionary masquerade of the
postwar period led by trotskyist and similar groups. His coherence lay there, a theory is not
Bordiga disagreed with the Bolsheviks several times over the question of democracy. He was an
abstentionist, rejecting all participation in parliament, all democratic mechanisms. One had to
define tactics rigorously in relation to the conditions of clearly defined struggles in the historical
phases when the proletariat intervened, Similarly he rejected the theory of state capitalism and
considered the theory of imperialism to be completely insufficient etc,. Despite that, we have
already repeated, he never broke with Lenin because he was, for Bordiga, the theoretician of the
dictatorship of the proletariat (coherent with Marx) and that he was capable of applying it in a
huge country. On the other hand, the whole development of the anticolonial revolutions
reinforced the correctness of the leninist position for him. Hence the birth of the uncritical
apologia for the Bolsheviks and, so doing, he defended the Italian left and himself against
accusations of anarchism, ultraleftism, passivity etc., which led him to maintaining false
judgements on the KAPD, Pannekoek etc., especially where it concerned questions where they
But this is only a particular aspect of Bordiga's work. What is essential, what characterises him,
makes him entrancing, living, is what was indicated in Bordiga : la passion du communisme his
certainty of the revolution, communism, displayed prophetically. Humanity advanced by
revolutionary leaps up to communism, according to him. This evolution was the work of millions
feeling their way and, sometimes, leaping enlightened by huge revolutionary explosions. He
compared all human history [33] to a huge river bounded by two dykes, on the right that of social
conservatism on which marched a chanting band of priests and police as the cantors of the
official lies of the class, on the left that of reformism on which paraded the men devoted to the
people, the businessmen of opportunism, the progressives. The two bands insult each other
from opposite banks, while fully agreed that the river should remain in its channel. But the
immense flood of human history also has its irresistible and menacing swellings and
sometimes, rounding a meander, it floods over the dykes, drowning the miserable bands in the
impulsive and irresistible inundation of the revolution which overthrows all old forms and gives

[1] "Why have we called the theory of the great men the theory of the battilocchio ? The
battilocchio is a person who draws attention and simultaneously shows his complete vacuity." (il
[2] We have discussed this question elsewhere and we have tried to define the historical
importance of Bordiga (cf. La gauche communiste d'Italie et le PCI, Invariance Serie I, n. 9, and
the introduction toBordiga : la passion du communisme (Spartacus, Paris, 1974). A number of
Bordiga's texts have been translated into French in Programme Communiste, Le Fil du Temps
and Invariance. The translations in the first two are often inexact, not purely on the level of
translation, which is often a matter of appreciation, but because the translators often thought that
they had to remove what did not suit them and to add what they wanted to Bordiga's texts. To
avoid many notes, the reader is advised that the themes discussed in this study, often simply
[3]Russia et rivoluzione nella teoria marxista in il programma comunista 1954 no. 21 1955 no.
[4] We talk of a theoretical attitude because it is not a question of separating theory from
practice. One must always tend to have a global activity with all human manifestations
integrated. [5]Lezioni della contrarivoluzione (Naples meeting, September 1951) Edizioni il
[6]Leitsatzen der Kommunistischen ArbeiterInternationale, in Kommunistiche ArbeiterZeitung
(Essner Richtung) 1922 no.1. English edition in Herman Gorter The Communist Workers'
[7]The Platform of the Left was adopted at a national conference of the extreme left in Berlin
(2.4.1926.) and was published in the pamphlet Der Weg der Komintern (Berlin, 1926). Partial
[12]Struttura Economica e Sociale della Russia d'Oggi in il programma comunista 1955 no. 10
[17] Old member of the Italian left, still living. He was a communist deputy before the Second
World War. During that war he actively defended the thesis of the transformation of the
imperialist war into a class war and was one of the main founders of the Internationalist
Communist Party in 1943 (Bordiga did not participate in it, he was not in agreement over the
opportunity of creating such a party). His various disagreements with Bordiga, especially over
the Russian question and the perspectives of the development of the workers' movement after
the war, were one of the reasons for the split of 1952. One part of the party was to become the
International Communist Party (with Bordiga), the other kept the old name (with Damen) and
continues to publish the paper Battaglia comunista and the review Prometeo. Damen has written
[21]Omicidio dei morti in Battaglia comunista 1951 no. 24. The citation is from Capital Vol. I p.
[24] Cf. Capital Vol. I p. 302. The final citation is from Goethe's Faust and is correctly translated
as "as if its body were by love possessed" (as in Fowkes' edition). We have changed the citation
only to maintain coherence with Bordiga's title and the citation translation of the Italian edition of
[26]Fiorite primavere del capitale (Flowering spring of capital) in il programma comunista 1953
[27] MalenkovStalin: toppa non tappa (MalenkovStalin: patchwork not a stage) in il programma
[30]I fattori di razza e nazione nella teoria marxista (Factors of race and nation in marxist theory)
in il programma comunista 1953 nos. 1620. La questione agraria (The Agrarian Question) in
[31]Involuzione Russe 'Terra e liberta' (Russian involutions 'Land and liberty') in il programma
[32]L'invarianza storico di marxismo (The historical invariance of marxism) in Sul filo del tempo
[33]Piena e rotta della civilita borghese (Filling and Bursting of bourgeois civilization) in Battaglia

Capitalism and other disasters

Earthquakes in India and El Salvador a ferry sinks off the Greek island of Paros an airliner
bursts into flame at Singapore Airport drought in East Africa a train and its passengers burn in a
tunnel in the Austrian alps a petrol tanker explodes in Nigeria workers die in a factory fire in
South Africa floods in England are hailed as the harbingers of global climatic change. This small
sample of disasters represents just the ones that came to our attention while we were putting
Capitalism produces disasters almost as quickly as it produces commodities. We could follow a
similar trail of the dead anytime, any place, anywhere. That is why the following texts by Amadeo
Bordiga for beginners
Bordiga (18891970) was a leading figure in what became known as the Italian Communist Left.
Active in revolutionary opposition to the First World War, Bordiga went on to become the first
General Secretary of the Communist Party of Italy (PCI) upon its foundation in 1921. Although
active in the Bolshevikled (Third) Communist International, Bordiga was critical of its tactics,
denouncing electoral politics and the policy of working with those very socialist parties that had
supported the bloodbath of 19141918 and the subsequent repression of revolutionary
movements in Germany and elsewhere. As a result Bordiga and those who shared his views
were manoeuvred out of the leadership of the CP and ultimately out of the party altogether.
Bordiga did make one last stand at the 1926 Executive Committee of the Comintern, making him
Bordiga was jailed by Mussolini from 1926 to 1930, while many of his comrades went into exile in
France and Belgium as the Italian Fraction of the Communist Left. After the fall of Mussolini,
some militants in Italy established the Internationalist Communist Party (ICP or, in Italian, PCInt
to distinguish it from the Stalinist PCI), with which Bordiga was associated. The articles gathered
here were first published inBattaglia comunista, the ICPs journal, in 1951, and in Il Programma
comunista, the journal of one of two rival ICPs which existed after a split in 1953 (the group
responsible for Il Programma later changed its name to the International Communist Party). At
this point Bordigas influence was minimal, especially outside of Italy, but in the past 30 years
there has been an increasing interest in Bordigas writings on Marx, capitalism and communism,
even amongst those critical of the sectarian party politics of Bordigism and Bordigas own
A further point we have to acknowledge here is that Bordiga would probably not have approved of
publishing a collection of texts under his name. Bordiga and his comrades opposed the
personality cults of Fascism, Stalinism and Trotskyism and believed that as a collective process
the revolution was essentially anonymous. Bordiga did not therefore sign his articles: it is the
attribute of the bourgeois world that all commodities bear their makers name, all ideas are
followed by their authors signature, every party is defined by its leaders name (Bordiga, Sul filo
del tempo, 1953). We have taken the view that there is little danger of a Bordiga personality cult
30 years after his death, and that his ideas represent a distinctive current that needs to be
Defining disasters
What do we mean by disasters? We could say that capitalism itself is an ongoing disaster for
humans and the environment, measured not just in death and destruction but in the lost potential
of life subordinated to the rhythms of capital. But to narrow things down a little we could, for the
Even here, qualification is necessary. If, for instance, chemical factories are planned and built in
India with less stringent safety than similar factories owned by the same company in the US, can
we really say it is an accident if thousands end up dead, as happened when chemicals leaked
from the Union Carbide plant at Bhopal in 1984? If cheap buildings are put up in poor areas at
risk of earthquakes, is it just bad luck if they fall down and bury their inhabitants when the earth
moves, as in Istanbul in 1999? If medical treatments are denied to those most in need of them,
The massacres here are unplanned only in the sense that no date was set in advance, or orders
given to shoot. In this sense disasters are different from wars. Yet the possibility of catastrophe
is planned for whenever unnecessary risks are knowingly taken in the planning of new buildings,
industrial processes or machines, or when environmental or biological processes are left to take
Disasters come in different forms. There are slowmotion disasters, an accumulation of deaths
in ones and twos that add up to mass carnage. In the US, more auto workers were killed and
injured each year on the job than soldiers were killed and injured during any year of the Vietnam
war[3]. Then there are sudden accidents resulting in mass casualties caused by technical
failures of machines or buildings, such as train and plane crashes. Finally there are so called
natural disasters featuring environmental factors such as floods and droughts, but often with
In the following essays, Bordiga considers a number of disasters from the 1950s and early
1960s. Weird and Wonderful Tales of Modern Social Decadence deals with both the sinking of
the liner Andrea Doria in July 1956, with 51 deaths, and the Ribolla mining disaster, which
claimed 42 victims. The Filling and Bursting of Bourgeois Civilisation and Murder of the Dead
take as their starting point the 1957 flooding of the Po valley, while The Legend of the Piave
Profit before safety
Bordiga looks in detail at some of the technical factors in each of these disasters, an approach
that perhaps reflects his interests and knowledge as an engineer, but he is clear that In the
inhuman system of capital, every technical problem boils down to an economic one, that of the
prize to be won by cutting costs and boosting returns. He contrasts this unfavourably with The
old prebourgeois societies [that] had some residual time to think about safety and general
That capitalism puts profit before safety is perhaps no great revelation, but for Bordiga it is not
simply a question of the sloppy, cost cutting operation of complex machinery. The design of
In the case of the Andrea Doria which sank after colliding with another ship, The MV Stockholm,
near Nantucket, Massachusetts, Bordiga shows that since the mania of modern technology is
oriented towards economising on the structure, ship design reduces the dimensions of the hull
and dangerously increases that of the superstructure so as to maximise incomegenerating
accommodation: more or less vulgar luxury or the safety of the human lives on board, this is the
anti thesis... Too many saloons, swimming pools, playing areas, too many decks above the
waterline... too much weight and space put into the superstructure, that is that half skyscraper
which stands above the waves, full of windows flooding out light where the luxury class has a
good time. This all at the expense of the quickwork, the part in contact with the water, whose
size and strength provide stability, flotation, course correction after wandering, resistance to
attacks by the sea, collisions with mountains of ice, and those with ships (Weird and
A capitalist ship is therefore capitalist not just because it is operated for profit and staffed by
wage slaves, but in its very design. This simple fact continues to have disastrous
consequences, testified to by the dead on the Herald of Free Enterprise at Zeebrugge in 1987, or
Is anybody at the controls?
The attempt by the ruling class to find a scapegoat for disasters the train driver who fell asleep
or the ships drunken captain is mirrored by the radical leftist search for a scapegoat from
amongst the ranks of the bourgeoisie, typically the fat cat capitalist. Bordigas prognosis is more
realistic but also more frightening, suggesting that the ruling class is incapable of preventing
disasters even where it might have the will to do so: when the ship goes down, so too do the
first class passengers... The ruling class, for its part incapable of struggling against the devil of
business activity, superproduction and superconstruction for its own skin, thus demonstrates the
end of its control over society, and it is foolish to expect that, in the name of a progress with its
Disasters are shown to arise from the innermost logic of capitalist society, not just from the
negligence or malice of individuals (or individual corporations). Bordiga uses Marxs theory of
rent to explain why capitalism will squeeze the last drop out of less productive mines whatever
the risk to the miners: The lignite seams of Ribolla are among the least productive, while those
of anthracite in Belgium are the most productive, and where there is no differential rent
capitalism can never invest in more expensive installations to increase production and safeguard
miners lives, unlike in the best mines in France, the Netherlands, England, Germany and
America. Fatally, at the same time the theory of rent prohibits leaving the last, the most
In the case of the Piave floods, where dam building was a major factor in the disaster, Bordiga
blames not just the sacrosanct need for low costs but the modern capitalist superstition of the
division of labour and the most idiotic of modern cults, the cult of specialisation. Not only is it
inhuman to hunt down the scapegoat, but also vain, since one has allowed this stupid productive
society to arise, made of separate sections. No one is guilty because, if someone takes off the
blindfold for a moment, he can say that he gave advice requested by the next section, that he
Communism will abolish the fragmented, specialist view of social and technological problems:
The science and skill of producing and especially of building will, in the future society which will
kill the monster of economic return, of surplusvalue production, be unitary and indivisible. Not a
mans head, but a social brain above ridiculous separated sections will see without those useful
Capitalist science is criticised for embodying this division of labour, but also for attempting to
apply perennially valid formulae to complex local situations when constructing things fixed to
the Earths crust. The geological problem is not one for the smoking saloon or the test tank. It is
A positive aspect of these texts is that Bordiga takes disasters as a starting point to advance a
critique of capitalist progress quite at odds with marxist orthodoxy in the period in which he was
writing. He talks of the thousands of Italian corpses carried out to sea by the river Piave having
been sacrificed to the bloodlust of modern bourgeois and patriotic capitalist civilisation and
above all to the adorers of its science and technology. He describes Progress as the lying
myth which makes the poor in spirit and the starved wretches bend their backs to it, ready to
swear loyalty to this Moloch which every so often and a little bit each day crushes them under the
Despite (or maybe because of) technological advances since these texts were written, the world
is in many ways a more dangerous place. As Bordiga himself argued: If it is true that the
industrial and economic potential of the capitalist world is increasing and not diminishing, it is
equally true that the more virulent it is, the worse the living conditions of the human mass are in
Bordigas suggestion that this is partly due to a worldwide decline of technology (Weird and
Wonderful Tales of Modern Social Decadence) does not though seem accurate. Rather as the
situationistEncyclopedia des Nuisances observed after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster: no
doubt one could find other ruling classes in history who, having lost all historical perspective
beyond that of their own survival, sank into a suicidal irresponsibility but never in the past has a
ruling class been able to press such vast means into the service of such a total contempt for life
Bordiga shows how capitalist social relations impact on technological developments and on the
wider environment. But to understand disasters it is not enough to advance a critique of capitalist
technology, even if there is a technical element to most disasters. When 58 Chinese refugees
suffocated in the back of a lorry recently while trying to enter Britain, what mattered was not the
technical details such as the lack of ventilation in the vehicle. The real issue is what forces led
them into the lorry: poverty, dispossession and immigration and asylum laws. Similarly most of
those killed or injured in train crashes are making journeys to and from places of work dictated
Its not natural
Earthquakes are inevitable, but death in an earthquake is not. Ground tremors do not kill:
collapsing buildings do the killing... People died in El Salvador on January 13 [2000] and Gujarat
on January 26 because modern buildings even modern hospitals fell flat, one floor pancaking
on to another as reinforced concrete slabs collapsed like a house of cards. They died because
walls that should have been tied to floors fell outwards, removing all structural support, and
bringing the roof down. They died because tall buildings swayed in resonance and shook
themselves to bits as the ground danced beneath them. People died because they lived on or
near unstable hillsides they died because gas pipes burst, and petrol stations caught fire,
because water supplies failed and sewage flooded their basements (Tim Radford, Lessons
Today even many believers have stopped believing that disasters like floods and droughts are
simply acts of nature, let alone God. In the aftermath of the Orissa cyclone that killed 10,000
people in eastern Indian in 1999, and the drought in the horn of Africa (2000), the charity
Christian Aid argues that is wrong to call these catastrophes natural now that we are aware of
Bordiga is prescient in his understanding of the links between (capitalist) human intervention and
socalled natural disasters, stressing the role of the disastrous deforestation of the mountains
Capitalism cannot save us from disasters because its short term economic interests are what
drives it, not the long term conditions of life on the planet: No capital will be invested for the good
of our greatgrandchildren. So since high growing trees... always require a very long period
before yielding a useful product (100 years or more for oak trees), there is little incentive to plant
them. Likewise today, catastrophic global climatic change in the near future is not a sufficient
It is not just because preventing disasters is expensive that capitalism fails to invest. Bordiga
shows that capitalism is driven by the ravenous hunger for catastrophe and ruin, that it needs
destruction. While disasters can destroy capitalist property, The wealth that disappeared was
that of past, agesold labour. To eliminate the effect of the catastrophe, a huge mass of
For Marx, Capital is dead labour, which, vampire like, lives by sucking living labour, and lives the
more, the more labour it sucks. Bordiga goes a step further and shows that To exploit living
labour, capital must destroy dead labour which is still useful. Loving to suck warm young blood, it
This somewhat gothic imagery is used to make a fundamental point. Buildings, bridges, roads,
like consumer goods, are the products of past crystallised labour, dead labour. The big profits
are made when they are built, but they are only built once unless they are destroyed and need to
be built again. Thus Modern capital... has a great interest in letting the products of dead labour
fall into disuse as soon as possible so as to impose their renewal with living labour, the only type
from which it sucks profit. That is why it is in seventh heaven when war breaks out and that is
why it is so well trained for the practice of disasters (ibid). The principle is the same as with the
builtin obsolescence of consumer goods, a point Bordiga emphasises in relation to the motor
industry: Car production in America is massive, but all, or nearly all, families have a car, so
In the case of the Po valley floods, it might have been the case that the maintenance of the Po
embankments for ten kilometres requires human labour costing, let us say, one million a year
but it suits capitalism better to rebuild them all spending one billion. Disasters are good for
business: high incomes thrive where high levels of destruction occur, big business deals being
based on them. It is the working class who lose everything in the disaster, but unfortunately not
The spectacularisation of disasters
Nothing exposes the reality of class society more than a disaster, yet disasters are frequently the
occasion for the political/media orchestration of a national spectacle of mourning, in which all
social divisions are supposed to be dissolved in tears. The spectacularisation of disasters has
become more sophisticated in the years since Bordiga wrote, with events immediately framed
as disaster movies, and each new bout of media saturation tending to erase the memory of its
But the basic format remains the same: Commodity society... fogs the issue with enquiries,
funeral masses, the bonds of fraternity in which one can discern only the fraternity of the chain
gang, crocodile tears and promises of legislation and administration to attract others without
reserves to ask to take their places in the funereal lift cages hats off to technology!
In the aftermath of the Po floods, It was too late to pull the homeless out of the flooding Po, but
good play was made of MPs and ministers paddling about in their wellies after setting up
cameras and microphones for a worldwide broadcast of their lamentations (Murder of the
Dead). Bordigas description here recalls the antics of modern ambulance chasers, possibly
most disgusting of all Margaret Thatcher in her unwanted hospital visit to the Hillsborough
survivors after the massacre of 95 football fans in Sheffield in 1989, crushed while fenced in by
Like the Italian monarchy, todays rulers are great in knowing to rush not to the dance
(Pordenone), but to where people are dying of cholera (Naples), or to the ruins of Reggio and
Disasters and class struggle
If capitalism is incapable of preventing disasters and indeed actually produces them it is
equally unable to clear up the mess afterwards. True, disasters are often the occasion for
military mobilisation, but the first priority of such efforts is always to safeguard public order and
Emma Goldman described the shooting of looters after the San Francisco earthquake in 1906:
A man was instantly shot as he walked out of a saloon with his arms full of champagne bottles,
and another was shot for carrying off a sack of coffee[8]. Similar scenes are replayed whenever
In Luoyang (China) relatives of hundreds of people killed in a recent disco fire blocked traffic and
were promptly charged by police. An official said: The most important thing at present is to
maintain stability and keep social order. There had been no such prompt action to respond to
warnings about conditions in the shopping mall where the party took place, a building declared to
be one of the most dangerous in Henan province three years previously (Guardian, 29
One aspect which Bordiga does not consider in these articles is that the working class is not
simply the victims of disasters, but is capable of responding to them to advance its own needs.
This neglect is undoubtedly related to Bordigas underestimation of the role of working class
Disasters are not just the site of destruction but of class struggle. As Harry Cleaver has shown
for the Mexican earthquake in 1985 the movement of the earth sparked movements of people
using the devastation in property and the cracks opened in the structures of political power to
For instance, When landlords and lawyers arrived on the scene the very day of the quake, the
people in the community quickly realized that the greatest threat to them would come from these
owners trying to take advantage of the situation by tearing down their homes and rebuilding more
expensive, higher rent properties from which the former tenants would be excluded. Anticipating
After the earthquake in southern Italy in 1980, it was noted that The main function of the Army
has been conceived and operated as one of social control. Relief came a long way behind, as a
social priority. Radical workers and students linked to the Autonomia movement set up a first
aid centre and canteen in one of the worst hit areas near Conza as well as exposing the
misappropriation of relief funds by a local colonel, for which some of them were arrested and
In Bhopal (India), where 200,000 are still living with the chronic effects of the 1984 disaster, there
has been continuing struggle down to the present day at the time of writing women were
There are also plenty of examples of collective action to prevent the risks of disaster, in particular
strikes over health and safety issues. A major recent example was the lengthy strike at the
Hema Chemical Industries plant in Vadodara, Gujerat (India) where workers were suffering the
side effects of working with chromium.[12] Concern over safety has been one of the issues in
strikes by London Underground workers in the UK. The struggles to prevent deforestation in
No logo: Capitalism without corporations?
The past few years have seen the emergence of a significant international anticapitalist
movement, focused particularly on international institutions such as the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund. We have seen mass demonstrations and riots in the City of
London, Seattle, Prague, Quebec, Gothenburg, Genoa and elsewhere. Within this movement
there is an awareness of the links between disasters and capitalism, particularly in relation to
climate change. This was most explicit in the actions against the UN Climate Convention in the
Hague, Netherlands (November 2000) which highlighted the floods in Mozambique earlier in the
Within this movement too there is a contradictory and fluctuating mix of those desiring a radically
different society and those asking our rulers to take better charge of the situation. Even within the
former category, there is still confusion about what capitalism actually is. We believe that the
other texts by Bordiga collected in this volume The Spirit of Horse Power and The Doctrine of
A good example of some of the misconceptions around capitalism is to be found in Naomi
Kleins influential No Logo.[14] This book includes some very good descriptions of processes at
work in the global economy the relentless expansion of corporations into all areas of social life,
the disappearance of unmarketed space, branding as spectacular production, the relocation of
Using Bordigas (and Marxs) analysis we can say that these features of modern capitalism are
significant but ultimately superficial. We could imagine a world without Nike, Coca Cola or the
Gap where daily life still continued much as before indeed we need only to look at the former
In the former Soviet Union there was little branding or any of the other trappings of corporate
culture that Klein takes as being characteristic of capitalism. The state, far from being
marginalised, was at the centre of the economy. Did this make it any less capitalist? Bordiga is
clear that the answer is no. He polemicised against those who held that society was radically
different in the USSR because of the states role in the economy. The critique is aimed both at
Stalinists who argued that the social programme is enacted when individual property becomes
state property, when the factory is nationalised (Doctrine of the Body Possessed by the Devil)
and at those who criticised the USSR but saw it as a new form of class society or, like
The example of the USSR shows that capitalism can survive not only without advertising but
without the individual capitalist or even the corporation. Despite the highprofile Chief Executives
of many modern corporations, the role of the individual capitalist, the tophatted factory owner of
old socialist propaganda, has been diminishing since the dawn of capitalism: The physical
person of the individual master is thus not required, and bit by bit he disappears into the pores of
share capital, of management boards, of staterun boards, of the political state, which has
become (since a long time ago) entrepreneur and manufacturer, and into the very latest vile form
of the state which pretends to be the workers themselves and thus is able to tie them to the feet
What characterises capital is its life cycle which consists only in its movement as value
perpetually set in motion so as to multiply itself (Doctrine...). Whether the profit generated in
production is reinvested by shareholders, or is used by the state to expand production, the
process is essentially the same. The same too is the result for the majority of the population
forced to sell their labour in order to survive and to buy back the products of their and others
The State
In one of her most revealingly reformist passages Klein argues: Political solutions accountable
to people and enforceable by their elected representatives deserve another shot before we
throw in the towel and settle for corporate codes, independent monitors and the privatisation of
The call for the state to save us from the ravages of capitalism has parallels with those who
called in Bordigas day for the state to organise public works to prevent disasters. Of course the
state could mobilise more resources in disaster management, but we can be sure it would not
do so at the expense of capital. We can more easily imagine with Encyclopedia des Nuisances a
future global crisis state, legitimising repression and austerity on the basis of saving the planet,
a regime of militarised survival able to justify its existence by invoking the need for protection
The bottom line is that the state is not independent of capital, but the guarantor of it. Capitalism is
premised on private property where fixed capital in the form of buildings, factories, land, can
belong exclusively to individuals, companies or states rather than being at the disposal of society
as a whole for the interests of all. If this were not the case, the situations described so well by
Klein would be unthinkable. If it werent for private property, workers in garment factories could
take the clothes they made home with them and give them to their friends rather than them being
exported to western high streets. Or the community could decide to do something else entirely
But, as Bordiga points out, a fundamental principle of capitalism is that the right of the
productive enterprise to dispose of the products and the sales proceeds... is unimpaired and
unimpairable. What guards this central right in contemporary society is from the outset a class
monopoly, it is a structure of power, and the state, the judiciary and police punish whoever
Without the state to enforce property relations there can be no capitalism: Property is a term
which does not indicate a purely economic relationship, but also a legal one and brings into
discussion not just the productive forces, but also the relations of production. Private property
means private right sanctified by bourgeois legal codes: it brings us to the state and to power, a
matter of force and violence in the hands of a class... in order to overcome the capitalist
Capitalism is not confined to the workings of corporations to which the rest of society, including
the state, stands in some kind of exterior relation. Bordiga anticipates autonomist notions of the
social factory when he argues that The economy is the entire social field in which production
and distribution occur with the state merely a specific organisation acting in the social field
with the function of policeman and protector of the interests of a class and a type of production
Like many liberal critics of globalisation, Klein wants to tame capital rather than abolish it. In
relation to sponsorship for instance, she derides talk of some utopian commercialfree future
and pines for a more balanced relationship in which capital knows its place. One hundred and
fifty years ago, Marx and Engels demonstrated in The Communist Manifesto that capital knows
no place, that ceaseless expansion is its very essence: uninterrupted disturbance of all social
conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier
ones... All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to
The unwillingness of many in the anticapitalist movement to face the implications of this
leaves them unable to go beyond a negative critique and pose a different society. Like Marx,
Bordiga understood that ultimately only communism can abolish capitalism the abolition of
classes, private property and the state in the formation of a world human community. No one
should underestimate the task of creating such a society, but if this seems unrealistic, it is less
so than believing that capitalism can be restrained from its disastrous course by protests, guilt or

[2] For more on Bordiga, see: Communism is the material human community by Loren Goldner
in Critique no.23, 1991 The Italian Communist Left 192645 (International Communist Current,
1992) Earlene Craver, The Third Generation: the Young Socialists in Italy, 19071915, Canadian
Journal of History, no. 31, August 1996, pp. 199226 and Note on Pannekoek and Bordiga in
Gilles Dauve and Francois Martin, Eclipse and Reemergence of the Communist Movement
(Antagonism Press, 1997). Bordigas conception of the party is discussed in Bordiga versus
Pannekoek from Antagonism Press. For a critical discussion of Bordiga and anonymity see
Jacques Camatte, Statements and Citations 1973, reprinted in This world we must leave and
[4] Marx sets out his theory of rent in Volume 3 of Capital, demonstrating that the market price of
the produce of the land (whether foodstuffs or coal) is established on the basis of the least
productive land (absolute rent) allowing the owners of more productive land to make more profit
[6] Christian Aid, Unnatural disasters, May 2000. For a critique of the naturalness of 19th
[8] Emma Goldman, in Mother Earth no. 1 (May 1906). Thanks to the Shaping San Francisco
[10] Interview with Two Autonomists, in Red Notes, Italy 198081: After Marx, Jail! the
was undertaken in relation to an earthquake in Ancona and floods in Calabria, 197071 (Laura F.
[11] Schnews, 10 November 2000. For reflections on the disaster see George Bradford, We all
[13] See: Green Pepper (Amsterdam), Climate Change Issue, Autumn 2000. The best ongoing
source of reports and discussion on Prague, Seattle and the rest is the journal Do or Die
[16] Many of the texts referred to in this introduction and footnotes are available on the internet.
Good starting points for tracking some of them down are the Antagonism website
( and the For Communism site

The Filling and Bursting of Bourgeois Civilisation

The floods in the Po valley and the confused debate over their causes and over the responsibility
of organisations and public bodies that did not know how to carry out protection work, with all the
disgusting mutual accusations of speculating on misfortune, puts into question one of the most
widespread false opinions shared by all the contenders. This is that contemporary capitalist
society, with the corresponding development of science, technology and production, places the
human species in the best possible position to struggle against the difficulties of the natural
environment. Hence the contingent fault of the government or of Party A and B, which lies in not
knowing how to exploit this magnificent potential at hand, and in the erroneous and culpable
administrative and political measures. Hence the no less classic: Move over, I want to take over
If it is true that the industrial and economic potential of the capitalist world is increasing and not
diminishing, it is equally true that the more virulent it is, the worse the living conditions of the
human mass are in regards to natural and historical cataclysms. Unlike the periodic spates of
rivers, the spate of frenetic capital accumulation knows no perspective of a decrease, of a
The relationship between the thousands of years long development of mans production
technique and relations with the natural environment is very close. Primitive man, like an animal,
gathered and ate wild fruit using a simple grasping action and, like an animal, fled headlong from
the disruption of natural phenomena that threatened his life. As the artificial production of
products for consumption and the accumulation of reserves of these products and of tools
forced him to settle, so too they forced him to defend himself from such threats as the
weather[1] and natural devastation. Such a defence, not unlike that against other groups
competing for the best site, or predators on the accumulated reserve, could only be collective.
From these collective needs arose, as we have seen many times, class division and exploitation
In Marx the capitalist mode of production ... is based on the dominion of man over nature.[2] It
also presupposes the war of nature on man. A too generous and lavish nature would not be the
It is not the mere fertility of the soil, but the differentiation of the soil, the variety of its natural
products, the changes of the seasons, which form the physical basis for the social division of
labour... It is the necessity of bringing a natural force under the control of society, of
economising, of appropriating or subduing it on a large scale by the work of mans hand, that first
plays the decisive part in the history of industry. Examples are, the irrigation works in Egypt,
Lombardy, Holland, or in India and Persia where irrigation by means of artificial canals, not only
supplies the soil with the water indispensable to it, but also carries down to it, in the shape of
sediment from the hills, mineral fertilisers. The secret of the flourishing state of industry in Spain
and Sicily under the dominion of the Arabs lay in their irrigation works One of the material
bases of the power of the state over the small disconnected producing organisms in India, was
the regulation of the water supply. The Mahometan rulers of India understood this better than
their English successors. It is enough to recall to mind the famine of 1866, which cost the lives
It is well known that similar famines have raged recently, despite the tremendous potential of
world capitalism... The struggle against nature generates industry man lives on two sacred
Dantesque elements, nature and art (the third is God). Capitalism generates the exploitation of
Very modern high capitalism shows serious cases of retreat in the struggle to defend against
attacks by the forces of nature on the human species, and the reasons are strictly social and
class ones, so much so as to invert the advantage derived from the progress of theoretical and
applied science. Let us wait then to blame it for having increased the rainfall intensity with atomic
explosions or, tomorrow, with having messed about with nature so much as to risk making the
earth and its atmosphere uninhabitable and even to make the skeleton explode by priming chain
reactions of all the elements in nuclear complexes. For now let us establish a social and
economic law for the parallel between its greater efficiency in exploiting labour and the life of men
and the ever decreasing efficiency in the rational defence against the natural environment, in the
The earths crust is modified by geological processes which man increasingly learns to
distinguish and decreasingly attributes to mysterious wishes of angry forces and which, within
certain limits, he learns to correct and control. When, in prehistory, the Po valley was a huge
lagoon through which the Adriatic Sea lapped the foothills of the Alps, the first inhabitants, who
evidently were not lucky enough to beg amphibious craft from selfinterested American charity,
occupied piledwellings rising above the water. It was a terramara civilisation of which Venice is
a distant development it was too simple for a reconstruction business to be based on it with
contracts to supply timber! The piledwellings did not collapse during floods: modern brick
houses do. However, what means exist today to build raised houses, roads and railways! They
would suffice to protect the population. Utopia! The sums do not tally, while the account of 200
In the past, the building of the first embankments dates back to the Etruscans. The natural
process of mountainside degradation and the transport of material suspended in river waters
from the mountains at flood time has formed a huge, fertile lowland region over the centuries.
This convenience assured the settlement of agricultural peoples. The subsequent populations
and regimes continued to raise high embankments along the banks of the large rivers, which
were insufficient to stop huge cataclysms when the river shifted its course. The shift of the Po
near Guastalla onto a new course, which was until then the lowest reach of the Oglio, dates from
In the thirteenth century, the great river abandoned the southern distributory of the huge delta, the
presentday secondary Po di Volano, in the reach near its mouth and adopted the present
course from Pontelagoscuro to the sea. The frightening shifts have always been from south to
north. A general law assumes a tendency for all the worlds rivers to migrate northwards for
geophysical reasons. However, in the case of the Po, this law is evident due to the great
difference between its north and south bank tributaries. The former rise in the Alps and have
clear water either because they pass through large lakes, or because they do not have a
maximum regime during periods of heavy rainfall, but instead during the springtime melting of
glaciers. Therefore these rivers do not carry mud and sand deposits into the course of the main
river when in flood. However, from the south, from the Apennines, the short and torrential right
bank tributaries with their huge variations between maximum and minimum flow pour down the
debris of mountain erosion, filling in the right bank section of the Pos channel, which every so
Chauvinism is not required to know that the science of river hydraulics arose from this problem:
for centuries the problem has been posed of the utility and functioning of embankments, or the
connection with the problem of the distribution of irrigation water via canals, and finally of river
navigation. After the Roman works, information is available about the first canals in the Po valley
in 1037. After the victory of Legnano,[3] the Milanese built the Naviglio Grande to Abbiategrasso,
which was made navigable in 1271. With this arose capitalist agriculture, the first in Europe, and
the great hydraulic works were undertaken by state bodies: from the canals and basins of
The construction of embankments to contain rivers raised a major problem: that of raised rivers.
While the Alpine rivers, such as the Ticino and Adda, run largely between natural banks, the right
bank tributaries and the Po below Cremona are raised: this means that not only the water level,
but also the bed of the water course is higher than the surrounding countryside. The
embankments save it from being flooded and a collector canal runs parallel to the river to collect
local water which it carries to the river downstream: these are the great reclamation works, and
as they approach the sea, the transfer of water to the river is performed mechanically so that the
districts which are below not only the river, but also the sea, are kept dry. The entire Polesine is
a huge lowlying area. Adria is 4 meters above sea level. Rovigo is 5 meters: there the Pos bed
is higher and the Adiges even more so. Clearly a breach in the embankments would turn the
There is a major debate among hydrologists as to whether the rise in the beds of such rivers is
progressive. French hydrologists said yes a century ago while the leaders of Italian hydrology
opposed them, and the matter is still discussed in congresses today. Nevertheless, one cannot
deny that the river load and its deposition extends the mouth out to sea, even if this does not
collect in the final reaches of the rivers bed. Because of this incessant process, the gradient of
the bed and the water surface can only decrease and, according to hydrological law, the speed
of the current equally falls: hence the need to raise embankments seemed historically endless
The availability of modern mechanical means has contributed in this field to extending the
method of exploiting large areas of the most fertile land, keeping them dry by continuous
pumping. The risk to the tenants and workers worries a profit economy, but the damage caused
when the works fall can be balanced against the fertilisation by the invading mud on the one hand
The classic reclamations by alluviation were widespread in the modern period along the entire
Italian lowland coast: river water was alternately allowed to flood into and deposit in the great
basins, the level of which rose slowly with the double advantage of not letting useful and fertile
soil wash out to sea and of providing ever greater security from flooding and future danger. This
rational system was found to be too slow for the requirements of capital investment. Another
tendentious argument was and is drawn from the continuously rising population density which
cannot permit a loss of fertile land. So almost all the old polders, carefully surveyed with
precision by the hydrologists of the Austrian, Tuscan and Bourbon regimes, have been
Clearly, if today one had to choose from the various radical solutions to these problems, not only
would one clash with the incapacity of capitalism to look to the distant future as regards the
handing down of installations from generation to generation, but one would also clash with the
strong local interests of farmers and industrialists who have an interest in not having various
zones eroded and who play on the attachment of poor people to their inhospitable homes. Since
This type of study is always unpopular because the results forecast are uncertain, something
which creates great annoyance in business circles. One solution, on the right, consists in a cut
from Pontelagoscuro to the valleys or lagoons of Comacchio: the artificial canal would cut about
one third off the length of the present river course to the sea. Such a solution clashes with the
big investments in Ferrarese reclamation works and with fish farming, so it would be resisted.
But the solutions with more foresight and which perhaps are more in conformity with natural
processes call for the reuniting of the Po and Adige courses between which lies the lower
Polesana, creating in its Thalweg,[4] presently crisscrossed by small water courses, a huge
collector and, perhaps, in the final count, a side canal for one if not both rivers would encounter
In the bourgeois period, such a study does not lead to positive research, but to two policies,
There is discussion as to whether the present catastrophe, in which some have already seen
the natural formation of a large stable swamp and a shifting of the Pos course with the total
destruction of the north bank, is due to exceptional rainfall and the complicity of natural causes,
or to the inexperience and the error of men and directors. Indisputably the succession of wars
and crises have caused decades of neglect in the difficult service of technical inspection and
embankment maintenance, dredging of river beds where necessary and the systematisation of
high mountain basins, the deforestation of which caused greater and more rapid rain water
runoff during high water and greater flows of suspended material to the river courses on the
With the bad trend that now prevails in science and official technical organisation, it is even
difficult to collect and to compare udometric data (amount of rainfall on various dates in the basin
which feeds the river) and hydrometric data (water levels at the hydrometers, maximum flow)
with those of the past. Offices and scientists with selfrespect now offer replies in line with
political requirements and reasons of state, that is, according to the effect that they will have, the
figures having been massaged in every possible way. One can also well believe the current of
criticism which states that not even the observation stations destroyed during the war have been
replaced, and it is also credible that our present technical bureaucracy works with old maps,
passed along copy by copy, dragging along slowly over the drawing tables of the lazy technical
personnel, and that it does not update the surveys with new altitude surveys, which are difficult,
and with operations of geodetic precision, which allow one to collate the various data of the
phenomenon. It lives in masses of maps which are in line with approvals given in circulars in
terms of format and colour, but do not give a tinkers cuss for physical reality. The figures
handed out here and there for the popular press dont add up, but it is too easy to blame the
It therefore remains to be seen and those movements with wide support and plentiful means
could well try to do this if the intensity of rainfall really was the highest in a century of
observation: it is correct to doubt it. The same goes for the hydrometer readings for the
maximum levels and flows: it is easy to say that the historical maximum was recorded at
Pontelagoscuro at 11,000 cubic meters per second but now has presently risen to 13,000. In
1917 and 1926 there were very large maxima of much lesser consequence, always in spring, up
Let us say without dwelling further on the matter that the rainfall was certainly not of unheard of
proportions and the chief responsibility for the disaster lies in the long lack of necessary services
and in the omission of maintenance and improvement works, which is related to the smaller
It is a matter of providing a cause for these facts, which must be a social and historical cause,
and it is puerile to bring up again the bad management of those who were or are at the helm of
the Italian ship of state. Besides, this is not a uniquely Italian phenomenon, but occurs in all
countries. Administrative chaos, thieving, the penetration of speculation into public decision
making are now denounced by the conservatives themselves, and in America they have been
related to public disasters: even there ultramodern cities in Kansas and Missouri have fallen
Two mistaken ideas underlie a critique like the one we have just mentioned. One is that the
struggle to return from the fascist dictatorship within the bourgeoisie (the dictatorship of the
bourgeoisie has existed since it won freedom) to the external multiparty democracy had as its
aim a better administration, whereas it is clear that it had to lead, and has led, to a worse
The other incorrect idea is the belief that the totalitarian form of the capitalist regime (of which
Italian fascism was the first great example) gave overwhelming power to the state bureaucracy
against the autonomous initiatives of enterprises and private speculation. On the contrary, this
form is vital for capitalisms survival and that of the bourgeois class at a certain stage. It
concentrates counterrevolutionary powers in the state machine, but renders the administrative
Here we need a historical sketch of the Italian administrative machine from the epoch of the
achievement of national unity. Initially it worked well and had strong powers. All the favourable
conditions contributed to this. The young bourgeoisie had to pass through the heroic phase and
to make sacrifices in order to seize power and to affirm its interests. Therefore the individual
elements were still prepared to offer their all and were less attracted by immediate hidden gain.
Further resolute enthusiasm was needed to liquidate the resistance of the old powers and of the
There was no notable division into parties as the sole party of the liberal revolution governed
(virgin in 1860, old slag in 1943) with the clear acquiescence of the few republicans and with the
workers movement yet to appear. The swindles began with the bi party transformismo of
1876.[7] The skeleton of the bureaucracy coming from Piedmont following close on the heels of
the military forces of occupation enjoyed a real dictatorship over the local elements and the
aristocratic, and clerical, opponents were repressed by emergency powers... as they were guilty
of anti liberalism. Under such conditions, a young, conscientious and honest administrative
The bureaucracy suffered a twin attack on its uncorrupt dominance with the capitalist systems
development in depth and extension. The great entrepreneurs of public works and of productive
sectors aided by the state emerged in the economic field, while in the political field, the spread of
corruption to parliamentary business became such that every day the peoples representatives
intervened to impinge on the decisions of the executive system and general administration,
Public works, which previously had been put in place by the most competent, who were naively
pleased to have a regular salary as government functionaries, and who were wholly independent
in their judgements and advice, began to be imposed by the executioners: we mean the classical
Carrozoni[8] began to do the rounds. The machine of state expenditure became decreasingly
This process accelerated during the Giolittian period[9], but nevertheless increasing economic
prosperity made the damage less obvious. This system, as its political masterpiece, slowly
entangled the emerging workers party. Precisely because Italy has an abundance of labour
power and a lack of capital, all sides call on the state to provide work, and the MP who seeks
votes in an industrial or agricultural constituency does the rounds of the ministries hunting for the
After the First World War, the Italian bourgeoisie, even though they came out winners, saw the
favourable wind of the heroic period change too drastically and so there was fascism. The
concentration of the policing strength of the state along with the concentration of the control of
almost all the economic sectors simultaneously allowed it to avoid the explosion of radical
revolts among the masses and to assure free speculative manoeuvring for the welloff class, on
condition that the latter formed itself into a single class centre within the framework of
government policy. Every medium or small employer was compelled to make reformist
concessions, called for during the long struggle of the workers organisations which (as usual)
they destroyed, stealing their programme, so that while a high degree of capitalist concentration
was favoured, the internal situation was pacified. The totalitarian form allows capital to set in
motion the reformist trick of the previous decades, latching on to the class collaboration
The leadership of the state machine and abundant special laws were clearly placed in the
service of business initiatives. The technical legislation to return to our starting point, dealing
with rivers which around 1865 had produced several masterpieces, was now reduced to a total
hotchpotch open to all possible manoeuvres, the functionary being reduced to a puppet of the
large firms. The hydrological services were precisely those clashing with the famous idea of
private initiative. They require a single institution and full powers they had a very long tradition.
Jacini wrote in 1854. The civil problem of the waters found in Giandomenico Romagnosi an
immortal writer of treatises.[10] All in all, bourgeois administration and technology had even then
This led to the bad trend which has caused the degradation and not the improvement of the
hydraulic defences in the Paduan plain, starting from a process not concerning just one party or
In short, if once the bureaucracy, independent but not omnipotent, laid out its project on the
drawing board and then called in bids from public works enterprises, compelling them, refusing
even the offer of a cup of coffee, to complete them rigorously, thus at most the selection of the
funded works was made according to general principles, today the relationship is inverted. The
weak and servile technical bureaucracy lets the enterprises themselves draw up the plans and
approves them almost unseen, and the enterprises obviously select the profitable works and
drop the delicate operations which require more diligence and offer less chance of repetition in
This does not happen because of morality, nor even because in general the functionary gives
way to competition and large bribes. It is that if a functionary resists, not only does his workload
increase tenfold, but also the interests against whom he clashes mobilise against him with
decisive party influence in the higher echelons of the ministry that employs him. Once the most
When single party fascism gave way to the multiparty system unknown even in Giolittian Italy,
even in the constitutional model of perfect England, and so on (where we have never had ten
parties declaredly ready to govern according to the constitution, but at most two or three), things
went from bad to worse. They were supposed to restore the experts and the honest men with
the Allied armies. What a silly hope so many had: the new changing of the guard has produced
It is symptomatic enough in diagnosing the present phase of the capitalist regime that a senior
official in the Ministry of Works let slip that the flood surveillance services worked well right up to
the fatal moment: the only moment for which they are paid a regular salary. This is the style of
modern bureaucracy (for some the new ruling class! Ruling classes arrive with gaping mouths,
No less interesting is what Alberto de Stefani wrote, entitled The Management of the Po.[11]
After outlining the history of measures taken, he cited the judgement of authors in technical
journals: One can never insist too much on the need to react against the system of
concentrating the activity of the offices exclusively, or nearly so, on the projection and execution
De Stefani did not see the radical implication of such a critique. He deplored the neglect of
conservation and maintenance of existing works, while new works were being planned. He cited
other passages: One spends tens of billions (and tomorrow hundreds) for extensions after
systematically grudging and withholding those small amounts required for maintenance and
That seems to have happened on the Reno. An economist of De Stefanis calibre scrapes by
Is it thus perhaps a factor of national psychology? Never: of capitalist production. Capital has
become incapable of the social function of transmitting the labour of the present generation to
the future ones, utilising the labour of past generations in this. It does not want maintenance
contracts, but huge building deals. To enable this, huge natural cataclysms are insufficient
capital creates human ones with ineluctable necessity, and makes postwar reconstruction the
These concepts have to be applied to the critique of the base, demagogic position of the Italian
socalled workers parties. When speculation and capitalist enterprise are given the capital to
invest in hydraulic works which is now committed to armaments, capitalist enterprise (except to
cause a crisis among the pseudo reds of the metallurgical centres, if the business were really
to be undertaken) will use that capital in the same way: cheating and speculating at one
thousand percent, raising their glasses high to the coming if not of the next war, then of the next
The huge river of human history also has its irresistible and threatening swellings. When the
wave rises, it washes against the two retaining embankments: on the right the conformist one, of
Conservation of existing and traditional forces along it priests chant in procession, policemen
The left bank is that of the reformists, hedged with peoples representatives, the dealers in
opportunism, the parliamentarians and progressive organisers. Exchanging insults across the
stream, both processions claim to have the recipe to maintain the fast flowing river in its
But at great turning points, the current breaks free and leaves its course, shifting like the Po at
Guastalla and Volano onto an unexpected course, sweeping the two sordid bands into the
irresistible flood of the revolution which subverts all old forms of restraint, moulding a new face

[1] Publishers note it actually says meteore (meteorites) in the original Italian. We cannot
believe that Bordiga and his comrades could have been stupid enough to write this even
humans today cannot defend themselves against meteorites, and it is not just because of the
irrationalities of the capitalist system! We therefore have assumed that a mistake was made and
[2] Capital, Vol I, Chapter 16 (The English edition of 1887). The following quotation is from the
[5] Floods in June and July in Kansas and Missouri caused dozens of deaths and left many
[6] Comitato di Liberazione Nazionalea the antifascist front towards the end of the second world
[7] On 18 March 1876, the last destra government fell and the sinistra, based on regional
interests, took over. There was, however, little political difference as the two parties transformed
[10] La proprieta fondaria e la poulazione agricola in Lombardia (Milan, 1854 not 1857 as in the
original). Stefano Jacini (187291) agronomist, head of the Inchiesta Agraria e sulle condizioni
della classe agricola (1884). Minister of public works under Cavour (1860) and again in 1864 and
1867. Gian Domenico Rornagnosi (17611835) jurist and philosopher. Considered to be the main
inspiration behind the juridical and administrative system adopted by the Kingdom of Italy
[11] Alberto De Stefani was the Minister of Finance and the Treasury from 1922 to 1925 when he
was removed after pressure from financial and industrial groups. He remained a fascist and was
tried after the war for this, being acquitted. The article quoted was published in Il Tempo (Rome)
on 21 November 1951. It reiterates what he had previously written when still a minister: As one
reads on, one will see the path taken since the Kingdoms foundation to the present of the
various legislative attempts, of citizens sacrifices and their real value, of the excellence of
provision and execution, of the defectiveness and deviations which the interest of the state and
nation sometimes had to suffer because of the upper hand gained by political or particular or

Murder of the Dead

In Italy, we have long experience of catastrophes that strike the country and we also have a
certain specialisation in staging them. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, rainstorms,
epidemics... The effects are indisputably felt especially by poorer people and those living at high
densities, and if cataclysms that are frequently much more terrifying strike all corners of the
world, not always do such unfavourable social conditions coincide with geographical and
geological ones. But every people and every country holds its own delights: typhoons, drought,
tidal waves, famine, heatwaves and frosts, all unknown to us in the garden of Europe and
when one opens the newspaper, one inevitably finds more than one item, from the Philippines to
Our capitalism, as has been said a hundred times over, is quantitatively small fry, but today it is
in the vanguard, in a qualitative sense, of bourgeois civilisation, of which it offers the greatest
precursors from amidst Renaissance splendour[1], in the masterful development of an economy
We wouldnt dream of shedding a single tear if a monsoon washed away entire cities on the
coast of the Indian Ocean, or if they were submerged by the tidal waves caused by submarine
Our monarchy was great in knowing to rush not to the dance (Pordenone), but to where people
are dying of cholera (Naples), or to the ruins of Reggio and Messina, raised to the ground by the
earthquakes of 1908. Now our puffedup President[2] has been taken off to Sardinia and, if the
stalinists havent been fibbing, they have shown him teams of Potemkin workers in action, that
then run to the other side of the stage like the warriors in Aida.[3] It was too late to pull the
homeless out of the flooding Po, but good play was made of MPs and ministers paddling about in
their wellies after setting up cameras and microphones for a worldwide broadcast of their
Here we have the bright idea: the state should intervene! And we have been applying it for a good
ninety years. The professedly homeless Italian has set state aid in the place of the grace of God
and the hand of providence. He is convinced that the national budget has much wider bounds
than the compassion of our Lord. A good Italian happily forks out ten thousand lire squeezed out
of him so that months and months later he can squander one thousand lire of the governments
money. And during one of these periodic contingencies, now fashionably called emergencies
but which fall in all seasons, when the central government has scarcely initiated the unfailing
provisions and fundings, a band of no less specialised homeless will roll up its sleeves and
The Minister of Finance of the day, Vanoni, suspends by his authority all other state functions
and declares that he will not provide a single brass farthing from the exchequer for all the other
There could be no better proof than this that the state serves for nothing and that if the hand of
God really did exist, he would make a splendid present to the homeless of all kinds by causing
The foolishness of the small and middle bourgeoisie shines forth at its brightest when it seeks a
remedy for the terror that freezes it in the warm hope of a subsidy and an indemnity liberally
bestowed upon it by the government. But the reaction of the overseers of the working masses
who, they scream, lost everything in the disaster, but unfortunately not their chains, appears no
These leaders, who pretend to be marxists, have for these supreme situations, which interrupt
the wellbeing of the proletariat derived from normal capitalist exploitation, an economic formula
But a mere crumb of marxism suffices to establish that high incomes thrive where high levels of
destruction occur, big business deals being based on them. The bourgeoisie must pay for the
war! stated those false shepherds in 1919 instead of inviting the proletariat to overthrow it. The
Italian bourgeoisie is still here, and enthusiastically invests its income in paying for wars and
When the catastrophe destroys houses, fields and factories, throwing the active population out
of work, it undoubtedly destroys wealth. But this cannot be remedied by a transfusion of wealth
from elsewhere, as with the miserable operation of rummaging around for old jumble, where the
The wealth that disappeared was that of past, agesold labour. To eliminate the effect of the
catastrophe, a huge mass of present day, living labour is required. So, if we use the concrete
social, not abstract, definition of wealth, we can see it as the right of certain individuals, who form
the ruling class, to draw on living contemporary labour. New incomes and new privileged wealth
are formed in the mobilisation of new labour, and the capitalist economy offers no means of
shifting wealth accumulated elsewhere to plug the gap in Sardinian or Venetian wealth, just as
This is why it is a stupid idea to tax the ownership of the fields, houses and factories left intact to
The centre of capitalism is not the ownership of such investments, but a type of economy which
allows the drawing from and profiting from what mans labour creates in endless cycles,
Thus the idea of resolving the wartime housing crisis with an income freeze on landlords of
undamaged houses led to the provision of homes in a worse condition than that caused by the
The basis of marxist economic analysis is the distinction between dead and living labour. We do
not define capitalism as the ownership of heaps of past, crystallised labour, but as the right to
extract from living and active labour. That is why the present economy cannot lead to a good
solution, realising with the minimum expenditure of present labour the rational conservation of
what past labour has transmitted to us, nor to better bases for the performance of future labour.
What is of interest to the bourgeois economy is the frenzy of the contemporary work rhythm, and
it favours the destruction of still useful masses of past labour, not giving a tupennyhapenny
Marx explains that the ancient economies, which were based more on use than exchange value,
did not need to extort surplus labour as much as the present one, recalling the only exception:
that of the extraction of gold and silver (it is not without reason that capitalism arose from money)
The appetite for surplus labour (Capital Vol. I, Ch. 10, Section 2: The Greed for Surplus Labour)
not only leads to extortion from the living of so much labour power as to shorten their lives, but
does good business in the destruction of dead labour so as to replace still useful products with
other living labour. Like Maramaldo,[5] capitalism, oppressor of the living, is the murderer also of
the dead: But as soon as people, whose production still moves within the lower forms of
slavelabour, corvelabour, etc., are drawn into the whirlpool of an international market
dominated by the capitalist mode of production, the sale of their products for export becoming
their principal interest, the civilised horrors of overwork are grafted on the barbaric horrors of
The original title of the paragraph quoted is Der Heisshunger nach Mehrarbeit, literally The
Small scale capitalisms hunger for surplus labour, as set out in our doctrine, already contains
the entire analysis of the modern phase of capitalism that has grown enormously: the ravenous
Far from being our discovery (to hell with the discoverers,[7] especially when they sing even
the scale out of tune, then believe themselves to be creators), the distinction between dead and
living labour lies in the fundamental distinction between constant and variable capital. All objects
produced by labour which are not for immediate consumption, but are employed in a further work
process (now one calls them producer goods), form constant capital. Therefore, whenever
products enter as means of production into new labour processes, they lose their character of
This is true for main and subsidiary raw materials, machines and all other types of plant which
progressively wear out. The loss due to wear which has to be compensated for requires the
capitalist to invest another quota, always of constant capital, which current economics calls
We recalled a propos the body possessed by the devil [9] how, in Marx, capital has the
demoniacal function of incorporating living labour into dead labour which has become a thing.
What joy that the Pos embankments are not immortal, and today one can happily incorporate
living labour into them! Projects and specifications are ready in a few days. Good boys, you are
Sir, the drawing office of our firm has done its duty in predisposing technical and economic
studies: here they are all nice and ready. And price analysis values the stone of Monselice
The property therefore which labourpower in action, living labour, possesses of preserving
value, at the same time that it adds it, is a gift of Nature which costs the labourer nothing, but
which is very advantageous to the capitalist inasmuch as it preserves the existing value of his
This value, which is simply preserved, thanks always to the operation of living labour, is called
the constant part of capital or constant capital by Marx. But: ... that part of capital, represented
by [invested in] labourpower [wages], does, [instead] in the process of production, undergo an
The key lies here. Bourgeois economics calculates profit in relation to the constant capital which
lies still and doesnt move: in fact it would go to the devil if the labour of the worker did not
preserve it. Marxist economics, on the contrary, places profit in relation only to variable capital
and demonstrates how the active labour of the proletarian a) preserves constant capital (dead
labour), and b) increases variable capital (living labour). This increase, surplus value, is gained
by the entrepreneur. This process, as Marx explains, of establishing the rate without taking into
account constant capital is like making it equal to zero: an operation current in mathematical
Once constant capital is set at zero, gigantic development of profit occurs. This is the same as
saying that the enterprises profit remains if the disadvantage of maintaining constant capital is
Transferring capital to the state means that constant capital equals zero. Nothing of the
relationship between entrepreneurs and workers is changed, since this depends solely on the
Are analyses of state capitalism something new? Without any haughtiness we use what we
Let us not leave Marx without this ardent passage after the cold formula: Capital is dead labour,
that, vampirelike, only lives by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it
Modern capital, which needs consumers as it needs to produce ever more, has a great
interest in letting the products of dead labour fall into disuse as soon as possible so as to
impose their renewal with living labour, the only type from which it sucks profit. That is
why it is in seventh heaven when war breaks out and that is why it is so well trained for
the practice of disasters. Car production in America is massive, but all, or nearly all,
families have a car, so demand might be exhausted. So then it is better that the cars last
only a short time. So that this is indeed the case, firstly they are badly built with a series
of botched parts. If the users break their necks more often, no matter: a client is lost, but
there is another car to substitute. Then they call on fashion with a large cretinising
subsidy of advertising propaganda, through which everyone wants the latest model, like
the women who are ashamed to put on a dress, even if perfectly good, from last year.
The fools are taken in and it does not matter that a Ford built in 1920 lasts longer than a
brand new 1951 model. And finally the dumped cars are not used even for scrap, and are
thrown into car cemeteries. Who dares to take one saying: you have thrown it away as if
it were worthless, what harm is there in me fixing and reusing it? He would get a kick up
To exploit living labour, capital must destroy dead labour which is still useful. Loving to suck
So while the maintenance of the Po embankments for ten kilometres requires human labour
costing, let us say, one million a year, it suits capitalism better to rebuild them all spending one
billion. Otherwise it would have to wait one thousand years. This perhaps means that the nasty
fascist government sabotaged the Po embankments? Certainly not. It means that no one has
pressed for an annual budget of a miserable million. This is not spent as it is swallowed up in the
financing of other large scale works of new construction which have budget estimates of
billions. Now the devil has swept away the embankments, one finds someone with the best
Who is to blame for preferring the large scale projects? The fascists and the official
communists. Both of them prattle that they want a productivist, full employment policy.
Productivism, Mussolinis favourite creature, consists in establishing present day cycles of
living labour out of which big business and big speculation make billions. Let us modernise the
aged machines of the great industrialists and also let us modernise the river banks after letting
them collapse, all at the peoples expense. The history of the recent years of administrative
management of state works and of the protection of industry is full of these masterpieces,
ranging from the provision of raw materials sold below cost, to works undertaken by a state
monopoly in the struggle against unemployment on the basis of constant capital equals zero.
In a few words, let us spend it all in wages, and since the enterprise has only shovels for
equipment, the Lord is convinced that it is useful to shift earth first from here to there then
If the Lord hesitates, the enterprise has the trade union organiser to hand: a demonstration of
labourers shouldering shovels under the ministrys windows and alls well. The discoverer
arrives and supersedes Marx: shovels, the only constant capital, have given birth to surplus
Undoubtedly, the size of the disaster along the Po has been massive, and the estimated cost of
the damage is still rising. Let us admit that the cultivated area of Italy lost one hundred thousand
hectares or one thousand square kilometres, about one three hundredth or three per thousand of
the total. One hundred thousand inhabitants have had to leave the area, which is not the most
If the bourgeois economy were not mad, one could do a simple little sum. The national stock has
suffered a serious blow. However, the zone was only partially destroyed. When the floodwaters
recede, the agricultural soil will largely be left behind and the decomposition of vegetation along
with the deposition of alluvium will partially compensate for the lost fertility. If the damage is one
third of total capital, it costs one thousandth of the national capital. But this has an average
income of five per cent or fifty per thousand. If for a year every Italian saved scarcely one fiftieth
But bourgeois society is anything but a cooperative, even if the great freebooters of native
capital escape Vanoni by demonstrating that partownership of their enterprises has been
All the productivistic operations of Italian and international economy are more or less as
Such a problem is insuperable on capitalist grounds. If it were a question of making the arms to
provide Eisenhower with his hundred divisions within a year, the solution would be found[14].
These are all shortcycle operations and capitalism is as pleased as Punch if the order for the
10,000 guns is with a delivery date in 100 and not 1,000 days. The steel pool does not exist
But a pool of hydrological and seismological organisations cannot be formed, at least not until
the great science of the bourgeois period is really able to provoke series of floods and
Here it is a matter of a slow, non accelerable centuries long transmission from generation to
generation of the results of dead labour, but under the guardianship of the living, of their lives
Let us admit, for example, that the water in the Polesine will recede in a few months and that the
breach at Occhiobello is closed before the spring, only one annual harvest cycle would now be
If, instead, one believes that all the Po embankments and those of the other rivers will frequently
come apart, due as much to the consequences of overlooked maintenance during thirty years of
crisis as to the disastrous deforestation of the mountains, then the remedy will be even slower in
Our father wrote in vain that only a few examples of virgin forest remain, growing without the
intervention of human labour. The forestry system thus becomes almost mans work despite the
minimum of capital in the operation. Nevertheless, high growing trees, the most important in the
public economy, always require a very long period before yielding a useful product. However,
forestry science has shown that the best year to fell timber is not that at the end of the maximum
life span, but that in which current growth equals average growth, one must always calculate 80,
100 and even 150 years for an oak wood. Di Vittorio and Pastore[15] would fling the book, if they
There is still worse to relate. Relatively little is said of the disaster in Sardinia, Calabria and Sicily.
The very slack gradient of the Po valley caused a buildup of water which then swamped over
the clay and impermeable soils below. The same reasons in the South and the Islands, of high
rainfall and deforestation of the mountains, along with the steep fall down to the sea caused the
destruction. The mountain streams washed sand and gravel from the bedrock and destroyed
Not only is the sacking of the magnificent forests of Aspromonte and the Sila by the allied
liberators irreparable, but here also the renewal of the land swamped by the flood waters is
practically impossible, not merely uneconomic for the investors and for the helpers (more
Not only the narrow horizons of cultivable soil, but also the thin nonrocky strata that gave it weak
support have been washed away, soil which was carried up many times over decades by the
grindingly poor farmers. Every plantation, every tree, the basis of a rather profitable agriculture,
and industry in some villages, came down with the soil and the orange and lemon trees floated
Replanting a destroyed vineyard takes about two years, but citrus plantations only provide a full
harvest after seven to ten years and a great amount of capital is needed to establish and run
them. Naturally, the good books do not give the cost of the unthinkable operation of carrying up
again, for hundreds of meters, the soil brought down and, in any case, the water would carry it
Not even the houses can be rebuilt where they were before for technical, not economic reasons.
Five or six unfortunate villages on the Ionian coast in the Province of Reggio Calabria will not be
In the Middle Ages, after devastation had caused the disappearance of every last trace of the
magnificent coastal cities of Magna Graecia, the apex of agriculture and art in the ancient world,
the poor agricultural population saved itself from Saracen pirate raids by living in villages built on
Roads and railways were built along the coast with the arrival of the Piedmontese government
and, where malaria did not prohibit it, where the mountains ran down close to the sea, every
Tomorrow only the onseas will remain and there they are laboriously rebuilding some houses.
So what then if the peasant reclimbs the slope where nothing can ever take root and the very
bare and friable rock strata itself does not permit the rebuilding of houses? And the workers by
the sea, what will they do? Today they can no longer emigrate like the Calabrians of the
unhealthy lowlands and the Lucanians of the damned claylands made sterile by the greedy
felling of the woodlands which once covered the mountains and the trees that spread over the
Certainly, in such conditions, no capital and no government will intervene, a total disgrace of the
It is not a moral or sentimental fact that underlies this, but the contradiction between the
convulsive dynamic of contemporary super capitalism and all the sound requirements for the
organisation of the life of human groups on the Earth, allowing them to transmit good living
Bertrand Russell, the Nobel Prize winner, who quietly pontificates in the world press, accuses
man of overly sacking natural resources, so much so that their exhaustion can already be
calculated. Recognising the fact that the great powers conduct absurd and mad policies, he
denounces the aberrations of the individualist economy and tells the Irish joke: why should I care
Russell counts among the aberrations, along with that of mystical fatalism, that of communism
which states: if we have done with capitalism, the problem is solved. After such a display of
physical, biological and social science, he is unable to see that it is an equally physical fact that
the huge level of loss of both natural and social resources is essentially linked to a given type of
production, and thinks that all would be resolved by a moral sermon, or a Fabian appeal to the
Those who really achieve human progress, taking decisive steps forward in the organisation of
human life, are not really the conquerors and dominators who still dare to ostentate greed for
power, but the swarms of insipid benefactors and proponents of the ERP[16] and brotherhood
Passing from cosmology to economics, Russell criticises the liberal illusions in the panacea of
free competition and has to admit: Marx predicted that free competition among capitalists would
lead to monopoly, and was proved correct when Rockefeller established a virtually monopolistic
Starting from the solar explosion, which one day will instantaneously transform us into gas
(which could prove the Irishman right), Russell finishes with maudlin sentiments: Nations
Is it not the case, Mr. Nobel Prize winner, who has written treatises on logic and scientific
Take good note that Marx also predicted the destruction of the capitalist economy, class
monopoly, not with collaboration, with which you are devoted to flattering all the Trumans and
Just as Rockefeller came, big moustache[17] must come! But not from the Kremlin. That one,

[1] The first capitalist nation was Italy. (Engels, Preface to the Italian Edition of The Communist
[3] Potemkin had constructed prefabricated villages to show Catherine II on her tour of the
Russian countryside. They gave the impression of rural prosperity, but after each visit they were
[4] In early 1951 Vanoni introduced personal income tax to Italy. This tax entered the Guiness
Book of Records as the least paid tax in the world. Still today tax evasion is widespread. (Cf.
[5] Maramaldo killed the dying General Ferrucci in 1530, the last act of Florentine independence.
The British equivalent is Ivo of Ponthieu who hacked at the dying King Harold at Hastings. But he
was branded with ignominy by William and expelled from the army (Gesta Regun Anglorum).
The chivalry of nascent feudalism contrasts favourably with the squalid unscrupulousness of
[7] Publishers Note The word used in the Italian original is troviero. This literally means
finder and, in the context, actually means something like someone who thinks theyve found
something important, but they havent, e.g. some bourgeois apologist who thinks they have
refuted Marx. There is no obvious English equivalent so discoverer, with the inverted commas,
[10] Monselice: the nearest stone quarries to the Po, Carrara: the main centre of marble

The Legend of the Piave

The patriotic saga of Italy raised the Piave to the status of the national river, and designated it as
such, in 1917. In the war which was to have been the Fourth War of Independence, leading the
country in a leap beyond the Venetian frontiers (won by no means by armed might) already
gained from the Third. After two years of an immobile front on the Isonzo, streaming blood from a
dozen battles, the direction then changed with the famous defeat at, and flight from, Caporetto,
with the Austrians flooding onto the plain through this breach. After a few days of fearing for the
worst when it was believed that they would only have been stopped on the Adige or Mincio, on
the 185966 frontiers, the tide was stemmed on the Piave, something that was foreseen by the
not altogether stupid titch of a Ring who organised the defence.[1] We all then learnt that the
Piave was to be declined as a masculine, not as a feminine substantive, laying to rest our
The rivers name entered popular poetry and legend. The old Neapolitan versifier E.A. Mario,
recently passed on, wrote verses and music which lost only by a short head to Mamelis hymn in
the competition for the national anthem. Can you recall the ingenuous phraseology? Together
with the infantry, battled the waves. Once again a river was personified in literature, like in
classical literature, as defending the motherland, carrying to the sea piles of enemy corpses.
But now the Piave has carried out to sea thousands of Italian corpses struck down by the
apocalyptic flood from the Vajont during the dark night of October 910th, and has lost its title to
nobility. Its legend was and is one of death, and there is no more glory in carrying away the
bodies of soldiers than of peaceful citizens caught in their sleep. Then they were immolated to
the never satiated with blood numina of war, now to those of modern bourgeois and patriotic
It is not just today that we suddenly desire to dishonour, along with those of wars between
In Prometeo, 2nd series no. 4, JulySeptember 1952 we dedicated the article Politics and
Construction to this theme which, among the various examples of deadly disasters which
constitute real bankruptcies of scientific technique, recalled several cases of floods and cited
historical cases of mountain reservoir dams, recalling the history of this skill from the Moors in
Spain and Leonardo to the organisational inadequacies of the modern hydraulic services in the
In France in 1959 there was the terrible Frejus catastrophe which, nevertheless, despite the
collapse of the dam which did not happen in the case of the Vajont basin, caused fewer victims
Then we found the person responsible, the accused to be stood in the dock, but not in the
manner of the reckless pettifogging political prick of demagogic opportunism: it was Progress,
the lying myth which makes the poor in spirit and the starved wretches bend their backs to it,
ready to swear loyalty to this Moloch which every so often and a little bit each day crushes them
In the inhuman system of capital, every technical problem boils down to an economic one, that of
the prize to be won by cutting costs and boosting returns. The old prebourgeois societies had
some residual time to think about safety and general interests. As we recalled in the case of the
Frejus dam, that too was a masterpiece of brand new technology, it was light, slim and agile and
so with a very modest concrete and steel tonnage held back an enormous volume of water. But
already pastbuilders had realized that dams work by gravity, that is, they resisted the incredible
thrust of the liquid in that they were extremely heavy and so did not collapse. We recalled that
after several disasters in Spain and at Gleno in Italy (1923) the theory was modified to take
account of the hydraulic thrust below, at the base of the dam and these were broadened and
made more stable. But the recent dams have obeyed (a mercenary science has obeyed) the
sacrosanct need for low costs, so they are built, as with the Frejus and Vajont, in an arch, that is,
with a curve that points out into the water pressure and spreads the load onto the shoulders
wedged into the valley sides. The dam thus becomes less voluminous, less heavy and less
costly and is made of highly resistant materials. But then the pressure of the thrust on the two
shoulders of the construction grows massively because this depends on the water pressure
borne on its back, which is all the more massive the higher the dam is. Allowing for superlative
materials permitting the slimming of the dam and therefore of its shoulders, the pressure on the
natural rock is immense and the problem ceases to be the, controllable, one of adjusting the
arch of reinforced concrete to take the thrust (this cannot be reduced), but of seeing if the rocky
sides will crumble, ruining the arch shaped dam. This was the error made at Frejus. Then too it
was not the mechanical and hydraulic engineers who were wrong, but it is said the
The first problem can best be tackled by mathematical calculations, performed either by a good
theoretician or by a computer, while the great theoretician sitting at it goes through a few packets
The geological problem is not one for the smoking saloon or the test tank. It is one of lengthy
human experience based on the proofs of historical building. Human and social experience. For
all modern engineering, in so far as it makes things which are not pocket sized or cars,
constructing things fixed to the Earths crust, the key problem is the land/building relationship (for
a simple house, the foundations). There are no perennially valid formulae but instead many skilful
applications to choose from after gaining hardlearnt experience. Taking a big salary and
This experience ripens over the centuries: whoever believes in progress and in the jest that last
seasons latest discovery contains the wisdom of all time, may get a big salary, but causes
The very folk traditions among the uneducated masses, the place names themselves can help
the geological expert (if it really was his fault) or, rather, the good engineer. Why ever was the
Frejus narrows called Mal Passet: a bad step indeed.[3] The mountain overlooking the reservoir
and which slid into it causing the terrible overflowing, why was it called Monte Toc? Toc, in
Venetian, means piece: it was a rock that split off in pieces and all the inhabitants of the valley
expected the landslide. Vajont, the name of the reservoir, but previously of the pass, the gorge in
which the dam was wedged, all 263 meters (worldbeating historical record!), in Ladino Friulian
dialect equals the Venetian va zo, goes down, which collapses into the valley. In fact past
Uortami, the geologist, in denying indignantly that he would ever have consented to the selection
made for the dam site, stated that the choice fell to the engineers. Quite so. The philosophy of
the two tragedies of Malpasset and Vajont (among the many others) is identical. At the bottom of
these reckless projects, dictated and imposed by the hunger for profit, by an economic law to
which all the navvies, the surveyor and chief engineer must all bow, for which reason it is a
foolish remedy to uncover the guilty party at an inquest, lies the most idiotic of modern cults, the
cult of specialisation. Not only is it inhuman to hunt down the scapegoat, but also vain, since one
has allowed this stupid productive society to arise, made of separate sections. No one is guilty
because, if someone takes off the blindfold for a moment, he can say that he gave advice
The science and skill of producing, and especially of building, will, in the future society which will
kill the monster of economic return, of surplusvalue production, be unitary and indivisible. Not a
mans head, but a social brain above ridiculous separated sections will see without those useful
We read the report of the engineer who for thirty years had dreamt of building the Vajont dam.
The good man is dead and does not need our defence. He was interested by the purely
morphological fact that with a little dam one could hold back a lot of water and nowhere else
Engineer Semenza, in his comment, is surprised by the fact that one could have foreseen taking
thirty years to develop his basic idea now that the dam is complete. He did not think that the long
time required could be due to doubts over the correctness of the choice made. He thought that
the work had been well divided into sections protected by the right of not knowing nor wanting to
check one anothers conclusions. In this illusion, which is not blameworthy nor even a crime of
commission or of omission, lies the omnipotence, stronger than all and even the best
engineer, of the modern capitalist superstition of the division of labour, which Marx first
condemned and only the revolution will kill. The innocence of the designer is found in these
words: Hundreds, thousands of people, scientists, engineers, workers of all trades, worked to
complete this dam which should have closed the deep and narrow ravine of the Vajont stream.
Vajont gorge[4] as some guides call it, since by nature it is so inaccessible and inhospitable. No
one today would think that the tour guide was right because he made money taking people up to
see the narrow gorge and not by working on the dam. Among the first were the hydrologists
who take rainfall and stream regime measurements, allowing one to find the volume of water
that would be held in the dams reservoir. Higher up the geologist examines the rock
characteristics in detail, helped by the most modern (oh come on now!) geophysical research.
Meanwhile, the topographer measures with microscopic precision (fashionable jargon!) the
Let us leave out the details of the design work or works, the ninety hours of computer time that
saved years of work by a team of mathematicians, the tales of the experiments on wood and
then concrete models... Only one passage interests us, the reference to the ineluctable
economic determinism. The design selected from among many others, dating from 1956, fully
exploits the valleys characteristicswhich seem to have been made for the purpose of building an
The valley was made to be exploited, and if that had not been the case ... one would have had to
With science, technology and labour, does man exploit nature? No, not at all, and the intelligent
relationship between man and nature will arise when one stops making cost and design
One can say exploiting when a human group exploits another. The exploited collaborated with
the exploiting enterprise in the grandiose constructions of the mercantile period. Many people
were employed at Longarone and money was thrown around. The engineer has to answer: did it
rain gold? It is true that a skilled worker struck over the evident danger of landslides, but it is also
a bitter lesson that the worker who was kicked out by the cursed surveyor because he was lame
and would not have been been able to escape in case of danger reacted in a violent manner.
The whole valley ran the risk, and now it is dead. The solution to this problem will never be found
They are silly solutions to these tragedies which only show that bourgeois, money, private
initiative, market society has lived out its historical span and has by now become an even more
putrescent corpse than the ones it flung into the Piave the ones bandied about by newspapers
fed on a gutless pettybourgeois ideology, which perhaps a hundred years ago could get by, and
Socially and politically we stand apart from those who ask, in the name of the dead who risked
their lives so that this iniquitous society could give them the only civilisation it could, for three
The Ministerial Enquiry, called for by the ministers who have their fingers in the pie and delegated
to university professors loyal to the system of sectorial responsibility with which one has the right
not to know others subjects in this bureaucratic, scholastic and careerridden system which is
The Parliamentary Enquiry in which a group of people with no knowledge and of contrasting
ideologies (save that of the greed for political success and ambition, which is the same from the
extreme right to the extreme left) study what they do not understand and then have a vote on it in
the assembly of politicians, that is, those who should be the first to be tipped into the dustbin so
The judiciary, which knows that its job is to apply a code rooted in tradition and the latest
constitution, useful for the petty thief and for the civil servant who in this case was the only one to
be banged up for making public a stolen document which showed that the technical doubt over
Three degrees of tricking, not the dead, but the living that look to the horrible parties and
What is to be done with the dam? Another problem that the bureaucratic, democratic
The dam was not flattened so Engineer Semenza, if he were still alive, would be innocent,
But the problem was the stability of the valley sides after they suddenly received a hydraulic
There was no alluvium at the bottom? What kind of excuse is that? The liquid flowed fast through
the gap and thus did not deposit but eroded, creating over the centuries the conditions the
topographers described to poor Semenza. Thus the side was friable[5], certainly permeable,
The reservoirs created upstream from the dam, which could have provided an empirical test
The dam was too high. The law on this matter must be amended to state a legal maximum, let
us say under 100 metres. But then the return on the operation would fall below the costs. Horror!
The monopoly would not lose out, but only the consumption pattern of those who depend on it,
An old engineer who could understand geology, topography and building mechanics since he
had an oldfashioned degree said that the dam could collapse now. Behind it there is no longer
water, but a mixed deposit of water and earth (mud and slime) which, with its higher specific
weight, could exercise a greater thrust. Here there are no models that hold good! The case is too
The Vajont basin was cut in two by the huge landslide with a volume higher than that of the water
But the smaller lake remaining next to the dam can generate the pressure indicated by the
aforementioned engineer. It all depends on the height, that is the total, and the density of the mud
The basin must be emptied, but not by blasting the dam with cannonfire, but instead by installing
syphons over it to replace the devices destroyed by the disaster and abandoning the potential
We cannot believe that the Ministry of Public Works could have thought that the wall would
That sewer of death is no Alpine lake. The lakes formed during the glaciation between very deep
indestructible rock walls and with a modest dam of natural morainic[6] hills. They have been
Man certainly will win against nature. And will do so thanks to a science, a technology, an
Before bending nature to our ends, we will have had to have bent the sinister social forces which
enslave us more than millions of cubic meters of grave stones and which condemn the replies of
todays experts to great rewards and grasping profits. We must dam the floods not of water and

[1] In 1917, the Italian army was forced back to the Piave river after the front broke at Caporetto
(now Kobarid) on the Isonzo (now Soca). In the Third War of Independence, the Italians, having
previously made an alliance with Prussia against Austria (8.4.1866), lost both on land (Custoza)
and by sea (Lissa). Prussia, however, prevailed, and the good offices of Napoleon III assured
[2] In fact The names of rivers, lakes and mountains are generally masculine. (...) Exceptions
are, however, frequent due to old reasons, thus la (fem.) Piave (and in modern and local use) il

Weird and Wonderful Tales of Modern Social Decadence

(Lax and uncaring technology Parasitic and pillaging management)
Andrea Doria
The safety of sea travellers seemed, with good reason, to have been assured for the future, both
historically and scientifically, by the first application of mechanical motors to ships, and all the
more so with the construction of metal hulls. After a century and a half of technical
improvement, the safety of the passenger is now relatively greater when compared with the old
wooden sailing boats which were prey to both wind and sea. Naturally the achievement, the
most idiotic one, is speed, even if special clippers in about 1850 won the blue ribands from
steam ships, while there was then too not insignificant playing the cotton exchange between
Nevertheless the period of the greyhounds of the sea lies behind us it corresponded to the
period after the First World War. Even before this war huge tonnages had been reached. The
Titanic, which went down by the bows in 1912[1], was over 50,000 tons although its true that the
speed during its maiden voyage, during which it struck an iceberg, did not exceed 18 knots. After
a halfcentury there have been only two cases of liners on the North Atlantic (be they French,
English, German or Italian) much over 50,000 tons. Since the last war the largest launched was
the United States (53,000 tons). The two exceptions are the English Queen Mary (81,000 tons)
and Queen Elizabeth (84,000 tons), keels laid before the war and still in use[2]. The brand new
American ship took the blue riband from the English one which in turn had won it from the
French Normandie in 1938, the latter being destroyed in the war. Sailing speeds in the last
period have risen above 30 knots. The Andrea Doria, the largest postwar Italian ship along with
its sister ship Colombo (the prewar Rex was 51,000 tons) was only 29,000 tons but with a good
Thus the race to have the biggest ship, which was the prelude to the great disaster, has ceased,
but so too that for the fastest speed which so enthralled Italy during the fascist period. The
reason is that the person in a hurry can take a plane which, with its small crew, does not kill off
more than fifty a go. The sea crossing (with sun and fine weather on the southern route preferred
after the Titanic disaster) is more a pleasure trip or cruise the hugely powerful engines required
to thrust these massive giants at enormous cost (one knot is gained and a few hours are
knocked off the crossing, wasting thousands of extra horsepower and increasing fuel
consumption in proportion) at a rate of knots, are no longer requested by passengers and do not
suit the company. Thus the logic of the situation now shows that it is best to build middle size
middling speed ships for the passengers who are not at the summit of (economic and political)
business dealings and so are not forced to fly. The newspapers told us that the unfortunate
passengers saved from the Andrea Doria did not want to return by air: once bitten, twice shy, by
This is not the central question, that instead is the extreme fragility of the Dorias hull as was
shown by the collision with the not so heavy or fast Stockholm, whatever one may say about the
ice breaking prow which could mechanically make a deep hole, but less lacerating and much
shorter. Evidently the Doria broke, probably because it was too weak throughout its structure, its
ribs and backbone. Only by supposing that a long longitudinal section of the hull came away can
we explain why so many airtight flotation compartments (closed for the fog) collapsed along with
It is not only with ships that the mania of modern technology is oriented towards economising on
the structure, using light metal sections with the pretext of ever more modern materials with
miraculous strength, guaranteed more by insolent advertising and sleight of hand than the
checks run by the bureaucratised laboratories and standards institutions. Just as with the
construction of land vehicles, the ship produced by developed modern technology is not as solid
as that of 50 years ago. The wonderful ship thus broke up and sank in record time, contrary to
the experts predictions. With a rough sea and less passing ships, it could have become a
There is another reason apart from the builders false economies. It is known that for nationalistic
and demagogic reasons the Italian state (who does not know that after Holy Russia, the largest
dose of socialist industry is to be found in Vatican Italy, even though Palmiro[3] is not altogether
happy?) was both the buyer and the producer of the ship (both the Compagnia Navigazione Italia
and the Ansaldo shipbuilders belong to the state). It is well known that steel costs more in Italy
and labour too (the worker eats less here, but national assistance grabs the lot). Ordering the
ship from a Dutch or German yard would have cost a quarter less, but Palmiro would have had
They were not stingy enough though with the decorative and luxurious architecture. One of the
symptoms of the worldwide decline of technology is that architecture kills engineering. All
Old sea dogs moaning on the Genova quayside told reporters this. Too many saloons,
swimming pools, playing areas, too many decks above the waterline ah, the inimitable line, the
slender outline of Italian ships too much weight and space put into the superstructure, that is
the half skyscraper which stands above the waves, full of windows flooding out light where the
luxury class has a good time. This all at the expense of the quickwork, the part in contact with
the water, whose size and strength provide stability, flotation, course correction after wandering,
resistance to attacks by the sea, collisions with mountains of ice, and those with ships from
countries where steel costs less and, perhaps, where technology hasnt sold out so much to
All this, grumble the old sailors, is at the expense of safety. More or less vulgar luxury or the
safety of the human lives on board, this is the antithesis. But could such an antithesis hold back
However, when steerage class is unsafe and the crew are too, then even first class, with the
most expensive tickets, is unsafe as well. The rhetoric goes on about modern discoveries, high
It was the same story with the rehabilitation of the great cities, from which, as Marx and Engels
stated from the time of the gutter of Paris, Haussmann, the poor had and will have everything to
lose and nothing to gain. The upper bourgeoisie was told by clever technicians and speculators
that epidemics do not know class divisions, even in a rich mans house one can die of cholera.
So get on with it, Demolition Joe! So now when the ship goes down, so too do the first class
passengers, half clad like the poor devils, hardly togged up in their dinner jackets. Safety is
therefore vital to all: one cannot simply say stuff it! like in a mine where only the scapegoats of
labour and a handful of engineers go, but without the benefits of decoration after all its dark
The ruling class, for its part incapable of struggling against the devil of business activity,
superproduction and superconstruction for its own skin, thus demonstrates the end of its control
over society, and it is foolish to expect that, in the name of a progress with its trail indicated by
And in fact the eddies around the sad hull of the Andrea Doria had scarcely stilled when the
nationalised economy, the perfect hothouse of modern private business dealing and parasitism,
announced that it would be ready to produce another one, changing only, for reasons of
superstition, the name! They boast that since the cost will rise to about one third more than that
of the old ship, they will economise on design, calculations and trials! The decorators will, most
certainly, do as good a business as before, and the machine to thieve money from the man in
the street has already been set in motion. Just as after the Second World War, during the
reconstruction, strengthened by all the resources of modern advanced technology, the business
deal of the century came about, thus too the shipbuilding and shipping crisis is resolved (for
which a new law was being prepared) with the order for a new ship. After the ramming by the
Stockholm, and perhaps a few more litres of alcohol consumed by its representatives, the wise
No one will think, no one will legislate, no one will vote for tearing up the old calculations and for
redesigning the hull and its structure, the only part of the ship that is quickwork, forking out five
million more for steel and five million less for pandering artifices. This will not be the case while
socialist and enterprise production, even if by the state, is the slave of mercantile and
competitive considerations, between the flags, that is, between the bands of business
criminals, which is the same thing. And whoever were to do so would be deprecating the
While the series on the agrarian question and the theory of ground rent according to Marx was
being published in these columns[4], there was the disaster at Ribolla which caused 42 victims
against the now certain 250 at Charleroi. Exactly the same economic theory of absolute and
differential rent can be applied to the extraction of minerals from the subsoil and to the
development of hydroelectric power as to agricultural land. One works a mine just as one
In the capitalist worlds economy, all consumers of the produce of nature pay a higher price for it
than for the product of labour. For the latter, they pay for the labour and for a margin of
surpluslabour that competition, as long as it lasts, tends to reduce. And bourgeois society offers
this product to its members at a lower price than that existing in previous societies which were
The produce of land, in the same way, is paid for by the consumer according to the labour and
the surpluslabour, established on the basis of the worst land. But, in this case, one also pays
a third part: rent, that is the award for the monopoly over land, to the landowner, the third force in
the model bourgeois society. The least fertile land dictates the market price to all consumers of
foodstuffs. It thus follows that the monopoly landowner of richer land adds on to the absolute rent
(the minimum) the differential rent, rent due to lower labour costs, so that the market pays the
As population and consumption grow, society has to put new land under the plough and to use
all available areas, be they fertile or sterile. The limits of physical extent determine the monopoly
Hard as this theory may seem to some, it is the crux of marxism and only those who have not
digested it believe that the theory of imperialism was simply tacked on to marxism, a study made
solely of competitive capitalism. The theory of ground rent contains all that is in the theory of
modern imperialism, monopoly capitalism, the creator of rents. Even in largely manufacturing
Clearly the theory shows that nothing changes if this rent, whether it is based on traditional or
very new sources, is handed over to the state, that is, the capitalist society organised as a
power machine. This occurs so as to maintain its commodity, monetary and business basis.
Before Marx, Ricardo proposed this, then Marx criticised it from the very beginning in a thorough
The lignite seams of Ribolla are among the least productive, while those of anthracite in Belgium
are the most productive, and where there is no differential rent capitalism can never invest in
more expensive installations to increase production and safeguard miners lives, unlike in the
With todays economy nor is it permitted to close those mines, which remain in the condition of
the white horse that never sees the light of day and which communicates with a strange
language of darkness with the two miners condemned with him by bourgeois society which
Now there is a supernational Coal Community[5], like the iron and steel one, among the states
which have nationalised the underground wealth in parallel with Italy. So, according to the fascist
school, we have reached the outer bounds of ultramonopoly to fix on a scale of differential rent,
low at Ribolla and Marcinelle, an absolute rent base. But this will certainly remain insufficient to
When the burnt out electrical wiring in the pits caused fire to break out, not only did the
machinery and the bodies of the men burn, but also the coal of the precious, albeit poor,
geological deposit. It burnt because the tunnels the men dug bring in oxygen from the air, which
is why old tunnels are sealed off with concrete walls. Thus there was the technical alternative:
send down oxygen for those who were dying and their foolhardy rescuers, or close it because
every ton of oxygen consumes about half a ton of coal. The miners shouted at the specialised
technicians brought from Germany: you havent come to save our workmates, but the mine! The
solution, if the maddened shouts of the survivors had not been raised too high would have been
Without oxygen everything falls silent: the oxidisation of coal and the analogous process in man,
Besides, and it's not the revolutionary press which says so!, according to a very old tradition
which is certainly even older that the capitalist social system, until the miner emerges, living or
dead, from the terrible mouth of the mine, the system continues to pay his full wages, even triple
time. The miner has to stay down only eight hours, so if he does not come up then, it is
supposed that he is working another shift. When the corpse is pulled out and identified, the shift
ends and the family will only receive a pension, less than the sum for singletime shift working. It
is therefore important that the company (private, state or community) brings out the bodies all
the same. It seems that this is the reason why the women shouted that the closed coffins on
which were placed a few recognisable objects for identification did not allow them to see if they
Get all the survivors out, then close the entrance forever! Commodity society will never be able
to say this, so it fogs the issue with enquiries, funeral masses, the bonds of fraternity in which
one can discern only the fraternity of the chain gang, crocodile tears and promises of legislation
and administration to attract others without reserves to ask to take their places in the funereal
lift cages hats off to technology! It is difficult to change the type of cultivation after a long period,
and the theory of rent prohibits leaving the last, the most dangerous, mine closed. It is this theory
which dictates to a slave and usurer society the maximum rhythm in the mad worldwide dance
of the coal business, it being precisely the geological limits to its future horizon which, as they
narrow, thrust it into the monopoly economy, into the massacre of the producer, into thieving
The detective story of Marcinelle touched the worlds soul. For how many more eight hour shifts
would the missing in the heart of the earth, like those yesterday at the bottom of the Atlantic,
consume wealth from the civil bourgeois economy, which from every pulpit shouts its glorious
thrust towards a greater wellbeing? When will one at last be able to take them off the wage
The Suez Canal
Blood did not flow, and it was clear from the very first that it would not flow for the third act of the
bourgeois trilogy of the August Bank Holiday, which shaded with dark deeds the rosiest of
bourgeois festivities, the holiday, the vacation, the emptiness in the emptiness of this world of
We could never credit it that there is a single marxist who for one second saw in Nasser a new
historical protagonist, and the world in consternation and turned upside down by a simple
gesture, by a bold discovery of the latest little caesar, or pharaoh, as the case may be? What a
man! He cracked the whip over France, England and America with the skill of a genius: the
nationalisation of the canal! All this done by changing the guard from King Farouk, who could
only ship million dollar odalisques, to a simple colonel who could get into the knickers of
The problem of Suez too can be understood if we take the colonel as, leaving off now with
Suez was a still honourable, even glorious, operation of the young bourgeoisie, alongside those
considered as epochal by the Communist Manifesto. Perhaps it was one of the last. When the
encore was attempted at Panama, it swiftly collapsed into the filth of hyperscandal, and Old
Lesseps could have been a follower of SaintSimon and the idea of the Suez Canal was
accepted a century ago as a socialist one. He cheered the utopianists, but undoubtedly, as in the
marxist conception, the enterprise of capitalism aimed at linking the world and its farflung
corners are to be considered as premises for its socialist transformation. The idea of a canal
goes back to Napoleon I who had technical studies made, backed, according to some, by the
philosopher and great mathematician Liebnitz. It is no chance event that Napoleon attempted his
destruction of English maritime and imperial domination right there in Egypt. But even older
civilisations had thought of the work: Senwosret, pharaoh of Egypt, even got round to performing
it, and if Herodotus is correct, 120,000 workers died in the attempt made by another pharaoh.
The Caliphs abandoned the idea, put off by the fear that they would open the way to the
Byzantine fleet. After the discovery of the sea route to India in the fifteenth century, it was the
The work lasted from 1859 to 1868, employing mainly French and Ottoman capital, facing
English hostility. The graveyards of the white and Arab workers were notorious the English
denounced the enlisting of thousands of impoverished fellahs as slavery and the case was
decided by Napoleon III. The French engineers of the time, who were fighters and not just
businessmen, freed of the army of navvies, then employed huge machines and undertook the
task. The concession offered by the Egyptian government should have been for 99 years from
the day the canal was opened. During this period, it should have received fifteen percent of the
companys profits. It is not the place to repeat here the story of the business manoeuvres and
international stockjobbing by which the Viceroys of Egypt, subjects of the Sultan in
Constantinople, were defrauded of their rights to a portion of the shares which passed by various
Nevertheless it was a concession and the property of the whole works, several times enlarged
One should be extremely wary of dealing with right in this struggle between buccaneers and
What is important are the economic concepts. The initial capital was 200 million French Gold
The present value of the shares, leaving aside their thirty per cent fall after Nassers decree,
which nevertheless assured their prominence on the stock market, (one should then say on the
day of the decree) the capital of the Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez is quoted
at 70 million, or 90 billion French Francs. The valuations are not at the exchange rate: in US
Dollars they are 200 million, for the former, and 250 million for the latter, and in Italian Lira 120
Last years company takings were 35 billion French Francs with a profit of a good 16 billion: 45
per cent! In Lira about 55 and 25. But Nasser valued them at 100 million Dollars! 60 billion Lira
Such great fruitfulness cannot all be the profit of industrial capital, apart from its already declared
amortisation, which seems to be covered by huge reserves formed by the company heads. It is
not a productive concern. The ships of passage pay a toll of 300 to 600 Lira per ton deadweight,
but they do not take away anything saleable on the open market payment for a service, not for
goods. Obviously the maintenance, caretaking, management and administrative costs of the
canal represent a very small part of the takings. The rest is rent. It is absolute in that it is derived
from a monopoly which could close Suez or Port Said. It is, moreover, differential in that it
represents the navigation costs via the worse route, the endless rounding of the Cape of Good
Who collects this rent? The landlord of the land through which the canal was cut, without the
permission of whom one would not have been able to open the first excavations in 1859. This
question of property becomes a question of sovereignty for Nasser. For us, this terminology is
without meaning. For us marxists, rent goes to whoever makes a monopoly work. This is not
even antijuridical in classical Roman law theory the basis of ownership is occupation. The
By this standard, the English are silly and equally foolish is Nasser. The former kept garrison
troops in the canal zone to defend it until a few years back. In fact, during the two world wars,
German ships and those of her allies were not allowed to pass. London was about to close the
door during the ItalianEthiopian War and Mussolini had his finest moment he blackmailed the
English by demonstrating his willingness to attack the Mediterranean fleet. But one cannot be led
to believe that those who play the fool can also make history the candidate for the lunatic
Could the English dream of withdrawing the garrison and keeping the rent? Could the French
Greater silliness lies on the Egyptian side who thought that sovereignty was their ace of spades,
taking this in its metaphysical sense in which the sovereignty of a tiny country weighs the same
Nasser had wagered on Russia, one of the giants. It is for this that we consider him a fool. The
newspapers published on the eve of the London Conference that the Russians at their Twentieth
Congress, in front of Shepilov, marvellous to behold in his coat and tails, had abandoned
another of Stalins mistaken theories, that of the international political predominance of large
states over smaller ones[6], and declared for the liberation of the latter from the function of
subject, satellite or vassal states. Oh poor little states! This is not a theory created by Stalin,
which Stalin can have the passing whim of abandoning, or that his willreaders can put out of the
way! Nor can the little Cairo Colonel put a new theory in its place: the holy sovereignty of the
statelets, even the pocket handkerchief ones. For (this is the biggest laugh) America is bound to
accept a similar theory, and even puts forward itself, or Russia, as champion of the opposing
The fact and the historical law is that the big states carve up the world at their pleasure, with
general war or with (God forbid it) peaceful coexistence between them (the big fish) and that the
small states are like soft plasticine for world relief maps in their hands. They have dominated
history for millennia, for two centuries of European history above all, and in a striking manner in
the last two great wars, only the seating of some of the big fish changes: Japan and Germany,
Nasser did not go to the conference. So be it. But London must have frightened him just
because Russia sat there. Russia defends the same principal as the others: who gives a damn
about sovereignty over the two banks of these world routes which are nodes in the international
trade network? Since there ceased to be a single imperial dominator, as when Albion made its
way (for us it is life as well as a way, the undeformed Mussolini replied) along the Mediterranean
and all the Mediterraneans, the dominators have been the three or four big guns in turn, for
whom Nasser counts less than a corporal. They, or whoever wins the next (twenty years off)
third world war, will give Suez to him, without counting a red cent if little Egypt had fought with the
Hitler, an expression of rather more serious forces, was urged by them to make a huge thrust as
far as Crete. The aim and place were Suez he came to understand (or someone did for him)
that the goal was more Suez than Dunkirk, from which they held back. Big does not eat big.
To You, Old Mole!
These twenty years will pass and shall we little animalmen, we tricked and intoxicated
consumers, we makers of increasingly unpleasant and useless efforts, let them pass seated in
front of the radio or the screen to hear humbug and tittletattle from technicians, experts,
specialists, managers, diplomats, politicians, scoundrels and adventurers, without having learnt
anything, or forgetting more and more what the working class already well knew at the time the
Good, very good, then that the isthmuses have been crossed with huge cuts (Suez remains the
longest, if not the most complex, at 160 kilometres twice Panama) and that the network of
international links circles and circles again the mercantile world of convenient capitalism, like that
of the retarius which immobilised the barbarian gladiator for the coup de grace. A missing
proletariat now tears up the Internationals, but capital is condemned to rebuild them across
oceans and continents. Well, very well, then that the great powers are very few and leave in blind
impotence the small and numerous, wrapping them in the other inextricable, unslackening net of
falsity, lies, fraud and philistine and bigoted obscurantism, under the false glitter which has
become unsupportable for its stench, of technology, science, philanthropy and the drive towards
wellbeing. Good, then that the centres of this school of superstition and corruption are ever
While they propagate their false beliefs of all their countries and religions rereading to us with
false puritanism and obscene blasphemy their bibles of Christ, Mammon and Demos, we too
can repeat our classical verses and demonstrate that we have known since before the canal
was cut that the result would have been a dizzying concentration of wealth and power, imperial
totalitarianism, monopolistic oppression, the Party state, the holy alliance of the capitalist
monsters, all the more reinforced by the world wars. Good, the dictatorship of Capital, of
Militarism, of Business, of Fascism, is blessed endlessly by priests of every denomination. Let
But the revolution is thorough. It is still journeying through purgatory. It does its work
methodically. (...) it had completed one half of its preparatory work it is now completing the other
half. First it perfected the parliamentary power, in order to be able to overthrow it. Now it has
attained this, it perfects the executive power, reduces it to its purest expression, isolates it, sets
it up against itself as the sole target, in order to concentrate all its forces of destruction against it.
And when it has done this second half of its preliminary work, Europe will leap from its seat and
With the historical radar of Marxs theories, on whose screen observers who have not
swallowed the alcohol of the intoxicating bourgeois ideology cannot read lies, in the fog of the
depths off Nantacket, in the dark of the walled tomb of the living in Marcinelle, in the bitterness of
the slime of the stagnant ponds of the Arabian Desert, while the forces of the Revolution seem to
be hiding and Great Capital carouses in the bright sunlight, we have again found, at his
inexhaustible work, the Old Mole who undermines the curse of the infamous social forms, who

[4] Cf. il programma comunista nos. 213, 1953 and 112, 1954. The series is republished as
[6] Reference to the Russian Foreign Minister at the conference to settle the Suez affair, The
Twentieth Party Congress was in February 1956. The Suez affair was finally settled in Rome in
[7] The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon in Marx Engels Collected Works Vol. XI,

Doctrine of the Body Possessed by the Devil

It is vital to be quite clear about the question of state capitalism in order to reset the compasses
We have managed to gather many contributions to this question from the range of traditional
concepts of the marxist school that show that state capitalism is not only the latest aspect of the
bourgeois world, but that its forms, even complete ones, are very old and correspond with the
very emergence of the capitalist type of production. They served as the main factors in primitive
accumulation and long preceded the fictitious and conventional environment of private
enterprise, of free initiative and other fine things which are found far more in the field of apology
As we have already said, there are many groups in the camp of the left communist antistalinists
who do not see things in this way. We say to them, on the basis of earlier texts, for example:
Wherever it may be, wherever there is the economic form of the market, capitalism is a social
And let us add the formula which, for us, expresses very well the most recent aspects of the
world economy: State capitalism is not a subjugation of capitalism to the state, but a firmer
These groups, however, find the terms of the first thesis were: correct until 1900, the epoch of
the opening of imperialist expansion and, as such, remain up to date, but are incomplete when
the evolution of capitalism gave to the state the function of taking over the final moments of such
And they continue by saying that we will be latecomers in the world of economic culture if we
fail to understand that where this thesis fails to fit in with history, it ceases to be marxist, and if
we do not request the addition of the study of the state economy to Marxs analysis, taking this
from texts written by the powerful personality of the economist Kaiser.[3] A bad habit! A text
which seeks to establish given relations between things and facts is checked against things and
facts and not against the signature on the book, which is based on the more or less powerful or
Personalities? Stick them up your Kaiser as far as we are concerned! And if in 1950 the idol of
private enterprise is corroded, we well know that Sir Karl reduced this to minute fragments a
good century ago: you see we know this because we are stubborn latecomers, lazy in reading
In Marxism, the concept of private initiative does not exist: look down at the compass dial, not up
to heaven like the person who hears paradoxes (paradox something which common sense
We have said in thousands of speeches of propaganda that the socialist programme is for the
abolition of private property of the means of production, which is borne out by Marxs Critique of
the Gotha Programme and Lenin on Marx. We said property and not private economy. The
precapitalist economy was private, or individual. Property is a term which does not indicate a
purely economic relationship, but also a legal one and brings into discussion not just the
productive forces, but also the relations of production. Private property means private right
sanctified by bourgeois legal codes: it brings us to the state and to power, a matter of force and
violence in the hands of a class. Our old and valid formula means nothing if it does not already
contain the concept that in order to overcome the capitalist economy, the juridical and state
These basic concepts should suffice to reject the insidious content of the following thesis: the
social programme is enacted when individual property becomes state property, when the factory
Let us be quite clear, the groups with which we are in dispute do not state that state capitalism is
already socialism, but fall into saying that it is a third and new form between private capitalism
and socialism. They say in fact that there are two distinct periods: that in which the state has
more of the older policing function than that of involvement in the economy, and that in which it
gives the maximum power to the exercise of force specifically to protect the economy
centralised in it. We say that in these two formulae, which are more or less faithfully
reproduced, and even more so the two historical periods, that capitalism is the same, the ruling
class is the same, and the historical state is the same. The economy is the entire social field in
which production and distribution occur and includes the men participating in this: the state is a
specific organisation acting in the social field, and the state in the capitalist period has always
had the function of policeman and protector of the interests of a class and a type of production
corresponding historically with this class. The state concentrating the economy within itself is an
incongruous formula. For marxism, the state is always present in the economy its power and
legal violence are economic factors from first to last. One can best explain it this way: in certain
cases, the state, with its administration, assumes the management of industrial concerns and if
it assumes the management of all of them, then it will have centralised the management of the
concerns, but not of the economy. Especially so long as distribution takes place with money
prices (that these are fixed officially does not matter) the state is a firm among firms, a
contractor among contractors all the worse in that it considers as firms each of its national
enterprises, as with the Labourites, Churchillians and Stalinists. Getting away from this situation
The problem is posed better in an interesting bulletin published by the comrades of the Groupe
franais de la gauche communiste internationale[4] of which with great pleasure we do not
know the names and personalities. Sensible questions are asked on the problem which deserve
further development, and the problem is posed in contrast to the vision of the noted Chaulieu
group, which is influenced by the theory of decadence and of the transition from capitalism to
barbarism which inspires in them, however, the same horror as that of the bureaucratic
regimes. A theory in which one does not know what on earth the compasses are indicating until
they prattle about marxism. There are elements in the internal bulletin of our movement[5] on the
decadence of capitalism where we deal with the false theory of the descending curve. Without
any haughtiness scientifically speaking, it is only foolishness to tell a story which reads: Oh
capitalism, grab us, swindle us, reduce us to a worn out old dog not worth a kick in the ribs, we
As for barbarism, it is the opposite of civilisation and so of bureaucracy. Our barbarian
ancestors, lucky them, did not have organisational apparatuses based (old Engels!) on two
elements a defined ruling class and a defined territory. There was the clan, the tribe, but still
not the civitas. Civitas means city and also state. Civilisation is the opposite of barbarism and
means state organisation, therefore necessarily bureaucracy. More state means more
civilisation means more bureaucracy, while class civilisations follow one upon the other. This is
what marxism says. It is not the return to barbarism, but the start of supercivilisation, which is
duping us everywhere, that the monsters of contemporary state superorganisations dominate.
But let us leave the members of Socialisme ou barbarie to their existential crisis. The bulletin we
quoted refutes them in an article with the correct title: Deux ans de bavardage: Two years of
Let us come to the balanced formula with which the French comrades formulated the question
the definition of the ruling class of the state capitalist countries, the exactitude or insufficiency of
The conclusion presented by this group is correct: stop presenting the bureaucracy as an
autonomous class, perfidiously warmedup within the proletariat, and instead consider it as a
huge apparatus linked to a given historical situation in the worldwide evolution of capitalism.
Here we are on the right track. The bureaucracy, which all class societies have known, is not a
class, it is not a productive force, it is one of the forms of production appropriate to a given
cycle of class rule. In certain historical phases it appears to be the protagonist on the stage we
too were about to say in the phase of decadence they are in fact prerevolutionary phases and
those of maximum expansion. Why call the society ready for the midwife of the revolution, the
obstetrician who will give birth to the new society, decadent? The pregnant woman is not
decadent, but the sterile one is. Chaulieu sees the inflated belly of capitalist society and mistakes
the inadequate skill of the obstetrician confronted with the swollen uterus with the imaginary
infertility of the pregnant woman. They accuse the Kremlin bureaucracy of giving us a stillborn
socialism due to their abuse of power, while the fault lies in not having taken up the forceps of
the revolution to open up the belly of EuropeAmerica, driven by flourishing capital accumulation,
and having made a useless effort on an infertile womb. And perhaps only on an infertile womb,
Let us go on to the purely marxisteconomic point after this brief clarification. The statement
capitalism heir to the liberal revolutions, which correctly made the central point, contains the
precise historical thesis: capitalism has a cycle, a single class course, from the bourgeois to the
proletarian revolution, and it cannot be split into several cycles without renouncing revolutionary
marxism. But, it must be said, as it is said a little further on, capitalism appeared from the
bourgeois (not liberal) revolutions or, better still, antifeudal revolutions. In fact liberalism
became the goal and motive of these revolutions, their general idea, only through bourgeois
apologetics. Marx rejected this and for him the historical goal of these revolutions is the
Only in that sense is the abbreviated formulation correct. It is quite clear: capital can easily get
rid of liberalism without changing its nature. And this is also clear: the direction of the
degeneration, the degeneration of the revolution in Russia does not pass from the revolution for
communism to the revolution for a developed kind of capitalism, but to a pure capitalist
revolution. It runs in parallel with worldwide capitalist domination which, by successive steps,
eliminates old feudal and Asiatic forms in various zones. While the historical situation in the
seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries caused the capitalist revolution to take liberal
The difference is not due to basic qualitative variations of capitalism, but to the huge diversity in
quantitative development, as with the intensity in each metropole, and the diffusion over the
The fact that capitalism decreasingly adopts for its conservation, just as for its development and
enlargement, liberal chitchat and ever increasingly uses police methods and bureaucratic
suffocation, when the historical line is clearly seen, does not cause the slightest hesitation over
the certainty that the same means must serve in the proletarian revolution. It will make use of
this violence, power, state and bureaucracy, despotism as the Manifesto called it with a yet more
The surgeon does not put down the blood stained lancet before the new life has emerged and
Does not the basic form of capitalism disappear with the disappearance of the private individuals
who, as owners of factories, organise production? This is the objection in the economic field
The capitalist is named a hundred times by Marx. Besides, the word capital comes from the
word caput, meaning head, and so traditionally capital is any wealth linked, intestate, to any
singular titular person. However, the thesis to which we have dedicated expositions for a long
time doesnt contain anything new, but only explains, remaining true, that the marxist analysis of
Let us take the so called classic capitalism of the free factory. Marx always put these in
quotation marks, they in fact characterise the bourgeois school he fought and destroyed with his
One naturally supposes that Mr. X, the first capitalist to appear, had a sum of money to hand.
Good. Entire sections of Marxs work reply with the question: how come? The replies vary: theft,
robbery, usury, black marketeering or, as we have seen more than a few times, royal charter or
So X, instead of stashing his gold coins in a sack, so as to run his fingers through them every
night, acts as a citizen imbued with liberal and humanitarian social ideals. He nobly faces the
Second element, acquisition of raw materials, the classic raw cotton bales, of so many little
Fourth element, technical organisation and management. The classic capitalist looks after this
himself. He has studied, gone on trips and journeys and has thought out new systems to work
the bales and, by producing thread in quantity, cuts costs. He will dress cheaply yesterdays
Fifth element, the workers at the looms. They do not have to bring an ounce of raw cotton or a
single spare spool that happened in the semibarbaric times of individual production. But at the
same time there will be trouble if they remove a single thread of cotton to patch their trousers.
Through the combination of these elements, one achieves the one that is the motive and the
reason for the whole process: the mass of yarn or textiles. The essential fact is that only the
Always the same old story. Yes, you know the little sum the cost of the raw cotton, something
for the wear and tear on plant and machinery, the workers wages. Receipts: the price of the
product sold. This is greater than the sum of the costs and the difference constitutes the profit
It matters little that the capitalist does what he likes with the money he gets back he could do
that with his original cash already without manufacturing anything. The important fact is that after
restocking in everything to the level of his original investment, he still has a mass of money on
hand. He could consume it himself, certainly. But socially he cannot, and something forces him
Marx says that the life cycle of capital consists only in its movement as value perpetually set in
motion so as to multiply itself. The desire of the person of the capitalist is not required in this, nor
would he be able to impede it. Economic determinism not only obliges the worker to sell his
labour time, but similarly the capitalist to invest and accumulate. Our criticism of liberalism does
not consist in saying there is a free class and a slave class. There is an exploited one and a
The process is therefore not within the factory, but is social and can only be understood as such.
Already in Marx there is the hypothesis of the separation of the various elements from the person
of the capitalist entrepreneur, which is substituted with a share participation in the profit margin
of the productive enterprise. Firstly, the money can be got from a lender, a bank, who receives
periodic interest. Secondly, in such a case the materials acquired with that money are not really
the property of the entrepreneur, but of the financier. Thirdly, in England the owner of a building,
house or factory may not be the owner of the land on which it stands: thus houses and factories
can be rented. Nothing prohibits the same for looms and other machinery and tools. Fourth
element, the entrepreneur may lack technical and administrative managerial capacities, he hires
engineers and accountants. Fifth element, workers wages evidently their payment too is made
The strict function of the entrepreneur is reduced to that of having seen that there is a market
demand for a certain mass of products which have a sale price above the total cost of the
preceding elements. Here the capitalist class is restricted to the entrepreneurial class, which is a
social and political force, and the principal basis of the bourgeois state. But the strata of
entrepreneurs does not coincide with that of money, land, housing and factory owners and
There are two basic forms and points required to recognise capitalism. One is that the right of
the productive enterprise to dispose of the products and the sales proceeds (controlled prices or
requisitions of commodities do not impair the right to such proceeds) is unimpaired and
unimpairable. What guards this central right in contemporary society is from the outset a class
monopoly, it is a structure of power, and the state, the judiciary and police punish whoever
breaks this norm. Such is the condition for enterprise production. The other point is that the
social classes are not isolated one from another. There are no longer, historically speaking,
castes or orders. Belonging to the landed aristocracy was something that lasted more than one
lifespan, as the title was handed down through the generations. Ownership of buildings or large
finances lasts on average at least a lifespan. The average period of personal membership of a
given individual to the ruling class tends to become even shorter. For this reason we are
concerned about the extremely developed form of capital, not the capitalist. This director does
not need fixed people. It finds and recruits them wherever it wants and changes them in ever
Here we cannot demonstrate that Lenins parasitic capitalism does not mean that power lies
more in the hands of the financial capitalists than in those of the industrial capitalists. Capitalism
could not spread and expand without growing more complicated and progressively separating
into the various elements which enter into the competition for speculative gain: finance,
technology, equipment, administration. The tendency is for the largest margin and social control
to slip from the grasp of positive and active elements to become concentrated in the hands of
This latter, with his habitual prudence, took in hand the INA scandal[8]. What he said is
interesting: I cannot say what happened during fascism because I was in America, but where
these things are the order of the day, many others may come to light! We can be sure of it. The
capitalist parasitism of contemporary Italy beats that of Mussolini, and both remain childs play in
INA had huge finances because it collected all the workers social security contributions, like
other similar state institutions with their well known initials. It pays slowly so its safes are stuffed
with ready cash. It therefore has the right (since it has no head, no body and no soul it is for
good reason that we are in the civilisation of habeus corpus) not to let such wealth lie idle, so it
employs and invests it. What good luck for the modern entrepreneur! He is the capitalist without
The bad business, the clever Sicilian priest says (those in the gallery yearn soon to make an
What the hell are front companies? Some types, versed in business who have luxurious offices
and have crept into the economic and political outer offices, who do not have a penny or
registered stock or buildings to their names, (they do not even rent houses, but live in big hotels,
they know Vanoni[9] backwards, but Vanoni does not know them[10])plan a given deal and
register a company with the plan as its sole asset. INA, or some similar body, will give it the
money and if some special law is required, let us say for raising cocks in old army bases, a
problem is hastily brought to the attention of national leaders, especially by a forceful speech on
In fact, once the common impresario went to the bank to borrow money to use in the business
planned. The bank replied: good, here it is, where are your securities? Out with your property and
other titles... But a staterun organisation does not have these trifling needs: the national good is
enough for it to pull out the cash. The rest of the tale tells itself. If the old impresario with his plan
and production project created not cocks but cockups, he was finished he did not get his
Our front company with its brilliant general staff does not live in this fear: if it produces cocks,
they are sold to poultry farmers for a good price, money is earned. If, supposing it does not
produce cocks or no one wants cocks, no matter handouts, indemnities and profit shares
We have explained what state capitalism (or the economy centralised in the state) means by this
small and banal example. It should be said that INAs loss is shared by all the poor unfortunates
State capitalism is finance concentrated in the state at the disposal of passing wheelerdealers
of enterprise initiative. Never has free enterprise been so free as when the profit remained but
The state alone can print as much money as it wants and can deal with the forger. The
progressive expropriation of small owners and capitalist concentration in successive historical
forms is based on this initial principal of force. We have with reason repeatedly stated that no
economy in which firms present accounts and exchange is carried out in money, can avoid such
The power of the state is therefore based on the convergent interests of these profiteers
benefiting from speculative plans of firms and from their web of deepseated international
How can these states not lend capital to those gangs which never settle their debts with the
state except by forcing the exploited classes to pay up? There is the proof that these
capitalising states are in chronic debt to the bourgeois class, or if you want fresh proof, it lies in
The socialist administration of a centralised economy would not provide outside takings to any
Capital is only concentrated in the state for the convenience of surplusvalue and profit
manoeuvring. It remains available to all or available to the components of the entrepreneurial
class no longer simply production entrepreneurs, but openly business entrepreneurs they no
The capitalist as person no longer serves in this capital lives without him but with its same
function multiplied 100 fold. The human subject has become useless. A class without members
to compose it? The state not at the service of a social group, but an impalpable force, the work
of the Holy Ghost or of the Devil? Here is Sir Charless irony. We offer the promised quotation:
By turning his money into commodities which serve as the building materials for a new product,
and as factors in the labour process, by incorporating living labour into their lifeless objectivity,
the capitalist simultaneously transforms value, i.e. past labour in its objectified and lifeless form,
into capital, value which can perform its own valorisation process, an animated monster which

[4] A bulletin issued in September 1951 by the group that later became the French section of the
International Communist Party. Chaulieu = Castoriadis, a founder of the group Socialisme ou
[5] Il rovesciamento della prassi now in Partito e classe (Milan, 1972) pp. 1201, 130. This
theory (of the descending curve) comes from gradualist reformism: there are no drops, shaking
[7] Publishers Note Bordigas use of the term labour time is perhaps a slip of the pen. Basic
for Marx is that despite the appearance that workers are paid for their labour or labour time, they
actually sell and receive payment for their labour power their capacity to labour. The value of
this labour power is its cost of reproduction: the value of the means of subsistence necessary
for the maintenance of its owner. (Capital Vol. I, p 274) While the wage form gives the
appearance that all a workers labour is paid for, for Marx part of workers labour time reproduces
the value of their labour power and is thus paid and the rest of it is surplus to this and thus is
[8] Don Sturzo: former priest, leader of the catholic right in the Christian Democrats, opposed to
corruption in the party and the state. INA (Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni) launched in 1912
to become the state monopoly, liberal opposition led to it being made into a state body but
maintaining greater autonomy and a more strikingly private type of internal structure than state
bodies (Candeloro Storia dell Italia moderna, Milan, 1974, Vol. VII, p. 307). It could therefore
[11] Capital Vol. I, p. 302. The final quotation from Goethes Faust, is more correctly translated as

The Spirit of Horsepower

The main aim of our considerations of various subjects which makes it indispensable to
continually repeat the facts remembered from basic theorems, even better if its with the same
words and phrases is the criticism of the frenzy around the unforeseen and deformed forms
of very modern capitalism which supposedly compel a reconsideration of the bases of the
This false position can easily be related to the refusal to recognise, or even with a total ignorance
The whole discussion now underway on revolutionary forms in Russia and China boils down to
the judgement to be made of the historical phenomenon of the appearance of industrialism and
mechanisation in huge areas of the world previously dominated by landed and precapitalist
Constructing industrialism and mechanising things is supposedly the same as building socialism
Classically, marxism historically identifies mechanisation with capitalism. The difference
between the employment of mechanical forces in a capitalist society and in a socialist one is not
quantitative, it does not lie in the fact that technical and economic management passes from
restricted circles to a complete circle. It is qualitative and consists in the total overthrow of the
capitalist characteristics of the use of machines by human society, something much more
thoroughgoing and which consists in a relationship between men in opposition to the cursed
Three historical forms: industrialism in autonomous enterprises, industrialism in increasingly
concentrated enterprises and then commonly managed enterprsies, socialism all three were
foreseen and described by Marx from the very start. Nothing has occurred which was
unforeseen and which lies beyond the bounds of the analysis which outlined this once and for all.
Damn those who talk about dogmas. There has yet to be a renegade who did not use this word.
Man and the machine
John Stuart Mill, one of the prophets of capital, stated in his classic Principles of Political
Economy (London, 1821) that it remained to be seen if mechanical inventions had lightened the
labour of any human being. Marx sets out from this quotation in his study of mechanisation. For
the first time in the field of the social sciences the discussion began with a radical shifting of the
way the arguments were formulated. The question as to whether the machine was a blessing or
a curse would at best remain a nice theme for literature. Marx concentrates on and immediately
orientates the question to the capitalist use of machines. Such a use is in no way aimed at the
reduction of the labour of the human species. Like every other instrument for increasing the
productivity of labour, machinery is intended to cheapen commodities and, by shortening the part
of the working day in which the worker works for himself, to lengthen the other part, the part he
gives to the capitalist for nothing. This rigorous definition (at the beginning of Capital, Volume I,
Chapter 15) as ever contains within it, and one can easily see this, the communist programme.
Will we do without machines and so punish them for performing such swindles? The opposite is
the case: in the first period we will use them as and when we can so as to raise production
costs and to reduce the amount of time in which the worker works for the capitalist, and then
later to increase the productive capacity of labour, but not in order to have lunatic quantities of
Always testing the antimetaphysical method, the footnote on this page is delightful on the
Mill should have said, of any human being not fed by other peoples labour, for there is no doubt
So if the thesis that machines were indispensable for arriving at the communist revolution is
marxist, the commonplace of the marxist apology for modern mechanisation is the effect of a
Marx stated that the starting points of the industrial revolution in the mode of production are
labour power in manufacturing and instruments of labour in large factories. Labour power is the
workers, which even in manufacturing take up tools and thus have instruments of labour. Let us
patiently follow the text in the analysis of the characteristics of the new instrument of labour
which we can call the machine. We come to understand that the capitalist social and political
revolutions occurring before the eighteenth century, that is, when the instrument of labour was
prevalently a hand tool and not a machine, determined social relations of labour power (of
workers) and political relations which were necessarily and predictably different to those of the
capitalist industrial revolutions (Russia, China) of the twentieth century in which the instrument of
labour is mechanical on a gigantic scale. They nevertheless remain historically capitalist and
bourgeois revolutions. An orgy of mechanisation is one thing, the building of socialism another.
Even in these cases let us jump ahead a little the arrival of the machinegod inevitably
brought the bourgeois system of factory autocracy and the worship of commodity production.
This is historically going in the opposite direction to that to be taken by the socialist revolution
which we await, as did Marx, with the same forms which we find described in our Bible Capital.
That progress made in instruments of labour is available to all above and beyond frontiers and a
series of generations is not our precious discovery. Science belongs to all, but today only to all
Science, generally speaking, costs the capitalist nothing, a fact that by no means prevents him
from exploiting it. Alien science is incorporated by capital just as alien labour is. But capitalist
[in quotation marks in the original] appropriation and personal appropriation, whether of science
Little men, think it over for forty minutes. Marx proved the thesis with the fact that the individual
capitalist, the expropriator and exploiter, is, in many cases, a complete and utter idiot when it
comes down to technical questions. We would like to invite you no longer to be surprised by the
fact that even if in Russia there is no longer any (?) personal appropriation of others labour
(wealth), that does not mean that there is not the full capitalist appropriation of it, the Russian
capitalist state having obviously been able to appropriate for nothing western science. It therefore
had at its disposal all the mechanical and technical inventions and thus could leap over the long
development leading from the artisans workshop through independent smallscale industry but
it did not simultaneously make the fanciful leap over the capitalist historical and social form of
production. But had Marx imagined this leap to have been possible? Yes, given the condition that
the united anational revolutionary forces had available comparable territories, one of fully
developed industrialism (e.g. Germany), the other of as yet undeveloped industrialism (e.g.
Russia). Lacking this particular relation, there must intervene a period of capitalisms growth,
presenting itself more as an advance in geographical space than in the succession of time, as a
Work and Energy
Let us return to the little doctrine. In an organism like the Roman church that has reached two
thousand years (by now we do not think we will get rid of it earlier), the infallible pope teaches
nothing, the parish priest teaches everything. Laugh if you like, idiot, there is nothing to laugh
Marx started to define the machine with concepts from physics and went on to historical ones,
The mechanical theory of the simple machine deals with those instruments or devices that
modify into a more convenient form the energy applied to them by an agent, which may also be
the hand of man: they do not produce new energy but merely return what is put into them. They
are the lever, wedge, pulley etc. A man cannot shift a rock weighing a ton with his own strength,
but he can if he takes a long lever to it. He cannot split it into smaller parts that can be lifted, but if
Socially one can say that a simple machine is one on which one cannot base business.
Classical political economy knows that labour is value. Labour (the quantity of labour) is the
same thing as mechanical energy. The physicist says: force times distance (movement of the
rock) gives us energy. The economist says: the number of workers multiplied by their labour
time gives us value. So as long as we use only the muscle power of workers in production, the
simple machines to which can correctly be added both socially and mechanically the tools
which the independent artisan handles nothing changes. With the lever, that man moves the
rock ten metres in eight hours: eight workers without a lever would have rolled it the same
Mechanically one could say that the compound machine, meaning a greater or lesser complex of
simple machines (wheels, levers, cogs etc.), does not provide new energy, while motor
machines, which transform the heat of fuel and other forms of energy into mechanical energy do
so. Now it would be to make a present of value to permit the elimination of so much labour that
has to be performed physically by men. But it would be so only with communist mechanisation:
As long as mechanical energy is introduced so as to produce more commodities and not to
employ less human time in labour, we have to say that the transition, whatever the ideological
So Marx defined the difference between the tool of the craftsmans social period and the
machine of the capitalist period not on the basis of the use of muscle power substituted by other
energy, but by naming as machines in a social sense not only the motor machines of the various
contemporary industries and factories, but also the transmitters of energy (a series of simple
machines that add no energy) and theworking machines applied to the raw material to be
transformed and which vulgar technology calls machine tools (lathe, press, punch etc.).
Moreover, we have already reached the phase of mechanisation even when the new working
machines are not yet set in motion by mechanical energy, but by human muscle power: crank
If it were not so, Marx said, we should have to say that the machine driven by nonhuman energy
Man, in fact learnt very soon how to adopt other natural energy. A simple twoox plough is no
longer a tool, but a proper machine which allows a man to plough a greater area than that he can
But then, Marx said, Claussens circular loom, with which a single worker weaves ninetysix
picks a minute, though used by a modern, not a primitive, man, would be a tool as it is set in
motion by hand, just as is Wyatts spinning machine. They became machines only from the
moment that the former was set in motion by a motor and the latter, as from 1735, by ... a
The animal was one of the first natural energy sources used by man to help in production, and
One cannot therefore call these sporadic and scattered cases of the use of mechanical energy,
instead of human muscle power, capitalist mechanisation, but instead the introduction of the
It is this last part of the machinery, the tool or working machine, with which the industrial
revolution of the eighteenth century began. And to this day it constantly serves as the
startingpoint whenever a handicraft or a manufacture is turned into an industry carried on by
Let us take a step back. With the trade, that is, with the independent, isolated artisan worker, we
are in precapitalism, in the guildfeudal regime. With manufacture, we have already arrived at full
capitalism. The conditions noted have in fact been realised: concentration of a mass of workers,
capital in the hands of a master who can rent buildings, acquire materials and pay wages. Even
before mechanisation, simple manufacture has changed to organised manufacture with the
technical division of labour among various operations which, even with simple hand tools, are
carried out by different craftsmen on the uncontestable order of the master. This name from the
time of slavery is reborn, ignobly substituting the less hateful Sir. The Sir was a living and
The factory autocrat
We read in Marx not an apology, but an implacable indictment of the capitalist factory system.
The instruments of labour, as long as they could be handled by a single craftsmans hand, were
As we have seen, the machine does not drive out the tool. Rather does the tool expand and
multiply, changing from a dwarf implement of the human organism to the implement of a
mechanism created by man. Capital now sets the worker to work, not with a manual tool, but
The huge growth in the power of human labour is accompanied by the degradation, not the
uplifting, of the working man. The Jenny Mule was the name given to a spinning machine with
innumerable spindles. With technological progress in 1863, thanks to a motor of barely one
horsepower, two and a half workers were enough for 450 rotating spindles and produced 3666
pounds of spun cotton a week. With a hand spinningwheel, the same amount of cotton would
have required 27,000 hours instead of 150: productivity rose 180 fold! We cannot follow and
develop these comparisons Marx made here, applying them, for example, to calculating how
many navvies are replaced by digging and rolling machines imported here by the Americans
combined cooperation of many orders of work people, adult and young, in tending with
assiduous skill a system of productive machines continuously impelled by a central power
a vast automaton composed of various mechanical and intellectual organs, acting in
uninterrupted concert for the production of a common object, all of them being subordinate to a
the second is characteristic of its use by capital and therefore of the modern factory system.
The first could, however, correspond to our programme: the combined collective worker, or the
social labour body, appears as the dominant subject, and the mechanical automaton as the
the automaton itself is the subject, and the workers are merely conscious organs, coordinated
Have you heard, you liberal liberators of bodies, spirits and consciences, who accuse us of
Ure therefore prefers to present the central machine from which the motion comes as not only
an automaton but an autocrat. In these spacious halls the benignant power of steam summons
Doesn't the centrality of the concept show for the hundredth time that it is not a question of
describing capitalism, as even Stalin pretends, but of discovering the social characteristics that
In handicrafts and manufacture, the worker makes use of a tool in the factory the machine
makes use of him. ... In manufacture the workers are parts of a living mechanism. In the factory
we have a lifeless mechanism which is independent of the workers, who are incorporated into it
A further comparison of Fouriers of the factory with a mitigated gaol, which the chapter closes
with, recalls that in the galley,[8] the rowers were incorporated into the ship, chained for life to
Every kind of capitalist production[or even manufacture], in so far as it is not only a
labourprocess, but also a process of creating surplusvalue, has this in common, that it is not
the worker that employs the instruments of labour, but the instruments of labour that employ the
worker [programme: the collective socialistworker will himself dominate the instruments of his
work!]. But it is only in the factory system that this inversion for the first time acquires technical
and palpable reality. By means of its conversion into an automaton, the instrument of labour
confronts the labourer, during the labourprocess, in the shape of capital, of dead labour, that
The physical person of the individual master is thus not required, and bit by bit he disappears into
the pores of share capital, of management boards, of staterun boards, of the political state,
which has become (since a long time ago) entrepreneur and manufacturer, and into the very
latest vile form of the state which pretends to be the workers themselves and thus is able to tie
Factory despotism: only the communist revolution will tear it up by the roots when there is no
longer intoxicating involvement in struggles for political freedom and similar popular mirages,
denounced in bourgeois industrialism from its very beginning, accompanied by real class
revolutions, but made up with stinking democratic rouge. Not a syllable is to be touched of the
sentence that we have had ready formulated for ninety years, and which unfortunately is still not
... unaccompanied by either that division of responsibility otherwise so much approved of by the
bourgeoisie, or the still more approved representative system. This code is merely the capitalist
caricature of the social regulation of the labour process which becomes necessary in
cooperation on a large scale and in the employment in common of instruments of labour, and
The latest liberal phantasms autocracy and dictatorship, in life and not in the pallid legal lie, did
not begin again with Mussolini, Hitler, Franco... not even with Stalin and his proconsuls, not even
with Truman, Eisenhower and the stupid slaves of United Europe: they are a technical fact linked
to the beat of huge central generators turning on the banks of the Hudson, Thames, Moscow and
Machine and revolution
But the machine is innocent of the misery it brings with it. Here a marvellous page shows the
stupidity of the official economists who, being unable to explain the huge antagonisms springing
... machinery in itself shortens the hours of labour, but when employed by capital it lengthens
them ... in itself it lightens labour, but when employed by capital it heightens its intensity ... in
itself it is a victory of man over the forces of nature, but in the hands of capital it makes man a
slave of those forces ... in itself it increases the wealth of the producers, but in the hands of
capital it makes them into paupers ... Therefore whoever reveals the real situation with the
capitalist employment of machinery does not want machinery to be employed at all, and is an
The machine, which in the hands of the working collectivity will be a source of wellbeing and rest,
Here Marx quotes a character from Charles Dickenss famous novel Oliver Twist. It is the
Gentlemen of the jury, no doubt the throat of this commercial traveller has been cut. But that is
not my fault, it is the fault of the knife. Must we, for such a temporary inconvenience, abolish the
use of the knife? Only consider! Where would agriculture and trade be without the knife? Is it not
as salutary in surgery, as it is skilled in anatomy? And a willing assistant at the festive table? If
No. We will not fall back into total barbarism and such a risk does not worry us. We will merely
The machine will be precious tomorrow in a nonmercantile mode of production and its
appearance has been equally precious in fact for the revolutionary antagonisms which it created
There is also no doubt that those revolutionary ferments whose goal [the programme, you deaf
ones] is the abolition of the old division of labour stand in diametrical contradiction with the
capitalist form of production, and the economic situation of the workers which corresponds to
that form. However, the development of the contradictions of a given historical form of production
is the only historical way in which it can be dissolved and then reconstructed on a new basis.
Still another invective against the division of labour which communism will bury. Dialectically it
Nec sutor ultra crepidam, a phrase which was the absolute summit of handicraft wisdom,
became sheer nonsense from the moment when the watchmaker Watt invented the
And it is also with a battle cry that we close this part of Marxs work after the detailed examination
is to increase the anarchy and the proneness to catastrophe of capitalist production as a whole,
the intensity of labour [Stakhanov! Stakhanov!], and the competition of machinery with the
worker. By the destruction of smallscale and domestic industries it destroys the last resorts of
the redundant population, thereby removing what was previously a safetyvalve for the whole
social mechanism. By maturing the material conditions and the social combination of the
process of production, it matures the contradictions and antagonisms of the capitalist form of
that process, and thereby ripens both the elements for forming a new society and the forces
From horsepower to the kilowatt
Marx fully established, on the basis of the technological elements of his time, that the introduction
of mechanical motive power (better, energy) accelerates the concentration of productive
... thus artificially ripen the material elements necessary for the conversion of the manufacturing
system into the factory system, yet at the same time, because they make it necessary to lay out
a greater amount of capital, they hasten the decline of the small masters, and the concentration
We have cited many times the famous passage from the chapters on accumulation, which is
In any given branch of industry centralisation would reach its extreme limit if all the individual
capitals invested there were fused into a single capital. In a given society this limit would be
reached only when the entire social capital was united in the hands of either a single capitalist or
Engels transposed this perspective to the trusts, the monopolies and the state managers in a no
If the commodity laws themselves, confluent in the production of surplus value, provided Marx
with the basis of the demonstration, fully confirmed by history, of gigantic capitalist accumulation
in colossal amounts, the new technical forms of producing motor power have an equally
As long as we are referring to the steam engine, the first case of large scale employment of
mechanical power in production, we see that the best solution is autonomy for each factory to
produce the amount of energy required. The power station changed everything, especially after
the massive extraction of fossil fuel, made imposing in turn both by machines and by the
capitalist form of mine management (once it was largely state owned). Before then the cost per
horsepower clearly became decreasingly small as the boiler became increasingly large, and
thus there is another reason for the small factory to be subjected to the large one. Nevertheless,
All this changed enormously with the progress of electromechanisation. The advantage of
making energy into a commodity became decisive with the creation of a transmitted electrical
Ures central motor could control the working machines along with the men made slaves to
them, but within a small radius: that allowed by transmission by means of simple mechanisms
pulleys, belts, conical gears... No one had even thought it useful to distribute steam under
pressure to other machines through long ducts, the huge heat loss making such a system
Let us offer an example: supposing natural methane gas had been found before the discovery of
dynamic electricity and electrical current. This, too is a fossil fuel of organic origin, like the solid
and liquid ones. But, unlike them (the liquid one can be piped as a commodity, but not as a fuel,
for technical and economic reasons), it can be distributed through a mains system. From this
fact would have emerged the need for a close organisational link between all the factories fed by
In fact, the energy consumed by each individual factory can no longer be varied at the will of the
local management as it could cause the single power station to run out of energy or to have to
throw it away. Instead, the capitalist with the factory based on autonomous motive power could
As the whole plan of employing workers, the slaves of the machine tools, depends on that of the
energy provided, the entire social industrial mechanism falls into line with these new norms, it
Planning is not socialist!
Such an adaptation to, and the discipline of, general networks is not a change in the historical
type of production: the factory is still the factory, the worker is still the wagelabourer, the
compulsion of the factory automatons increases rather than diminishes. The general norms
from which thousands and thousands of special laws emerged is not a social revolution. It is
useless for the reader immersed in modern life to extend the comparison of motive power for
factories and plants that produce manufactured goods to the thousand other communication,
Even antiquity administered motors that were not autonomous. The domesticated animal was
undoubtedly autonomous and the farm or smallholding was all the stronger for the number of
horses or oxen it possessed. The windmill was autonomous, but, however, depended on
Not autonomous, at least not over a long tract of the same water course river or industrial
canal was the water mill. And here laws of very old states provided a clear discipline so that
no one could modify the lay out of weirs to consume more hydraulic energy than the grindstone,
for example, up or down stream. A sentence or a commission abolishing privileges in Calabria in
1810 stated inter alia: All can install hydraulic machinery as long as they do not cause any
Giacchino Murats[18] regime was extremely liberal. Imagine a modern regime as liberal as this
that says: anyone is free to install electrical machinery and to plug it into the first electrical cable
In all periods, then, public authority has had to regulate and coordinate productive activities and
energy sources, all the more so when their dependence on a single network, on the same
material flow of energy provision, became technically inevitable and there is a full parallel
between the flow from a certain head of water and that of electrons from a conductor at a given
And now then, forgetting for a moment the unfolding of particular historical episodes and the
names of the mercenaries, let us ask ourselves what a social organisation in power which had
to industrialise a still backward country would do. Naturally it would not await the repetition of a
slow development from guilds lacking work cooperation to manufacture without machine tools
to the factory with machine tools but without steam engines to large scale industry with its own
boiler. It would pass directly to the building of electrical power stations, and, as far as possible,
hydroelectric ones, using the modern methods of applied science to control water, creating
heads of water later to be distributed in given amounts, clearly fixed in a plan of the project, to
The same mercantile motive as that of competition on the world market in the acquisition of what
is indispensable for such plant thus operates for the supposed authority because every other
The pretended differences between Russian capitalism and the one which developed, let us say,
in England, France, Germany and America, thus do not consist in and do not mean a step
towards a different social form which escapes from the despotic factory system and the social
division of labour and the frantic work intensity, but instead consist in the most rapid and direct
History is there to tell us that on 2229 December 1921 at the Eighth Congress of the Soviets,
the foundations were laid for planned industrialisation, adopting the electrification programme of
Thought and history
Despite the availability to man of new powerful means provided by the domination of electrical
energy, the social law of transition from one type of production to another has not been broken.
Autonomous or centrally planned, steam or electrified, the productive mechanism under
Can the discoveries of pure and applied science emerging from the human brain change and
form the course of history? We can ask ourselves if the form of atomic power, given that in a
handful of material which is now inert there lie millions more horse power and kilowatts than in
the entire course of a huge river, permits the return to local autonomous factories and to the
liberal economy, with an analogous human ideology. That cannot happen and, besides, the
means to unleash such an eruption of energy, breaking open the first nuclei, consists in energy
from an electromechanical source at such a voltage, a thousand times higher than those of the
industrial motor which enslaves human arms and brains, that no group of capitalists, but only the
An immense path leads from the modest horse, first a beast of burden, then through horse
power, which turned the spinning machine, to the millions of volts in the huge cyclotron. But
Marx had already recalled in the section weve studied that Descartes and Bacon, for whom
work animals were machines and who were ideological precursors of capitalism, maintained
that altered methods of thought would result in an alteration in the shape of production, and
practical subjugation of nature by man. Descartes in his Discours sur la methode makes the
in place of the speculative philosophy taught in the schools, one can find a practical philosophy
by which, given that we know the powers and the effectiveness of fire water, air, the stars ... as
well and asaccurately as we know the various trades of our craftsmen, we shall be able to
employ them in the same manner as the latter to all those uses to which they are adapted ...
From Marx onwards, we have placed such a realisation at the end of the difficult historical
course, but we do not maintain that the creative forces of thought generate new productive
forces, rather that the development and conflict of social processes are reflected in the
It is therefore useless to use the will, dream or illusion or the hundred ways of deforming thought
and opinion to change the name of the fact and of the inexorable process, and to pretend that
merely by exploiting the mechanical intelligence of modern capitalism, as an obedient
Cartesian pupil who goes further than his master, one can succeed in identifying a system of
capitalist compression of man and labour with the perfection of life. For this at the present
moment in history the work of the mind is inadequate, and instead one needs another social

[19] Publishers note This passage seems to confuse nuclear fission in a reactor brought
about by bringing together a large quantity of naturally fissile material (Uranium235 or Plutonium)
in a small space so as to create a "chain reaction" with the shattering of atomic nuclei which
can be carried out by accelerating particles in a cyclotron using very high voltages, but the

The Democratic Principle

The use of certain terms in the exposition of the problems of communism very often engenders
ambiguities because of the different meanings these terms may be given. Such is the case with
the wordsdemocracy and democratic. In its statements of principle, Marxist communism
presents itself as a critique and a negation of democracy yet communists often defend the
democratic character of proletarian organizations (the state system of workers' councils, trade
unions and the party) and the application of democracy within them. There is certainly no
contradiction in this, and no objection can be made to the use of the dilemma, "either bourgeois
democracy or proletarian democracy" as a perfect equivalent to the formula "bourgeois
The Marxist critique of the postulates of bourgeois democracy is in fact based on the definition of
the class character of modern society. It demonstrates the theoretical inconsistency and the
practical deception of a system which pretends to reconcile political equality with the division of
Political freedom and equality, which, according to the theory of liberalism, are expressed in the
right to vote, have no meaning except on a basis that excludes inequality of fundamental
economic conditions. For this reason we communists accept their application within the class
In order to avoid creating ambiguities, and dignifying the concept of democracy, so entrenched in
the prevailing ideology which we strive relentlessly to demolish, it would be desirable to use a
different term in each of the two cases. Even if we do not do this, it is nonetheless useful to look
a little further into the very content of the democratic principle, both in general and in its
application to homogeneous class organs. This is necessary to eliminate the danger of again
raising the democratic principle to an absolute principle of truth and justice. Such a relapse into
apriorism would introduce an element foreign to our entire theoretical framework at the very
moment when we are trying, by means of our critique, to sweep away the deceptive and arbitrary
A theoretical error is always at the root of an error of political tactics. In other words, it is the
translation of the tactical error into the language of our collective critical consciousness. Thus
the pernicious politics and tactics of socialdemocracy are reflected in the error of principle that
presents socialism as the inheritor of a substantial part of the doctrine that liberalism opposed to
the old spiritualist doctrines. In reality, far from ever accepting and completing the critique that
democratic liberalism had raised against the aristocratic and absolute monarchies of the ancien
regime, Marxist socialism in its earliest formulations demolished it utterly. It did so not to defend
the spiritualist or idealist doctrine against the Voltairean materialism of the bourgeois
revolutionaries, but to demonstrate how the theoreticians of bourgeois materialism had in reality
only deluded themselves when they imagined that the political philosophy of the Encyclopedists
had led them out of the mists of metaphysics and idealist nonsense. In fact, like all their
predecessors, they had to surrender to the genuinely objective critique of social and historical
It is also important from a theoretical point of view to demonstrate that no idealist or neoidealist
revision of our principles is needed to deepen the abyss between socialism and bourgeois
democracy, to restore to the theory of proletarian revolution its powerfully revolutionary content
which had been adulterated by the falsifications of those who fornicate with bourgeois
democracy. It is enough merely to refer to the positions taken by the founders of Marxism in the
To return to our argument, we will show that the socialist critique of democracy was in essence
a critique of the democratic critique of the old political philosophies. Marxism denies their alleged
universal opposition and demonstrates that in reality they are theoretically similar, just as in
practise the proletariat did not have much reason to celebrate when the direction of society
passed from the hands of the feudal, monarchical and religious nobility into the hands of the
young commercial and industrial bourgeoisie. And the theoretical demonstration that the new
bourgeois philosophy had not overcome the old errors of the despotic regimes, but was itself
only an edifice of new sophisms, corresponded concretely to the appearance of the revolutionary
movement of the proletariat which contained the negation of the bourgeois claim of having
forever established the administration of society on a peaceful and infinitely perfectible basis,
The old political doctrines based on spiritualist concepts or even on religious revelation claimed
that the supernatural forces which govern the consciousness and the will of men had assigned
to certain individuals, families or castes, the task of ruling and managing the collective existence,
making them the repositories of "authority" by divine right. To this, the democratic philosophy
which asserted itself at the time of the bourgeois revolution counterposed the proclamation of the
moral, political and juridical equality of all citizens, whether they were nobles, clerics or
plebeians. It sought to transfer "sovereignty" from the narrow sphere of caste or dynasty to the
universal sphere of popular consultation based on suffrage which allowed a majority of the
The thunderbolts hurled against this conception by the priests of all religions and by spiritualist
philosophers do not suffice to give it recognition as the definitive victory of truth over obscurantist
error, even if the "rationalism" of this political philosophy seemed for a long time to be the last
word in social science and the art of politics, and even if many wouldbe socialists proclaimed
their solidarity with it. This claim that the time of "privilege" was over, once a system with its
social hierarchy based on the consent of the majority of electors had been set up, does not
withstand the Marxist critique, which throws a completely different light on the nature of social
phenomena. This claim may look like an attractive logical construction only if it is admitted from
the outset that the vote, that is, the judgement, the opinion, the consciousness of each elector
has the same weight in delegating power for the administration of the collective business. It is
already evident that this conception is unrealistic and unmaterialist because it considers each
individual to be a perfect "unit" within a system made up of many potentially equivalent units, and
instead of appraising the value of the individual's opinion in the light of his manifold conditions of
existence, that is, his relations with others, it postulates this value a priori with the hypothesis of
the "sovereignty" of the individual. Again this amounts to denying that the consciousness of men
is a concrete reflection of the facts and material conditions of their existence, to viewing it as a
spark ignited with the same providential fairness in each organism, healthy or impaired,
tormented or harmoniously satisfied in all its needs, by some undefinable supreme bestower of
life. In the democratic theory, this supreme being no longer designates a monarch, but confers
on everyone the equal capacity to do so! In spite of its rationalist front, the democratic theory
rests on a no less childish metaphysical premise than does "free will", which, according to the
catholic doctrine of the afterlife, wins men either damnation or salvation. Because it places itself
outside of time and historical contingencies, the democratic theory is no less tainted with
spiritualism than are the equally erroneous philosophies of revelation and monarchy by divine
To further extend this comparison, it is sufficient to remember that many centuries before the
French Revolution and the declaration of the rights of man and citizen, the democratic political
doctrine had been advanced by thinkers who took their stand resolutely on the terrain of idealism
and metaphysical philosophy. Moreover, if the French Revolution toppled the altars of the
Christian god in the name of Reason, it was, wittingly or not, only to make Reason into a new
This metaphysical presupposition, incompatible with the Marxist critique, is characteristic not
only of the doctrine constructed by bourgeois liberalism, but also of all the constitutional
doctrines and plans for a new society based on the "intrinsic value" of certain schemes of social
and state relations. In building its own doctrine of history, Marxism in fact demolished medieval
To these arbitrary constructions of social constitutions, whether aristocratic or democratic,
authoritarian or liberal, as well as to the anarchist conception of a society without hierarchy or
delegation of power, which is rooted in analogous errors, the communist critique opposed a
much more thorough study of the nature and causes of social relations in their complex evolution
throughout human history and a careful analysis of their characteristics in the present capitalist
epoch from which it drew a series of reasoned hypotheses about their further evolution. To this
can now be added the enormous theoretical and practical contribution of the proletarian
It would be superfluous here to develop the wellknown concepts of economic determinism and
the arguments which justify its use in interpreting historical events and the social dynamic. The
apriorism common to conservatives and utopians is eliminated by the analysis of factors rooted
in production, the economy, and the class relations they determine. This makes possible a
scientific explanation of the juridical, political, military, religious and cultural facts which make up
We will merely retrace the historical evolution of the mode of social organization and grouping of
men, not only in the state, an abstract representation of a collectivity fusing together all
The basis of the interpretation of every social hierarchy, whether extended or limited, is the
relations between different individuals, and the basis of these relations is the division of tasks
We can imagine without serious error that at the beginning the human species existed in a
completely unorganized form. Still few in number, these individuals could live from the products
of nature without the application of technology or labour and in such conditions could do without
their fellow beings. The only existing relations, common to all species, were those of
reproduction. But for the human species and not only for it these were already sufficient to
form a system of relations with its own hierarchy the family. This could be based on polygamy,
polyandry or monogamy. We will not enter into a detailed analysis here let us say only that the
family represents an embryo of organized collective life, based on a division of functions directly
determined by physiological factors, since the mother nourished and raised the children, and the
father devoted himself to the hunt, to the acquisition of plunder and to the protection of the family
In this initial phase, where production and economy are almost totally absent, as well as in later
stages when they are developing, it is useless to dwell on the abstract question of whether we
are dealing with the individualunit or the societyunit. Without any doubt, the individual is a unit
from a biological point of view, but one cannot make this individual the basis of social
organization without falling into metaphysical nonsense. From a social perspective, all the
individual units do not have the same value. The collectivity is born from relations and groupings
in which the status and activity of each individual do not derive from an individual function but
from a collective one determined by the multiple influences of the social milieu. Even in the
elementary case of an unorganized society or nonsociety, the simple physiological basis which
produces family organization is already sufficient to refute the arbitrary doctrine of the individual
as an indivisible unit free to combine with other fellow units, without ceasing to be distinct from,
yet somehow, equivalent to them. In this case, obviously the societyunit does not exist either,
since relations between men, even reduced to the simple notion that others exist, are extremely
limited and restricted to the sphere of the family or the clan. The selfevident conclusion can be
drawn in advance: the societyunit has never existed and probably never will except as a "limit"
which can be brought progressively nearer by the disappearance of the boundaries of classes
Setting out from the individualunit in order to draw social conclusions and to construct social
blueprints or even in order to deny society, is setting out from an unreal supposition which, even
in its most modern formulations, only amounts to refurbishing the concepts of religious revelation
and creation and of a spiritual life which is not dependent upon natural and organic life. The
divine creator or a single power governing the destiny of the universe has given each individual
this elementary property of being an autonomous welldefined molecule endowed with
consciousness, will and responsibility within the social aggregate, independent of contingent
factors deriving from the physical influence of the environment. Only the appearance of this
religious and idealist conception is modified in the doctrine of democratic liberalism or libertarian
individualism. The soul as a spark from the supreme Being, the subjective sovereignty of each
elector, or the unlimited autonomy of the citizen of a society without laws these are so many
sophisms which, in the eyes of the Marxist critique, are tainted with the same infantile idealism,
This conception finds its match in the equally idealist hypothesis of the perfect social unit of
social monism based on the divine will which is supposed to govern and administer the life of
our species. Returning to the primitive stage of social life which we were considering and to the
family organization discovered there, we conclude that we do not need such metaphysical
hypotheses of the individualunit and the societyunit in order to interpret the life of the species
and the process of its evolution. On the other hand, we can positively state that we are dealing
with a type of collectivity organized on a unitary basis, i.e. the family. We take care not to make
this a fixed or permanent type or to idealize it as the model form of the social collectivity, as
anarchism or absolute monarchy do with the individual. Rather we simply record the existence of
the family as the primary unit of human organization, which will be succeeded by others, which
itself will be modified in many aspects, and which will become a constituent element of other
collective organizations, or, one may suppose, will disappear in very advanced social forms. We
do not feel at all obliged to be for or against the family in principle, any more than, for example,
for or against the state. What does concern us is to grasp the evolutionary direction of these
types of human organization. When we ask ourselves whether they will disappear one day, we
do so objectively, because it could not occur to us to think of them as sacred and eternal, or as
pernicious and to be destroyed. Conservatism and its opposite (i.e. the negation of every form of
Thus leaving aside the traditional opposition between the categories individual and society, we
follow the formation and the evolution of other units in our study of human history: organized
human collectivities, broad or restricted groupings of men with a hierarchy based on a division of
functions, which appear as the real factors and agents of social life. Such units can in a certain
sense be compared to organic units, to living organisms whose cells, with their different
functions and values, can be represented by men or by rudimentary groups of men. However the
analogy is not complete, since while a living organism has welldefined limits and obeys the
inflexible biological laws of its growth and death, organized social units do not have fixed
boundaries and are continually being renewed, mingling with one another, simultaneously
splitting and recombining. If we dwelt on the first conspicuous example of the family unit, it was
to demonstrate the following: if these units which we are considering are clearly composed of
individuals and if their very composition is variable, they nonetheless behave like organic and
integral "wholes", such that to split them into individual units has no real meaning and is
tantamount to a myth. The family element constitutes a whole whose life does not depend on the
number of individuals that comprise it, but on the network of their relationships. To take a crude
example, a family composed of the head, the wives and a few feeble old men is not equal to
Setting out from the family, the first organized social form, where one finds the first example of
division of functions, the first hierarchies, the first forms of authority and the direction of
individuals' activities and the administration of things, human evolution passes through an infinite
series of other organizational forms, increasingly broad and complex. The reason for this
increasing complexity lies in the growing complexity of social relations and hierarchies born from
the everincreasing differentiation between functions. The latter is directly determined by the
systems of production that technology and science place at the disposal of human activity in
order to provide an increasing number of products suited to satisfying the needs of larger
societies evolving towards higher forms of life. An analysis which seeks to understand the
process of formation and change of different human organizations, as well as the interplay of
relations within the whole of society, must be based on the notion of the development of
productive technology and the economic relations which arise from the distribution of individuals
among the different tasks required by the productive mechanism. The formation and evolution of
dynasties, castes, armies, states, empires, corporations and parties can and must be studied
on the basis of these elements. One can imagine that at the highest point of this complex
development a kind of organized unit will appear which will encompass all of mankind and which
will establish a rational division of functions between all men. What significance and limits the
hierarchical system of collective administration will have in this higher form of human social life
To examine those unitary bodies whose internal relations are regulated by what is generally
called the "democratic principle", for reasons of simplicity we will distinguish between organized
collectivities whose hierarchies are imposed from outside and those that choose their own
hierarchy from within. According to the religious conception and the pure doctrine of authority, in
every epoch human society is a collective unit which receives its hierarchy from supernatural
powers. We will not repeat the critique of such a metaphysical oversimplification which is
contradicted by our whole experience. It is the necessity of the division of functions which gives
rise naturally to hierarchies and this is what has happened in the case of the family. As it
develops into a tribe or horde, it must organize itself in order to struggle against rival tribes.
Leadership must be entrusted to those most able to use the communal energies, and military
hierarchies emerge in response to this need. This criterion of choice in the common interest
appeared thousands of years before modern democratic electoralism in the beginning kings,
military chiefs and priests were elected. In the course of time, other criteria for the formation of
hierarchies prevailed, giving rise to caste privileges transmitted by inheritance or even by
initiation into closed schools, sects and cults. Nevertheless, in normal practice, accession to a
given rank and inheritance of that rank were motivated by the possession of special aptitudes.
We do not intend to follow here the whole process of the formation of castes and then of classes
within society. We will only say that their appearance no longer corresponds to the logical
necessity of a division of functions alone, but also to the fact that certain strata occupying a
privileged position in the economic mechanism end up monopolizing power and social influence.
In one way or another, every ruling caste provides itself with its own organization, its own
hierarchy, and likewise, economically privileged classes. To limit ourselves to one example the
landed aristocracy of the Middle Ages, by uniting itself for the defence of its common privileges
against the assaults of the other classes, constructed an organizational form culminating in the
monarchy, which concentrated public powers in its own hands to the complete exclusion of the
other layers of the population. The state of the feudal epoch was the organization of the feudal
nobility supported by the clergy. The principal element of coercion of the military monarchy was
the army. Here we have a type of organized collectivity whose hierarchy was instituted from
without since it was the king who bestowed the ranks, and in the army, passive obedience was
the rule. Every form of state concentrates under one authority the organizing and officering of a
whole series of executive hierarchies: the army, police, magistracy, bureaucracy. Thus the state
makes material use of the activity of individuals from all classes, but it is organized on the basis
of a single or a few privileged classes which appropriate the power to constitute its different
hierarchies. The other classes, and in general all groups of individuals for whom it was only too
evident that the state, in spite of its claims, by no means guaranteed the interests of everyone,
seek to provide themselves with their own organizations in order to make their own interests
prevail. Their point of departure is that their members occupy an identical position in production
As for organizations which provide themselves with their own hierarchy, if we ask what is the
best way to ensure the defence of the collective interests and to avoid the formation of privileged
strata, some will propose the democratic method whose principle lies in using the majority
Our critique of such a method must be much more severe when it is applied to the whole of
society as it is today, or to given nations, than when it is introduced into much more restricted
In the first case it must be rejected without hesitation as without foundation, since it takes no
account of the situation of individuals in the economy and since it presupposes the intrinsic
perfection of the system without taking into consideration the historical evolution of the collectivity
The division of society into classes distinguished by economic privilege clearly removes all value
from majority decisionmaking. Our critique refutes the deceitful theory that the democratic and
parliamentary state machine which arose from modern liberal constitutions is an organization of
all citizens in the interests of all citizens. From the moment that opposing interests and class
conflicts exist, there can be no unity of organization, and in spite of the outward appearance of
popular sovereignty, the state remains the organ of the economically dominant class and the
instrument of defence of its interests. In spite of the application of the democratic system to
political representation, bourgeois society appears as a complex network of unitary bodies. Many
of these, which spring from the privileged layers and tend to preserve the present social
apparatus, gather around the powerful centralized organism of the political state. Others may be
neutral or may have a changing attitude towards the state. Finally, others arise within the
economically oppressed and exploited layers and are directed against the class state.
Communism demonstrates that the formal juridical and political application of the democratic
and majority principle to all citizens while society is divided into opposed classes in relation to the
economy, is incapable of making the state an organizational unit of the whole society or the
whole nation. Officially that is what political democracy claims to be, whereas in reality it is the
form suited to the power of the capitalist class, to the dictatorship of this particular class, for the
Therefore it is not necessary to devote much time to refuting the error of attributing the same
degree of independence and maturity to the vote of each elector, whether he is a worker
exhausted by excessive physical labour or a rich dissolute, a shrewd captain of industry or an
unfortunate proletarian ignorant of the causes of his misery and the means of remedying them.
From time to time, after long intervals, the opinion of these and others is solicited, and it is
claimed that the accomplishment of this "sovereign" duty is sufficient to ensure calm and the
It is clear that the principle of democracy has no intrinsic virtue. It is not a "principle", but rather a
simple mechanism of organization, responding to the simple and crude arithmetical presumption
that the majority is right and the minority is wrong. Now we shall see if and to what extent this
mechanism is useful and sufficient for the functioning of organizations comprising more
restricted collectivities which are not divided by economic antagonisms. To do this, these
Is this democratic mechanism applicable in the dictatorship of the proletariat, i.e. in the state
form born from the revolutionary victory of rebel classes against the power of the bourgeois
states? Can this form of state, on account of its internal mechanism of the delegation of powers
and of the formation of hierarchies, thus be defined as a "proletarian democracy"? The question
should be broached without prejudice, because if although we might reach the conclusion that
the democratic mechanism is useful under certain conditions, as long as history has not
produced a better mechanism, we must be convinced that there is not the slightest reason to
establish a priori the concept of the sovereignty of the "majority" of the proletariat. In fact the day
after the revolution, the proletariat will not yet be a totally homogeneous collectivity nor will it be
the only class. In Russia for example, power is in the hands of the working class and the
peasantry, but if we consider the entire development of the revolutionary movement, it is easy to
demonstrate that the industrial proletarian class, although much less numerous than the
peasantry, nevertheless plays a far more important role. Then it is logical that the Soviet
We do not intend to examine thoroughly here the characteristics of the proletarian state
constitution. We will not consider it metaphysically as something absolute, as reactionaries do
the divine right of the monarchy, liberals, parliamentarism based on universal suffrage, and
anarchists, the nonstate. As it is an organization of one class destined to strip the opposing
classes of their economic privileges, the proletarian state is a real historical force which adapts
itself to the goal it pursues, that is, to the necessities which gave birth to it. At certain moments
its impulse may come from either broad mass consultations or from the action of very restricted
executive organs endowed with full powers. What is essential is to give this organization of
proletarian power the means and weapons to destroy bourgeois economic privilege and the
political and military resistance of the bourgeoisie, in a way that prepares for the subsequent
disappearance of classes themselves, and for the more and more profound modifications of the
One thing is sure while bourgeois democracy's real goal is to deprive the large proletarian and
pettybourgeois masses of all influence in the control of the state, reserved for the big industrial,
banking and agricultural oligarchies, the proletarian dictatorship must be able to involve the
broadest layers of the proletarian and even semiproletarian masses in the struggle that it
embodies. But only those who are the victims of democratic prejudice could imagine that
attaining this end merely requires the setting up of a vast mechanism of electoral consultation.
This may be excessive or more often insufficient, because this form of participation by many
proletarians may result in their not taking part in other more active manifestations of the class
struggle. On the other hand, the intensity of the struggle in particular phases demands speed of
decision and movement and a centralized organization of efforts in a common direction, which,
as the Russian experience is demonstrating with a whole series of examples, imposes on the
proletarian state constitutional characteristics which are in open contradiction to the canons of
bourgeois democracy. Supporters of bourgeois democracy howl about the violation of liberties,
whereas it is only a matter of unmasking the philistine prejudices which have always allowed
demagogues to ensure power to the privileged. In the dictatorship of the proletariat, the
constitutional mechanism of the state organization is not only consultative, but at the same time
executive. Participation in the functions of political life, if not of the whole mass of electors, then
at least of a wide layer of their delegates, is not intermittent but continuous. It is interesting to
note that this is accomplished without at all harming the unitary character of the action of the
whole state apparatus rather to the contrary. And this is thanks precisely to the criteria opposed
to those of bourgeois hyperliberalism, that is, virtual suppression of direct elections and
proportional representation, once, as we have seen, the other sacred dogma of theequal vote,
We do not claim that these new criteria introduced into the representative mechanism, or
codified in a constitution, stem from reasons of principle. Under new circumstances, the criteria
could be different. In any case we are attempting to make it clear that we do not attribute any
intrinsic value to these forms of organization and representation. This is translated into a
fundamental Marxist thesis: the revolution is not a problem of forms of organization. On the
contrary, the revolution is a problem of content, a problem of the movement and action of
revolutionary forces in an unending process, which cannot be theorized and crystallized in any
In any case, in the mechanisms of the workers' councils we find no trace of the rule of bourgeois
democracy, which states that each citizen directly chooses his delegate to the supreme
representative body, the parliament. On the contrary, there are different levels of workers' and
peasants' councils, each one with a broader territorial base culminating in the congress of
Soviets. Each local or district council elects its delegates to a higher council, and in the same
way elects its own administration, i.e. its executive organ. At the base, in the city or rural council,
the entire mass is consulted. In the election of delegates to higher councils and local
administrative offices, each group of electors votes not according to a proportional system, but
according to a majority system, choosing its delegates from lists put forward by the parties.
Furthermore, since a single delegate is sufficient to establish a link between a lower and higher
council, it is clear that the two dogmas of formal liberalism voting for several members from a
list and proportional representation fall by the wayside. At each level, the councils must give
rise to organs that are both consultative and administrative and directly linked to the central
administration. Thus it is natural that as one progresses towards higher representative organs,
one does not encounter parliamentary assemblies of chatterboxes who discuss interminably
without ever acting rather, one sees compact and homogeneous bodies capable of directing the
action and political struggle, and of giving revolutionary guidance to the whole mass thus
These capacities, which are definitely not automatically inherent in any constitutional schema,
are reached in this mechanism because of the presence of an extremely important factor, the
political party, whose content goes far beyond pure organizational form, and whose collective
and active consciousness and will allow the work to be oriented according to the requirements of
a long and always advancing process. Of all the organs of the proletarian dictatorship, the
political party is the one whose characteristics most nearly approach those of a homogeneous
unitary collectivity, unified in action. In reality, it only encompasses a minority of the mass, but the
properties which distinguish it from all other broadbased forms of representative organization
demonstrate precisely that the party represents the collective interests and movement better
than any other organ. All party members participate directly in accomplishing the common task
and prepare themselves to resolve the problems of the revolutionary struggle and the
reconstruction of society, which the majority of the mass only become aware of when they are
actually faced with them. For all these reasons, in a system of representation and delegation
based not on the democratic lie but on a layer of the population whose common fundamental
interests propel them on the course of revolution, it is natural that the choices fall spontaneously
on elements put forward by the revolutionary party, which is equipped to respond to the demands
of the struggle and to resolve the problems for which it has been able to prepare itself. We do not
attribute these capacities of the party to its particular constitution, anymore than we do in the
case of any other organization. The party may or may not be suited to its task of leading the
revolutionary action of a class it is not any political party but a precise one, namely the
communist party, that can assume this task, and not even the communist party is immune to the
numerous dangers of degeneration and dissolution. What makes the party equal to its task is not
its statutes or mere internal organizational measures. It is the positive characteristics which
develop within the party because it participates in the struggle as an organization possessing a
single orientation which derives from its conception of the historical process, form a fundamental
programme which has been translated into a collective consciousness and at the same time
To return to the nature of the constitutional mechanism of the proletarian dictatorship of which
we have already said that it was executive as well as legislative at all levels we must add
something to specify what tasks of the collective life this mechanism's executive functions and
initiatives respond to. These functions and initiatives are the very reason for its formation, and
they determine the relationships existing within its continually evolving elastic mechanism. We
refer here to the initial period of proletarian power whose image we have in the four and a half
years that the proletarian dictatorship has existed in Russia, because we do not wish to
speculate as to what the definitive basis of the representative organs will be in a classless
communist society. We cannot predict how exactly society will evolve as it approaches this
stage we can only envisage that it will move in the direction of a fusion of various political,
administrative and economic organs, and at the same time, a progressive elimination of every
element of coercion and of the state itself as an instrument of power of one class and a weapon
In its initial period, the proletarian dictatorship has an extremely difficult and complex task that
can be subdivided into three spheres of action: political, military and economic. Military defence
against counterrevolutionary attacks from within and without and the reconstruction of society
on a collective basis depend upon a systematic and rational plan of activity which, while utilizing
the diverse energies of the whole mass with the maximum efficiency and results, must also
achieve a powerful unity. As a consequence, the body which leads the struggle against the
domestic and foreign enemy, that is, the revolutionary army and police, must be based on
discipline, and its hierarchy must be centralized in the hands of the proletarian power. The Red
Army itself is thus an organized unit whose hierarchy is imposed from without by the government
The problems of the economic apparatus which the victorious proletariat erects in order to lay
the foundations of the new system of production and distribution is more complex. The
characteristic that distinguishes this rational administration from the "chaos" of bourgeois private
economy is centralization. Every enterprise must be managed in the interest of the entire
collectivity and in harmony with the requirements of the whole plan of production and distribution.
On the other hand, the economic apparatus (and the groups of individuals that comprise it) is
continually being modified, not only through its own gradual development but also by the
inevitable crises in a period of such vast transformations, which cannot be without political and
military struggles. These considerations lead to the following conclusions: in the initial period of
the proletarian dictatorship, although the councils at different levels must appoint their delegates
to the local executive organs as well as to the legislative organs at higher levels, the absolute
responsibility for military defence, and in a less rigid way, for the economic campaign, must
remain with the centre. For their part, the local organs serve to organize the masses politically
so that they will participate in fulfilling the plans and accept military and economic organization.
They thereby create the conditions for the broadest and most continuous mass activity possible,
These considerations certainly are not intended to deny all possibility of movement and initiative
to the intermediary organs of the state hierarchy. But we wanted to show that one cannot
theorize that they must be formed by the application of groups of electors organized on the basis
of factories or army divisions to the revolution's executive tasks of maintaining military or
economic order. The structure of such groups is simply not able to confer any special abilities on
them. The units in which the electors are grouped at the base can therefore be formed according
to empirical criteria. In fact they will constitute themselves according to empirical criteria, among
which, for instance, the convergence in the workplace, the neighbourhood, the garrison, the
battlefront or any other situation in daily life, without any of them being excluded a priori or held up
as a model. This does not prevent the representative organs of the proletarian state from being
based on a territorial division into electoral districts. None of these considerations is absolute,
and this takes us back to our thesis that no constitutional schema has the value of a principle,
and that majority democracy in the formal and arithmetic sense is only one possible method for
coordinating the relations that arise within collective organizations. No matter what point of view
one takes, it is impossible to attribute to it an intrinsic character of necessity or justice. For
Marxists these terms have no meaning. Therefore we do not propose to substitute for the
democratic schema which we have been criticizing any other schema of a state apparatus
It seems to us that enough has been said about the democratic principle in its application to the
bourgeois state, which claims to embrace all classes, and also in its application to the
proletarian class exclusively as the basis of the state after the revolutionary victory. Something
should be said about the application of the democratic mechanism to organizations existing
within the proletariat before (and also after) the conquest of power, i.e. in trade unions and the
We established above that a true organizational unity is only possible on the basis of an identity
of interests among the members. Since one joins unions or parties by virtue of a spontaneous
decision to participate in a specific kind of action, a critique which absolutely denies any value to
the democratic mechanism in the case of the bourgeois state (i.e. a fallacious constitutional
union of all classes) is not applicable here. Nevertheless, even in the case of the party and the
trade union it is necessary not to be led astray by the arbitrary concept of the "sanctity" of
In contrast to the party, the trade union is characterized by the virtual identity of its members'
immediate material interests. Within the limits of the category, it attains a broad homogeneity of
composition and it is an organization with voluntary membership. It tends to become an
organization which all the workers of a given category or industry join automatically or are even,
as in a certain phase of the dictatorship of the proletariat, obliged to join. It is certain that in this
domain number remains the decisive factor and the majority decision has a great value, but we
cannot confine ourselves to a schematic consideration of its results. It is also necessary to take
into account other factors which come into play in the life of the union organization: a
bureaucratized hierarchy of functionaries which paralyses the union under its tutelage, and the
vanguard groups that the revolutionary party has established within it in order to lead it onto the
terrain of revolutionary action. In this struggle, communists often point out that the functionaries
of the union bureaucracy violate the democratic idea and are contemptuous of the will of the
majority. It is correct to denounce this because the rightwing union bosses parade a democratic
mentality, and it is necessary to point out their contradictions. We do the same with bourgeois
liberals each time they coerce and falsify the popular consultation, without proposing that even a
free consultation would resolve the problems which weigh on the proletariat. It is right and
opportune to do this because in the moments when the broad masses are forced into action by
the pressure of the economic situation, it is possible to turn aside the union bureaucrats'
influence, which is in substance an extraproletarian influence of classes and organizations alien
to the trade union, thereby augmenting the influence of the revolutionary groups. But in all this
there are no "constitutional" prejudices, and communists, provided that they are understood by
the masses and can demonstrate to them that they are acting in the direction of their most
immediate felt interests, can and must behave in a flexible way visvis the canons of formal
democracy. For example, there is no contradiction between these two tactical attitudes: on one
hand, taking the responsibility of representing the minority in the leadership organs of the unions
insofar as the statues allow and on the other hand, stating that this statutory representation
should be suppressed once we have conquered these organizations in order to speed up their
actions. What should guide us in this question is a careful analysis of the developmental process
in the unions in the present phase. We must accelerate their transformation from organs of
counterrevolutionary influence on the proletariat into organs of revolutionary struggle. The
criteria of internal organization have no value in themselves but only insofar as they contribute to
We now analyze the party organization which we have already touched on in regard to the
mechanism of the worker's state. The party does not start from as complete an identity of
economic interests as does the union. On the contrary it bases the unity of its organization not
on category, like the union, but on the much broader basis of the entire class. This is true not
only in space, since the party strives to become international, but also in time, since it is the
specific organ whose consciousness and action reflect the requirements of victory throughout
the process of the proletariat's revolutionary emancipation. When we study the problems of party
structure and internal organization, these wellknown considerations force us to keep in mind the
whole process of its formation and life in relation to the complex tasks which it continually has to
carry out. At the end of this already long exposition, we cannot enter into details of the
mechanism which should regulate consultation of the party's mass membership, their
recruitment and the designation of responsible officers. There is no doubt that for the moment
there is nothing better to do than hold to the majority principle. But as we have emphasized,
there is no reason to raise use of the democratic mechanism to a principle. Besides its
consultative functions, analogous to the legislative tasks of the state apparatus, the party has
executive tasks which at the crucial moment of the struggle, correspond to those of an army and
which demand maximum discipline toward the hierarchy. In fact, in the complex process which
has led to the formation of communist parties, the emergence of a hierarchy is a real and
dialectical phenomenon which has remote origins and which corresponds to the entire past
experience of the functioning of the party's mechanism. We cannot state that the decisions of
the party majority are per se as correct as those of the infallible supernatural judges who are
supposed to have given human societies their leaders, like the gods believed in by all those who
think that the Holy Spirit participates in papal conclaves. Even in an organization like the party
where the broad composition is a result of selection through spontaneous voluntary membership
and control of recruitment, the decision of the majority is not intrinsically the best. If k contributes
to a better working of the party's executive bodies, this is only because of the coincidence of
individual efforts in a unitary and welloriented work. We will not propose at this time replacing
this mechanism by another and we will not examine in detail what such a new system might be.
But we can envisage a mode of organization which will be increasingly liberated from the
conventions of the democratic principle, and it will not be necessary to reject it out of unjustified
fears if one day it can be shown that other methods of decision, of choice, of resolution of
problems are more consistent with the real demands of the party's development and its activity


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