This document provides information on Old City Hall in Boston, Massachusetts. It describes the building as a prominent 19th century city hall designed in the French Second Empire style. The architects were Gridley James Fox Bryant and Arthur D. Gilman. Old City Hall served as Boston's city hall for over 100 years and is considered nationally significant as one of the first major structures built in the Second Empire style in the United States.
This document provides information on Old City Hall in Boston, Massachusetts. It describes the building as a prominent 19th century city hall designed in the French Second Empire style. The architects were Gridley James Fox Bryant and Arthur D. Gilman. Old City Hall served as Boston's city hall for over 100 years and is considered nationally significant as one of the first major structures built in the Second Empire style in the United States.
This document provides information on Old City Hall in Boston, Massachusetts. It describes the building as a prominent 19th century city hall designed in the French Second Empire style. The architects were Gridley James Fox Bryant and Arthur D. Gilman. Old City Hall served as Boston's city hall for over 100 years and is considered nationally significant as one of the first major structures built in the Second Empire style in the United States.
This document provides information on Old City Hall in Boston, Massachusetts. It describes the building as a prominent 19th century city hall designed in the French Second Empire style. The architects were Gridley James Fox Bryant and Arthur D. Gilman. Old City Hall served as Boston's city hall for over 100 years and is considered nationally significant as one of the first major structures built in the Second Empire style in the United States.
Historic Name: Old City Hall Common Name: Boston City Hall, Old Address: 41-45 School St City/Town: Boston Village/Neighborhood: Central Business District; Government Center Local No: 0302856000 Year Constructed: Architect(s): Bryant, Gridley James Fox; Gilman, Arthur D. Architectural Style(s): Second Empire Use(s): Business Office; City Hall; Restaurant Significance: Architecture; Commerce; Politics Government; Social History Area(s): Designation(s): Nat'l Historic Landmark (12/30/1970); Nat'l Register Individual Property (12/30/1970)
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Users may consult the records, files and maps available in MHC's public research area at its offices at the State Archives Building, 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, open M-F, 9-5. Users of this digital material acknowledge that they have read and understood the MACRIS Information and Disclaimer ( Data available via the MACRIS web interface, and associated scanned files are for information purposes only. THE ACT OF CHECKING THIS DATABASE AND ASSOCIATED SCANNED FILES DOES NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. IF YOU ARE REPRESENTING A DEVELOPER AND/OR A PROPOSED PROJECT THAT WILL REQUIRE A PERMIT, LICENSE OR FUNDING FROM ANY STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCY YOU MUST SUBMIT A PROJECT NOTIFICATION FORM TO MHC FOR MHC'S REVIEW AND COMMENT. You can obtain a copy of a PNF through the MHC web site ( under the subject heading "MHC Forms." Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts Historical Commission 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, Massachusetts 02125 This file was accessed on: ADDRESS 4-1-4-5 School St COR. City Hall Avenue NAME Old City Hall/ Boston City Hall present original tf So- ZSLllZ & 1 ^ SU3 -4REA Gov. Ct r . DATE 1862-1865 NR Nomination Form source Gridley J.F. Bryant & ARCHITECT Arthur Gilman " source 3DHDER source OWNER City of Boston/ original present PHOTOGRAPHS 4 ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ 80 TTPE (residential) single (aoa-residential} double row. city hall 2-ram. 3-deck tan age. NO. OF STORIES (1st to cornice) 3 o^A ^ high mansard roof R c o r with p.nrhing cupola plus 1 3 recessed /per side dormers 2 w/lintels & 3 porthole-type in MATERIALS (Frame) clapboards shiaglas stucco asphalt asbestos alum/vinyl center. (Other) brick ftoae? granite concrete iroa/steel/alum. 3RIEF DESCRIPTION French Second Empire public bldg. 9 bays on School St^-bay Central projecting pavillion with emphasis on center bay, Which is flanked by paired Doric columns (1st paired Corinthian columns (on 2nd &3 r d) & paired pilasters on 4 supporting entablature and central triangular pediment. Roof over center 3 bays is convex mansard with dormers & porthole windows. 3-story, 3-bay sections flanking pavillion; sides have straight-sided EXTERIOR ALIZRATi.CN /aihor? aoderata drastic -mansard. CONDITION good/ fair poor LOT AREA 26,84l so. NOTEWORTHY SITE CHARACTERISTICS Set back from School St. Adiangnt tn Ki ng' s Chapel and Burying Ground SIGNIFICANCE (cont'd oa reverse) Old City Hall is significant as one of the first major struc- tures in the U.S. to be built in the French Second Empire style, as a nationally-known work which inspired the building of other such monumental Second Empire public buildings in the U.S. in the 1870's and *80's, as 4he major work of two of Boston's most important 19th c. architects, and as the center of Boston city government for just over 100 years. Gridley James Fox Bryant (l8l6-l899) was one of the most prolific and well-known Boston "architect of the 19th century, designing YB/PF(June, 1980) NRr NHL 12/30/70; NRIND 12/30/70 Themes (check as many as applicable) Aboriginal Agricultural Architectural The Arts Cosaaerce Communication Comnrunicy/ development X Conservation Education Exploration/ settlement Industry Military Political X Recreation Religion Science/ invention Social/ humanitarian Transportation X Significance (include explanation of "hemes checked above) hundreds of public and commercial structures including the State Street Block, Mercantile Wharf, Charles Street Jail&Transcript Building(322-328 Washington St.) Co-architect Arthur D. Gilman (1821-1882) studied architecture in Europe and became the 1st Boston architect after Bulfinch to open an office without an apprenticeship. One of his Boston designs was the Arlington Street Church. With George B. Post he designed the Equitable Life Assurance Bldg., considered to be the 1st New York City bldg. equipped with elevators. After designing Old City Hall, Gilman decame consultant to the office of the architect responsible for most of the large federal buildings of the Grant Administration, Alfred B. Mullett The design of Old City Hall was inspired by the extension to the Louvre, done in 1852-7 under the reign of Napoleon III, The New Louvre was the centra^, building of the Second^Empire style, ultimately the source of.U^S. versions-of the new, monumental style. The 1865 city hall replaced the Suffolk County Court House of 1810-12, designed by Charles Bulfinch and later remodelled in 184-0 as Boston's first city hall. By the '6o*s it was considered too small and too plain. The new Second Empire buiding was supposed to be large enough for many years but early proved inadequate^ City Hall Annex was constructed in 1912 on Court St, connected by a rear bridge. After the new City Hall was built in the 1960's, Old City Hall was readapted for quality office and restaurant use. Preservation Consideration (accessibility, re-use possibilities, capacity for public use and enjoyment, protection, utilities, context) Listed individually on the National Register of Historic Places. Suggested for designation as a Boston City Landmark. Readapted for office use in the early 1970's by the Architectural Heritage Foundation. Bibliography and/or references (such as local histories, deeds, assessor's records, early naps, etc.J 1. National Register Nomination Form (BLC files) 2. Kirker, Harold, Architecture of Charles Bulfinch, p. 263-5. 3. Edwin Bacon, Boston of Today (1892) p. 38. k. Marcus Whiffen, American Architecture Since 1780 (MIT Press, 1969) p. 103 (attach photo here) FORM B - STRUCTURE SURVEY MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION Office of the Secr et ar y, State House, Boston 1. Is t hi s st r uct ur e hi st ori cal l y significant to: Town Commonwealth Nation St ruct ure has hi st ori cal connection with the following t hemes (See al so r ever s e side): 2. Town 3S<> | 977 St reet addr ess / Name ^/ Original use Pr esent use Pr es ent owner dslZu Agri cul t ure Archi t ect ure Ar t / scul pt ur e Education Government Li t erat ure Music Commer ce/ i ndust r y Science/invention Travel / communi cat i on Mi l i t ary affairs Religion/philosophy Indians Development of t own/ ci t y Open to public_ Date Style Jkv-W ^uMTC Source of date Hfi& Archi t ect 3 . CONDITION: Excellent Good Fai r Det eri orat ed Moved Al t ered Added 4. DESCRIPTION FOUNDATION/BASEMENT: High Regul ar Low Mat eri al : WALL COVER: Wood Bri ck Stone Other ROOF: Ridge Gambrel Fl at Hip Mansard Tower Cupola Dor mer windows Bal ust rade Grillwork CHIMNEYS: 1 2 3 4 Cent er End End i nt eri or Cl ust er El aborat e I r r egul ar STORIES: 1 2 3 4 ATTACHMENTS: Wings El l Shed Dependency PORCHES: 1 2 3 4 Por t i co Balcony Recessed: FACADE: Gable end: Front / Si de Ornament: Ent rance: Side Front : Cent er/ Si de Det ai l s: Windows: Spacing: Regul ar / i r r egul ar Ident i cal / Vari ed Cor ner s: Plain Pi l as t er s Quoins Cor ner boar ds OUTBUILDINGS 5. Indicate location of st r uct ur e in rel at i on to nearest cr os s st r eet s and other buildings 6. Footage of st r uct ur e from st r eet Pr oper t y has feet frontage on st r eet Recorder For Photo Date NOTE: Recorder should obtain written per mi ssi on from Commi ssi on or sponsoring organization before using t hi s form. SEE REVERSE IDE F O R M M H C - B I0M-4-67-944872 I 30S. 1977 RELATION OF SURROUNDING TO STRUCTURE Neighboring St ruct ures Style: Colonial Feder al Greek Revival Gothic Revival Italian Villa Lombard Rom. Venetian Gothic Mansard Richardsonian Use: Residential Commer ci al Religious Proxi mi t y: Landscape Feat ur es: Agri cul t ure Open Wooded Garden: For mal / i nf or mal Predomi nent Feat ur es _ _ _ _ _ Landscape Archi t ect GIVE A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF HISTORIC IMPORTANCE OF SITE (Refer and el aborat e on theme ci rcl ed on front of form) Type Buildings: Conditions: Excellent Good Fai r Det eri orat ed BIBLIOGRAPHY AND/OR REFERENCE RESTRICTIONS Original Owner: Deed Information: Book Number Page Regi st ry of Deeds